#nfpa 79
refccostore · 2 years
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Jamco Gabinete de almacenamiento de acero de seguridad con cierre automático, 24 galones, 23 pulgadas x 18 pulgadas x 65 pulgadas, amarillo Jamco Products Modelo BJ: gabinetes de seguridad inflamables con puertas de cierre automático cuentan con una construcción de doble pared soldada de calibre 18 para mayor durabilidad y una larga vida útil. Perfecto para almacenar líquidos inflamables peligrosos como fueloil, queroseno, aceite de motor, gasolina y más. Las puertas tienen doble pared, calibre 14 en el exterior y calibre 18 en el interior, con bisagras soldadas de alta resistencia de 4 pulgadas con pasadores de latón que están construidas para durar y ser superiores a la mayoría de los competidores. Las patas niveladoras ajustables son ideales para colocar el gabinete en superficies irregulares. Los estantes de acero galvanizado se ajustan en centros de 2-1/2 pulgadas. Este gabinete cumple con los estándares OSHA y NFPA código 30 y UFC 79 y está aprobado por FM Clase 6050. Los máximos de almacenamiento de productos químicos son Clase I y II 60 galones Clase III 120 galones Aprobado por FM. Algunas regulaciones estatales y locales exigen gabinetes de seguridad con cierre automático. Póngase en contacto con su jurisdicción local para conocer sus requisitos locales. Fabricado en EE.UU. Acero Características de seguridad contra incendios: Los gabinetes de seguridad tienen una construcción de calibre 18 de doble pared totalmente soldada con un espacio de aire aislante de 1-1/2" para una mayor protección contra incendios, un alféizar a prueba de fugas de 2 pulgadas contiene fugas y derrames dentro del gabinete, manija empotrada con cerradura con 2 llaves, conector de conexión a tierra, respiraderos dobles parallamas de 2 pulgadas Construcción resistente: las puertas del gabinete de seguridad son de doble pared, calibre 14 en el exterior y calibre 18 en el interior, con un 56 % más de acero en la puerta que la competencia, bisagras soldadas de alta resistencia de 4 pulgadas con pasadores de latón, patas niveladoras ajustables y un duradero acabado amarillo con recubrimiento en polvo. . Orgullosamente hecho en los EE.UU. Calidad comprobada: este gabinete de seguridad inflamable cumple con múltiples certificaciones y estándares internacionales de seguridad y contra incendios, incluidos OSHA, Código 30 de NFPA, Código uniforme contra incendios (UFC 79) y aprobación FM Clase 6050. Capacidad: 3 estantes ajustables de acero galvanizado, almacenamiento máximo de químicos 24 galones. Dimensiones del gabinete contra incendios: 23 pulgadas de ancho x 18 pulgadas de profundidad x 65 pulgadas de alto. Gabinetes para equipos contra incendios para universidades ¡Saludos al mundo de la protección contra incendios con Meseci! Somos líderes en la venta de gabinetes para equipos contra incendios, ofreciendo soluciones de primera calidad para salvaguardar tus activos más importantes. Desde gabinetes para la industria hasta opciones comerciales, en Meseci comprendemos la importancia de la seguridad y la tranquilidad en cualquier entorno. Nuestros gabinetes para equipos contra incendios son diseñados con precisión y atención al detalle, asegurando una protección firme en todo momento. Ya sea que necesites Armarios contra incendios o soluciones interiores personalizadas, tenemos la opción perfecta para ti. Además, nuestra amplia variedad de gabinetes homologados garantiza que cumplas con todas las normativas y regulaciones de seguridad. En Meseci, priorizamos la excelencia y la durabilidad. Nuestros gabinetes están construidos con materiales de primera calidad, incluyendo acero inoxidable y opciones resistentes al agua, para garantizar su resistencia y longevidad. Además, ofrecemos una diversidad de características adicionales, como sistemas de cerraduras avanzados, ventilación adecuada y señalización clara para una fácil identificación en situaciones de emergencia. No comprometas la seguridad de tu empresa o instalación. ¡Confía en Meseci
para proporcionarte los mejores gabinetes para equipos contra incendios disponibles en el mercado! ¡Protege lo que más importa con Meseci hoy mismo! Jamco Gabinete de almacenamiento de acero de seguridad con cierre automático, 24 galones, 23 pulgadas x 18 pulgadas x 65 pulgadas, amarillo https://meseci.com.mx/producto/gabinetes-para-equipos-contra-incendios-para-fabricas-2/?feed_id=84&_unique_id=6664877af19a0
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do-cong-nghe · 6 months
Phụ kiện mở tay nắm LV426937 Schneider | NFPA 79/UL 508 Phụ kiện mở tay nắm LV426937 Schneider vị trí nắp sản phẩm Đằng trước, tiêu chuẩn NFPA 79/UL 508, dòng sản phẩm ComPacT NSX, hãng Schneider. Được phân phối chính hãng tại HopLongTech với giá ưu đãi nhất hiện nay. Hãy cùng tìm hiểu những thông tin chi tiết về sản phẩm này nhé!
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linhqt · 2 years
Tủ điện công nghiệp – Các tiêu chuẩn cần phải nắm rõ
Mục lục [hide]
1 Tủ điện công nghiệp – Các tiêu chuẩn cần phải nắm rõ
1.1 Tủ điện công nghiệp là gì
1.2 Các loại tủ điện công nghiệp
1.3 Các tiêu chuẩn trong thiết kế tủ điện công nghiệp
1.2.1 Tủ điện công nghiệp dạng kín
1.2.2 Tủ điện công nghiệp dạng hở
1.2.3 Tủ điện công nghiệp dạng khung ráp
1.3.1 Tiêu chuẩn NEC
1.3.2 Tiêu chuẩn NFPA 79
1.3.3 Tiêu chuẩn UL 508 và UL 60947-4-1
Tủ điện công nghiệp – Các tiêu chuẩn cần phải nắm rõ
Tủ điện công nghiệp là thành phần bảo vệ không thể thiếu đối với các hệ thống điều khiển máy móc công nghiệp, chẳng hạn như tủ điện điều khiển hệ thống máy bơm nước cấp…
Vậy thế giới nói gì về tủ điện công nghiệp? Chúng ta cùng tìm hiểu nhé!
Tủ điện công nghiệp là gì
Tủ điện là nơi chứa các thiết bị điện như cầu dao, công tắc, máy biến áp,… Tủ điện thường xuất hiện nhiều trong các loại công trình xây dựng. Ví dụ như nhà ở, nhà xưởng, nhà cao tầng,…
Tủ điện dựa trên nhu cầu và yêu cầu của ứng dụng mà có nhiều loại khác nhau. Tất nhiên là chúng luôn phải tuân theo tiêu chuẩn thiết kế và an toàn ngành điện.
Các loại tủ điện công nghiệp
Cho đến nay, có ba loại tủ điều khiển công nghiệp khác nhau. Đó là, trong danh mục sản phẩm dựa trên UL được gọi là NITW. Loại đầu tiên được gọi là “Tủ điều khiển công nghiệp kín”. Loại thứ hai và thứ ba được xác định là “Tủ điều khiển công nghiệp mở” và “Vỏ tủ điều khiển công nghiệp”. Theo UL listed, mỗi tủ điều khiển công nghiệp này có một ứng dụng cụ thể liên quan đến việc lắp đặt. Trong mục này, bạn sẽ được cung cấp những thông tin cơ bản liên quan đến từng loại tủ điều khiển công nghiệp này.
