#next i gotta get rid of the errors lmao
boneheadboner · 3 months
Error can't catch a break in the Depths in Despair UTMV
This is absolute stupid crack shit I came up with, to sum up Error's experience throughout the stories I have planned.
SUFFICE TO SAY? Spoilers for the shit I'll write eventually.
Error: [Has kidnapped Sonia from her universe] Well this fucking sucks. Error: This stupid anomaly exists when she's supposed to be a dead NPC in literally every iteration of her existence. Sonia: Uhhh, hellooo, I have a name??? Error: AND this stupid anomaly has been mucking around in the main universe. Error: You know what we do with those? Sonia: Uhhh... Let them live? Error: NOPE! We Delete them. Sonia: [Being deleted] Hey, this is actually pretty painful? Can you maybe not-- Error: This is taking too long. Error: Whatever, it's already in process of happening, it'll do it's thing. Error: I gotta go get rid of more anomalies and flip off Ink, seeya. Sonia: ... Well this sucks. Sonia: I hoped at least it would be quick, but... this is... Extremely painful. Sonia: Well... At least no one has to see me go out... Snafu (Error!Paps): [POPS IN] OHHAI THERE~! [ An indeterminate amount of time later] Error: [Comes back to the antivoid]
Error: Welp, that was fun. Error: Alright, time for some Undernovella. Error: Error: Error: Error: I sense a disturbance in the force. [Peeks at different AUs by changing the channel.] Error: [Finds out that not only did he fail to delete Sonia... But he has fucked up so much, that now he's essentially caused new divergences of AUs to crop up. Because there's now fragments of the bitch he tried to delete that wound up IN those AUs to cause the divergences.] Error: Error: Oh shit. Error: Error: Oh fuck. Error: Oh shit fuck fuck fuck fuck Error: Error: Error: I can't let Ink find out about this. Error: he's NEVER going to let me live it down!!! [Petty manchild self proclaimed god of destruction goes on warpath to hunt down every damn fragment to delete... Only to find out they keep glitching out and sending fragments of their memory to other remaining living fragments.] Error: S$#% f*$& #*&$# S*%$&Y#(* of a %#$*$R#*& thank fuck Ink didn't notice-- Ink: OHAI RURU Error: Please die, also is that a new swap you have? Ink: LMAO yeah we've had him for 2 weeks! He's fucked up! Blue, this is Ruru! He's the multiverse God of Destruction! Blue: ERRR... GREAT WAY TO LET A GUY KNOW HE'S A RED SHIRT. Dream: Ink, that's insensitive, and Error, don't you dare. You already are at least 80% responsible for the last 5 swaps we've had dusting. Blue: [deadpan] WOWZERS, YOU ALL HAVE SUCH HIGH HOPES FOR ME. Error: .... LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Error: Hey, hey pissbaby, guess what?! Error: When I'm done thrashing you idiots? Error: I'm going to stop by your universe and say hi to your brother! Error: And then I'll delete the whole mistake of a universe~! Blue: [Drops the cheerful tone] 'Scuse me? Error: And I'll make sure he's the last person I delete!!! LMAO Ink: Ohhh, Ruru always says these things, he's so funny!!! Bwahahaha~!! Dream: [UNSETTLED] Uh, Blue, don't do anything-- Error: What? Gonna cry?? Error: Gonna beg me not to??? Error: Gonna piss yourself before you dust from a SOULattack?? Error: LMAOOOOOOO---[Proceeds to get fucking OPM'd through 3 goddamn buildings, as Blue gravityhax'd close to him before punching him] Dream: UHHH-- Ink: [Trying to bodyblock Blue from Error's path] Aw Bluuuue, he was just playiiii-- Blue: [Completely dead tone] Ink? Get between me and him, And you're next. Ink: .... OKAY~! [STEPS ASIDE] Blue: [Proceeds to catch up EZPZ through gravity hax, to Error while he is Yamcha'd on the ground.] Blue: [Grabs the back of Error's head, and starts slamming his face into the pavement in a move to (almost successfully) turn Error's face into an empty cavity]
Error: [FINALLY recovers from the shock of the first hit, and tries to defend himself with his strings] Blue: [Proceeds to loop those strings quickly around his own arm, and then loop them around Error's neck. Blue starts pulling on it in a move to either strangle Error, or sever his head off from how hard he's pulling it.] Error: HEY THAT'S CHEA%$*T(&%($#$#&*$#@(&#@* Blue: [completely dead tone] You listen to me, pal. Blue: Monster, Immortal, god, I don't care what you are. Blue: If you so much as breathe the same universe's air that my little brother breathes? Error: Blue: I'm going to break your metatarsals and metacarpals, and slowly work my way up. Blue: Bit by bit, bone by bone, Until all that's left of you is a skull. Error: Blue:[Cheerful tone] OH, BUT DON'T WORRY. YOU'RE A GOD, RIGHT? THOSE ARE SUPPOSED TO BE IMMORTAL LAST I CHECKED~. Error: Blue:[completely dead tone again] And that means I can wait for all those bones to grow back, just to break them all over again. Error: Blue: You're going to wish you were mortal, just so that way death could save you from me.
