#nishihara kenta
leenaevilin · 4 years
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[Announcement] 劇団番町ボーイズ☆第12回本公演「さらば、ゴールドマウンテン」(gekidan banchou boys dai 12 kai honkouen ~ saraba, golden mountain)
you can watch it @ youtube  (~ May 6th, 2020 ~ 23:59)
it’s FREE!
10 notes · View notes
sambart93 · 6 years
2019.02.04 and 8th Amakuhanaize 3 [Review]
Official Website here Official Twitter here Official Online Store here Press Coverage 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
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Itokawa Yojiro as Amami Annojyou Sakata Ryuichiro as Amakusa Tenshiro (10 Jin Actor) Futaba Kaname as Kakao Chiyota Futaba Yuu as Kakao Masubee Domoto Shohei as Sakamushi Manji Magoshi Takumi as Anou Kikai (10 Jin Actor) Matsushima Yunosuke as Haniitera Kazu (10 Jin Actor) Kajihara Hayate as Ogura Kanyou Mitsutake Shinnosuke as Origo Touji (10 Jin Actor) Yashiro Takuya as Kurumi Yuzunosuke Nishihara Kenta as Ameyatsu Nekichi Sekioka Mark as Clotted Scone (10 Jin Actor) Oribe Yoshinari as Shougoin Korekiyo Urashimantarou (Guest Act for Tokyo) Sato Chuuki as Kuzukiri Kuromitsu Nagome Jin as Taffe Natsu Shogun Aoki Shunsuke as Abekara Shinobu
As you can tell a lot of their names are things from dessert or sweet things (that's the whole theme and point xD)
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Overall: This is the first time I’ve been somewhat disappointed in a Bancho stage. It was bound to happen eventually! Every time they’re one-upped, one-upped their performance, their stories, the quality, so we were bound to get to one sooner or later that just doesn’t quite reach the bar. This one is it. Don’t get me wrong!! It’s still: a very good play; lots of good comedy, lots of great acting, lots of really memorable moments, very funny, very enjoyable. But some aspects just weren’t good enough or at the standard of previous stages. I personally felt like there was too much exposition and explanation about the history and time period they were in (I found it unnecessary). I also felt like this was one big advertisement for 10 Jin Actor; I noticed pretty quickly that ALL the scripted comedy and all the major spotlight moments were given to them. Even though Yojiro and Kaname are supposed to be the main leads, I saw more scenes and more moments from the 10 Jin boys than from anyone else. So it definitely felt like this big 2 hour advertisement and push for their popularity. I also felt like it was their least funny play. I still laughed A LOT but you would expect a silly play like this to always be cranking out the laughs. I didn’t really laugh much during the first hour or so, but the final hour to 90 minutes are very funny. However, that first half is just a lot of character and history set up. The Bancho Boys themselves really got to shine during all the adlibbing. They pretty much adlibbed most of the time and of course they were more than capable, and got a lot of laughs not only from the audience but from the rest of the actors on stage which is great -- I personally love when actors break out of character and can’t stop laughing themselves, it just proves how much fun they’re having too! I have to say, seeing them (especially Yuu and Kaname) break into laughter on stage was the biggest reward for me and my favourite moments. Rating: 7/10 - Not their best but definitely not a bad play either.
So Kaname plays a struggling chocolatier who has many worries as Valentine’s Day gets nearer. He falls asleep at a shrine after praying for his work to go well. When he wakes up, he’s back in the beginning of the Meiji Period (late 19th Century, 1868) in Fukuoka where his ancestors are from. He meets his ancestors and a range of characters who are trying to get through life during this difficult time of Japan’s transition to modern/western styles. In usual Amakuhanaize style, there is a food battle between the two opposing groups.
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That’s the basic premise. I’d probably break the characters up into different groups though:
Running/Staying at an Inn and Minding Their Business: Kaname, Yuu, Domoto, NishiKen, and Magoshi.
Modernising Japan Team: Oribe, Hayate, Origo, Mark, Urashimantaro, Chuuki, Nagome, Aoki Shnusuke
Want to Protect Japanese-ness Team: Yojiro, Takuya
Converting Christians: Sakata, Yunosuke.
So there are really four different groups but some band together and that’s how we get two rivaling groups towards the end, a few of them switch sides and such too throughout the play, but this is at least how they start.
Depending on who wins the chocolate battle -- there is a 10 minute break towards the end of the play where we can try the chocolate they 'made' for that show and then vote which we prefer -- the ending is a little different. I was lucky that I got to see each person win between the two shows I went to! So I'll quickly write the difference between them:
1. If Amami/Yojiro Wins: Tenshiro walks off depressed but Kazu/Yunosuke runs after Tenshiro and tells him he'll always be there for him and Tenshiro feels better. 2. If Tenshiro/Sakata Wins: Yojiro comes back on stage and attempts to commit seppuku with an icing knife (is that what they are called? *googles* ... nope it's called an Icing Spatula! Well now we all know don't we ^_^) but obvious he is not serious about it and he tries to be positive about it.
