#kenzarelli omegaverse
cookiemom6067 · 1 year
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Aaand...@loflight501 leaves us on another cliffhanger, but not so bad this time. Nevertheless, expect the last chapter later today
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loflight501 · 2 years
Hi hi! I just recently read your kenzarelli fics and I absolutely love them 😭🥺💖 I wanna ask if you have the Di Genova and Al Kaysani family tree maybe? 😔🙏
I'm so glad you are enjoying my stories!
I'm guessing you are asking for family trees for the Nextdoor series? Here is the Di Genova tree:
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And I realized that I never posted the Al-Kaysani family tree. Here you go!
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raedear · 2 months
The real question re: Bald Luca is, "Are the Kenzarelli people going to turn him into a soft uwu bottom for a TBD Marwan character?"
honest to god I've wondered that since the minute Luca's casting was announced.
Coming soon to an Ao3 near you:
Fandom: The Old Guard - Benito Mussolini/Raymond Westerling + Benito Mussolini/Majid + Benito Mussolini/Others - E - mpreg/Omegaverse/HS AU/Harem/Kenzarelliverse/bald kink
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the-heart-of-leo · 2 years
AO3 First Lines
Rules: post the first lines of your last 10 fics posted to ao3. if you have less than 10 fics posted, post the first lines of all your fics.
(I dislike tagging people but if you want to do this, go ahead! Also, I might end up using the first paragraph rather than the first lines as I tend to start my writing simple. I’ve also listed warnings pertaining to the fic)
1 - The Improbability of a Long Life -  Stranger Things/The Old Guard crossover
Eddie knew he thought about death more than the average teenager. Not in a goth ‘life is misery and death is the only escape’ kind of way but in the ‘if the party dies, what’s a good plot point to let them come back’ or, if he’s feeling bit evil, ‘how cool of a player death can I come up with’.
2 - The Stars in Their Eyes - The Sequel to ‘For Want of a Home’. The Old Guard, Joe/Nicky, Omegaverse Crusaders Era Fic, Non-graphic/implied rape and non-grapic/implied forced breeding toward the end of the fic
Al-Quds was burning.
Even now, with the sky as bloody red as the bloody sand beneath his feet, he could see the smoke rising up behind what was left of the walls.
Al-Quds was lost.
Yusuf sat on his knees and stared up at the smoke, the dark stain of it cutting into the sky as the city glowed in its fiery death. The air stank with the smell of blood, of smoke, of burning flesh…
3 - What is Lost and What Can Be Found -  The Old Guard/Diabolik fic that I probably should update sooner rather than later... as such, I can’t give any real warnings at the moment
Nicky hated interrogation rooms.
They were always cramped, cold, and incredibly boring, no doubt in the hope that when the security officer finally came around to ask their questions, their suspect would be eager to talk if only to break the silence.
Airport interrogation rooms were somehow worse. Smaller, duller, and made all the worse by the inconvenience.
4 - Before the Fall -  Waves/Wolf/Diabolik Kenzarelli crossover - Majid/Gabriele
Getting stabbed was one of the worse experiences Majid had ever had and that was saying something.
The wad of bandages pressed to his stomach and taped in place were doing a decent enough job of keeping his blood in his body but it did nothing for the pain.
"Your dad's a fucking psycho," he hissed at Gabriele. He pressed a hand over the wound to try and keep the bandage tight against his body, to staunch the blood more. "Who the hell just fucking stabs someone! He didn't even say anything!"
5 - For Want of a Home - The Old Guard, Joe/Nicky omegaverse Crusaders Era fic
The fabric was a deep burgundy, stuffed, quilted, and lined with beaded gold edging with tassels at the corners. It was a work of art and far more expensive than anything Nicolò could ever afford. Still, he gently ran a finger over the stitch work, following the line as it crossed over stitches until they formed a diamond in the fabric.
It was so soft…
It could be used as the floor of a nest or maybe even the ceiling if he found a way to hang it up so that it acted as a tent... but that would be so wasteful, not to feel the soft fabric, not to wrap it around them to keep the safe and warm and...
