#nighttime diaper
diaper280 · 3 months
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Ok which diaper do I wear tonight for bed
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balloonboyismyson · 3 months
might i add something to Monty's marriable thing... he's indeed husband material and father material. Like seriously he also gives off the fun and but also can be serious father vibes as well.
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cherrydata · 6 months
completely tmi but having incontinence issues growing up really messed me up and i think my sleep issues are not helped by that fact. i havent had an accident in years but i still lie in bed wanting to just roll over and pass out like everyone else but i know ill have to go to the bathroom beforehand and getting up and doing that wakes me up and then im in a vicious sisyphean cycle until im satisfied my bladder is a dry shriveled up prune and then i can finally attempt to get comfortable and hope i fall asleep quickly (spoiler: i wont)
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imbabyfrfr · 4 months
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Class is canceled tomorrow so I get to sleep in with my nighttime diaper on😚
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dimpy2020 · 2 years
Snuggy is India's oldest and first-ever baby diaper brand. Snuggy has been a partner to parents throughout the country in their baby's growth journey.
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lolaandthens0me · 9 months
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It’s my one-year 24/7 anniversary!!!
🎉 whoop, whoop 🎉
Here are some of the lessons I’ve learned along my 365-day journey of becoming a full-fledged 24/7 diaper slut:
+ daytime vs. nighttime diapers - having a wide selection of different absorbency levels and types of diapers is helpful in maintaining comfort throughout the day.
+ have fun - keeping my interest piqued by buying whatever new diaper is out there and keeping my shelves stocked with old standbys and new, exciting dips alike has made me excited to reach for a change day-by-day.
+ ups and downs - some days I simply don’t feel like wearing. I’ve learned to give myself grace and compassion. Not wanting to wear some days is normal and totally OK. I know the tide will turn. By pushing through, I find a sense of pride, achievement, loyalty, and completion and it continued to be worth it month after month.
+ loss of control - no, I’m sorry to disappoint, not that loss of control. In going 24/7, I have not in any way become incontinent. What I have become is more fully engrained in a submissive lifestyle and that has become a richly rewarding, deeply meaningful part of my everyday. It delights me just as much today, if not moreso than it did a year ago, to give up control of my most fundamental choices.
+ convenience - if you are looking for a more convenient way of living, going 24/7 may not be the answer for you. At least until you get very, very used to it. I find that wearing 24/7 is more of an inconvenience most days. I have to plan my day, my outings, what to pack, what to wear all around my diapers. I admit though, it is nice to never have to leave the theater in the middle of a movie!
+ baby powder is my friend
+ NorthShore Supreme wipes are 100% worth it
+ I still delight in the feeling of peeing my pants every time
+ Daddy is simply the best - as much of a commitment of going 24/7 has been for me, I fully acknowledge and appreciate how much of a commitment it is for the other half of this 24/7 D/s dynamic. I cannot thank him enough for staying in this with me for a whole year. I love you, RY 💙
+ I don’t know what the next 365 days will bring, but I do know that I feel proud and happy looking back at the last 365.
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prettyprettypaci2 · 1 month
🔒Child Locks for Fun and Profit 📴
How much time does your Little spend on their phone? Probably quite a bit. Maybe they're even using it right now.
Don't worry, Little one! I see you reading this post over your caregiver's shoulder, biting your lip and frowning so sweetly. We're not going to take your phone away.
Not completely.
Remember: diapered princes and princesses crave being controlled. It doesn't always have to be about physical restraints or the threat of a spanking. Sometimes that yummy feeling comes from knowing your online life is metered and monitored every minute of every day.
If you have a trusting, long-term dynamic, I strongly recommend making your Little install a child lock on their phone. The benefits are boundless!
ENFORCE BEDTIME: Even in bed (or their crib!), your kiddo is probably scrolling on their phone, beaming in all that yucky blue light and looking at naughty pictures that keep them riled up. Set their child lock to cut off access to the internet 30 minutes before bedtime, so they can start to calm down and focus on their nighttime routine - like making extra sure that diaper is taped on right!
DEVELOP SKILLS AND CONFIDENCE: Whether you live together or are caring for your pamper packer remotely, they do have responsibilities. Give them a helpful chore or a recipe to cook up. Make them read a chapter of a children's book, or do some language lessons. They can earn additional screen time and feel good about how they contribute and better themselves!
MONITOR NAUGHTY IMPULSES: Many child lock apps will automatically sanitize what your Little sees online (not Tumblr, incidentally 👀). If they try googling certain anatomy or themes, it won't show up in search results. If your Little one is allowed to be exploring those urges at all, they should be doing it the proper way: tightly diapered, and under your direct supervision.
SET TIME LIMITS: Even during their free time, your diapered dynamo needs to spend time outside, read, color, and live unplugged. Block all but one web browser on their phone, and then set a strict limit for it. They'll quickly learn to prioritize what's important, control their doom-scrolling impulses, and spend more time focusing on what matters: You.