Either way in the end he is able to open a pastry shop and welcomes in customers and has a grand opening. So the very last scene doesn't change just the scene immediately after the Win/Lose moment.
There is one part that is higawari and it's the night before the chocolate battle when all the boys in Yojiro's group have to answer some questions. The two questions are: What to Say When You Get Choco, and Choco You'd Hate to Receive.
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My favourite scene without a doubt was the matsuri/festival scene and the opening dance number. In the matsuri they have this super fun dance number which just left me smiling from side to side. They looked to be having so much fun and were smiling too and the song had a great beat and the dance looked so much fun too! It was/is definitely my favourite scene out of this stage!
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I have so many feelings about the characters in this. I enjoyed quite a lot of the character (why are we not surprised) so I'd like to just flail about them a little.
Character Break Downs and Comments
*I'll refer to them all with their actual real names though! Sorry if that's confusing.*
☆ Yojiro: Is one of the last remaining Samurai who are trying to hide from the changing political powers in Japan. I honestly don't know what to say about Yojiro... even though he's supposed to be one of the main roles, he had hardly any time on stage. And when he was on stage, he was playing a character I've already seen many times before from him. He didn't play anyone interesting; he didn't play anyone new; he had a very safe character and there was nothing amazing at all about his acting this time around. He was just alright both in terms of character and acting.
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☆ Sakata: Catholic/Christian Priest in Japan. I went in really thinking I was gunna fall for this guy, but I ended up not liking his character at all. And just like Yojiro, he's advertised as a main role but was hardly in it! I can only remember about 2 scenes he was properly in. I am upset he ended up being an uninteresting character because Sakata himself has such a fun auro about him. He seems like a really nice and a really fun guy! Also he plays priest who is trying to spread the word of God... I am personally not a religious person and I prefer my stories not to have religion in it so this is just a me thing. His character IS a nice and good person but I just wasn't interested.
However, there is one good moment I liked from Sakata. There is a scene where he is capture and locked up but while talking to the guard, he all so easily opens the jail gates and gets out. But then like the good person he is, at the end of his scene, he gets back in the jail and closes the gate again xD
☆ Kaname: Chocolatier from Present Day Tokyo who Time Slips into 1868 Fukuoka. I really fell for his acting in this!! I really, really enjoyed his acting and his character! Also his dancing is very good! You can tell all that Tenimyu training really paid off! He character was fun and he had some ridiuclous moments and sometimes unfortunate things happen to his character too which was funny! And of course there were some classic moments with him and YuuKun which created hilarity too!
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☆ YuuKun: Kaname's Mother and Ancestor, Also an Inn Owner. On my first viewing, I was 99.99% sure he plays a female this entire play but actually he just plays Kaname's mother in the beginning but then in the time slip he's a male ancestor of Kaname's family. But it would totally make sense if he played a woman the entire time. He has his onee-san voice for the entirety of the play! Also his character in the past is obsessed with a male Kabuki actor, his personality is very faint and soft and weak-looking, it would've made sense to have him as a girl the entire time xD SO in my mind he DOES play Kaname's mother and great grandmother the entire time hehe I absolutely loved how he plays a fan. He plays a Kabuki obsessed fan and he said a lot of stuff that the audience could clearly relate to and the way he flailed over stuff and spoke so passionately about his oshi/bias was so relateable and so much fun to watch! He was GREAT!
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Once I saw the play, I soon understood why Kaname and YuuKun had both dyed their hair back black. YuuKun had to because he was playing a historical role, and I guess to make to MORE obvious they were playing family relatives xD
☆ Domoto: A Drunkard Who Lives at the Inn. I’m pretty sure he wasn’t ACTING drunk for this role xD his drunk acting was great! I also really loved this one scene bewteen him and Takuya:
- Takuya pretends to be a simpleton passing by when Domoto attacks him and of course Takuya, being a samurai, can dodge the attack and Domoto is super impressed and responds 'oh you not just a normal person at all. No normal person can avoid and react that well' but Takuya thinks Domoto will sell him out to the police but Domoto's character is a good boy so stays quiet and protects him. It was such a simple moment but I really liked this scene.
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Also Domoto's eye makeup is so nice up close!!! I got a good look when I took chekis with him and it really is nice! There is one other moment from Domoto that really hit home for me. Lately, I've been having a really rough time mentally but this simple line from Domoto gave me so much strength: "None of my friends made it through the war. They can't drink stupidly. They can't wear flashy over the top clothing. I living their life as well as mine." It really hit home but it gave me strength that I really need right now.
