#nick wasn't even nick in part 4 in the end he was just a harvey clone like wtf
habrina-was-wronged · 2 years
What would have been your perfect Habrina endgame plot for CAOS?
The witch hunter plot would be more explored. I mean the show started with a warlock, that was raised by humans, having been stabbed to death and it was said that witch hunters did that.
It was later believed that Father Blackwood was responsible for that, but then the angels showed up. So maybe they did it? Maybe Blackwood knew about them? So I would have wanted that to be explored more.
Harvey should have found out about Agatha and Dorcas being responsible for the mines collapsing. Bonus if he found out that both Sabrina AND Roz knew about it but just never told him.
I believe that maybe Sabrina's mother's family would have something to do with the witch hunters? Before or after Diana ended up falling in love with a warlock, that eventully got her to be tricked by the devil and later killed in a airplane accident.
So maybe Sabrina's mother's family and Harvey's distant reletives were witch hunters? Maybe even helped Harvey find out the truth about the mines, which would make him angry and hurt but he would still hestitate about being a witch hunter because he never wanted to be a killer.
There should have been a kind of Romoe & Juliet-like love story between Sabrina&Harvey. Where they know that they shouldn't be together because it's too dangerous but they still love each other too much to let each other go. Their realationship built on friendship and genuine love.
I don't know how it should have ended. I mean the ending... I still can't believe that some people think that part 4 (with Lilith queen of hell, the devil injured in the human world, Sabrina dead and Miss Wardwell the head of her own witch cult) was a GOOD way to end things. THERE WAS A WAR COMING. I swear... Some people just never fail to disappoint.
What's worse is that Harvey's character was not just made into a background character, but he was also made into a kind of N*zi and some people even said that he was "always like that" WHICH IS BULLS*IT. And there are even those who think that Nick was ALWAYS planned to be Sabrina's Harvey replacement/Harvey clone which is ALSO BULLS*IT since Ross Lynch was the most famous actor on the cast (had the most followers on social media, was in a band plus had acted in several movies) and the only reason he wasn't killed off was bc the showrunner f**king R*berto knew that without him, less people would be interested in watching the show.
I had such high hopes for Habrina. I mean R*berto had explained that Harvey was suppose to be "the prince charming in this dark fairytale" which I suppose he was in the beginnig.
In the novels he has ANGEL POWERS. He never once lied to Sabrina in the show, although she lied plenty. Their realationship was interesting! Pure and they made each other better people.
Not whatever bs nabrina became... Gross.
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habrina-was-wronged · 3 years
I felt like that it was really lazy. The show spends way too much time on the eldritch terrors that really don't pose much of a threat (except the monkey and the void, who should've been more intimidating than what we got, a cosmic threat that looks like a white room with pictures and planets? Really? )And for a finale, many characters get sidelined and their stories are left unfinished because the writers feel that the terrors are more important than character development. Sabrina is as whiny as narcissistic, who wants a love life and can't stand that her friends are happy and is love and is jealous that her doppelganger is getting married to Cassius. Meanwhile, Harvey gets uncharacteristically upset that Roz is a witch (a idea that is never explored because it's all about Sabrina and how she needs to get rid of these terrors that will destroy the world.)And in the end, it doesn’t matter because these terrors are destroyed because Sabrina sacrifice herself to save the world and Nick commits suicide (ala Romeo and Juliet) to be with her forever. That's it. What about her friends? We don't see them grow or even evolve! We don't see them even get happy endings! They're just there for the plot. Roz being a witch feels like it was tacked on and Theo and Harvey get no type of closure. Her family received the same treatment. Why does Hilda need to stop her life by moving back to the mortuary so that Zelda can properly grieve the loss of her niece? Why doesn't Lilith end up being the queen of hell? Why doesn't Prudence get any type of arch other than "daddy issues"? Why is Ambrose always there to save the day. We spent so much time on these items that could've been used on character development. And the ending was just soooooo gross to me. Undeserving and underwhelming.
This one ⬆️ and this one⬇️ are my favorite comments and say EVERYTHING about CAOS.
