#next part will be koko seeing the tat!!!
acidsaladd · 2 years
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movie Nya has a Lady Iron Dragon tattoo she told me herself
[Image id: it is three images with drawings of Nya and Lloyd from the Ninjago movie. The first drawing is a fully colored drawing of Nya over a blue background. Her shirtless back is facing the viewer and she is looking over her left shoulder, smiling proudly. Said shoulder has a Lady Iron Dragon tattoo that covers her shoulder and part of her left upper back. The tattoo is the side profile of a woman with long wavy hair and a piece of armor around her head like a headband. Behind the woman there is a dragon, its head is directly behind the woman’s and other parts of its body poke out from behind her. The second image is an uncolored doodle of Nya smiling widely while reaching up to the sleeve of her t-shirt, pulling it up. The text bubble beside her reads “GUYS! guys. check out my LID tattoo!!! It’s totally awesome!” The third image is a small comic of Nya and Lloyd. “Lloyd”, Nya says in a serious tone, her head is buried in her hands while Lloyd smiles anxiously, fiddling with his hands and looking towards anything but Nya. “yea..? he answers, hunching over himself with a nervous smile on his face. With her hands still covering her face she says “I got a tatoo of your literal mother..”. “AND U DIDNT THINK TO TELL ME?!” she finishes with a shout, she uncovers her face and turns. Her face is completely blushed, embarrassed, and she is clenching her teeth. /end id]
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kazutora-kurokawa · 5 months
Haitani Brothers Headcanons
♡ SFW & NSFW, Tenjiku and Bonten Timelines, AFAB Reader, tried to keep it gender neutral tho ♡
note: may or may not be ooc, this was longer than planned oops
♕ Rindou is extremely quiet and he unintentionally sneaks up on you a lot (he's used to walking on eggshells because of Ran's sleep schedule)
♕ Ran has a daily nap schedule he follows religiously
♕ Rindou learned how to braid just so he could do Ran's hair
♕ They match outfits all the time and they will make you match outfits with them whenever you go out
♕ Rindou takes bubble baths and does at home spa treatments (he's big on self-care and would take you and Ran on spa trips too)
♕ If you're dating one of them, you're besties with the other one, no debate fr
♕ Ran would let you choose what color he'll dye his hair next (Ran: If you pick an ugly color, I'm gonna rock you in your shit ♡)
♕ Ngl they'd be friends with Hanma, especially Ran (they'd get on Rindou and Kisaki's nerves all day)
♕ Rindou does gymnastics (self-taught king 🤭)
♕ Ran was surprisingly a decent student in school, he liked classes that delt with science the most
♕ They had their matching tattoos planned out even before they started involving themselves in gang activities
♕ Rindou is more responsible than Ran
♕ Rindou gets jealous of being in Ran's shadow/being seen as just the younger brother (that's why he pulls those crazy poses during fights, because he wants to be memorable for his opponents)
♕ Ran notices Rin's jealously and always reassures him that he's his own person and an awesome fighter and little brother
♕ They chose to get the Bonten tats on their necks because they didn't want anymore torso tattoos (and Rindou refused to get a tattoo on his head like Koko did)
♕ Rindou teared up when he got his neck tat (Ran laughed at him, he comforted him later tho)
♕ Ran has a high pain tolerance, Rindou...not so much
♕ Rindou likes when you call him Rinnie or RinRin (he'll never admit it tho)
♕ You end up becoming friends with Sanzu because of them (Bonten trio headcanons when 👀)
♕ Rindou refers to Sanzu as the bubblegum man because of his hair (it's cool tho cause Sanzu calls him a jellyfish behind his back 💀)
♕ You called Ran and Rin the deadly duo as a joke once, but they lowkey liked it
♕ Ran is really blunt about his feelings, while Rindou is more closed off about his emotions
♕ They invite you to all the clubs they own (the VIP section is calling your name 🍾)
♕ Ran cut his hair because he got sick of spending hours in the bathroom on wash day
♕ Rindou almost cried when Ran came into work with his hair cut (Rindou: Ran...wtf did you do to your hair? 😭)
♕NSFW (with a dash of fluff)♕
♕ Ran's a busy man, but he still makes time to meet your needs (office quickies are a common occurrence)
♕ Rindou takes time off just to stay home with you all day (takes you out to a club he owns and ends up railing you in the VIP section)
♕ Rindou is undoubtedly an ass man, if he sees you in a nice outfit that compliments your "assets" he will pounce on you like a wild animal
♕ Ran likes leaving bite marks on your thighs (they're one of his favorite parts of you and he just wants to mark his territory)
♕ If you get their names tatted on you, they'll be putty in your hands 🙌
(Rindou: You got a tattoo..of my name? You're so lucky we're in public right now or else I'd be doing some unholy things to you.)
(Ran: Aww my pretty baby wanted my name on their body? Now everyone will really know you're all mine ♡)
♕ You sext Ran while he's at work (be prepared for him to be rough with you as soon as he gets home)
♕ Side note: Sanzu was peering over Ran's shoulder and saw the pics you sent him, prepare to be complimented by him the next time he sees you (Sanzu: Hey y/n, you looked really hot in *outfit you wore when you sent Ran the pic*)
♕ Rindou gets flustered when you two fuck, y'all have fucked plenty of times but he still always blushes when he sees you naked
♕ Lazy morning sex with Ran 🤭
♕ Rindou is the king of aftercare fr (he'd be super gentle and soft with you during sex too)
♕ Ran is rough and always leaves you sore (he cuddles you after tho)
♕ Ran would be more likely to get you pregnant (he's irresponsible asf, but he'd for sure be a great dad)
♕ Rindou is less likely to get you pregnant, but he wants a family more than Ran does (Rindou: Wouldn't it be great to have a bunch of mini versions of us running around?)