6 - The Sun and the Rose -  Lawrence of Arabia, Soul mark AU, has a graphic rape scene in later chapters
His soulmark was fairly small, only as big as the length of his thumb, but he always thought it beautiful in its simplicity. Gracefully arching lines wrapping around an empty center that made him think of blooming flowers — roses to be specific. Something beautiful and fragile that Ali never tired of seeing.
It was a shock to see the familiar design, pale on his dark skin, reflected in contrast on the sleeping man’s chest. The dark lines against skin still pale thanks to the unflattering uniform, so different from the pale pink, almost scar-like lines marking his own breast.
Lawrence was a confusing creature. Passionate, kind, and foolish in his determination and will. A creature the desert both loves and loathes…
And the one the desert has decided his soul belongs with.
7 - Of Truth and Blood - Lawrence of Arabia, Mild Ali/Lawrence, Character Injury, Past rape, trauma concerning everything really
The blood was spreading.
Ali was sure of it now.
It was on his side, easily hidden by his bisht, by the table, and now by the dim candlelight as the power had finally gone out. The dried blood on the filthy white thawb did a good job of covering most of it and, he was sure, no one else noticed it but him.
Aurens certainly gave no indication of being injured.
He never did.
8 - Persistence of Memory - Power Rangers: Dino Charge/Shattered Grid, Implied Koda/Phillip, Character Death, Character’s unhealthy coping habits
Once something is broken, it can never be put back together exactly as it was.
That was the warning they had all been given when the multiverse was reinstated and when those who had been lost had found a way to return. Those whose power was stolen were given their second chance as well as something close enough to home to return to. The Solar Rangers, their purpose complete for now, had disbanded and joined their first families where they belonged.
For the most part.
9 - Propriety, Modesty, and the Lack Thereof - Power Rangers: Dino Charge, Koda/Phillip, Short fluff, play fighting turned fade to black times.
Prince Phillip had been taught many things growing up as a royal: proper etiquette, modesty, propriety, manners – whatever you wanted to call it, it was how he was raised. Always be well-dressed in flattering but neutral colors, always been well-groomed, to never raise one's voice, always present one's self as being in control: someone trustworthy and regal.
Princes did not rough-house. They did not allow themselves to be manhandled, carried, dragged, pushed, pinned, or any other thing that would insult the dignity of his station.
Which only made the embarrassed flush of arousal worse.
10 - Flowers Bloom in the Scars Left Behind - Detroit: Become Human, Simarkus, Kinda slowburn romance, a year in the life kind of deal, too many pairings to name, drug addiction, etc
It had been a little over two years since Simon had last celebrated a Christmas. His former owner, Amy, had loved Christmas and Halloween and any other holiday that required decorating the house. As soon as it became socially acceptable (and sometimes not), she would start setting things up.
To be honest, Simon had enjoyed it too.
At Jericho, there was no reason for celebrations, nothing to decorate or to decorate with. The holidays were a melancholy time for them all, bringing with them memories that were a mix of good and bad, depending on their previous lives.
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NSFW Robert and Pierre OMEGA VERSE.
Part 2 coming soon.
Link here https://archiveofourown.org/works/28776333
#writing #writingcommunity #lockdown3 #lockdownwriting #thepriceofsanity #RobertaAndPierre #robertaxpierre #pierro #murderontheorientexpress #lultimoterrestre #crossoverAU
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negotiumcrucis · 3 years
TopJoe Anniversary Tag Game: Operation FicRec
Pick your favorite JoeNicky fic for the following categories (you can do them all or just a few), share a link for each story (so people can read it) and say what you love most about it.
- Crusades-Era - That Time In Malta - Hurt/Comfort - Mission fic - Dark - Fluff - Humor/Crack - PWP - Gen - Modern AU - Fantasy AU - Omegaverse - Comicsverse - Missing Scene - Kenzarelli Multiverse - WIP fic - Fic you want a sequel for - Free space (pick a fic you love that we didn't include a category for!)
Check my picks under the cut!
