#neuro rehab facility
sukinohealthcare · 9 months
Neuro Rehabilitation in Bangalore & Kochi
Neurological disorders encompass a range of conditions impacting the nervous system, affecting components such as the brain, spinal cord, cranial and peripheral nerves, the neuromuscular junction, and muscles. Among the prevalent chronic disorders associated with aging, neurological disorders stand out. Included in this category are cerebrovascular issues like stroke, Guillain-Barré syndrome, Lou Gehrig's disease, migraines, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's and other dementias, Parkinson's disease, brain tumors, neuroinfections, traumatic nervous system disorders resulting from head injuries, and neurological conditions arising from malnutrition. Check out: https://sukino.com/neuro-rehabilitation-center/
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thebibliosphere · 1 month
Another story from my recent adventures in physical therapy:
So the rehab facility is a big open gym with private assessment rooms around it, so when you’re on the floor, you’re surrounded by other patients and their PTs doing work.
I’m at the neuro center, so most of the people in there are recovering from complications from strokes or other brain injuries, and as such have limited mobility—as opposed to me, who has excess mobility.
I was doing some stability building exercises by the wall, while my PT used the mirror to show me when I’m over extending and correcting my movement when I caught the eye of a teenage girl in the mirror who was watching me with blatant interest, which was when we heard her say to her PT “I can’t wait to do that!”
Which is when my PT turned to me and said, “Hey, do you mind being a teachable moment?” And I was like sure, which is when my PT turned to face this kid clearly in the process of regaining her mobility and going, “This is not what you’re aiming for. This is a whole other problem. Nobody wants this. We’re trying to stop her from bending like that. This is not the vibe.”
While making expansive hand gestures like I was a natural disaster she was trying to ward people away from.
Which feels very much like a vibe right now.
Anyway. It made the kid laugh so 👍
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thalassarche · 1 year
So, I'm sleepless at 1am and I'm tired and I'm upset so I'm going to get out the shit that has been going on for me the past month and a half, because it keeps leaking out in tags and I guess maybe I should not do that. This is going to be long and it's a huge bummer. I just don't feel like I can come out and talk about it directly to anyone because it is indeed a huge bummer and I just. can't deal with like. the feeling of unloading this on someone and then what. but throwing it into the tumblr void and hiding it behind cuts feels less like I'm throwing a bunch of gross stuff at someone's feet so like, yeah. Content warnings for uh, facing the mortality of aging parents, the American healthcare system being a fucking nightmare, mentions of strokes, infections, and other huge medical problems, and basically stuff being awful.
I have lived with my mom as her caregiver for the past three years, since losing my job during covid. She is six years in remission from breast cancer, diabetic, and in end stage renal failure, meaning her kidneys don't work and she needs hemodialysis 3 days a week. I came in mostly to do things like shopping, the majority of cooking and cleaning, be present in case of falls, things like that. It's worked out, mostly. It sucks that she had to move to AZ to live near her brother simply due to the fact that her cozy little house in MT that she got remodeled to her needs has no dialysis centers within an hour's drive and the closest ones had no open seats anyway, not even for a summer stay, because of the nationwide nursing and technician shortage in healthcare. So she lives in AZ and goes to dialysis 10 minutes away. It works out, sorta. But. Since August 1st:
she had a stroke, which affected the language centers of her brain and made speech, writing, and complex communication difficult
she spent a week in neuro ICU for follow up; this was at a hospital 20 miles away in Phoenix. yes I drove there every day to see her.
she was transferred to a rehabilitation center after that week, where she had several good days but then started to experience severe lower back pain.
the back pain got so severe that she was crying and even screaming when being helped into/out of bed, or having the head of the bed elevated so she could eat.
myself and her other present family were very upset about this, because she was in pain! and also it was preventing progress in her PT/OT after the stroke! we wanted them to do something and find out what was going on!
an xray was done. "no significant findings."
we asked for a CT scan or MRI if an xray found nothing.
it didn't happen. maybe insurance said no, maybe assumptions were made that it wasn't necessary.
but mom spent the rest of her 15 days at that rehab facility on tylenol and then oxycodone.
she was then discharged, and yet in no state to come home.
we found a short-term care facility for her that she'd actually stayed at after her initial ER stay that discovered her renal failure. we thought that she'd do okay there.
