#never has a show made me want to draw rl characters before... struggling but i need to draw something or im going to explode
tokocoo · 7 months
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xantissa · 7 years
Salty ask meme
Because I was asked by @luckydragon10. Here goes a dragons response. And why can't I format anything on my phone?
What OTP in your fandom do you just not get? Huh. That’s actually a hard question because I honestly don’t care what other people ship. I personally ship only characters I find attractive. I don’t have time to wonder about other people’s likes and dislikes. Those are fictional characters. I only ship the pairings I like. I do tend to try on pairings for size from time to time. Can even be convinced if the writing is hot enough. it’s mostly about how attractively they are written.
Are there any popular fandom OTPs you only BroTP? Lol no. It’s all about hot, filthy, dark, sensual desire for me.
Have you ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion? Because they like something? Never. I DO NOT CARE what anybody likes. Like, could not give a single fuck about it. However if someone tries to force their opinion on me? Oh, then I block them and probably most of their followers. Have no time for assholes.
Do you have a NoTP in your fandom. Are they popular OTP? OMG those questions are hard as hell. Considering I ship/read/write for over 30 fandoms this is impossible. Probably? I sometimes find the main ships boring - not even because they don’t make sense or look good - but because I oversaturated on them.
Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you? Only in a sense I have read too much about them :D But even then I eventually come back a year or two later. But that’s a case of boredom not ruining a pairing. Unlike the general trend I observed the recent years i do understand those a fictional characters and fics are fiction, so what if somebody writes a character as a dumb asshole or an evil mastermind? If i like the theme I will read it, if I don’t I will just not read it.
Has fandom ever made you enjoy a pairing you previously hated? I don’t hate pairining. I don’t enjoy some of them. But yes, definitely. Some fics are just so brilliant they sold me on a pairing. I am easy like that :D
Is there anything you used to like but can’t stand now? Not really. There are things that I feel have been overly often used, like bucky or Steve using the forties slang a lot. First I just disagree with language working this way. That you speak 99,9% modern language and then out of nowhere use words from old times. But that is also a case of seeing it too often and it just lost it’s shine.
Have you received anon hate? What about? Hm, not much but yes. Mostly about an writer that claimed she had the right to tell me what I can and can not think, and what I can and can not write. You can not own an idea. Deal with it and get lost. And looking back I am convinced it was just a publicity stunt.
Most disliked character(s)? Why? … small Steve. Can’t forget the strange proportions given him in the movie and the fact he would probably reach my elbow? But that’s purely aesthetic thinking. I have nothing against him as a character. But that was the reason I pretend Captain America movie started at the point of transformation, or was a radio drama before.
Most disliked arc? Why? Civil War. I just hate the breaking apart of my fantasy team. And I also hate all the things that were implied about Tony in his actions. In my mind he is not a violent man, not towards others. That moment he attacked Bucky - that was like throwing away all three iron movies for me. So I wasn’t all that pleased with it.
Is there an unpopular character you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why? So, I sometimes enjoy het and women seem to be generally vilified in fandom. Anything that has a vagina and is not an old grandma is considered evil in some way. I love her and I refuse to vilify women in fiction just because.We have enough problems in real life than bringing the RL problems into fiction just because everybody else does it. If everybody else jumped off a cliff, would you too? I wouldn’t so don’t even start this shit with me. Everybody = nobody in my book. So if anybody else wants to write her as a bitch, fine, but don’t expect me to do it just because.
Is there an unpopular arc that you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why? Not really. probably because I don’t read Marvel or DC comics, and my other fandoms don’t seem to have as much problems as the predominantly american ones. Maybe because smaller fandoms are calmer, less people make the fandom their whole life and are generally more distanced from it.
Unpopular opinion about XXX character? Hmm, I don’t like sub Bucky when it’s after Winter Soldier? I think a large part of it is that a lot of sub fics I read at first were not very well written or just ignored his issues altogether. And my personal opinion. I have no beef with those fics existing, I just don’t read them.