Tủ điện công nghiệp dạng kín
Khi đánh giá tủ điều khiển công nghiệp kín, bạn sẽ thấy rằng nó bao gồm vỏ cơ bản, các thành phần có bên trong vỏ và các bộ phận được gắn trực tiếp vào thành hoặc bảng được liên kết với vỏ. Các tủ điều khiển này luôn được kiểm tra kỹ lưỡng để xác định rằng chúng không có bất kỳ nguy cơ điện giật và bất kỳ nguy cơ cháy do điện nào.
Khi chúng được lắp đặt trong môi trường công nghiệp, cấu trúc cơ bản của tủ sẽ được đánh giá. Để vượt qua, điều đó có nghĩa là nó có khả năng duy nhất để hoạt động an toàn dựa trên các xếp hạng được chỉ định liên quan đến điện áp, dòng điện và dòng điện ngắn mạch.
READ  Tự động hoá kho lạnh công nghiệp
Tủ điện công nghiệp dạng hở
Tủ điều khiển công nghiệp hở theo tiêu chuẩn UL listed thường bao gồm các dây bên trong, các thiết bị đầu cuối cho các nhiệm vụ đi dây hiện trường và các thành phần khác hỗ trợ việc gắn thiết bị trên một bảng phụ mà không cần thêm một vỏ bọc kín hoàn toàn.
Khi lắp đặt loại tủ điều khiển này, bắt buộc phải tuân theo hướng dẫn của nhà sản xuất, để đảm bảo rằng tủ có thể được sử dụng phù hợp và trong các điều khoản liên quan đến NEC, độ bền và độ bền cơ học phải được thử nghiệm. Ngoài ra, điều quan trọng là phải xác định xem có các yếu tố khác sẽ ảnh hưởng đến sự an toàn của những cá nhân sẽ thao tác và sử dụng tủ điều khiển công nghiệp mở có trong môi trường công nghiệp hay không.
Tủ điện công nghiệp dạng khung ráp
Cuối cùng là chúng ta có phần tủ điện công nghiệp dạng khung ráp. Các thiết bị này thường chỉ được kiểm tra để đảm bảo rằng nó tuân thủ các yêu cầu dựa trên cấu trúc đã nêu trước đó có trong tiêu chuẩn UL 508A. Các vỏ tủ này thường có khoảng trống cho các thanh đấu dây, tiếp điểm, rơ le, và đèn báo; tuy nhiên, vì chúng không được lắp đặt trước khi mua tủ, nên cần phải được kỹ sư điện được cấp phép đánh giá sau khi tất cả các thành phần được đặt trong tủ.
Nếu bạn muốn lắp đặt tủ điều khiển công nghiệp trong doanh nghiệp của mình, bạn bắt buộc phải tìm hiểu càng nhiều càng tốt về từng loại trong ba loại.
Các loại tủ điện công nghiệp trên được phân loại chủ yếu theo chuẩn UL Listed, vì thế chắc chắn các bạn sẽ cảm thấy rất lạ lẫm. Vì thường các bạn được định hướng phân loại tủ điện công nghiệp theo chức năng của loại tủ đúng không nào?
Có thể là:
Tủ điều khiển trung tâm
Tủ điện phân phối
Tủ điện chuyển mạch ATS
Tủ điều khiển chiếu sáng
Tủ động lực điều khiển máy bơm
Tủ điện phòng cháy chữa cháy
Tủ bù công suất phản kháng…
Các tiêu chuẩn trong thiết kế tủ điện công nghiệp
Dưới đây là tổng quan về các quy định nổi bật nhất áp dụng cho việc thiết kế, sản xuất và lắp đặt các tủ điện công nghiệp. Giống như tất cả các tiêu chuẩn quy định, tiêu chuẩn tủ điện công nghiệp có thể thay đổi theo thời gian và trên thực tế, một trong những tiêu chuẩn liên quan nhất, UL 508, gần đây đã bị loại bỏ và thay thế bằng một tiêu chuẩn quốc tế hài hòa. Do tính chất thay đổi của các tiêu chuẩn quy định, điều quan trọng là phải luôn cập nhật các yêu cầu hiện tại.
READ  Thi công cơ điện nhà máy
Tiêu chuẩn NEC
Tiêu chuẩn NEC, hoặc NFPA 70, là tiêu chuẩn được chấp nhận rộng rãi để lắp đặt an toàn thiết bị điện và hệ thống dây điện. NEC được thông qua bởi tiểu bang hoặc khu vực để tiêu chuẩn hóa việc thực thi các thực hành điện an toàn. Điều 409 đề cập đến các bảng điều khiển công nghiệp và áp dụng cho các bảng được thiết kế để sử dụng chung ở điện áp 600 vôn trở xuống, ở các vị trí thông thường. Tiêu chuẩn quy định về thiết kế bảng điều khiển công nghiệp
Điều 409 quy định rằng các bảng điều khiển công nghiệp phải được đánh giá và đánh dấu Đánh giá dòng điện ngắn mạch (SCCR), được thiết lập bằng cách đánh giá từng bộ cấp nguồn riêng lẻ cũng như tất cả các mạch nhánh. Giá trị kA nhỏ nhất được sử dụng làm giá trị kA cho toàn bộ bảng điều khiển. Giá trị kA phải lớn hơn giá trị kA của nguồn đến để có thể lắp đặt bảng điều khiển.
Tiêu chuẩn NFPA 79
NFPA (Hiệp hội Phòng cháy chữa cháy Quốc gia) 79 là một phần của NEC liên quan đến các tiêu chuẩn về hệ thống dây điện cho máy móc công nghiệp. Phạm vi của tiêu chuẩn này bao gồm các yếu tố điện và điện tử của tất cả các máy móc hoạt động ở mức 600V trở xuống, bao gồm máy ép phun, máy lắp ráp, máy công cụ và máy xử lý vật liệu, cùng với các máy khác, cũng như máy kiểm tra và thử nghiệm.
NFPA 79 cung cấp các biện pháp bảo vệ cho máy móc công nghiệp nhằm bảo vệ người vận hành, thiết bị, cơ sở và công việc đang tiến hành khỏi các mối nguy hiểm về điện và hỏa hoạn.
Các phần của NFPA 79 liên quan đến mạch điều khiển và chức năng điều khiển, giao diện người vận hành và thiết bị điều khiển, vị trí, cách lắp và vỏ cho thiết bị điều khiển và các chủ đề khác liên quan đến thiết kế bảng điều khiển tủ điện công nghiệp.
READ  Hệ thống tự động hóa nhà máy
Tiêu chuẩn UL 508 và UL 60947-4-1
UL 508 là một trong những tiêu chuẩn quan trọng nhất được công nhận trong nhiều năm, nhưng tiêu chuẩn này gần đây đã bị loại bỏ và được thay thế bằng UL 60947-4-1.
Trước ngày 26 tháng 1 năm 2012, các bảng điều khiển được liệt kê đã được đánh giá theo tiêu chuẩn UL 60947-4. Nếu một khách hàng yêu cầu cụ thể rằng một bảng được đánh giá theo UL-508, thì điều này được cho phép.
Từ ngày 26 tháng 1 năm 2012 đến ngày 26 tháng 1 năm 2017, các bảng điều khiển công nghiệp mới được đánh giá là UL 60947-4. Tuy nhiên, việc đánh giá các sửa đổi đối với các bảng điều khiển hiện có đối với UL-508 được cho phép nếu được yêu cầu.
Sau ngày 27 tháng 1 năm 2017, tất cả các bảng điều khiển công nghiệp được liệt kê bắt buộc phải đáp ứng các thông số kỹ thuật UL 60947-4-1.