she didn't. she declined. she was still in severe pain. MWF for her dialysis, she was basically just, done. and they had scheduled her dialysis at 6am. so. the day was just over, no ability for therapy.
they still just gave her oxycodone so even on good days she was sleeping a lot and very out of it.
we asked to speak to the physician and her case worker. we were not able to.
we asked for her to get further testing instead of just this pattern of throwing narcotics at her and watching her decline. it didn't happen.
at the end of her second week there, she was becoming less responsive and more inclined to just sleep.
she wasn't eating. I tried so hard to encourage her to eat, I even fed her. she still would eat a few bites and then be uninterested in more.
one day she only ate a cup of yogurt.
then she was so badly out of it and barely responsive that I demanded that they do something. so they gave her narcan. because maybe she was too lost in the oxycodone sauce. didn't help, they gave her more. didn't help. they called EMTs.
she ended up in the ER, where they did a CT, MRI, and bloodwork.
(this was a week ago)
turns out she has an infection in her spine. which is osteomyelitis, an infection in the bone and bone marrow that just constantly hurts. oh also numerous pressure sores, including a bad one on her heel, and a bad one on her lower back. either could have introduced the infection into her spine.
that infection has spread to her blood. yeah she's got sepsis.
she also has had at least one additional stroke and her speech has degraded even further.
she spent several days in the ICU and it was very touch and go.
it is still very touch-and-go but she's now in progressive care (pcu) which is a downgrade from ICU in terms of how serious.
but yeah. sepsis is very dangerous for young and relatively healthy people. she is 74. her diabetes means her healing is very slow. her renal failure means that her system can't handle a heavy load of antibiotics so they have to be given more spaced out and in lower doses.
it. sucks.
I still go to see her every day and talk to her even if she's not responding. I sing songs she knows. I put on videos of the church services in her hometown for her to listen to. - it. sucks. so. much.
oh yeah also her place here in AZ is in a retirement park and I can only be here because she resides here. so if something happens even in terms of her moving her permanent residence elsewhere I can't stay here.
I have no income I basically just lived here with her and she covered my expenses as my pay for being her caregiver. so like. looks at the potential need to get independent housing, looks at bank account with $30 in it, laughs darkly and decides I can't think about that.
besides I need to think about how this could be the last time I have left with my mom.
it. sucks.
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nonknowledge3 · 2 months
nothing glamorous about emphysema or ending up in a neuro rehab facility because you had a stroke…. stop smoking you retards
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ksnrrehab · 8 months
Neuro Rehabilitation Center
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"KSNR Rehab Center: Transforming Lives Through Neuro Rehabilitation. Our dedicated team utilizes cutting-edge techniques and personalized care to empower individuals on their journey to recovery. With state-of-the-art facilities and compassionate support, we help rebuild connections, restore independence, and inspire hope for a brighter future." 👉 https://ksnr.org.in/ ⭐️Call us to book an appointment: 📞 +91 98916 66133
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akshayahospitals · 7 days
Akshaya Hospitals – Multi-specialty Hospital in Bangalore – Get Best Treatment for Every Disease
The Akshaya Hospitals is known to be among the Best hospitals in Bangalore. Since it was started in the year 2010 it has expanded much and it has become one of the most sought after healthcare centres in Karnataka. The Multi-Specialty Akshaya Hospitals are staffed by over 300 highly qualified doctors and have a support team of 700 employees.
State-of-the-Art Infrastructure and Technology
According to the Resource Based View, what sets Akshaya Hospitals apart is its advanced infrastructure and technology. The hospital structure occupies 8 acres and the built up area is in excess of 5, 00, 000 sq. , has a capacity of 750 beds and includes 14 modular sophisticated operation theatres, 72 ICU beds, and 75 dialysis stations.
The diagnostic capabilities include 64 slice CT, 1.5 Tesla MRI, digital X-Ray, mammography, ultra 4D, Colour doppler, EEG, EMG, TMT etc. It has added patient monitoring systems and ventilators, in the intensive care units, of the highest standards possible. Such technology-based structure is important in diagnosis and making sure that the treatment administered is correct.
Centres of Excellence
Today Akshaya Hospitals has developed several specialty Centres of Excellence for patients which are run by the proficient medical staff. Some worth highlighting include:
- Advanced Cardiac Centre – It provides more than two thousand five hundred cardiac operations annually and ninety-nine percent of them have been successful.
