#niehime to kemono no ou lanteveldt
omegaworldd · 7 months
Lanteveldt x Fox!Fem!Reader
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Parte 1, Parte 2 - Final, Parte 3 - Extra - em progresso
Contagem de palavras: 1070
resumo: S/n era uma princesa raposa que ficou no palácio junto de Amit. O que acontece quando ela se apaixona por um da raça que ela cresceu a ser educada para odiar?
Avisos: amigos para amantes, flerte, racismo entre raposas e hienas, eles deviam odiar-se
Embora anteriormente os mamíferos fossem uma classe superior aos outros as raposas encontravam-se no fim dessa classe. Felizmente elas ainda eram superiores às odiosas hienas, ou pelo menos era isso que pregavam. Devido á traição das hienas as raposas subiram na hierarquia deixando para trás o facto de que as hienas ainda tinham uma genética superior.
"Mantém-te longe das hienas"
Foi algo que enquanto princesa das raposas S/n sempre ouviu, elas eram matreiras e traiçoeiras e colocariam em risco a confiança que a muito custo as raposas tinham conquistado então porque é que a primeira palavra que lhe veio á mente quando o viu foi...
"Anh? Disseste alguma coisa S/n?" Pergunta Amit
"N-não" S/n diz escondendo o seu rubor.
S/n chegou ao palácio ao mesmo tempo de Amit, assim como ela S/n foi enviada para o harém do rei pela sua família.
"É uma oportunidade única! Não foi fácil conquistarmos o lugar que temos hoje na sociedade. Faz algo para servir o teu povo, parte para a capital e entra no harém do rei. Só assim trarás algum tipo de honra ao nosso povo"
Tch. Pensa S/n como se ela desejasse dedicar a sua vida a aquecer a cama de um rei.
Embora revoltada com a situação S/n não teve outra escolha a não ser fazer o que lhe foi mandado. Ao chegar ao palácio S/n conheceu Amit, uma crocodilana que tinha tanto interesse no rei quanto ela.
Juntas elas acabaram por formar amizade com Sariphi que após o término da estadia das princesas candidatas ao harém lhes permitiu ficar no palácio como suas damas de companhia e amigas.
E foi lá que ela conheceu Lanteveldt, um homem do qual ela nunca se deveria ter aproximado e ainda assim aquele por quem ela se apaixonou.
Embora S/n tenha a certeza que por ser uma hiena o seu passado não foi fácil ela admirava o seu espírito livre, para ela Lant era como uma lufada de ar fresco que refrescava todo o seu ser. Mesmo despreocupado ele ainda se dedicava de todo o coração a servir Sariphi e S/n achou que não haveria homem mais digno de ser guarda da rainha que ele.
Sem mesmo perceber ela tinha sido capaz de despertar o mesmo sentimento em Lant. Mesmo que ele estivesse ciente que era ainda mais estranho vê-lo no castelo ele ainda se sentiu surpreendido ao ver uma raposa no castelo. O que ela estava ali a fazer?
Quando Sariphi os apresentou ele não pode deixar de repetir o seu nome mentalmente e pensar em como soava bem. Hienas e Raposas tinham uma grande história de competição para ver quem ocupava o último lugar na classe dos mamíferos, Lant não pode evitar usar isso para chamar a sua atenção. 'Raposinha' tornou-se o seu apelido para ela. Ele usou o frequentemente por entre o seu flerte para a provocar.
Um apelido que ao início ela odiou e a fez pensar que talvez ele fosse mesmo uma hiena idiota agora fazia borboletas voarem no seu estomago e aquecia o seu coração.
"Talvez lhe devas contar" diz Amit
"Talvez devas contar ao capitão Jormungand" retruca S/n
"Q-quê?!? N-não! A minha situação é totalmente diferente!"
"É diferente como-"
"Eu concordo com Amit, devias contar ao Lant o que sentes S/n"
"Eu não acho que ele possa sentir o mesmo afinal...eu sou uma raposa e ele uma hiena"
"Acho que devias ter mais confiança nos teus sentimentos e não usar desculpas esfarrapadas como essa. Se as vossas raças não te impediram de te apaixonares por ele porque o impediriam de o fazer? Tu sabes tão bem quanto nós que Lant é assim e não podes fechar os olhos a todo o flerte dele contigo!"
"I-isso não passa de uma brincadeira-"
"Lant não brincaria com os sentimentos de outra pessoa"
S/n encolhe-se percebendo que elas estavam certas, o Lant que ela amava era brincalhão, mas jamais brincaria com os sentimentos de alguém. Apesar de todas as provocações ele sempre foi doce e esteve ao seu lado.
"S/n" Sariphi chama docemente "Basta ver como ele olha para ti quando acha que ninguém está a olhar. Tem confiança tanto nos teus sentimentos quanto no Lant"
S/n sorri "Obrigada, Sariphi, Amit"
S/n suspira ao olhar as estrelas. Ela tinha aproveitado para pensar bastante na sua conversa com Sariphi e Amit a fim de fortalecer a sua confiança e contar a Lant os seus sentimentos. A brisa fresca de noite e a proteção das estrelas que só eram visíveis durante a noite de revelação pareciam fazer maravilhas para afastar as suas preocupações. Talvez ela devesse ir procurá-lo?
Lant sorri ao ver S/n sozinha no telhado.
"Raposinha?" Lant chama provocativamente, mas sente o ar escapar-lhe dos pulmões quando ela se vira. A brisa da noite ondulava perfeitamente no seu pelo macio, as raras estrelas brilhavam refletidas nos seus olhos e atrás dela enquadravam-na criando um cenário de tirar o folego.
S/n respira fundo para tentar manter a calma. Porque é que ele tinha de ficar tão bem naquele uniforme?
"Lant" S/n sussurra com confiança.
Lant sorri aproximando-se dela um pouco, mas não demasiado perto. "Encontrando-te assim nesta situação, se não soubesse melhor diria que te apaixonaste por mim e estás a tentar fazer me apaixonar também" Ele diz com uma máscara de confiança.
S/n fixa os olhos nos dele surpreendendo-o, normalmente ela desviaria o olhar e chamá-lo-ia de idiota. Ela diminui a distância entre eles fazendo Lant dar um paço para trás em dúvida.
