#馃彙: My sleepy son
wisemins 4 months
hope you're doing well, I'm sorry about your health lately. know that your f/os would all pamper you you the best that they could!
since it's mother's day today (in my timezone lol) I have a question to ask: how would your child f/os celebrate mother's day? if y'all would even celebrate it. I'm mostly curious about zenitsu (the kny brain rot is LETHAL) but feel free to also talk about crona (I hope I spelt that right) and any other kids you got
enjoy the rest of your day馃馃挅
also sorry if this makes no sense my head is spinning from painkillers hehe
SORRY THIS IS SO LATEEEE working full time be like-- but I got to work ON mother's day so I had plenty of time to stew on this very thing!!! And thank you for the well wishes!!! I appreciate you!!! <3333
We would definitely celebrate mother's day! I don't tend to remember what the date is usually since I don't have a reason to celebrate it anymore, and my kiddos are aware that I have a not so good association/relationship with my own mother, which is also why they both understand why I care so much about them so vehemently. So the first time that we would celebrate it would be a complete surprise on my end!
Zenitsu would surprise me with breakfast and flowers! More specifically, carnations! It was such a sweet gesture, I definitely cried. We then spent the whole day as a family doing fun stuff! Going to the park for a picnic, and then coming back home to watch a movie or two, and then Giyuu and Zenitsu teamed up to make dinner and it was all very special! I love my boy so much!! 馃槶馃槶馃槶So this mother's day went super well for us!!
Crona was definitely a bit more subtle, because since this was also our first mother's day together, I hadn't imagined it was so soon that they wanted to call me their mother, especially after what they went through with their birth mother. They got me a small cake with all my favorite flavors and was really quiet and unsure upon delivery, but I smothered them with love after since it was such a sweet gift!!
TYSM FOR THE ASKKK <333 I love talking about my kids!!
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wisemins 9 months
for the ask game I've got 2 options for you馃憖
Disco 馃: Draw you and your f/o dancing in outfits from your favorite decade/century!
Sunflower 馃尰: Draw the moment you and your f/o met!
can be with giyuu and/or zenitsu (or with a different f/o entirely馃)
TYSM FOR THE ASK!! I decided to do modern AU with Giyuu anddd sunflower!!
Sunflower 馃尰: Draw the moment you and your f/o met! When we first met, we were both teachers and we ran into each other in the literal sense. Zenitsu had already been going to this school, and Giyuu DEFINITELY knew my son. *staring*
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Giyuu managed to find a way to clense himself of those actions because when I found out HOOOO BOY he was picking out a spot in the cemetery ANYWAY YEAHHH it started off as cliche but it turned out he was very familiar with Zenitsu, so we ended up having a LOT to talk about right off the bat!
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wisemins 8 months
I love hearing about kny ocs and now I have to ask
1. what inspired you/your s/i to become demon slayer?
2. how did your s/i learn their breathing style? did they come up with it themselves like shinobu and mitsuri or was there someone in their life to teach them馃
3. (obligatory blorbo ask) when/how did you and zenitsu meet?馃憖
sorry for the spam!
I love love love these questions!! I'll always be down to talk about my demon slayer lore! Warning, this is going to be LOOOONGGG
So, canonically speaking, I was traveling the world with an OC f/o (Their name is Rin, they appear in a lot of my canons across universes, they're a sort of guardian figure! I don't quite...know their gender. I use they/he pronouns for them though.), and they decided to go back home, which is Japan. They met me while they were in America, basically took me under their wing and introduced me to all sorts of things. Going back home with them I discovered they had lived a whole other life they didn't quite tell me about, but I was now learning that they were once the Wind Hashira for the Demon Slayer Corps. Rin introduced me to his previous fellow colleague, Jigoro, aka Zenitsu's pseudo gramps! I learned a lot when I stayed with Jigoro, and I met Zenitsu and learned about his hardships, and I felt absolutely horrible over the fact that his parents were perfectly okay in pawning him off and basically disowning him, and sympathizing since I have my own experience with feeling those feelings toward parents. I witnessed the training, how grueling it was, and learned of the presence of demons. It was terrifying, but I was even more horrified that this poor boy was going to go through that all alone. And Rin saw that resolve I had, and the sudden need for me to take care of Zenitsu. They then had the idea that maybe I should join him in the league's of becoming a demon slayer, to help Zenitsu in his journey to protect people and to show him that he is capable of great things. Jigoro thought this was a good idea, since Zenitsu and I had already grown very close in the time that I was there, and I cared about him so much. They could see that, so in secret Rin began to train me personally