monopolytiles · 2 years
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FULL NAME: Cristal Lai NICKNAME(S): Crissy AGE: 35 | January 4th, 1987 GENDER & PRONOUNS: Cisfemale, She/her FACE CLAIM: Karrueche Tran EYE COLOR: Brown HAIR COLOR: Black HEIGHT: 5′1″ OCCUPATION: Owner of the White Lantern Nightclub, former member of IN2OUCH (2004-2010) AFFILIATION: White Snakes - Deputy Mountain Master HOMETOWN: Reno, Nevada
Cristal Lai (nee Nguyen) was born into a life that many would call questionable. Her father was a kingpin in his own right, heading a crime organization by the name of the Jade Dragons in Reno, Nevada where he stayed with his children and wife. Drugs, death, she saw it all. Her major turning point in life was when she was ten years old. She could remember the day vividly. Her father packed all of her clothes, her favorite stuffed panda and a few snacks, put her in their black Cadillac SUV where their driver then took her to Las Vegas. The Lai family welcomed her with open arms, only to be met with confusion from her. *He said he would come back soon..* she repeated to herself for the first two weeks. Those two weeks turned into five months and she understood then that she was now a Lai. The process of adoption wasn’t hard, she went from Cristal Nguyen to Cristal Lai. Her once fluent Vietnamese was overtaken with fluent Mandarin and the heritage she’d come to love was now fading.
Cristal never hated her father for leaving her. Sure, she was confused, a little upset at the situation. But, she understood that he had to do what was best for her. He’d gone off to prison just months after she was taken away. The Lai family did their best to keep this news away from her, but when her own natal aunt brought that information to her attention, she was angry. Fuck the system. Fuck the system that took her father away and destroyed the bond she’d built with him. It didn’t damage her though. Not at all. Instead, she decided to use this new life to become the absolute best. She was now one of the Lai family members and she was going to become the family favorite. Being adopted was going to make that difficult, but she loved a challenge.
Throughout her school years, she excelled in the arts, spending hours mimicking the work of the greatest artists known to mankind. By the time she’d reached high school, she was able to replicate the Mona Lisa to a T. Her immense artistic prowess allowed her to become a valuable member of the White Snakes. But this was also the team she discovered that she had a singing voice on her, often using it to entertain the guests who visited the Lai home when she was younger. She never thought this was something she could use to assist her family, but that was where she was wrong.
Just when she was contemplating what university she wanted to attend, she was brought into a meeting with the head of I*terscope records, where she auditioned and became the last member of IN2OUCH, a burlesque style girl group where she would act as the second lead vocalist. This allowed for her to get in touch with many artists, forging their work for her family secretly and sending it off. Aside from that, she enjoyed the success, touring the world, garnering fans, but ultimately her battles with the lead vocalist would cause her to leave. She felt as though she wanted more out of her life than playing second fiddle to an ego-maniac. So, she left sunny Los Angeles and IN2OUCH behind, to work full-time for the Snakes as a member of the family. Be it blood related or not.
Returning home, she had life figured out for the most part. She moved up the ranks, she did the Snakes proud and landed where she is now. Deputy Mountain Master with plans to fully take over when it was her time… in due time.
In the meantime, she opened the White Lantern with the help of her family, deciding she could use this as a way to target upcoming artists to forge their art. It was the best way she knew how. A safe haven for adults to have fun with the enticing views for young artists.
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hllraizr · 2 years
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Everyone suspects JASON VANCE of at least one of the cardinal sins, but in Nevada, the worst sins are bound by blood and this is HIS: FOXES. HE rolled the dice TWO YEARS ago as a VYGYVTSYA. Under the desert sun, they claim the act of SECURITY FOR LOTUS HOTEL & CASINO. They’re often mistaken for DOMINIC SHERWOOD before those crimson colored glasses slide down their nose. JACE better get busy living, or they’ll get busy dying by the ripe age of THIRTY-TWO. There are no second acts in a marked life, and it’s measured out by the melody of NATURAL BORN KILLER BY AVENGED SEVENFOLD.
full name: jason michael vance name meaning: the name jason is a typically masculine name that is believed to have greek and hebrew origins. jason is a classic and traditional greek name. in greek, the name means “healer.” nickname / alias: jace gender / pronouns: cisman / he, him sexuality: bisexual, with a preference for men age, birthday + zodiac: 32, January 17th, 1990 + capricorn place of birth: kent, england, united kingdom job: security for lotus hotel & casino // vygyvtsya for the foxes song: natural born killer - avenged sevenfold
faceclaim: dominic sherwood height: 5′11 eye color: he suffers from heterochromia. one eye is pale blue while the other is blue/brown hair color + appearance: blond, though his natural hair color is brunette + muscular, usually dresses in leather jackets and black jeans with boots tattoos / scars: he has tattoos spread across his body. his organization tattoo is hidden inside of his tattoo sleeve / he has several scars from his time he spent over seas.
TRIGGER WARNINGS FOR: Death, targeted killing, military training, sociopathy
“The darkest pit of hell has opened to swallow you whole.” For some children, their future is theirs to shape. As time progresses, children learn what they like and don’t like. They gain a personality all to themselves and in most cases, determine their own path. For Jason, he was never given that choice. Born into a military family, he spent a majority of his childhood on military bases where his father held rank as Regimental Sergeant Major after making a career for himself in the British Army after the National Service Act went into effect in 1949.
With his father active in the military, Jason was able to attend Duke of York’s Royal Military School where military traditions and discipline were instilled into his daily routine. For the next seven years, Jason remained at said boarding school and actively grew involved in the activities the school had to offer. He passed his GCSE with flying colors, graduated at the top of his class, and eventually met a recruiter to dig deeper into a future in the military. The only choice he’d need to make involved which branch he wanted to go into. Each branch had its potential as far as Jason was concerned and while he will never admit his father’s influence had something to do with his decision, he too picked the British Army. At 17, he officially signed.
He started at the bottom, but slowly climbed his way in the ranks. As someone who didn’t want to participate in the military simply because that’s what his father wanted, Jason did all he could to get out from under the shadow his father had created as a senior officer. He started off as an infantry soldier, mastering a number of weapons, completed undercover missions in Northern Ireland, and completed several tours overseas before his active sergeant pulled him to the side and asked him what he truly wanted to do with his time. When The Special Reconnaissance Regiment (SRR) was mentioned, Jason didn’t even hesitate. He applied for the position, but he didn’t hear anything back for what felt like months. Unknown to him, the SRR was insanely selective in who they picked and had no intentions on offering him a position immediately. It wasn’t until he had come back from his third trip overseas that he finally received an offer for this specific position. He was trained in various special forces techniques, including resistance to interrogation, escape and evasion, close-quarters combat, and high and low altitude parachuting. He was also taught to master intelligence-gathering operations.
He spent a good ten years with the SRR. He has learned to master several techniques, though he excels at following his targets on foot without being caught and he’s a pro at installing wiretaps and cameras on those unfortunate enough to be his target.  While he will never straight up admit to killing anyone, there was a time he became so desensitized to his work that accidentally killing those at the wrong place at the wrong time got nothing more than a shrug from him. As time progressed, Jason’s behavior become more erratic to the point where formal discipline had to happen. After documents were uncovered proving he had eliminated several people not on his list while overseas, a cover up happened. While he remained in the SRR, the disciplinary action that followed took him out of active duty and put on the reserve list.
Moving to America was probably not the brightest idea he had, but for Jason, the change of scenery has been good for him. Nevada, though obnoxiously hot, is a place he couldn’t be happier in. He will be the first to admit he came across the Foxes on an accident, but given his former career and his ability to get intel, he can’t say he’s surprised there’s something lurking under the surface here. Initiation was unique and reminded him of the training he went through in the military, but like most things, Jason’s ego is bigger than most realize. While being hunted in the desert, he did what he did best. He fought back. He was able to disarm two of them and the third, he used their own weapon against them, leaving a mark that has probably scarred over.
