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thisbluespirit · 4 months
How To Find Your (British Actor) Blorbo On The Radio: A Brief Guide
(Disclaimer: British, because the main tool I'm using is the BBC's Genome.)
If you want more of your fave actor, or you love full-cast drama podcasts/audios (and audiobooks/NF content too) here's a guide on how to get your hands on BBC Radio broadcasts.
The BBC have a great free resource called Genome, which has all the Radio Times listings from 1922 to the present day (plus some of the actual articles), and it's searchable. Up until its arrival, it was really hard to do that, so \o/
Not all actors do radio and not everything you find will be obtainable, but it's always worth a try! It's especially likely for actor-blorbos who do other audio work, or theatre (theatre tends not to pay so well, and radio is a handy extra thing that can be more easily slotted in between performances than TV/film.)
Go to Genome, and put your blorbo's name into the search box:
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Press search, which will bring back a bunch of results from both radio and TV listings from 1922 up to the current year:
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2. Filter down to "radio only" on the sidebar to avoid scrolling through all the TV. At the top of the page you can change the display order to First broadcast (or Availability, if you want it only to bring things currently available to stream on the BBC website), among other options.
I can also cut down on extraneous results by selecting a date range that only covers when my guy was active.
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I scroll down until I find something that looks interesting, in this case a proper audio drama, called The Hornblower Story. It's from 1980 and is an adaptation of a well known book. The details give me enough info to search the wider internet, and see if I get lucky...
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3. Search the internet and listen to your blorbo act in radio drama!
There are several ways to obtain radio drama online. If you use streaming sites like Audible and Spotify, it may be there, although usually only if it's had a commercial release.
The BBC still broadcast old programmes on the radio, so it might be currently available on their website to stream - and unlike TV, you can listen to BBC Radio anywhere in the world! (If you are in the UK, you can also download and use the BBC Sounds app.) The Genome will usually provide a link for you to go straight there, if that's the case.
However, obviously, most BBC Radio from past decades is not available commercially or being broadcast by the BBC now and some doesn't exist in the archives, or was never recorded (as with TV), but as methods of recording audio at home have been widely available since the 1950s and 60s, there are loads of off-air recordings of radio made by listeners/collectors, and some have freely shared their copies online. Some are in closed forums etc., but three good sites to try first are YouTube, RadioEchoes & the Internet Archive.
I usually start with a Google search - e.g. '"Title" radio' or radio bbc and if that doesn't give me anything add on first "Radio Echoes" and then "Internet archive" to the search.
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And I'm in luck! Radio Echoes appear to have the adaptation I'm after. I need to check the broadcast dates to see if they match up & then I can stream or download for free - and hear my blorbo play a stern Admiral for 5 minutes or less, hurrah!
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Clicking on the links takes you to a screen where you can press play to stream or right click on the play bar to download the mp3 file to your device. (Click the "Save audio as..." option).
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These are archive off-air recordings, so the quality can vary, especially for older programmes.
4. Rinse and repeat with each new likely Genome discovery.
If you find a copy of what you're looking for on the Internet Archive instead, you'll get up a page with a play bar (like the one above), with episodes listed plus details (to varying degrees) below. If you want to stream, just click play and enjoy. If you want to download it, then click on the MP3 files line on the right-hand sidebar, which will then give you an "X no of files" button to click and you can download them to keep.
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(You can download all the files, but I usually cut straight to the chase and just nab the MP3s.)
Sometimes the BBC have released a commercial audiobook. In those cases, if you already use audio/music streaming subscription sites like Audible or Spotify, you should be able to find it there.
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If you don't, or you want to buy a download, I've found the best option (weirdly!) (for UK users, at any rate) is to get the audiobook up at Penguin Books, which links to various paid subscription streaming and download options, so you can find the best one for you (and you know it's been recced by a hopefully reputable source.)
Last year, I wanted to buy Vivat Rex, the BBC's landmark dramatisation of all the English history plays rolled into one giant starry-cast Jacobean audio serial, and successfully used this route. (I'm very old by internet terms and still like listening via MP3 files on my MP3 player, as long as it survives.)
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Pretty much the only affordable download option I've found so far I got courtesy of Penguin's links to Hive. (But this may be a UK only option.)
