#neverland floor meet me in the fucking pit
roughentumble · 2 years
having dark mode eat a slight is rage inducing, moreso even when theyre friend cards which you CANNOT get back, on top of the fact the deck i have in neverland has a mere 20 fucking cards, including a massive run of 2s, 1s, and 0s. the mobs are so big that any cardbreak you get from a 0 means nothing, as your 0 is just immediately broken right back(and i mean immediately). you cant even stack weak cards into combos because of that massive stack and stupid worthless zEROS RIGHT IN THE GODSAMN MIDDLE, THIS IS GENUINELY SO FUCKING UNFUN AND STUPID TO PLAY IM SO FUCKING MAD AT. THIS GAME. AND I WANT IT TO BE OVER SO GODDAMN BAD. this shit is why i never beat riku's story as a kid. i am two seconds from just assuming his stupid ass got pulled into darkness again and being done with it. holy shit. who is responsible for this
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Say My Name
Request: Could you do from the prompt list (smutty) 1,2,10,13,19,21,22,24 with Peter Pan please?
You and Pan are FWB but you end up catching feelings for each other.
Pairing: Pan x reader
Warnings: There’s a lot of smut, like A LOT.... It might be over kill IDK
I’m sorry if this isn’t the plot you had in mind!
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Ever since my first night on the island it was apparent that I had captured the attention of the King of the lost boys, his eyes seemed to follow me around as if he were a starving beast and I were his next meal. Hungrily the leader would lick his lips as he imagined the way I would taste, he didn’t bother to hide the way his emerald green eyes would dance up and down my body, nor did he hide his seductive smile from behind the flames of the campfire or the playful wink which he sent my way. 
I can’t deny that the King intrigued me, it wasn’t just his appearance that caught my eye, although that was a big factor, there was something about him which made me want to find out more. His life was a tangled ball of mysteries and secretes and I wanted to unravel every last one of them.
Biting my lip I sent a wink back to him, watching as a smile spread onto his face before he stood up and stalked towards me. Taking a seat right beside me on a fallen log which surrounded the fire.
“Hello, love.” The comers of his pink lips curled up into a twisted grin, every alarm in my head went off telling me to run yet there was something about it which drew me in.
“Hi.” I shyly replied, trying my hardest not to cower or show any sings of weakness.
“Now, now, now” He darkly chuckled, but there was an element in his laugh which sent shivers of pleasure up and down my spine, “Don’t go getting nervous on me, you seemed pretty confident when you winked at me before.”
I could feel my cheeks flare up at his words, before I knew it his large hand was resting on my thigh causing sparks to light in the pit of my stomach. Leaning in closer his warm breath tickled my neck, “I would be lying if I said I wasn’t turned on right now.” he whispered, gently grazing his teeth along my ear lobe before biting his lips and walking away, leaving me sat there utterly shocked.
As my time on the island slowly progressed so did his none stop flirting, it was clear what he was just trying to sneak a hand down my pants but that didn’t stop me from accepting his invertation for a tour around the island and that’s where it all began.
I was never entirely sure about how we had ended up in this position but with in a couple of minutes I was pushed up against the rough bark of a tree, his tall frame towering over me as he held my small body in place while he trailed sloppy kisses up and down my neck, making sure to leave his mark in more than one place. I made no objection, the only sound which came out of my mouth was a soft moan as I silently begged for him to continue.
Suddenly Pan’s lips were on mine as his hands explored every inch on my body, leaving no part untouched as he quickly disposed of my clothes, 
“Get on your knee’s” He ordered, his voice was rough, making the hairs on the back of my neck immediately stand to attention.
Silently, I obeyed his orders, sinking to the floor as he slipped his trousers off before carelessly throwing them onto the floor. His hard cock was now in front of my face, I bit my lip before lick up and down his shaft.
“Fuck.” A breathy moan slipped passed his lips as his hands found themselves in my hair, gently tugging on it while he commanded that I continue.
Taking as much of him in my mouth as I could I began to suck, my tongue swirled around his tip before gliding up and down his length. His hips buckled slightly with every movement of my lips, pushing his cock deeper into my throat until I almost choked, pre-cum dripped from his tip before pulling my head away, a string of it still lurking on my lips.
“Good girl.” The king growled, his eyes had long since turned dark with lust.
