yohji0123 · 9 months
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Máy giặt sấy công nghiệp cũ nhật bãi 15kg, 20kg, 25kg, 30kg, 35kg, 50kg tại Hà Nội với các hãng số 1 nhật bản: Yamamoto, Asahi, Tosei, Sanyo, Nippre, Electrolux.... Đối diện Bưu điện Minh Trí, Thắng Trí, Minh Trí, Sóc Sơn, TP Hà Nội Phone: 0973727832 #maygiatcongnghiepnhatbai #Máy_giặt_công_nghiệp_nhật_bãi, #maygiatcongnghiep, #maygiatcongnghiepcu, #giamaygiatcongnghiep, #maysaycongnghiep, #maysaycongnghiepcu, #maygiatchancongnghiep https://maygiatcongnghiepnhatbai.com/ https://www.youtube.com/@maygiatcongnghiepnhatbai/about https://www.reddit.com/user/maygiatcnnhatbai https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=vi&user=9QaMfpMAAAAJ https://www.linkedin.com/in/maygiatcongnghiepnhatbai/
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29 April 2020
Pagi ini pak Nyo ngechat orang2 engineering buat bahas tender nippres and I am not included. Berasa sedih dan senang. Worried about what I will do after May 15th. But then I remember the word "Allah is the best planner".
Sekarang bingung gimana nanti ditanyain orang tentang "kok gue ga kerja lagi" setelah pandemik ini berakhir. Terutama ortu sih. Sempet kepikiran, apa gue ngekost aja ya biar ngga ditanyain orang2, biar kalo duit abis bisa jalan otaknya.
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29 April 2020
Pagi ini pak Nyo ngechat orang2 engineering buat bahas tender nippres and I am not included. Berasa sedih dan senang. Worried about what I will do after May 15th. But then I remember the word "Allah is the best planner".
Sekarang bingung gimana nanti ditanyain orang tentang "kok gue ga kerja lagi" setelah pandemik ini berakhir. Terutama ortu sih. Sempet kepikiran, apa gue ngekost aja ya biar ngga ditanyain orang2, biar kalo duit abis bisa jalan otaknya.
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