#netoru irakusa
sinful-liesel · 1 year
R18 Drama CD Split No.51 – March 2023
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Hello~ I'm hosting a split for R18 Drama CDs releasing in March 2023. Please see the registration form below for more details.
Shares are appreciated too! ❤  #lieselGOs
Registration Form: bit.ly/3J2Pvc0
Closing Date: Mar 24 (11PM CST)
Payment: Paypal, Ko-Fi, Venmo, & Google Pay 🆗
Total CDs: 5 (including tokuten, if any) + Bonus Gifts
Shop: Stellaworth (Unless stated otherwise)
Framboise ~Dessert ni wa Koi wo Soete~ (CV: Atsushi Domon)
Misshitsu x Hyouhen room.1 (CV: Netoru Irakusa)
Misshitsu x Hyouhen room.2 (CV: Mikado Sumeragi)
Misshitsu x Hyouhen room.3 (CV: Atsushi Domon)
Rinjin-san no Abunai Sugao (CV: aki)
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sassiperere · 1 year
Neon Carnival Seiyuu Talk Rough Translation!
Ei, tem uma versão em português dessa tradução, viu?
Hey guys! Neon Carnival, the Nu Carnival anniversary live, was a while ago and we had the pleasure of seeing Eiden’s seiyuu, Netoru Irakusa, and Olivine’s seiyuu, One Night Love. They bantered and answered some game related questions and it was generally a lot of fun!
My japanese is far from perfect, but I tried my best in providing a rough translation of the bit below. Please keep in mind my lack of fluency, therefore, the translation might not be extremely accurate! There’s a fair bit of guesswork through context, so please be considerate and if you spot mistakes you’re free to message me to fix them.
I refer to this translation by idololivine a lot for this. They translated from the chinese live translation of this and the host comments. Everytime I mention something the host said, it is taken directly from their translation, so please be sure to check their work out!
With that, let’s get to it!
Seiyuus come on stage in very high spirits, especially Netoru. Netoru wears a Topper mask and One Night Love wears a plague doctor mask (it’s kind of his thing, part of his persona). One Night greets the audience in Olivine’s voice and is pleased by their energetic reaction to it. Netoru repeats everything One Night says in an exaggerated impression of Olivine’s voice and mannerisms lol
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One Night mentions how nice it is to see everyone with their Topper lights. Netoru questions why nobody gave him one and One Night replies with “well, why didn’t you bring your own?” Netoru then says, desperately, “NOBODY TOLD ME TO BRING ANYTHING?!” One Night says they might have gotten him mixed up with Topper himself.
Netoru greets the audience in various languages, ending with an enthusiastic hello in chinese. I felt especially close to this crowd as they cheered excitedly at a sub celebrity saying one basic word in their mother tongue (I’m from Latin America). After that, both seiyuus thank the audience, wish for everyone to have a good time and properly introduce themselves.
The host asks if they’ve ever been to Taiwan before. Netoru says that this is actually his first time leaving the country! One Night asks the audience what time they think they got up that morning and here I would like to give a shoutout to the people that raise their hands IN A HANG LOOSE like yeah dude. Yeah. EDIT: Apparently, this hand gesture means SIX in Taiwan/China WOW I would’ve never guessed!! They’re trying to guess they slept six hours! Thanks to idololivine again!
Anyway, Netoru says they got up at 5AM and went on a WALK (cute), but Netoru specifies that they didn’t go TOGETHER (god forbid anyone thinks you’re doing gay shit), it was mostly them mentioning to each other they each had places they wanted to check out and then they both went their own separate ways. They didn’t even know the other was walking around the same area lol (brave, I’d never do that in an unknown country). Netoru then mentions that everyone in Taiwan is kind and the food is tasty, there’s a lot he still wants to see but they don’t have a lot of time so he wishes he could come back someday.
Then there’s a moment of silence as the translator reminds One Night it’s his turn to speak.
One Night: “AH ………… what was the question again?”
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One Night: “It’s also my first time abroad. The food’s really good. When I got here, I thought ‘man, I wanna eat [dishes I don’t know]’, but now that I’ve actually eaten them I don’t really know what to do…”
The crowd starts screaming suggestions. Some yell TAPIOCA and Netoru mentions he’s had it! They do a little bit of encouraging the audience to give them more suggestions and then end with “yeah, I didn’t understand any of that” lmao. They banter a bit more about food.
QUESTION: What was your first impression of your character?