☆ Magoshi: A Crazy Inventor Living in the Inn. His character had two very funny personalities: when his goggles were off he was very confident and very sane. But whenever he wore his goggles, he became geeky as F. He gave everyone many many laughs with his flawless switching between the two roles! He did very well! His name was also a play on words. His name is Anou Kikai which means 'That Chance' but also 'Ano' is what you say when you want to say something, it's the English equivalent of 'ohhh / ahhhh / ummm' when you want to start saying something. So many times Kaname's character wanted to offer to help or wanted to suggest things but he always started with 'Ano = Ummm' and Magoshi would immediately butt in like 'Anou Kikai shall do this task!' and Kaname always looked so sad every time he got shot down xD
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☆ Yunosuke: Sakata's Disciple. He has a very interesting story arc and his character development is very fun! I don't quite remember how he ends up like this but Yunosuke very quickly joins the 'money' side of society and gets obsessed with gold and flashy jewelry and he is very ridiculous and very hilarious. He gave me a lot of giggles with his overconfidence and with his loud voice and his ridiculing of others! But then towards the end, he sees Sakata give guidance and attention to someone other than him and he just completely explodes with jealously, which again he does in a very hilarious way. I thoroughly enjoyed his character! And he is beautifully tall and very good looking. It's a shame he's only 19 because he was gorgeous. I really liked his character and how he looked!
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☆ Hayate: A Reporter. He was a reporter who turns from a dirty gossip reporter to a report who actually wants to do good for the people. He gives Oribe a run for his money because he's constantly following him and trying to get the true story. Hayate showed off his skills throughout this play with his acrobatics and his flips. He would make an entrance by flipping, or in some fights he got caught up in he would do a flip, or during the dance scenes he did some hiphop spin moves. So he really find many chances to show off what he can do; I assume this is part him personally enjoying doing these stunts and part him showing what he can do incase casting directors turned up to the stage.
☆ Mitsutake: Oribe's Henchman/Guard. I absolutely loved that he got nicknamed 'Beard / Hige' by Sakata in this. It gave everyone giggles everytime he was called xD I also loved his character arc too! At first he's on Oribe's side but thanks to Sakata, he has a change of heart and decides to do the right thing and starts helping us just because he should, because he wants to, and because it's the right thing to do.
☆ Takuya: Yojiro's Disciple/Follower. Takuya is getting so damn good looking as he gets older! I don't know why but as soon as he came on stage in the semi-modern samurai attire and his sword, I was in LOVE! I absolutely adored his look! And with is now longer hair!! OH MY!!! Seriously, he's gunna be dangerous soon. He's still only 19! *cries*
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☆ NishiKen: A Neighbour Near the Inn. Luckily there was no black face or racism in his character this time xD he was just a neighbour who is slightly strange. He's dressed like a fox and helps out at a local matsuri/festival. I really liked the opening scene which is just him and wooden blocks and with the blocks he starts a beat and gets everyone in the audience clapping and singing We Will Rock You but then is like 'you're so loud! Shhhh!' which is ironic. He's always the most loud xD
☆ Mark: British Politician. I really really enjoyed his pompousness and the stereotypicalness of his British character. Also loved the American Accented English words he would speak. He was a fun character, he had this funny way of walking too; he would skip or spin in and out of his entrances which were very amusing. I also loved his outfit and his hat.
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☆ Oribe: Japanese Politician/Leader. He had a very small role which made me upset but he was still good! I like how he spent most of his time running away from Hayate but then the moment he realises someone else's corruption he runs to Hayate like 'I'll tell you everything! Just please protect me!!' xD he looked very dashing in his suit!! But again, I was like 'damn how are you STILL only 18?!' xD His dancing during the two major dancer parts were wonderful!
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Now onto some differences between the two shows!
First Show
☆ There is a scene where Yuu pushes Kaname to the side. But at my first show, Kaname went flying the end of the stage and into the stage light because of Yuu’s push, and Yuu threatened to do it again but Kaname was like 'No it's okay! I learnt my lesson! Just don't do it again!' he was half smiling as he stood up and rubbed his back and butt xD
☆ Akira and Shuji were sat two rows in front of me and during a scene where Hayate runs around the theatre, he spotted them and was like 'you look very familiar... aren't you (enter their Amaku Character's name)?' but both of them got really nervous and shy and denyed it, hoping he would leave quickly xD
☆ For the Higawari scene, I remember Mark having a drawing of Domoto, and YuuKun's answers were always baseball references xD
Second Show
☆ The second show was a hot mess of hilarity! Everyone, the cast AND the audience, were just high on giggles. The entire play there were so many line mess ups and the boys couldn't stop laughing for most of the time. Even when they tried really hard, they ended up breaking halfway through their lines and such. It was so much fun seeing all of them completely break xD I'm glad it was my second viewing and not my only viewing of it. Maybe if it was my only viewing I might've been a little miffed but because it was my second viewing I could just enjoy the ridiculousness that went on!
☆ YuuKun didn't push Kaname as hard this time so when Kaname asked for the chocolate back, YuuKun just gave it back nicely hehe
☆ For the scene where they had to give an answer to: What to Say When You Get Choco, Mark's answer was all in Filipino and everyone was like '????? what did you just say?!'
☆ Because everyone was high on something, during Sakata's very important line of serious, he held it together right well until right at the end of his line and he just broke into a squeal of laughter. Everyone was dying.
A lot of these points are just extensions of what mentioned in the non-spoiler section:
☆ I realised very early on that the 10 Jin boys were getting more lines and more moments and more comedy than our Bancho Boys so it really did feel like an advertisement for their acting group. 
