#nextdoor aboverse
loflight501 · 3 years
Nextdoor Omegaverse Ficlet
For @jenyuki02
This is an excerpt from part four of the Nextdoor A/B/O AU series.
“I…” he licks his lips, his panic making his mouth dry, “I thought you were on birth control.”
“I was... I am… I don’t know what happened.”
His mind is spinning. This was too soon. They hadn’t been together long enough. His brain starts racing, thinking about how they didn’t have the money or time for a baby.
“Are you angry?”
He looks up at the face of his vulnerable omega, already streaked with tears. He feels panic, stress, a spinning sensation in his head…
“I’m not angry,” he answers truthfully. “I’m just scared.”
“Me too,” his omega answers through renewed tears.
Moving on instinct, he steps forward and gently wraps his arms around the omega taking care not to squeeze too tightly.
They'd figure it out.
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loflight501 · 3 years
Just an idea for your October event: Nextdoor A/B/O AU visit a hunted house or else Paolo and Adrian
I have the Nextdoor A/B/O ficlet already written for sunday's event but I won't tell you which couple!
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loflight501 · 3 years
I associate you with Next Door Urgent A/B/O (and Leap of Faith, and a boatload of Kenzarelli crossovers)
Little tidbits about all of these:
Nextdoor ABO - I wasn't sure who the third Di Genova cousin was going to be until I wrote the chapter when they arrived. I had planned Roberta from the beginning (since I included Pierre) and settled on Primo as the alpha pretty quickly. I went back and forth on who the third was going to be before settling on Fabio.
A Leap of Faith - I wrote this after finishing a screenplay and originally envisioned it as a TV show (not a fanfic).
Bonus Kenzarelli tidbit (about Guardian Demon) - In that fic Pierre reads a Miss Marple book (which is written by Agatha Christie, the same author that wrote Murder on the Orient Express).
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loflight501 · 3 years
I want to ask how you decided on all the pairings for the Nextdoor A/B/O AU, and where you think some of those pairings might be in 10 years time!
Excellent question! I put Malik & Guido together because I had already started writing the Hot Mess series and I have a special place in my heart for them as a couple. They are the only two Kenzarelli characters that I can't ship with other people (although I will read fics that pair them with others). The other characters I kind of started with a character that I wanted to include and then picked a good partner for them.
I wanted to have Paolo because I love his movie and wanted to give him a happier ending. I chose Adrian for him because 1-Adrian is super hot and a tender lover 2-he rarely gets fic written by him. I thought he'd make a nice partner for Paolo.
I wanted there to be 6 Al-Kaysani brothers (4 alphas, 1 beta, and 1 omega). So I kind of decided on the other brothers from there. Someone had requested Pierre & Roberta, so I decided to make Pierre the last brother. I included Richard 100% as a joke when I wasn't planning on making a sequel. And finally I thought that Daan would make a soft omega that was still tough enough to deal with his brothers.
I chose the Di Genova cousins based on who I'd pair them with. Roberta for obvious reasons. I always HC Primo as an alpha and wanted kind of a tough, edgy type for Daan, so I included him.
The last Di Genova cousin was the most difficult. I hadn't really intended on writing fic about Richard, so I was a bit at a loss. I decided that a total nerd like Richard would need a chaotic partner to kind of balance him out. I landed on Fabio because he's definitely the most chaotic Luca character. I also made him an omega, rather than beta, because I wanted to play with non-traditional A/B/O dynamics.
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loflight501 · 3 years
so, tell me something about the Nextdoor A/B/O AU
I included Richard as a joke. I never intended to actually include him or write any fanfic about Richard. I kind of screwed myself because then the sequel came around and I had to figure out how to make him work 🤦
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loflight501 · 3 years
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How it works: Send me an ask with a number below and I'll send you the corresponding trick or treat. I'll cross out the couples until everything is posted. Some of these ficlets might get full-length fics depending on what ya'll like!
Nextdoor Omegaverse
Ettore/Jafar NSFW
Rico/Martin Eden
Jafar/Cesare Mild NSFW
Happy Halloween!!!
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