- Advanced Neurosciences Centre – The Neuro ICU is a 30-beds unit equipped with the latest technology similar to that of other premier Neuro centres.
- Private: Advanced Transplant Centre – More than 200 transplants take place annually involving liver, kidney and cornea. It has an organ transplant immunoassay laboratory which is highly precise.
- Advanced Critical Care Centre – The centre has 112 ICU beds and is one of the biggest in Bangalore with the lowest mortality ratio.
- Advanced Cancer Centre - Radiation therapy using equipments like IMRT equipment, IGRT equipment, SRS device and many others is also provided.
The list further comprises Orthopaedics, Bariatric Surgery, IVF, Pediatrics, Rehab, and other specialized centers having over 38+ Departments.
Outstanding Clinical Talent
Some of the specialist doctors offering services at Akshaya Hospital include more than 300 specialist doctors who have full-time employment with the hospital. This consists of over 80 consultants of national and international repute, including those who occupy prestigious positions in their fields. For example, dear Dr. Nandakumar who is both the Head of the Department and the Chief Cardiac Surgeon, dear Dr. Seema K, the Head of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, dear Dr. Prem Kumar, the Head of Transplant Surgery, and many other shining stars on our medical staff.
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With such a brilliant line-up of clinicians and such well-equipped medical facilities in place, Akshaya Hospital must consider itself as one of the best multi-specialty tertiary care hospitals in Bangalore. It is for this reason that it has over 9,700 cheerful and satisfied in-patients leaving its facilities after recovering each and every year.
Therefore, when you or your beloved one requires hospitalisation, remember and decide to turn to Akshaya Hospital Bangalore for comfortable healthcare service.
If you are in search of the Best hospital in Bangalore, you can consider the following guidelines to help you find the right hospital for your case. First, focus on the proficiency of your surgeons and the tools they use, second, on creating an environment conducive to patients’ safety and comfort, and third, to the humane nature of your practice. Thus, by performing a great amount of research, one can make the correct decision to have successful procedure and recovery.
Now, it's time for people to the reliable Best Hospital in Bangalore, and the best general surgery hospital in Kammanahalli if they are looking for the best experience.
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wingwongwangagain2 · 1 month
Day 4
Today, I thought of a way to organize the delieverable and it is based on floors (generally) ortho/spine/trauma, oncology, cardiac, neuro, ICU, PCU, ED, NICU, Moms/babies etc. Today we saw more cardiac pts.
a few things i wrote down before we started as we were chart reviewing.
dihiescent - reopening
lady had a spine wound from surgery was reopening. that never closed. it was down to the spinous process where we were able to see in the images. it was an elective spine surgery complication.
post surgery there is a risk for septic arthrisis risk
pertrochanteriac fx - through the trocanters
diverticulutus - inflammed pouches of the digestive tract
elevation sickness for older pts that move here from lower elevation, or just adpating to the thinner air, needing to be on O2 more commonly concern for pts with CHF, COPD, and other lung and cardic issues which results in fluid issues and management of the fluids is important. with a lot more fluids requires a lot more oxygen need along with afib complications can lead to myocardiac infarcts, heart attacks.
watching out for electrolyte imbalances with cardiac and renal pts
closer eye on the telemoniter when workign with caridac pts and the deviations that are allowed, say bp, heart rate, spo2 etc
First guy we saw was laverne, alabama man with pitting edema, we got him up and walked him a little bit and he became hypotensive and that may have been due to his dierurtic.
cardiac lasics - dieturtic that is common
cadriac pts are easier for mobility in the technilical aspect but needs more prep and considerations of lab values and vitals
Jesse has his nerulogical specalist and stroke specalist certifcations
We had another cardic pt that was acting weird yesterday that jesse evaled and he might have been having a stroke but he wasnt and was just the residueal ansetrthic that was in his system from his fall. moved the sara stedy out.
we saw the english man and he didnt do well on crutches and ended up being wc to the stairwell to be trained on how to use stairs in a cramped apt with a bath chair. we spent a lot of time troubleshooting with him with his home situation and getting him up because he was unable to wb on his leg due to motor cycle accident and. it was cool to see the bath chair to go up the stairs.
