#nick jacksom imagine
justfandomimagines1 · 7 years
I Walk The Line / Adam Cole - Chapter 10
\A/N: Here it is guys! Again, I’m sosososososo sorry that this chapter took forever to come out and I hope you guys like it!! Special shout out to @sammiielli and @tooweirdforlifex for the inspiration and help with this chapter love you guys also this is written for it to be around the holidays too so all the christmas feels tbh and i just figured how to add gifs before the fic too !!!
TAG SQUAD: @amaranthine-reign @alexahood21 @iloveenzoamore @thedeboniardevistation @lifeoutofcontrol @superkixbaybay @bulletbaybay @valeonmars @linoki @wrestlewriting
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Christmas Eve the most exciting and dreaded day of the year. It was only dreaded for the amount of crappy situations for last minute travelers; which is why I was sat between Matt and his wife. The three of us were setting up the kitchen like a buffet. “Thanks for letting Adam and I crash here.” I mumbled as I stacked the festive plates. “It’s no problem at all, sweetie. We’re glad you guys could stay.” Dana grinned up at me, as she straightened out all the dishes. “You and your man woulda been stuck at the airport anyway.” Matt smirked, his smirk only growing as he saw my cheeks flush pink and I rolled my eyes. “Adam is in no way shape or form ‘my man’.” I muttered, before padding back into the living room.
I giggled at the sight of Kourtney tugging on Adam’s hair, I could hear her quietly whining about how Adam wasn’t compromising about scooting down so she could play with all of his hair. I smiled softly as I got to the couch, before scooping up baby Zachary. “Uncle Adam, please!” Kourtney whined, as she stomped her sock covered foot on the floor, an adorable pout etching on her face with even more adorable puppy dog eyes. I bit down on my bottom lip to keep from giggling, as I continued to play with Zachary. “Something funny back there, Addison?” Adam called over his shoulder as he finally gave in, tugging his long hair from his bun; shaking out his hair. My smile only grew wider as she began tugging and twisting his hair around. 
After watching Adam play with Kourtney for awhile, Dana made her way out to us, coffees for all of us. Plopping down on the couch next to me as she sipped her’s, “He’s really good with kids.” She huffed out, shooting me a grin. “Yeah I want a couple one day... If I met the right woman.” He smiled, looking directly at me causing my whole face to redden. I quickly broke eye contact with him as I reached for my coffee. “You know most people have already met their future spouse by like the time they hit their twenties.” Matt pointed out with a smirk, rolling my eyes as I looked over at him. “Then you’d think we’d both be in serious relationships then huh?” I quipped, an eye brow arched. “One would think.” Dana smirked as she looked from Adam to me. I snorted as I sipped my coffee. “Something funny Addison?” Adam repeated again, locking eyes with mine. “Your face, blue eyes.” I muttered.
A few hours had passed and Matt and Dana’s house was slowly filling up with their family, Adam and I stood off to the side. A random drink in each of our hands. “You know you look really adorable by a Christmas tree.” Adam smirked, his arm slung over my shoulder as I rolled my eyes a blush creeping across my cheeks. “Shut up Cole.” I muttered, leaning up against him more, nuzzling my face against the side of his chest. He only chuckled, rubbing my arm gently as he pressed me even closer to him. His body heat swarming around me along with the overwhelming smell of his cologne. “Look at the love birds over there.” Nick teased, a smirk on his face. I inwardly groaned as I buried my face into Adam’s chest. I could hear Nick chuckle as Adam wrapped both of his arms around me, his hands resting against my lower back. “He’s just kidding, Munch.” He mumbled as he rubbed my back softly. I only nodded before pushing away from him and padding into the kitchen where Dana and Ellen were talking about their trip to Japan. “I see you were able to peel yourself from Adam’s side.” Dana smirked as I rolled my eyes. “You all act like we’re joined at the hip.” I huff, leaning against the counter, as I sipped my drink. “Wait, you two aren’t?” Ellen taunted, with a giggle. 
“C’mon he’s so in love with you, Addy.” She quickly added. I blushed again, biting down on the inside of my cheek. “He’s not in love with me, we’re just friends.” I grumbled, folding my arms over my chest. “Friends who room together, share a bed, cuddle constantly, and spend all of their time together.” Ellen pointed out, as Dana nodded her head confirming every point Ellen had made. “You both give each other the look too.” Dana quickly added. My mouth fell open in shock, my arms unfolding themselves before landing on my hips. “I d-do not give A-Adam any kind of ‘look’.” I stuttered, I was sure my face at this point was stained a deep red. “You know damn well what look, Addy.” Ellen huffed, as she rolled her eyes. “The ‘I’m-so-in-love-with-you-so-please-don’t-break-my-heart’ look.” Dana huffed, I rolled my eyes again. “Alright, whatever you two say.” I huffed, holding my hands up in defense. 
