#nhn zaigon
satellitescion · 5 years
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i aurene branded him
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satellitescion · 6 years
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My son (of a bitch) got a bit of a makeover 
ft my baby aurene
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satellitescion · 6 years
So I was roleplaying with a friend
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this is nice, very peaceful. 
but wait
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wait. who are you?
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Kanye west. 
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satellitescion · 6 years
#19- Zaigon
“19. People they’ve hurt/indirectly killed, and how it’s affected them”
One of Zaigon’s old best friends, Joel, had a brother called Tom who got attacked by centaurs. Zaigon tried to help, but Joel was worried about losing Zaigon too and tried to hold him back. Because of this, he couldn’t get to Tom in time, and in a flurry of grief and rage at the centaurs for his brother’s death, Joel blames Zaigon, claiming he killed Tom, and that he’d kill him someday. The two never spoke again aside from hissed threats, and while Zaigon didn’t blame himself as much as one would think, he didn’t blame Joel either for preventing him from saving Tom. He was devastated to lose both of them, Tom in death, and Joel in rage, but he got over it eventually, and it rarely, if ever, crosses his mind.
If I ever get the motivation I might actually write the scene, but knowing me that won’t go well
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satellitescion · 6 years
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Just two pals who lost their pants to a swarm of sand eels and dust mites, no biggie
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satellitescion · 6 years
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Local pretty (edgy) boy lookin pretty in the snow
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satellitescion · 6 years
Someone: when was the last time you’ve slept?
Záigon: haha, how old am I?
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satellitescion · 6 years
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Let my necromancer boy spend some time in Grenth’s temple, and happened to find a new outfit for him
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satellitescion · 6 years
About Záigon
(Warning before you proceed- theres been like no editing in this, so how things are described will probably jump around a lot. There’s also mentions of death if anyone happens to be sensitive to that)
Where he gets what from
He’s got two sets of families to get shit from, the first being his biological family that he lived with til they died when he was eight, and the second his adopted family in Divinity’s Reach
He’s definitely got his “calm” from his genetics, as I imagine his adopted family would have little chill. He’s got his fighting style from his dad, who inspired him to learn to use a great sword in the first place. His mother granted him his looks, dark hair, pale skin. Blue eyes came from his father.
His “grumpy” attitude comes from growing up in a restricting household, and his teen rebellion evolved into a large portion of his personality. He also gets his organising skills from his businessman “father”/caregiver.
He’s rather closed off and independent, a result of being orphaned and put into a family he didn’t quite fit. He’s got trust issues, as a lot of past friendships and relationships have backfired on him, as well as taunts from other kids. He’s no where near eager to consider anyone a friend, aside from Faren, who is the last of his childhood friends who he still has with him. He’s probably also got mild ptsd, but that’s pretty self explanatory from all the shit that happens in the story. Rarely gets decent sleep, yet still functions relatively well. He’s used to it.
Feelings, relationships and shit
He’s gay and Biromantic (sexually into only guys, could be romantically into girls, yet has no desire to date any, mainly because he can’t be bothered to explain how he’s gay yet has a girlfriend), and has only ever had one official relationship. They were together for around 2 years before Mars had to leave for Elona (parents joined Order Of Shadows or something), and haven’t seen eachother since. Mars has of course been watching over Záigon, though he’s scared to actually meet with him, especially as they have a son together (Mars is trans), Quinn.
While he has a strong bond with his colleague, partner, whatever you wanna call her Aikota, he doesn’t even consider her a friend due to his trust issues (thinks she’s immune to his “curse” of friends dying or leaving mysteriously that way). They tease each other a fair bit, but offer support to each other when needed (more like Záigon comforts the mildly emotional Aikota, who is terrible at giving support).
One thing that caused a large rift in his old friendship group was the death of his best friend Joel’s brother. After Joel tried to hold Záigon back from saving Tom (due to fear of losing him too), Joel snapped out of grief and rage and blamed Záigon for the death. He even went as far as to claim Záigon had killed Tom himself, but not many believed him. Still, the separation of the two tore their friends apart, causing most of them to go with and support Joel.
As for family ties, his biological family died when he was 8, and he doesn’t consider the family who took him in as his family, so he really only has his “adopted daughters” Aurene and Taimi from what he knows. He’s the team dad, and subconsciously “adopts” his guildmates as kids. Still very much unaware of how close Mars really is, and even more so of their son.
Other General stuff
He’s 25, lives in his family home in Kessex Hills (pretending there is an actual accessible house there), though he’s usually away from home on missions and the like. He has names for all of his minions, but he hasn’t named all of his mounts yet. All can’t tell the difference between his bone minions, so he just tries to avoid calling them individually when he can. Which is surprisingly hard to do when he lets his minions roam his house as they please, and he needs to call for them or tell them off for things. They’re essentially like really weird pets, but he doesn’t consider them as such. He’s a follower of Grenth, which naturally inspired him to talk the necromancy path, yet he isn’t as much of a “passionate follower” of the gods as some others. He respects all of the Five, obviously favouring his god. He doesn’t pray as much as those around him, especially after learning about the gods leaving, yet he still makes visits to the cathedral of silence.
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satellitescion · 6 years
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He got wings™️
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satellitescion · 6 years
It’s historic photos time
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They’re all from this year so they’re not that old, but it’s still been a fair few months since these
From left to right:
My old ranger Isaleena, plus free to play screen and level 12, 3 month old Záigon (he looks so young)
Nidiu, enjoying standing in a fire before she got a name and profession change (also being threatened by a Grawl shaman, F)
Zaigon, fresh out of the defende of Shaemoor and celebrating his first day of life by finding an npc twin
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Záigon compared to Faren and Aikota, sporting his level 80 boost armour and still being base necro, yet to sprout into his very tall self we know and love today
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satellitescion · 6 years
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Look, more art
This time a wip of everyone’s favourite character of mine that I never stop posting, Záigon
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satellitescion · 6 years
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I present to you my guild, the Riders of Alagaesia Not pictured: the guild owner, another nong
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satellitescion · 6 years
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A collection of these two dorks, plus Felicity, another friends’ character
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satellitescion · 6 years
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The resemblance is uncanny... (yes I dyed my Jackal to look like the space pup)
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