Rising to my feet I threw my arms around his neck, kissing him deeply as he gave my ass a good squeeze before lifting me up, my legs instinctively wrapping around his waist like it were second nature. Pan’s bare chest was pressed against mine as he slipped his cock inside, causing me to gasp at the sudden pleasure. 
Surprisingly he started off slow, pumping into me at an agonizing pace until I begged him to speed up. Fore-filling my request he began to pick up speed, slamming his hips into mine as I screamed his name over and over again. Soon the only thing which could be heard were the sounds of his heavy pants and my moans as we began to meet our climax, his thrusts became sloppier but his pace never faltered. 
“You want more?” He asked me, burring his head in the nape of my neck before leaving a little trail of love bites all the way down my once clear skin.
“Mmmm yes, more,  give me more.” I hummed in pleasure as Pan continued to pound into me, determined not to stop until I reached my exticey.
“Pan.” I moaned into his muscular shoulder, “I’m close.”
“I know darling.” The leader managed to huff out as he carried on pounding into my pussy.
The familiar knot in my stomach soon became undone, my juices dripping down his hard cock while he continued to fuck me. Soft grunts tumbled past the boys lips as his hips bucked into mine more time then I could count, his big load dripping out of me.
For a while no one said anything, the air was filled with the sound of our heavy breathing as Pan set me down on the floor. We both scrambled to find out clothes, eager to put them back on before anyone caught us naked in the forest.
“So.... This time next week?” I half joked.
“Sure.” he replied while buttoning up his trousers, the green eyed boy shot a wink my way before walking off.
Ever since then me and Pan have been sneaking off every chance we get, having our fun before continuing with our day like nothing had happened. Not much had changed between me and the king of Neverland, I didn’t get any special treatment because of this little arrangement we had, I still had to call him Pan, I still had to wake up earlier then I’d like to and I still had to go training. I wasn’t expecting anything to be different but to say I wasn’t disappointed would be a lie, not because I wanted to feel more important than everyone else on the island, I just wanted him to think I was important. I couldn’t place my finger on what I felt, it was at the tip of my tongue but the words just wouldn’t come out. There was something about him that pulled me in, I wanted to spend time with him more than I did with anyone else and the fact that I couldn’t made me feel unwanted, but why?
I knew when we first started to fool around that it would be just that, fooling around, I knew I couldn’t catch feelings because it would only lead me to getting my heart broken. However, the temptation was strong, how much longer could I hold on for? 
It was clear that he only wanted me for one thing. But me, my motives may appear crystal clear but the closer you look the cloudier the answer becomes. I was no longer blinded by lust, my thought weren’t filled with all of the dirty things we could do together anymore, they were filled with the idea of us being together, going out and having fun. I wanted more than sex, but did he? There is only one way to find out: I’ll ask him.
I was pulled from my thoughts but the sound of my wooden door creaking open, cold air blew into my cosy tree house as my head snapped to the direction of the door. In stumbled the king of the island, making his way towards me rather quickly.
“Oh, Pan,” I called out in surprise, “I was just coming to look for you.”
“You were?” He raised his perfect eyebrows while biting his lip, “Look’s like we had the same idea, love.”
Cupping my face in his hands he placed a hungry kiss upon my rosy lips, his fingers hooked themselves around my waist as he pulled me closer.
“Um, actually could this wait just one second?” I tried to reason with the demon boy, but when he was like this there was only one thing playing on his mind.
“Don’t you wanna have some fun?” He whispered, sending waves of pleasure to rush through my body.
“I-I do...” I said, my cheeks turning a dark shade of red, “But-”
Before another word could fall out of my mouth he had shut me up with a much needed kiss, his rough hands trailing down my hips, gripping my cloak as I balled his shirt up in my fists. Quietly moaning into his mouth as he walked me over to the bed before pushing me down onto it, my body was engulfed in the softness of my quilt as I peered up into his ever green eyes. A smirk creep up onto the leaders lips, Pan’s fingers lightly danced over my thighs, getting higher and higher until he reached my dripping core.
“Please.” I breathed out, “Play with me.”
“Anything for you, darling.” He whispered before plunging his fingers deep inside me.
Butterfly's flew around in my stomach as his fingers pumped in and out of me, I wasn’t afraid to let my moans tumble from my lips and the king made no objections ether, smirking at the noises I made because of his handy work. His pace grew faster and faster, the knot in my stomach only grew as I awaited my sweet release.