next we had a very particular man that was basically termianl with ILD. he was very particular about everyhting and als owas no wbing on his R knee bevcause he had a knee spacer in there. he was not going to progress with rehab and would be sent back to a ltc facility.
there was a california man that moved to colorado, his daughter was there and he lives in the memory care with his wife who has alz. he was hoh and had a tcar done. he was able to move a bit and definately was demntia like. cardiac pt
watching for hypotensiveness is the 2 min test in each position, supine, eob, standing and laying down to see if there is a 20/10 SBP/DBP drop.
rankin score for stroke
cardiac rehab for post op cardiac surgery pts are not a bad idea.
we had another dude with surgery on his hip because he fell and broke it but he was already messed up from his previous spinal surgery with "CRPS" all over his body. he had 6 oxys and then didnt want to move. we saw a pic of his spine surgery with about 60 staples that was 15 in long inceision in his back. he was basically messed the fuck up.
lastly we had the spinious process lady that was nice but she just wanted to walk. she was almost out of visits and wanted to go to rehab to be able to take care of her wound but it is not in her best interset becuse she was functiuonal and moving. and it is not ok for her to use up all her visits because she miught fall again and be out of visiits. she walked like 600 feet.
doing the Berg and tintetti is for low level functional pts for balance and gait.
we saw the demintia mexican lady but she refused cause she was not with it. allegely she walked the halls at night trying to escape on tuesday lol. she is going to have a kypoplasty tomorrow. though.
I think i like stuff that is not ortho, cardiac is intersteing as it is more like .. medical, knowing your shit and being able to moblize and not to mobilize etc and be able to explain what is going on.
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datasciencetraining1 · 3 months
Expert Neuro Physiotherapists in Delhi NCR | DKPS Pvt Ltd
Neuro physiotherapy is a specialized field focused on treating patients with neurological conditions such as stroke, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, spinal cord injuries, and other neurological disorders. This guide provides information on finding the best neuro physiotherapy services in Delhi NCR, including experienced therapists, affordable care options, and top-rated clinics.
What is Neuro Physiotherapy?
Neuro physiotherapy involves the assessment and treatment of individuals with movement and functional disorders that arise from problems within the nervous and neuromuscular system. It aims to improve the quality of life for individuals suffering from neurological conditions through targeted exercises, manual therapy, and other specialized techniques.
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Key Services Offered in Neuro Physiotherapy
Movement Retraining: Exercises to improve mobility and functional movement.
Balance and Coordination: Techniques to enhance stability and prevent falls.
Strengthening Exercises: To increase muscle strength and endurance.
Functional Training: Activities that improve daily living skills.
Pain Management: Methods to alleviate pain associated with neurological conditions.
Top-Rated Neuro Physiotherapy Clinics in Delhi NCR
Neuro Rehab Centre
Services: Comprehensive neuro rehabilitation, including stroke recovery and spinal cord injury treatment.
Features: Advanced equipment, individualized treatment plans.
Contact: Plot No- 136, Pocket 1, Rohini sector 25 Mobile: 08700670059
Brain and Spine Neuro Physiotherapy Clinic
Services: Specializes in treating multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, and post-stroke rehabilitation.
Features: Experienced staff, modern facilities.
NeuroFit Clinic
Services: Offers neuro physiotherapy and neuro rehabilitation for a range of conditions.
Features: Holistic approach, patient-centered care.
Experienced Neuro Physiotherapists in Delhi NCR
Dr. KP Singh
Specialization: Stroke rehabilitation and Parkinson’s disease management.
Experience: Over 10 years in neuro physiotherapy.
Dr. Sudha Singh
Specialization: Multiple sclerosis and spinal cord injury rehabilitation.
Experience: Renowned for personalized care and successful treatment outcomes.
Affordable Neuro Physiotherapy Near Delhi NCR
Affordable Neuro Care Clinic
Services: Budget-friendly neuro physiotherapy services.
Features: High-quality care, accessible pricing.
Community Neuro Rehab Centre
Services: Provides affordable neuro rehabilitation and physiotherapy.
Features: Sliding scale fees, community-based care.
Neuro Rehabilitation Services in Delhi NCR
Neuro rehabilitation services focus on helping patients recover and regain independence after neurological damage. Key services include:
Individualized Treatment Plans: Tailored to meet each patient’s unique needs.