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If what you're looking for seems likely to exist even if you can't find it by any of these methods - keep trying! New things are being added daily to all these websites, and the BBC cycle round old shows all the time.
And if you want to go deeper, there are closed forums etc. for radio enthusiasts where you need to make an account, but you may then be able to torrent or download an even wider variety of things.
Of course, whether or not your blorbo has been in anything good or any radio at all will depend on them, but I hope this guide will help enable you to find out!
YouTube, Radio Echoes, the Internet Archive and Old Time Radio all have radio from other countries too. So while the BBC Genome can't help you with anywhere outside the UK, the other links here can be good places to look around and browse for things you might be interested in.
You can of course use the same methods to search for things like a favourite author, or particular plays, to see if the BBC have done any radio adaptations - BBC Radio have done heaps of things that have never been adapted on screen, so it's always worth a look for anything you'd be into.
Radio Echoes is browsable as well as searchable, and while Internet Archive is a bit less so, there are some excellent collections you can look through, like the Saturday Night Theatre collection, and the BBC Radio Shows listings.
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Thanks in part to the 50+ art thieves across the internet who are selling 1000s of cheap knock offs of my Adventure Time tarot deck, a copyright complaint was filed with Etsy and the deck has been removed from my Etsy store :( I ensured it’s clear that the deck is a 100% unofficial fan-made product, using only my drawings, but clearly that wasn’t enough. It’s a real blow, particularly since I’m disabled and selling such a popular product was a great way to be financially independent. Starting in 2017, the 78 artworks of the deck took years to come together. The creation process was truly a love letter to Adventure Time; one of my all time favourite things, that also helped me through a rough time in my life. I’m planning on making my own site to sell the deck, but in the meantime, the decks are still available from the Indiegogo campaign I used to crowdfund the 1st print run! The product and the shipping are both cheaper than Etsy, plus I’ll add a bunch of freebies to every order <3 Please note that Indiegogo has a 10 day refund window after you place your order, so I have to wait 10 days before I can send your package out to you. Every order will have tracked shipping. Ships worldwide. Here’s the link to the Indiegogo campaign: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/adventure-time-tarot-deck As for my Etsy store, it’s still going, and (I dont know why) the stickers, magnets and prints of the Adventure Time tarot artwork were NOT removed, so they’re still available to purchase, along with fanart prints, loads of original artworks and commission slots. Here’s the link to my Etsy store: https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/katherinelhx
If you’re loving your deck, you’re also welcome to tip me on Ko-fi, link here: https://ko-fi.com/katherinehillier I've met so many wonderful supportive people through selling this deck, and I want to thank every single person who has supported this project <3
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museeeuuuum · 11 months
So I was up at 5 this morning to book a spot for an excavation place at one of my favourite heritage sites. I've been plotting this for a few weeks: I'd go over to the UK in May and dick around in southern England for a week before my excavation slot.
But I didn't get the slot. I was about 15 seconds too late. And weirdly, I'm relieved? I barely have one paycheque under my belt at this new shitty job, and I was gonna blow a few grand on this slot. It still would have been nice to go, but now I can go ... anywhere? I have time to change my mind a few times and figure out where I want to go.
It is so refreshing to know that I am able to make these plans. It's nice to know that I can finally do the one thing I want to do more than anything else in this life: travel.
Don't know where I'm going! But I'm going to be going.
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dansnaturepictures · 7 months
Remembering Winnie: The extraordinary Winchester Peregrine
Following the sad news of Winnie’s passing following a scuffle with a newly arrived female last week (https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-hampshire-68478589) I wanted to look back on what Winnie meant to the city and her species and my personal journey with her.