"S/n o que-"
"Está a resultar?"
"C-como assim?" Lant pergunta com um leve tom de rosa nas bochechas e o coração acelerado.
S/n contém um sorriso ao vê-lo perturbado.
"Estás apaixonado?"
O rubor de Lant aumenta, as suas palavras deixando-o mudo. S/n aproxima-se deixando apenas um pequeno espaço entre os seus lábios.
Era este momento "O que foi? A raposa comeu-te a língua?" S/n sussurra colocando-se na ponta dos pés e fechando a distância entre eles.
Recuperando a compostura Lant é rápido em colocar uma mão na sua bochecha e outra na sua cintura puxando-a para mais perto.
"Estou" Lant confessa quando a falta de ar os obriga a separar "Total e irremediavelmente apaixonado pela raposinha traiçoeira que roubou o meu coração"
S/n cora com a confissão de Lant, algo lhe dizia que ele acabara de encontrar uma nova forma de a provocar, mas ela não se poderia importar menos.
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sarixleo · 7 months
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Blu-ray Volumes 1-6 of Sacrificial Princess and the King of Beasts Anime
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savanaclaw1996 · 10 months
The Birth of Richard
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Just a little story about life after Sariphi's coronation as queen, the stages of her pregnancy with Richard and Richard's birth. To be honest, I've got quite a fetish for fpreg and birthing stories, and it's kinda embarrassing to even mention it, hahaha...😅 Anyway, hope you enjoy!
Word Count: 2,916 words.
Warnings: pregnancy, morning sickness, swollen breasts, lactation, childbirth, episode 12 spoilers.
Shortly after Sariphi was crowned the official Queen of the Beasts, life in Ozmargo had never been the same. Some of the beasts were still skeptical of having a human woman like Sariphi be their queen, but her kindness and sweet disposition quickly won them over.
Leonhart was happy that Sariphi had proved worthy enough to rule by his side. Then again, he had always known that she was worthy to be Queen of the Beasts.
After their marriage, everyone carried on with their lives as usual. But then, one year later, some changes had slowly begun to materialize. It all started one morning when Sariphi suddenly felt sick and threw up in a basin provided by the maids.
Sariphi tried to focus on her queenly duties, but she would often get dizzy and nauseous in between them. Cy, Clops, Amit, and Lanteveldt would often worry about how pale her face looked, and how she would sometimes pause her duties to throw up.
Eventually, Leonhart took notice of her getting sick and expressed his concerns. "My queen, are you ill?" he asked. Sariphi's shoulders shook as she panted, leaning over the vomit in the basin.
"So-Sorry, Leo," she sighed as she wiped her mouth with a handkerchief. "I just got a bit nauseous." Leonhart frowned. If Sariphi is sick with something, then she'll need to rest. "Sariphi, I'll have the Head Priest look after you tomorrow." he said.
"I'm sure it's nothing serious." Sariphi said with an assuring smile. "It's probably just the flu or something." Despite seeing her smile, Leonhart couldn't help but worry about Sariphi's condition. "Don't take things like this so lightly, Sariphi." he said firmly.
"I do not intend to lose my new queen any time soon. If you truly are ill with something, then it's best that you get some rest and take better care of yourself." Sariphi nodded. "Okay, Leo." she said.
And so, Sariphi was examined by the Head Priest. After a thorough medical examination, the Head Priest nodded. "It seems that your body is undergoing some changes, my queen." he said. Sariphi tilted her head in confusion. "What does that mean?" she asked.
The Head Priest smiled. "It means, my queen, that you are..."
"P-PR-PREGNANT?!?!" Amit's screech echoed through the air. Amit has been worried that Sariphi might be suffering some sort of illness since she was constantly nauseous, but to hear Sariphi announce that she was actually pregnant... she was not prepared for that at all!
Neither were Cy and Clops, for Cy's eye was wide and Clops' mouth hung open. Even Lanteveldt was flabbergasted.
Sariphi nodded. "Yep. I was worried that it might be the flu or something, but the Head Priest said that I was actually suffering morning sickness." she replied. "And my body is preparing itself for my baby to develop."
Amit, Lanteveldt, Cy and Clops said nothing as they all stared at Sariphi with wide eyes. Sariphi looked at her friends with concern. "Guys, what's wrong?" she asked.
Then Amit burst into tears as she wrapped her arms around Sariphi's torso. "SARIPHI...!!!" she wailed joyfully. "Congratulations!!! You're going to be a mother!!!" Cy and Clops were equally as excited as they hopped up and down.
"Congratulations, Sariphi! We're so happy for you!!!" Clops cried. "Happy!" Cy squealed, tears streaming from his eye. Lanteveldt just scratched the back of his head awkwardly. "Congrats, I guess?" he said.
Sariphi beamed. "Thank you!" she said. If she was being honest, she was excited to be a mother, but at the same time, she also felt pretty anxious. To actually be pregnant for the first time ever... that feeling felt very weird to her.
"I wonder how Leonhart will react to the news...? Would he be happy or... shocked?" she wondered. Most likely the latter. No doubt that Leonhart would be speechless once he finds out he's going to be a father.
She remembered their talk back at the waterfalls during their visit at Sarbul. Leonhart told her how since he was king, he was duty bound to produce an heir to the throne.
He also told her how his dying father, or rather, uncle expressed his deep loathing towards him because of his half-human blood and how he was terrified of passing on the same burden of his cursed blood towards his future offspring.
He even expressed how he was not confident that he could love a child born from his blood. Leonhart once loathed that weak and inferior human side of him. How it was a troublesome curse he didn't wish to pass on to his future offspring if he were to take a queen.
But Sariphi also remembered the next words he told her that night: "No matter what predicament my blood places my heirs in, if they are the children of our union, then I swear on my name, Leonhart, to defend them with all my body and soul."
She had prayed that that curse of his would one day be a blessing. And seems that day finally came true. Even after his whole kingdom discovered his human form, he fought hard to reclaim his kingdom and won back his people's trust.
Now he no longer held any fear of burdening his offspring with his human blood. Sariphi smiled. "I can't wait to tell Leonhart the wonderful news." she thought.