He has been with the Foxes ever since, honing skills and making them better. Although he is not officially out of the military, he hasn’t been called to serve in almost three years. Instead, he is serving another organization. One that pays him better and offers him the freedom to be himself. An organization that doesn’t seem to care as long as he cleans up his messes.
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defnebosnak · 2 years
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Name: Defne Bosnak
Faceclaim: Melisa Asli Pamuk
Gender & Pronouns: Cisfemale, She/her
Age: 31
Birthday: June 9, 1991
Height: 5′9″
Occupation: Manager of Asena Bank
Affiliation & role: Asenas & Clerkman
Birthplace: Las Vegas, NV
TW: violence, loss of a child, death
Eldest Bosnak daughter and she won’t let anyone forget that
Power hungry, vile and void of emotion, but can be truly soft underneath it all
Lost her child with Aydin and has been angry with him ever since, she also ended things with him due to it
Her patience is thin and she will let it be known when she wants someone to shut up
Agile, determined and relentless best describe Defne as a whole
She went through a bit of a boy crazy stage in her younger years, now she simply uses men and tosses them aside
How she feels about the other families of the Asena’s isn’t verbally said but the way she interacts with them is telling
The essentials to her existence are beauty products and variations of tea.. she can get incredibly grumpy without them
She has two purebred poodles named  Ezgü and Ferdi which she has someone walk twice a day for her as well as having their meals prepared by a chef
A force to be reckon with since the day she popped out of the womb, Defne Osman had always been incredibly controlling. From a young age, she would tell everyone around her how she wanted to live life and that they would follow suit, even her own parents. Her earliest memory of causing havoc at her fifth birthday party because of the placement and color of the candles. She specifically asked for two purple purple candles, one yellow, a green and a gold for good luck. But no, someone got her five pink candles that were terrible placed. Instead of blowing the candles out, she smashed the cake viciously and looked up at her parents in utter disgust. From that moment on, her parents knew she would be a handful to take care of, but she was their princess and they wouldn’t have it any other way. Nor would she, if she were to be completely honest.
In middle school, she had a brush with fate, meeting one of her best friends. They were different in many ways, but she liked this about them. Whether it was the fact that she listened to all kinds of pop music and they were alternative, or that she felt somewhat of a weight lifted from her shoulders whenever the two of them interacted due to her not having to live up to a name with them, it was peaceful. Though, a distraction would soon come along in the form of boys. She was so boy crazy, from famous ones she never thought she could meet, to the ones who resided right down the street, she just wanted to be around them. Maybe it was Disney movies or the simple fact that she’d a likened herself to royalty, but she always thought that a princess deserved the perfect prince.
This boy craze followed her throughout high school, having fallen in love with one of the lower Asenas at the time. The two of them would spend time together in her room, just talking about the various ins and outs of life and what made her who she was. Why was she so evil? He didn’t see her that way, it came to her as an absolute shock. Why would anyone look at her, the stereotypical cheerleader with a knack for pulling men to the side only to sock them in the jaw for speaking to her wrong, was nice underneath it all? He won her over after that one conversation but she wasn’t going to let him get her that easily. It was a game of cat and mouse until they’d eventually fallen for one another. 
Push come to shove, they were set to be parents at some point but it was sadly ripped away when Defne suffered a miscarriage. A miscarriage that also tore their relationship apart because she misplaced her feelings of sadness as anger toward him. Every time he rightfully included himself in the conversation, she would stress that his body didn’t go through what hers did and she sadly ended the relationship abruptly. She decided in that moment to fully return her reign of terror over the Asenas. She’d been named after Defne Arslan and it only felt right that she, Defne Bosnak remind everyone exactly why she was.
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peraspvra · 2 years
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there  is  some  hope  in  sin  city,  but  more  than  good  intention  is  needed  to  fight  the  reputation  that  damns  las  vegas.  A Y L A  has  been  surrounded  with  death  from  a  young  age,  where  it  graces  her  fingertips  and  now  guides  a  trigger.  she  seems  to  be  one  of  the  few  voices  for  the  dead  who  have  fallen  because  of  the  dark  forces  at  play.  married  to  her  work,  going  as  far  as  abandoning  what  could  have  been  love,  she  plays  the  role  of  O R P H E N E  who  was  an  underworld  nymph  married  to  the  very  river  that  cuts  through  every  damned  piece  of  hell.
FULL  NAME:  Ayla  Ryanne  Quinn,  but  previously  known  undercover  as  Eden  Donovan  while  in  Las Vegas  two  years  ago  (Eden  Donovan  has  been  presumed  dead  for  those  two  years)    AGE  AND  DATE  OF  BIRTH:  31,  November  28,  1990    GENDER  AND  PRONOUNS:  Ciswoman,  she/her    FACE  CLAIM:  Phoebe  Tonkin    HOMETOWN:  Phoenix,  Arizona    OCCUPATION:  Previously  an  FBI  Agent,  specifically  the  Violent  Gang  Task  Force  of  Arizona.  Currently  a  barista  at  Ambrosia  Cafe    TRIGGERS  IN  BIOGRAPHY:  death,  sexual  assault
AYLA  never  knew  her  real  parents.  She  was  adopted  at  the  age  of  one,  taken  in  by  an  FBI  agent  who  had  gotten  close  to  her  case  and  knew  that  when  a  little  baby  had  no  other  living  family  they’d  be  thrown  into  the  system.  Jamie  Quinn  didn’t  want  that,  no,  and..  in  reality,  he  was  getting  older.  Divorced  but  with  no  children,  he  was  already  forty  and  married  to  his  job.  He  wanted  something  else  to  live  for.  Ayla  came  into  his  life  at  the  perfect  time,  and  while  he  knew  he  couldn’t  take  every  kid  into  his  home,  it  was  enough  that  he  would  have  her.  She  grew  up  knowing  nothing  but  the  love  and  care  of  her  father,  and  his  mother  who  took  care  of  her  when  he  was  busy  working.  Never  having  a  real  mother  growing  up  may  have  deprived  her  of  some  things,  but  she  would’ve  never  had  it  any  other  way.
IN  a  way,  she  always  knew  she  wanted  to  follow  in  her  father’s  footsteps.  Even  though  he  spent  so  much  time  away,  the  time  they  did  spend  together  she  was  delighted  with  hearing  his  stories  and  exaggerated  tales  of  his  'adventures’  that  he  altered  for  a  young  girl  to  hear.  But  at  the  center  of  it  all  was  her  father,  the  hero  who  always  saved  the  day,  and  she  wanted  that  to  be  her.  Ayla  wanted  to  be  the  hero  that  her  father  had  always  been  in  her  eyes-  and  while  she  grew  up  with  the  faith  that  there  were  heroes,  somehow  she’d  turned  a  blind  eye  to  the  reality  that  not  everyone  was  good.  Always  fixated  on  the  hero  of  the  story,  she  overlooked  his  opposition..  always  imagined  them  as  disfigured,  Joker-like  in  their  transparent  villainy,  and  never  considered  they  could  look  just  like  her.  Maybe  the  most  important  message  she’d  never  taken  from  the  stories  she  grew  up  with,  was  that  not  every  man  was  her  father.
HER  sophomore  year  was  a  turning  point,  when  a  senior  set  his  eyes  on  her  and  wouldn’t  take  no  for  an  answer.  Not  when  it  came  to  asking  her  out  on  a  date,  and  certainly  not  when  it  came  to  her  trying  to  leave  his  house  when  he  wouldn’t  stop  trying  to  put  his  hands  on  her.  Ayla  never  told  her  father  what  happened,  couldn’t  bear  to  admit  that  she’d  gotten  herself  into  such  a  situation  and..  when  faced  with  danger,  couldn’t  even  be  the  hero  of  her  own  story.  Studies  had  always  been  important  to  her  before,  but  even  moreso  when  she  quit  spending  time  with  her  friends  and  stopped  tagging  along  to  parties.  From  high  school  to  getting  her  bachelor’s  for  her  major  in  criminal  justice  and  minor  in  forensic  psychology,  her  sights  were  set  on  becoming  an  agent  like  her  father.  It  wasn’t  long  until  she  succeeded,  with  the  help  of  connections  and  the  firm  belief  that  she  could  reclaim  her  life  and  finally  become  the  hero  she’d  always  wanted  to  be.