Việc chuyển đổi nhằm mục đích hài hòa các tiêu chuẩn từ UL và các tổ chức khác bao gồm Hiệp hội Tiêu chuẩn Canada (CSA) và Ủy ban Kỹ thuật Điện Quốc tế (IEC) ở Châu Âu. Cần lưu ý rằng UL 508 và UL 60947-4-1 phần lớn giống nhau về mặt kỹ thuật nhưng có sự kết hợp các khác biệt quan trọng của quốc gia để hài hòa và tạo ra một tiêu chuẩn quốc tế.
Các tác động chính của quá trình chuyển đổi liên quan đến cách sản phẩm được kiểm tra và đủ tiêu chuẩn theo tiêu chuẩn do sự khác biệt về điện áp được sử dụng trên khắp thế giới. Điện áp công nghiệp ở Hoa Kỳ là 480 V ở tần số 60Hz, trong khi điện áp công nghiệp ở Việt Nam là 380 V ở tần số 50Hz.
Bài viết gửi đến các bạn cái nhìn mới hơn về tủ điện công nghiệp và các tiêu chuẩn yêu cầu trong thiết kế lắp đặt vận hành và sử dụng. Các bạn có đóng góp thêm cho bài viết hãy để lại thông tin bên dưới bình luận nhé!
Cần tư vấn chi tiết về hệ thống tự động hóa vui lòng liên hệ: Hotline: 08.8801.8801 (Mr. Trung) Công ty TNHH Công nghệ cao Quang Trung Điện Thoại: (028) 38 868 879 – 38 878 879 Fax (028) 38 868 869 Email: [email protected] Website: www.quangtrung.com.vn| www.nhathaudien.com
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eandm-california · 7 years
MENCOM: Inside-Outlet GFCI Power Port
Mencom’s unique Inside-Outlet (GFDP1) Power Port features three GFCI-protected receptacles; two outside and one inside the panel to provide a simple solution to comply with NFPA 79, The Control Panel Utility Receptacle Standard. In order to comply with the standard, 1. All utility receptacles must be GFCI Protected. 2. All External Utility Receptacles must be covered. 3. All covers must maintain…
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reportr · 3 years
Intumescent Coatings Market - Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth Opportunities, Future Trends, Covid-19 Impact, SWOT Analysis, Competition and Forecasts 2021 to 2027
Market Forecast
The global Intumescent Coatings Market size was valued at around USD 935 million in 2019 and is expected to register a CAGR of over 4% from 2020 to 2027.
Intumescent coatingsarelayers of protective substance that work by chemical reaction generated by heat, resulting in swelling and formation of an insulating layer on the surface, with or without the release of water. They act as a protective barrier for substrates against fire to provide rescue and evacuation time in the event of a fire.
By Technology
This segment is classified into     water-based, solvent-based, and epoxy-based.
The water-based intumescent     coatings emerged as the fastest growing and leading segment on account of     benefits such as low cost and low VOC contents.
Solvent-based coatings are made     up of liquefying agents that evaporate via a chemical reaction with oxygen.     These coatings have one significant advantage over water-based coatings,     which is less susceptibility to environmental conditions such as     temperature and humidity during the curing phase.
Epoxy intumescent coatings are     widely used for fire protection and offer versatility, durability,     attractiveness, low thickness, and lightweightedness. These coatings are     used extensively in the petrochemical, offshore and marine markets.
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 By End Use
This segment is classified into     building & construction, oil & gas, automotive &     transportation, aerospace, and others.
There is an increasing demand for     flame retardants in the building and construction industrydue to rapid     industrialization and urbanization across the globe. Emerging countries     such as China, India, Thailand, Brazil, etc. invest high amounts in     infrastructural development to promote intumescent coatings.
Expanding oil & gas     exploration projects in line with the rising demand for energy boosts up     the demand for intumescent coatings globally.
In automotive &     transportation, intumescent coatings are applied under the hood and car     bottoms. There is an increased production and sales of automobiles owing     to improved economic conditions of the consumers.
They are used on various     components in the aircraft industry, including aviation fuel pumps,     hydraulic landing gear parts, interior cabin parts, and engine nacelles.
The others segment includes     mining, electrical & electronics, etc.
By Application
This segment is bifurcated into     hydrocarbon and cellulosic.
Hydrocarbon intumescent coatings     reduce fire risk caused by oil & gas leaks because of their high     thermal stability and chemical resistance. These coatings form an     insulating char in the event of a fire breakout and protect the steel     framework from getting too hot, which reduces the spread of fire.
Cellulosic intumescent coatings     are used in the construction industry to protect the uncovered steel     structures and facilitate escaping at the time of fire accidents by     providing heat-resistant layers.
By Region
North     America: Market growth is driven by the presence of a large     industrial basein the region. Expanding end-use industries, especially     aerospace & defense, building & construction, and the energy     sector isthe key factor driving the market growth.
Europe:     European region is a well-established market. Increasing demand for     intumescent coatings across major end-use industries is expected to propel     the market growth. The expanding aerospace andautomotive industry in the     region is the key factor driving the demand for intumescent coatings in     the region.
Asia-Pacific:     This emerged as the fastest-growing region due to the fast-paced     industrialization and urbanization in India, Thailand, and South Korea.
Latin     America:Rapid industrialization in countries such as Brazil and     Mexico is projected to drive market growth during the assessment period.
Middle     East & Africa: The presence of large-scale oil     reservoirs and infrastructural hubs in the region promotes the demand for     intumescent coatings in the global market.
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 Regulatory Framework
The US regulation NFPA 251 standards specify tests to check fire resistance of the oil & gas and construction industry materials to provide fire safety. There are various other regulations in Europe for intumescent coatings.
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iec-mediacoverage · 4 years
Electrical Contractor (February 2021)
We Are Family! A summary of NFPA codes
. Beginning with the 2002 edition, NFPA 79 was harmonized with IEC 60204-1 “Safety of machinery—Electrical equipment of machines—Part 1: General requirements,” an existing standard of the International Electrotechnical Commission, Geneva. Harmonizing with the international standard was helpful because some industrial machinery built outside of the United States is built to the international standard.
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ausinetaustralia · 4 years
Why Do You Need Electrical Equipment Units?
Electric units are crucial on a building site and also in all frameworks. An electrical enclosure houses valuable parts to safeguard them from environmental dangers. The electric enclosure made use of relies on the building setting and also the dimension and also security needs for the electrical tools it houses. The correct enclosure has a long life as well as supplies reliable protection. Electrical elements are extremely conscious exterior elements. They need to be safeguarded versus lots of things commonly existing at construction sites such as dirt, dust, water, debris, UV light and also chemicals. The temperature level inside and outside the electric unit is likewise a major factor to consider so elements aren't damaged by warm or cold. Your electric components might also need defense versus frequency disturbance if you are in a chaotic industrial area.
cert iii instrumentation Specific electric elements are very susceptible to damage. These components need to be housed in center that will totally secure them and withstand deterioration. A Fontana precast electrical equipment enclosure provides top defense so electric parts stay risk-free as well as useful in all different conditions. Other options may be necessary for your electrical room to be useful such as double-hinged doors, data interface ports and also removable panels. Enclosures are readily available in all different forms, dimensions and also styles to suit every layout as well as building task. Enclosures need to be regularly evaluated to guarantee they are water tight as well as sound. Utilizing a precast vault ensures your electric components will be housed in a risk-free, safeguarded setting. Precast concrete take on the toughest components consisting of fire, weather, chemical exposure and also UV rays so your electrical components remain intact.
electrotechnology training courses Brisbane Room needs can be discovered in different locations consisting of the National Fire Security Firm, National Electric Code (NFPA 79). Various electrical enclosures are made use of based upon need. For example, Type 1 as well as Kind 12 units are mainly utilized inside your home to provide defense. Kind 3R rooms are utilized outdoors to offer defense versus rainfall. Type 4 units can be used indoors or outdoors as well as stand up to rainfall, dust, straight streams of water as well as ice formation. Type 4X units also use defense against rust. An electrical unit should give a correct fit to properly shield electric components. Added requirements exist for the structure of these units consisting of the use of certain steel density, layered finishings as well as locks. Lastly, the size and mounting of the electrical components have to be considered before you choose the best Fontana electrical tools enclosure for your job.
