Being a bisexual was hard as fuck on a normal day, but it was especially hard to be when you had to face with two incredibly attractive people.
Who were partners. Queerplatonic life partners, but committed partners nonetheless.
Fuck his life.
“Percy! You made it!” Rachel grinned, waving from her seat in her usual exuberance. She looked so radiant, so full of life, especially next to her partner, the literal stormcloud. They were like the Sun and the Moon next to each other, and they were beautiful. One colorful and full of life, the other, full in black and looking like a vampire prince straight out of a dark romance story.
What's more, even though he looked like the devil, according to Rachel, he was actually a complete softie.
So, Percy Jackson was fucked. He couldn't even run away because how would that look now that they noticed him?
“Uh, yeah… Hi, Rachel! Hi, Nico!” He smiled a bit awkwardly, shaking hands with Nico, and being smothered by Rachel's warm hug. “Do you need anything?” He asked, nodding towards the counter.
“No, we are good, and I also got that blue hot chocolate you adore so much!”
Percy stopped. And stared.
There, next to Nico's dark coffee, and Rachel’s tea, was his blue hot chocolate. With marshmallows. And coconut flakes.
So fucking unfair that Rachel already knew the way straight into his heart. And was anybody wondering why he would fall for somebody he knew was in a committed relationship?! He couldn’t even say he didn’t know that! Rachel was very straightforward from the first time, mentioning her soulmate in basically every sentence.
“Oh… thank you,” he mumbled, sitting down in front of them. Rachel's answering smile was so radiant, that Percy had to wonder where his sunglasses were.
“Now, I know you heard a lot about each other, but this is Percy, the teacher I was talking about. I helped him with his car, and now he is helping me with the art project in the lodge. He is so creative and fun! And this is Nico, my soulmate in the whole world. We've known each other for basically forever, our parents are in the same circles, and we bonded through mischiefs and shared trauma.”
“That sounds… fun,” he deadpanned. He was quite happy that he didn’t stay with his father if this was what rich kids had to bond about.
“Right?” Nico snorted. “It is nice to meet you. Rach’s told me so much about you, it feels like I already know you.”
Percy blushed. The words seemed innocent enough, but the way Nico said them, and that look in his eyes…
Percy was a disaster of a bisexual.
“Hi, me too. I mean, you too. I mean, it is nice to meet you, and I know so much about you too!” Percy rambled. Taking a sip of his hot chocolate, he let out a satisfied sigh. Coconut and white chocolate was the best combination!
He opened his eyes he didn’t even realize he closed, and blushed again, being at the crossfire of two pairs of blazing eyes.
He must have been imagining things, mustn’t he? There was no way-
No. There was no way. Rachel and Nico were way too close to each other; it was obvious to see the easy connection between the two of them. They shared inside jokes and complained about people Percy didn’t know anything about and they made each other laugh. Rachel with her sunny disposition and Nico with his sarcastic remarks was a surprisingly perfect combination. They tried to involve Percy, but… he still felt like an outsider. 
“Oooh, Percy! Nico and I were talking about what we are doing on Christmas. We have this silly tradition of watching cheesy holiday movies together, while we complain about how much better it could be if we were the ones writing them. They would be a lot queerer, that’s for sure,” Rachel giggled. “Anyway, you’ll join us, right?”
“Uh… I’m not sure if I can do it,” he said. Rachel and even Nico looked disappointed, but they nodded.
Throughout the morning, Percy watched Nico and Rachel share mischievous smiles, finish each other’s sentences as if they were one mind in two bodies, and being completely in sync. It left Percy feeling a pang of jealousy. Trying to hide it, he forced a smile, but it was hard to see the girl he’d been crushing on, and the guy who left him breathless, be the perfect partners.
As they drank the last drops of their beverages, he just wanted to leave. They were nice, they were cute, and they were leaving him so overwhelmed.
“So, I will show Nico around before we go back to the lodge. Will you join us?”
The words tumble out of Percy’s mouth before he could stop himself. “Thanks, but I’ve got some stuff to do. I’ll meet you at the lodge later, okay?” He hesitated for a moment, then said, “It was nice to meet you! I’ll… uh… I’ll go now. To do… things. Important things.”
Rachel and Nico shared an unreadable look, but they nodded. He couldn’t stop the feeling that he must have missed something significant, something that he couldn’t understand because he wasn’t part of them. He was an outsider.