HAVE A FAILSAFE: "We couldn't really do this! What if there's an emergency?" The child lock won't cut off the phone's calling or SMS features. These apps also usually have a code that can be entered on the phone to temporarily change or disable the restrictions you set. Note that an email will be sent to the caregiver any time restrictions are turned off, so your padded troublemaker had better be prepared with a good excuse!
Have fun, kiddo! We're watching! 🙂
This is not sponsored content, but because some will ask: I use Kidslox.
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letsbebabies · 9 months
What are your favorite adult diapers and favorite baby diapers
At the moment we're loving TENA Ultimas for daytime and Crinklz Fairytales for nighttime 🧚‍♀️ Our favourite nappies are currently the Animooz from Tykables, I have to say Daddy looks pretty damn good in pink though 💕
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We've recently been liking dry nights due to how hot it has been, but our favourite baby nappy is Pampers. Neither hold that much, but Daddy says I look cute ✨️
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zhavia · 2 years
Just here to see stories but if you want me to so a story let me know
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miss-little-luna · 4 months
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I did something new 🧸
I wore a Little Kings all day yesterday. When I went to put my nighttime diaper on I realized I didn't want to really change, I wanted to stay in my favorite diapers. So instead of a fresh one I took my kings off and put a fresh booster in, then put it back on. Now I'm laying here still in it & I love it 🩷
ABU finally restocked! I was having a bad day yesterday and reached for a king from my stash. I havent worn one since last summer! It feels good to be back in one and I can't wait to spend all summer in them again 🥰
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cameronspecial · 2 months
dad!drew , coming home from the hospital after giving birth and bring the baby home , and the first night with the baby !
Their Own Little Party
Pairing: Dad!Drew Starkey x Reader
Warnings: N/A
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 0.6K
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“You know you could’ve driven faster,” Y/N comments, tossing the strap of the diaper bag over her shoulder. Drew peeks into the car seat where his sleeping daughter is and smiles. He unbuckles the seat, taking her out gently. His head moves like a dog shaking off water, “Are you crazy? I had two precious cargoes in the back. I wasn’t going to go any faster than that.” She giggles and goes to his side. “I feel like you could’ve done that without driving so slow. I mean, Baby, even that little old lady flipped you off,” she notes, opening the front door for him and switching the lights on. He sets the car seat down and drops to the floor to start taking Mila out of her car seat, “She was mean.” Y/N watches as he picks up their daughter. “This is your home, Pumpkin. We are now in the front entryway, where I’m going to teach you how to tie your shoes and put on your jacket in that funny way kids do,” he whispers the next part. “After I figure out how to do that.” “Are you going to do this for every room?” she questions. Y/N finds it adorable, but giving birth and worrying about being a mom has really drained her. All she wants to do is get to bed and she knows Drew is going to take forever with his tour. He can read her like fortune-telling tea, “Why don’t you go sleep? I can handle putting her to bed tonight.” 
“Really? But we need to parent together and this is her first day home.”
“I’m not going to stop you from missing out on this milestone if you want to help. However, I hope you know that even though she is only a few days old, I do feel like we are doing this parenting thing together. We don’t need to do everything together for us to be doing this together. Sometimes we’ll just need to take turns.”
It would be nice to go through this milestone with Mila, except Y/N has already gone through a nighttime routine with Mila during their time at the hospital and she would much rather sleep than experience the same routine in a new setting. Relief spreads across her and she steps onto her tippy toes to kiss him. “Thank you so much, I love you.”
Crying comes from the baby monitor and Y/N is about to get up to care for the child in need, yet the wails stop and this gets her running out of the room. She hears the floorboards creak and a male voice she recognizes comes from Mila’s room.
"Au clair de la lune,
Mon ami Pierrot,
Prête-moi ta plume
Pour écrire un mot.”
She peeks into the room to find Drew holding Mila, who is only wearing a diaper, against his bare chest. He is quietly singing into her ear and swaying in the spot where he stands. Y/N steps forward, the floorboard announcing her entrance. He freezes and turns towards his wife. “Hey, you should be asleep,” he whispers, walking close to her. She wraps her arms around his waist from the front and nuzzles her head beside Mila’s, “I was and then this little one got fussy. It seems like I was missing the party though. I must say that it is very rude of you not to invite me.” He chuckles. “I’m sorry, your invitation must have gotten lost in the mail,” he jokes. The two of them don’t exchange any other words; instead, they spend the night cuddling in their own little party with their little family. 