"Oh, Lady Sariphi, does His Majesty know about the wonderous news?" Amit asked. "No," Sariphi replied, "but I'll tell him tonight."
Later that night, Leonhart returned to his bedchambers, exhausted from a day of work. Sariphi was sitting on the bed, smiling. "Good evening, Leo." she greeted him.
Leonhart noticed that Sariphi was smiling from ear to ear, which was rather strange. What did the Head Priest say to her to make her smile like that? "Sariphi, you look rather joyful tonight. What happened?" Leonhart asked.
Sariphi giggled. "Well, sire. The Head Priest told me that I'm going to be a mother." she said. Leonhart stiffened as his ruby-red eyes widened. Did he just hear her correctly? Did she say what he thought he heard her say? "Sariphi, repeat that one more time." he said.
"I visited the Head Priest, and he told me that I was actually suffering morning sickness, which is normal during the first stages of pregnancy." Sariphi replied joyfully. "That means I'm pregnant! Isn't it exciting? You're going to be a father, Leo!"
Leonhart said nothing as he stood still in his spot. His fur bristled as thoughts rushed through his mind. Sariphi looked at her husband with concern.
"Leo, are you okay?" she asked. "Are you...shocked?" She started to worry. "Oh, no! Was it too soon? I should've been more subtle on letting him know about my pregnancy. Maybe I should..."
Sariphi's thoughts were suddenly interrupted as Leonhart suddenly approached her. Sariphi looked up at her large husband, seeing the unreadable expression on his face. "Leonhart...?" she asked. Leonhart said nothing as he tenderly embraced his wife's small frame.
"Sariphi..." he whispered as he rubbed his furry cheek against hers tenderly. "Leo...?" Sariphi asked as she looked at her husband's eyes. It was sometimes difficult to understand his facial expressions, but the look in his eyes told her that he was smiling with elation.
"Sariphi, I cannot tell you how deeply happy I am to be a father." Leonhart said. "I look forward to meeting our child when it is born." Sariphi smiled as she wrapped her arms around Leonhart's neck.
"I have no doubt that you'll be a wonderful father, Leo." Sariphi said. Leonhart nodded.
Ever since Sariphi's pregnancy was announced, Sariphi had gone through many changes. Besides her morning sickness, she sometimes went through certain mood swings like crying over the littlest things and craving certain foods.
With each passing week, Sariphi's once-flat belly started to noticeably round out. As her belly grew, so did her breasts. They would get big, swollen and tender as they were filled with milk for her baby.
Poor Sariphi would moan in pain as she massaged her sore breasts. And since she started to lactate, she has to hold a large bowl under her breasts as the milk dripped down into it.
Ever her faithful friends and attendants, Cy and Clops stood by her side and tended to her. They even held up the bowl for Sariphi whenever she was lactating. Little by little, the bump on her belly started to grow bigger and bigger until she looked big and gravid.
She couldn't even count the times the unborn baby kicked and moved in her belly. Sariphi smiled. If the little baby can kick her, that proves that the baby will be born healthy.
Sariphi sometimes had trouble walking around the palace grounds. With her gravid stomach, she would only waddle short distances and get tired quickly. Carrying around a growing baby in your belly was certainly no easy task!
Fortunately for her, she wasn't alone. Cy, Clops, Amit, Lanteveldt, Anubis and even Leonhart himself kept constant watch over her and her unborn baby.
One day, Sariphi was in the gardens with Cy, Clops, Amit and Lantevelt having a little picnic. Little Tetra was there with them, enjoying her day together with her companions. Sariphi rubbed her round belly, smiling contently as everyone ate and talked.
Tetra looked at her round belly curiously. "Can I touch it?" she asked. Sariphi nodded. "Of course. Go ahead." she said. Tetra gently placed her little paws on Sariphi's gravid stomach.
When her mother Calra was pregnant was Calcara, she never had the chance to rub her stomach or listen to her unborn brother inside the womb. Now that she was able to listen to Sariphi's unborn baby inside her womb, it felt weird yet also exciting.
"Sariphi, how does it feel to be pregnant?" Tetra asked curiously. Sariphi let out a sigh. "Well, it's pretty difficult to explain. It feels really strange carrying a new life inside you." she said.
"But it's also exhilarating because I get to meet my child after it's born." Tetra tilted her head. "Really?" she asked. "I wonder how I would feel once I'm married and pregnant." she thought. Then suddenly, Sariphi let out a pained gasp.
Everyone stopped chatting and saw Sariphi clutching her gravid belly and groaning in pain. "Sariphi? What's wrong? Are you alright?!" Amit asked worriedly. "Sari!" Cy and Clops yelled, also feeling concerned.
"Lady Sariphi?" Lantevelt asked with wide eyes. Sariphi didn't respond. She started to pant laboriously before she turned to face her friends. "Sorry, guys." she apologized, trying to manage a smile, even though she was obviously in pain. "My stomach hurts..."
Amit then gasped. If Sariphi was in pain, that could mean only one thing... "Don't tell me...! Are you...?" she asked. As Sariphi tried to respond, there was a sudden loud pop!, and water spilled between Sariphi's legs. Amit gasped. "Sariphi, you're...!!!"
Sariphi groaned before she gasped as a painful contraction coursed through her. Amit immediately stood up. This was it! This was the time! "Sariphi's going into labor! That baby is coming!" she announced.
As soon as she said those words, Cy and Clops immediately started to panic. "WHAT DO WE DO?! WHAT DO WE DO?!" they cried as they ran in circles. Lanteveldt, however, remained calm.
"Calm down, you cannonballs." he said. "We'll get her to her bedchamber." Amit and Lanteveldt quickly but carefully helped Sariphi stand up and guided her towards her bedchamber. The trek was difficult, but they've managed to place Sariphi on her bed.
Amit then quickly summoned the priests and the midwife who was hired to aid Sariphi. Once everyone got into position, the labor process began.
Leonhart was sitting on his throne when one of the palace vassals, a cat, quickly approached him. "Your Majesty! I bring urgent news! Lady Sariphi has gone into labor! She's giving birth to her baby right now!" he yelled.