Multidisciplinary Approach: Involving physiotherapists, occupational therapists, speech therapists, and neurologists.
State-of-the-Art Facilities: Equipped with the latest technology and equipment for effective treatment.
Top Neuro Rehab Specialists in NCR
Dr. Vikram Singh
Specialization: Spinal cord injury rehabilitation and traumatic brain injury treatment.
Experience: Extensive experience in neuro rehabilitation.
Dr. Komal Singh
Specialization: Pediatric neuro physiotherapy.
Experience: Known for her compassionate approach and successful outcomes.
Neuro Physiotherapy Services Near Me
For those seeking neuro physiotherapy services in their vicinity, consider the following clinics:
Neighborhood Neuro Care
Services: Offers a wide range of neuro physiotherapy services.
Features: Convenient location, comprehensive care.
Local Neuro Rehab Clinic
Services: Specialized in treating various neurological conditions.
Features: Experienced therapists, personalized treatment plans.
Delhi NCR Neuro Rehabilitation
Neuro rehabilitation in Delhi NCR offers a broad spectrum of services aimed at helping patients regain their independence and improve their quality of life. Services typically include:
Physical Therapy: To improve strength, coordination, and mobility.
Occupational Therapy: To enhance daily living skills and functional independence.
Speech and Language Therapy: For those with communication and swallowing difficulties.
Neuro physiotherapy is essential for individuals suffering from neurological conditions, offering significant improvements in mobility, function, and overall quality of life. Delhi NCR boasts numerous top-rated neuro physiotherapy clinics and experienced therapists providing specialized and affordable care. Whether you need comprehensive neuro rehabilitation services or personalized treatment plans, you can find professional and effective neuro physiotherapy services near you. This guide aims to assist you in making informed decisions to ensure you receive the best possible care for your neurological needs.
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brainandbodyhealth1 · 5 months
Enhancing Lives: Child Neuro Rehab in Gladesville
Child Neuro Rehab in Gladesville is more than just a facility; it's a haven where children with neurological disorders find solace, support, and specialized care. From cerebral palsy to traumatic brain injuries, autism spectrum disorders to genetic conditions like Down syndrome, the center caters to a diverse range of neurological needs.
At the heart of Child Neuro Rehab Gladesville is a multidisciplinary team comprising pediatric neurologists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, speech therapists, and psychologists, among others. This collaborative approach ensures that each child receives comprehensive, personalized care tailored to their unique abilities and challenges.
Physiotherapy forms a cornerstone of the rehabilitation process, focusing on improving mobility, strength, balance, and coordination. Through innovative techniques and state-of-the-art equipment, therapists work closely with children to achieve their physical goals, whether it's taking their first steps or mastering complex movements.
Occupational therapy goes beyond physical rehabilitation, addressing the practical aspects of daily living skills. From fine motor skills necessary for writing and self-care to sensory processing difficulties, therapists empower children to engage actively in the activities of daily life, fostering independence and confidence.
Speech therapy plays a vital role in helping children overcome communication barriers. Whether it's articulation, language comprehension, or social communication skills, therapists employ evidence-based interventions to unlock each child's potential for effective communication, enabling them to express themselves and connect with others.
Psychological support forms an integral part of the rehabilitation journey, addressing emotional, behavioral, and cognitive aspects. Understanding the psychological impact of neurological conditions on both children and their families, psychologists provide counseling, coping strategies, and guidance, promoting resilience and well-being.
Beyond individual therapy sessions, Child Neuro Rehab in Gladesville offers specialized programs and group interventions designed to foster social interaction, peer support, and community integration. Through therapeutic playgroups, social skills workshops, and recreational activities, children develop friendships, build confidence, and experience the joy of belonging.
Family-centered care lies at the core of Child Neuro Rehab's philosophy, recognizing the pivotal role of families in supporting their child's rehabilitation journey. Therapists collaborate closely with parents, providing education, training, and ongoing support to empower them as advocates and partners in their child's progress.
In addition to direct clinical services, Child Neuro Rehab is committed to advocacy, education, and research aimed at advancing the field of pediatric neurorehabilitation. Through partnerships with academic institutions, community organizations, and advocacy groups, the center strives to raise awareness, promote inclusivity, and drive innovation in care delivery.