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vmsconsultantsin · 4 years
Engineering firm in India
Engineering firm in India
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VMS understands that utilities and services are at the heart of any industrial facility and are vital for smooth running of the production process. Modular approach in planning of utilities help in expanding and scaling up in future as necessitated by  increase in the production capacity. Mechanical, HVAC & R and Fire Protection Engineers of VMS keep themselves abreast with the latest trends in utilities equipment, systems and technologies with the goal of designing a system that is robust, cost effective, energy saving, safe, optimally sized and will result in minimum downtime and maintenance.
 Mechanical Utilities Engineering
 Compressed  air system.
Chilled water system for process cooling.
Cooling water system for process cooling.
Thermic fluid heater system for process heating.
Steam system.
HSD (high speed diesel) system.
Gas system: LPG, O2, N2 gas system.
Water treatment plant system.
Water supply /R.O. System and network.
Basic engineering that includes:
To send preliminary questionnaires to Client as “USER REQUIREMENT SHEET”.
Based on input receive from client, calculate capital equipment like chillers, cooling towers, boilers, thermic fluid heaters, water treatment plant, LPG/O2/N2 cylinder/system capacity etc.
Evaluation  of industrial processes requirement for manufacturing and based on that evaluation of utilities requirement in terms flow rate, pressure requirement, inlet and out let temperature etc.
Calculation of capital equipment capacity.
Hydraulic calculation/pressure drop calculation.
Analyse water test report for finalizing water treatment plant.
Energy balance: water mass balance, air balance.
Preparing  design basis report.
Preparing P&I diagram showing process flow, capital equipment capacity, pipe sizes, valves and instrumentation etc.
BMS system design: Automation and control system: prepare I/O list, control philosophy.
Cost optimization and energy efficient system: provide techno-commercial comparative of equipment, pipe material, and various system options for best suitable cost optimized package.
Selection of pipe and valve material specification as per utility process.
Interface clearance with other disciplines for electrical load, pipe rack, piperouting, mechanical equipment load, foundation layout, make up water.
Equipment ayout: based on process flow understanding from Client, prepare machine layout and equipment layout keeping operation and maintenance space with man machine movement space, space for machine handling and lifting provision , raw and final good storage location finalization.
Mechanical utilities design with all relevant as required national and international design and material standards like Indian standards, ASME/ANSI, British standards, BRC for food projects, NFPA, FM, PESO, Indian Boiler Regulation     (IBR).
  Call us at +91 – 79 – 40236 236,
Contact person: Shraddha Shah.
Contact us – [email protected]
 Website - https://www.vmsconsultants.com/
 Visit Link - https://www.vmsconsultants.com/services/mechanical-utilities-engineering-services/
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lappindia · 4 years
Single core cable | Multicore cable | Single Core Cables
A scope of Harmonized endorsed PVC single core cables for use in the inner wiring of gadgets or for course or trunking wiring. Accessible from 0.5mm² up to 240mm² in a different scope of hues. These multi standard wiring cables SC2.1 and SC2.2 are UL, CSA and HAR (VDE) affirmed and are intended for use in charge boards just as for establishment in channels and trunking, applicable inside the extent of the UL or Canadian or European standard details. They are especially intended for use in the wiring of modern machines as per NFPA 79. Accessible in sizes from 0.5mm² up to 120mm², and in a scope of different hues.
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ausinetaus · 4 years
Why Do You Need Electrical Devices Rooms?
Electrical units are crucial on a building site as well as in all structures. An electric enclosure houses valuable elements to secure them from ecological hazards. The electrical enclosure made use of relies on the building environment as well as the size and also security demands for the electrical tools it houses.
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 The correct unit has a lengthy life and uses reputable defense. Electric elements are very sensitive to outside elements. They have to be secured against several points typically present at building and construction websites such as dirt, dirt, water, debris, UV light and chemicals. The temperature inside as well as outside the electric enclosure is additionally a major consideration so parts aren't damaged by hot or chilly. Your electric elements may even require defense against regularity interference if you remain in a busy industrial park.
  Particular electrical parts are very at risk to damages. These elements need to be housed in center that will completely shield them and also withstand rust. A Fontana precast electric tools room offers leading protection so electrical parts continue to be secure as well as practical in all various conditions.
cert 3 instrumentation control
Various other alternatives may be needed for your electric unit to be practical such as double-hinged doors, information user interface ports and also detachable panels. Rooms are readily available in all different forms, dimensions and layouts to fit into every layout and also structure project.
  Rooms should be periodically checked to guarantee they are watertight and also noise. Utilizing a precast safe guarantees your electric parts will certainly be housed in a secure, secured setting. Precast concrete stands up to the toughest aspects consisting of fire, weather conditions, chemical direct exposure and UV rays so your electric components continue to be undamaged.
electrotechnology training courses Brisbane
Room requirements can be discovered in different places consisting of the National Fire Protection Company, National Electric Code (NFPA 79). Different electrical units are used based upon need. For instance, Kind 1 and also Type 12 rooms are mostly used indoors to provide protection. Kind 3R rooms are utilized outdoors to provide defense versus rainfall. Type 4 enclosures can be used indoors or outdoors and withstand rain, dust, straight streams of water and also ice formation. Type 4X enclosures likewise offer defense versus corrosion.
  An electrical unit must offer a correct fit to successfully secure electric components. Additional needs exist for the framework of these rooms consisting of the use of particular steel thickness, layered finishings and latches. Finally, the size and installing of the electrical components have to be thought about prior to you pick the excellent Fontana electric tools enclosure for your project.
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nicholasmeyler · 6 years
Great Career Opportunities in Synthetic Diamonds, and more...
Wingate Dunross, Inc. is California's leading boutique Retained executive search firm, for the past 30+ years. My repeat-client is a producer of ethical synthetic gem-quality diamonds based in the SF Bay area. Produced without the hardships of human conflict via plasma vapor deposition in chambers that reach the surface temperature of the Sun, this is truly 'disruptive' technology which is at the forefront of modern invention and technology. With an impressive array of investors, they are a pre-IPO startup offering stock options and competitive compensation and benefits.  They are searching for multiple engineers and hands-on executives at this time:
#1 Equipment Engineer, Electrical; South San Francisco We are looking for an industrial equipment focused electrical engineer to troubleshoot, test, and design improvements for manufacturing related hardware. You'll be working with an experienced team of mechanical, electrical, and software engineers, both assisting senior engineers and taking responsibility for your own engineering projects. Your goal will be to achieve maximum productivity for our production line through improving equipment capabilities, troubleshooting problems on the line, and designing new manufacturing system components. Responsibilities
·         Troubleshooting and engineering modifications for industrial control systems including sensors, pumps, PLC’s, valves, and other devices
·         Performing engineering tasks such as Laying out custom PCB’s, calculating power loads and requirements, and solving communication issues between various 3rd party devices
·         Working with manufacturing technicians, and coming up with innovative solutions to improve equipment productivity and uptime
·         Working on multidisciplinary teams to solve complicated problems
·         Writing documentation for the use of equipment, training technicians on correct procedures
·         Designing new capabilities for manufacturing equipment, and sourcing solutions from vendors when appropriate
·         Bachelor's degree in EE, or similar engineering discipline
·         3+ years of hands on engineering experience
·         Experience with industrial electronics and/or equipment control systems
·         Software: 2D CAD (Autocad or Draftsight), LabVIEW, PLC ladder logic, Schematic capture and PCB layout (OrCAD, Eagle, etc.), 3D CAD is a bonus
·         Ability to read and edit control schematics and P&ID drawings
·         Experience troubleshooting a variety of electrical systems from three phase AC power to low voltage DC board level signals.