That hurt more than he had any right to feel.
As he stepped out of the coffee shop, he felt like he left something important behind. But he had to leave; he didn't want to see how the girl who he'd been crushing on since the moment she helped him with his car, be so lovey-dovey with her cute boyfriend.
He always had a tiny thing for curly hair. And they had curly hair squared.
“Wait! There’s an ice rink?” Nico exclaimed.
“Of course, we have,” Percy grinned. It was always the best time of the year when they opened the rink in the middle of the town square. He loved every type of water sport - and he considered most winter sports as water sports. Ice and snow were, after all, just cold water.
“Let’s go then! What are we waiting for?!”
Nico was so excited, Percy didn’t realize he could be so enthusiastic about something like ice skating. He looked like the devil himself in his black dresses and dark looks; it was absolutely adorable when he looked like a little kid in a candy store.
“You will come with us, right? Please, come with us!”
One touch of Nico, and Percy was too weak to say no. He sighed, but said, “Okay.”
The answering grin was more than enough to balance the heartache.
He led them to the town square, which was transformed into a winter wonderland, decorated with twinkling lights and festive ornaments. The sweet smell of mulled wine felt intoxicating, but not as intoxicating as the closeness of Rachel and Nico was.
Bundled up in scarves, hats, and mittens, they looked like two fallen angels.
The two men dragged Rachel behind them, gliding onto the ice, hand in hand. They laughed at Rachel’s fumblings, and the girl cheered for the two competing men who did more and more elaborate moves on the ice. 
It was a great time. 
As they skated, the initial awkwardness faded completely, and the joy of having two people he liked took over. Rachel and Nico included Percy effortlessly, sharing stories about each other - like the fact that Nico used to be a professional ice skater before he had to take over his father’s law firm -, and getting to know each other better.
Rachel was already fun to spend time with, but with Nico, they were an unstoppable force. Their banters were hilarious and sometimes Percy was afraid they would melt the ice with the way they roasted each other.
“Watch this,” Nico grinned, and spun and twirled on the ice, like the Ice Prince he was.
“He really is something, isn’t he?” Rachel smiled softly. Percy mirrored her.
“He really is.”
As Nico skated back to them, he winked at Percy, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. “Come, let’s leave the loser behind, and show me your moves.” He grabbed Percy’s hand, who joined the other man. They moved as if their movements were choreographed, their ice dance was a surprise show for the other skaters.
As they glided gracefully, Nico pulled Percy into a spin, their laughter echoing in the rink. Percy felt like he could fly; he was so gone on them. Their eyes met, and for a moment, time seemed to stand still. The playful atmosphere shifted, and the connection Percy felt the moment their eyes met on that fateful day in the coffee shop, deepened. He was tempted, but…
He leaned away, breaking the moment.
It wasn’t fair to Rachel.
“Tonight has been amazing, hasn’t it?” Percy wondered. The first time he met with Nico, he’d been afraid, rejected, and feeling like an outsider. But after some days, getting to know Nico, and Rachel-and-Nico, spending time with them was as easy as breathing. Their time together was magical and fun, and everything he’d ever wished for. He wasn’t sure if it was only him who felt the connection, but even if the romantic tone was just in his head, their friendship meant so much to him.
Rachel, curled in his lap, nodded. “Yes.”
Nico, leaning against him on the other side, hummed affirmatively. Percy felt like he belonged between them, squished from both sides. The initial pain about Rachel’s and Nico’s relationship faded, replaced by the realization that they really wanted to spend time with them. They included him, they sought out him individually and together as well, and they constantly touched him.
Their bond was genuine.
“Thanks for convincing me to join you. The whole week was so much fun, I don’t remember the last time I enjoyed myself so much.” He took a sip of his eggnog and sighed contently.
“Thank you for indulging us. You made this Christmas into the best Christmas ever. Spending time here… I thought it was going to be a nightmare. I never wanted to be in a small town, especially not during the holiday, without Nico, trying to promote the lodge, but you made everything so much better. Thank you.” Rachel’s words made his insides melt. He was glad he wasn’t the only one who thought this holiday was magical.
Nico moved, and he partly laid on Percy. “Coming here was the best decision I’ve ever made. Thank you for being you.”
They chatted for a while, watching those cheesy Christmas movies they mentioned before. The movies were like copies of each other, even the actors were mostly the same - but commenting on them, wondering how they would change things, made the whole experience amazing.
