#new theme in my art everybody is getting made into dolls sorry
myspineisthebassline · 8 months
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just a polite man
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ladywinchester1967 · 6 years
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Pairing: Dean Winchester x Grace Drake
Characters: Dean Winchester, Grace Drake (OFC), Kenneth Drake (Grace’s husband), Lula and Sissy (Grace and Kenneth’s hired help), Sam Winchester*, William (Kenneth’s business partner)*
*= mentioned
Warnings: Cheating, SMUT, drinking, smoking, unprotected sex (don’t be silly, wrap your willy), mentions of alcoholism, mentions of homosexuality, language, mentions of World War II (nothing too graphic).
A/N: This is the start of a BRAND NEW series; so the tag list for this is wide open. Takes place post-World War II (think late 40′s, going into early 1950′s) so I tried to use some of the slang and language that would have been used in that time period. Each part has themes from the song by Switchfoot of the same name (which I’ve ALWAYS wanted to use in a story!). Per usual; unbeta’d, all mistakes are mine, but the pictures are NOT. I found them on Pinterest and tumblr.
Welcome to the Planet
Welcome to existence
Everyone's here
Everyone's here
Everybody's watching you now
Everybody waits for you now
What happens next?
What happens next?
She shifted and the cold light of day invaded her closed eyelids.
“Mhhhh.” She grunted and opened them up.
She was naked, save for the sheet and the arm that was currently wrapped around her body. She rolled over and saw a pair of shining green eyes and a wide smile looking back at her.
“Morning beautiful.” He said
“No way I look beautiful right now.” She said as she reached out and touched his face.
“You always look beautiful Gracie.” He said and kissed her.
“Mh, I love it when you call me that.” She said sleepily and opened her mouth for another kiss.
He rolled, putting her on her back and making her giggle. He kissed down her neck and to her collar bone and then back up to her ear.
“My sweet,” kiss “sweet,” kiss “Gracie Lou.”
“Deeeeeean!” She whined slapping his bare shoulders and making him laugh.
“You’re gonna have to hit harder than that if you wanna throw me off doll face.” He said, pinning her hands on either side of her head by the wrists.
“Mhhhh, can’t get rid of you easily can I?” She teased as they kissed. She opened her legs and his hardened length ran up her inner thigh as she gasped.
“Nope.” He said as he pushed inside her waiting core. He kissed her again as he buried himself inside of her.
“Dean,” she sighed against his mouth, her nails pressing into his shoulders “Dean, you feel so good inside me.”
“Gracie.” he sighed back as he raked his hands through her hair, wrapping her up into his arms as he pushed into her. She wrapped her legs around him, her heels digging into the backs of his thighs. He thrust up into her, hitting her sweet spot, making her back arch and her nails dig harder into his shoulders. He took his time, slowly thrusting in and out of her, kissing every inch of her body that his mouth could reach until she was a whining mess under him.
“Dean, please!” She begged “Please!”
“What?” He asked playfully “Tell me sweetheart.”
“I wanna come,” she whined, raking her nails down his back “please, please let me come Dean!”
He growled and pushed hard into her, making her cry out. She writhed under him, he seemed to be hitting every nerve in her body until she screamed and came hard. Her clenching around him was exactly what he needed to send him over the edge. With a loud cry, he emptied his load into her, his hips stilling as he supported his weight on his knees and forearms. He gave her one last kiss before rolling off of her, both of them breathing hard. After a few minutes of blissful silence, she rolled to her side and kissed his cheek.
“What time is it?” She asked, rubbing the tip of her nose against his cheek.
Dean checked his watch.
“Ten thirty.” He said
“What?!” She asked
“It’s ten thirty.” He said and showed her the face of his watch.
“FUCK!” She exclaimed and darted out of bed.
“What’s wrong?!” He asked
“I’m supposed to be at bridge club in an hour! Fuck!” She yelled as she gathered her clothes and threw them on.
“Shit!” Dean yelled and got out of bed to help her, tugging on his underwear. She threw on her bra and panties, foregoing her pantyhose for now, and stuffed them into her bag along with her gloves.