Taglist: @winterrrnight @loves0phelia @thelomlisrafecameron @wickedlovely121 @thepatriarchykeychain @drewsmusee @starkowswife @maybankslover @forstarkey @loving-and-dreaming @magicalyoura
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starrylevi · 10 months
Dad!Levi 💫
Dad!Levi who pushes the stroller when you’re both out
Dad!Levi who gets all the chores done around the house while having the baby strapped to his chest
Dad!Levi who literally takes care of everything the first few months after you giving birth
Dad!Levi who packs the baby’s bag whenever you both leave the house because somehow you always manage to leave something but Levi never does
Dad!Levi who tries every diaper brand before picking the one he deems is the best for your child
Dad!Levi who bundles up your child as if they’re going to experience a blizzard their first day out in the cold
Dad!Levi who cuts your child’s hair himself because he doesn’t trust anyone else
Dad!Levi who internally freaks out every time your child gets sick
Dad!Levi who seems to be the stricter parent but is actually the biggest softie and lets your child indulge once in a while
Dad!Levi who doesn’t let just anyone take care of your child. They’re always properly vetted or are a well trusted friend
Dad!Levi who teaches your child to be scrappy and resourceful so no one messes with them when they first attend school
Dad!Levi who’s in charge of bath and nighttime routines
Dad!Levi with a sunshine child who is absolutely obsessed with him even though everyone else fears him
Dad!Levi who doesn’t get upset with his children’s messes because how else will they learn how to clean up
Dad!Levi who makes sure he is gentle with his little boy knowing the world was never gentle with him
Dad!Levi who holds his little girl close, reminding him of his time with his mother
Dad!Levi who just cares about raising good humans not soldiers
Dad!Levi who doesn’t punish your children but teaches them lessons
Dad!Levi who tries his hardest to be the best father since he never thinks he’s good enough
Dad!Levi who loves your children with every fiber of his being as they are healing his inner child
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dimpy2020 · 2 years
Snuggy Diapers is India’s oldest and first-ever baby diaper brand. Our Diapers are soft, super-absorbent, and tell you when it’s time for a change. Order Online now!
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manyaccidents · 7 months
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Emily stared longingly outside. She was no longer allowed to go out alone anymore; that was for big girls. The last few months had seen Emily begin bedwetting out of nowhere. It began slow, a night here and there, but she thought they were just one-off accidents. She had no idea just how wrong she was.
Soon her nighttime control was very inconsistent. Her mother had insisted she wear goodnites (glorified diapers for bedwetters) to bed. Emily protested but her mother put her foot down. Emily refused but her small stature didn't exactly lend itself to resistance. Her mother picked her up easily, and though she struggled Emily could not escape. She was laid down on the bed and held down by one of her mothers arms while the other arm pulled down Emily's Pj shorts and panties.
Emily was so tired from struggling at this point that try though she might, she couldn't stop her mother from pulling the goodnite up between her legs. Tears streamed down Emily's face as she felt the foreign garment between her legs. It was soft and crinkled softly when she moved. Her mother pulled Emily's pj shorts back up and said "if I catch you with these off, you will get a spanking so hard you'd wish you'd never taken them off."
Emily sulked, knowing that her mother wasn't kidding. After a few minutes of silent crying, Emily, who was exhausted from struggling fell asleep. That day was the beginning of the end for Emily's adulthood. Fast forward to the present. Emily had not woken up dry since she was put in goodnights 6 months ago, and she'd even started to have daytime accidents with increasing frequency about a month prior to today. Her mother insisted that she wear her goodnites in the day too now, and Emily was embarrassed to say it was hard to argue.
Her goodnites weren't really cutting it these days, and it seemed like the daytime accidents were scattered at first like the bedwetting, but also like the bedwetting it quickly worsened and Emily was soon wetting her goodnites every day, sometimes multiple times. As she reflected at the window she felt her goodnite growing warm and heavy, a tear rolling down her cheek in silent frustration. She never knew when she had lost the ability to even feel when she needed to pee, but it was depressing..
As she continued to pee, it began to leak out of the goodnite and onto the couch. As if she could sense it, Emily's mother entered the room and locked eyes on the couch where the wet spot was clearly visible. A patient anger came over her expression and she wordlessly took Emily's hand. Emily wondered fearfully if she was going to be spanked, but instead she was sat down on a plastic mat on the bed. "A.. changing mat?" she thought. That's when she saw what was beside it and put 2 and 2 together.
A thick white diaper decorated with pink and lavender hearts was beside the changing table, and before she knew it she was being laid down and cleaned up just like a baby. She was so shocked at how far she's fallen that she couldn't even struggle. "You'll be wearing these for the foreseeable future little girl. Since you can't seem to act your age, you will be kept in diapers 24/7; no more goodnites." Emily was mortified "in the day too?? bu-"
"no buts young lady" she finished taping the diaper and made sure it was snug and fit well. Emily felt the thick padding press against her skin as her mother felt the diaper. Each movement she made was accompanied by an audible crinkle. "Everyone is going to find out..." Emily said, dejected. "I'm sorry Emily" her mother said gently "but you clearly need diapers now, and if people find out that's just something we'll have to deal with"
And so began her new life. The only girl at university who still needed diapers.
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biggest-little-boy · 6 months
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The dreaded nighttime diaper check😣
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ilovew3tdiapers · 2 years
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