#next week i'll have time to watch covenant. i've heard more mixed things on that one lol. we'll see
laufire · 2 years
it's taken me forever because the link kept breaking but it's done!! I finally watched Prometheus. included the deleted scenes (I think. there might be some more). mostly I agree with the decision to cut them -some stuff is better left implied than spelled out, like that scene between Meredith and her father-, but I would’ve liked a shorter version of the scene where the captain goes to talk to Meredith after she burns Shaw’s boyfriend, mainly for the quote “I burned my hand.” vis a vis the Lawrence of Arabia motif.
overall I enjoyed it quite a lot. the first half wasn’t grabbing me as much, tbh -I think I was subconsciously comparing it to Alien; the tension build-up there was something else and here... not so much, IMO. my other main gripe with it (beyond “why must I deal with so much casual sexism in a film set in 2094″) was that I found the scenery largely boring. some visuals were sick (complimentary), like the horrifying (again, complimentary) cesarean, and stuff generally surrounding Elizabeth/David/the xenomorth, but overall I expected better and better lightning I’m so tired of dark and grey in films it’s an alien planet you could’ve really gone nuts with it!!!
I liked what I expected to like: everything regarding artificial life/creation/religious metaphors, David 8. plus a few things I wasn’t so sure I would or hadn’t expected because my dashboard talks less about them, like Elizabeth and Elizabeth-David (especially the latter I had NOT expected to enjoy this much lol); or Meredith and the Meredith-David(-Weyland) family dynamic, that I wish we’d seen more ngl.
finally, a few things on the list have planted a seed, or implanted an embryo, so to speak, that I can already see influencing my own writing and ideas in the future, which I always welcome ^-^
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galaxysupreme17 · 3 years
Sara Goode-Day
 Zoe BensonXOC!, Cordelia GoodeXOC!Daughter!, Misty DayXOC!Daughter! In this Cordelia and Misty went to school together and later became married and had a daughter. Misty is still the fun Stevie nicks loving character we know. This takes place after the events in season three just slightly different. Sara looks like Misty in the form on her hair and nose. Her eyes however come from Cordelia. Her personality is this perfect mix of Cordelia and Misty.
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~Her Outfit~
I sighs as I walk through the halls of Robichaux academy. It makes only two weeks ago that my mother, Misty, had become lost in the depths of hell. I can’t even begin to explain how much I miss her. She taught me how to spin like Stevie nicks does and even gave me one of her shawls! 
My other mother, Cordelia, has risen as Supreme and has opened the doors of the school to other girls who need to learn to control their magic. I know mom misses mama she just hasn’t talked to me about it. 
anyway mom called me, Zoe, and Queenie to meet in Queenie’s room as she needs to talk to us so that is where I am headed. As soon as I enter the room I see Zoe and Queenie standing by the window looking out. 
I walk over and look out to see at least a hundred if not more girls lined up waiting to come in. Zoe smiles at me and grabs my hand giving it a squeeze. I smile and squeeze her hand back.  
“The lines around the block!” Zoe says causing me to laugh lightly “the real question is where are we gonna put all of these girls?” I ask just as mom walks in the room smiling “we’ll buy more houses if we have to” Mom says looking over all three of us. 
“You three are powerful witches with more skill and confidence than I had for much of my life. I need you three to help me fulfill the promise of all this coven can be. A place to protect, develop, and celebrate witches. You will not only be my right hands. You will be my council. What do you say?” Mom questions looking between all three of us. 
Queenie and Zoe smile. “I got your back!” Queenie says while grabbing moms hand. Mom looks to Zoe next who grabs Queenie’s hand “I’d be honored” Zoe says causing mom to lightly laugh.
 I look up from where my eyes were starring at my feet and make direct eye contact with mom. I smile and grab her hand “I would love to” I add looking around the small circle with a smile. 
“Should we open the doors?” Zoe asks nodding her head towards the window. “Not yet. I have two things to handle real quick.” Mom says and pulls at my arm signaling me to follow. 
As we both walk out of the room and into the hall mom turns around and pushes some of my hair out of my face. “Did you need something mom?” I ask searching her face for some kind of sign. 
“Sara, I know I haven’t talked to you about what happened with mama and I know it hurts you to not have me even though you need me so I wanted to say I am sorry” Mom says as tears come to both of our eyes. 
“I know you didn’t mean to and I also know you need time to heal too. I am not hurt by you distancing yourself slightly. There is no reason to apologize for something out of your control. I will be okay!” I say as a few tears slip from my eyes causing mom to wipe them away and pull me in for a hug. 
“god when did you become so wise? I will always be here for you so if you ever need to talk just come find me” Mom says squeezing me a little tighter. “I will mom. I will.” I say and release from the hug. 
“Don’t you have something else you need to do?” I ask causing mom to smile and nod. “Something tells me you grandmother isn’t dead after all” Mom says and walks away. 
Suddenly I feel a set of arms wrap around my waist and a kiss pressed to my shoulder. “What did Cordelia need?” Zoe asks as I turn around “she wanted to talk about mama being gone” I say causing Zoe to smile sadly. 