·         Operational knowledge of programmable power supply, oscilloscope, spectrum analyzer, and other common benchtop testing tools.
·         Hands on fabrication:  soldering, electrical assembly, mechanical assembly, basic metalwork (drill, saw)
#2 Electromechanical Engineer; South San Francisco Looking for a versatile engineer to design, build, test, and improve manufacturing related hardware. You'll be working with an experienced team of mechanical,electrical, and software engineers, both assisting senior engineers, and taking responsibility for your own engineering projects. Your goal will be to improve hardware used by our manufacturing staff at our factory, building, designing, and improving pieces of automation equipment used for handling, processing, measuring, and characterizing Diamonds produced in our foundry. Responsibilities • Modifying, designing, and building items like electrical control panels, metrology equipment, robotic systems, and manual fixtures. • Sourcing solutions from vendors when appropriate. • Working with manufacturing technicians, and coming up with innovative solutions to improve productivity and speed up time consuming manual tasks. • Working on multidisciplinary teams to solve complicated problems. • Writing documentation for the use of equipment, training technicians on correct procedures, and working with them to implement changes they request. Requirements • Bachelor's degree in EE, ME, or other engineering discipline. • 3+ years of hands on engineering experience. • Experience with both electrical and mechanical systems. Skills • Software: 3D/2D CAD (Solidworks, Autocad, Draftsight), LabVIEW, PLC ladder logic, Schematic capture and PCB layout (OrCAD, Eagle, etc.). • Ability to read and edit control schematics and P&ID drawings. • Design and/or building of industrial control panels with an understanding of industrial control equipment regulations (NFPA 79, UL 508, etc). • Experience troubleshooting a variety of electrical systems from three phase AC power to low voltage DC board level signals. • Operation knowledge of programmable power supply, oscilloscope, spectrum analyzer, and other common benchtop testing tools. • Hands on fabrication: Machining (mill/lathe), soldering, electrical assembly, mechanical assembly. #3  Senior Equipment Engineer, Mechanical; South San Francisco We are looking for a hands-on engineer to take responsibility for designing and improving equipment in our lab. You'll be working with an experienced team of mechanical, electrical, and materials engineers and scientists on a variety of projects. The job will own improvement activities for equipment in our lab, which handles sorting, characterization, material processing, and packaging for a variety of types of diamond. You will find ways to make existing equipment work better, and design new tools, fixtures, and instruments. The job will be hands-on, developing hardware devices in a manufacturing environment. You’ll be: • Designing, engineering, building, testing, and optimizing parts for vacuum manufacturing systems • Managing suppliers to construct parts and assemblies on time and within budget • Selecting and integrating off the shelf hardware for product quality measurement and automated manufacturing tasks • Working with a multidisciplinary team and learning new skills where necessary • Studying existing equipment and implementing your own solutions to the problems you find • Working with technicians to improve hardware they use Requirements: • Bachelor's degree in ME or similar from a top tier school • 1-5 years of engineering experience • Experience with design of mechanical and electrical systems • Solidworks expert: 1 year minimum of full-time use • Independent problem solver A qualified candidate will have a subset of these skills: • Software: 3D/2D CAD, FEA (Ansys), LabVIEW, PLC ladder logic, SQL, other programming knowledge • Experience working with electro-mechanical and/or vacuum manufacturing systems • Hands on fabrication: Machining (mill/lathe), soldering, and electrical assembly • Experience working in a manufacturing environment #4 Director of Equipment Engineering; South San Francisco Looking for an ambitious and hands-on high-tech manufacturing expert to drive equipment engineering in our factory. You will manage a small team of skilled engineers to guide problem solving on the manufacturing line, track and improve key equipment performance metrics, manage expansion of line capacity, and design and implement improvements. The job will require some knowledge of UHV equipment, manufacturing environments, and mechanical and electrical engineering. A desire to work on a small nimble team is a must. Responsibilities • Ownership of engineering and continuous improvement for our manufacturing line • Track and present data on manufacturing equipment performance at multiple factory locations • Respond to equipment issues brought up by the production team • Recognize areas for improvement, specify and/or design upgrades to optimize equipment • Act preemptively to address potential points of failure on the line, take ownership of unplanned downtime, Implement upgrades developed by R&D department • Consult for the production team on best methods for use of equipment to improve production metrics • Manage engineering resources efficiently and effectively Requirements • Bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, or related Engineering field • Experience managing an engineering team10+ years of hands on experience in high tech manufacturing • Self starter, capable of identifying needs and implementing solutions without help • Effective communicator, must be comfortable transferring knowledge to other teams • Must be attentive to problems brought by production with a “customer service” attitude Knowledge & Skills • Knowledge of UHV manufacturing, especially PECVD • Software: JMP or other statistical analysis package, CAD (Draftsight, Autocad, Solidworks, etc.) • Experience with Tableau or other statistical analysis software • Experience working hands-on with semiconductor style manufacturing equipment • Experience with troubleshooting equipment. Experience with design of experiments
#5 Manufacturing Engineer, Laser Cutting; South San Francisco We are looking for a hands-on engineer to take responsibility for maintaining and improving laser cutting operations in our factory. You'll be working with an experienced team of mechanical, electrical, and materials engineers, and will be encouraged to gain experience in different areas. The position will involve hands-on work with various laser cutting systems, and will focus on developing new techniques, improving cut performance, characterizing new laser technologies, and bringing up brand new laser systems. Responsibilities:
·         Ownership of equipment uptime and performance metrics
·         Working with and training technicians on new techniques
·         Collecting, evaluating, and characterizing data on production operations to find areas of improvement
·         Designing modifications to cutting systems to develop new capabilities or solve problems
·         Planning and executing process improvements to improve product quality and yield
·         Troubleshooting issues with the production line, creating working groups with a multidisciplinary team when needed for difficult challenges
·         Bachelor's degree in Engineering or Science
·         3+ years of hands on experience in a manufacturing or production lab environment
·         Comfortable working hands on with complicated equipment
·         Ability to extract and analyze data using tools such as SQL and statistical software such as JMP
·         Detail-oriented mindset
·         Effective communication and must be comfortable working closely with team members
·         Flexible, independent, and adept at working in a fast-paced environment
·         Software: JMP or other statistical analysis package, 2D/3D CAD
·         Knowledge of laser systems, and best practices for maintaining and developing laser cutting technology
·         Firm grasp of concepts such as Six Sigma and  design of experiments
#6 Senior Modeling and Simulation Engineer; South San Francisco We are looking for a multiphysics modeling and simulation expert to help us make our world leading diamond production technology even better. You will apply your knowledge of physics, engineering, and simulation technology to create models that accurately describe conditions within complicated high-tech manufacturing systems, and use these models to assist process and equipment engineers in designing solutions.  A desire to tackle difficult problems and work with a team to create innovative solutions is a must. Responsibilities:
Creating models and simulations to describe and illuminate     root causes of problems on our line
Developing new types of simulations to improve in-house     analysis ability
Communicating and working with engineers to solve problems     based on the results you find
Implementing and performing tests on actual hardware to     validate your models
Designing parts and processes to take advantage of     improvement opportunities you find
Working with a multidisciplinary team and learning new     skills where necessary
Studying existing equipment and implementing your own     solutions to the problems you find
Advanced degree in in engineering or science from top tier     school
3-10+ years of career & academic multiphysics     simulation experience
Simulation software (ansys, comsol, star-ccm+, cst, etc.):     3 years minimum of full-time use
Independent, goal oriented problem solver
Knowledge of vacuum/plasma based manufacturing or     scientific equipment and associated sensors and components (Pumps, valves,     pressure sensors, spectrometers, MFC's, pressure controllers, pyrometers,     etc.)