Unpopular opinion about your fandom? Too many people unable to distinguish reality from fiction. I’m in different fandoms for a very long time. It was never this bad before. People acting as if a fictional character is real and has right or feelings. It doesn’t. It’s a thought. It does not exist. It is not hurting anyone or anything. People claiming fictional characters are protected by consent laws and what else. All those pseudo ‘social justice warriors’ that try to convince authors that writing underage is in any way bad or affects real life. It doesn’t.
If you could change anything in the show, what would you change? I would let Steve have more time. Show more of his feelings. I think in Civil War his struggle was cut off in favor of action and okay, I like action. But if I could, I would make him a focus, give him time to process the emotions on screen.
Instead of XYZ happening, I would have made ABC happen… I know it’s never going to happen but I would either have Steve and Bucky fuck (on screen preferably!) or in Civil War Bucky being more of a badass. I know he wasn’t the main character, and had very little screen time but I would love him kicking ass left and right. And I would give him a better arm. The one he had seemed to break in EVERY FREAKING SCENE he had. I have ranted and ranted and ranted about the supposedly destructive arm breaking every time he used it :(
Does not shipping something ‘popular’ mean you’re in denial and/or biased? Again, my firm opinion is everybody = nobody. Just because someone does it, it doesn’t mean I have to do it too. I’m unmovable on this point and have very, very firm stance on the ‘thought police’.
What is the one thing you hate most about your fandom? Lack of distance. Too many people take it personally and make it a war, what should only be done in fun. We don’t go to war over books in bookstores. Why the double standard for fic authors? Before the era of social media - this wasn’t something that happened before. Sad to see it develop now.
What is the purest ship in the fandom? Whatever one you enjoy the most.
Popular character you hate? No such thing :D Well, maybe my preference that skinny Steve should be a radio drama. I can deal better with the way artists draw him - more proportional, more like an actual human male. But in general - nope. Oh, and I love to hate Brock Rumlow.
Unpopular character you love? Don’t have any specific one.
Would you recommend XXX to a friend? Why or why not? Fics? oh I recommend plenty. Movies? I tend to drag all my friends to all marvel movies whether they like them or not, so I’m the last person to ask the question. Because if I enjoy it I will find a way to make my friend go see it with me, if only for pure enjoyment. Granted, I did have to literally sit on two of them to watch the new Star Wars and listen to them moaning about how much they hated it, but they DID watch it with me :D I do have a feeling making them watch the last one is going to be so much harder, but I will find a way. Eventually.
How would you end XXX/Would you change the ending of XXX? Civil War. That is the movie that I would change for the reasons I mentioned before. Oddly enough it’s Tony i feel protective about and the disassembly of the values he represented to me before. I can very much see him beating some on Bucky (he can take a beating, no problem) but the outright attempt at murder… no. I disagree. And I would change it.
Most shippable character? All of them. If i find them hot I am perfectly willing to make them a fandom bicycle and have everybody ride them. I am a Bucky girl though - but not the broken, fragile Bucky that is popular but the strong, dangerous one. The badass.
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angelsandemons · 8 years
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So it’s offically been about a year since I started this blog. I joined this fandom near the end of the show, so I’ve seen a lot of people come and go, but BOY did I not expect to get this fair. Even if things are slowing down now, I have an unreal 959 followers, several of whom are still active. And I plan to continue to be one of them, I ain’t going anywhere.  I’ve met SO many lovely people over the past year, I couldn’t possible begin to cover it all in a single post.
There are some members of this fandom that have made an especially big impact on me. You guys have been a joy, an inspiration, and a pleasure to interact with both IC and OOC, so I want to say a few words about each of you now in one big, disgustingly mushy post.
What Dying Fandom? I Don’t See A Dying Fandom Look At These
@mynameisdopper: Compared to many on this list, I’ve known you for a relatively short time, but I already feel as close to you as I do most of my long-time friends. I love talking with you almost every day IC and OOC, I love the thought and insight you give your characters, including ones in other fandoms like @conniethejam and @rosefquartz, and I love the skill you put into your replies. And even despite that innate talent, you NEVER stop striving to improve. You also have a sense of humor that matches mine almost exactly, and that’s something I’ve learned not to take for granted over the years. But most of all, you have a heart of gold, all jokes aside, and I know you are going to do great things. I know you already have.
