#nicknamed them worms then i was like hey. *I* like the name worms. thats mine now.
way2gosuperrstarr · 5 months
'no worms you cant change your sonas name AGAIN. please youve already done it on this one character like 3 times–' TOO LATE. i already did it. name change beam upon ye, fool
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drifloonz · 2 years
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i can!! the polycule ever. Being between these two is so funny bc i feel like theyd just barter and argue over you lightheartedly sometimes and then other times in private theyre both just loving all over you and eachother and the tonal shift is so funny.
also i accidentally answered this early because tumblr sucks so bad and APPARENTLY pressing enter does that which is why the ask is a screenshot instead of an Actual ask and that'll annoy me but oh well that was all i could do.
i hope you enjoy !
red x reader x blue! ( poly )
i'm not gunna separate the names here probably bc its a polycule if you get one you get both, even if thats more useful for the organization, So.
ღ whether you knew them as your childhood best friends or met them recently - probably on one of their travels or vacations - and somehow wormed your way into both of their hearts - you found yourself dating both red and blue. i'd like to imagine they both agreed to date you simultaneously in a polyamorous relationship because... well, they were already dating, and they're sort of a package deal. they discussed this with eachother and decided it'd be perfectly fine.
ღ blue's gotten older and is therefore a bit less of... how he used to act, being all smug and acting better than anyone else, but his cockiness and confidence will never go away no matter what, and he'll make it clear to you - he's definitely the main PDA giver in the relationship - red does give PDA as well, but mostly handholding and kisses. blue straight up will try to embarrass you with how overbearing and affectionate he is sometimes because he finds it really fucking funny. i like to think he tries to make a game of making the most embarrassing pet names and nicknames he can use for you and so every time you two talk in public he'll just keep coming up with them.
ღ in a related note, blue is also very protective and jealous over you. not with red, obviously, he was dating red and also dating you. just with anyone who tries to flirt with you or tries anything weird, he'll come over and put his hand on your shoulder and start to very obviously state that he's your boyfriend. red doesn't get as jealous or protective as easily, but he will do the same thing sometimes if he senses you're uncomfortable with talking to someone, simply putting his hand on your shoulder and making a little grunt towards the other person, then quickly walking you away from the situation.
ღ red's the tallest of you three unless you happen to be taller than him. he does use this to his advantage... which, is mostly just flexing on blue and you. blue's a close second ( once again unless you happen to be taller than him but shorter than/the same height as red ).
ღ i hope you like attention because both of them will give so much to you. they're pretty mindful in not accidentally excluding you from activities, wanting you to feel comfortable and included in anything the two do unless you outright don't wanna do whatever they're doing at that moment, which is fine.
ღ the funny thing abt this though is that blue specifically is very clingy and wants attention from either, preferably both of you, at all times. if you give red a kiss he'll be like "Hey, where's mine?" and will bother you until you ( both, usually ) give him one.
ღ related to the last point, they're both very adventurous in their own ways - traveling regions often, going to explore anything that interests the two of them... so you'll be moving around a lot, probably. hopefully you're fine with that. if you are, they'll both make it a point to make wherever you visit exciting and to show you the prettiest spots in whatever region they visit next.
ღ i hope you like getting cuddles from both sides, because if you three all choose to sleep together ( they will probably get a big ass bed solely due to this ), then you're usually going to be in the middle. they also both snore in their sleep, but blues is noticeably louder than red. so i hope that doesn't bother you LMAO. blue is also the type of guy who sleeps the fastest out of you all, and also changes sleeping positions a lot and he's probably pushed one of you two off the bed more than once. red takes a while to go to bed, usually waiting until you two have dozed off. he usually is just reading something to wind himself down before bed. he might even have reading glasses but who knows. red himself always makes it a habit to give both of you goodnight kisses before he himself goes to bed.
ღ if you ( or any of them ) are in danger, the other two'll know. it's like a secret sixth sense for them - they'll try to find you ASAP and protect you from any sort of threat, whether it be a strong pokemon or a malicious trainer, or something else. if it's fightable, they'll absolutely woop the things ass if it is a pokemon or a trainer giving you a hard time or even genuinely threatening you.
ღ it's not a guarantee, but i feel like you'd probably have to be a pretty strong pokemon trainer to get their attention in the first place - or someone else of note. but if you aren't, you know the drill. they'll definitely try to nudge you or help you get more pokemon and train them to be a powerful trainer. ... mostly as an excuse for them to have someone to fight on an equal level that wasn't just each other, if you weren't already a strong trainer. they're your personal trainer bfs...
ღ red's the most typically romantic of the group, i'd feel. although his preference for dates is just adventuring, similar to blue, he'll also take you and blue to places with the best sights and views, and is also the one who's most likely to take you all on a dinner date or something. type of guy to give you a bouquet of roses to confess. meanwhile blues the type to give you a random pretty stone or rock he found. ( admittedly, red would do the exact same probably. )
ღ i like to think that you and blue can basically understand anything and everything red says, despite him being mute. basically just seeing his expression and then looking back at someone and going "He says he likes your hat." or smth. Psychic Brain Link /j.
ღ red will scruff you and blue out of awkward or dangerous situations at a moments notice. which is funny bc reds prob a hypocrite and goes into fairly dangerous situations often just due to wanting a challenge or something.
ღ blue and red if you don't wanna go wherever they're going at that time, will be sure to at least leave one or a few pokemon to watch over you and keep you company. all of the two's pokemon are pretty familiar with you at this point, and they're all very happy to be around you :]
ღ they also like to show you any new pokemon they caught or at least saw along the way in other regions if you don't come with. will take pictures and show you.
ღ i like to think all 3 of you, intentionally or not, share clothes with eachother sometimes. its cute.
ღ most iconic polycule of kanto. amen.
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transfemzedaph · 1 year
Oooo what are you thinking for the name/nickname then? :o
if a nickname doesn’t work though you can always be like “they go by their middle name” ?
Is there a theme with the names also? Like is wm’s gonna start with a z or ex’s gonna start with an x?
Well I suppose if ex’s name is in galactic then whatever name they’re called in common is technically a nickname
You could get xisuma in it, or maybe Joe? Like wm has to go to them to work out what their soulmark says? Not sure how that would work though since if x reads it he would know… but then again you can always use that as a plot point like X knows ex has a crush so doesn’t want to tell because not all soulmates are romantic but then the angst of ex being self deprecating …
not entirely sure yet but its gonna be worm man w the nickname and well exs name will be an x but worm mans wont idk exactly what cause i feel like i need to decide on one myself but i also do like norman for worm mans name (inspired by vdhau by kiwinatorwaffles bc worm mans name is norman in those fics)
and its just the last name in galactic not the first name and i was thinking maybe keralis for like helping wm bc worm man is all lonely :( (and isnt gonna like voulantairly ask anyone to help w it) but x and keralis are soulmates and so hang out a lot and so when evil x and x hang out keralis and worm man are also there ans they kinda become friemds amd someohow keralis sees the name or maybe even only part of it and is like hey thats the same as mine! bc x and ex have the same last name so yeah jdhdkdhdj
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