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wellknox · 6 months
Rehabilitation Resurgence: Unlocking the Best Orthopedic Rehab Centre in Hyderabad
In the bustling cityscape of Hyderabad, where every corner boasts innovation and progress, the quest for top-notch healthcare facilities remains paramount. Amidst the myriad of medical institutions, there shines a beacon of hope for those in need of orthopedic rehabilitation – the Wellknox Rehabilitation Centre. Situated in the heart of Hyderabad, Wellknox stands tall as the epitome of excellence in the realm of medical rehabilitation.
A Haven for Healing: Wellknox Rehabilitation Centre
Nestled amidst the vibrant streets of Hyderabad, Wellknox Rehabilitation Centre emerges as a haven for individuals seeking unparalleled orthopedic rehabilitation services. Boasting state-of-the-art facilities and a team of dedicated healthcare professionals, Wellknox embodies the ethos of compassionate care and holistic healing.
Unveiling the Best Orthopedic Rehab Centre in Hyderabad
In the quest for the best orthopedic rehabilitation center in Hyderabad, Wellknox reigns supreme. With a focus on personalized care and evidence-based practices, Wellknox stands at the forefront of orthopedic rehabilitation, catering to a diverse array of patient needs with utmost precision and efficacy.
Comprehensive Orthopedic Rehabilitation Services
At Wellknox, excellence is not just a standard but a way of life. The center offers a comprehensive range of orthopedic rehabilitation services, encompassing everything from post-operative care to injury rehabilitation. With a multidisciplinary approach that integrates physiotherapy, occupational therapy, and advanced medical interventions, Wellknox ensures that every patient receives the highest standard of care tailored to their unique needs.
Beyond Orthopedics: A Holistic Approach to Rehabilitation
While orthopedic rehabilitation remains the cornerstone of Wellknox's services, the center goes above and beyond in its commitment to holistic healing. Recognizing the interconnectedness of physical, emotional, and psychological well-being, Wellknox offers a range of rehabilitation programs catering to diverse medical conditions. From neuro-rehabilitation to cardiac and pulmonary rehabilitation, Wellknox extends its healing touch to individuals facing a myriad of health challenges.
The Wellknox Difference: Excellence Personified
What sets Wellknox apart from the rest is not just its cutting-edge facilities or advanced treatment modalities but its unwavering commitment to patient-centric care. Every member of the Wellknox team is driven by a shared passion for healing and a dedication to restoring hope and mobility to those in need. From the moment a patient walks through the doors of Wellknox, they are greeted with warmth, compassion, and the assurance that they are in the best hands possible.
Experience Excellence at Wellknox Rehabilitation Centre
In the ever-evolving landscape of healthcare, finding a reliable and reputable rehabilitation center can be a daunting task. However, amidst the myriad of options, Wellknox Rehabilitation Centre stands out as a beacon of excellence, offering unparalleled orthopedic rehabilitation services in the heart of Hyderabad. With a commitment to personalized care, state-of-the-art facilities, and a multidisciplinary approach to healing, Wellknox is not just a rehabilitation center – it's a sanctuary for those seeking restoration, renewal, and a path to wellness.
Wellknox Rehabilitation Centre is more than just a medical facility; it's a promise of hope, healing, and holistic care. Whether you're recovering from orthopedic surgery, managing a chronic condition, or seeking to regain mobility and independence, Wellknox is here to support you every step of the way. Welcome to a world where excellence knows no bounds – welcome to Wellknox Rehabilitation Centre.
Wellknox Rehabilitation Centre
8-2-608, Plot No: 8-2-608, Road No. 10, behind Ofen Bakery, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad, Telangana 500034
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sukinohealthcare · 21 days
Sukino's Paralysis Rehabilitation Center in Bangalore, offering comprehensive care and specialized therapies for individuals recovering from paralysis. Our expert team provides personalized rehabilitation plans designed to enhance mobility, independence, and overall quality of life. With state-of-the-art facilities and compassionate care, we support patients on their journey to recovery. Learn more about our dedicated paralysis rehabilitation services in Bangalore. Visit Sukino's Paralysis Rehabilitation Center.
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anthonymisty9 · 7 months
Expert Neuro Rehabilitation in Shawnee, KS, Can Put Patients on the Road to Recovery Quickly
When you have a loved one who has spinal cord or brain injuries and needs inpatient rehab care between being released from the hospital and reintegrating into their home, you should know that there are rehab facilities that can help.
