thefatmomdiary · 3 years
Thinking of goals...
Once my kids starts back to school next week I want to really push myself and start walking. I know that doesn't seem like a lot but with how much i weigh i think its a good start. I also have a trampoline i can do exercises on at home. My goal for walking is two miles, so a mile to where ever, turn around and a mile home. This should burn about 600 or so calories based on my weight. I want to get outside as much as i can before the cold sets in too much this year. I think i want to set my goal for 30 days of walking minus weekends because ill be doing family stuff. and my body will need a break since I am new. I want to start September 8th since that's his first day back so yeah. Until then ill be doing my jumping on the trampoline. I did it for the first time yesterday and was able to do almost 8 minutes straight so I am just going to work off of that, mind you i was just lightly jumping and trying to keep pace but thats a start for me. 
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Started losing weight when I realized I was 299 pounds. I wasn’t going to hit 300. I refused. My journey has had its ups and downs so far but I’m officially 255 pounds today. It’s not much, but it’s that much farther from 300 than I ever thought I was capable of. I struggle with motivation and discipline. If anyone wants to give me some pointers or just help motivate each other, hit me up! 💪🏻
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