As they watched one movie that was particularly similar to their own experiences, except for the partner who came wasn’t keen on getting to know the small-town guy, Nico grinned mischievously, making Percy’s inside quiver.
“Uh-huh. I don’t like that look,” he joked.
“What? I’m completely innocent,” Nico batted his eyelashes. “I was just thinking about how much better our story is.”
Rachel nudged Nico with a teasing smile. “I agree, it is so much better!”
Nico sat up, facing Percy with a more serious expression. “I wanted to tell you something.”
“Uh… What is it?” Percy asked uncertainly, unsure if it was going to go as he wished, or if he read the room wrong.
“I think you are the most captivating person I’ve ever met.” Percy blushed but didn’t break their eye contact.
“And I think you are the most confusing one,” he mumbled.
“In a good way, I hope,” Nico grinned.
“The best way,” Percy nodded.
Not letting to derail the conversation, Nico took a deep breath. His expression turned more sincere, eyes conveying nothing but the truth. “There’s something else I wanted to say. I’ve been trying to find the right moment, and… well. We work well together, aren’t we? We are having fun and it feels like we’ve known each other for years. I know we just met three weeks ago… But spending time with you, made me realize how much I like you. I like you, Percy. More than just a friend, differently than I like Rachel, my literal platonic life partner. I’ve been crushing on you, and I hope that it is not one-sided.”
The room fell silent for a moment as Percy processed what the hell had happened. He pinched himself, afraid that he was dreaming, but…
It was real.
“I… I hope I didn’t make things awkward,” Nico mumbled nervously. “I just wanted to be honest with you.”
“No, I… I feel the same. I like you too, Nico.” Percy hesitated, but in for a penny, in for a pound, he turned towards Rachel. “And I like you, too. You two are the best thing that ever happened to me. I had a crush on you ever since we met, and after meeting with Nico, I couldn’t help but fall for him too.”
Rachel beamed. “I like you too!”
They giggled, the relief in the room was almost palpable.
Percy turned to Nico, whose eyes were full of promises. Leaning in, with a gentle touch, Nico captured Percy’s lips in a tender kiss. The world faded around them, his whole universe was concentrated in the two people he was intertwined with. Breaking their kiss, they breathed in each other.
Before he could react, Rachel was already there, leaning in, kissing him sweetly, feather-softly. He never expected this to happen with him in real life, but… It was better than anything he’d ever imagined. The two of them… They were everything to him.
As they pulled away, Rachel looked into Percy’s eyes, her gaze filled with affection.
“Merry Christmas, guys,” Percy said.
“Merry Christmas, Percy,” they replied, smiling more brightly than any of the Christmas lights could ever measure up to.
“Well,” Rachel laughed, breaking the tension with her lighthearted tone. “This is quite the plot twist!”
“I told you our story was way better!” Nico huffed jokingly.
“That you did,” Percy grinned, pressing a quick kiss on Nico’s lips. Now that he could do it, he had the suspicion that he’d never wanted to stop kissing him, kissing them.
And, if they played their cards right, he’d never have to.
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Bro, I just love to think of Nico being a Yandere, I have a whole ass blog dedicated to Yanderes. Now I cannot take out of my head Yandere!Rachel and Yandere!Nico fighting over Percy but when the two sees that their beloved sea prince is in danger they won’t hesitate but to save him t o g e t h e r.
And then they make a threesome with Percy gaining two Yandere partners who always pampers and cares for him :)
Yandere Nico is delicious 👌
Ahh, yeees~ Love the idea of the two yanderes taking out anybody who dares to even look at Percy, and fighting against each other, but when Percy is in danger, they save him together 😍
Love the idea!!! Honestly, Nicerchel is always good u.u
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for your consideration: MasterChef-esque Nicerchel where Percy is a states wide famous baker and judge on the cooking show. Nico competes to make his mamma and nonna proud, showing off that Italian cuisine. Rachel mostly competes for the money; if she wins the quarter of a million she could finance her art independently from her parents. Both end up simping hard for Percy. What do you think? ;D
What do I think?
*tears out her hair because she should have worked on her numerous projects, yet she let her mind to be occupied with this idea*
You. You are a very bad influence. You and your ideas... ☹️
(I love it. I love it so much. Please, accept my offering.)
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