♕ Rindou put you in a mating press once and almost broke the bed 😭
♕ If you're sleeping with one brother, the other is off limits (they do like to make each other jealous sometimes tho, so expect some flirtation here and there)
♕ Pet names (no I won't elaborate 💜)
♕ Rindou has a choking kink (doesn't matter if he's doing the choking or the one being choked, he gets bricked)
♕ Ran loves when you leave nail marks down his back (Ran: Pain is pleasure ♡)
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itoshit · 3 years
Putting my gun back in my holster I snorted.
'My couch is too precious to have it tainted with your blood. Second question. How much did you say to them?'
'Not a lot. Your men are loyal. I was quite disappointed at that too'
Frowning, I threw a glance at Sanzu.
'But you drugged him right?'
'Yes I did! But your friend here was incredibly silent. He only gave me the names of your executives, something that I already knew'
'Eh?? So you're telling me that I haven't said anything more that night?'
Now standing up, Sanzu looked confused, as Koko and I.
'You were like a tomb. I couldn't get anything from you'
'So who...?'
Exchanging a look, the two understood directly.
-Emergency meeting, now-
'Well Natalie, you stay here for now. If you try anything funny I can assure you that this time you won't get out of it alive. Understood?'
Nodding rapidly at me she turned to you.
'It's gonna be alright Vee! I promise'
'Right. Before leaving one last question'
'They didn't care about who would I sleep with that night?'
'No. They aimed for me but I had to improvise on the spot.'
'And so, you were ready to bring Vee in it ?'
'No! I already told you-'
'Well yes you did. Because by throwing Vee in Bonten you had some hope she would spy or something.'
'I was lost, worried and panicked okay? I couldn't know the consequences of my acts! Vee is my friend, and here I find her all bruised and injured? Manjiro Sano, you're not better than the men who whored me out'
'Don't make me laugh. We're not the same. The night that I spent with her wasn't supposed to lead to that. We tortured her only because we were convinced she was a mole. Don't compare me to those bastards'
Not waiting for her to answer I left, hurrying in the corridors.
'So someone else is the mole then?'
Passing a hand on my face I sighted. When would I be finally at peace...?
'Seems like it. At the end Sanzu you weren't responsible'
'And I'm fucking relieved to hear that. Couldn't bear the responsibility'
'What should we do next? Akashi?'
'Examine a second time each and every man working for us. We shouldn't accept anyone new and if someone's suspicious, we interrogate them.'
'About Natalie and Vee?'
All eyes on me, I couldn't think anymore. My head was ready to explode, too many thoughts in it.
'Fuck. The problem is, they probably guessed that the girls were with us. If we let them go, we have to expect to receive their head all wrapped up in a box soon enough.'
'The question is, are we ready to let innocent people die?'
'Mikey, I see you. You're not in your right mind. Those girls will bring too many problems within Bonten. We should let them go, and whatever happens, well. It's life isn't it?'
'Honestly Ran isn't wrong.'
'You're his brother, you will always agree with him'
'Not at all Sanzu. It's just that we have already too much to deal with. Adding the protection of these two will complicate everything'
Rubbing my temples I was just listening to them bickering, not even concerned about what their boss would say.
Not a fly could be heard.
'... We'll protect them. Sanzu, you will deal with Natalie. I'll take Vee'
ikdr, i mean—
I’m on Natalie like a sloth the second they leave the room, relieved that she’s still here with me, alive. I don’t even stop to consider the fact that she’s probably thinking the same.
Nat, I cry.
She shushes me immediately, wiping the tears from my face. I’ve shed enough to fill a river today. The hard part’s over, Vee. We’re safe now, it’s okay.
Uncaring of how I sound, I whine, I wanna go home. Because it’s the truth. I wanted nothing more than to slide beneath my blankets and attempt to sleep this day away from my memory forever.
And we’re going home, Nat promises. They have no reason to keep us here any longer.
My shoulders slump at that. She’s right. We could finally go home, see Angel and Tat— wait.
What about Angel and Tati? I ask, suddenly remembering how they were at Natalie’s house with me.
They’re fine, she replies. Bonten only targets people they think are directly fucking with them. They thought I was fucking with them, and because you and I are friends, and we both fucked Bonten members, the evidence against you looked pretty damning.
It took everything in me not to laugh at that, just because I know I’d look crazy. All of this happened because I got some dick. It was hilarious in an unfunny way.
Did she know? I question, clarifying when Natalie looks confused. Angel. Did she know about all this?
No. She thought the politicians and wealthy men I was sleeping with were people I knew from Dad’s connections. She didn’t know I was an escort. And Tati knew just as much as you did.
Which was nothing. I stare at Natalie so long I almost see past her. We’d been friends our entire life and it was suddenly like I didn’t know her at all. Why didn’t you tell us?
Telling you would have brought you in it. Her words are firm. You’re not built for this life, Vee! You cry when stray animals can’t find homes. You’re too sensitive. The men I’ve dealt with in the past would have broken you down into nothing.
I shudder to think of what she’s gone through, coming and hanging out with us the next day like nothing had happened. You shouldn’t have gone through that alone, is all I can bring myself to say.
I shouldn’t have, she agrees bitterly. But who else could I have trusted with it other than myself?
I didn’t know how to answer that so I don’t allowing silence to fill the air our voices once did. Nat sighs. Look, it’s all over now okay? After this, we’re done. We get to go home. That’s all that matters.
Gripping her hand in mine, I nod. Home is the only thing on my mind when Mikey comes back into the room.
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