behind the scenes. It was just as grueling if not more for me to train, and eventually I wanted to give in to the thought of giving up because I had no confidence in myself to become strong or powerful. It was also very hard for Rin to try and prove to me that there was potential, but one night they witnessed it. *I was sleep walking, and training in my sleep, miraculously. I was subconsciously motivated and in my sleep started to act out how I wanted to be*. Rin thought it to be the craziest, yet somehow most funny thing in the world. He had found a way to make me believe in my abilities. In that moment the Dream Breathing style was born, and I eventually got recognized as the Dream Hashira (derived from wind) down the line before Zenitsu got into the corps in record time. (time is a bit funky, don't know the exacts of it all but trust me bro) During the realization though on Rin's part, started the new separate ideas, the subliminal phrases in my sleep, the full-proof way to make sure I would always dream lucidly and perceive the world around me as it was within my dreams. Of course, there were things present that weren't actually there, as I was dreaming, but the intended affect of a dream allowing me to do things I would not be able to do (or believed I couldn't do) in real life would suddenly manifest outwardly as they did in my mind. Sometimes I would come back completely aware, and other times I wouldn't recall that it even happened. Sometimes it felt like sleep paralysis, like watching it happen but having no control, and other times it would feel like I wasn't even unconscious. It was confusing and disorienting at times, but it made me stronger and more capable than I had ever thought I could be. And it gave me the drive I needed to continue my training, even if I wasn't the most fit or adept in real life, I would push through via the strength allowed during dreams.
That very fact though, caused other issues. Over exertion, tearing/pulling muscles, not feeling pain until I'm out of it, and also not being able to stop when near fatally wounded. I cannot perceive injuries as potently as you would when you're awake. So, in that dreamscape, I feel invincible because I can imagine as much. This is very dangerous, which brings up a lot of worry and a pattern of injury on my part when the series gets further into the tougher situations. Other Hashira/demon slayers have had to help bring me out of it with certain call-outs that trained me to awake or snap out of it if need be, or there are elixirs made to do the same thing if that does not work. Giyuu volunteered at some point to be the sole person to do this, since he wanted to make sure I was safe, and didn't trust others enough to make that call in a time of need. In perfect circumstances, I can wake myself up, but alas, for story purposes that becomes harder and harder the more I face enemies and end up getting injured. It's very easy to want to stay in a dream-like state when you know you can unlock so much potential and really put a demon in the ground with abilities you don't even know you can have. But sometimes those are just dreams, and I end up doing things that are quite literally impossible even in that state, and I get put into dangerous situations. Quite a few Hashira don't like working with me for these reasons, they think it's too tedious, and I should just train normally and be...well, normal about it. Some believe that I'm a liability, and shouldn't have become a Hashira in the first place, but I have to just trust that the right choice was made and that those who do support me will continue to. Giyuu obviously does, and so does Mitsuri and Kyojuro (besties). Shinobu is very special for the reason that though she believes sometimes that it's an unethical way to fight demons, she helps me regardless. She'll make elixirs, and other things to help my case. She's one of the few who doesn't refuse to work with me. The rest though have their own qualms, which is fine with me. I still enjoy spending time with them outside of work. We just don't get along in terms of getting work done. TLDR answers; 1. To protect Zenitsu!
2. Rin had the idea, but we both worked on perfecting it!
3. I met Zenitsu very early on in his training when staying with Jigoro! So yeah!! I hope that covered all the bases, I'm always willing to talk about even more!! I tend to talk a lot about my modern AU and it made me realize I really haven't spoken about mainline all that much! TYSM FOR ASKINGGGG I APPRECIATE YOU SO MUCHHH <333
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wisemins 9 months
馃浖for Zenitsu? :D
TYSM FOR THE ASK <333 I have finished!! Skates 馃浖: Draw you and your f/o trying something new! I hereby present: Me and Zenitsu making a gingerbread house! It's our second Christmas together (time flies oh WOW) and we have never made one, so!!!! I had so much fun with this one! I'll be posting a separate speed paint too!
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I tried to stay within the ballpark of the demo.n sl.ayer artstyle, while keeping my own style ofc. This is definitely still a sketch but I still love it!
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wisemins 1 year
sorry for caps. anyways! i would love more insight to you and giyuu's relationship...big eyes emoji...