Netoru says he was really surprised to see that the clothes get ripped off as they take damage (this fucking SHOOK him, I swear, he said the same thing during the Eiden birthday QnA). Netoru does some BAAANG sound effects to exemplify what he means and One Night looks at him and goes “what was that?”, so Netoru repeats his BAANG and One Night GETS UP AND SHEDS HIS EIDEN JACKET, REVEALING HE IS ALSO WEARING THE NEON CARNIVAL COMMEMORATIVE T-SHIRT. Then Netoru gets up himself and TOUCHES ONE NIGHT’S CHEST, LIKE THAT’S SOMETHING PEOPLE JUST DO.
One Night shows off the shirt again and says it looks great.
Netoru: “You wanna take your clothes off this bad?”
One Night: “No no… it’s a bit chilly here :)”
Netoru continues, saying when he got the role for Eiden he was initially nervous about playing a guy so laid back and friendly (Netoru mentioned in the Eiden birthday QnA that he’s used to playing darker, moodier characters, so he was surprised to get one that, despite his sad past, is still really optimistic). The host tells Netoru that he’s quite cheery and friendly and Netoru says he’s feeling happy to be here. Netoru ends by saying that, despite it making him nervous initially, he considers this optimism a charming point to Eiden, which One Night agrees with.
The translator asks the same of One Night and I swear the ENERGY emanating from this scene as One Night crosses his leg like a Drag Race judge about to read a competitor to filth and going “OLIVINE NEEEEEEEEE” as the translator mimics his EXACT TONE. PRICELESS STUFF.
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One Night: “When I saw him for the first time, what I thought- and I imagine I share this sentiment with many of you - was ‘what the hell is that SSR outfittttt???’”
Netoru keeps teasing One Night, encouraging him to get naked and One Night still refuses like NO DUDE STOP IT. They eventually joke around that One Night could do that as training for his role.
One Night says that Olivine is also very endearing and kind, so he was also concerned about portraying that.
One Night: “Also… when I was recording for the main story scenes, right? I thought well, this game… this video-game… it has a lot of sex scenes, right?! So when I recorded the initial Olivine scene I… kinda overdid it. I was thinking ‘wow, how are they gonna match THAT up with Eiden-kun?’ So that was interesting” (One Night refers to the scene as “kagami no shiin” which would be “the mirror scene” but… none of Olivine’s scenes feature a mirror? So… Idk if this is slang or something…)
Netoru: “... We could try it out right now”
One Night: “Oh yeah? Can we?”
Netoru: “NO NO NO, people will get mad if we do”
QUESTION: Throughout this one year, was there any event that was especially memorable to you?
Netoru says he was really surprised about Eiden’s event (I assume he means the one that gave Eiden an SSR), because he thought it was never going to happen, so he was super happy to see it. Netoru uses a weird term I never saw that means more “the event that IMPLEMENTED Eiden”, so One Night says “What do you mean?? He’s always been there?” and Netoru responds “WELL YEAH, BUT HE WASN’T FIGHTING” and One Night concedes.
One Night then comments that he really liked the new feature to add Eiden into the home screen. Netoru asks the audience who put Eiden on their home screen (EVERYONE RAISES THEIR HAND EXCEPT ONE NIGHT? LIKE? I THOT U LIKED IT??).
Then… something I didn’t quite get happens (maybe Netoru also thought it was weird that One Night didn’t raise his hand?) and Netoru asks One Night to look up, to which he says he can’t see much because of his mask. He starts a bit where he walks around the stage looking for Eiden and acting surprised when he sees Netoru there, so Netoru says “BUT YOU COULD SEE ME UNTIL NOW?”
One Night sips a little drinky… for quite a long time. Netoru asks “damn you thirsty??” and when One Night CONTINUES drinking he starts teasing him for it, saying he must be way too free to be doing that. He APOLOGIZES to the audience for his co-star’s audacity and takes a little sippy of his own drink, which One Love takes as a sign that he must too embibe, to Netoru’s utter disbelief. One Night takes a little stroll with his drink on stage and comes back to their seats like… whassup? He comments the stage is quite large and both he and Netoru go each to one corner of the stage to wave at the audience.
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When they come back, the host says “so….. let’s continue” and Netoru replies with “OH FUCK YEAH I WAS TALKING”. Netoru continues his earlier point by saying that, during this event, we got to learn about Eiden’s past and that’s why he liked it so much. As a bonus, he mentions that he’s also really curious where Rin’s story in the main story will take them (casually drops that he actually plays the game he works for).
One Night: “An event that was memorable to me…”
Netoru: “Oh, it’s cool, you don’t have to answer this one”
One Night: “??? OK FINE, THEN I WON’T”
Netoru: “Alright, let’s move on!”
Netoru apologizes profusely for this joke and One Night says he isn’t sorry enough, so Netoru gets on his knees and prostrates LOL One Night tells him to get up, he’s forgiven.