@pine-dexter: I still can’t believe it took me so long to find you, but every moment since has been a treat. I love hearing your take on Ford, I love exploring post-show scenarios and post-show AUs with you, and I love indulging extensively in our trashy ship together, be it via IM RP or simply exchanging horrible fanfics we’ve found. And of course, on the occasion we DO get to thread together, that’s always a pleasure. We need to do it more.
@llamanorthwest: You might be the youngest member in this section (not in terms of your actual biological age, but in regards to how long I’ve known you), but I’ve gotta say: I had high hopes for you because of our mutual friends, and you STILL surpassed them. Your take on Pacifica is really interesting, and your writing for her is a CONSISTENT joy. I’m still over the moon that you were willing to explore the LTOLOXA AU with me, and that you seem to get just what I’m going for with Bill.  Not to mention I love the art you draw for it, it gives me life. I can’t wait to RP more with you in the future. 
@widdleolgideongleeful​ as well as @leavethattomabel​: Your Gideon is top notch in all the ways, and you’ve gone above and beyond the source material in a way all roleplayers should aspire to. You’ve kept him IC while still adding a unique flare of your own, and it never fails to entertain. Your passion is contagious, and constantly fuels my drive to continue improving and exploring my own character in new and exciting ways. The same is true for your Mabel, but I’ve gotta say, like to be REAL honest with you here...your Mabel has taught me something else too. This is gonna sound kinda mean (hey you already knew I was a bitch), but the other big lesson your Mabel has taught me is to never judge a book by its cover. When I first came across your Mabel blog, I was THAT roleplayer: I saw your layout, I saw your huge icons, and I thought “this is someone who only kind of knows what they are doing, but ehh I guess I’ll give it a shot”. In time, of course, I discovered you were an EXCEPTIONAL roleplayer, and most if not all your design choices were very purposeful, especially on your blog layout. And rightfully so: I mean it DOES look like a blog Mabel would make. Finally, portrayals aside, you are often a joy to discuss things OOCly with, be it GF related or something in RL, you always carry that unique insight with you in whatever you do.
@flannelandchill​: Wendy can be a surprisingly hard character to nail down, if only because she’s very much portrayed from Dipper’s perspective in the show, and that’s an obviously skewed view. But when I read your writing for her, I don’t JUST see the super cool redhead (though that certainly is still there), I see the side of Wendy only briefly shown in canon: a girl who is stressed just like the rest of us. And I love, love, LOVE how you work those two together so seamlessly. I look forward to all our interactions, always, and your appreciation for my portrayal never goes unnoticed. Please continue to stroke my ego.
@captivatinginnocence​: From the very beginning, I could hear Mabel’s voice in your writing loud and clear. You have a masterful command of her tone and characterization, and you carry that to places I’ve never seen other Mabel RPers go. Seriously, do you know ANYONE else who explores her later years in life to the extent you do? As if that wasn’t enough, you are an AMAZING artist, and a very generous one too. I treasure each and every “doodle” you send my way, and love the care and effort you put into every aspect of your character. It’s always a pleasure to write with you, even if I might take a while to reply sometimes. Same goes for OOC convos about life too! And I’m super thrilled that you’ve decided to dip your toes into the SU fandom with @fantomshards recently too, bringing all that skill with you.
Dormant In Activity But Not In My Heart
@stanfordsixerpines: As my first Ford on this blog, you will always have a special place in my heart. Back when I still had a lot of shame about this billford ship, you were ready and willing to jump in the deep end with me, and never looked back. I love everything we’ve done together, and look forward to anything we might do again in the future.
@hillbillyisms​ as well as @stan-punches​, @soosquestion​, and a bunch of others honestly and every single one is worth a follow becasue this mun writes em: You are perhaps the oldest friend have on here, considering I met you back when I first started on Tumblr in the Legend of Korra fandom, and we are still in occasional contact. We’ve always been so in sync, to the point that the LoK fandom legit thought we were the same person for a while, and I still feel that connection with you now. Although you might not think yourself a success story, I have and will always see you as a victor over the massive shitstorm life has thrown at her, someone who came out a writer in all the ways, despite all the odds. And you continue fighting every day, all the while never falling short in the quality you produce, even if it has understandable lulls in output. You’re always worth the wait, and I’ll always be here ready to pick up where we left off.