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Winnie at the cathedral in January 2024
Winnie and her partners Chester and then William have done amazing things for their species nesting both at Winchester Cathedral where they became global stars thanks to the nesting tray in the gully and the webcam and the old Police headquarters building before that. It’s so awe-inspiring to consider how many chicks the pairs produced and what a wonderful impact this has had on the numbers of this species which continues to bounce back strongly. In 2020 they raised an extraordinary five chicks. It is also incredible how they and particularly super mother Winnie also came to represent the species. From Chichester to York having Peregrine Falcons nesting on cathedrals and similar buildings in cities is very much a trend of modern Britain and I remember when I first began working in Winchester in 2016 (a year before Winnie and Chester’s relocation to the cathedral as their nesting ground) I was desperate to see my birth and new work city join the trend. From people I have met and spoken about them with behind the fence looking up at their inspiring north tower nest site at the cathedral to people on social media including those maybe not as interested in birds as myself it has been heartening to hear so much enthusiasm for these magnificent birds. It was a sad day learning of Winnie’s passing, but it was somewhat comforting that it was in the grip of the brutality of nature and completely within a natural process that she met her end rather than anything more sinister given the persecution of birds of prey that still is sadly so present in the country. And of course with the new female appearing to slot in with William seamlessly as I observed first hand at the cathedral on Thursday (having it seems, seen the two females together on nearby St. Thomas Church perhaps before/during the scuffles the Wednesday before) I’m so glad there are still Peregrines in Winchester.
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Winnie at the cathedral in 2019
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Winnie at the cathedral in 2020
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2021 chicks at the cathedral
I have so much to thank the Winchester Peregrines for personally. Before they started nesting at the cathedral from 2017 and successfully from 2018 I really liked Peregrines, you can’t really be into birds and not admire the fastest in the world and such a fantastic and beautiful species. It was a species I saw sporadically, I actually think I’d count myself lucky to see one once or twice a year. So it was quite something when from 2018 to early 2020 when I worked in Winchester every day, especially in the breeding season, I was able to see a Peregrine most days (or most weeks/at least once a month perhaps outside the breeding season). And I really became so familiar with them and so enamoured with them, they became one of my favourite birds thanks to the Winchester ones. When seeing them elsewhere at places I did more so before the Winchester ones, mostly coastal marsh locations that extra love I had for them was really clear. I came to reflect in recent years how Peregrines are really evocative of marsh locations where outside of Winchester I’m most used to seeing them and also my favourite area generally rugged coasts with cliffs and the thought of a Peregrine with their almost haunting call really conjures up a sense of the wild for me. So when seeing them at the cathedral and St. Thomas Church where they also spend a lot of time often a staging post for the chicks development in my working days I get an injection of the wild often much needed in a busy city working day which is so powerful. I really do never tire of the amazing opportunities to see and photograph the birds in Winchester and I often have to pinch myself and say “There’s a Peregrine Falcon up there!”
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Winnie at St. Thomas Church in 2022
I think Winnie takes the greatest place in my heart among the Winchester Peregrines as following original partner Chester’s passing in 2021 a year later my full time working from home arrangements (bar the odd day here and there) morphed into the hybrid system with two days in Winchester in the office per week and the rest at home so I was back in the city on a regular basis. Winnie with her new partner William and the three chicks they produced between 2022 and 2023 spearheaded a new era for me. The thing that the Peregrines first drove me to do in 2019, bringing my second camera my bridge camera in my work bag on some office days as it fits in, became an even more regular thing. When factoring in some odd days I was required to come into the office each month and photographed them on my lunch break before the hybrid system began between November 2021 and January 2022 between Winchester Cathedral and St. Thomas Church I managed to photograph them in twenty four consecutive months that run finally came to an end when I didn’t manage a photo of one in November 2023 which felt so special. After photographing one in every month apart from March in 2019 before the pandemic hit in 2020 I wanted to photograph one in every month of the year one year, doing that in 2022 as part of that incredible run was worth waiting for. When considering my time watching Winnie I don’t know where the years have gone but it’s wholesome to think that I was seeing this same bird regularly for six or seven years (I only had fleeting glimpses of one flying during the 2017 breeding season earlier into my Winchester working days at my old job where I didn’t necessarily go to the cathedral as much and I don’t believe it was public knowledge that they were nesting at the cathedral so much and can’t recall which, though one was flying past the office window as it was nearer to the cathedral back then). That consistency of seeing one bird for so long is really valuable and a fairly rare thing I suppose. With my photography it has created such a special relationship with Peregrines too of being able to take so many photos of them and strive for and develop things. I have enjoyed many great times watching them on the webcam giving everyone invaluable access to watch them too. https://www.winchester-cathedral.org.uk/explore/peregrines/
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Winnie at the cathedral in 2023
Thank you for everything Winnie, it’s been a blast! I will never forget her, but watch with interest to see how the new pair do this year and beyond.
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A couple more of the many chicks, at the cathedral in 2019
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The late days of Winnie, a shot of her taking pride of place atop the cathedral's north tower in February 2024.