AFTER  a  few  years  she  was  recruited  into  the  Violent  Gang  Task  Force,  with  a  mission  to  go  undercover  in  Las  Vegas  when  they  were  seeking  outside  help  on  their  rising  gang  issue.  It  would’ve  been  too  obvious  to  use  their  own  people,  so  they  sought  help  from  the  surrounding  states  and  Ayla  was  chosen  to  be  stationed  undercover  with  the  name  Eden  Donovan.  Much  of  the  beginning  of  her  life  as  Eden  was  a  blur,  placed  a  a  bartender  and  catching  the  eye  of  one  Mason  Torres.  That  was  when  everything  became  crystal  clear.  Her  future  was  rewritten  the  moment  they  met,  and  she  couldn’t  count  how  many  times  she  had  to  remind  herself  that  he  was  just  apart  of  her  ticket  into  the  inner  workings  of  the  Asenas.  It  wasn’t  true,  though,  their  time  spent  together  was  more  real  than  anything  she’d  ever  felt  in  her  life  and  even  though  she  wasn’t  really  Eden,  she  wanted  to  be.
AYLA  had  gotten  too  deep.  One,  then  two  missed  check-ins,  and  she  was  clocked  one  night  when  she  was  leaving  Mason’s  apartment.  They  removed  her  from  the  case,  gave  her  undercover  persona  a  headstone  and  she  worked  hard  to  convince  them  that  she  was  just..  doing  her  job.  She  was  only  given  the  green  light  to  stay  in  her  position  monitoring  from  the  outside,  from  Arizona,  and  most  importantly  away  from  Mason.  Just  when  Ayla  thought  she  couldn’t  possibly  lose  anyone  else  that  she  loved,  her  father  passed.  With  the  loss  of  one  of  the  most  important  people  in  her  life,  she  quit  the  bureau  and  fled  to  the  comfort  of  the  only  other  person  she  cared  to  be  with.  Mason  Torres.  Now,  back  in  Las  Vegas,  she’s  going  by  her  real  name  and  wants  to  reconnect  with  the  man  she  hasn’t  seen  in  two  years  and  convince  him  that  everything  they  had  was  real.  Just..  not  the  name.  No  longer  was  she  Eden  Donovan,  she  was  Ayla  Quinn.  She  just  hoped  that  he  could  accept  that.
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charlienam · 2 years
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𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐄 𝐍𝐀𝐌  —  𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐡𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫  .  .  .  🤪 🏹
.  .  .  i mean, to be stabworthy, you know? it's, uh  .  .  .  it's kind of a compliment.
MUSINGS  .  .  .  VISAGE  .  .  .  HEADCANONS  .  .  . .  .  .  SELF-PARAS  .  .  .  CONNECTIONS  .  .  .  extended map.
Everyone suspects CHARLIE NAM of at least one of the cardinal sins, but in Nevada, the worst sins are bound by blood and SHE has yet to roll the dice. HER fixation on the neon lights of Nevada started TWO MONTHS ago as a HITMAN. Under the desert sun, they claim the act of CASHIER @ ELYSIAN MARKET. They’re often mistaken for PARK SO-DAM before those crimson colored glasses slide down their nose. CHARLIE better get busy living, or they’ll get busy dying by the ripe age of THIRTY-ONE. There are no second acts in a marked life, and it’s measured out by the melody of CAN’T STOP by RED HOT CHILI PEPPERS.
+ perceptive, quick-thinking, principled, affable, energetic. - destructive, risk-prone, impulsive, hot-headed, easily bored.
—  written by morgan, 23, she/her, pst  .  .  .  player is a cis bi korean female.
trigger warnings: death, murder, violence.
TLDR; met her well-meaning parents in the middle when it came to her destructive tendencies. but she found an incredible outlet for her energy after a mercenary network recruited her post-college. however, after she realized how deep her employers’ treachery went, she played the long game to cut her losses. after three years of constant running, she was picked up by a hitman network. to this day, they’ve proved to be more transparent employers. their targets have transparently terrible reputations too. charlie is still suspicious of her new employers, but she can at least try to atone for her sins and gain protection through her work
       For what it’s worth, Charlie’s parents did their best. Despite being inundated with cultural shock and their daughter’s massive penchant for destruction, they tried to provide a balanced life. Of course, they didn’t really have much of a choice other than to put in that extra effort.
       That aforementioned balance also needed to account for Charlie’s endless source of energy. As a result, she was an incredible student athlete — most notably in soccer, track and field, and gymnastics. She was also placed in hapkido classes, a choice her parents would regret later on when she’d happily use her skills outside of class.
       To demonstrate her appreciation as a daughter, Charlie graduated from Northwestern University with a mechanical engineering degree. Her university experiences also involved captainship of the women’s lacrosse team and employment in a hapkido studio as a teaching assistant.
       Lupin, a mercenary network moonlighting as a food technologies corporation, lured her into their network during her senior year with a deskbound internship, promising a stable and well-paying job post-graduation. Little would she know that she’d quickly move on from analyzing blueprints to roughing up her knuckles.
       Charlie’s employers were never keen on spending extra expenses for long training periods. That’s a big reason why she was filtered for employment — her combat skills, natural knack for espionage, and a rare penchant for remaining relatively unruffled in the face of violence. After a two-year training period, she became a field agent. The details of her assignments weren’t too specific and she was trained to resist her natural spirit of inquiry. Their mistake was relying on that resistance, especially after she started following her gut regarding her workplace’s suspect political affiliations.
       After a year of well-performed employment, Charlie copied a few threads of information evidencing Lupin’s treachery onto a flash drive. That felt short of her original plan, which was to get significantly more. Instead, her supervisors caught wind of her covert efforts and forced her to run. She expected it, of course. Even wanted it. Working for people like Lupin kept leaving her sick to her stomach.
       But because of her employment’s premature conclusion, she soon had to use her temporary upper hand to feed the press a few headlines. This bought her just enough time to slip under the radar for three years.
       Three years is enough time for a girl to get some good hiding practice. It’s also a lot longer than most people achieve staying out of Lupin’s radar, especially when they cause enough trouble to make the news — even if they do so as unnamed suspects.
       However, despite Charlie’s talent for hiding, she still attracted enough attention to land her into the protective arms of a separate hitman network. As far as they’ll let her know, they’re totally unnamed. Her instincts tell her they’re not working primarily as a corporation or a governmentally-associated body. Somehow, they also have enough power to let her out into the light without a muscle from Lupin at her heels. Their assignments were a lot more transparent and Charlie’s never expended any sympathy on the people she put in the ground on their behalf.
       A whole lot of different details, and none of them make her feel at ease. She also doesn’t believe in miracles. Although she’s not currently in the mood to investigate, she’s smart enough to know that her guardian angels come with strings attached, even if she doesn’t know what those strings are just yet.
       Nonetheless, her new employers do offer ample protection. It’s why she can eat at a fast food restaurant without getting sniped. So for now, she’ll simply do her job while figuring out her next step — or figuring out if she cares enough to formulate a next step.
       Charlie’s latest assignment takes her to Las Vegas. Not the first time she’s been there, even for work. Maybe even especially so. The city’s penchant for clutter and chaos serves her well, offering enough anonymity for her to work in peace.