“Pan.” His name has slipped out of my mouth more times than I could count, I was on the brink of cumming all over his fingers and he knew it.
“You like that?” He asked, almost tauntingly but that only made me want him even more.
Without saying a word I bit my lip and silently nodded, my eyes staring into his as he continued to finger me. My breath quickened as I squirmed under his touch, he only chuckled at my reaction while the corners of his lips curled into a hearty smile. The feeling in the pit of my stomach built up, Pan was notorious for not showing mercy, so why should I be treated any differently?
I threw my head back into the pillow and gripping the bed sheets, there was something about this boy and made me feel so good over the tiniest things.
“Mmmm, Pan.” I moaned loudly, my juice coating his finger, but that didn’t stop him. He kept pumping in and out, making sure I could ride out my high.
He allowed me a minute to clam down before I got up and going to gather my cloak.
“And where might you be going, love?” He inquired, placing a hand on my shoulder to stop me from taking another step, “You didn’t think we were finished, did you?”
A smirk made it’s way onto the devilish boys lips before kissing me deeply once more, my cloak had long since fallen to the floor and I suddenly found him lurking over me. Both of completely naked, only engrossed in one thing: each other.
“Ride me.” Pan demanded, his words cutting through the air like a sharp knife.
Happily, I crawled onto his lap, straddling my thighs ether side of his waist as he placed his cock at my wet entrance. I excitedly lowered myself, feeling his hard member fill me up before bouncing up and down. His grunts and pants were almost drowned out by the sound of my moans, saying his name repeatedly.
“Say my name.” He ordered through at tightened jaw.
“Pan.” His named had rolled off my tongue so naturally. 
His hands glided along my body, untangling themselves from my hair as they made their way down my back before stopping at my ass. The leader smirked into the kiss as he squeezed causing a gasp to escape from my lips, taking this as his opportunity he slid his tongue into my mouth. 
The rest of the night was spent with Pan and I between the sheets, getting lost in each others bodies. Sweat coated our skin as black and blue marks bloomed on our flesh, he smiled while admiring the bruises he had left on my body, if the lost boy’s didn’t hear the moans falling from my lips they would definitely see the tattoo like wound which he had left there.
"Hey, Pan." I asked, slowly sitting up in bed as he trekked around my room in search for his clothes, "what are we?"
He brown haired boy stopped dead in his tracks, "What do you mean, love?" His voice was no longer commanding, there was a crack in his tough facade but he quickly hid it from me.
"W-well.... are we like... in a relationship, or will you just get rid of me when you're bored?" I inquired, truthfully I was scared to know the answer, I didn't want to get my hope's up, after all if living on this island has taught me one thing it's that people don't always get their happy ending.
"I'm not the type to get into relationships, love." He spoke, his sharp words filling the cold air, yet his green eyes couldn't seem to meet my e/c ones.
"Oh, I see." I replied, sinking back down into my bed as I heard the door close.
I lay alone, the words he spoke felt like a stab to my chest, had I just ruined things between me and him? If I had kept my mouth shut would he still be here in this room, would we still be talking about the things we liked to do, would he still give me a quick peck on the head before saying goodnight like he usually did?
sighing I rose to my feet, wondering around my room in search for my clothes, they had been thrown across the floor and now lay scattered in a random pattern along the wooden panels. Swiftly, I covered up my exposed flesh with cloak before catching a glance of myself in the mirror. My eyes rolled over my body, trying to see if the marks Pan had left on my body would be noticeable, unfortunately they were. Although we tried our best of hide it from anyone, we were fools if we believed the lost boys had never heard or caught us, ether way they all knew that me and the leader had a “thing” going on, so they took that as a warning to stay away from me, apart from one boy.
“Hey Y/n.” Chimed Oliver, a friendly smile was playing on his lips as he came my way holding two apples, his curly blonde hair bounced with every step he took.
“Hey.” I smiled at him as he handed me the fruit, hungrily take a bite.
“So I was wondering if you’d like to go to the cliffs with me? There’s this special kind of plant that grows on the top of them this season and I’d like to show you.” He trailed off, his chocolate coloured eyes looking everywhere but me “That is if Pan hasn’t shown you already.”