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koukokaga22 · 8 months
Neorecovery , Best Physiotherapist in West Delhi | Neuro Rehab Centre in Delhi | paralysis treatment in Delhi
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NeoRecovery stands at the forefront of neuro rehabilitation in Delhi, offering unparalleled care and cutting-edge treatments for individuals seeking the best paralysis and cerebral palsy treatment in West Delhi. As the premier neurorehab centre in the region, NeoRecovery is dedicated to restoring hope and improving the quality of life for patients with neurological conditions.
Best Paralysis Treatment in West Delhi:
At NeoRecovery, we understand the challenges faced by individuals living with paralysis. Our expert team of physiotherapists and neurorehabilitation specialists is committed to providing personalized care and innovative therapies to promote recovery and regain independence. From tailored exercise programs to advanced rehabilitation techniques, we strive to optimize each patient's potential for functional improvement.
Best Physiotherapy Centre in West Delhi:
NeoRecovery is synonymous with excellence in physiotherapy care, offering a comprehensive range of services to address a variety of musculoskeletal and neurological conditions. Our state-of-the-art facility is equipped with the latest technology and staffed by experienced physiotherapists who are dedicated to helping patients achieve their rehabilitation goals. Whether you're recovering from injury, managing chronic pain, or seeking post-operative care, NeoRecovery is your trusted partner in wellness.
Best Physiotherapist and NeuroRehab Centre in Delhi:
Led by a team of highly skilled physiotherapists and rehabilitation specialists, NeoRecovery is recognized as the best physiotherapist and neurorehab centre in Delhi. We take a holistic approach to treatment, addressing the physical, emotional, and cognitive aspects of recovery to ensure comprehensive care for our patients. With a focus on evidence-based practices and compassionate support, we strive to empower individuals to overcome obstacles and reclaim their independence.
Cerebral Palsy Treatment in Delhi:
Cerebral palsy requires specialized care and attention, and NeoRecovery is proud to offer leading-edge treatments for this complex neurological condition. Our multidisciplinary team collaborates to develop tailored treatment plans that address the unique needs of each patient. Through a combination of physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, and other interventions, we aim to optimize function, enhance mobility, and improve overall quality of life for individuals living with cerebral palsy.
At NeoRecovery, we are committed to excellence in neurorehabilitation, providing compassionate care and innovative therapies to help our patients achieve their full potential. If you or a loved one is seeking the best paralysis treatment or cerebral palsy treatment in Delhi, trust NeoRecovery to be your partner in recovery and rehabilitation.
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shankar1234 · 8 months
Concussion Rehabilitation at Advanced Neuro Rehab
Concussions are a common occurrence, especially among athletes and individuals engaged in high-impact activities. While they may seem minor, concussions can have long-lasting effects on neurological health if not managed properly. At Advanced Neuro Rehab, we understand the critical importance of effective concussion rehabilitation. Our multidisciplinary team of experts, including physiotherapists in Udaipur, is dedicated to providing personalized care to help individuals recover and regain optimal function.  
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Understanding Concussion Rehabilitation:
Concussions result from a sudden jolt or blow to the head, causing the brain to move rapidly within the skull. This trauma can lead to a range of symptoms, including headaches, dizziness, memory problems, and balance issues. Concussion rehabilitation focuses on restoring cognitive function, improving balance and coordination, and alleviating associated symptoms.
At Advanced Neuro Rehab, we employ a holistic approach to concussion rehabilitation, addressing the physical, cognitive, and emotional aspects of recovery. Our team of skilled physiotherapists in Udaipur plays a central role in this process, designing customized exercise programs to enhance strength, flexibility, and motor control. Through targeted interventions, we aim to optimize neurological function and promote overall well-being.
The Role of Neurological Rehab in Concussion Recovery:
Neurological rehabilitation is essential for individuals recovering from concussions, as it targets the underlying neurological deficits caused by the injury. At Advanced Neuro Rehab, our neurological rehabilitation programs are tailored to each patient's unique needs, focusing on restoring neural pathways, enhancing cognitive function, and promoting neuroplasticity.
