essentialthyme · 4 days
In Tinashe's Nasty verse 1 begins with a question; "is somebody gonna match my freak?" In the context of the song, Ms.Tinashe is wanting someone to match her "nasty"--so to speak. This is to say "is somebody going to match my energy?" Tinashe is ponders who is willing to be just as freaky as she herself is proclaimed to be.
Now, if we take the same question that Ms.Tinashe posed, and brought it into fandom spaces, the context changes but the intent remains the same. "Who is going to match my energy? Who here is going to be as obsessed with this series/song/artist as I am?" This question is crucial to the discovery of mutuals, one cannot form a connection unless there is a commonality between the two parties. However, there is a problem to this question.
That being, it leaves the asker in a vulnerable position. They must recognize the freak in themselves, and offer up that freak to others. In order to match freaks, the freak must first be known. But I'm here to remind us all, that there is no shame in being cringe. Do not hold back your freak, do not let your passions remain hidden behind a wall of "what if they find me weird/annoying/?" your blog is your own before it is anyone else's, and you can not worry about the comfort of others if you sacrifice the comfort of yourself.
u_u be weird, be cringe, and above all else, be free
First of all, excellent music choice!
But yeah, this is amazing advice?? You hit the nail to the head. This is something I have a really hard time with: vulnerability.
You're right, we should be weird, cringe and free, you're 100% correct, and now I'm pensive. Thank you!
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