“No he hasn’t.” I happily smiled at him, jumping up from my seat, “I would love to go with you!”
The blonde haired boy let out a sigh of relief and a smile spread upon his features, “Follow me.”
I did as he asked, stalking closely behind him as we walked through the dark jungle like a lost puppy. Out the comer of my e/c eyes I could see none other than Pan himself staring daggers into poor Oliver’s head as we walked out of camp, I couldn’t help but smirk to myself, he had been so used to seeing me squirm under him, now it was my turn to take control.
Rushing water rung clear in the air as we grew closer and closer to the beach, soft waves crashed against the jagged rock which fell at the bottom of the cliff before meeting the golden sand.
I stood there for a moment, staring in awe at the sight before me, Pan had never taken me to this part of the island before, it was amazing. The sun shone down so bright while clear blue waves lulled themselves towards the shore of this magical island, however the sight of dark storm clouds slowly stalking closer and closer to the island didn’t go undetected.
“Y/n?” Oliver called trying his best not to chuckle to himself as I looked around for him, one moment he was right beside me and now he’s on the other side of the beach.
“Sorry!” I yelled back at the boy before running over to him, kicking up some sand in the process “I got a little distracted!” 
We made our way up to a mysterious cave looking thing, charcoal coloured rocks were stacked upon one another as lush green vines climbed up the rocky wall.
“Ladies first.” Oliver announced before pointing towards the unstable tower of sharp rocks.
“Charming.” I sarcastically shot back before laughing.
I began to make my way up the pile of jaggard rocks and vines, Oliver quickly following suite. By the time we had reached the top we were both out of breath, “This plant better be worth it.” I laughed.
However, when we reached the top there was no plant at all, standing there in it’s place was none other than the leader of the lost boys himself. His eyes had turned dark, but not with lust this time, with anger.
“What do you two think you’re doing?” He spat the words out as if they were leaving a sour taste in his mouth.
“We just came up here to see a flower.” I spoke, rather annoyed that he had come here and spoiled my time with Oliver.
“Oh my dear Y/n,” Pan sarcastically laughed, “Can’t you see this is some kind of pathetic attempt to sleep with you.”
“Are you serious?” I yelled at the king, he seemed a little taken aback but quickly composed himself again in the blink of an eyes, “Me and Oliver are just friends and you know it! Why do you care so much anyways, you’re the one who said you weren’t the type to get into relationships! I’m not yours to keep Pan so you have no right to decide who I spend my free time with!”
“Are you forgetting that you’re on my island, love?” He spoke, his voice terrifyingly calm, “That means that you belong to me.”
Holding up his arm he began to choke Oliver, leaving him a coughing and spluttering mess in the demon kings grip.
“Pan, stop it!” I screamed, drowning out the ear piercing sound of the wind and crashing waves.
Thankfully, he had loosened his grip on the poor boy, letting his neck slip from his hands as he feel to the floor with a thud. Pan rushed towards me at an alarming pace, before tightly gripping my fore arm, “I’ll deal with you later” he spat at Oliver, before we were enveloped in a cloud of green smoke,
Once it had cleared I found myself in Pan’s tree house, anyone could see that he was seething, but so was I.
“What the fuck!” I yelled, almost ripping my vocal chords to shreads as I did so, I wasn’t afraid of him like the others were, I wasn’t scared to stand up to him. 
I rushed towards him, hitting and punching his chest as tears silently streamed down my face, “How dare you, first you fuck with my head and now you try to hurt my friend! He wasn’t even doing anything wrong and you almost killed him!” My mouth seemed to have a mind of it’s own as it went on speaking, pouring my heart out the the boy in front of me.
He had long since stopped trying to plead with me, telling me to calm down, instead he just sat back and listened to my cries with interest in his eyes. I couldn’t tell what was on his mind, but I wanted to find out so bad.
“Pan!” Felix burst into the room and suddenly I went silent, the out of breath boy quickly muttered an apology before continuing, “Come quick, it’s important.”
The king breathed out a heavy sigh as he rubbed him temples before turning to face me, looking directly into my e/c eyes, “Don’t  move from this room.” He ordered before exiting with his second in command.
Waiting here for a couple of minutes, I decided to do the one thing he told me not to do, I went and followed him. The two boy’s stood in a clearing as I silently hid behind a tree.