OMGGG THANK YOUUU I've been waiting for this day...for my whole life... 馃槶馃槶馃槶 THANK YOU!! Okay, buckle up, this is a headspace I exist in A LOT, so prepare for a huge wall of text!! (And a lot of extra Zenitsu content, bcus i can't ever shut up about my son <3)
Alrighty, so, first thing's first, Giyuu and I are married! We never really had a dating period in mainline canon we just ended up married by the end of the series, but in modern AU (which I also exist in almost just as much if not more than mainline) we did have a dating period before marriage! So I'll tell you a bit about our modern AU! I had already adopted our boy Zenitsu before I even met Giyuu, so going into meeting him he figured that out fairly quickly. Though there was a moment in the AU where (he's the gym teacher at Zenitsu's high school, while I was teaching English there before I started a different career) he was confused on our relation and if I was just a really nice teacher who cared about him, but when he was called in about his "unnatural hair color" BY Giyuu with request of parental attendance, he soon figured out that yes, that is Zenitsu's hair color and yes, I am totally his mom (that he definitely didn't have a crush on). But that lead to us talking more, and he was really flustered about it since I was one of the only other teachers that liked to hang out with him, and I even would buy him some raisin bread every week because of my huge crush on him. Then all that lead to another and, well, here we are!! You wouldn't believe Zen's face when I first invited over Giyuu over to our house-- that boy looked like he had seen a ghost 馃槶馃槶 But now Giyuu has evolved into a father figure for him! And I'm hoping eventually they'll grow even closer since both of them mean the world to me and more. That's one thing I really appreciate about Giyuu, is his willingness and understanding that Zenitsu is vital to me, he's my baby boy!! (Not a baby but, he's baby to me 馃槶) He really committed himself to being a good influence and helping him, teaching him about life and going on those long ass grown-up stories that have some kind of moral of the story at the end, because he really thinks it'll help him! I love seeing them come home together after going shopping or something and discussing dinner plans, or they went to the arcade with his friends and brought me home something nice! I love to see them bond more than anything else 鉂わ笍鉂わ笍 Some things about Giyuu that I find absolutely adorable that he does for me would include: His need to make sure I'm okay, just small things like grabbing an extra blanket when he can tell I'm cold and cuddling closer. Making dinner for me when I'm busy with working and bringing it to me. Also this really cute thing he does where he insists on having me try a first bite of everything in a big meal that he will personally feed to me (he's hard up on it being him, it's very cute 鉂わ笍馃槶馃槶) He loves introducing me to new foods he think I'd like because I'm so picky (due to the tisms), and food can go very wrong for me very quickly. It's a silent love language he likes to express, because he thinks he's not so good with his words. So those small, silent gestures mean the most to me because I know that's his way of expressing his devotion and undying love 鉂わ笍 Also his interest in my creative endeavors! He's always asking about it, and very willingly listening to all of it. He does love having long conversations, despite popular belief. It's all a matter of being comfortable, and I am his safe space! Plus just sitting with him while we both do something by ourselves is very nice, just being close and content, safe and sound. Feeling safe is a big part of our relationship, we both have been through too much so providing that for each other is vital! He takes that very seriously, and will devote a lot of time in making me feel safe and well. He also takes my health very very seriously (because I tend not to OTL), so it's always taking me to doctors appointments, making me take breaks when working, and accommodating my disabilities. (Also reminding me to take my vitamins, because yes, he even goes to those lengths) So there's some insight!! I still have a butt-ton more, but I thank you so so much for asking!! Always happy to talk about Giyuu!!
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wisemins 1 year
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I ordered a letter from Zen.itsu yesterday and i just got to read it and I CRIED HELP MY BOYYYYYYY MY SONNNNN IM GONNA LOSE ITTTT 馃槶馃槶馃槶馃槶馃槶 MY BABY BOYYY i'll never recover from this NEVERRRRR the day i became a fictional mom was the day i screwed myself over my heart and soul is MUSH for that kid 馃槶馃槶 i love him so so much
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wisemins 5 months
馃幍 and 馃┖ for demon slayer? can be canon or modern au (or both, both is good)
馃幍Music: If you/your self-insert had a theme song, what would it be? Bonus: An extra song that fits you/your self-insert and your f/o!
馃┖Doctor: What is the worst injury that you/your self-insert has sustained in canon? If so, what was the cause and did you recover? What was your f/os reaction?
(it's i-put-the-wit-in-dimwit btw, s4pphic is my new selfship blog so if you see it in your notifications it's just me :D)
馃幍Music: If you/your self-insert had a theme song, what would it be? Bonus: An extra song that fits you/your self-insert and your f/o!
For this one I'll do both!!
Modern picks
For me: 蹇冦伀闆层倰鎸併仱灏戝勾 By Sunny Day Service! The lyrics translated really make sense to me personally! And I just ADORE this song!
For Giyuu and I: Chasing Hearts by Miwa! If our life in modern would have it's own spin-off anime, this would 100% be the intro! I love this song for us in modern! (shout out to F.MA for the song) It also suits us as a family as well as a couple!