Our comprehensive approach to neurological rehab incorporates a variety of techniques, including therapeutic exercises, balance training, cognitive rehabilitation, and sensory integration therapy. By addressing the root causes of neurological dysfunction, we empower individuals to overcome the challenges posed by concussions and achieve their rehabilitation goals.
The Sai Physiotherapy Resort: A Sanctuary for Healing:
Located amidst the serene landscapes of Udaipur, The Sai Physiotherapy Resort offers a tranquil setting for individuals undergoing concussion rehabilitation. Our resort provides a peaceful retreat where patients can focus on their recovery in a supportive environment. With state-of-the-art facilities and compassionate staff, we strive to create a healing sanctuary where guests can rejuvenate body, mind, and spirit.
Promoting SEO Services by Yug Technology:
At Advanced Neuro Rehab, we recognize the importance of digital marketing in reaching individuals in need of our specialized services. That's why we partner with Yug Technology, a leading SEO company in Udaipur, to enhance our online presence and connect with potential clients. Through strategic SEO strategies, we aim to increase visibility, drive traffic to our website, and ultimately, reach more individuals seeking concussion rehabilitation services.
Concussions can have profound effects on neurological function, but with the right rehabilitation approach, recovery is possible. At Advanced Neuro Rehab, we are committed to providing comprehensive concussion rehabilitation services that address the unique needs of each individual. With our team of skilled physiotherapists in Udaipur and state-of-the-art facilities at The Sai Physiotherapy Resort, we offer a holistic approach to healing that promotes recovery and enhances quality of life. Partnering with Yug Technology, we leverage the power of SEO to expand our reach and help more individuals on their journey to recovery. If you or a loved one is struggling with the effects of a concussion, don't hesitate to contact us and take the first step towards a brighter, healthier future.
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iammanoj956 · 9 months
Choosing the right stroke rehabilitation center in India with HCAH
Choosing the right stroke rehabilitation facility is key to your recovery. Learn about types of programs and the questions to ask before making a decision.
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wingwongwangagain2 · 1 month
Day 3
So today was a bit more interesting. Courtney and Nick had to cover more ortho/spine/trauma floor because a pt was out. Today we saw a mexican lady first that had dementia where a lot her brain is gone from the ct scan. but she was with her husband and was here because she fell and broke her hip along with her old fracture of her spine. we didnt do much with her cause she was sleeping. while we were in there I saw the other pt move over her gown and started touching her self lol. the next lady was a lady that had MS that also fell with a hip fx. she had orthostatic bp when we got her up with the sara stedy. she was joyful to be around and was telling me about her kid named anthony. we co treated with emily knight today with this.
next was the dude that was an alcoholic but runs a sober living facility that was involved in a moped accident. the dr., dr valentino a fat ass fuck trauma surgeon came in with his pa but it was awkward because he didnt really move the conversation. he just stood there and was like ok and talked in medical terminology that the pt was clearly agitated and yeah. but courtney did a great job deesclating it and was able to convince the guy to go to rehab. basically he fx his pelvis, broke his femur and had some bleeding that needed to be cleaned up in his abdomen.
then we saw the crack lady looking and did some stairs.
the most interesting today was working with the tbi MVA 19 year old kid. he was a disorders of conciousness and was able to cotreat with alex v. the ot, she was really cool and knowledgeable and she was doing the jfk. i was able to feel his tone in his elbow and finger flexors. he has a diffuse axonal injury and his mom was also there. the nail bed test for the jfk can either be localized, generalized, or absent.
FBR - facility based rehab
PLS - prior living situation ( accounts for homeless people)
the other word i forgot was fistulas
we cotreated a ranch man that had an elective spine surgery, basically fusion of his whole lumbar to sacrum. he lived in the mountains with an outhouse and shower room. it was hella funny cause he was trying to show us his placeo n his phone and a bunch of porn popped up. he had a XILF along with a bunch of other stufff.
the last pt we saw was the oral cavity cancer lady. that had a total neck dissection that required a trach and cappula etc. she was moving well.
I think today was good for the more neuro population skills and knowledge. i think i need to learn the jfk and practice it better.
at lunch talking to tiffany another pt, she suggested to break it down in terms of like pt floors or whatever and i think that would be a good idea for the deliverable.
alan was a homie and i was able to leave the airbnb and stay at a hotel for the rest of the time! sweet that airbnb was so sketchy lol.
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