☆ Also this is the first time I’ve been somewhat disappointed in a Bancho stage. This is a SOLID installment but it was just the weakest one I’ve watched of theirs so far. Especially after the amazingness that was Nemurenai Hitsuji and Saraba Gold Mountain (review) that we got last year.
☆ I was very much expecting for myself to really like Sakata Ryuichiro (especially with the whole blonde look -- we ALL know how I feel about blondes!), but I ended up finding his character really, really boring, and he was playing a heavy Christian believer (side note: I am Agnostic after being brought up in Catholic education for 12 years) so I personally lost all interest in him straight away.
I got chekis with my usuals: YuuKun and Domoto! As usual they're both just so great! Even though it's a small, minute moment, it still means a lot to me.
So first I went to YuuKun and can he get anymore perfect?!?!?!?! He's just the sweetest fucking thing every time! And he always takes the lead and asks me questions and such xD So our conversation was:
Me: Otsukaresama desu / Thanks for the good work Yuu: OH! Thank you! I asked to do the heart pose but just before it's taken, he prods me, 'hold on. let's move over here, it's a better place. Is that okay? Are you ready?' so naturally I was like 'oh, okay. Yes! I'm good!' so then we took the picture. Y: Did you have fun? M: Yes I laughed a lot! Y: Don't forget our lives too! M: I already have tickets! Y: Oh thank you! M: And I'll come back on Friday (to see this) Y: Oh really? Thank you! *hands me the cheki* bye! *waves* M: Bye! *waves*
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Then with Domoto...
M: Otsukaresama desu / Thanks for the good work D: Thank you! You too! Do the heart pose and take chekis M: I'm really sorry I was too sick to come to your birthday party. D: Oh don't worry about it! It's fine! Please don't apologise! M: Really? Oh thank god. *hands me cheki* M: get home safely! D: You too! *mutual wave*
I finally got to properly apologise to Domoto which made me feel a lot better xD Also I love how awkward he is in the chekis. He has such an awkward adorableness hehe
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At the end of every show too there was a 'Photo Time' so here are some I took:
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And that’s that!
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sd-dish · 5 years
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0 notes
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[June] J-Actors Birthday Calendar
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♪ June 1st
◎ Kikawada Masaya 黄川田将也 1980
◎ Sano Mashiro 佐野真白 1999
◎ Yamamoto Ikkei 山本一慶 1989
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♪ June 2nd
◎ Kanesaki Kentarou 兼崎健太郎 1984
◎ Tazuru Shougo 田鶴翔吾 1992
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♪ June 3rd
◎ Emoto Kouki 江本光輝 1997
◎ Hirose Daisuke 廣瀬大介 1991
◎ Miura Shouhei 三浦翔平 1988
◎ Yanagishita Tomo 柳下大 1988
◎ Yuutarou ゆうたろう 1998
◎ Yoza Wataru 與座亘 1995
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♪ June 4th
◎ Kajihara Hayate 梶原颯 1994
◎ Suzuki Hiroki 鈴木拡樹 1985
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♪ June 5th
◎ Miyamoto Kousuke 宮本弘佑 1997
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♪ June 6th
◎ Teruma 輝馬 1989
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♪ June 7th
◎ Kurita Manabu 栗田学武 1985
◎ Makita Tetsuya 牧田哲也 1984
◎ Miyake Jun 三宅潤 1996
◎ Sera Jun 瀬羅純 1996
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♪ June 8th
◎ Hosokawa Kou 細川洪 1989
◎ Koseki Yuuta 小関裕太 1995
◎ Miyano Mamoru 宮野真守 1983
◎ Tani Yoshiki 谷佳樹 1987
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♪ June 9th
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♪ June 10th
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♪ June 11th
◎ Nishijima Kento 西島顕人 1990
◎ Tsuda Kenjirou 津田健次郎 1971
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♪ June 12th
◎ Kaku Ryouna 加来亮凪 1998
◎ Kumagai Kaito 熊谷魁人 1996
◎ Nagashima Shuugo 永嶋柊吾 1992
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♪ June 13th
◎ Nishihara Kenta 西原健太 1994
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♪ June 14th
◎ Araki Hirofumi 荒木宏文 1983
◎ Higashi Keisuke 東啓介 1995
◎ Mizobata Junpei 溝端淳平 1989
◎ Nishii Yukito 西井幸人 1995
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♪ June 15th
◎ Kubota Yuuki 久保田悠来 1981
◎ Shiozaki Airu 汐崎アイル 1984
◎ Takagi Shinnosuke 高木眞之介 1992
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♪ June 16th
◎ Mitani Reo 三谷怜央 1990
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♪ June 17th
◎ Baba Tooru 馬場徹 1988
◎ Hayama Subaru 葉山昴 1985
◎ Kazama Shunsuke 風間俊介 1983
◎ Kimeru 1980
◎ Shiina Taizou 椎名鯛造 1986
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♪ June 18th
◎ Norizuki Kouhei 法月康平 1990
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♪ June 19th
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♪ June 20th
◎ Hirata Yuuya 平田雄也 1993
◎ Mikami Masashi 三上真史 1983
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♪ June 21st
◎ Akutsu Shintarou 阿久津愼太郎 1995
◎ Matsumoto Hiroya 松本寛也 1986
◎ Tanaka Hyouga 田中彪 1991
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♪ June 22nd
◎ Nagakura Masaaki 長倉正明 1992
◎ Uehara Takuya 植原卓也 1988
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♪ June 23rd 
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♪ June 24th
◎ Takata Makoto 高田誠 1995
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♪ June 25th
◎ Hamao Kyousuke 浜尾京介 1991
◎ Hoshi Tatsuma 星達磨 1996
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♪ June 26th
◎ Horii Arata 堀井新太 1992
◎ Kamitsuru Tooru 上鶴徹 1989
◎ Kojima Yukito 小島幸士 2003
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♪ June 27th
◎ Sarashina Arata 晒科新 1999
◎ Tomimori Justin 冨森ジャスティン 1989
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♪ June 28th
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♪ June 29th
◎ Murai Ryouta 村井良大 1988
◎ Saitou Yasuka 齋藤ヤスカ 1987
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♪ June 30th
◎ Mikiya 未来弥 1989
◎ Nakao Akiyoshi 中尾明慶 1988
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beansproutsong · 7 years
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Anyone interested on this musical? Drop me a message (inbox, no anonymous user pls). And I only share to my followers. I play the game too!