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anotherescsite · 1 year
Another ESC Site Award for Our Feathered friend
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Wow, what an extry! The pace of the song being energetic and frenetic makes you stand/sit up and take notice. Mimicat's performance, the backing dancers, the choreography all precisely executed and coordinated excellently. I love the ostrich dress, I like the new outfits for everyone. I love the clever use of lights to highlight and to introduce drama. I missed the couch on the stage. There was a sense of humour to having the couch on the stage. But while it was missing, the accommodated it's absence very nicely.
What I did not like about it: it's draw. Damn you to hell BBC for placing such a great song in the slot of death while you have the luxury of singing last. The consolation is that this received double the UK points. But this year's Portuguese entry deserved double twice to give them their deserved score.
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sociomi · 27 days
Factors To Consider When Choosing An Online Slot Game
Betting has become increasingly popular and is now a part of many people's lives. Punters bet for a variety of reasons, including amusement, financial gain, or social connection. Additionally, due to its ease of access and rising web access rate, online betting is increasingly popular among gamers.
Statista says that by 2021, the internet betting and wagering industry will have reached a global market size of GBP£51.7 billion (USD$62.7 billion). It is anticipated to grow in the coming years, reaching approximately GBP£96.3 billion (USD$116.8 billion) by 2028. This tends to over 86% turn of events.
You do not need to go to a physical club if you enjoy playing games at clubs. You can get a comparative rush from the comfort of your home by getting to a combination of online club games like openings. While there are a lot of web-based variations of spaces you can play, you need to contemplate the going with components before picking one:
The veracity of the space website With the proliferation of social clubs, you are now able to participate in numerous online openings. By 2026, the social club gaming market is expected to reach GBP£6.3 billion (USD$7.6 billion), up from GBP£5.2 billion (USD$6.3 billion) in 2020. In any case, while various online club are approved and freed from misleading activities, there exist stunt club that cheat guiltless players.
Therefore, before playing a real-money online opening game, you should confirm that the stage is legal and trustworthy. Fundamentally, a certified site gives quality games and positive experiences for players. This is due to the fact that professionals in gaming thoroughly vet online casinos to ensure that they safeguard players' personal information and financial information, as well as provide fair gaming options and superior security.
For instance, these new space objections are approved and coordinated by the UK wagering commission. You can find out what other players think about a particular web-based space game by reading customer surveys.
The subjects, organizations, and designs The variety of subjects available in online opening games is a positive aspect. In point of fact, the game is truly captivating due to the significant number of subject openings. Films, superheroes, Greek folklore, fictitious people, music, experience, space, and spine-chilling films all add flavor to a few well-known subjects. If you're a fan of scary movies and stories, for instance, you could play an opening with a horror theme. Check out Link Indoslot88.
Regardless, try to use a site that offers many themed openings and licenses you to re-try the gaming plan per your benefit. Depending on your expertise level, you should also evaluate the difficulty settings for each initial game. If you're a cultivated punter, you could require a game that gives a test. On the other hand, a game that is easy to play, helps you learn more, and encourages you to play is suitable for novices.
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technologygd · 2 months
Choosing the Right UK Betting Sites: A Practical Guide
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Navigating the world of UK betting sites can be a challenge. With so many options available, it's essential to know what to look for and how to make informed decisions. I’ve observed that when people choose a slots in the uk, they often overlook critical factors. I want to provide some guidance to help you avoid these common pitfalls and make the best choices for your betting activities.
Understanding the Market
The UK betting market is vast and diverse. There are established names that have been around for decades, and there are new entrants offering fresh features and innovative approaches. Whether you’re interested in sports betting, online casinos, or both, the options are extensive.
To make the best choice, you need to understand the market. The first step is to assess your priorities. Are you looking for the best odds? Do you want a platform with a wide range of sports or casino games? Is customer support a crucial factor for you? By answering these questions, you can narrow down your options and focus on what matters most to you.
Evaluating the Odds and Offers
One of the primary reasons you might choose a particular betting site is the odds they offer. Competitive odds can significantly impact your potential winnings. It’s essential to compare the odds across different platforms before placing your bets.