Experience designing and manufacturing parts, especially     for vacuum environments
Experience working in a manufacturing environment
(Different Company/Client)
We are also excited to announce that we have yet another search in the field of Plating and Electrochemistry for experts in PCBs and related technology. This position will be located probably in Hong Kong. My repeat-Client is one of the World's leading chemical companies.
#7 Global Technology Leader, Interconnect Solutions; Hong Kong
• Lead and develop a global technology organization with a focus on the growth of metallization product lines, including Make Hole Conductive (MHC), Final Finish (FF), Electroplating (EP) and Industrial Plating.
• Owns the development and implementation of technology plans through working closely with other functions, including Product, Marketing and Sales to support business critical needs and growth initiatives.
• Guide and coach junior Technology Leaders to develop the global organization and the technical core competencies to enable new product and application development.
• Lead the execution of new product development and manage the overall portfolio and multi-generation plan.
• Develop and execute IP strategy and strengthen trade secret protection
• Develops and maintains the technical relationship with key customers, OEMs, and/or other external partners (e.g. consortiums, associations, universities, etc.).
• PhD in chemistry or engineering discipline
• 10+ years of leading a technology organization
• Strong technical skills and solid knowledge on circuit fabrication industry and process.
• A self-starter with a high degree of personal initiative
• Exceptional people leadership skills
• Demonstrated success on leading a global team and establishing a collaborative technology network.
• Business acumen, an ability to see the broader and long term business needs and flow down business strategy into technology plans
• Direct experiences with developing and commercializing new products
• Demonstrated ability to make clear, persuasive, concise, and well-organized oral presentations.
• Ability to integrate into broader technology organizations outside of Electronics and Image and industrial or academic partners
If you have an interest in pursuing one of these outstanding career opportunities, or simply have referrals or suggestions, please let me know. Unsolicited resume submissions are accepted, as well. Cover letters or explanatory notes are also welcomed.
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cidaderiorj · 5 years
O Inea unificou, ampliou e fortaleceu as agendas verde (IEF), azul (Serla) e marrom (Feema), buscando a eficiência e agilidade nas atividades de preservação e recuperação do meio ambiente.
O Governo do Estado do Rio de Janeiro criou através da Lei nº 5.101, de 04 de outubro de 2007, o Instituto Estadual do Ambiente (Inea), submetido a regime autárquico especial e vinculado à Secretaria de Estado do Ambiente.
Com a função de executar as políticas estaduais do meio ambiente, de recursos hídricos e de recursos florestais adotadas pelos Poderes Executivo e Legislativo do Estado.
O Inea foi instalado pelo Governo do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, em 12 de Janeiro de 2009, através do Decreto nº 41.628, a partir da fusão de três órgãos: Feema (Fundação Estadual de Engenharia de Meio Ambiente), Serla (Superintendência Estadual de Rios e Lagoas) e IEF (Instituto Estadual de Florestas).
O órgão tem sede própria, situada na Avenida Venezuela, 110, Praça Mauá, Centro do Rio, onde também está instalada a SEA (Secretaria de Estado do Ambiente), o que permite uma atuação integrada da secretaria responsável pela formulação da política ambiental e o seu principal órgão executivo.
O Inea intensificou a sua atuação descentralizada através de oito Superintendências Regionais correspondentes às regiões hidrográficas do Estado, integrando assim a gestão ambiental e a de recursos hídricos. As Superintendências Regionais têm autonomia, inclusive, para expedir licenças ambientais para atividades de pequeno e médio potencial poluidor.
O grande desafio do Inea é integrar a política ambiental do Estado e atender às demandas da sociedade nas questões ambientais, oferecendo agilidade no atendimento, mecanismos de controle, acompanhamento e participação, com quadro funcional qualificado e valorizado, credibilidade e atuação descentralizada.
O Inea surge com a missão de proteger, conservar e recuperar o patrimônio ambiental do Estado do Rio de Janeiro para promover a agenda do desenvolvimento sustentável, sendo um órgão gestor ambiental de referência, exercendo um papel estratégico no desenvolvimento do Estado.
Ser um órgão gestor ambiental de referência, exercendo um papel estratégico na agenda de desenvolvimento do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, com quadro funcional qualificado e valorizado, credibilidade e atuação descentralizada.
INEA RJ Licenciamento
O licenciamento ambiental é o procedimento administrativo por meio do qual o órgão ambiental autoriza a localização, instalação, ampliação e operação de empreendimentos e atividades utilizadores de recursos ambientais, efetiva ou potencialmente poluidores ou capazes, sob qualquer forma, de causar degradação ambiental.
O licenciamento ambiental foi estabelecido como um dos instrumentos da Política Nacional do Meio Ambiente, instituída pela Lei nº 6.938/1981, que tem por objetivo a preservação, melhoria e recuperação da qualidade ambiental propícia à vida, visando assegurar, no país, condições ao desenvolvimento socioeconômico, aos interesses da segurança nacional e a proteção da dignidade da vida humana.
O Manifesto de Transporte de Resíduos (MTR) é um documento obrigatório que registra informações do transporte de resíduos desde a fonte geradora até a sua destinação final. Através desse registro é possível monitorar a geração, o transporte e a destinação adequada dos resíduos sólidos no Estado do Rio de Janeiro.
O MTR é gerado através de um sistema totalmente online, no qual o requerente/usuário faz o seu cadastro e, em seguida, insere as informações sobre os resíduos que transporta.
A nova regulamentação, que estabelece a metodologia e que substitui a DZ-1310, é a Norma Operacional para o Sistema Online de Manifesto de Transporte de Resíduos – NOP Inea 35 – Sistema MTR, aprovada pela Resolução Conema Nº 79, que estabelece as condições de controle da geração, transporte e destinação adequados de resíduos no Estado do Rio de Janeiro.
INEA RJ Ouvidoria
A criação da Ouvidoria do Instituto Estadual do Ambiente (Inea) foi prevista juntamente com a criação do Instituto (Lei Estadual nº 5.101, de 04/10/2007). O Inea foi instalado e iniciou suas atividades em 12/01/2009, com base no Decreto Estadual n.º 41.628 e a Ouvidoria teve a sua instalação concretizada em março do mesmo ano.
Atendimento ao Público
A Ouvidoria do Inea recebe reclamações, denúncias, críticas, sugestões, elogios e pedidos de acesso à informação e os encaminha aos setores responsáveis. É também de sua competência acompanhar as demandas e retornar ao emitente com a resposta/solução, de forma a prestar um atendimento eficiente e de qualidade.
Além do atendimento ao público, a Ouvidoria atende às requisições do Ministério Público Estadual e Federal.
