new-fandom-scene · 1 month
Coconut Vanilla - Jake Seresin
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Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Female Reader
Summary: Staying at your place means Jake can use your "fancy" soaps.
Length: 1,578
Warnings: Fluff, Swearing, Playful Teasing, Cursing (once)
Staying at his own place was always more convenient for Jake, but it definitely does not give him the same feeling as when he stays over at yours. To Jake, there was nothing better than heading over to your place after work and opening the door to the smell of sweet bliss; and it quite literally always smelled sweet.
Jake calls you 'Sweetness' for a reason. Your apartment always held the lingering smell of fresh vanilla in the spring and summer, or warm cinnamon apple in the fall and winter. While you have been known to bake deliciously sweet treats from time to time, you were more known, at least to Jake, to always have incense out and about in each room of your apartment. Whether burning it or not, it filled your space with a layer of comfort Jake could not find anywhere else (not that he would want to anyway). You, yourself, also always smelled of such sweetness, a quality that will never stop Jake from wanting to be as close to you as possible all the time. From the coconut cream of your shampoo and conditioner, to your french vanilla body wash and lotion, there was no way Jake could ever get enough of you.
Upon reaching your front door, Jake knows you aren't home yet. You still have some loose ends to tie up before leaving work, but would make up for it by bringing home dinner for the two of you. In the meantime, Jake is welcome to hang out until you get home, something he has done a few times before. Nonetheless, there is still a smile on Jake's face when he enters the apartment and hangs his keys on the hook above the bench in your front hallway and begins to untie his shoes as the sweet vanilla scent fills his nose.
Jake makes his way down to the connecting bathroom through your bedroom and turns the shower to his "perfect level of warmth", that he always tries to convince you of. You, however, like to stick with your "hot as Satan temperature", as Jake describes it. Chuckling to himself, he undresses and tosses his clothes in the bathroom hamper before stepping into the shower. Jake stands under the water as it erases the tension of the work day and turns to his grab shampoo. You were so kind to buy Jake's usual shower essentials but, as he grasps his own shampoo, he decides to reach for yours instead. It's not like your body care items were off limits, he's just never thought about venturing out of his usuals (unless he's alone at his own place and finds himself missing you too much). He gives the shampoo a squeeze before lathering it into his sandy brown hair and enjoying the scent, your scent, filling his nose. Smelling it alone relaxes his body more than Jake thought was possible without you physically being in the shower with him.
"Shampoo twice, condition the ends," Jake reminds himself of your teaching. He's definitely come a long way from his shower routine before you came into his life. He chuckles to himself as he recalls the look of horror on your face upon finding two-in-one shampoo when you first came over to his place. After rinsing out his second shampooing, Jake conditions his tips and browses over your body care to grab your vanilla body wash and his blue loofah your bought for when he comes over. Jake decided a long time ago that he can't go too long without smelling your scent, and he especially can't go more than a day or two (two's pushing it) without having you in his reach. The second an opportune time comes to ask you to move in together, he's gonna take it. It isn't like Jake doesn't basically live at your place anyway, half of his clothes are here and he's pretty sure his dress whites are still here from when you took them to get dry cleaned last. Little old Hangman would love nothing more than to come home to your sweet, sweet self every day for the rest of his life.
When he finishes rinsing everything out and off, Jake steps out and grabs the fluffy, extra large ocean blue towels that you keep hung by the shower door. Jake drys off and wraps the towel around his hips just as he hears you enter the apartment. "Baby?" he hears your voice call out. "Are you in the shower?" Jake steps out of the bathroom, meeting you in your bedroom. Your smile grows with each step you take towards him.
"Just stepped out, Sweetness", The cocky smirk plastered on his face once he stands toe to toe with your figure. You rest your hands against his slightly damp chest.
"I can see that," you tease, fingers tracing over his toned torso. Leaning into him, you take a whiff, expecting his sandalwood scent, but instead meeting... your own? "You- you smell like me, Baby! What happened in that shower?" you tease, sniffing him all over. Jake backs up instinctively to prevent any more tickling than your sniffs have already done. Any efforts to tickle Jake are ceased when he wraps his strong arms around you and gently smushes your face into his chest, engulfing you in your own scent. "My coconut vanilla boy", you giggle against him.
"I'm a coconut vanilla man, Sweetness. Your coconut vanilla man" Your boyfriend squeezes you closer and suppresses your giggles into muffled vibrations against his chest. "We all know your stuff is nicer than mine, feel like I can treat myself to it from time to time. Plus it's Friday. S'not like anyone besides you will be commenting on it anyway. Why?" He asks in a sassy tone. "You don't like me smelling like you?" Rolling your eyes, you push yourself against him and Jake loosens his grip on you so you can turn and take some of your jewelry off and place onto your dresser. "Not the only one that can smell delicious, Sweetness. And speaking of," Jake pulls you back into him, flush chest to chest. "Am I too sweet to get a kiss?" A cocky smirk paints his face and he studies the phoney look of contemplation on yours.