“God damn it,” she said “I can’t believe I over slept. Where’s my dress?!”
“Right here.” He said and held it up with two fingers.
“Thank you!” She said gratefully as she stepped into it.
“You sure YOU weren’t the one in the Army with that foul mouth?” He teased
“Father was a Sergeant Major in the Marine Corps remember?” She asked as she pulled the sleeves of her dress up and he flashed recognition across is face.
“Ah, now I remember.” He said
“Zip me please?” She asked and turned her back to him. He did as she requested and planted a kiss between her shoulder blades.
“I’m so sorry,” she said “I’m running around here like a chicken with my head cut off. I'm gonna be late and those bitches will rip me to shreds!”
“It’s okay,” He said as she grabbed her shoes and buckled them “go play bridge and gossip, I’ll talk to you tonight.”
She pinned her hair back as best as she could and gave him a quick kiss.
“You’re the best you know?” She asked him
“Stop flattering me or I won’t let you leave.” He said and wrapped her in a breath stealing kiss. She moaned against his lips.
“I have to go,” she whined between kisses “Lula and Sissy are gonna have a fit when they see me.”
Dean laughed
“Go before Lula threatens to hunt me down. Again.” He teased and opened the door for her, watching as she blew him a kiss over her shoulder and took off down the stairs.
It wasn’t supposed to be like this, Grace thought as she caught the bus back to her house, pretending that she wasn’t wearing the clothes she’d worn the night before. She was supposed to hit the road with her high school sweetheart, Dean Winchester, and drive until they reached the Pacific Ocean. They would set up a dual building where he could practice medicine and she could paint, sketch and teach art classes. That’s what they’d always talked about.
That was before Dean got drafted into World War II. He’d been ripped away from her in the blink of an eye while she helped the local Red Cross with the war effort.
When the dust finally settled, Dean’s brother; Sam, showed her the telegram that bore the sad news. Dean was MIA and believed to be dead. It was a hero’s death, her father had mused. She mourned, for years she mourned for the boy she had loved. The one that listened when she talked, that always told her that her dreams of being a writer and artist weren’t stupid or misguided. The boy who away made her feel pretty, the one who always showered her with love and attention, who understood that she didn’t want to be defined by her marital status or that expected her to pop out as many babies as she could.
The girl she was died along with him, after that, she found it easier to just do as she was told. She dated the boys her parents set her up with. Even accepted the proposal of the man her parents deemed “a good match” for her. Kenneth Drake worked successfully in advertising, he made good money and was nice enough. He didn’t seem too happy when she voiced her opinions on social matters or offered her view on the current ads he was trying to run.
“Darling,” he had said and patted her on the back of the hand “I know you have a lot to say, but women are meant to be seen, not heard.”
She had sighed and resigned to the fact that she was supposed to be decoration. She was supposed to smile, look good when she met the boss and have dinner on the table by five thirty sharp.
That perfect illusion was shattered when Kenneth was admitted to the hospital two years after they were married. She got the call in the middle of the night and rushed to the hospital to be with him.
“Please,” she pleaded with the nurse “I’m looking for Kenneth Drake, he’s my husband!”
“Gracie?” She heard a familiar voice ask. The voice send chills down her spine, only one person on the planet called her Gracie and that person had died years ago. She slowly turned and saw him.
His hair was darker than she remembered, but his eyes, oh lord in heaven, those emerald green eyes. Their striking color hadn’t changed at all. He wore a crisp white lab coat with dark slacks and shoes, across his chest was the name
Dr. D Winchester
“Dean?” She asked
He looked like he had seen a ghost, his face went ashen, his full lips dropped open into a surprise O shape. He briefly shook his head and said to the nurse
“Betty, she’s okay. Let her through.”
The nurse, Betty, nodded and stepped aside as Grace rushed over to Dean.
“Kenneth Drake is your husband?” Dean asked, his eyebrows shooting up in surprise. She nodded, a dark curl falling into her eyes.
“Yes, they said they found him in bad shape outside this bar,” she said obviously upset “please Dean, can you tell me anything?”