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crrisptrepidation · 2 years
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Everyone suspects RAFAEL QUINTERO of at least one of the cardinal sins, but in Nevada, the worst sins are bound by blood and this is HIS: THE ASENAS. HE rolled the dice THIRTY YEARS ago as a CLEANER. Under the desert sun, they claim the act of RESTAURANT OWNER/CHEF. They’re often mistaken for TOMMY MARTINEZ before those crimson colored glasses slide down their nose. RAF better get busy living, or they’ll get busy dying by the ripe age of THIRTY. There are no second acts in a marked life, and it’s measured out by the melody of BAD HABIT BY STEVE LACY.
tw parental death, tw fire
Rafael is the second child and oldest son of Fransisco and Maria Quintero, owners of a local Venezuelan restaurant named Moflete, located in the heart of Las Vegas.
Fransisco was Rafael’s idol growing up, in awe of the magic that his father created in the kitchen, and it was never a question that Rafael wanted to follow in his footsteps, even if his culinary skills did not come as easily. 
Despite this, he snagged an acceptance to the Culinary Institute of America in San Antionio, Texas, where he attended for two years. There, his skills truly were honed, and the end of his two year associate program saw him off to New York to complete his bachelor’s and break onto the food scene located in the city.
His career in New York skyrocketed, and by twenty five, he was on the rise, having been labeled as one of Food & Wine’s Best New Chefs, all while working under some of the best chefs in the world. 
However, this newfound stardom wasn’t all that it was cracked up to be. In his father’s kitchen, he’d always relied on passion rather than skill to push him forward, but that passion had been smothered by the exhaustion and anxiety that came from working in such fast paced, high tension environments. 
He knew he couldn’t turn back, however--and that was made even more clear upon returning home the year of the Food & Wine accomplishment, when a fight broke out between Rafael and his father at Fransisco’s refusal to allow Rafael into his kitchen.
Six years had passed between then and the fateful phone call of a year ago, where Rafael learned that Moflete had perished in a fire, and his father with it. It was also around this time that Rafael discovered that Moflete had been on the verge of going under, and it was only through many loans from Asena Bank that the doors had managed to stay open at all.
With the Quintero patriarch unable to pay back what he owed, the responsibility fell onto Rafael with a house visit from The Asenas, and a deed for a new building with his name printed neatly on the page. The message was clear: they’d be making their money back.
Fransisco’s opened barely a month later, serving up classic Venezuelan dishes in honor of the restaurants’ late namesake...and serving as a front for the Asenas to launder money through.
Details/wanted connections:
Heavily inspired by Carmen "Carmy" Berzatto from Hulu’s The Bear.
Can cook the most elaborate of dishes but literally lives off of pb&j’s, Nacho Cheese Doritos, Red Bull and weed when he gets home. If he’s off the clock, he will Not cook for you.
Has no curtains or real furniture in his apartment but most definitely has a $1400 knife used exclusively for fish.
x, x
Has two siblings, an older sister and a younger brother, that are up for grabs, and I would absolutely love to work either a failed marriage or engagement into his background, so both of those are definitely high up on my wanted connections list and open to any gender, as well as a sous chef or any employees of Fransisco’s. Some other wanted connections would definitely be childhood best friends/friends or exes, since he grew up in Las Vegas, frequent customers of either Moflete or Fransisco’s (or both), hookups/one night stands, members of The Asenas keeping an eye on him...
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heldfate · 2 years
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Everyone suspects BROOKS AMATO of at least one of the cardinal sins, but in Nevada, the worst sins are bound by blood and this is HIS: THE FOXES. HE rolled the dice EIGHT YEARS AGO IN NEVADA ago as a VYGYVTSYA. Under the desert sun, they claim the act of BARISTA AT AMBROSIA CAFE. They’re often mistaken for KYLE ALLEN before those crimson colored glasses slide down their nose. BROOKS better get busy living, or they’ll get busy dying by the ripe age of TWENTY-SEVEN. There are no second acts in a marked life, and it’s measured out by the melody of ECHO BY JASON WALKER.
Trigger Warnings: Alcohol/Drug Use, Addiction
As the second son of the Amato family, soon to be the middle of the older children, Brooks lived in his older brother’s shadow for a long while. Even after his other siblings were born, he still felt like he was like a little puppy that followed their oldest brother around wherever he went. When he was younger, it was one of his more naive traits, leaving him to abandon any questioning of his brother’s actions when it came to protecting the family. Wherever the eldest failed, Brooks had to fill in and step up to the occasion to be there for the family and his siblings. He was never great at school, no matter how hard he tried. The booksmarts just weren’t there for him like they were for his siblings and he struggled a lot, often times turning to Julia for help with academics or daring to tread on their older brother’s territory by asking if he could help. Of course, his requests to the oldest Amato fell on deaf ears. He was waved off more often than not.
As an impressionable teenager, he was influenced a lot by his brother’s antics. He got into drinking and drug use at the ripe age of fourteen, starting fairly safe with just weed and a some casual drinking. Addiction, though, ran through his veins quite quickly and Brooks ended up being hospitalized at least twice before his senior year. He got so out of control so quickly that he ended up in rehab just two months before graduation, but their family didn’t really have the funds to keep him there longer than a couple months. When he was released at eighteen, Brooks was clean for a while. He was clean enough for his best friend to take note of and she offered him a spot with the Foxes in hopes of keeping him busy, keeping him clean and giving him something to look forward to or work towards. He was hesitant at first, mostly because he knew how dangerous the scene could be, but he eventually began training with them. His best friend led him up in the ranks during his first few years, showing him the ropes because she’d been part of the organization for about two years before him. It was a great support system… at first. This support system turned into a small group that had planned that of an uprising against the members of the Lysytsya family. His best friend’s union became the face of a rebellion against them, and Brooks was part of it all. He grew to despise the family’s reign, finding himself more in the background of it all, but still so very present.
Flash forward to after the rebellion, after the Lysytsya family had been cast off of their throne (Lav aside), after Brooks had established his loyalty and rightful place with the Foxes… Brooks fell back into old habits. One night out with the wrong people and he remembered what it was like to turn to old habits as a form of escapism. A year after the rebellion, Brooks was admitted into rehab again, this time having it paid for by his best friend. She was the one who suggested it, too. He was in and out of rehab for a while after that, only recently becoming fully sober and fully clean. He’s also proving he’s worthy of keeping his position in the Foxes now, trying to save himself from going back to a life that was nothing but hell for him.
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ofparadice · 2 years
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Everyone suspects FIONN SEAMUS CALLAGHAN of at least one of the cardinal sins, but in Nevada, the worst sins are bound by blood and this is HIS: THE BROTHERS OF ICHOR. HE rolled the dice ONE YEAR ago as a PROSPECT. Under the desert sun, they claim the act of AMATEUR BOXER. They’re often mistaken for BARRY KEOGHAN before those crimson colored glasses slide down their nose. FI better get busy living, or they’ll get busy dying by the ripe age of TWENTY-NINE. There are no second acts in a marked life, and it’s measured out by the melody of THOSE NIGHTS BY BASTILLE.
CHARACTER FULL NAME: Fionn Seamus Callaghan
CHARACTER AGE AND DATE OF BIRTH: Twenty-Nine, November 10th, 1992
FACE CLAIM: Barry Keoghan
HOMETOWN: Galway, Ireland
OCCUPATION: Bouncer & Amateur Boxer
TRIGGERS IN BIOGRAPHY: Abuse, Homophobia, Murder, Death, Addiction, Overdose, Drugs
Born into an affluent Irish family, one of stature and reputation, his mother coming from a family of old money, but dark secrets lurked in the shadows that he wouldn't know about until it was too late. Both his parents had demons that they hid very well, a propensity for mind altering substances, a quality he would acquire later in life. When he was eight his mother, Imogen had taken a fatal dose of heroin and passed and things were never the same for his two younger siblings, himself and most importantly his father.