"Never too sweet for a kiss, Baby," you envelope your lips between his, wrapping your arms around the nape of Jake's neck. Jake has a firm grasp on your waist, as if he thinks you would fly away from him. This is all he needs: your lips on his, you just being around him with the sureness that there is nowhere else to be other than right here with him. You pull away for air, lips slightly swollen and cheeks flushed. "All better honey?" you smirk up at him, encouraging him to steal a quick kiss.
Jake smiles down at you, licking his lips. "That'll definitely hold me over for a couple minutes, at least until we both get into some comfy clothes". He saunters over to his drawer in your dresser and pulls out a pair of boxers, pair of shorts, and two of his t-shirts. "Get changed Sweetness," Jake tosses the second shirt for you to catch. He shamelessly watches you take your work shirt off and replace it with his own.
"Did you have enough shampoo for both washes?" You ask him, tossing your discarded shirt into your bedroom hamper. "I've been meaning to restock on my shower stuff".
Jake looks down and smiles to himself, pulling his shorts on over his boxers. "No worries, Sweetness, I can just bring over your shower stuff from my place. Those bottles are still pretty full".
"That's kind of you baby", you hang your belt up. "But, if you bring them from your place, I wouldn't have anything when I'm over there. And I love you, but sandalwood isn't my vibe". Jake shakes his head and tugs his shirt down over his abdomen before slowly walking over to you.
"What if your place became our place then?" Your head shoots up, hands still holding your pants halfway down your legs. "Then it'd be alright for me to bring your shower stuff over, right?" Cheeks on fire, you shimmy out of your pants, tossing them haphazardly and meeting him in the middle of your room. Jake takes your hands in his, rubbing circles on your smooth skin.
"You wanna move in?" you ask him slowly. "With me?" Jake smirks, his hands travelling from yours, to the lower part of your back to pull you in.
"Thought you'd never ask, Sweetness", Jake smirks, but then meets your eyes with sincerity. "I've been wantin' to ask you for a while, Sweetness. I've never been so sure of someone in my entire life. I don't want to spend another day coming home after work without you on the other side of that door. I wanna come home and smell that apple cinnamon-vanilla shit and know that my coconut vanilla girl is in one of these rooms missing me as much as I'm always missing her". Your heart swells and you caress Jake's cheek before leaning it down for you to plant a kiss right on his plump lips.
"Move in with me, Jake Seresin," you declare wholeheartedly and take his face in both of your hands to meet his lips against yours in a searing kiss. "My coconut vanilla boy".
"Man, Sweetness. Your coconut vanilla man".
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new-fandom-scene · 4 months
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Pairing: Tim Bradford x fem!reader
Warnings: none
Summary: Tim's lights are on, but nobody seems to be home.
Word Count: 1,572
By the time Tim and Angela made it out and into the bar, the usual nine to five crowd was already deep in "weekend mode". Groups of girlfriends were giggling while taking shots of cheap tequila. Packs of guys were working their way through pitcher after pitcher of beer. Weaving through the loud and lively crowd, Wesley already had their usuals sitting at their table for them. Lopez hums in content as she greets Wesley with a kiss and a grateful smile. "This is how it should be at the end of every week", Lopez declares before raising her bottle and clinking hers against Wesley and Tim's glasses.
"So now you're expecting me to be sitting pretty nursing the first round, just waiting for you guys to get here every Friday?" Wesley looks to his wife incredulously and rolls his eyes. "I think I'll pass". Angela shrugs dismissively, taking a sip.
"Obviously not every week, Babe. You and Tim's next lady can alternate every other week". Now it's Tim's turn to roll his eyes.
"Right, because a beer wench is all I'm looking for in a partner. No offense, Wes". Wesley shrugs.
"Since I have no choice but to accept this fate, maybe I can help find my new coworker? There's gotta be a single girl somewhere in my department. I can ask around on Monday". Angela takes her turn to roll her eyes.
"I so need my husband to ask around about the single women at his office", sarcasm dripping with every word. Lopez tips her bottle all the way up, getting the last drop, before setting it back down on the table. "Timothy will get a pretty lady soon enough. But right now, he's gotta get the next round."
Stiffly, Tim stretches his arms out wide and lets out a sigh before pushing himself up from the table. "Next round comin' up". Turning swiftly, Tim makes his way to the center of the bar, but not before bumping right into someone walking the opposite direction and back towards their table. Instinctively, Tim catches the victim of his unwareness by the waist, steadying her before fumbling any further.
"I am so sorry!" You say, rubbing your hands together anxiously. "I definitely thought I was paying attention, but there are so many people, I- I'm so sorry!" You try to search for any signs of anger or frustration on Tim's face, but you don't find any. In fact, you don't even think there's anyone home upstairs, from the looks of it.
Tim's mouth hangs open slightly as he stares at the woman in front of him. A million thoughts running through his head as none of those thoughts are actually making it to his mouth as tangible words. He doesn't think he's ever seen anyone as breathtaking as you, or stunning, as he is literally stunned in front of you. "Ar-are you okay?" You ask again, bringing him a little back to reality. Tim nods, still frozen in place from the shoulders down. "Umm, okay then. Since we don't need to exchange insurances or anything, I should be heading back". The last thing Tim wants is for you to leave his space, but those words are still taking their sweet time getting to his mouth. "Sorry again, have a good night!" You say as you awkwardly shuffle around him and head back to your table of friends. Tim still stands there, analyzing everything, until Angela begins to laugh and Tim's defense mode starts to kick in.