Leonhart's eyes widened and he immediately stood up from his throne as soon as Clops' words reached his ears. He wasted no time as he rushed towards the bedchamber.
"Sariphi...!" he whispered anxiously, silently praying to the gods that she'll be alright.
Meanwhile, Sariphi panted and gasped in pain as she lay on her bed. Her forehead was wet, and her hair was sticky with perspiration as she struggled to push the baby out from her womb. The midwife was tending to her, wiping her forehead with a cold washcloth.
Another contraction shot though Sariphi's body, making her squeal with pain. She had never known that childbirth could be this painful. She had heard some stories about pregnant women going through painful labor, but never thought much about it since she was to be sacrificed.
Now that she was Queen of the Beasts, she's going through that exact moment of labor. And it was more painful than she had ever imagined it would be!
"Ohhhh, it hurts!" Sariphi cried out in pain. "Please hang in there, Sariphi! I'll be over soon!" Amit said, gripping her hand tightly. "You're crowning, Lady Sariphi! I can see the head! Push!" the midwife said. Gathering up reserves of her strength, Sariphi pushed.
Meanwhile, outside the bedchamber door, Lanteveldt leaned against the wall while Cy and Clops paced by the door nervously, listening to Sariphi's cries of pain.
"Oh, I hope she'll be okay! I wish we could help her in some way!" Clops said anxiously. "Help Sari." Cy added worriedly. "Chill out, you guys. Sariphi may not look it, but she's a tough woman." Lanteveldt said. "I'm sure that she'll tough it-"
A loud, shrill, agonized scream coming from the bedchamber quickly cut him off. Cy and Clops grew even more anxious. "SARI!!!" they wailed, fearing the worst.
Then they noticed Leonhart marching down the hallway towards the bedchamber door followed by Anubis. "Your Highness!" Lanteveldt exclaimed before he quickly bowed before Leonhart. "How is Sariphi?" he asked.
Cy and Clops approached him. "Your Majesty! Sariphi is still in labor!" Clops said. Leonhart didn't want to waste another second longer as he headed towards the double doors.
"Sire, wait! You mustn't! Men are forbidden to enter the birthing room!" Anubis said. Behind the bedchamber doors, they could hear Sariphi gasping in pain. "I must tend to Sariphi! I cannot stand idly by while she's in pain!" Leonhart said as he pushed the bedchamber doors open.
As he entered the room, the sound of an infant's wails reached his ears as he stared at the sight before him.
The midwife was carrying a crying white bundle in her arms. Sariphi was lying in bed, her pale face dotted with drops of sweat and panting heavily. "Sariphi!" Leonhart exclaimed as he quickly rushed to her side. "Sari!" Cy and Clops cried as they followed suit.
Sariphi didn't respond to their cries as she was too exhausted to lift her head. Leonhart knelt beside his queen and gently held her hand. "Sariphi?" he asked.
Sariphi wearily opened her eyes. "Leonhart?" she asked. She tried to get up, but she felt too tired to move. Leonhart gently helped her sit up. All the while, the little infant continued to wail. The midwife turned her attention towards Sariphi as she walked over towards the bed.
"Congratulations, Your Highness." the midwife said with a smile as she placed the swaddled infant into Sariphi's outstretched arms. "It's a boy. You have a healthy son."
Sariphi gently removed the blanket, revealing the baby's face. The little baby beast had soft fur as white as clouds, the same color as her hair, a tiny wet pink nose, soft tiny fluffy ears and two tiny little bumps on top of its head. The newborn beast waved its little paws as it wailed.
Sariphi smiled as joyful tears rolled down her cheeks. Her baby son was simply the cutest little thing she had ever seen. A symbol of her and Leonhart's love, a perfect mixture of both her and him.
Sariphi held her newborn son close to her chest. Hearing his mother's heartbeat, the baby beast's wails softened into whimpers. He then reached his tiny paws out to her. Sariphi gently pressed her thumb against her son's little pink paw pads.
Soft and squishy, just like Leonhart's, she thought. Leonhart gazed down at his newborn son with a mixture of curiosity, pride and joy. He could hardly believe it. He was now a father. A father.
Leonhart knelt beside Sariphi and his newborn son. "Isn't he beautiful, Leo?" Sariphi whispered. "Indeed he is. I'm so proud of you, Sariphi." Leonhart replied. He then gently pressed his snout against his son's furry cheek.
Sariphi wanted to squeal at such an adorable sight, but she didn't want to wake her son. As Leonhart looked at his son, the words of the vow he made years ago rang in his mind:
"No matter what predicament my blood places my heirs in, if they are the children of our union, then I swear on my name, Leonhart, to defend them with all my body and soul." And he will see to it that his vow will be fulfilled.
"What should we name him?" Leonhart asked. Sariphi smiled. "I've already thought of it. From now on, our son's name will be Richard." she replied.
"Richard?" Leonhart asked. Sariphi nodded. "Since you've taken Leonhart as your name, we should name our son Richard." she said. "Richard. I think that name suits him." Leonhart said. "Welcome, Richard, our son."
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animeworldd · 7 months
Lanteveldt x Fox! Fem!Reader
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Part 1, Part 2 -final, Part 3 - extra - in progress
Word count: 3100
summary: Y/n was a fox princess who stayed in the palace with Amit. What happens when she falls in love with one of the breed she was brought up to hate?
Warnings: friends to lovers, flirting, racism between foxes and hyenas, they should hate each other
genre: friends to lovers, slow burn, little angst, comfort, aged characters
Although mammals used to be a class above the rest, foxes were at the bottom of that class. Fortunately, they were still superior to the odious hyenas, or at least that's what they preached. Due to the betrayal of the hyenas, the foxes moved up the hierarchy, leaving behind the fact that the hyenas still had superior genetics.
"Stay away from hyenas"
It was something that as a fox princess Y/n always heard, they were cunning and treacherous and would jeopardize the trust that the foxes had earned at great cost so why was the first word that came to her mind when she saw him…?
"Huh? Did you say something Y/n?" Amit asks
"N-no" Y/n says, hiding her blush.
Y/n arrived at the palace at the same time as Amit, just like her Y/n was sent to the king's harem by her family.