I sat on the couch between Matt and Nick, watching as the four little kids played on the floor. “So when will you and Adam be professing your love for each other?” Nick teased as he slung his arm over my shoulders and I rolled my eyes. “You mean when no one says anything to anyone because Adam and I are just best friends?” I reminded him, as I looked up in time to see Adam disappear into another room. “You mean when you two eventually kiss and in three years at the Massie holiday party you’ll be pregnant with Adam’s kid and happily married to him?” Matt chuckled with a smirk as I blushed. “Not gonna happen Mattie.” I sighed, patting his back with a smile 
I stood off to the side a red solo cup filled with a diet soda clutched in my hand, as I watched Addison settled herself between Nick and Matt. Her multicolored hair, somehow twinkling in the dimly lit living room. I watched as Nick slung his arm over her bare shoulders, her deep blue strapless dress hugging her body, before flaring out at her waist. She had ditched her heels hours ago, only keeping them on long enough to take a few pictures here and there. I smiled as I watched her throw her head back and laugh. “You really love her, huh?” I heard from beside me and I jumped a little at the sudden sound. “What?” I mumbled, as I looked beside me and saw Dana standing there and sipping a soda. “You love Addison.” She repeated with a knowing smile and I huffed before nodding as I sucked my bottom lip between my teeth. “Always have.” I sighed, leaning against the wall, Dana laughed. “So tell her.” She stated matter of factly. As if it was the easiest thing in the goddamn world to tell the girl you’ve been in love with since like the third grade, that you were in fact still madly in love with her. “Ain’t that easy.” I shrugged, glancing over at her as I sipped my drink. She only rolled her eyes, “Stop being such a pussy, and tell her that you’re in love with her.” She muttered, as she clapped me on my shoulder before walking away towards the rest of the people. 
I let out a sigh before making my way into the less crowded den room and sat down on the couch before pulling out my phone and settling to play a distracting game. The quiet was a small relief to the loudness of the holiday party a couple feet from where I had plopped down. “Whatcha doin’ in here?” A small voice asked from behind me on the couch and I felt her arms hug my neck from behind as she leaned over the back of the couch. Her head leaning against mine. I only shrugged, “Just needed some peace, Munch.” I told her, as she walked around the couch, and plopped down next to me, letting out a breathy sigh of relief. “You sure? I saw you and Dana talking and then you looked like you got upset and then you like left the room.” She said softly, her voice thick with worry, as she settled herself under my arm, her head against my side and I smiled to myself. “I’m fine, Adds. You know if I wasn’t you’d be the first person I’d tell.” I reminded her, as I glanced down at her, she looked back at me quizzically. “I know, but still.” She huffed, before laying her head back on my with a small smile. 
“You know I think this is the first Chrismas Eve we’ve spent not at my mom’s place.” I laughed softly, and she nodded. Every Christmas Eve since Addy and I were little we spent it together, her family at my house with a few of my cousins and we’d all hang out together. Except for one Christmas Eve she’d ended up spending it with some guy who like four months later broke her goddamn heart. She cried a shit ton those first two weeks of April, and who was the bestest best friend possible? Me. I brought her all of her comfort foods, I got her out the house, I beat the guy up for her but she doesn’t know that. “First Christmas Eve that we haven’t would up in your room hiding from our family while getting trashed.” She added, as she looked up at my, a small playful smile etched on her face. I chuckled before glancing down at her and kissing her forehead she sucked in a deep breath as her eyes flickered from my eyes to my lips and I subconsciously bit down on my bottom lip. “Adam.” She whispered, and I raised an eye brow in question. 
“Guys come on, we’re doing Christmas Eve pres- Oh!” Matt called as he walked into the room. Addy and I jumped apart and she started fixing her hair so it flowed over her one shoulder and I cleared my throat. “Yeah, uh-coming.” She stuttered, her whole face flushed red in embarrassment. She quickly stood and darted from the room. “What’s going on in here man?” Matt questioned, arms folded over his chest and a knowing smirk plastered on his face and I groaned. “Nothing, you ruined the moment.” I muttered, annoyance clear in my voice, as I stood from the couch and turned to leave. “Are you saying that you two were about to make out on my couch?” Matt taunted and I rolled my eyes, before darting past him and into the other room, and quickly sat on the floor between Kourtney and Zach. 
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