Crusades-Era: Stream Of Songs, by @sal-si-puedes. A beautifully written porn with feelings + enemies-to-lovers speedrun story. This is a series with two fics on the same scene, each one following a different POV. That Time In Malta: to all that ever mattered, to all i ever loved, by @whoreschach. A powerful character study for both Nicky and Joe, as they deal with the aftermath of Merrick’s. Exquisite smut and all the porn with feelings. Hurt/Comfort: Buried In Your Love, by @sholeh675. Here the smut is part of the healing process and it’s done brilliantly. I usually don’t care much about blow jobs in fics, but oh boy this one does it amazingly. Mission fic: The Golden Horn, by goldsaffron. Amazing historical research and Joe’s voice is so fucking good. The “mission” part per se is more Andy and Quỳnh’s doing, but the whole plot is freaking genius. Dark: Sustenance, by @quincette. This fic deals with cannibalism (not between JoeNicky) and uses the most clever metaphors and religious themes in a way that will make your soul sing. Fluff: Let Your Heart Beat Here, by @aw-hawkeye-no. A story about Nile as she struggles with being an omega in a world of alphas. Also, Nicky helps her to build a nest, which is the cutest thing in the world. Humor/Crack: Fifty Florins, by goldsaffron. Not exactly a funny story, but Yusuf’s voice here is simply hilarious, the historical background is genius and the trial scene in London has my whole heart. PWP: My End and My Beginning, by @shadowhannibad. I probably could pick almost any of this author's fics to fill this category, because she always writes unapologetic, scorching hot porn, but this one is soft and horny at the right amount for my tastes. Gen: Remember me for centuries, by @snipergirl21. A story about how the things we collect throughout our lives hold meaning. It’s the perfect mix of bittersweet and the family feels. Modern AU: The Old Guard Prison, by @queen-of-badomens. One of my favourite fics in this fandom. Amazing characterization, compelling plot, the character’s voices are spot on (even the OCs are amazing!) and it has brilliant action scenes. Fantasy AU: Recalescence, by @quincette. I have written in my comment for this story that I’d read a whole trilogy about this verse and I stand by it. An amazing fic with star-crossed lovers + magic + omegaverse. Omegaverse: Love At First Time, by yonge_sonne. It was so fucking hard to pick a story for this category (and I ended up putting some of my fave omegaverse fics in other categories, lol), but I chose this one because it’s simply so fucking hot. Comicsverse: faces that you meet [there will be time], by irrelevant. My favourite comicsverse fic. The author nails their comics voice so, so freaking well. I love the introspection and the smut is top tier. Missing Scene: There’s a TV, Joe!, by @ignisentis. Copley’s POV about the plane scene. It’s brilliant, Joe and Nicky’s voices are amazingly done, they are so snarky and so in love. Kenzarelli Multiverse: Il Lupo d'Italia, by @sholeh675. I don’t read much crossover, but I do love the domesticity here and how the author manages to make me care for these characters I know almost nothing about. WIP fic: Bits & Glimpses, by @quincette. This author has a lot of WIPs I’d love to read more about, but I chose this one because this verse is so compelling and all the little details she came up with are genius. And to think this is technically a glory hole fic... Fic you want a sequel for: red sand, by @silvyri. This fic could also be in dark and omegaverse categories, but I really, really dream about a sequel for this. I’d love to read about the healing journey for Yusuf and Nicolò after the traumatic event that bonded them forever (and no, I’m not talking about Jerusalem). Free space: The Secret History, by spqr. This fic is very hard to categorise, but I can say it’s a fucking fantastic character study and Joe’s voice is absolutely stunning here. I re-read at least once a month because it's that good.
All these stories are incredible and deserve all praise. If you get a chance to read any of them, please consider leaving the author some comment/kudos. <3
I'm tagging: @sholeh675 @snipergirl21 @queen-of-badomens @shadowhannibad and, well, everyone who wants to do this and share the love is welcome to give it a try! <3 <3 <3
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snipergirl21 · 3 years
hi, I saw your rec list for joe x nicky fics and loved it! thanks a lot for that. do you happen to have some A/B/O recs as well?can be any length and rating (preferably complete? and I dont mind angst as long it has a happy ending). I have read in other fandoms, but not for this one. thank you!!
Hi, Anon. Thank you so much for your ask! I had to really give this one a good think, so it took me a few days to answer it. Full disclosure: you've caught me at a weird point where I've been taking a break from fic reading/writing due to work, so I'm relying on my bookmarks and my own memory, and quite a lot of these are in line with my own personal preferences and/or written by my friends.