Dean paused for a second and then nodded
“Have a seat,” he said gently and directed her to a nearby chair “I’ll check it out.”
“Thank you,” She said “thank you so much.”
He gave her a small smile and took off down the hallway.
After some time, Dean returned and sat by her.
“Kenneth suffered a concussion,” he told her “he hit his head on the cement after he collapsed due to alcohol poisoning. They pumped his stomach and gave him some fluids, he’s gonna have a nasty headache and a hell of a hangover, but he’ll be fine.”
She let out a sigh of relief and hugged him.
“Thank you,” She told him, inhaling his familiar scent “Thank you so much Dean.”
He reluctantly wrapped his arms around her, the familiar feel of her hair under his hand filling the dull ache in his chest that he’d learned to live with.
The next day she’d returned to the hospital to check on Kenneth. She headed up to the roof to get some air and found Dean, sitting on a bench. He wore sunglasses and had a lit cigarette in his hand.
“I thought you would be up here.” She called to him.
He turned, startled, but his expression softened when he saw her.
“Gracie!” He called
That was how it started; they’d rekindled their friendship like they’d never been apart. One night, she met Dean for a drink, which turned into multiple drinks, and the truth came out.
“You couldn’t wait for me?” He asked, his eyes glassy.
“Sam told me you were dead Dean, he showed me the telegram.” Grace said, taking a puff from the cigarette she stole from him.
“The Army thought I was dead,” he told her “my unit got captured by the Italians and they kept us as prisoners of war. Then the Allies liberated us and brought us home. Imagine the shock on my mother’s face when I turned up.”
“Why didn’t you?” She asked and trailed off.
“Come looking for you?” He asked and she nodded “I did, your father told me he’d put a bullet in me like the Italians, Germans and Japanese had failed to do if I ever came near you again.”
Her eyes widened and her mouth dropped open in shock as she handed back the cigarette to him.
“My God,” she said “my father, always the wordsmith.”
Dean smirked and snubbed out the cigarette.
“So Kenneth seems nice, albeit a raging alcoholic.” Dean said
She shook her head
“He’s docile,” she said “he makes good money, he works hard, he’s nice enough. I guess.”
“But?” Dean asked, downing the last of his drink and asking for another.
She rolled her eyes and took a sip of her drink.
“My husband,” she trailed off and chose her words carefully “bats for the other team.”
Dean’s eyebrows shot up
“Kenneth wears sensible shoes?” Dean asked and she nodded “Sure do know how to pick ‘em Gracie Lou.”
She slapped his arm playfully
“MY PARENTS picked him,” she said “I had no say in the matter.”
“So, where is he now?” Dean asked
She pursed her lips and thought
“At a late meeting,” she said and downed the rest of her drink “with his business partner William.”
“Does he often have late meetings with William?” Dean asked and she nodded.
“Nearly every night,” she said “he comes home for dinner and then leaves at exactly seven thirty.”
“When does he come home?” Dean asked
“Whenever he damn well pleases,” she told him “he's the man of the house. His words, not mine.”
Dean shook his head as the waiter dropped off another round for them.
“I can tell you something?” She asked, leaning into Dean. Her blue eyes were sparkling like they always had, he could smell her perfume and the alcohol on her, which just made her all the more enchanting.
“Of course.” He said
Their eyes met and she bit her lower lip. Not only had their friendship rekindled, so had to sexual tension between them. The last time Grace had sex with a man was Kenneth on her birthday; and even then, it hadn't been anything worth writing home about.
“The last time I had a decent orgasm? Right before you went off to war.” she told him
His eyes went wide
“You’re kidding right?” He asked and she shook her head.
“This is much too serious for me to joke about.” She told him.
Dean reached in his pocket, pulled out his wallet and said
“We’re fixing that. Now.”
“What?!” She asked shocked as he threw some money on the table and grabbed her hand.
“Either I just left a VERY generous tip or a dry cleaning receipt, let’s hurry in case it’s the receipt.” He murmured in her ear and she laughed.
Dean always had the ability to make her laugh, even when she didn’t want to.
He took her to his apartment and as soon as the door was shut behind them he said
“You have to tell me this is okay Gracie, I need to hear you say it.”