The whole season kind of felt rushed and deliberate. Faustus sending the eldritch terrors one by one and they somehow find a way to defeat all but suddenly the terrors have powers to kill the Sabrinas. Here are some glaring inconsistencies. Do witches die? The Cain Pit is a grave on the grounds of the Spellman Mortuary, it has been in possession of the Spellman Family for generations it has the ability to bring back dead witches. Why cant you put either of the sabrinas back. Since when did the witches die mortal deaths. Sabrina morningstar just died of bruises and shit, it wasnt even the void. The void shit Who is the trinket guy. Cant he have warned about void and the pandoras box beforehand so they can all discuss and send sabrina to capture it, Rather than she rashly entering void and the usual family running behind to stop her. I am so sick of this behavior of hers, acting like a hero and doing things without consulting anyone at all- like making of the two sabrinas time travel and the chaos she caused with it. How does nick go into the void capture it so easily and come back, if they all knew it was possible why did they try to bring sabrina back when she was unfinished- messing with her whole body- soul fit. Salem What happened to that stuffed cat Salem from Endless. If there are two sabrinas in the same place and it causes realms to collide, shouldnt the two salems do the same. Roz is a witch! Holy moly who cares! She already had the power of the cunning. Suddenly she realizes she is a witch. What's the point. And Harvey acting all weirded out, Come on dude, you dated a witch and your next girlfriend also had weird superpowers of the cunning. You yourself sleepdraw and have visions. What's with all the witch racism. All hell breaks loose Suddenly Caliban goes into void. They guys manage to get only the miners and friends and leave caliban behind. What bullshit. Is void a waiting room where you can go collect people you like. Lilith asks for the sword that kills immortals and caliban like an idiot gets it for her very well knowing she can kill him and Lucifer and all of hell. Why cant he just finish her himself. Its like giving a diamond knife to someone to scratch their back. Lilith uses it to kill two immortals. Lucifer dies like a goat- exactly that, no biggie it is to kill the ruler of hell. Sabrina the empowered women until she becomes single She was the cool girl until she becomes single. Then starts envying her friends, drunk toasting at weddings and when Nick comes back she accepts him and all that soul searching just ends. Show became a bit too dark Sabrina always had a dark undertone to her teenage adventures. We always watched it with a eww and aha exciting moments. This time it went a bit too dark. Dead people coming back to life episode- her father claiming she isnt his daughter and hates her-both fathers infact. Serious abandonment issues it deals with. Mambo Maria lying to Zelda all along, breaking her heart. Too much reality distortions. The Endless episode with cannibalisms and cutting human parts, getting stuck in claustrophobic space was too eerie. We didn't even have time to deal with One sabrina's death. Another come comes along. She has survived much worse stuff. Suddenly two of them die. Harvey, a mere mortal can go into void and get people and come out like a piece of cake. Last of all, Nick suiciding to be with Sabrina. Come on man! use your fucking magic people. You can all witches for Hecete's sake. Visit her in afterlife, use cain's pit, use mambo maria, do some soul transfer. Suicide to be with his love- that just cut it for me. They could have ended with both Sabrina's meeting each other in Afterlife. She realizes she is her true love. No one can replace that. She couldn't ever meet each other in the same realm. Here she can be with each other. Maybe that would have made things more bearable.
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habrina-was-wronged · 3 years
I hope after Sabrina came back
before she showed up in "RiverVale"
that Harvalind FINALLY BROKE UP
And Sabrina & Harvey got back together again (and maybe she's still dating nick too idc) and they are just making each other happy and he's keeping her stable while she's showing him how amazing magic can really be
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habrina-was-wronged · 3 years
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habrina-was-wronged · 3 years
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habrina-was-wronged · 3 years
I don't ship Nabrina
(not after getting my heartbroken by mf part 4 where nick becomes a harvey clone basically, saying and doing all the adorkable things harvey has said or done. "jock nick" was not what i was promised after hanging in there when the show became so forgettable after part 1. no witch hunter storyline. no habrina... just fcking harvalind that was just a secondhand sabrina with harvey that couldn't possibly measure up.. she never even told harvey about her vision of agatha and dorcas. they made each other worse.
nabrina was mostly just fan service and the writers thinking that giernan fans and gavin leatherwood fans would make them more money in the long run... the show now completely forgotten when it had so much potential. only really remembered by the nabrina fans who "won" in the end... no part 5. kiernan now looks older so there's almost no chance of that happening at some point.. meaningless ending since sabrina is still coming back. it was more just to j*rk off the nabrina fans just one last time.
the riverdale crossover episode was more just a promo for sabrina coming back in that comic book by r*berto.
i honestly wish i never watched the show in the beginning when it has continuously disappointed me and so many... it could have been so great.
Habrina should have gotten a second chance. i don't care if it would have ended up with harvey and nick BOTH dating sabrina at the same time. That would have been better that was happened in part 4 which was just bad fan fiction imo and made the show be remembered as a "Netflix experiment that never took off")
And I hated the lust that was obvious between sabrina and nick, that made her forget about harvey "so easily" in caos. i guess in a way a witch is suppose to think about her immortality and about sex, rather than about relationships in general. lust is very easy. especially for witches. everyone saw that in caos. but love is much more complicated. that's where nabrina failed imo mostly because it was based on lust, infatuations, survivor's guilt and the need for "normalcy" when you are in fact broken by trauma but would rather pretend everything is fine than to deal with and face reality. Save face. Like the witches of Greendale were prone to do.