Futaba Kaname as Oda Nobunaga
Yojiro Itokawa as Sanada Yukimura 
Futaba Yu as Kirigakure Saizo
Takamoto Gaku as Date Masamune
Akira as Katakura Kojuro 
Yasui Kazuma as Tokugawa Ieyasu
Matsumoto Taishi as Takeda Shingen 
Domoto Shohei as Akechi Mitsuhide
Nozaki Yutaka as Ishida Mitsunari 
Nishihara Kenta as Toyotomi Hideyoshi
Yu Matsushima as Inuchiyo 
Mori Teruya as Kenshin Uesugi 
Ishioka Ryoshi as Maeda Keiji 
Takashina Yuki as Fransesco 
Yashiro Takuya as Yahiko (The main character’s brother in the game)
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bancho-boys · 7 years
Ni Ten Nana Go
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Bancho Boys announced the cast and show dates for their 8th stage Ni Ten Nana Go (which translates as ‘2.75′) today. The stage will be a comedy based around a group of actors working in the 2.5d industry.
The show will run from July 27th - July 30th.
Itokawa Yojiro
Kikuchi Syuji
Kihara Rui
Sunahara Kensuke
Domoto Shohei
Nishihara Kenta
Futaba Kaname (double cast*)
Futaba Yuu
Yashiro Takuya (double cast*)
Oribe Yoshinari
* Takuya and Kaname are doing this show during the run of Tenimyu’s Seigaki vs Rikkai (between the Tokyo and Osaka shows) so I guess they’re double cast to give both of them more of a break.
Tickets for fanclub members will go on sale on June 6th at 12pm, followed by general sales on June 22nd.
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fansub-recharge · 8 years
Live Spectacle 2015
Poster Oficial
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Título original: ライブ・スペクタクル N A R U T O-ナルト-
Romaji: Raibu Supekutakuru Naruto
Título en Ingles: Live Spectacle Naruto
Título en Español: NARUTO ~Espectáculo en Vivo~
Inicio: 26 de Marzo del  2015
Finalización: Julio del 2015
Es una adaptación teatral del Manga/Anime Naruto, creado por el mangaka Masashi Kishimoto.
La obra abarca los primeros 27 tomos del manga, en los cuales, se narra las aventuras del hiperactivo ninja cabeza hueca Naruto Uzumaki junto a sus amigos y compañeros de equipo.
El musical fue escrito y dirigido por Akiko Kodama.
La música fue por parte de Toshio Masuda.
 El musical dio inicio en Marzo del 2015 y finalizo en Julio del mismo año, durante ese periodo tuvo presentaciones fuera de Japón siendo presentado en Macao, Malasya y Singapour.
 El grupo Flow fue quien interpretó la canción Hikari Oikakete, misma que posee dos versiones.
 La que es interpretada únicamente por el grupo y la segunda que es en compañía de Koudai Matsuoka (Naruto).
 La obra tiene una segunda puesta en escena, en la cual se implementa un personaje y tiene un cambio el elenco, para más detalles lee NARUTO ~Espectáculo en vivo~ 2016
Naruto un joven rubio de 12 años tiene la meta de ser Hokage, el líder de Konoha, para ello deberá enfrentar situaciones difíciles, pero no lo hará solo, contara con sus amigos.
Sin embargo, un mal asecha a la aldea y logra arrebatarle a su mejor amigo.
Teatro AIIA 2.5 Tokyo
Ficha técnica del DVD
El DVD de Naruto salió a la venta el miércoles 26 de agosto del 2015.