His father's own addiction to alcohol had brought out the worst in him after his wife passed. A bad temper, coupled with the liquor coursing through his veins finally brought to light his disappointment in his oldest child. It started out with name calling, jabs that called out his sexuality and then escalated into physical confrontations. The abuse Fionn endured was just short of deadly, the blows to his face caused the avulsion of his upper front teeth and blew out his eardrums multiple times beginning the gradual loss of hearing. It was tragic that Fionn had such a promising life ahead of him, only to be cut short by the shortcomings of his own parents.
Many times he wanted to leave Galway, go to Dublin and start new, but his younger brother and sister tethered him to home. He would take every punch, every slur for the two of them, until they had left their family home. It was then that he found out why exactly his father hated him so much: he wasn't his son. A secret that his mother kept to herself, only writing a note he found years after. He had always put his mother on a pedestal and when he came to the realization that she was just as bad as his father, it made him easier to leave home.
He took the things he could and ran, hoping that the Atlantic would be enough space between him and his father as he traveled to New York. It was freeing to finally not have to worry about his father over his shoulder even though he went through town living on random couches and whatever jobs he could get. It was nomadic and simple, until he met someone that changed his entire life. A boy named Blue came into Fionn's life and surprised him.  What started out as a casual friendship that started out in an underground bar on New Years, became a situation where they shared a residence and the lines became blurred, whispers shared between the two in shared beds became official.
Blue made his feelings about men all too clear, even though he was scared but Blue made it easy for him and the two made a small corner of the world theirs. It wasn't much, but it was theirs and he felt whole for once in his life and Fionn knew Blue was his person. It wasn't until their fifth year together that his relationship with Blue completely changed into something much darker. A jealous opponent who couldn't handle the disgrace of losing decided to hurt Fionn the only way they could: hurting Blue. A horror that Fionn never expected, their assailant gathered his friends and held Fionn down as they showed exactly what kind of men they were. He saw red and grabbed the gun that was pointed at them and fired shots without a second thought. That night as he washed the blood from his hands, he realized he was a completely different person.
Fionn and Blue were never the same. Realizing their mistake, they ran, leaving all their problems in New York as they moved from city to city for six months, never spending too much time in a single place to avoid suspicion. They had pretended everything was okay for their sakes, but it was too much for the two. Six months after they left, they settled in Las Vegas, but they still went through the motions of familiarity. Thinking it was better they separate, Fionn left in the night and drifted as if the color blue never entered his life.
Adrift without a destination in mind, he continued to mindlessly travel, sleeping on couches and even in public restrooms, if he had too, but his sorrow and anguish was too much to bear and made his way back to Vegas to deal with the consequences of his actions as best he could.
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la-sangradura · 2 years
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ABOUT ILYA || Trust is nothing but a knife across your throat.
FULL NAME: Ilya Petrovich Lysytsya, aka Elijah “Eli” Peter Fox
AGE: Thirty
FACE CLAIM: Mike Faist
HEIGHT: 6′1″
DATE OF BIRTH: September 27th, 1992
LEVEL OF EDUCATION: Bachelor of Dance
OCCUPATION: Bartender at Vicky’s
CRIME ROLE & AFFILIATION: Posnacheni for the Foxes
HOMETOWN: Las Vegas, Nevada
PLACE OF BIRTH: Lysychans'k, Ukraine 
Ilya was born in Ukraine as all his siblings were, but his home was always the brightest city surrounded by bare necessity. He was given the same strike of motivation and threat, but he knew it was a script when it came to him. Ilya was the spare, and his success was measured by no more than the family’s limit of expectation. It also meant they were free to experiment with how he would be raised especially since his brothers took after their parents passed. Their rule had been the only muddy memory he had until the night of the take over. Ollie Fox and Boris Fox had trained their brother with a sense of envy against his youth and how he was spared their father’s hand, but they had revealed their flaws. Ilya had sought of the grace they lacked when he flocked to his sister and aunts in their absence, learning the power of a light step that his brothers lacked. Discretion became Ilya’s power, and he built a bridge between chaos and order. He trained in Nevada for dance, and Ukraine to use that poise to take it away from others. For quite some time, Ilya had been one of the few men trained in ballet for the sake of the kill.
Ilya still faced trial with the weight of his own name. His brothers looked at him to carry a legacy even in the lower ranks, and he was strung up on the expectation of taking risk but never aching for them. Many described Ilya as a contrast to his brothers, but those who managed to get close noted that he was the most like Ollie than the rest. He had simply built a cage for the untamed fox similar to his brother that raged inside him.
At some point, everyone looks back in order to learn from their mistakes, but Ilya Lysytsya is forced to looked forward. When the Foxes attacked their leaders, the last of their corrupted line was taken in the night and abandoned just where all rejected prospects buried their own bones. For two years, he was an unmarked prayer at the stripped dinner table of the Lysytsyas that clung to no more than the memory of ruling.
The youngest fox hid in the most vulnerable of places, burrowing himself in the caves he could find and clinging to the survival that was nothing more than an instinct ground into his bones by his family. He’d suffered significant injuries, but Ilya’s head had been stripped of the reasoning for his motivations. The chance to use his voice, determined by his the Lysytsya blood that ran along his body in blue ribbons under his skin, had lost its charm as aphasia and amnesia nestled into the cracks of his ailments. Ilya survived solely because his body told him to, and he endured solely because it was the only definite concept he knew. For two years, he ventured close to the city that beckoned his return only to turn away and run back to the silence of the desert.
He’d eventually find his way home through a muscle memory and an ache to find what sense of familiarity pushed him away from sand and stone. Curiosity brought him back to his sister’s door, but Ilya’s survival has only become more complex. As the youngest Lysytsya, his claim was no stronger than the other Foxes because of how many brothers and sisters stood between. He was no more than an embellishment on their family tree to show just how long their rule could last if tragedy struck, but no one ever believed Ilya would ever do more than sit like an heirloom on a shelf. He was trained like the rest, but their responsibility was never instilled in him the say way. Though, that may be what spared him of the ignorance that his brother’s wore a top the crown their family crafted for themselves.
Standing as one of the last living Lysytsyas and the former rulers of the Foxes, Ilya faces more threats than he can imagine. He wears a collar by his former allies but only time will tell if this submission is made in the ignorance of his current state of mind, or true understanding. What will come when Ilya looks back and remembers?
Ilya suffered significant brain damage upon the attack against the Foxes before they abandoned him in the desert after beating him. A combination of blows to his temporal lobes caused damage to his thalamus that resulted in retrograde amnesia. He had forgotten a magnitude of his memories, including the night of the attack as a whole. He also suffered damage to part of his temporal lobe, known as the Brocca’s area, responsible for the expression of language in writing and speaking. There was also a blow to his head that damaged his cerebral cortex and more specifically, Wernicke’s area, that affected the understanding of certain parts of speech.
Living with a mild form of both expressive and receptive aphasia. However, recovery is possible due to the damage. He’s simply not been able to work on his expression due to his time in the desert.
Ilya is the only male member of his family that was trained in dance, and trained in dance to kill. 
As a child, he became fascinated with the Vixens at Vicky’s and always wanted to go on stage. He spent a lot of time in the back room and during rehearsals. He often hung around before the opening of the bar in order to watch rehearsals. Often joking, but not really, he expressed a desire to come back to Nevada as a vixen if his dancing failed. He had a reputation for getting up on the stage after one too many. 
Ilya is much nicer than his family by comparison, but those who have gotten close to him have learned that he’s very similar to Ollie than anyone else which made him a threat. Despite Ilya’s refusal to be like his brother, and to be a better man, there was a part of him that came out that showed the Lysytsya line was cursed.
His Fox mark are two v’s behind his right ear.