I don't ship nabrina. But that doesn't mean that you can't.
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habrina-was-wronged · 3 years
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the only person who actually gets it.
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habrina-was-wronged · 3 years
no wonder part 5 was canceled
after that garbage fire that was part 4
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habrina-was-wronged · 2 years
ugh wtf was even 6x19 riverdale
sabrina wasn't even necessary. i mean sure, she made the normal girls into witches, because she couldnt find/call any real witches? like she couldnt get ambrose to show up and help? wtf. and all she did was just bring back her dead bf for a while, i swear she just has ulterior motives all the time.. still the selfish teenager as always. just wants "her reality" and just avoids everything that's ACTUALLY real. like she wants to believe a lie and live in a fantasy. and then she peaced out instead of helping!?
this episode just reminds me of how badly the writers screwed up. i mean nick was a simp that only told Sabrina what she wanted to hear, he then was used as like a weapon against Sabrina and became a broken simp after he got out of hell. he wasn't honest with her, for most of their relationship, and she was just this selfish teenager who only was with him because she literally couldn't find anyone better while being jealous of Harvey (who kept her from flying off the roof, went to hell to save her obnoxious bf who has always been an a-hole to him, was always honest with 'brina and just generally kept her stable) but whatever, they were "endgame" cuz it was too late to break up Harvey and Roz so might as well. part 4 was just a garbage fire and I wish it never had happened..
what's worse, nabrina is still being milked on the new crossover episode on Riverdale 6x19 like tbh don't watch it, it's so bad. like did they really need closure? part 4 ended with them dead together. and everyone was fine with that, kinda, but whatever. now sabrina is alive again bc ofc and brought nick back like no big deal but temporarily and that's it. did they really need closure? i mean, wtf.
Harvey and sabrina SO DESERVED THAT SECOND CHANCE. I waited for almost 2 whole years for that to happen, it was building up to it like in part 3 when harvey was told that roz wasn't his true love like wtf!?
I swear roz and harvey only became a thing cuz ppl thought the nick actor was goodlooking and bc ross and jaz were already dating irl and apparently the writers thought they needed to be a thing on the show too. like why?
I heard that NetFlix still owns caos so maybe after 2023 they'll reboot or something, if that happens, I really hope they rewrite or at least recast Harvey and maybe give him angel powers like he has in the novel? and he and sabrina's relationship gets a second chance.
bonus if the writers make roz and nick be a thing, cuz they are both powerful and total nerds. like they would be a power couple in the academy.
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habrina-was-wronged · 3 years
a caos related conversation
AO3 writer: I don't think the show became forgettable after Part 1; I really love Parts 2 & 3 both. Part 4 was a misstep but I genuinely love the show up until that point, and I don't think a bad final season erases everything that came before it. I wasn't particularly bothered by some of the things that bothered you, because I had no interest in a witch hunter storyline. I was disappointed Harvey and Sabrina were never revisited after all the hinting that they would be, but I ship every permutation of Nick/Sabrina/Harvey equally. I love Nick and Sabrina; I don't think they were just fan service. And there's no telling what the future holds. It isn't like Kiernan is 45, she's only 22. I think she could pass as a TV teen in Hollywood for a few more years, lol. Kind of harsh to say it's forgotten or never took off when it was pretty successful and there are clearly still fans. I mean, I'm here. It's not my intention to write this out of bitterness and disappointment, but out of love for the characters and the world of the show, which are things that make me happy despite being imperfect.
Me: I disagree. After part 1 everything changed direction. Many story lines were dropped. The witch hunter story line should have at least lead to some kind of confrontation between Harvey and the witches who tried to kill him and killed his brother. Roz saw a vision, never told Harvey. Sabrina knew this. And yet, he remains oblivious and while being a main character... Was treated as a shitty background character with barely a story line. And part 2 was absolutely fan service. With the actor that playing Nick being a "internet boyfriend" so obviously he was treated more as a main character. I'm sure the nabrina fans on social media made that decision more "obvious". Part 3 was more like Riverdale than it needed to be.
Yes, Kiernan looks young. But she doesn't look like she did when part 4 was filmed. Anyone can see that based on what she looked like in the episode of Riverdale when she shows up. (Or a version of her shows up.) so time has past. A lot of time. There's some chance for a movie or something but when the showrunner has focused his attention on Nancy Drew (which has basically a version of sabrina as nancy and a harvey lookalike as ace being a couple) and riverdale (which is rumored to end after season 7, but i wouldn't say it's written in stone yet.) I doubt it would happen, or happen any time soon. I'd love a reboot of caos. post part 5, since that's coming out in a comic book soon-ish. everyone in their 20s. a lot of things could have changed for everyone.