Edición Premium limitada: ¥ 8.000 (impuestos incluidos)
Edición Animeplex limitada: ¥ 8,500 (impuestos no incluidos)
Distribuidor autorizado: Ltd. Aniplex
Contiene 2 discos.
El primero es el principal (la obra), el segundo es material extra (tras bambalinas, etc).
 Puedes adquirir el DVD desde aquí:
Aniplex Tasu
HMV en línea 
Para más información vistita el sitio oficial.
(Ten en cuenta que está en japonés)
Como se mencionó más arriba esta obra se presentó en Japón y en otros países del continente asiático, en todas las presentaciones el elenco fue el siguiente:
Kaoudai Matsuoka es Naruto Uzumaki
うずまきナルト : 松岡広大
Ryuji Sato es Sasuke Uchiha
うちはサスケ : 佐藤流司
Yui Ito es Sakura Haruno
春野サクラ : 伊藤優衣
Kenta Suga es Gaara
我愛羅 : 須賀健太
Yuki Kimisawa es Kakashi Hatake
はたけカカシ : 君沢ユウキ
Kazuhiro Imagawa es El Tercer Hokage
三代目火影 : 平川和宏
Hidekazu Ichinose es Iruka Umino
うみのイルカ : 市瀬秀和
Tatsunari Kimura es Kabuto Yakushi
薬師カブト : 木村達成
Asahi Uchida es Zabuza Momochi
桃地再不斬 : 内田朝陽
Miho Imamura es Haku
白 : 今村美歩
Anju Inami es Ino Yamanaka
山中いの : 伊波杏樹
Tsubasa Hattori es Shikamaru Nara
奈良シカマル : 服部 翼
Ryo Kato es Chouji Akimichi
秋道チョウジ : 加藤 諒
Yuta Iiyama es Kiba Inuzuka
犬塚キバ : 飯山裕太
Shinichiro Ueda es Shino Aburame
油女シノ : 植田慎一郎
Saki Takahashi es Hinata Hyuga
日向ヒナタ : 高橋紗妃
Yoshiaki Umegaki es Jiraiya
自来也 : 梅垣義明
Yumi Hiro es Orochimaru
大蛇丸 : 悠未ひろ
Hiraku Kuramoto
Jin Aoki
Yuma Tonoshiro
Rio Takahashi
Saya Chinen
Hikaru Hirayama
Yuta Masamune
Vídeo Cast
Basado en la obra de: Masashi Kishimoto (Publicado en Shueshia Jump Comics).
Escritor y dirigido: Akiko Kodama.
Música: Toshio Masuda.
Arte: Hisako Masuda / Koyo Akiyama.
Vestuario: Rie Nishihara.
Acro Coreografía: Kazutaka Yoshino (Triangle Connection).
Coreografía: Shigeki Yamada.
Iluminación: Shigeo Saito (Diseño de escenografía).
Sonido: Satoshi Nakajima (Cam Stock).
Vídeo: Hiroki Arakawa (Stack Pictures).
Combate Escénico: Naoki Kurihara.
Cabello / Maquillaje: Hiroaki Miyauchi (M's Factory)
Coreografía Mímica: Naoki Imamuro (Naoki Immuro Mime Company)
Director de Escena: Hori Yoshiyuki (DDR)
Asistente de dirección: Noriko (Falta el apellido)
Asistente musical / Piano / Composición: Rio Kohyama.
Aún falta traducir los demás miembros del personal.
Ficha técnica del subtitulo
Duración: 2:25:20
Traducción y tiempos: FanSub Recharge
Estilos: FanSub Recharge
Efectos y karaoke: FanSub Recharge
N0. Canciones: 1
Título: Hikari Oikakete
Estado de la canción: Traducida
Correcciones: FanSub Recharge
Estado del subtítulo: En proceso de corrección
Notas Del Subtitulo
El subtítulo cuenta con leves modificaciones e inclusive frases inventadas por el siguiente motivo. Si se traduce palabra por palabra la oración no tiene sentido alguno (a solo ser que sean frases con vocabulario simple), por lo tanto se observa el acontecimiento y se organiza una frase que se adhiera a ello.
Cada uno de los personajes cuenta con su propio estilo (es decir color de texto distinto), esto para que no se pierda frase alguna cuando dos o más personajes hablen a la vez.
También contiene un estilo vario color, mismo que presentara los colores de los personajes que armonicen.
El nombre de "Chouji" se romanizo con la "u" por influencia del doblaje latino, ya que el doblaje de España lo dejan con romanización simple "Choji".
Los honoríficos “kun”, “san”, “chan”, “sama”, no aparecen debido a no tener un significado. “Sensei” es el único honorifico que permanece como tal.
En todo caso si se les da un significado serán los siguientes (todo  dependiendo del contexto y la relación de los personajes).
Chan = Prácticamente seria como un diminutivo, o bien indica un gran afecto hacia alguien, usualmente se usa para dirigirse a los niños y a las chicas.
San = Puede traducirse como Señor, Señora o Señorita, también puede indicar cierto grado de respeto.