INEA RJ Emergências Ambientais
Emergências ambientais tecnológicas surgem das mais variadas formas e com impactos no meio ambiente e na população. Casos como vazamento de produtos químicos perigosos, tóxicos, derramamento de óleo, rompimento de barragens de rejeitos químicos, abandono ou disposição inadequada de produtos químicos, entre outros, causam danos ao meio ambiente e podem colocar em risco a saúde e vidas humanas e prejuízos sociais e econômicos.
Por isto as emergências ambientais exigem uma resposta rápida, não só para conter o problema em si, como também para reduzir os danos eventuais ao meio ambiente.
O Inea possui um grupo técnico multidisciplinar, especializado no atendimento in loco de ocorrências ambientais emergenciais tecnológicas decorrentes de vazamento de produtos químicos, ou substâncias nocivas ao meio ambiente.
A equipe opera em regime de plantão 24 horas por dia, sete dias por semana, em todo o Estado do Rio de Janeiro, de acordo com o padrão NFPA-472 – Hazmat Operations, e International Maritime Organization.
Qualquer cidadão pode comunicar o Inea sobre um acidente envolvendo óleo ou outro produto perigoso, como nos casos de explosões, colisões, descarrilamentos, incêndios, vazamentos e derramamentos.
Horário de Funcionamento INEA RJ
Segunda a sexta das 9h ás 18h
Onde Fica, Endereço e Telefone INEA RJ
Centro: Av. Mal. Floriano, 45 – 3° andar – Centro – Tel.: (21) 2332-4604
Saúde: Av. Venezuela, 110 – Saúde – Tel.: (21) 2332-4604
Ramos: R. Euclídes Faria, 136 – Ramos – Tel.: (21) 2334-7938
Outras informações e site
Mais informações: www.inea.rj.gov.br
Mapa de localização Unidade Centro
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From https://www.encontrariodejaneiro.com.br/agenda/inea-rj/
from https://encontrariodejaneiro0.wordpress.com/2019/10/30/inea-rj/
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aaltjebarisca · 6 years
Chimney Inspections: What You Need to Know
What’s better than curling up by a crackling, wood-burning fire on a cold winter night, snuggled up under a blanket with a warm drink and a good book in hand?
Proper fireplace maintenance, that’s what.
While it may not be a warm and cozy topic to think about, taking good care of chimneys should be on homeowners’ minds as we approach the winter months. Unfortunately, many people with wood-burning fireplaces in their homes neglect this vital aspect of home maintenance. The consequences of that can be pretty serious.
If you have a fireplace in your home, you might be wondering what, exactly, you should be doing to keep it working properly and safely. Here’s what the experts say.
Are Chimney Inspections Really Necessary?
Whether you’re busy, you don’t use it every day or you just aren’t sure what you’re supposed do, it can be easy to fall behind on your fireplace maintenance. Unfortunately, it can also be dangerous.
“Safety is the most important reason for an annual chimney inspection by a (CSIA) Certified Chimney Sweep®. You are lighting a fire in your living room and it’s serious business,” says Zach Zagar, director of marketing and communications for the Chimney Safety Institute of America (CSIA).
Heating equipment like chimneys are the second most common cause of home fire fatalities, and failure to clean this equipment is the leading factor contributing to home heating fires, according to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA).
Over time, all of the smoke, gases and particles from the fires you’ve burned will create a buildup in your chimney. This residue, called creosote, is extremely flammable and when it’s allowed to build up, it can cause a chimney fire.
“The two biggest risks associated with not having a (CSIA) Certified Chimney Sweep® inspect your system are chimney fires and carbon monoxide poisoning,” Zagar notes.
When creosote first begins to build up, it’s fairly easy for a technician to remove with a brush. However, as the buildup gets worse, it becomes more difficult to remove. Eventually, the only way to effectively remove the creosote may be to replace the chimney liner, which can be expensive.
How Often Should You Get It Done?
Once a year, according to both CSIA and NFPA.
“An annual inspection will detect potential issues with your system to keep your family safe,” says Zagar.
What Does It Entail?
When you get a chimney inspection done, the inspector will take a look at your chimney for buildup, obstruction, damage or any structural issues. They’ll likely sweep your chimney as part of the inspection to make sure they’re getting an accurate look at your system. Then, if they deem it necessary, they’ll recommend any required work.
There are three levels of chimney inspection, depending on the condition of your chimney.
Level One: This is a basic inspection that involves examining the easily accessible portions of your chimney, checking that the structure is sound and ensuring that all the components are working properly. If your chimney is in good condition and you haven’t had any problems with your fireplace, this will likely be the level of your regular, annual inspections.
Level Two: This level of inspection will likely involve your chimney sweep using equipment such as a camera to fully inspect the inside of your chimney. They will inspect all parts of your chimney that are accessible without the use of special tools, and may inspect your attic, crawl space or basement. You’ll get this sort of inspection done when any changes are made to your chimney, such as a change in fuel type or getting a new liner, or after any potentially damaging events like a fire or an earthquake. This level of inspection is required when you sell your home, according to CSIA.
Level Three: This is a thorough inspection of all parts of your chimney, including any covered or hidden portions that can only be reached using special tools. It may require demolition and rebuilding parts of the chimney, depending on what needs to be done.
Can You Do It Yourself?
It’s best to leave this one to the professionals.
“An inspection will find internal and external issues with your system that a homeowner is not trained to identify, whether it is a crack in your chimney liner that you can only see from a certain angle or signs of water damage inside or outside of your flue,” describes Zagar.
Only a professional chimney sweep is qualified to inspect and clean a chimney so that it remains safe for use. Not only do they know to look for things that a layperson might miss, but the average homeowner probably isn’t properly equipped to thoroughly inspect their chimney in the first place.
“Today’s technicians are often using camera equipment specifically designed for chimney inspections to inspect the inside of your chimney from the bottom to the top,” explains Zagar.
What Should You Be Doing?
Other than getting regular inspections done, there are a few things homeowners can do to keep their fireplaces and chimneys in good condition.
Zagar recommends that all homeowners be familiar with the manufacturer’s instructions on how to operate all their heating equipment, like their system’s damper or gas source.
If you burn wood, make sure you’re only using well-seasoned, dry wood. Cut wood that has been left to dry for at least 6 months in storage will make the best firewood and give you a cleaner burn.
Learn how to properly store your firewood as well. Don’t allow your stores to be ruined by exposure to the elements. The best place is a firewood shed, according to CSIA, with a roof and open sides for air circulation. You can also keep the pile in a sunny location and cover it on rainy or snowy days. Be careful about inviting insects like termites into your home –  never store wood inside, and don’t lean it against your house. Only bring in what you plan on immediately burning.
Keep your fireplace clean and make sure you’re frequently cleaning soot and ash from the hearth.
Do You Still Need an Inspection if You Have a Gas Fireplace?
According to Zagar, it’s a common misconception that only those with wood-burning appliances need regular inspections.
“Gas fireplaces, water heaters, furnaces and boilers that utilize a chimney also need to be inspected annually,” he says.
While gas-heated appliances tend to require less maintenance than their wood-burning counterparts, you should still have them checked out once a year to make sure everything is operating safely and to nip any problems in the bud before they become dangerous or costly. Plus, your chimney can become obstructed by animals (like birds creating nests in it), regardless of what fuel type you use. A certified technician can check for these obstructions and take care of them for you.
How to Hire the Best Chimney Sweep
In addition to advancing public awareness about chimney safety and the danger of chimney fires, CSIA provides certification for chimney sweeps. If you are looking for a professional to inspect and clean your chimney, find one who is CSIA certified.