It was nice to see all those years away hadn’t changed that part of him. He’s said something similar when she’d lost her virginity to him what seemed like a lifetime ago. She put her purse down and stepped closer to him. Standing in front of her wasn’t the boy she’d fallen in love with. He was a grown and jaded man, but he still had all the love and compassion in him that she’d always cherished about him. She nodded and said
“I want this Dean,” as she reached for him “I want you. Make love to me, please.”
That night had been full of passion and romance unlike anything she’d experienced since she’d slept with him previously. He remembered every place to touch and kiss her that made her toes curl and drawing sounds out of her she wasn’t sure she was capable of making any more.
The next morning her eyes fluttered open and she found Dean asleep beside her.
“Oh thank god.” She said quietly “that wasn’t an elaborate dream.”
She heard Dean chuckle as he opened his eyes.
“Are you okay?” He asked, pushing her hair out of her face. She nodded
“I should feel guilty,” she told him “I should feel ashamed and disgusted.”
“Do you?” He asked, hesitation in his voice.
She smiled and shook her head
“No,” she said “I don’t.”
That was more than a year ago, Grace thought as the bus pulled up at a stop near her house. Since then, she and Dean has carried on discreetly, just as she knew Kenneth and William were. Neither of them mentioned the other’s fling and they kept up appearances. She was there to greet the boss at work functions and host dinners in their home. Though now she did it with a bit more pep in her step.
She rushed into the house, busting through the kitchen door like a bat out of hell and startling both Lula and Sissy, the ladies that helped her in her home.
“Mrs. Grace you look like something that got caught in a drain!” Lula exclaimed and Grace laughed.
“I do look a bit silly don’t I?” Grace asked “Lula, could you make me some coffee while I freshen up?”
“Yes ma’am,” Lula said and nodded to Sissy “help Mrs. Grace outta those clothes so I can get ‘em washed.”
“Yes Lula.” Sissy said and followed Grace up the stairs.
Sissy was Lula’s niece and needed work, Lula had been helping out her family for as long as she could remember and when she started to get on in years, Lula asked tearfully if Grace could help out her niece. Grace’s heart went out to Lula.
“Lula, you know you’re family to us and if your family needs help, this is the least I can do.” Grace had told her and covered Lula’s dark hand with her own pale one “How about this? You bring Sissy on and teach her how you do things? That way when you’re ready to leave, Sissy can take over.”
“You do that for me Mrs. Grace?” Lula asked, her brown eyes wide with shock.
“Lula, if she is anywhere close to as amazing as you are, we’d be happy to have her on.”
Sissy was terribly shy at first, she didn’t even look Grace or Kenneth in the eye for the first few months she worked for them. Slowly though, she’d come around and was a delight to be around.
“Tell Lula I’m sorry this smells like cigarettes.” Grace told Sissy as she turned her back. Sissy unzipped her dress and asked
“Doctor Winchester again?”
Grace gave Sissy a sly smile and Sissy returned it. She threw the evening dress over her arm and Grace headed for the bathroom.
“Sissy, could you find me something to wear for today?” Grace asked
“What do you want to wear Mrs. Grace?” Sissy asked.
Grace shrugged
“Surprise me, I always get compliments on the clothes you pick out.” Grace said and went into the bathroom.
After a shower, pinning her hair up and donning a floral dress, peach sandals, a strand of pearls and matching earrings, Grace did her makeup. Just a little bit of mascara, blush and lipstick to bring out her features. She looked in the mirror and realized Dean had left a hickey on her neck.
“Asshole!” She mumbled to herself and set to work trying to cover it up.
When she was ready, she went down into the kitchen and took a cup of coffee that Lula had waiting for her.
“Did Kenneth come home at all?” Grace asked Lula.
“He was here this morning for breakfast,” Lula said “which you missed.”
Grace hung her head, Lula chastising her wasn’t anything new.
“Sorry Lula.” Grace said and sipped her coffee before shoving a pancake in her mouth.
“MRS. GRACE!” Lula shouted “You eat like your Momma taught you some manners!”