@sweatersandsprinkles​: We’ve RPed quite a bit in my post-show verses, and have always talked very extensively OOC about new and exciting possibilities. I love the relationship our muses have formed with each other, and I love the darker directions you are willing to take those interactions without sacrificing the fluff. You are a constant reminder that one doesn’t HAVE to choose between cute and dark, you can have a weird medium. And isn’t that what RPing Bill is all about?
@illusionare​: Unicorn, most of your muses I know of are just as much a majestic bastard as your name implies (except for Mickey Mouse wtf), but YOU are a SWEETHEART. You are one of the few users on this website I would honestly unironically call senpai. You’ve been an inspiration to me ever since I followed you on @desbearer, and you continue to be as you come out of every hardship in your life a little brighter than you were when you went in. Both in real life struggles and roleplay ventures, you constantly make me think “well if she can do it, why not me?” You are an unapologetic meme, artist, and writer – a true gift to us all. Never forget that. And even though your Bill might be on the inactive list here, the little interaction we DID have helped me get over one of my biggest irrational fears: interacting with other quality Bill Ciphers. And we both know you have an unwavering dedication to your murder bear, so that’s pretty awesome.
The Cross-Fandom Treasures I Never Expected
@sandsofchaos​: Never did I ever think I’d find such a perfect match for Bill, dare I say MORE perfect than my in-fantom OTP.  I mean go figure it’s chaos herself, right? I don’t think I’ve ever had this deep a relationship with another muse outside the fandom I roleplay in, and I love every second of it.  As a mun, you are probably the other one on this list I can unironically call senpai, because I really truly look up to just about everything you do. Your writing is top notch ALL the time, and your dedication to your character despite an obvious lack of fandom is a constant reminder to me that all you need is a vision and a passion. In real life too, you’re an inspiration to me; whatever you might think of yourself, I see you as a successful woman I hope to be as I continue my life, and it’s a blessing to see first hand that I don’t need to give up roleplaying to do that.
@yellingmetatron​: We don’t talk AS much OOC, but you still need to be on this list because your character absolutely floors me, both in concept and execution. Like with Eris, this is a relationship I never would have dreamed of my Bill muse having, but it just fits SO WELL. Your dedication is inspiring, and again, even though we haven’t talked a great deal OOC, you’ve privately helped me work through some pretty difficult questions early on regarding my portrayal of Bill, and I’m forever grateful for that.
@familiarfortunefox: I’ve asked it before and I’ll ask it again: how do you make a quality RP blog for a fandomless wolf with no powers or special abilities, except maybe speech? It’s such a mundane concept, a lost cause, and yet you’ve tackled it anyway with great success. And the fact that you revived it just to RP with my human Bill? I’m still not over it. You’re also the first blog in literally YEARS that I have actively enjoy the autoplay for, so kudos for your taste there. I know I’ve been slacking on our roleplays, but know that you are in my thoughts nonetheless.
@thecaptainofcrunch​: Technically this is the same mun as the afore mentioned Dipper, but since I have a specific unholy cross-fandom ship with this FUCKING CEREAL MASCOT, I felt the need to mention it here. You are a meme Dean, a fucking meme, and I hate you for getting me to ship this. 
Now these were just some super special people that have had a special impact on me and/or this blog in particular.  This ISN’T an all-inclusive list of roleplayers I love and adore. But as you can see, this thing has already gotten PRETTY freaking long, so just know that if you aren’t on here, I still love you.
There are some RECENT arrivals I want to give a quick shout-out to because I got my eyes on you. I know what quality l👀ks like when I see it. Call me.
@tadsthename, @mystcriiious, @bruiiser​
And that’s about it! Oh, but one more thing: although this isn’t someone I’ve RPed with on this blog very much, she IS a big part of the reason I finally checked out Gravity Falls at all a little over a year ago, so a quick shoutout to @marelapis as well. 
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