Welcome offers and promotions are another critical aspect. Many UK betting sites attract customers with enticing welcome bonuses, free bets, or deposit bonuses. While these offers can be appealing, you should always read the terms and conditions carefully. Some promotions come with wagering requirements or other restrictions that might make them less attractive in the long run.
User Experience and Interface
In my experience, the user interface of a betting site can make or break your experience. A well-designed, intuitive interface allows you to navigate the site easily, find the bets you want, and place them without any hassle. Conversely, a poorly designed interface can lead to frustration and mistakes.
Look for sites that offer a clean layout, clear instructions, and a responsive design. Mobile compatibility is also crucial, especially if you plan to bet on the go. Many top UK betting sites offer dedicated mobile apps that enhance the user experience.
Security and Licensing
Security should always be a top priority. When you’re dealing with real money, you need to ensure that the platform you’re using is secure and trustworthy. Check if the site is licensed by the UK Gambling Commission. This licensing ensures that the site operates within strict regulations designed to protect you as a consumer.
Additionally, look for sites that use encryption technology to safeguard your personal and financial information. A secure site will typically display a padlock symbol in the browser’s address bar, indicating that it’s safe to use.
Customer Support and Reputation
Customer support is often overlooked, but it’s an essential aspect of any betting site. If you encounter issues, you need to know that you can reach out for help and receive prompt assistance. Check if the site offers multiple channels for support, such as live chat, email, or phone. Availability of 24/7 support is a bonus.
Reputation also plays a significant role. Sites with positive reviews and a strong reputation in the industry are more likely to provide a reliable and enjoyable experience. You can find reviews and testimonials from other users online, which can give you insight into what you can expect from a particular site.
Why I Recommend Betting Site World
When evaluating different betting platforms, I find that Betting Site World stands out for several reasons. They offer a comprehensive comparison of the best UK betting sites, making it easier for you to find a platform that meets your needs. They meticulously curate their list based on factors such as odds competitiveness, sports coverage, casino game variety, and user experience.
Betting Site World also provides in-depth reviews and up-to-date information on the latest promotions and offers. This saves you time and effort, as you don’t have to search multiple sites to find the best deals. Their focus on security and licensing ensures that the sites they recommend are trustworthy and regulated.
Furthermore, Betting Site World’s expert insights can help you make informed decisions, whether you’re a beginner or an experienced bettor. They offer tips and strategies that can enhance your betting experience and increase your chances of success.
Making Your Final Decision
Choosing the right UK betting site requires careful consideration. By evaluating the factors I’ve discussed—odds, offers, user experience, security, customer support, and reputation—you can find a platform that aligns with your preferences and goals. Betting Site World can be a valuable resource in this process, providing you with the information and tools you need to make the best choice.
Remember, betting should always be approached responsibly. Set limits, know when to stop, and enjoy the experience for what it is—a form of entertainment. With the right site and a strategic approach, you can enhance your betting experience and make informed decisions that benefit you in the long run.
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spoilertv · 2 months
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worldfashionleague · 2 months
Your 2022 Guide To New Slots In Pennsylvania
Content Mobile Slots Faq Olive Casino Got Best First Deposit Casino Bonus And Casino Games In Uk Top New Slots Sites Promotions Andromeda Casino Sweet Crush – In this 3 reel slot game, there are 27 paylines in all. Bonus stars trigger the free spins bonus round where all winnings are doubled. Continue reading Your 2022 Guide To New Slots In Pennsylvania
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Non GamStop Betting Sites: A New Frontier for Online Gamblers
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The online gambling industry has seen a surge in popularity over the past few years, with non GamStop betting sites becoming a significant player in the market. These platforms provide an alternative to the traditional UK-regulated sites, offering unique advantages that cater to a broad spectrum of gamblers.
Why Non GamStop Betting Sites are Gaining Traction
Non GamStop betting sites are online platforms that operate independently of the UK’s GamStop self-exclusion scheme. These sites are typically licensed by international regulators and provide services without the constraints imposed by GamStop, making them an appealing option for many players.
Benefits of Non GamStop Betting Sites
No Self-Exclusion Barriers: For players who have enrolled in GamStop but wish to return to gambling, non GamStop sites offer an immediate solution. These platforms allow individuals to bypass the self-exclusion period, giving them the freedom to gamble when they choose.