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One Night mentions there’s been a looot of events, but if he were to pick, he’d probably pick the Christmas event that had just happened prior to this live.
One Night: “It’s ‘cause- ok, before I say anything: who here stans Olivine?” [people raise their green topper lights]
This next line I’m not too sure on, but I THINK he says: “I imagine you stans already thought of this but… don’t you think Olivine’s been showing less skin lately?”
Netoru: “Kinda, yeah”
One Night: “I was like WHAT?! I swear it shocked me more than the story”
QUESTION: Besides your own character, are there any other characters you like?
Netoru: “Well, you already know mine, right?”
One Night: “You don’t even have to say it”
Netoru: “It’s Topper! I want to take Topper-san home!”
One Night: “I know… I KNOW…”
Netoru comments he’s probably super warm to cuddle with in winter. One Night agrees and says he’d like to put him in his bag and take him places, hear him make little kyun kyun noises. They continue to discuss the dynamics of taking Topper around in a bag like oh my god please give these men pets.
One Night: “My favorite character? Topper.”
Netoru: “hey………”
Netoru: “… wanna fight?”
One Night: “Oh yeah? Wanna go?”
They get up. Netoru starts warming up and, as he turns to face his opponent, One Night has the Topper lightstick that Netoru doesn’t have on hand. It utterly defeats him as he screams “I CAN’T WIN AGAINST THAT”
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One Night says that his favorites would probably be Edmond or Blade. He mentions he knows Edmond’s seiyuu, he’s done some other games with him, and that he was looking forward to seeing that seiyuu’s performance as Edmond.
Netoru: “Naughty”
One Night: “I wouldn’t really say naughty… but, well, it’s a little naughty”
(They use the word “yokaranu” here, which I NEVER heard before in my life, but jisho says it just means “bad” so I ASSUME it’s used in a more… ohhh you’re so naughty context)
One Night speaks over the translator here but it sounds like “it’s mutual” before he backtracks and yells “GUYS IT’S NOTHING SUSPICIOUS!” One Night starts poking Netoru and saying “Hey… Netoru… Stop that…” in a whiny voice. Netoru says it’s the first time One Night’s called him by his first name.
For Blade, One Night says it’s really just style, he likes characters with huge bangs that hide their eyes. Netoru points at his face and One Night says that yes, he also covers his eyes, he can’t see much of anything with his mask on.
Netoru: “Let’s make holes for the eyes”
One Night: “No, please, I can’t get a return on Amazon anymore…”
QUESTION: This one’s for Netoru. What’s the difference between top Eiden and bottom Eiden? Can you tell us how you change between the two?
One Night, in an incredibly jealous tone: TOP AND BOTTOM…. WOW HE’S THE FULL PACKAGE!
Netoru says that he doesn’t really think too hard about it? The most important aspect is [looking directly at One Night] understanding your partner’s needs.
One Night: “Understand me. Right now, understand me.” (this was… actually kinda hot? lol)
Netoru gets flustered and reiterates that what really matters is how your partner acts, it enables him to play different types of tops and bottoms (which is crazy to me because they don’t record together so like… how does he do that?).
Netoru then does a tiny bit of an example of top and bottom intonations. BIG MISTAKE, NETORU. Now One Night goes “WELL, WELL, WELL, WHAT’S THIS? GIVE US SOME MORE!”, but Netoru says people will get mad at him if he does. THE FUCKING HOST, HOWEVER, PLAYS THE ACTUAL DEVIL THERE AND EDGES HIM ON, SAYING HE WON’T GET SCOLDED, IT’S OK!! And Netoru actually DOES some more moaning as a treat LMAOO EVERYONE’S DOING A NERVOUS LAUGH ON STAGE AND ONE NIGHT’S SAYING “THIS IS GOING A BIT OFF THE RAILS?”
Netoru does some more fake moaning and One Night says they’re sounding a bit too funny. BIG MISTAKE, ONE NIGHT. Now Netoru’s ACTUALLY moaning, making the crowd go wild and you can JUST FEEL THE EMBARRASSMENT COMING OUT OF THAT PLAGUE DOCTOR MASK IN WAVES LIKE THE FRAGRANCE OF THE HERBS THEY USED TO SHOVE IN THERE BACK IN THE DAY. Netoru ends it by saying that now the audience should be able to tell the difference between top and bottom voice acting (he looks really nervous lol) and that it’s really important to understand the feelings of your partner in the scene.
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QUESTION: Olivine has some… audacious scenes. Are there any scenes or lines that became especially memorable to you?