I do hope that you will like my choices and maybe explore some other fics written by these authors. I've avoided unfinished/WIP fics (this list is long enough as it is!), except for one, which I will indicate separately (and tell you why it's worth it). Mind the tags on some of these, because they can get super kinky!
1. Wistful is the rain by dana_norram. My favourite omegaverse fic. This one is so beautiful and angsty (but with a happy ending!). Basically it takes the entire lab scene, but adds the drama of an unexpected pregnancy in there. Also has some lovely art by eiseul! I also must recommend the author's other omegaverse fic birth among the ruins, it's just as good.
2. Pretty Woman Walking Down The Street by ejdominus. Also my favourite omegaverse fic (yes, I have two). This one I love because it turns typical alpha/omega dynamics on their head. Imagine alphaNicky picking up omegaJoe for a night of passion, but the night doesn't end the way you might think. The conversations they have are just as passionate as the actual sex, and I can't recommend this one enough.
3. Every You, Every Me by Sholeh675 (Solange956). This one I love, love, love for the story. It's got a great hook; what if infertile omega escort Nicky fell in love with his alpha client Joe while servicing his pregnancy kink? I know I just gave away the plot, but you simple have to read this just for the feels! There's angst, but also a happy ending.
4. Nextdoor A/B/O AU by loflight501. This one is an entire fic series, set in the great Kenzarelli Multiverse. So, while you do have Joe and Nicky in there, there are also other alpha/omega pairings for you to explore, based on Marwan's and Luca's other movie characters! I'm sure you'll find several new favourites just from this one alone.
5. The Breeding and The Royal Omega Contest by Kadma32. Yay, a two-for-one special! I love them because the backstories are so unique. The Breeding is set in a dystopian future, while Royal Omega Contest has a fantasy tinge to it. If you want your omegaverse with a bit of adventure, do give these a read.
6. A/B/O Joe and Nicky Modern AU by In_agony_and_ecstasy. This fic series stands out to me because it's written in first-person, which I normally avoid, but the story here was just so compelling. It's an exploration of their relationship all the way from bonding to baby (spoiler alert) and if you just want something sweet, you should give this a try.
7. Love At First Time by yonge_sonne. This one I would recommend if you want something fresh and kinky. I've never seen omegaverse written this way (with size differences!) but it's so hot and dirty, you definitely should check it out.
8. Marrow Bone by fishie_scribbles. This fic is a little edgy, but the story is so good! Nicky is locked in an unhappy marriage to a rich alpha, and seduces handsome milkman Joe. There is angst but also hot, hot sex. If you want omegaverse with a dark twist, please give this one a read.
9. Milk and Honey by Claire. A loving fic of Joe satisfying Nicky's heat during some downtime in between missions. This one also has some lovely art by eiseul included. And, I have to recommend the author's omegaverse stick figure drawings! They're simple adorable!
10. Repair a heart by Mother_Of_Hedgehogs. This story is so fluffy and sweet. Alpha repairman Joe takes a job in the home of single omega dad Nicky, and immediately begins pining after him. So what will happen when Nicky suddenly goes into heat? Obviously, there is a happy ending here, and I'm sure you'll enjoy it!
11. A Different Kind Of Craving by sparkliblue. This hot fic has a super pregnant Nicky basically jumping on Joe's knot, so definitely give this one a read. What makes this one stand out to me (aside from the obvious) is that this omega Nicky has a vagina, which I've not seen much of in omegaverse. But also super hot!
12. Permanence by elii. This one-shot is about Joe marking Nicky back in their early days, when they think that the mark won't be permanent (but turns out, it is). More than the sex, it's the dialogue I love in this one. It's so mushy and sweet!
13. just go now just go go go by everyshootingstar. Ohmaigawd, this fic. It's basically alpha Nicky going into a rut, and he has to confess to alpha Joe that actually he doesn't want an omega, but instead he craves another alpha. There is no sex here, but there is comfort, and something about this one gives me such feels.
14. Your fill of love by nolimepercipere. Ah, this fic is super cute and super yummy (there are three recipes included at the end). Basically alpha Joe ends up feeding his pregnant omega neighbour Nicky, and they fall in love throughout the course of the story. It's so cute, I recommend it for the tender loving romance.