Before hiring a chimney sweep, CSIA recommends asking them to provide references and finding out if they carry a valid business liability insurance policy, in addition to ensuring that they are CSIA certified.
For a basic, level one inspection and cleaning, you can expect to pay between $79 – $200 on average, according to Fixr.com. For higher level inspections, you’ll pay more. Level two inspections can cost between $100 – $500, and level three inspections can range from $1,000 – $5,000.
If you don’t use a certified chimney sweep, be wary of chimney scams. If the initial price seems too good to be true, it probably is. If your chimney sweep says you need to get significant, costly work done, ask for a photo or video of the issue. Get multiple estimates for the repair from different contractors.
Do you have tips for getting the most out of your chimney inspection? Share them in the comments below!
The post Chimney Inspections: What You Need to Know appeared first on ZING Blog by Quicken Loans.
from Updates About Loans https://www.quickenloans.com/blog/chimney-inspections
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mikebrackett · 6 years
Chimney Inspections: What You Need to Know
What’s better than curling up by a crackling, wood-burning fire on a cold winter night, snuggled up under a blanket with a warm drink and a good book in hand?
Proper fireplace maintenance, that’s what.
While it may not be a warm and cozy topic to think about, taking good care of chimneys should be on homeowners’ minds as we approach the winter months. Unfortunately, many people with wood-burning fireplaces in their homes neglect this vital aspect of home maintenance. The consequences of that can be pretty serious.
If you have a fireplace in your home, you might be wondering what, exactly, you should be doing to keep it working properly and safely. Here’s what the experts say.
Are Chimney Inspections Really Necessary?
Whether you’re busy, you don’t use it every day or you just aren’t sure what you’re supposed do, it can be easy to fall behind on your fireplace maintenance. Unfortunately, it can also be dangerous.
“Safety is the most important reason for an annual chimney inspection by a (CSIA) Certified Chimney Sweep®. You are lighting a fire in your living room and it’s serious business,” says Zach Zagar, director of marketing and communications for the Chimney Safety Institute of America (CSIA).
Heating equipment like chimneys are the second most common cause of home fire fatalities, and failure to clean this equipment is the leading factor contributing to home heating fires, according to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA).
Over time, all of the smoke, gases and particles from the fires you’ve burned will create a buildup in your chimney. This residue, called creosote, is extremely flammable and when it’s allowed to build up, it can cause a chimney fire.
“The two biggest risks associated with not having a (CSIA) Certified Chimney Sweep® inspect your system are chimney fires and carbon monoxide poisoning,” Zagar notes.
When creosote first begins to build up, it’s fairly easy for a technician to remove with a brush. However, as the buildup gets worse, it becomes more difficult to remove. Eventually, the only way to effectively remove the creosote may be to replace the chimney liner, which can be expensive.
How Often Should You Get It Done?
Once a year, according to both CSIA and NFPA.
“An annual inspection will detect potential issues with your system to keep your family safe,” says Zagar.
What Does It Entail?
When you get a chimney inspection done, the inspector will take a look at your chimney for buildup, obstruction, damage or any structural issues. They’ll likely sweep your chimney as part of the inspection to make sure they’re getting an accurate look at your system. Then, if they deem it necessary, they’ll recommend any required work.
There are three levels of chimney inspection, depending on the condition of your chimney.
Level One: This is a basic inspection that involves examining the easily accessible portions of your chimney, checking that the structure is sound and ensuring that all the components are working properly. If your chimney is in good condition and you haven’t had any problems with your fireplace, this will likely be the level of your regular, annual inspections.
Level Two: This level of inspection will likely involve your chimney sweep using equipment such as a camera to fully inspect the inside of your chimney. They will inspect all parts of your chimney that are accessible without the use of special tools, and may inspect your attic, crawl space or basement. You’ll get this sort of inspection done when any changes are made to your chimney, such as a change in fuel type or getting a new liner, or after any potentially damaging events like a fire or an earthquake. This level of inspection is required when you sell your home, according to CSIA.
Level Three: This is a thorough inspection of all parts of your chimney, including any covered or hidden portions that can only be reached using special tools. It may require demolition and rebuilding parts of the chimney, depending on what needs to be done.
Can You Do It Yourself?
It’s best to leave this one to the professionals.
“An inspection will find internal and external issues with your system that a homeowner is not trained to identify, whether it is a crack in your chimney liner that you can only see from a certain angle or signs of water damage inside or outside of your flue,” describes Zagar.
Only a professional chimney sweep is qualified to inspect and clean a chimney so that it remains safe for use. Not only do they know to look for things that a layperson might miss, but the average homeowner probably isn’t properly equipped to thoroughly inspect their chimney in the first place.
“Today’s technicians are often using camera equipment specifically designed for chimney inspections to inspect the inside of your chimney from the bottom to the top,” explains Zagar.
What Should You Be Doing?
Other than getting regular inspections done, there are a few things homeowners can do to keep their fireplaces and chimneys in good condition.
Zagar recommends that all homeowners be familiar with the manufacturer’s instructions on how to operate all their heating equipment, like their system’s damper or gas source.
If you burn wood, make sure you’re only using well-seasoned, dry wood. Cut wood that has been left to dry for at least 6 months in storage will make the best firewood and give you a cleaner burn.
Learn how to properly store your firewood as well. Don’t allow your stores to be ruined by exposure to the elements. The best place is a firewood shed, according to CSIA, with a roof and open sides for air circulation. You can also keep the pile in a sunny location and cover it on rainy or snowy days. Be careful about inviting insects like termites into your home –  never store wood inside, and don’t lean it against your house. Only bring in what you plan on immediately burning.
Keep your fireplace clean and make sure you’re frequently cleaning soot and ash from the hearth.
Do You Still Need an Inspection if You Have a Gas Fireplace?
According to Zagar, it’s a common misconception that only those with wood-burning appliances need regular inspections.
“Gas fireplaces, water heaters, furnaces and boilers that utilize a chimney also need to be inspected annually,” he says.
While gas-heated appliances tend to require less maintenance than their wood-burning counterparts, you should still have them checked out once a year to make sure everything is operating safely and to nip any problems in the bud before they become dangerous or costly. Plus, your chimney can become obstructed by animals (like birds creating nests in it), regardless of what fuel type you use. A certified technician can check for these obstructions and take care of them for you.
How to Hire the Best Chimney Sweep
In addition to advancing public awareness about chimney safety and the danger of chimney fires, CSIA provides certification for chimney sweeps. If you are looking for a professional to inspect and clean your chimney, find one who is CSIA certified.
Before hiring a chimney sweep, CSIA recommends asking them to provide references and finding out if they carry a valid business liability insurance policy, in addition to ensuring that they are CSIA certified.
For a basic, level one inspection and cleaning, you can expect to pay between $79 – $200 on average, according to Fixr.com. For higher level inspections, you’ll pay more. Level two inspections can cost between $100 – $500, and level three inspections can range from $1,000 – $5,000.
If you don’t use a certified chimney sweep, be wary of chimney scams. If the initial price seems too good to be true, it probably is. If your chimney sweep says you need to get significant, costly work done, ask for a photo or video of the issue. Get multiple estimates for the repair from different contractors.
Do you have tips for getting the most out of your chimney inspection? Share them in the comments below!
The post Chimney Inspections: What You Need to Know appeared first on ZING Blog by Quicken Loans.
from Updates About Loans https://www.quickenloans.com/blog/chimney-inspections
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iec-mediacoverage · 5 years
Automation.com (04/06/2019)
Regulations Require Surge Protection for Safety Circuits
… here is also NFPA 79 with specific guidance for industrial machinery, and other standards by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).
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