“What is it?” Pan asked, annoyance clearly threaded in his voice.
“It’s Oliver, some of the boys found him lying unconscious up on top of the cliff, we think it may have been Hook.” He rushed the words out of his mouth like he was running a marathon, “Nick and Jack are treating him now.”
“I know, I was the one who did that to him not Hook.” He simply stated as if it was nothing.
“What?” Felix questioned, the look of shock played on his features as he stared at his best friend in disbelief. 
“I did that too him, he tried to take Y/n.” Pan explained as realization crossed the second in commands face before a smile spread across his face, “What?” Pan asked, noticing the change in Felix’s demeanor.
“No way.” The taller of the two laughed to himself, “I never though I’d see the day.”
“What?” Pan demanded to know, it was apparent he was growing agitated.
“You’re in love with her aren’t you?” He inquired, a wide grin splattered on his features..
Pan only scoffed in response, “Of course I’m not Felix, you more than anyone should know that I’m incapable of love.” He spat out the four lettered word as if it were poison. 
The leaders tall friend raised his eyebrows, giving him a look which said “I can tell that you’re lying”.
“I’m not in love, Felix.” Pan spoke, his voice was serious, “But I’m loving the situation.”
His friend only chuckled at the kings remark, “We’ve been friend for years Pan, we know each other better than we know ourselves and trust me, you are in love with her. Blame it on what you will, but it wont change the way you feel about Y/n. Why else would you hurt one of the best lost boys we have? You never even did that for Wendy.”
I felt a twang of pain and jealousy in my chest, who was Wendy? Why had Pan not told me about her before? 
Sighing in defeat the leader of the lost boys looked his friend right in the eyes, “You’re right.” He spoke.
I had to bite back a gasp, shock, surprise and happiness filled my heart. So Pan did like me too, he was just scared to admit it, but why?
“You see?” Felix mocked, “It wasn’t that hard to admit your feelings, now was it? So instead of going round and trying to kill off every lost boy that looks in Y/n’s direction, go and tell her how you feel because chances are she feels the same way.”
Pan smiled up at the taller boy before lowering his voice, I was barely able to make out his words, “You really think she’ll like me too?” He asked as if he were a little boy once more.
Before I could hear the rest of their conversation something clicked, Pan told me to stay in his tree house and if I wasn’t there by the time he got back I was sure to be in trouble. Sprinting as fast as I could I ruched up the latter and stood in the exact same spot I had done before he left.
After a few seconds of just waiting a puff of green spoke swilled around the room, leaving none other than Pan in it’s wake. He stood there with a smile on his face, meanwhile I tried my hardest to keep a stone expression and act like I hadn’t just heard his and Felix’s conversation.
“Look, love, I wanted to tell you something before you go off on another rant at me again.” he said, his evergreen eyes stared into mins, “I love you.”
This was my breaking point, there was no way I could hold back a smile, “I love you too, Pan.”
A smirk played on his lips as he stepped towards me, “Please, darling, call me Peter.” He insisted, snaking an arm around my waist in an attempt to pull me closer to him.
“Well in that case... I love you too, Peter.” And with that our lips collided. 
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I hoped you liked this! I felt like writing something ling because it's been quite a while since I've uploaded! I'm not sure if the smut was a hit overkill but hopefully not ❤😘🥰 xxxxxx
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you-imagine-i-write · 7 years
Sassy Encounters
Requested by Anonymous: “Gould you do a peter pan imagine with a sassy reader who’s notre afraid of him and that’s what makes peter fall, but not too much bc he is a cutie devil”
Thanks to @dragon-memes sass prompts: “It’s a real shame nobody asked for your opinion” “You cannot fathom the immensity of the fuck I don’t give”
Summary: OUAT Peter Pan x Reader. Peter discovers you in Neverland and wants you out, so you propose a solution; Pan’s intrigued. 
Word count: 1,047 Words
You had been minding your own business, dozing in a tree, when you heard the approaching footsteps. Lazily, your eyes opened slightly, but you remained slumped against the branches. You knew who it’d be, and quite frankly you were surprised that it had taken him so long to find you considering his gross protectiveness over his territory.
“The infamous Peter Pan,” you called down at him when you spotted the boy pacing below you. “we meet at last!”
HIs head whipped up towards you and you could just about make out the dangerous smirk on his face as you gave a jaunty wave.