Grace laughed and so did Sissy. “You hush over there and make sure that mantel is dusted.” Lula said to Sissy, who scampered away.
“Did Kenneth tell you where he was going?” Grace asked.
“Playing golf with William,” Lula said as she arranged the tarts on a serving plate just so “said he’d be gone until dinner was ready.”
“That’ll give me plenty of time to get dinner ready,” Grace said “meatloaf and potatoes?”
Lula nodded
“Mister Kenneth likes that.” She said with a grin.
“I'm late, I have to go. I'll see you two when I get home.”
When she arrived, fifteen minutes late, Sue, the hostess for this meeting was not pleased at all.
“Not like you to be late Grace.” She said as Grace stepped through the door.
“I'm so sorry Sue,” Grade said and handed her a bottle of her favorite wine “I lost track of time.”
In spite of her distraction, the rest of the bridge game went off without a hitch.
“Grace, are you wearing a new lipstick or something?” Mary Anne asked as she dealt out another hand.
“No, it’s the same as always, why do you ask?” Grace inquired.
“You seem so,” Mary Anne trailed off “different some how.”
“Glowing almost.” Catherine commented as she took a puff from her cigarette.
“I bet I KNOW what it is.” Louise said, adjusting her glasses “Kenneth DID just get home from a long business trip.”
Grace’s cheeks flushed and the ladies started to giggle.
“Oh, now that makes sense!” Mary Anne said with a grin.
Grace tucked her hair behind her ear and smiled.
“A lady doesn’t kiss and tell.” She said simply and went on playing.
After bridge, Grace made dinner. She made extra so that Sissy and Lula could have some as a thank you for their hard work. Kenneth strolled through the door at precisely five thirty, still wearing his golfing gear.
“Darling,” he greeted Grace with a hug “how were the ladies today?”
“Like hens in a hen house,” she told Kenneth “meatloaf and mashed potatoes tonight. Do you want brandy or whiskey?”
“Whiskey please, my sweet?” He asked, giving her a peck on the cheek.
They ate dinner, chatting about their respective days. Kenneth hadn’t done so well on the golf course and had lost a few dollars to William and their other partner, Jim.
“You’ll get them next week,” Grace said “I’m sure of it.”
Kenneth gave her a smile and took a sip of his drink, his eyes still on her. She looked back at him; he was indeed handsome. He had forget- me-not blue eyes, lush dark hair and a slight boyish grin on his face.
“Grace?” He asked
“Hm?” She answered as she took a sip of her wine.
“When are we going to talk about it?” He asked.
“Talk about what?” She shot back.
“What you’re doing.” He said
She blinked at she stared at him
“Eating my dinner?” She asked.
He shook his head and raked a hand through his hair.
“No, and don’t talk to me like I’m an idiot.” He said
“Kenneth, I wouldn’t-“ she started but he interrupted
“I KNOW okay?” He asked sharply
“About what?!” She shot back, even though she knew exactly what he was getting at.
“You and that doctor!” Kenneth exploded “You’re fucking him behind my back!”
Even though it was true, and she had been for more than a year, she still decided to play dumb.
“What doctor? I’m not fucking-“ she started and he cut her off again.
“YES YOU ARE!” He yelled as he stood “Shirley, the butcher’s wife, saw you with a man that wasn’t me last night!”
Fuming, Grace said
“Kenneth, sit down and we can talk about this calmly.”
SOOOOOO?! What do ya’ll think?? Are you excited to see where this goes? Because I’m excited to share it with ya’ll! 
As always, kind feedback is appreciated. Feel free to like and share with your followers. If you’re new, maybe consider following? My boxes are open, so if you want to request something, you are more than welcome to!
The Squad:
@waywardbaby @waywardnerd67 @familybusinesswritingbro @ain-t-bovvered @mrswhozeewhatsis @girlborninstorms @dacleverfox @emoryhemsworth @bobasheebaby @salvachester @myinconnelly1 @mogaruke @imma-winchester-addict @theworldiscolorful @dean-winchesters-bacon @animerose96 @l8nit-l0vr @thewaywardvalkyrie
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