"Someone better be home up there before the squatters try to break in!" Angela jabs while Tim slowly brings himself down to sit at the table.
"Was it- was it that bad?" Tim looks to Wesley, who grimaces. Tim clenches his jaw.
"She might as well have been Medusa with how stonely you stood, man" Wesley shakes his head. "But you know, there's always room for bouncing back". Angela throws her head back with laughter.
"Next round says you can't come back from that", she challenges. Tim swallows hard. It couldn't have been bad beyond recovery, right? He shakes himself out of it and the adrenaline starts to course through his body. Looking out beyond their booth, Tim spots your head bobbing as you weave your way back to the bar. Time to man up, Bradford, he thinks to himself.
"Get your card ready, Lopez", Tim smirks as he pushes himself back up and towards the bar. Angela smiles to herself.
"It'd be Wesley's card anyways!" She calls back, but her voice gets lost amongst the sea of people Tim wades through to get to where you're standing and waiting to be served. You can do this, Bradford. You're a very handsome boy." Shaking any anxieties out of his body, he taps you on your shoulder. You turn around to investigate, blushing nervously with a shy smile. Tim can feel himself begin to seize in front you, and, for not knowing him pretty much at all, you're starting to feel that he is too.
"Let me guess, you have an injury and we actually do need to exchange insurances?" You chuckle. Tim opens his mouth to speak, but is met with, yet again, an empty house. You're usually never this forward, but you've got a couple of drinks under your belt. Guess you gotta taken the reins on this one, you think to yourself. "You know, what? I've actually got the shittiest insurance, maybe we should just exchange numbers instead so I can make it up to you? Think grabbing dinner could compensate for the value of your injuries?" You suggest, rocking back and forth on your heels. "I-I'm (y/n) by the way", you add and stick your hand out for him to shake. "Guess I should have said that earlier". You pray that your hand isn't sweaty as you hold it out for him, simultaneously searching his face for any signs of life.
Her hand! Shake her damn hand! Tim yells at himself internally and pushes himself to stick his hand out to meet yours. Tim notices how perfectly your hand fits with his, memorizing the softness of your skin. "T-Tim", he says to you, which comes out more as cough or gasp for air. Your shoulders visibly lower in relief that you hadn't stuck yourself out there for nothing.
"Nice to meet you, Tim", you smile and continue to shake his hand. Tim can't keep his eyes off you, taking in every sparkle in your eyes and how your smile could honestly fix any hard day's work that he's ever had. He notices how there seems to be one piece of your hair that's about to fall in front of your gorgeous face and he resists the urge to reach out and stop it from happening. What else can I say? Think, handsome boy, think. Shit, we're still shaking her hand! He drops your hand more abruptly than he liked to, a rigid smile and nervous chuckle following.
"I like burgers!" Tim says loudly, also more abruptly than he liked to. Your smile widens as you let a hearty laugh escape.
"I like burgers too!" You say with just as much energy. Now it's your turn to make him chuckle. You watch as his body relaxes into a more comfortable stance. "Easing up a little bit, I see?" You tease, stepping slightly closer to him. Tim shakes his head and smiles, his gaze returning to yours with an amazed smile on his face.
"I don't believe I've ever met anyone that has actually left me speechless", he admits to you. "I hope I didn't make you uncomfortable in any way". You smile and swat your hand playfully dismissive.
"Don't worry about it," you smile. "I just hope burgers are enough to compensate for taking away your personal space and your breath away". Tim rolls his eyes playfully.
"Hey, I was still breathing" he lazily defends. "But a burger and some more of your time would certainly be a good start towards my compensation". You nod, impressed, and motion with your hand for Tim's phone. He opens it and places it into your hands for you to enter your phone number.
"How about your people talk to my people, and we can discuss proper reimbursement?" You hand the phone back to him with a smile. Tim reaches out and gets a hold of the phone, his fingers lingering over yours for just a moment before putting it back in his pocket.
"Sounds like a good start to me," Tim agrees, reluctant to leave your area of space. "I'll call you, (y/n). And I'll actually have more words this time", he promises and watches your smile get brighter and cheeks get rosier. He swears he'll do whatever he can to always make you look at him like that.
"I can't wait to hear them," you say. "It was nice to meet you, Tim". He smiles and nods before waving a small goodbye and heading back to an expectant Angela and Wesley.
"Where's my drink at?" Angela asks. Tim shakes his head slowly while pulling out his phone to show them your number. The husband and wife clap slowly, very impressed and surprised by the turnaround.
"So, where's my drink at, Lopez?" Tim shoots back, teasing. Angela looks to Wesley, eyebrows raised. Wesley sighs before pushing himself up from the table.
"Yeah, yeah. I'm on it".
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