Childhood friends since he grew up primarily in Las Vegas
Enemies, whether they’re crime related (White Snakes, others aware of the Foxes affiliation through previous work or related to targets he had) or family related because with money comes bad attitudes (gimme some asena rich kid drama)
People he’s wronged, who know he’s no different than Ollie
New friends he’s come to trust for guidance
Regulars at Vicky’s 
Dance partners? who tf knows
Former assassin partners
Foxes who hate his family line, and Foxes who are in secret support of the Lysytsyas 
Foxes who were involved in the attack against his family and dumpin’ his ass in the desert 
Medical personnel dealing with his case
People feeding him misinformation
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deidiavoli · 2 years
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general full name:  altan emre hsad nicknames: alt, altan.  age:  35 date of birth:  june 7th, 1985 zodiac: gemini  gender:  cismale pronouns: he/him sexuality: straight
physical hair color: brown.  eye color: brown. height: 6′1″ weight: 165 lbs
personality morality: chaotic good  positive traits: passionate, righteous, caring, empathetic, hard-working, determined  negative traits: stubborn, impulsive, headstrong, arrogant, dismissive occupation: investigative reporter at agent analysis  skills: master’s in journalism from stanford university. 
family parents: emir and aiyla hasad, emir deceased.  siblings. TBD 
born and raised in the capital of turkey, loved the city and bustling cars and noise, and grew up in a middle class, modest home filled with knowledge, books and love. 
altan’s parents, emir and aiyla, were his heroes from day one, his father a professor of psychology and literature and his mother a graphic artist for a big magazine in instanbul. 
emir volunteered his time at the magazine aiyla worked for, for his own excitement and always stressed at home to his son that you had to dow what was right, you have to stick up for the underdog and because of that, it was instilled in him to always fight for fairness and a sense of a morality. 
when altan was about five, already learned from his father english, the hasads moved to america to get a piece of the american dream themselves and settled in none other than las vegas, nevada. 
at school, altan thrived, although he received bullying because of his accent, but it eventually went away. his parents, however, with all of their education, were treated like second rate citizens, and his father, once a professor, became a deliveryman and his mother a nanny. 
he studied hard in school, his parents insisting that they were so lucky to be where they were, to be in america, to be grateful, but altan knew that it wasn’t right that they faced hardships and prejudice. he always said to his father what was the point of coming to america to fight for the little guy, for immigrants who were railed against if they can’t speak up on their own. 
in high school, right as altan was about to graduate, his wealthy aunt in turkey passed away and the family received a big inheritance and this was a sign, as well as altan getting into stanford for journalism. this was a sign that the hasads wouldn’t stand idly by anymore and with the money, altan enrolled in stanford and his parents and him started their very own anti crime newspaper called agent analysis. it was hard on crime, fought for the little guy and reached those who needed a voice. 
altan went to school, back and forth, back and forth, his parents more than capable of hiring and writing for the newspaper and finally, voices and crime were being talked about, voices that needed to be heard and crime that needed to be pointed out in las vegas. when altan graduated, he took a big role in the newspaper with his father who couldn’t be prouder of him. 
it wasn’t until two years ago that altan got the call that his father, after insisting there was ukrainian crime happening behind the scenes in las vegas and insisting he get deep into the story, was killed in the crosshairs of gang crime. 
this enraged and lit a fire like none other under altan who then took over at agent analysis, with his mother too bereaved to do much and he took it upon himself to stir the newspaper into a total smear campaign of nevada crime, making him crime’s number one enemy. 
right now, altan is not to be messed with - still reeling from the loss of his father and with his eye on the prize. his weapon of choice? a pen. 
wanted connections: 
enemies with the gangs, run in with the gangs 
co workers, photographers at agent analysis newspaper 
police alliances, someone on the force who gives him info 
friends he has had since he moved to las vegas 
roommates, long time best friends, frenemies 
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monopolytiles · 2 years
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Name: Jaekyung Aaliyah Ahn
Faceclaim: Sydney Park
Gender & Pronouns: Cisfemale, She/her
Age: 25
Birthday: August 1, 1997
Height: 5′5″
Occupation: Escort at the mirage (secretly a Full Stack Developer for Ahn Electronics)
Birthplace: Seoul, South Korea - moved to the US at the age of 14
TW: Organized crime, death, violent themes
Born to Jinho Ahn, heir and CFO of Ahn Electronics in South Korea
Her mother, Constance Ahn is an entertainment lawyer in South Korea (she moved there during college and went back to stay after meeting Jinho)
Her father’s family has a long history of being involved in ‘dirty deals’ and this lead to her brother being killed when she was young and her family assumed it to be a White Snake
In result, Jaekyung was sent to Vegas to do further digging on the White Snakes
Moonlighting as someone who is not wealthy and has to resort to escorting to make her way which is why she never invites anyone to her real home, instead she’ll invite them to an apartment she only partially lives in
She was engaged to Blythe and unfortunately couldn’t find the patience to stick around; she has no idea he is in Las Vegas and has been unintentionally avoiding him quite well since her arrival
She is a con-artist, she will use her body or anything else necessary to get the intel needed for snooping on the White Snakes
She is well versed in coding and does contract work, hacking for the right price and delivering an encrypted flashdrive to the paying party
Jaekyung’s family was incredibly well off, her father being the oldest son and CFO to the Ahn Electronics Company and her mother being an entertainment lawyer. There were a plethora of expectations placed upon her by her father from a very young age. She had no idea that her family had been involved in organized crime since the dawn of time, everything was done with such precision she was simply oblivious to all of the issues happening behind the scenes. As a child, she took ballet lessons, classical opera and computer lessons, all set up by her parents who wanted to train her for the family business. Being the kind of child who went with the flow, allowing herself to be molded into the ideal daughter by her controlling parents, they had minimal issues with doing so to her.
As she grew into her pre-teens, it was evident that she had a knack for making people listen. Her parents immediately took notice and would have her distract their opposition while they stole information right under their noses. Without knowing it, she was officially involved in their organized crime ring and was being pushed to become more involved as time went on. She noticed, though, she had to. Her older brother was killed right in front of her eyes by the gun of someone the family assumed was a White Snake. The anger that boiled inside of her knew no bounds. This was when the family picked up and moved to San Francisco.
Learning English wasn’t absolutely difficult, given her mother spoke English to her often at home and her older brother was fluent in the language before his passing. On the positive end of the move, she realized she no longer needed to have her hair straightened at an attempt to fit in so desperately in the very homogenous society of South Korea. A small win, but a win she considered huge in her book. This was also when she dove deeper into her coding career, but using it to hack the backend of universities to assist her family in wiring money back to their business. Every day, she donned a completely new disguise, gathering information from anyone she could get it out of. She enjoyed it and she wasn’t sure why at all.
After high school, she decided to attend Duke University, majoring in Computer Science. Her focus was so deep on her studies, but her looks garnered attention from the men around her. What did she do with this attention? She used it for intel. The closer she could get to locating any of the White Snakes, the better her family’s life would’ve been and she would stop at nothing. But what was the distraction that came along? Blythe Sweetwine. He was handsome, tall and he seemed to be sweet. Sweet enough to nearly make her forget the mission she was on for her family. They genuinely fell in love, and her parents were supportive, but there were constant reminders to keep her head in the game.
The unfortunate demise of their relationship was her inability to deal with Blythe’s OCD. She felt bad that she wasn’t patient enough, but it was getting in the way of her moving forward in her ultimate mission. When she left him, she left the life she knew behind. Her target was found and she had to make the leap to Nevada. She had to figure out if her parents’ concerns were warranted, or she could let them know that they had nothing to worry about.
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weddingjitters · 2 years
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Everyone suspects LINNETTE ANTONELLI of at least one of the cardinal sins, but in Nevada, the worst sins are bound by blood and SHE has yet to roll the dice. HER fixation on the neon lights of Nevada started FIVE ago as an INDEPENDENT ASSASSIN. Under the desert sun, they claim the act of WEDDING PLANNER. They’re often mistaken for CANDICE ACCOLA/KING before those crimson colored glasses slide down their nose. Linn better get busy living, or they’ll get busy dying by the ripe age of THIRTY-THREE. There are no second acts in a marked life, and it’s measured out by the melody of YOUNG AND BEAUTIFUL BY LANA DEL REY.