And finally, a WIP fic I love with all my heart. The author is taking a break currently, but you should definitely follow this one, because it's worth waiting for.
15. Backwards by TheLoveliestCrime. Beta Joe falls in love with omega Nicky, who is a surrogate for Joe's friends Andy and Quynh. That's the surface plot, but I promise you, if you want something different from your usual alpha-omega storylines, please consider this beta-omega romance, which really questions the whole idea of fated pairs. The characters are so well-written and the story so well-developed, it made my heart squeeze multiple times.
These are just a few of the omegaverse JoeNicky fics I love, there are so many more, but I left them out as they are WIPs. I would still recommend that you explore the tag and hopefully pick up some and maybe poke the authors into continuing them. 😈
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mother-of-hedgehogs · 3 years
WIP Shame Ask Meme
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Send me an ask with the title that most intrigues you, and I’ll post a little snippet of it or tell you something about it. And then tag as many people as you have WIPs
I was tagged by my baby @pigsinablanketfort ❤
So, I have soooo many wips, but following Tina's idea, I will only use five for this. Here is the thing, my wips are all sorted on different folders/files (? with the name of the fic, so, for this to work, I will change the names (because most of them say nothing about the story) with a line that summarizes the plot of the story. 1. Four elements AU (Is not fucking Avatar, ok?) Kenzarelli. 2. Almost Twilight-inspired omegaverse. Kenzarelli. 3. Majid revenges his family (90% inspired by real-life events) Kenzarelli.
4. Song fics with Spanish songs. Kenzarelli. 5. Italian omegas must be courted with food. (Daan/Paolo) At this point all of my fics are Kenzarelli. Nice ❤ NO tags because the people I know has already been tagged 😬😬😬
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cookiemom6067 · 1 year
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My podfic of @loflight501's "Three Months" is now complete. Not quite in time for a certain someone's two month birthday, but close!
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cookiemom6067 · 1 year
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Chapter 13 of @loflight501's "Three Months" - "House Search." Stay tuned for the last two chapters posting sometime today. This one ends on a cliffhanger that I couldn't stand to leave us all on.
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loflight501 · 2 years
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An Adequate Game
Pairing: Mickey Miranda/Majid Zamari/Zakaria (Kenzarelli Joe/Nicky)
Featuring fun cameos from Joe, Nicky and Fabio
Fandom: Wolf, A Dangerous Fortune, Rabat, The Old Guard
Summary: Mickey loves weddings. He especially loves weddings when his cousins were marrying into a family of such pretty alphas. But with so many pretty men, it's hard to choose just one...
Written for @topjoediscord Spooky Top Joe Bingo. Fills: Double Penetration, Omegaverse
Series logo by @thatpratdragonlady
Read it on Ao3
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loflight501 · 3 years
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How it works: Send me an ask with a number below and I'll send you the corresponding trick or treat. I'll cross out the couples until everything is posted. Some of these ficlets might get full-length fics depending on what ya'll like!
Nextdoor Omegaverse
Ettore/Jafar NSFW
Rico/Martin Eden
Jafar/Cesare Mild NSFW
Happy Halloween!!!
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loflight501 · 2 years
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Three Months featuring Jafar and Cesare is complete!
Check it out if you are a fan of omegaverse, angst with a happy ending, hurt/comfort, accidental family acquisition, Jafar with a shopping addiction, Jafar as a grumpy and adorable stepdad, and sexy times!
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loflight501 · 2 years
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Today is my birthday so I'm spreading the love to my readers and fandoms! You all are a gift to me.
The next chapter of the Nextdoor Omegaverse is up! It features the wedding reception, Pierre & Roberta mating, and a very special announcement.
Special thank you to @thatpratdragonlady for creating this amazing edit as a birthday gift for me! It's perfect timing because today's chapter focuses on Roberta & Pierre the absolute romantics of the bunch.