Canon picks
For me: Shogeki by Yuko Ando! (stole this from an ao.t outro! one of my faves) But I think it fits for me in canon! Depressing and wistful! But it also goes hard so, that's what really matters!
For Giyuu and I: Sunset by Makoto Matsushita! I LOVEEE THIS SONG FOR USSS esp in canon too! But it fits for both canon and modern! It's slow, somber, but romantic. This song for us is definitely supposed to be for like a, end game/end of the anime moment! Something to signify that our hard journey is over, and now we can live and be together and just be in love for once. Not fighting for our lives.
馃┖Doctor: What is the worst injury that you/your self-insert has sustained in canon? If so, what was the cause and did you recover? What was your f/os reaction?
OH WOOF where do I begin?? Since my breathing style relies on me being completely unaware of pain and overexertion while I'm asleep, every single mission and battle I end up injured in one way or another. Hence why none of the other hashira like working with me outside of my true friends.
My worst injury though? WOOF. where to start? This was a moment in which I was protecting Zenitsu and really going over my limit. This was supposed to be one of those throwaway missions, something easy, but it was more devious than anticipated. Tens of demons all at once, it wasn't anything we hadn't dealt with but I was still healing from a previous injury, and when I get into that sleep state? Caution is thrown out the window and into the sea, it's GONEEE
I ended up almost getting disemboweled to be frank, and it was an injury that took MONTHS to recover from. I wasn't allowed to do anything basically. It left a hefty scar as well, it healed pretty well all things considered but it was not fun. But in the end I was fine!
And Giyuu's reaction? Oh boy that man was TERRIFIED. This was before we confessed anything, but we were getting closer and closer. This brought us even more close because he had finally realized like, oh shit, I could lose her. And with all the loss in his life? He wasn't ready to go through that again. So he stayed with me when he could, which was quite a lot. And we did get to know each other quite a bit during the recovery period! He would cook for me too, and took over some of the medicinal duties to take pressure off the butterfly mansion girls.
Some of the moments between us were really romantic in a way, it's hard not to feel that way when someone you have a huge crush on is bandaging you up and making sure you're okay!
This was also the period in which Zenitsu was starting to side-eye us, wondering if Giyuu was tryna pull the moves out on his mom, but since he saw how happy Giyuu made me during such a miserable time, he supported the idea of us becoming a thing!
So yeah!!! I LOVEDDD answering these!! Thank you so much for asking!!!
The ask game in question!
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wisemins 9 months
Speed paint for my drawing I posted just now! I like posting these, makes me feel professional. This was one very elaborate sketch!
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wisemins 2 years
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I鈥檓 sorry to anyone who thought I was even remotely done gushing about my boy ALAS THE BRAIN ROT HASNT SUBSIDED 鉁ㄢ湪
Just look at him. His widdle hands. Hims eyebrows. HES A GOOD BOY I TELL YA THE BEST AROUND 馃槶馃槶鉂わ笍
And like mother like son we both only do cool things in our sleep so 馃拃 YKNOW AT LEAST HES NOT ALONE IN THAT
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wisemins 2 years
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ok, the brain rot got so bad that I had to draw me hugging my son 馃ズ馃ズ
I REALLY LIKE HOW THIS TURNED OUT ITS A BIT DIFFERENT FROM WHAT I USUALLY DO but I enjoyed it. Also semi-reveal of my de.mon sla.yer self?? I'VE BEEN WORKING AT IT AIGHT I'LL GET TO THE ACTUAL ONE EVENTUALLY FOR NOW TAKE ME AND DA BABYYYY this basically displays him coming back from any mission and just being happy to not be working, getting all teary because he's a soft lil bean 馃槶馃槶 Lots of huggies as he tells me how scared he was, then probably eating and getting him to bed 鉂わ笍鉂わ笍
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wisemins 2 years
LOOK AT HIMS!!!! Just woke up but I wanna gush about my baby 馃槶馃槶 look at my precious boy oh my GOD THE CUTENESS AGGRESSION IS REAAALLL KDMOAMSOS
Just鈥lagued with the thought of Zen.itsu calling me momma makes my whole heart THROB SO BADLY MY BABY BOYYYY AAAHGRJEKWNS he鈥檚 getting so many hugs and forehead kithies today lemme tell ya. That kid ain鈥檛 safe from me. Then again he鈥檚 a mommas boy so I don鈥檛 think he鈥檚 gonna mind 馃槍鉂わ笍鉂わ笍鉂わ笍 ok thank you for coming to my ted talk I just needed that outta my system first time having a kid f/o be like 馃槶鉂わ笍
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