#new tag cus i cant keep my mouf shut
wisemins · 1 year
sorry for caps. anyways! i would love more insight to you and giyuu's relationship...big eyes emoji...
OMGGG THANK YOUUU I've been waiting for this day...for my whole life... 😭😭😭 THANK YOU!! Okay, buckle up, this is a headspace I exist in A LOT, so prepare for a huge wall of text!! (And a lot of extra Zenitsu content, bcus i can't ever shut up about my son <3)
Alrighty, so, first thing's first, Giyuu and I are married! We never really had a dating period in mainline canon we just ended up married by the end of the series, but in modern AU (which I also exist in almost just as much if not more than mainline) we did have a dating period before marriage! So I'll tell you a bit about our modern AU! I had already adopted our boy Zenitsu before I even met Giyuu, so going into meeting him he figured that out fairly quickly. Though there was a moment in the AU where (he's the gym teacher at Zenitsu's high school, while I was teaching English there before I started a different career) he was confused on our relation and if I was just a really nice teacher who cared about him, but when he was called in about his "unnatural hair color" BY Giyuu with request of parental attendance, he soon figured out that yes, that is Zenitsu's hair color and yes, I am totally his mom (that he definitely didn't have a crush on). But that lead to us talking more, and he was really flustered about it since I was one of the only other teachers that liked to hang out with him, and I even would buy him some raisin bread every week because of my huge crush on him. Then all that lead to another and, well, here we are!! You wouldn't believe Zen's face when I first invited over Giyuu over to our house-- that boy looked like he had seen a ghost 😭😭 But now Giyuu has evolved into a father figure for him! And I'm hoping eventually they'll grow even closer since both of them mean the world to me and more. That's one thing I really appreciate about Giyuu, is his willingness and understanding that Zenitsu is vital to me, he's my baby boy!! (Not a baby but, he's baby to me 😭) He really committed himself to being a good influence and helping him, teaching him about life and going on those long ass grown-up stories that have some kind of moral of the story at the end, because he really thinks it'll help him! I love seeing them come home together after going shopping or something and discussing dinner plans, or they went to the arcade with his friends and brought me home something nice! I love to see them bond more than anything else ❤️❤️ Some things about Giyuu that I find absolutely adorable that he does for me would include: His need to make sure I'm okay, just small things like grabbing an extra blanket when he can tell I'm cold and cuddling closer. Making dinner for me when I'm busy with working and bringing it to me. Also this really cute thing he does where he insists on having me try a first bite of everything in a big meal that he will personally feed to me (he's hard up on it being him, it's very cute ❤️😭😭) He loves introducing me to new foods he think I'd like because I'm so picky (due to the tisms), and food can go very wrong for me very quickly. It's a silent love language he likes to express, because he thinks he's not so good with his words. So those small, silent gestures mean the most to me because I know that's his way of expressing his devotion and undying love ❤️ Also his interest in my creative endeavors! He's always asking about it, and very willingly listening to all of it. He does love having long conversations, despite popular belief. It's all a matter of being comfortable, and I am his safe space! Plus just sitting with him while we both do something by ourselves is very nice, just being close and content, safe and sound. Feeling safe is a big part of our relationship, we both have been through too much so providing that for each other is vital! He takes that very seriously, and will devote a lot of time in making me feel safe and well. He also takes my health very very seriously (because I tend not to OTL), so it's always taking me to doctors appointments, making me take breaks when working, and accommodating my disabilities. (Also reminding me to take my vitamins, because yes, he even goes to those lengths) So there's some insight!! I still have a butt-ton more, but I thank you so so much for asking!! Always happy to talk about Giyuu!!
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