"It's a unique opportunity! It wasn't easy to achieve the place we have today in society. Do something to serve your people, go to the capital and enter the king's harem. Only then will you bring some kind of honor to our people"
Tch. Thinks Y/n as if she wants to dedicate her life to warming a king's bed.
Although disgusted by the situation, Y/n had no choice but to do as she was told. On arriving at the palace, Y/n met Amit, a crocodile who was just as interested in the king as she was.
Together they ended up forming a friendship with Sariphi who, after the princesses' stay in the harem was over, allowed them to stay in the palace as her ladies-in-waiting and friends.
And it was there that she met Lanteveldt, a man she should never have approached and yet the one she fell in love with.
Although Y/n is sure that being a hyena didn't make her past easy, she admired his free spirit; for her, Lant was like a breath of fresh air that refreshed her whole being. Even though he was carefree, he still devoted himself wholeheartedly to serving Sariphi and Y/n felt that there was no man more worthy of being the queen's guard than him.
Without even realizing it, she had been able to awaken the same feeling in Lant. Even though he was aware that it was even stranger to see him in the castle, he was still surprised to see a fox in the castle. What was she doing there?
When Sariphi introduced them he couldn't help repeating her name mentally and thinking how good it sounded. Hyenas and Foxes had a great history of competing to see who took last place in the mammal class, Lant couldn't help but use this to get their attention. 'Little Fox' became his nickname for her. He often used it in between his flirting to tease her.
A nickname that at first she hated and made her think that maybe he really was an idiot hyena now made butterflies fly in her stomach and warmed her heart.
"Maybe you should tell him," says Amit
"Maybe you should tell Captain Jormungand" replies Y/n
"W-what? N-no! My situation is totally different!"
"It's different as-"
"I agree with Amit, you should tell Lant how you feel Y/n"
"I don't think he can feel the same after all… I'm a fox and he's a hyena"
"I think you should have more confidence in your feelings and not use lame excuses like that. If your races didn't stop you from falling in love with him, why should they? You know as well as we do that Lant is like that and you can't turn a blind eye to all his flirting with you!"
"I-that's just a joke-"
"Lant wouldn't play with someone else's feelings"
Y/n shrinks back realizing that they were right, the Lant she loved was playful, but he would never play with someone's feelings. Despite all the teasing, he was always sweet and by her side.
"Y/n" Sariphi calls out sweetly "Just look at how he looks at you when he thinks no one is looking. He has as much confidence in your feelings as he does in Lant"
Y/n smiles "Thank you, Sariphi, Amit"
Y/n sighs as she looks at the stars. She had taken the time to think a lot about her conversation with Sariphi and Amit in order to strengthen her confidence and tell Lant about her feelings. The cool night breeze and the protection of the stars that were only visible during the night of revelation seemed to do wonders to dispel her worries. Perhaps she should go and find him?
Lant smiles when he sees Y/n alone on the roof.
"Little Fox?" Lant calls out provocatively but feels the air escape her lungs when she turns around. The night breeze rippled perfectly through her soft fur, the rare stars shone reflected in her eyes and behind her framed her creating a breathtaking scene.
Y/n took a deep breath to try and keep calm. Why did he have to look so good in that uniform?
"Lant" Y/n whispers confidently.
Lant smiles and moves closer to her, a little but not too close. "Finding yourself in this situation, if I didn't know better I'd say you've fallen in love with me and you're trying to make me fall too" He says with a mask of confidence.
Y/n stares into his eyes, surprising him; normally she would look away and call him an idiot. She narrows the distance between them, making Lant step back in doubt.
"Y/n what-"
"Is it working?"
"W-what do you mean?" Lant asks with a slight pink tinge to her cheeks and her heart racing.
Y/n holds back a smile as she sees him upset.
"Are you in love?"
Lant's blush deepens, his words leaving him speechless. Y/n moves closer, leaving only a small space between his lips.
It was this moment "What? Did the fox eat your tongue?" Y/n whispered, standing on tiptoe and closing the distance between them.
Regaining his composure, Lant is quick to put one hand on her cheek and the other on her waist, pulling her closer.
"I'm", Lant confesses when shortness of breath forces them apart, "totally and hopelessly in love with the treacherous little fox who stole my heart".
Y/n blushes at Lant's confession, something tells her he's just found a new way to tease her, but she couldn't care less.
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leoxsari · 7 months
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Blu-ray Volume 4 of Sacrificial Princess and the King of Beasts
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lintuwaterfall · 11 months
Pride in self
“No one hates themselves for who they are. They learn to hate themselves because other people mock and insult them. I don’t wanna end up like that. Not even if you order me to give up my pride, sire.” - “Lante” Lanteveldt the Hyenian
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suzubelle-chan · 5 months
What do you think the cast would wear in a modern setti.
To be honest, I'm not the most fashionable person, so I don't much about brands or what looks good on some folks. But here are some ideas I do have about fashion choices they'd make, especially in a modern setting:
Sariphi: Probably something comfortable. Would wear pants or skirts depending on what she's got planned for the day. Would have a pocket large enough or purse to hold a book. I mainly see her in pastels/light colored clothes.
Leo: I mainly see him in suits or in nice business casual attire. In beast form, he usually can't wear ties since he's so big so he'll wear a scarf and use it like an ascot. (I got this from Me and My Beast Boss) He can wear a tie in human form though. Mainly in darker colors, earth kind of colors.
Anubis: Similar to Leonhart, yet he'd wear more white and light colors to give a contrast to his black fur. Would wear simple studs for earrings.
Amit: Almost always in a skirt, usually in a longer one. Definitely would wear feminine, classy attire. Definitely would like frilly, lacy outfits. May collect aprons.
Jormungand: More casual than his friends, but does have a suit or two for the occasion. Always has ties pressed and neatly worn. Has a hat collection since it's hard to image to imagine him without one.
Lanteveldt: Definitely more a t-shirt/tank top guy with jeans, particularly ripped ones. If you put a tie on him, it'll be undone when you blink, even he doesn't know how. He just shrugs.