Wide Range of Games: Non GamStop sites often feature a more extensive selection of games than their UK-regulated counterparts. From traditional casino games like poker and roulette to innovative new slots and live dealer options, these sites cater to a wide array of gaming preferences.
Flexible Deposit and Withdrawal Options: These sites usually offer a variety of payment methods, including cryptocurrencies, which provide faster transactions and greater anonymity. This flexibility in banking options makes it easier for players to manage their funds.
Competitive Bonuses and Promotions: To attract players, non GamStop betting sites frequently offer generous bonuses and promotions. These can include substantial welcome bonuses, no deposit bonuses, free spins, and regular promotions that keep the gaming experience exciting.
Considerations for Players
While non GamStop betting sites offer numerous advantages, players should be mindful of certain considerations:
Regulation and Safety: Since these sites are not regulated by the UK Gambling Commission, the level of oversight and player protection may vary. It’s crucial to choose sites that are licensed by reputable international authorities and have positive reviews from other players.
Gambling Responsibility: Without the self-exclusion safeguards of GamStop, players need to be more vigilant about their gambling habits. Setting personal limits and sticking to them is essential for maintaining responsible gambling practices.
Customer Support: Reliable customer support is vital for addressing any issues or concerns. Players should look for sites that offer robust support options, including live chat, email, and phone support.
Non GamStop betting sites provide a flexible and diverse alternative for online gamblers. With a wide range of games, attractive bonuses, and more relaxed regulations, these platforms are becoming increasingly popular. However, it’s important for players to conduct thorough research and choose reputable sites to ensure a safe and enjoyable gambling experience.
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robertnelson2-blog · 6 months
Find the Best Online Casinos - Top uk gambling sites
Finding the best online casinos in 2022 is never easy! When you search Google, asking what are the best online casinos, the results are overwhelming. Top 10 sports sites
That’s because majority of the results are from affiliate marketing websites, including this one. The key difference is being able to identify the honest & credible sites displaying ‘Best Online Casinos’.
If you’re new, we’ve got you covered, read our most comprehensive Online Slots Guide that’ll be sure to give you a better understanding of online slots and casinos. Top 10 casino sites
In order for us to determine what we consider as the best online casinos, we thoroughly, vet, test and analyse a variety of areas prior to determining if the casino in question indeed qualifies for the title.
All the best online casinos in 2022 are vetted against a variety of criteria from Software, Payment Method, VIP Program, App, Bonus Offers, mobile compatibility and much more.
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airsoftaction · 7 months
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sociomi · 2 months
Numerous new web based speculators hope to bring in gigantic measures of cash in a matter of moments by any stretch of the imagination - only one twist of the reels, and they hope to win huge number of pounds. This isn't the manner in which fruitful card sharks play however, as they rather hope to bring in cash over the long haul, making smart wagers and never overextending their funds. Obviously, it's not difficult to win a colossal measure of cash rapidly, however this won't occur to the vast majority. Thus, when you join an internet based club, ensure you're making arrangements for the long haul!
Most internet based club are totally reliable, but there are a not many that ruin the internet betting world, and it's implied that these ought to be kept away from. Some sites simply aren't worth your time because they don't pay players quickly, don't provide good customer service, or don't offer games that are fair and honest. All in all, how would you stay away from these destinations? You should never play at a site that is not regulated by the UK Gambling Commission, and you should only play at a site whose games have been checked out by an outside organization. However, the least demanding method for finding the most reliable club is straightforward: glance through our rundown of suggested club, which are all destined to be totally fair and legit.
At the point when you play specific table games, for example, blackjack and baccarat, you could observe that there are side wagers on offer - discretionary wagers that permit you to wager on a specific result. Most experienced card sharks will let you know that these side wagers are basically not worth wasting time with, as they are slanted vigorously for the gambling club. In the event that you have sufficient cash to serenely make a side bet, it is smarter to rather add the sum to your primary bet, as you'll have a greatly improved possibility of winning. When side bets are used at a table game, most people lose money, despite the fact that side bets are designed to offer huge prizes. Check out goa games login.
Numerous speculators appreciate playing at both on the web and disconnected gambling clubs, and we don't fault them. All things considered, the two kinds of gambling clubs offer heaps of tomfoolery, as well as the opportunity to win some truly a lot of cash. It costs truckload of cash to run a land-based gambling club however, while online gambling clubs have a lot of lower working expenses. Since running an internet based club costs less cash, it implies that they're ready to offer greater awards. Thus, on the off chance that it's essentially huge awards you're later, it's a good idea to focus on playing at online club. However, offline casinos shouldn't be completely ignored because going to a casino is one of the best nights out you can have!