“If you ever need to talk I am here” Zoe says moving some hair from my face. I rest my hands on her hips as she puts a hand on my cheek and kisses me. “Thank you” I whisper against her lips as I rest my forehead on hers. “Cut it out lovebirds and come one!” Queenie says causing us to laugh and walk down the stairs. 
As the girls come in and gather around mom starts talking to them.
“ Miss Robichaux's Academy for Exceptional Young Ladies was established as a premiere girls' finishing school in 1790. Afterwards, it came under new management. Our management. We survived. Up until now, that's all we've done. But as I look at your faces-- all of those beautiful, all of those perfect-- I know together... we can do more than survive. It's our time to thrive.” Mom explains when one of the girls raises her hand. 
“What's a Supreme?” she asks causing Zoe, Queenie, and I to look at each other. “You're looking at her” I say motioning up to mom causing my mother to smile at me.
~Five Years Later~
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~Her New Outfit~
I suppose a little information would be nice about what has happened over the past five years. Well, to start, Zoe and I, around a year ago, got engaged and are patiently waiting to get married. 
Queenie is all excited because she gets to travel to L.A. to be on some game show. We have all grown as witches and have learned so much. Queenie, Zoe, and I all teach classes at the school and Mom even asked me to become headmistress. 
For now I am learning how to do that as well as teach classes. Currently I am talking with Queenie about her trip with a few other girls. Mom is showing around a new student named Mallory. 
“Guess who's going to Hollywood!” Queenie says causing me to laugh as mom and Mallory walk in.“You are.” Mom says chuckling and looks over to me and smiles 
“Yes. I just got my tickets for The Price is Right 'cause it's Plinko all day, ho. And I found a really cute hotel. It's, like, old, but it's just been renovated, - and it's downtown. It's kind of..” Queenie explains but soon gets interrupted by Mallory yelling out “No! I know I don't know you well, but... you don't want to stay downtown” Mallory explains 
“Who's this?” Queenie asks looking to her “Hi. I'm Mallory” Mallory says causing me to smile. “Queenie.” Queenie says.
“This is Mallory, and it's her first day. Mallory this is Sara my daughter” Mom  explains as Queenie nods her head at the first part. “Welcome!” I say as I walk closer to the three witches. 
“I've just heard the traffic in L.A. is brutal, and it would take you over an hour to get to the beach” Mallory explains but I feel like something is off about her.
"Right, yeah. Uh... I'm not gonna fly , miles just to see highway. I guess I'll stay in Venice. Be better” Queenie says causing Mallory to nod and smile. 
Mom and Mallory then walk away and I walk over to where Zoe is teaching and watch her. The next thing I know I hear mom cry out a name I though I would never hear again.
 “Misty?!” Mom asks. My head immediately shoots up and I quickly walk around to the front door. Mom and Mama both look up at me as they are the only ones standing by the front door. “Mama?” I question barley above a whisper. 
Mama smiles as tears run down her face and moms. I immediately run over to them and jump into mama’s arms as tears rush down my face like water in a waterfall. 
Mom rest a hand on mama’s back as she releases from the hug. “Look at you Sara! All grown up!” Mama says causing mom to laugh and me to smile. She wipes the tears from my eyes and takes a step back. 
“What happened to my little girl who would dance around to Stevie with me?” Mama asks causing all three of us to laugh “She is still here just a little taller” I say causing her to smile. 
“I missed you both so much!” Mama says looking between the two of us. “We missed you Misty” mom says grabbing mama’s left hand with her right. Mama goes to grab my left hand but stops when she feels something. 
She lifts my hand and looks at my engagement ring. “What is this?” she questions with a small smile on her face. “It’s my engagement ring. I am engaged mama” I say causing her to look at mom. 
“You said our baby girl could get married? Do I even know who this person is? Cordelia?!? Say something!” Mama says causing both mom and I to start laughing. 
“Yes! Misty you know who it is!” Cordelia says just as Zoe comes around the corner calling out my name. “There you are!” Zoe says then notices Mama. “Misty?” Zoe questions causing mama to smile and walk over and hug her.  
“How long do you think the happy reunion will last once we tell mama Zoe is my fiancée?” I whisper to mom causing her to laugh. “Zoe better start running now if she wants to still marry you” Mom says causing both of us to laugh.
Zoe and Mama turn around when they hear us laughing. “What are you two laughing about?” mama asks. “Do you want to meet my fiancée mama?” I ask causing her to nod and Zoe to look at me questioningly. 
I walk over to her and stand next to Zoe. “Mama meet my fiancée Zoe. Zoe meet my mother Misty” I say as mom walks over and grabs mama’s arm to hold her still just incase. 
“Sara is marrying Zoe? And Zoe, you are marrying my daughter?” Mama asks and tries to step forward but we both move back a step just to be safe. “Yes” we say at the same time. “Run” mom says to both of us  as she turns mama around to face her. 
Basically she tricked mom and chased Zoe around the house for a good hour until finally giving up as Zoe had teleported to our room where mom and I were sitting talking about the wedding. Eventually mama found her and decided to have the same threatening talk mom had with Zoe. 
Now everything is fine and we had a family meal out at the swamp shack. Mama, Mom, Zoe, and I all played games and listened to Stevie until late in the night when we all retired to bed. 
Nothing could be better than your family being together again. 
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