CHARACTER FULL NAME: Linnette Starlene Antonelli
CHARACTER AGE AND DATE OF BIRTH: Thirty Three, June 21st, 1988
FACE CLAIM: Candice Accola/King
HOMETOWN: Sorrento, Italy
OCCUPATION: Wedding Planner
TRIGGER WARNING: Murder, Death, Stillbirth
Full bio
As the oldest girl of the notorious Antonelli mafia family in Italy, Linnette had grown up in extreme conditions and had learned to fight from an early age; being enrolled in a school that was especially made for children of the business. By the time she was 16, she was sent on missions for contract killings. Despite her older brother, Adrian being groomed to inherit the business, her father eventually found Linnette to be a better fit and she was named heir. The only girl of her siblings, she never managed to get teased by her brothers due to her psychotic behavior. The only one who dared to treat her like a normal girl was Adrian’s friend who she considered a brother. Linnette quickly suppressed her superiors and had become her father’s lead assassin. She started taking on more jobs that weren’t from her father in order to get more money.
On one of her jobs, her target was being trailed by another hitman. She interrogated the hitman, found out his name. The two teamed up for the job and continued to do so for many missions. While doing so, they got to know each other more and eventually fell in love. They got married when Linnette was 21 much to the amazement of her family. Her father had welcomed him into the family wholeheartedly considering he was already trustworthy. The two were known to be the power couple of the mafia universe and were the modern Bonnie and Clyde. For her last mission, she had discovered that her assignment just gave birth to a baby and were actually wonderful people and the guilt consumed her. When she talked about leaving the life and starting a family with her husband, it was during the talks of them taking over the family business. While continuing the job, she made sure to investigate her target more and be selective which angered a lot of potential clients.
Unfortunately, he had refused, stating that their life wasn’t good for a family and when she suggested that they leave the mafia life, he refused again. They argued for months before Linnette had filed for divorce and left after three years of marriage. For the first year, she kept in touch with her family while avoiding anything involved with the lifestyle but it became clear that she couldn’t anymore after her father’s blatant disapproval of her choice, divorce, and abandonment of her family. After realizing how much more harm she was causing for the both of them, she told him that she was leaving forever and they shared one last night together before she left. The night had resulted in their son Anthony who was stillborn. The lost of Anthony and end of her marriage had sent her in a spiral in which she was even more frenzied to build the family that she now not only didn’t have but lost.
Choosing to abandon her life, she decided to pack up her life and move to Los Angeles to become a wedding planner. After training, she started her business after two years and two years after opening had gotten famous due to her ability to book the best venues and vendors (due to her money). Eventually she picked up her business and moved to Nevada to move to near her best friend/childhood friend. 
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potentialwasted · 2 years
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Everyone suspects ROMAN AMATO of at least one of the cardinal sins, but in Nevada, the worst sins are bound by blood and this is HIS: THE BROTHERS OF ICHOR. HE rolled the dice THIRTY-TWO ago as a PROSPECT AND REFEREE. Under the desert sun, they claim the act of CUSTODIAN AT STYXS. They’re often mistaken for MATTHEW DADDARIO before those crimson colored glasses slide down their nose. ROMAN better get busy living, or they’ll get busy dying by the ripe age of THIRTY-TWO. There are no second acts in a marked life, and it’s measured out by the melody of FOREST FIRE by BRIGHTON.
roman’s stats can be found HERE along w his bio!! but here r some pointers abt the bastard
he is a dick
he’s probably on something
weird in the presence of men
weird in the presence of anyone who isnt useful
small talk. NO
thank u 
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peraspvra · 2 years
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H A N Y E O L  is  crafted  in  a  divinity  meant  only  for  death,  and  that  damned  holiness,  comes  with  a  price.  he  believes  he’s  settled  his  debt,  though,  as  he’s  found  just  what  he’s  been  saving  a  sliver  of  his  soul  for  all  these  years.  will  he  redeem  himself  by  finally  getting  his  missing  piece,  or  will  only  find  that  it  doesn’t  fit  against  the  jagged  edges  made  by  those  who  only  know  how  to  sharpen?  hanyeol  is  M E L I N O E,  the  dark  mind  that  makes  an  offer  you  can  only  partake  in  once  you’ve  had  your  last  breath.
FULL  NAME:  Hanyeol  Kim    AGE  AND  DATE  OF  BIRTH:  33,  January  25th  1989    GENDER  AND  PRONOUNS:  Cisman,  he/him    FACE  CLAIM:  Im  Si  Wan    HOMETOWN:  Seoul,  South  Korea    CRIME  ORGANIZATION  AFFILIATION:  The  Foxes    CRIME  ROLE:  Vygyvtsa    DAYJOB/OCCUPATION:  Bouncer  at  Vicky's    ARE  THEY  A  MARKED  AFFILIATE:  Yes    TRIGGERS  IN  BIOGRAPHY:  child  neglect,  murder
KIM  Hanyeol  (westernized:  Hanyeol  Kim)  was  born  into  a  family  that  never  had  much  more  than  the  clothes  on  their  backs,  their  lives  a  constant  worry  over  what  they  were  going  to  eat  the  next  day,  or  if  they  would  be  able  to  at  all.  His  mother  and  father  weren’t  sure  how  they  were  going  to  feed  their  son,  but  they  tried  their  best  to  do  so  despite  the  obstacles.  Thinking  back  now,  he  never  understood  why  his  parents  went  along  with  their  second  pregnancy  while  Hanyeol  was  barely  two  years  old,  when  it  was  already  a  struggle  for  them  to  feed  the  one  son  they  had  already.  Of  course,  it  wasn’t  a  surprise  that  he  absolutely  adored  his  younger  brother  whenever  he  was  born,  but  it  didn’t  change  the  fact  that  two  kids  caused  more  strain  on  their  finances  than  just  the  one.  It  wasn’t  long  before  they  realized  that  grim  fact  all  too  well,  with  barely  a  penny  to  their  name  and  nothing  to  offer  their  children  but  love.  Unfortunately,  love  wasn’t  enough  to  supply  sufficient  living  situations  for  two  children  that  clearly  needed  much,  much  more.
AFTER  Hanyeol’s  fifth  birthday,  his  younger  brother  barely  three,  their  mother  and  father  were  offered  enough  money  from  a  government  agency  to  give  up  the  sons  they  had  already  done  all  they  could  for.  They  were  told  that  it  wasn’t  uncommon  for  their  agency  to  take  in  boys  around  his  age  to  prepare  them  for  South  Korea’s  mandatory  enlistment  to  the  army  once  they  were  of  age,  and  that  the  two  brothers  would  be  kept  together.  Little  did  they  know,  they’d  be  preparing  Hanyeol  for  something  that  wasn’t  the  army  at  all,  and  he  never  saw  his  younger  brother  again  after  they  were  taken  away  from  their  home.  He  handled  his  first  gun  at  the  young  age  of  twelve  after  seven  years  of  grueling  training  underneath  the  agency,  becoming  especially  talented  in  hand-to-hand  combat,  martial  arts,  and  tactical  skills.