Before answering, One Night makes a point to fix Netoru’s sitting posture, saying that he’s not a child lol
One Night says he doesn’t like picking between stories but there’s definitely one that was super memorable to him: the idol event! One Night sings a bit of the chorus for Summer Dream and Netoru eggs him on like “WHAT? WHAT? CAN YOU KEEP SINGING? I CAN’T HEAR YOU??” until One Night sings THE ENTIRE CHORUS TO US THANK YOU ONE NIGHT LOVE SAMAAA BLESS BLESS BLESS
One Night says he’s never sung many character and unit songs, so he was excited to get to do it for this event. He hopes he can sing more character songs in the future (EXTREMELY wholesome answer for what the crew expected when they put this question in, I’m positive).
QUESTION: If you had to pick a character from the game to date, who would it be?
One Night: “Wait, guys, we’re gonna do it on ‘go’”
They both get up and make a show to stretch and prepare to say their answers.
QUESTION: How do you feel after this 1 year? What would you like to say to your fans here and your fans watching you live?
Netoru: “Thank you so much for everyone who stuck around for this one year. I would like to thank everyone who loves this game and everyone who’s working on the game from the bottom of my heart. I hope you’ll continue to look forward to Nu Carnival! Please keep supporting us!”
That’s… the gist of it at least. Netoru then says “I love you” in japanese, english, korean and mandarin, with an extra “thank you” in mandarin.
One Night says “I love you” in mandarin and the crowd goes WILD seriously taiwanese people I got you so fucking bad you’re all my homies.
One Night: “I’ve only managed to do these amazing things this past year because of everyone who’s been playing the game, thank you very much. I want to come back and celebrate 2, 3 years, so I hope everyone will continue to play until then and the staff will continue to create amazing stories. Please continue supporting the game, thank you very much”
(That’s the gist of it lol)
Then they both get up to do the live reading of Olivine’s scene!
If you’ve made it here, thank you! I hope my translation wasn’t TOO shoddy and that I could be helpful in anyway! Please continue to love Nu Carnival, everyone!
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sinful-liesel · 2 years
Gedou Kareshi ~Higan no Yume~ Kyouai
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The 1st volume of Bitter Princess Label's Gedou Kareshi series is getting a physical release in May!
Read More on SinfulLiesel.com: wp.me/pavktT-gNK
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sinful-liesel · 3 years
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Kuroi Yume 4th Night Gaiden #34 workmen’s
The spin off of Kuroi Yume 4th Night will be released next month! (Warning: This work is recommended for ages 18+)
Read More on SinfulLiesel.com: wp.me/pavktT-dWA
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sinful-liesel · 3 years
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Misshitsu x Hyouhen room.1 Konbini Danshi Kyoutarou Enomoto (CV: Netoru Irakusa)
The 1st volume of Queen Lily’s new series “Misshitsu x Hyouhen” has been released!
Read More on Sinful-Liesel’s Blog: wp.me/pavktT-cHw
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sinful-liesel · 3 years
[R18 Drama CD] Kuroi Yume Vol.5 #34 Go two (CV: Netoru Irakusa & Nekosuke Torasawa)
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You planned to spend your 2 days & 1 night holiday relaxing in a luxury beach resort...
Read More on Sinful-Garden.com (wp.me/pavktT-8Tn) 🌻
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sinful-liesel · 4 years
Kemono ya Hito wo Kuruwasu Mangetsu no Yoru Hatsujou Triangle
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Title: 獣や人を狂わす満月の夜 発情トライアングル
CV: Netoru Irakusa (Ryoku Shinsen), Pegasus Umanami
Release Date: 2020.05.29
Label: KZentertainment
Type: R18 Drama CD
Available in my Wordpress Blog 💕 (link below↴)
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sinful-liesel · 5 years
Kuroi Yume Vol. 4
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Title: 黒い夢 第四夜 ♯34 4th
Release Date: 2019.12.27
CV: Netoru Irakusa (Ryoku Shinsen), Tsubasa Kuzai, Wataru Oonabara
Label: Bitter Princess Label
Type: R18 Drama CD
Read Full Post on my Wordpress Blog 💕 (link below↴)
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sinful-liesel · 5 years
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Immorality Marriage ~My husband who cuckolded my ex-boyfriend who got cuckolded~ (CV. Shou Sanraku, Netoru Irakusa )
Circle: WhiteLycoris・Type: R18 Doujin CD
Synopsis: An abnormal three-way of cuckoldry is at the heart of this binaural audio drama. After dating Kyoichi at college and promising to marry in future, you're violated by a Kaede and blackmailed into marrying him. Kyoichi becomes your only solace, until Kaede finds out...
※Purchase link @ source. My DLsite affiliate links can be used whether you purchase from the EN or JP site. Please consider using them if you enjoy the content in my blog. It’s greatly appreciated! (◕‿◕)♡
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