Cy and Clops: ... If it were up to me, Cy and Clops would at least have something like a vest to wear and and hats too. Since, well, they are mainly naked minus the occasional bow tie.
That's what I've got. If anyone has any ideas, feel free to expand on it.
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jruthphipps · 3 months
Sacrificial Princess and the King of Beasts episodes 13-15
Yes, I love my boy Lanteveldt very, very much and if anything happens to him; I will cry.
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cuttoncandyhair · 11 months
English translation:
Cyc and Lops' character introduction: Lanteveldt
Yahoo! Today we will introduce a character in "Niehime to Kemono no Ou". Let's start right away!
Lanteveldt Born on April 1st of the Yoana Calendar Likes: sleeping Dislikes: suck-ups Hobbies / Daily Routine: snitching food, training
Lanteveldt is a demon who serves as the captain of Sariphi's guard in Ozmargo. He looks like a hyena and has excellent motor skills. He likes to sleep and snitching food seems to be his hobby. - Snitching food? His birthday would be April 1st of the Yoana calender. If he were a human he would be 17 years old.
Did you learn some new details about "Niehime to Kemono no Ou"? We hope you enjoy the anime.
side note: according to the manga he is only 16, so one year older than Sariphi. The author described him as "still at a difficult age".
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omegaworldd · 5 months
Sacrificial Princess and the King of Beasts
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Lanteveldt x Fox!Fem!Reader [mini-série/omegaverse] - Parte 1, Parte 2 - Final, Parte 3 - Extra - em progresso
resumo: S/n era uma princesa raposa que ficou no palácio junto de Amit. O que acontece quando ela se apaixona por um da raça que ela cresceu a ser educada para odiar?
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omegaworldd · 6 months
Lanteveldt x Fox!Fem!Reader
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Parte 1, Parte 2 - Final, Parte 3 - Extra - em progresso
Contagem de palavras: 1340
resumo: S/n era uma princesa raposa que ficou no palácio junto de Amit. O que acontece quando ela se apaixona por um da raça que ela cresceu a ser educada para odiar?
Avisos: amigos para amantes, flerte, racismo entre raposas e hienas, eles deviam odiar-se
"Acho que foi a primeira vez desde que era criança que senti tanto medo" confessa Lant  
"Eu compreendo-te Lant" diz Sariphi sorrindo. 
"É por isso que peço" ele começa ajoelhando-se e surpreendendo Sariphi "Sei que o meu dever é proteger-te, mas peço que me deixes partir, é uma tradição muito antiga das hienas que quando um homem deseja pedir a mão de uma mulher em casamento ele procure por uma joia rara que existe no nosso território para fazer o anel" 
"Lant!" Sariphi exclama de felicidade "Isso significa..." 
"Eu não a posso deixar escapar" Lant sorri um pouco tímido por finalmente ter confessado os seus planos a alguém. 
"Vai. Eu direi que te enviei numa missão" 
Lant ri com o pensamento rápido de Sariphi "Obrigada, serei o mais rápido possível" 
Lant estava frustrado, já fazia quase uma semana que ele tinha iniciado a sua busca, mas até agora nada. Embora por parecer que a mina tinha sido saqueada talvez não tenha sobrado nenhuma. Ao deitar-se para dormir um brilho no teto chama a sua atenção, levantando-se rapidamente Lant salta e crava as garras no teto para se segurar enquanto cava a rocha para retirar a joia. Ao posar no chão ele analisa-a com cuidado e sorri, era exatamente como a sua mãe lhe havia descrito. 
Felizmente o joalheiro foi mais fácil de encontrar, infelizmente a fabricação do anel demorou mais duas semanas estendendo o tempo da sua ausência de uma para 3 semanas. 
Os olhos de S/n abrem-se ao sentir a presença de alguém no seu quarto, já passava da meia-noite não era suposto haver ninguém ali muito menos a entrar pela janela. Sentindo a cama afundar S/n agarra no punhal. Ao virar-se para atacar o intruso ela é imediatamente empurrada de volta na cama com uma mão a segurar o seu pulso contra a cama e outra a tapar-lhe a boca impedindo-a de gritar e tentar defender-se. Ela fecha os olhos com medo, mas é surpreendida por uma voz doce e familiar 
"Devo admitir que não eram as boas-vindas que eu esperava Raposinha" 
Ao abrir os olhos eles enchem-se de lágrimas ao ver que era Lant, soltando-se ela é rápida em abraçá-lo e puxá-lo para um beijo apaixonado. 
"Agora acho que isto está mais perto" 
"Lant, eu tive tantas saudades" 
"Eu sei, eu também tive. Desculpa ter demorado tanto" 
Ambos se abraçam por um tempo antes de Lant interromper o silencio  
"É noite de revelação, pensei que estivesses a ver as estrelas" 
"As estrelas não são tão belas quando se observam sozinhas" 
Lant sorri sabendo que se tornou uma rotina para os dois verem as estrelas na noite de revelação quando a Sariphi estava sempre com o rei e ele teria a folga garantida.  
"A noite ainda não acabou, vamos vê-las" ele proclama levantando-se e estendendo a mão para S/n agarrar. 
S/n avança pelo telhado ao contemplar as estrelas "É sempre uma bela visão, não é?" ela comenta suspirando. 
Franzindo as sobrancelhas com a falta de resposta ela vira-se para Lant apenas para engasgar em surpresa "Lant?!" 
Lant sorri enquanto permanece ajoelhado com o anel na mão "Casa comigo" ele proclama simplesmente. 
Com lagrimas nos olhos ela corre para ele abraçando-o e derrubando-o no chão. 
"Isso é um sim?" ele pergunta de forma risonha. 
"É claro que é um sim!" 
S/n ri e Lant silencia-a com um beijo. 
"Que cara feia é essa? O que aconteceu Raposinha?" Lant pergunta curioso espreitando a carta nas mãos de S/n. 
"A minha familia" 
"O que é que eles querem?" 
"De alguma forma a notícia do nosso casamento chegou até eles e supostamente estão a convidar-nos para nos felicitar" 
"Eles são contra, não são?" 