THE  first  few  missions  he  was  sent  on  were  basic,  armed  with  a  simple  knife  and  mainly  used  as  a  ploy  to  help  their  unfortunate  target  along  to  the  actual  assassin  assigned  to  the  get  rid  of  them.  Hanyeol  was  just  a  kid,  so  no  one  suspected  him  of  being  the  one  to  lead  them  to  their  unlucky  fate,  and  that  was  exactly  what  the  agency  wanted  from  him–  to  be  a  distraction.  He  made  his  first  kill  at  sixteen,  and  he’d  been  relieved  at  finally  receiving  his  first  meaningful  mission,  at  finally  getting  to  be  the  one  congratulated  for  his  precise  follow-through  of  orders  instead  of  being  the  stepping  stool  for  that  person.  Rising  in  ranks  seemed  to  be  the  only  thing  that  mattered  to  him,  so  the  influx  of  missions  in  which  he  was  assigned  as  the  hitman  after  his  first  thrilled  him.  By  the  age  of  eighteen,  he  had  one  hundred  and  ninety-six  confirmed  kills  and  traveled  to  over  thirty  countries  for  missions  given  to  him  by  his  agency,  as  well  as  other  unnamed  groups  or  companies  he  was  temporarily  hired  for  through  the  agency.
AROUND  the  age  of  twenty,  Hanyeol  was  working  primarily  for  himself,  though  still  under  the  agency  that  made  him  who  he  was.  They  let  him  go  his  own  way  but  called  him  in  every  now  and  then  for  a  mission  they  believed  only  their  best  man  could  perform,  and  he  was  happy  to  do  his  duty  and  then  fall  off  of  the  radar  again  until  contacted  again.  Whether  it  be  his  agency  or  by  word  of  mouth,  it  wasn’t  easy  to  get  ahold  of  Hanyeol’s  information,  so  he  often  took  up  whatever  offers  he  was  given  since  he  figured  that  whoever  it  happened  to  be  must’ve  be  desperate  enough  to  have  done  what  it  takes  to  get  to  him.  When  he  wasn’t  out  on  a  job,  he’d  fly  by  undetected  in  larger  cities  like  Paris,  or  anywhere  he  had  property  no  one  knew  of  under  names  that  certainly  weren’t  his  own.  Over  the  years,  Hanyeol  had  become  increasingly  curious  about  the  whereabouts  of  his  parents  and  younger  brother,  but  he  never  dared  to  look  them  up  in  fear  of  discovering  things  that  he  wouldn’t  want  to  know  (  such  as,  whether  they’re  alive  or  not  ).
BUT…  curiosity  had  gotten  the  best  of  him,  and  when  he  went  looking  he  only  found  a  lead  in  the  direction  of  Las  Vegas,  Nevada  regarding  his  younger  brother’s  whereabouts.  There  was  very  little  he  cared  about  in  the  world,  but.  His  brother  was  one  of  them,  even  though  it’d  been  so  many  years  since  they’d  been  torn  apart,  even  though  his  brother  may  not  even  remember  him.  While  in  Nevada,  he  took  an  opportunity  to  join  The  Foxes  and  with  his  skill  and  ability  to  do  any  job  he  was  given,  it  wasn’t  too  difficult  to  gain  their  trust.  In  reality,  he’s  just  biding  his  time  until  he  can  start  asking  around  about  his  brother  and  understand  why  his  name  had  been  a  dead  end  in  Nevada  for  over  five  years.  Hanyeol  wanted  to  know  the  truth,  whether  he  was  dead  or  alive  and  where  he  was  despite  the  answer,  and  wanted  answers  no  matter  the  cost.  He  just  hoped  that  he  hadn’t  missed  his  chance.
coming  soon  !!
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jealousrot · 2 years
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Everyone suspects AMARA MARTIN of at least one of the cardinal sins, but in Nevada, the worst sins are bound by blood and this is HERS: THE BROTHERS OF ICHOR. SHE rolled the dice ONE YEAR ago as a SECRETARY. Under the desert sun, they claim the act of SALES ASSOSIATE AT WHITE DAHLIA. They’re often mistaken for ANYA TAYLOR-JOY before those crimson colored glasses slide down their nose. AMY better get busy living, or they’ll get busy dying by the ripe age of TWENTY-FIVE. There are no second acts in a marked life, and it’s measured out by the melody of WHISPERS BY HALSEY.
HELLO jub here they/she 21 !! my writing w amara tends to be rly gory and gross so if you need me to tone that down PLEASE LET ME KNOW!!! i have no problem adjusting the amount of ick in her noggin. shes relentless . i also dont wanna be one of those people who r like heres my asshole character and they leave u no where to develop bc its just like “fuck you” - end of thread. I PROMISE IT WONT BE LIKE THAT!!! hopefully. FUIKFJGHJFH
you can find amara’s bio HERE and her stats HERE ! (for mobile users its /bio and /learn)
here’s a rundown, however:
she’s terribly jealous and selfish
tends to idolize ideas and concepts that occupy her dream life
dresses . interestingly 
horrible posture . resting >:| face
dont call her amy . or u can if u wanna be saucy
hasnt seen the new movie ur telling her about . she watches the same 4 
her twin brother andy: he’s a very desperate guy who wants to climb the corporate ladder by schmoozing rich people. that’s all u need to know the rest is up to u
her first kiss: it is not hard to imagine that she hasnt kissed anyone bc shes disgusting and also has the highest standards for absolutely no reason? please humble her
will add as i think of them!
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laisuyin · 2 years
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Everyone suspects SUYIN LÀI of at least one of the cardinal sins, but in Nevada, the worst sins are bound by blood and this is HER’S: THE WHITE SNAKE’S. SHE rolled the dice THIRTY-THREE ago as a VANGUARD. Under the desert sun, they claim the act of ART CURATOR AT CYTHEREA GALLERY. They’re often mistaken for NI NI before those crimson colored glasses slide down their nose. YIN better get busy living, or they’ll get busy dying by the ripe age of THIRTY-THREE. There are no second acts in a marked life, and it’s measured out by the melody of THE FAMILY JEWELS BY MARINA.
biography • statistics • connections • template credit (aureacor)
hello! i’m ash (she/her) and i’m super excited to be apart of this rp, the plot really caught my eye, and i’m excited to write with y’all!! i’ve linked her bio that i wrote for the app, but to be honest it’s quite long, so i’ve made some bullet points too. the full bio goes into more detail, obviously, but i figured it’d be nice to have a tl;dr ! i’ll work on getting a starter out soon !!
quick facts
name: lài suyin
age: 33
sexual orientation: bisexual
birthday: february 12, 1988
horscope sign: aquarius
occupation: art curator at cytherea gallery
crime organization: white snakes
crime role: vanguard
hometown: las vegas, nevada
mini bio !
suyin is the oldest daughter of the current matriarch of the white snakes
had a lot of pressure to live up to her mother 
grew up in las vegas with the lài’s
spent a lot of time in the antique shop as a child and it fostered her love for pretty things and art, and in turn, forgery
learned the family business from quite a young age and had a natural skill in it
had an interest in forged art and art crimes, which is why she–
went to yale for college to study art, then moved to new york and worked the metropolitan museum of art, where she did lots of forgeries and illegal art deals, it’s where she truly honed her skill and made her money
she came back to las vegas when she was 30. it was time for her evaluation for future matriarch of the white snakes
she didn’t pass, barely – disappointed her mother and herself
now she works as the vanguard and oversees all the forgeries, as well as delves in her art business still at the cytherea gallery
still resents the fact she didn’t pass, and she still holds the idea of being matriarch close to her heart. definitely resents her cousin who got it.
personality & other tid bits !
quite sociable, in new york, her work required her to network and get close to museum directors and gain trust of people
is slightly closed off emotionally, only lets people know what she wants them to know
is truly passionate about art; her knowledge is what makes her so good at what she does
kind of is a snob about it though, she thinks she is the best and doesn’t care to be humble unless she’s trying to be nice
she is quite quick and observant
not a fighter, more brainy but has basic self defense training
a loyal white snake, through and through
is only sensitive to her mother’s criticism, and some of her family members
yin is a nickname only friends call her
she has been back in vegas for three years now, but she had been away from ages 18-30
works at the gallery, but spends a fair amount of time at the antique shop as well, especially if they have a big deal going on
wanted connections
linked above!! i’m down for basically anything <3
and i’ll put in some wanted connections for the lài’s !
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