Pan pointed a finger at you. “You’ve got three seconds to get down from there.”
“Or what? I’m pretty sure there’s meant to be some incentive at the end of statements like that,” you called back down to him with a grin.
“You’re underestimating how quickly I could kill you; I don’t think you’re in a position to be making jokes right now,”
“It’s a real shame nobody asked for your opinion, then.”
The boy’s hands started to glow menacingly and his head tilted to the side in a challenging manner.
Deciding that you really didn’t want you this tree to be brought to the ground, you huffed, “Fine, fine I’m coming!”
Scooting forwards off your branch, you fell for a second before grabbing onto another one. You swung once and then landed on the forest floor with a thump, before finding yourself immediately pressed against the tree with hand around your throat and a pair of brown eyes catching you in an unwavering stare.
“Who are you and how did you get onto my island?”
After wiggling in Pan’s grip for a second and realising that you wouldn’t be getting out of it any time soon, you opted for a smile and a wink. “Wow, you’re really good at this whole first impressions thing; the name’s Y/N. Also, there’s this thing called a boat?”
Surprisingly, the boy smirked and leant forwards until your noses were almost touching and you could feel his hot breath on your face. Slowly, he turned his head to the side and began to whisper into your ear.
“You know, it’s been a long time since I’ve met someone who isn’t scared of me. Unfortunately, those types of people don’t tend to last long in Neverland.”
Refusing to give in to the unsettling feeling in the pit of your stomach, you turned to press your mouth to his ear and give Pan a taste of his own medicine.
Forcing down a laugh, you managed to whisper out, “You cannot fathom the immensity of the fuck I don’t give.”
If the low growl and the increasing amount of pressure on your throat was any indication, you may have possibly made a mistake.
“I’m giving you two options, get on your boat and get off of my land or… I could just kill you.”
Gulping slightly, you tutted in disapproval. “You know, those options don’t really sound all too appealing. I mean, I’m enjoying my island vacation right now and the whole death thing seems like such a drag. Can I interest you in a third option?”
Pan’s eyebrow quirked up and it may have just been your imagination, but you could have sworn that his hold on your neck had loosened slightly. “I’m listening.”
“A fight, you and me, one on one with no magic, preferably, because I can see that being a disadvantage for me. You win and I’ll get on my boat and out of your hair, I win and I get to stay. Simple!”
The hand on your throat disappeared as Peter chuckled and released you. “A fight? You know, I didn’t think you were the kind of person to have a death wish, but each to their own.”
“You accept then?” You asked as you gently massaged your sore throat and rolled your shoulders, clenching you fists and raising them in front of your face.
Eyebrows raised, Pan smirked. “You’re actually serious? Very well, but don’t expect me to go easy on you.”
“Believe me, from the stories I’ve heard about you that would be the last thing I’d of thought.”
You stared at each other for a while in silence, neither making the first move, but when it became apparent that Peter was just waiting to see what you would do, you struck. He dodged each of your swipes with ease, simply ducking from left to right with a smirk.
Quickly attempting to form a plan in your head before Pan became bored and decided to actually start fighting back, you turned and went to scramble back up the tree you had previously been sitting in. Turning your back on the boy for any stretch of time turned out to be a mistake though, as you soon found yourself pressed face first into the forest floor with Peter’s full weight on your back. After a short struggle, you managed to turn yourself so that you were facing Peter, his face inches from your own.
“What are we counting as a loss in this so called fight? Because I could happily stay here for a while.” Pan smirked cockily from above you.
You brought your legs up to his stomach, putting all of your strength into one final kick as you threw Pan off of you. Surprised, Peter stumbled back slightly and you smirked triumphantly as your plan fell into place. The circle of rope on the ground that you had covered with a layer of leaves a few hours ago tightened around the boy’s ankle, pulling his feet out from under him and eliciting a small noise of shock as he was pulled skywards.
“Who needs magic when I’ve got a good old fashioned piece of rope?” You laughed, stepping towards Pan as he dangled upside down in front of you.
Crouching down to his eye level, you patted his cheek with a smirk. “I think this island is big enough for the both of us but, if you’re lucky, maybe we’ll see each other around.”
Then, you turned and ran, disappearing into the trees, leaving behind a bemused Peter who continued to stare at your retreating back with a mixture of irritation and awe.
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