Error: Blue: [CHEERFUL TONE] SO, JUST SO WE'RE CLEAR? [Dead tone] stay the fuck away from my little brother. Error: [Clawing desperately at the strings around his neck, dealing with being overwhelmed by physical contact] eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Blue: Understood? [Cheery] GOOD~! GLAD WE COULD HAVE THAT TALK~. YOU'RE SUCH A GOOD LISTENER, MR. ERROR. [Gives the strings one LAST harsh pull, before letting go of them] Error: [IMMEDIATELY SCAMPERS AWAY FROM BLUE] AAA$#$@%@%@A#$@&(*$*@^^!@*&AAA#(^!@*&(%^#AAAA@&(%$@AAAA(^(#)@*&^ Blue: [Smug as SHIT] Error: [Teleports up into the air, before tearing a hole to the Anti-void quick and using his scarf to hide his absolutely shattered and crumpled in nose and busted teeth] Error: $#*%&@(@ @*#&@(&%!@)(%@ FUCK YOU Error: FUCK YOU, YOU SUCK. Blue: Shucks, pal. Whip it out so I can. Error: !!!!!!!!! Error: *&$^#*&$^@ #$*@&(#&( FUCK ING WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?! Blue: A lot. Want me to get the list??? Error: $#&^*$#^&*%^@*^%&*@ SCREW THAT I'M OUT. [YEETS HIMSELF INTO THE ANTIVOID, CLOSING IT BEHIND HIM] Ink: [Catches up, missing ALL of the shit Blue just subjected Error to] Ink: HI BLUE!!! Where did Ruru go? Blue: OH, HE JUST LEFT~! Dream: [Catches up as well] BLUE ARE YOU OKAY?! Blue: OF COURSE~! SHUCKS, YOU SHOULD SEE THE OTHER GUY! LIKE WOWZERS, I THINK I FELT HIS NASAL BONE BUST. Dream: ..... Ink: .... Dream: ... [A bit horrified] Oh by the stars... Ink: ... DID YOU GET A PICTURE??? Wow!!! Ruru with a busted in nasal bone, I never thought of that!!! I wanna draw it, but I don't know what one looks like. Blue: ... WOWZERS, AND YOU SAID I WAS A LITTLE FUCKED UP! Ink: Hey Dream-- Dream: NO, Ink, just... No. Ink: But-- Dream: We are NOT seeking out a busted human skull just for you to get an idea of what that might look like. Ink: Awwwwwwwwwwh Blue: ..... So is it like... A sex thing orrrrrrrrrr??? Dream: Hyperfixation, actually... Ink: OH, I'VE DRAWN SEVERAL GOOD PICTURES OF RURU'S PPs!!! WANNA SEE?! Dream: Ink no-- Blue: ... You SURE that isn't a sex thing???? Dream: [Facepalming] Ink: [Is happy screeching because Blue didn't give him a no] [MEANWHILE, IN THE ANTIVOID] Error: [Fuckign sobbing while listening to Christina Aguilera's "Beautiful"] Error: THIS IS FUCKING BULLSHIT Error: I GOT THRASHED BY A SWAP Error: A SWAP!!!! Error: [GROSS SOBBING] Error: I CAN'T FEEL MY NASAL BONE, AND MY TEETH ARE LOOSE. Error: WHAT THE FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK [MORE GROSS SOBBING] I AM BEAUTIFUL, NO MATTER WHAT THEY SAYY... WORDS CAN'T-- Ink: [Has gotten in somehow] OHHAI RURU~! Error: [THE LOUDEST GLITCH SCREAMING OF TERROR]
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dokyeomini · 2 years
and im almost done with cleaning i just need to hang the last of the laundry to dry and change the bedsheets
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millepara · 5 years
Raki’s PR is adorable and Little Ribbon Story is the cutest possible name for a coord. it looks good on her and it’s my fav color lavender, I’m v excited to collect it in the game for Milk. and I’m glad they made the accessory a ribbon headband!! imo they hit on the perfect accessory for Maximum Raki Cuteness when they gave her that red ribbon and everything else pales in comparison.
if Raki gets her original PR... that’s gotta mean it’s the end of aiparade, right? a few eps in I rid myself of the belief that aiparade was meant to last a year or longer, so it’s hardly a surprise that it’s winding down right before the spring anime season starts. but (controversially? lmao) I really like Raki, her whole look is super cute and I find her kind of directionless enthusiasm endearing. she’s not my fav aikatsu main chara (that’s still Ichigo), but I’m sure that if we got to spend more time with her she would be... so it’s a shame that we’re moving on to whatever the next thing is. it’s just very strange that she’s a full-fledged mc, yet is getting shelved (along with Aira Rin...) after half a year--not to mention that she was often overshadowed by all of the crossover/revival stuff going on in that time.
s3 is set to end on march 25th, so I guess they’ll start feeding us new series info in feb. it’d make sense in terms of timing for them to update the cabinet after aiparade, but I am firmly standing by my belief that they’ll keep the current cabinet bc it’s good and I like it, and also why would they add a million characters and songs to it in aiparade only to hurl the whole thing in the garbage moments later. also (gestures at faded, sticky-buttoned prichan cabinets housing game that’s 20% errors and 30% wait time) this is still around for at least one more year. also--and though super minor, this is a fact and not speculation--stuff in my present box in the game says it’ll be available till various dates in mid-april, well after aiparade s3 ends. you can def argue that they didn’t program the game to spoil its own self-destruct date... but it’s just something I noticed while playing recently, so.
keeping the cabinet means I’m not worried about all of my mychara info getting scrubbed this time around though. like, I’ve reached lvl 100 and accept that I’ll never get to 200, so if that’s reset then w/e. and I’m 99.999% sure I’ll keep all the mychara parts I’ve collected too. so that’s... something... at least . .. 
so I think what I’m saying is I want them to restart everything keeping only Raki, so she can have normal character development with a normal 1 performance per ep. nothing to complain about there, right?? haha... . 
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