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loflight501 · 3 years
Chapters: 1/9 Fandom: The Old Guard (Movie 2020), Tutti i santi giorni | Every Blessed Day (2012), The Mummy (2017), What Happened To Monday (2017), Il Padre d'Italia (2017), L'ultimo Terrestre | The Last Man On Earth (2011), Murder on the Orient Express (2017), Trust (TV 2018), Hartenstraat (2014), Pak van mijn Hart | Gift From the Heart (2014), Lo chiamavano Jeeg Robot | They Call Me Jeeg (2015) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Joe | Yusuf Al-Kaysani/Nicky | Nicolò di Genova, Guido Caselli/Malik (The Mummy 2017), Paolo Guerrisi/Adrian Knowles, Pierre-Paul Michel/Roberta (L'ultimo Terrestre), Fabio Cannizzaro | Lo Zingaro/Richard (Pak van mijn hart), Fabio Cannizzaro | Lo Zingaro/Damiano David/Richard (Pak van mijn Hart), Daan (Hartenstraat)/Primo Nizzuto Characters: Joe | Yusuf Al-Kaysani, Nicky | Nicolò di Genova, Guido Caselli, Malik (The Mummy 2017), Paolo Guerrisi, Adrian Knowles, Pierre-Paul Michel, Roberta (L'ultimo Terrestre), Fabio Cannizzaro | Lo Zingaro, Richard (Pak van mijn Hart), Damiano David, Daan (Hartenstraat), Primo Nizzuto, Joe | Yusuf Al-Kaysani's Mother Additional Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Non-Traditional Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Marwan Kenzari/Luca Marinelli Character Combinations, Anal Sex, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Mpreg, Alternate Universe - Modern: No Powers, Dom/sub, Threesome - M/M/M, Rough Sex, Aftercare, Spanking, Multiple Orgasms, Overstimulation, Size Kink, Bonding, Marriage, Fisting Series: Part 5 of Nextdoor Omegaverse AU Summary:
The Al-Kaysani and Di Genova families anxiously prepare for the arrival of the Al-Kaysani matriarch, their extended families, and two impending marriages. A few unexpected complications make wedding plans a little more stressful.
The newest installment of the Nextdoor Omegaverse is up! This first chapter features Fabio’s heat throwing a wrench into wedding planning.
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loflight501 · 3 years
Chapters: 3/9 Fandom: The Old Guard (Movie 2020), Tutti i santi giorni | Every Blessed Day (2012), The Mummy (2017), What Happened To Monday (2017), Il Padre d'Italia (2017), L'ultimo Terrestre | The Last Man On Earth (2011), Murder on the Orient Express (2017), Trust (TV 2018), Hartenstraat (2014), Pak van mijn Hart | Gift From the Heart (2014), Lo chiamavano Jeeg Robot | They Call Me Jeeg (2015) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Joe | Yusuf Al-Kaysani/Nicky | Nicolò di Genova, Guido Caselli/Malik (The Mummy 2017), Paolo Guerrisi/Adrian Knowles, Pierre-Paul Michel/Roberta (L'ultimo Terrestre), Fabio Cannizzaro | Lo Zingaro/Richard (Pak van mijn hart), Fabio Cannizzaro | Lo Zingaro/Damiano David/Richard (Pak van mijn Hart), Daan (Hartenstraat)/Primo Nizzuto Characters: Joe | Yusuf Al-Kaysani, Nicky | Nicolò di Genova, Guido Caselli, Malik (The Mummy 2017), Paolo Guerrisi, Adrian Knowles, Pierre-Paul Michel, Roberta (L'ultimo Terrestre), Fabio Cannizzaro | Lo Zingaro, Richard (Pak van mijn Hart), Damiano David, Daan (Hartenstraat), Primo Nizzuto, Joe | Yusuf Al-Kaysani's Mother Additional Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Non-Traditional Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Marwan Kenzari/Luca Marinelli Character Combinations, Anal Sex, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Mpreg, Alternate Universe - Modern: No Powers, Dom/sub, Threesome - M/M/M, Rough Sex, Aftercare, Spanking, Multiple Orgasms, Overstimulation, Size Kink, Bonding, Marriage, Fisting Series: Part 5 of Nextdoor Omegaverse AU Summary:
The Al-Kaysani and Di Genova families anxiously prepare for the arrival of the Al-Kaysani matriarch, their extended families, and two impending marriages. A few unexpected complications make wedding plans a little more stressful.
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