#next week is going to hurt because sun decided hurting ongsa by outing her wasn't enough
iguessitsjustme · 21 days
No because Sun does not understand what "no" means.
Ongsa said that she didn't want to do the scholarship program with her and Sun took it the worst possible way:
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Then Ongsa was upset that Sun just outed not just their relationship but also that she is not straight to her parents, Sun was immediately defensive and made it about her:
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But let's also look at not their literally just started relationship.
Sun decided that Aylin gets hugged because "that's what friends do" even though it's very clearly not what Aylin does.
When Ongsa was still "Earth" and Sun asked Earth to meet up she always said it was fine if he couldn't but would become bitter when Earth never showed up.
Sun is so lost in her own self that she should not be in any relationship. She needs to learn to be a partner and listen when her partner expresses a concern or a hurt. Sun doesn't get to decide that someone's reaction to her actions are more painful and worse. She doesn't get to unilaterally decide things about her relationships with people and be upset when people disagree. She loves Ongsa but she sure doesn't like her enough to actually learn anything about her. Like...oh I don't know...how comfortable Ongsa is with being out. Or anything about her relationship with her parents.
It is okay to be ready for different things at different times. It is not okay to decide someone else's readiness for them and be upset when they're not actually there yet.
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invisiblegarters · 2 months
23.5 Episode 5
Kids suck. Aylin is awesome. And the fact that she's slowly getting a group of sincerely lovely people around her who like her just as she is makes me very happy.
I totally think that Sun should ask "Earth" for a photo. Not just because I want to watch Onsga lose her damn mind about it.
I do wonder if they really will force this Earth thing out in the open this early. I can't decide if I'd like them to or not. On the one hand I'm still finding the shenanigans funny. But on the other I don't want it to be dragged on too long and I'd like the to have more than a couple of scenes with the two of them on the same page.
Tin out here speaking sense.
Ooh a little politics with my fluff. Just a teeny tiny bit. As a treat. But beyond that, Aylin cutting through bullshit is part of why I love her.
Ugh these people are so RUDE. What did Aylin ever do to any of them?
PREACH Luna. I love how protective she is. Honestly though Aylin is just lucky Alpha wasn't there.
And okay, Aylin clearly does care that the others are mean to her. She is who she is regardless and she's smart enough not to try to be anything else, but that doesn't mean it doesn't hurt.
"Can aliens fall in love like humans do?"
YES. I think Luna's counting on it, lol.
I do not think that she's gonna tell Sun what's up. Calling it now.
LOL of course they get interrupted. But Ongsa, for real. Look at that little earnest face. You're gonna have to tell her eventually.
Although I guess she doesn't have to. She could always just let Earth ghost Sun.
Okay the awkward faces from everyone who knows when Sun says she's gonna give Earth one more chance were funny.
Called it. But also her logic is stupid. Either way Sun's birthday is ruined. Either she finds out that Earth isn't real or she thinks that he stood her up. Just freaking do the thing Ongsa.
The park she's at really is pretty.
You know, maybe I'm so exasperated because I would just bite the bullet.
Well now that Ongsa skipped her chance to tell Sun what was up, she's inevitably going to give the game away in some other fashion. Because it's not like Ongsa was anything but herself as Earth.
...ONGSA NO. I was JUST defending you. Sort of.
Ugh no. I super get she thinks she's helping but ugh all the same.
I do kind of like the Batman/Bruce Wayne thing Ongsa's got going on, though. That's always a good time.
Oh good though looks like next week might do it. I mean, I don't trust this show not to screw us again, but I will happily take an episode 6 reveal.
It would be a misstep to drag it out too long.
Also there better be sleepover shenanigans with Aylin and Luna next ep. I demand it.
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