And it's NOT MY opinion that caos is forgettable, since i was or in a way am a fan. it's just the general opinion. I've seen many who don't even know that chilling adventures of sabrina was a show, most think it was a web series at some point.
In the end of part 4. i saw two broken people. sabrina after being told that she can't cry while being a queen. seeing the world. seeing people around her happy while she felt lonely and "misplaced". Nick, while appearing his bad boi self from part 2, was in many ways still very much traumatized. there was no way he wasn't. otherwise his personality wouldn't make such a dramatic 180 change in such a short time span (other than by the power of bad writing ofc) so him acting the way he thinks sabrina wants him too.. well, that's a red flag about his state of mind if i have ever seen one. Acting more mortal. Acting more like her ex. Becoming a "jock"... Although that might of been more fan-service since lots of nabrina fans really liked the nick from sabrina's nightmare in part 1. What's even more of red flag, was the fact that he more or less committed suicide after her death, rather than using his knowledge of necromancy to try and bring sabrina back. in the original ending, at least Zelda Spellman tries to make a deal to bring her niece back to life. I'm not surprised.
The show had potential. I know it. but at every turn, all those story lines that were left in the air. all those details that fans noticed. all the things that didn't make sense. Sabrina didn't notice that she had the void inside her between the time she was brought back and her 17th birthday. Nick didn't stop her when she left to protect those she loved while the void fed on her.
in fact, i was half expecting God, the trinket man(who could be god or some other creature) or even Hecate (i heard she was suppose to be a villain in part 5) to be behind sabrina's poor decisions. Or nick's "harveylike transformation". Probably not. Just bad writing.
I still can't believe that harvalind got to have the conversation that habrina was suppose to have. about her being a witch. i still can't believe that roz never told harvey about her vision. i meant, he sat at the table at sabrina's 17th birthday. with agatha RIGHT THERE. and never knew. if he ever found out, he'd be devastated, i understand that. but keeping it a secret from him is worse. not that anyone cares since the writers pretty much made harvey into a really bad character, that was not treated as a main character. like at all.
in fact, none of the "mortal" friends got any kind of storyline. And that really sucks.
I liked nick. But not with sabrina. Only as a friend. In fact I was half expecting nick to become interested in Roz after finding out that she was a seer. I think THEY had more in common than Sabrina and Nick ever have had. Nick brings out sabrina's witchy dark side... But she needs to stay stable. He didn't stop Sabrina from flying off the roof in front of mortals. Something he must of know was wrong. But Harvey kept her stable. Saved her from making that mistake. Of all the "love interests" of Sabrina's (nick, caliban and harvey) Harvey is the only one who's seen Sabrina as "the dark lord's sword" so i can't agree with you that Harvey only sees one side of Sabrina. He doesn't. He sees her. And in many ways, they think alike. Prioritizing the people they love and the world. Nick does not. He never has. He's been just devoted to Sabrina. And although very sweet, it was never what she needed.
The thing is, Sabrina could have done a lot. Like gone after the witches council. Or resurrect the witches that were killed by Blackwood. But in the end I felt she wanted to fit in, in the witch world more than change anything for the better. Part of that was because of Nick and her family. She had always been "the halfbreed" something she was reminded of a lot. But as soon as she broke off from Harvey, her mortal friends, her mortal school and basically everything that made her unique and interesting, she just became like any other basic witch. Boring. Kinda average. Compared to the other witches, she's kinda below average. Proven and shown every time she tries to up against something: infernal principal, resurrection of Tommy, the void etc. If she had Harvey, she would have learned to accept herself as a half breed. That was where her strength was. Rather than just focus on being a witch. It was tragic that while with Nick she just lost sight of that. She just became... Like everyone else. Became the witch her family wanted her to be. The witch Nick wanted her to be.
That's what part 2, part 3 and part 4 did to her. Made her a worse character. Not just problematic. Not just relatable. It erased everything iconic about her. And she was happy that she fit in. That she had a warlock boyfriend that she didn't have to hide her magic from out of fear of rejection. She was just another member of her coven. Nothing really legendary about her. Other than what she done I guess. And then she died.
That's what hurts the most. Not just the rewritten nabrina, to be more like what harvey and sabrina once was. although that hurt a lot too.
But I see where you're coming from. i guess. Sorry for writing such a long reply.
(btw no idea why i thought RAS was behind nancy drew. maybe because ace is so much like harvey and there's a character that's named nick, plus that character that was nancy's love interest who was very similar to nick scratch. i was sleep deprived when i wrote this.)
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