#nexus: ogreslayer
infoglitch · 1 year
Mac n cheese
(just Incase You all forgot I don't just make Rwby fanfics that make you wanna claw your eyes.)
Xander sat himself at the mess hall as he was eating some animal style sweet potato fries. Before Xander saw Johnson grumbling to himself as he sat down at their table.
Johnson: stupid fucking public microwave.
Xander: you good chili pepper?
Johnson: nope.
Xander sighed soft as he pushed his fries to the side.
Xander: what pissed you off?
Johnson: nothing.
Xander: Johnson.
Johnson: it's nothing Xander. I swear.
Xander: bullshit. Something pissed you off. And when your P O'd then that means no snowcones. Just tell me man.
Johnson: fine.. it's the public microwave. Theres this fat ass line and I was gonna heat up some mac n cheese and buffalo chicken bowl I got.
Xander just stared at the blonde before laughing Abit.
Xander: only you would get mad ab Mac n fucking cheese. HA!
johnson just rolled his eyes as xander started cackling.
Johnson: ah shut it. You still owe me a new motorbike. I still haven't gotten the one I let you borrow for your date with Kira back. So pay up
Johnson stuck out his hand as xander grumbled lowly before crossing his arms.
Xander: I'll give it back when I have the keys and when we're not constantly in danger. Anyway where the hell is lucius?
Johnson shrugged as the two then heard footsteps as a groggy Lucius walked up to the two's table.
Lucius opened his mouth before yawning and started stretching.
Lucius: sorry you two. Overslept after the late night snack I got sent.
Xander: late night snack.. oh... Lucius please don't tell me you and your sister ate the goats again!
Lucius: um... We didn't eat the goat again?
Xander face palmed as he groaned
Xander: damnit Lucius the goats deliver your paycheck! How on earth are you going to afford a house if you keep eating the goats?! You can't live in the baracks forever!
Lucius: look I'm sorry. Demons eat goats all the time so what am I supposed to do when I see one?
Xander placed his hands on lucius shoulders as he began shaking him violently.
Johnson just watched as today was going to be a very normal day for the trio... Just without jays mechs blowing up-
And nevermind.
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infoglitch · 1 year
Look I've been playing guilty gear strive for the last five days this quote was burned into my Fucking head
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Don't you dare judge me!
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