"Duvido muito que estejam realmente felizes por...se não quiseres não temos de ir" 
"Que tipo de capitão da guarda da rainha seria eu se nem mostrasse a cara aos meus futuros sogros" 
S/n ri "Continuarias a ser o melhor guarda que Sariphi poderia ter" 
Com a autorização de Sariphi ambos partem para a terra de S/n numa viagem que não deveria durar mais de 3 dias. 
Ao chegar ao palácio S/n e Lant são recebidos pelos pais dela, porém as primeiras palavras que saem da boca da sua mãe fazem S/n imediatamente arrepender-se de ter vindo. 
"S/n querida ainda bem que chegaste, ficamos surpresos com as notícias do teu casamento, mas estamos felizes que tenhas chegado a tempo de conhecer o teu noivo" 
Tentando manter a educação S/n corrige a mãe "Peço desculpa, mas deve haver um mal-entendido, eu já conheço o meu noivo. Este é Lant, capitão da guarda real da rainha Sariphi" S/n sorri com orgulho mostrando Lant. 
"Não isso deve ser um erro, esse homem ao teu lado é uma hiena" 
"Não é um erro" 
"Tenho a certeza de que eu e o teu pai sempre te educamos bem o suficiente para não te chegares a hienas muito menos te casares com uma" 
"Ouve a tua mãe, esse homem é uma hiena traidora. Obviamente ele não é digno" 
"Vocês só podem estar a brincar, eu sou princesa de um pequeno distrito enquanto ele é o capitão da guarda da rainha quando muito eu é que não sou digna dele!" S/n declara e Lant arregala os olhos com a sua declaração. 
"S/n, nunca mais te atrevas a dizer algo assim. Uma hiena nunca seria superior a uma raposa" Proclama o pai de S/n friamente. 
"Mas ele é-" 
"Capitão da guarda de uma rainha humana!" Proclama a mãe de S/n. 
S/n suspira, vira-se para Lant e agarra a sua mão olhando para ele carinhosamente. "É melhor irmos, acho que já deu para perceber porque nos chamaram" 
Lant aperta a sua mão numa tentativa de conforto quando ambos se viram para irem embora. 
"S/n! Se tiveres filhos com esse homem só darás á luz hienas!" 
Ambos param. Lant não tinha pensado nisso, é algo que não é constatado há eras porque hienas e raposas simplesmente não acasalam, mas as hienas têm a genética superior então os seus filhos seriam hienas. S/n não se importava que ele fosse uma hiena, mas poderia ela de alguma forma- 
Lant engole em seco ao ver o olhar furioso de S/n.  
"Eu não sei se já perceberam, mas eu tenho orgulho no homem que escolhi para estar junto a mim e na sua raça" 
Ele não pode deixar de sorrir com a proclamação da sua noiva. 
"Se deres á luz hienas só irás envergonhar a família! Se insistires em fazê-lo serás deserdada e exilada!" 
"Então acho que como exilada me devo retirar o mais rápido possível" 
"Bishia!" A mãe de S/n grita fazendo um lobo cinzento entrar "Vê S/n nós arranjámos-te alguém decente, muito mais do que alguma vez conseguirias. Bishia esta minha filha idiota está se a deixar ser levada por uma hiena" 
Bishia avança em direção a S/n "Acho que não percebeste bem a situação. Tu és minha-" 
Lant interrompe-o segurando o seu pulso com força antes que ele tenha a oportunidade de tocar em S/n. 
"Quem ousar tocar se quer num pelo da minha noiva ficará sem um único em todo o seu corpo" Lant proclama fazendo Bishia recuar. 
"O que estás a fazer? Ele é só uma hiena" A mãe de S/n pergunta exaltada com a falta de reação de Bishia. 
Bishia coloca-se em posição de ataque. Lant olha para S/n em busca de confirmação e ela suspira acenando positivamente. 
"Achas que exagerei?" Lant pergunta na carruagem. 
"Quase senti pena dele" S/n ri. 
"Eu não te vi preocupada comigo" 
"Lant, eu já te vi lutar. Como é que eu poderia ficar preocupada por enfrentares um mero lobo cinzento quando sei que ele não é páreo para ti?" 
Lant cora puxando S/n para o seu colo "A minha noiva conhece-me tão bem" ele sussurra diminuindo a distância entre eles para um beijo, mas S/n interrompe colocando as mãos no seu peito e afastando-o ligeiramente. 
"Lant, agora que eu não sou mais uma princesa...ensinas-me a lutar?" 
S/n ri puxando-o pela gola e beijando-o. 
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sarixleo · 6 months
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Merry Christmas Illustration of Sacrificial Princess and the King of Beasts
Characters: Leonhart, Anubis (Sirius), Clops, Sariphi, Cy, Jormungand, Lanteveldt and Amit
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sarixleo · 10 months
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Special Booklet of Sacrificial Princess and the King of Beasts (贄姫と獣の王, Niehime to Kemono no Ō) Blu-ray Vols. 1-6.
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animeworldd · 6 months
Lanteveldt x Fox! Fem!Reader
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Part 1, Part 2 -final, Part 3 - extra - in progress
Word count: 3100
summary: Y/n was a fox princess who stayed in the palace with Amit. What happens when she falls in love with one of the breed she was brought up to hate?
Warnings: friends to lovers, flirting, racism between foxes and hyenas, they should hate each other
genre: friends to lovers, slow burn, little angst, comfort, aged characters
"I think it was the first time since I was a child that I felt so afraid," confesses Lant.
"I understand you, Lant," says Sariphi, smiling.
"That's why I'm asking," he begins, kneeling down and surprising Sariphi. "I know it's my duty to protect you, but I'm asking you to let me go, it's a very old hyena tradition that when a man wants to ask for a woman's hand in marriage, he looks for a rare jewel that exists in our territory to make the ring."
"Lant!" Sariphi exclaims happily "That means…"
"I can't let her get away" Lant smiles a little shyly at finally having confessed his plans to someone.
"Go on. I'll tell her I sent you on a mission."
Lant laughs at Sariphi's quick thinking "Thanks, I'll be as quick as I can"
Lant was frustrated, it had been almost a week since he had started his search, but so far nothing. Although it seemed that the mine had been looted, perhaps there were none left. As he lay down to sleep, a glint on the ceiling caught his eye. Getting up quickly, Lant jumped up and stuck his claws into the ceiling to hold on while he dug through the rock to retrieve the jewel. As it lay on the ground, he examined it carefully and smiled; it was exactly as his mother had described it to him.