Kun = Generalmente solo se usa para referirse a los hombres, aunque también puede usarse para referirse a las mujeres, indica respeto y en algunas ocasiones puede indicar que dos personas tienen poca comunicación.
Sama = Es una gran muestra de respeto, suele traducirse como Señor (como un patrón), Lord o Lady (si se usa  para referirse a una mujer).
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leenaevilin · 5 years
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[Announcement] 劇団番町ボーイズ☆ 第13回本公演「俺の白飯を超えてゆけ!2020」(gekidan banchou boys dai 13 kai honkouen ~ oru no shiromeshi wo koeteyuke! 2020)
the show will be running from May 2nd, 2020 to May 6th, 2020 (Tokyo) @ 中目黒キンケロ・シアター (Nakameguro Kinkero Theatre)
Doumoto Shouhei Chiwata Yuuhei Sunahara Kensuke Nishihara Kenta Tsubokura Kosei Miyauchi Iori Funaki Takeru Kikuchi Shuuji (※ video appearance only)
homepage twitter natalie
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sambart93 · 6 years
2018.08.23-24 Saraba, Gold Mountain [Review]
I was super excited for this stage because Bancho are consistently churning out great plays, and I've been so impressed every time I've been (and what I’ve seen on DVD), which is actually only twice including this one (see my Amakuhanaize 3 review here and also ALL their event reports can be found here), SO I couldn't wait and see what this one was all about!
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Official Website here Official Twitter here Online Website here Press Coverage 1, 2
Futaba Kaname as Katou Sunhara Kensuke as Masuda Nishihara Kenta as Taisho Chiwata Yuhei as Matsumoto Kikuchi Shuji as Okamoto Domoto Shohei as Shacho / Factory Boss Oosumi Yuuta as Okada
Higawari (Daily-Change) Guests: Oribe Yoshinari (8/22 and 8/25) Futaba Yuu (8/23) Yasui Kazuma (8/24) Momiki Yoshito (8/26)
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NON-SPOILER REVIEW Overall: As expected, I was NOT disappointed! They made a GOLD stage once again! This one was far more funny than anything I've seen of theirs yet! There was a LOT of room for adlibbing and improv. as well as scripted comedy and all of it landed so well! It was so well timed, so enjoyable. The boys were enjoying it JUST as much as the audience! And what made it even better is that the audience (primarily girls) were DOWN for loud laughter. Usually at 2.5 stages and such, with a predominantly female audience, the audience tends to just giggle, just laugh oh-so femininely and politely. But at this one, I was not the only one bursting out into gigantic laughter. Everyone felt comfortable enough and everyone was tickled enough that they could not hold it in and everyone was laughing so loudly and so hard, and that made the experience even more amazing! I am super thankful that everyone in the room unspokenly agreed and felt comfortable with proper, actually laughing. This stage is absolutely hilarious! I watched this twice and both time I was clutching my stomach because it HURT from laughing so much! I got SUCH a good workout from this show! It's absolutely hilarious. The story is so simple that it's easy to follow and thanks to all the boys' personalities we could get different types of adlibbing and different types of comedy. They all brought their A-game and they were all hilarious - AND charming(!) at the same time! Of course, comedy aside, the story is simple yet charming and great. The characters are very well done, as usual great acting from them all! I enjoyed every aspect of this stage! It was pretty unique too. It had a very realistic theme but they were able to change it into something ridiculous, enjoyable and funny. I give kudos to all the boys! Especially the Higawari cast! Some of them only had like one or two rehearsals before their performance days came and each one of them had their own style and both times (I had Futuba Yu and Yasui Kazuma) they brought great energy to the show and they were such a nice and little addition to the stage! I think even the main cast didn't really know what to expect from their higawari characters xD I went in with high expectations and they gave me what I wanted AND more. They topped it! Once again! Seriously, go watch a god damn Bancho stage (I shamelessly link you to this DL here)! They are amazing! Rating: 9/10 - only loses a mark because it was just a tad short (it’s just under 90s minutes.) I wanted more!
Going into this stage I had some pre-thoughts: 
It's Bancho! It's Domoto! I'm excited! Domoto said it was going to be European inspired so I’m expecting something LIKE D-Boys' Garantido where it's just their everyday working life, and maybe something comes to disrupt the peace. (<<< which, turns out, I WAS right about!). And because it's Bancho, we're obviously going to have some of the actual members realities thrown in there as themes, and we're going to have some serious and possibly crying moments, but also lots of comedy and higawaris and pure stupidity! I am excited!!
Turns out... I was pretty god damn accurate about it xD
A manager (Kaname) and his new employee (Sunahara) go out for drinks one night, but when they get the bill, they soon learn that Japan, along with the rest of the worldwide, is suffering from Inflation, and something that once cost 3000yen (about 30USD or 25GBP), now costs 30,000,000yen (300,000USD or 250,0000GBP). So until they pay the entirety of their bill, the owner (Nishihara) will not let them leave his bar. A table over with had another boss (Kikuchi) and employee (Yuhei) who were fully aware and prepared for such a bill and belittle Kaname and Sunahara for their stupidity. But they too couldn’t predict that over the course of the night, the Inflation would get worse and they TOO would be forced to stay til they paid in full. So the entire story takes place at this Outside Food/Drink Stall and a few colourful characters make their way to the bar too. And hilarity and ridiculousness ensues.