Ten, Have Fun! The web based betting world is planned considering something significant - for you to have a good time as could really be expected! Certainly, the awards are an additional motivating force to play, however there's no good reason for turning the reels or accepting your cards in the event that you're despising yourself. So, whenever you play video poker, slots, or other table games, make sure you always do so with a smile on your face!
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spoilertv · 3 months
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situstogel88livertp · 9 months
Situstogel88 : List of the Best Sites Providing Official Live RTP
Situstogel88 : List of the Best Sites Providing Official Live RTP  is a site that connects game lovers with the best and most trusted sites
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Engage in ‘n Go at the moment are providing distinct RTP’s for the casinos to select. Some casinos are featuring the top RTP in the UK but decrease RTP for the rest of the world and many casinos are beginning to hide the RTP exactly where they can so we can believe They’re giving the bottom RTP accessible to them.
Setting up RTP for your slot device is a complicated procedure and it receives more durable the greater elaborate the sport is. If there are lots of functions and a large number of paylines concerned, match builders need to figure it all out in this type of way that, when it truly is all claimed and finished, the sport returns accurately The proportion expected.
What Now we have excluded are slots that have a lot more than 1 RTP placing dependant upon sport play style, guess measurement or line quantities. Also excluded are slots which the person casinos can Make a choice from distinct pre-programmed RTP options.
The Golden Elvis symbols, full with cool sun shades, are wild and will let you to receive Individuals huge multipliers of nearly 32x!
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construction555 · 9 months
Streamline Your Workforce Training: The Power of CSCS Group Booking
In the bustling world of construction, efficiency reigns supreme. Every minute on-site counts, and ensuring your team possesses the necessary qualifications is crucial for both safety and productivity. That’s where CSCS group booking comes in, a powerful tool to streamline your workforce training and get everyone CSCS-certified swiftly and smoothly.
What is CSCS Group Booking?
The Construction Skills Certification Scheme (CSCS) card is a vital passport to construction sites in the UK. CSCS group booking allows you to register multiple employees for the mandatory CITB Health, Safety & Environment (HS&E) test or specific skill cards as a single unit. This simplifies the process, saving you time and effort compared to individual bookings.
The Benefits of CSCS Group Booking:
Reduced Administration: Forget juggling individual forms and payments. Group booking lets you manage everything for your team under one umbrella, minimizing paperwork and streamlining the process.
Flexibility: Choose a date and time that works for your entire team, ensuring minimal disruption to work schedules. Many providers offer dedicated test centres for group bookings, further enhancing convenience.
Cost-Effectiveness: Group bookings often come with discounted rates, benefiting both your budget and your employees. Additionally, booking for multiple people avoids potential date constraints and the rush of securing individual slots.
Improved Team Synergy: By training your team together, you foster a sense of collaboration and shared knowledge. This can lead to better communication, safer practices, and even improved project outcomes.
Increased Efficiency: Getting your team CSCS-certified quickly means they can get back on site and contribute their skills sooner. This translates to faster project completion and potentially higher profits.
Making the Most of CSCS Group Booking:
Plan Ahead: Decide how many people need training and the preferred timing well in advance. Research different providers and compare their group booking options, including pricing, dates, and test center locations.
Communicate Clearly: Inform your team members about the planned group booking well in advance. Ensure they understand the importance of the CSCS card and provide them with any necessary preparation materials.
Leverage Resources: Many providers offer dedicated support for group bookings. Utilize their expertise to navigate the process smoothly and address any questions or concerns your team might have.
CSCS group booking is more than just a convenient administrative tool. It’s a strategic investment in your workforce’s safety, competence, and ultimately, the success of your construction projects. By streamlining your training process and ensuring everyone possesses the right qualifications, you pave the way for a safer, more efficient, and ultimately, more profitable future.
So, why wait? Embrace the power of CSCS group booking and watch your team soar to new heights!
Remember: Throughout the blog, use the keyword “CSCS group booking” naturally and organically within the content. Don’t forget to sprinkle in some relevant links and resources for further information.
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