Fortunately, the jeweler was easier to find, but unfortunately it took another two weeks to make the ring, extending the time of his absence from one to three weeks.
Y/n's eyes open as he senses the presence of someone in his room; it's past midnight and there's not supposed to be anyone there, let alone coming through the window. Feeling her bed sink, Y/n grabs her dagger. As she turns to attack the intruder she is immediately pushed back onto the bed with one hand holding her wrist against the bed and the other covering her mouth preventing her from screaming and trying to defend herself. She closes her eyes in fear, but is surprised by a sweet, familiar voice
"I must admit, that wasn't the welcome I was expecting, little Fox."
Opening her eyes, they fill with tears as she realizes it's Lant. Letting go, she quickly embraces him and pulls him into a passionate kiss.
"Now I think this is closer"
"Lant, I've missed you so much"
"I know, I missed you too. I'm sorry I took so long"
They hug for a while before Lant interrupts the silence
"It's revelation night, I thought you were seeing the stars"
"The stars aren't so beautiful when you look at them alone"
Lant smiles, knowing that it had become a routine for the two of them to watch the stars on revelation night when Sariphi was always with the king and he was guaranteed the night off.
"The night isn't over yet, let's go see them," he proclaims, standing up and holding out his hand for Y/n to take.
Y/n steps onto the roof as she gazes up at the stars "It's always a beautiful sight, isn't it?" she says with a sigh.
Frowning at the lack of response, she turns to Lant only to choke in surprise "Lant?!"
Lant smiles as he remains kneeling with the ring in his hand "Marry me" he proclaims simply.
With tears in her eyes, she runs to him, hugs him and knocks him to the ground.
"Is that a yes?" he asks laughingly.
"Of course it's a yes!"
Y/n laughs and Lant silences her with a kiss.
"What's with the upset face? What happened, Foxy?" Lant asks curiously, looking at the letter in Y/n's hands.
"My family"
"What do they want?"
"Somehow the news of our wedding has reached them and they're supposed to be inviting us to congratulate us."
"They're against it, aren't they?"
"I doubt very much that they're really happy that…if you don't want to we don't have to go"
"What kind of captain of the queen's guard would I be if I didn't even show my face to my future in-laws?"
Y/n laugh "You'd still be the best guard Sariphi could have"
With Sariphi's permission, they both set off for Y/n's land on a journey that shouldn't take more than three days.
On arriving at the palace, Y/n and Lant are welcomed by her parents, but the first words out of her mother's mouth make Y/n immediately regret having come.
" Y/n dear, I'm glad you've arrived, we were surprised to hear the news of your wedding, but we're glad you made it in time to meet your fiancé"
Trying to remain polite, Y/n corrects her mother: "I'm sorry, but there must be a misunderstanding, I've already met my fiancé. This is Lant, captain of Queen Sariphi's royal guard." Y/n smiles proudly as she shows Lant off.
"No that must be a mistake, that man next to you is a hyena"
"It's not a mistake"
"I'm sure your father and I have always brought you up well enough not to get close to hyenas, let alone marry one"
"Listen to your mother, that man is a cheating hyena. He's obviously not worthy"
"You've got to be kidding, I'm the princess of a small district while he's the captain of the queen's guard, if anything I'm not worthy of him!" Y/n declares and Lant's eyes widen at her statement.
"Y/n, don't you ever dare say something like that again. A hyena would never be superior to a fox!" proclaims Y/n's father coldly.
"But he is-"
"Captain of the guard of a human queen!" Y/n's mother proclaims.
Y/n sighs, turns to Lant and takes his hand, looking at him affectionately. "We'd better go, I think you can see why they called us"
Lant squeezes his hand in an attempt to comfort him as they both turn to leave.
"Y/n! If you have children with that man you'll only give birth to hyenas!"
They both stop. Lant hadn't thought of that, it's something that hasn't been verified for ages because hyenas and foxes simply don't mate, but hyenas have superior genetics so their children would be hyenas. Y/n didn't care that he was a hyena, but could she somehow -
Lant swallowed as he saw Y/n's furious look.
"I don't know if you've noticed, but I'm proud of the man I've chosen to be with me and his race"
He can't help but smile at his fiancée's proclamation.
"If you give birth to hyenas you'll only bring shame on the family! If you insist on doing so, you'll be disowned and exiled!"
"Then I think that as an exile I should leave as soon as possible."
"Bishia!" Y/n's mother shouts causing a gray wolf to enter "See Y/n we got you someone decent, much more than you could ever get. Bishia this idiot daughter of mine is letting herself be taken by a hyena."
Bishia advances towards Y/n "I think you misunderstand the situation. You're mine-"
Lant interrupts him by holding his wrist tightly before he has a chance to touch Y/n.
"Anyone who dares to touch even one hair on my bride will be left without a single one on their entire body," Lant proclaims, causing Bishia to recoil.
"What are you doing? He's just a hyena!" Y/n's mother asks, exalted by Bishia's lack of reaction.
Bishia moves into attack position. Lant looks at Y/n for confirmation and she sighs and nods positively.
"Do you think I exaggerated?" Lant asks in the carriage.
"I almost felt sorry for him" Y/n laughs.
"I didn't see you worried about me"
"Lant, I've seen you fight before. How could I be worried about you facing a just a gray wolf when I know he's no match for you?"
Lant blushes, pulling Y/n onto his lap "My fiancée knows me so well," he whispers, closing the distance between them for a kiss, but Y/n interrupts by placing her hands on his chest and pushing him away slightly.
"Lant, now that I'm no longer a princess…will you teach me how to fight?"
Y/n laughs pulling him by the collar and kissing him.
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leoxsari · 1 year
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Key Visuals of Sacrificial Princess and the King of Beasts
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savanaclaw1996 · 10 months
Sacrificial Princess and the King of Beasts Masterlist
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A Hyenian's Crush-Lanteveldt x GN! Reader
The Birth of Richard
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