Of course, in true Bancho Boys style it goes from funny to absolutely ridiculous in 0.1 seconds. So let’s break it down! I’ll do the main things and stuff that happened in both performances that I saw; and then I’ll go into what was different.
☆ I love when Sunahara and Kaname are told about the bill that they react in the most manzai (comedian-duets in Japan) way ever and pretend to collapse to the floor. And even after NishiKen tells them 3 times that he's not lying and that the bill really comes to 30,000,000 yen, they still proceeded to fall down comedically xD I love how they also drag Kikuchi and Yuhei's character into joining them in the falling.
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☆  I love how part way through, they randomly reveal the back left side of the stage which is a giant, magnified phone screen and it projected the currency and the news about inflation on it. NishiKen's reaction to the reveal of this prop is hilarious. It's funny just purely because they acknowledge it so normally! xD
☆ There's a part of the play where Sunahara gets really angry, and he does his EH?! which we all immediately recognised and was reminiscent of a skit (this one) and we all died laughing. It was even more hilarious by the fact that his reaction was aimed towards Yuhei. It was perfectly pitch and the perfect timing during both shows I saw!
☆ I really loved the buddy action between and the character development for Yuhei and Shuji's characters! They start as very normal, serious Japanese businessmen who are looking down on the foolish Kaname and Sunahara who were too dumb to see the world news going crazy about Inflation. But as the stage progresses, you can slowly seeing their normalness cracking. There are some gold moments where Kikuchi uses Chiwata almost like a body guard or shield sometimes (both physically and metaphorically)  from other people. Shinji would use Yuhei as a shield whenever people came over to pummel them. One good example of this is towards the end when they're all starting to argue and fight with one another and Kikuchi says something that pisses off Yuuta and Kikuchi throws Yuhei in the way so Yuuta pushes and corners Yuhei into a corner and has a go at him, while Yuhei is just shriveling up in complete and pure fear; and at that time he had such a squeemy face. It was great slowly seeing their true colours coming out; and seeing just how fucked they were just like everyone else.
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☆ At certain point of the play, everyone in the scene would freeze while one point was on in the center. Here, Kaname would step into it and give a narration of the story and it's events. He was the protagonist and the narrator. But there was one moment towards the end of the show where Kaname was doing this narration and Yuta starts moving, eyes the spotlight and Kaname really weirdly, before finally coming over like ‘who the fuck you talking to?!’. So obviously Kaname freaks out and resumes back into the story but Yuta is still staring out into the audience completely puzzled, and obviously we were all cracking up laughing as he tries to figure out WHO Kaname was narrating to xD
☆ SPEAKING of Yuta! Yuta is just the king when it comes to ridiculous comedy!! His character is completely stupid anyway; he's a rich, mafia(?) guy who is just too stupid for his own good. He gets incredibly angry because one of them accidentally scratches his car, so naturally he wants someone to pay (a ridiculous amount) for it, but he very easily gets wrapped up in their talk of Inflation and how they'll survive and then Yuta decides he too won't leave until someone pays for his car, but then he something simple catches his eye and he starts fighting the others for it. He is absolutely pompous! He had some many funny moments and had everyone in hysterics (including himself) and he was just amazing in it!
☆ The story is set in Osaka so naturally the script and their accents were in Kansai-Ben. Hearing them use Kansai Ben was GREAT!! I enjoyed hearing it so much!! Quite a few of them are from the Kansai area (NishiKen and Kaname. Although Sunahara is from Kyoto, he said the Osaka dialect is different to his Kyoto one so NishiKen had to help him xD) so it would've been easy for them!
☆ Kaname plays a superior or boss at his company. He's the narrator of the play, taking moments out to talk directly to the audience and to narrate the story at times. He's oblivious and he can't quite understand what is going on around him. But he is good hearted and tries. Also he's married --- a point that all the cast on stage get shocked about even though he has a ring on xD
☆ Sunahara plays Kaname's kouhai/younger coworker. As he's younger, he's full of energy! I remember him and Kaname had a great comedy duo going on, they worked very well together and their chemistry was great!
☆ NishiKen is the owner of the outdoor bar/food stall where the four businessmen end up stuck because their bills are too expensive. In true NishiKen style he is tsukkomi-ing like hell, has perfect comedic timing and is the perfect balance of going from a pissed/angry owner to insulting others to being scared for him life. His acting was great and he had some many great moment!! The comedy TIMING of this boy never ceases to amaze me!
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☆ Kikuchi had the perfect balance of being stoic and acting as if he's from a higher class when he realises Kaname and Sunahara knew nothing about the Inflation, but as the stage progresses, he's able to slowly show cracks in his character until the story becomes absolutely ridiculous and he's just as ridiculous as everyone else xD
☆ Yuhei is Kikuchi's younger coworker and he is kind hearted but he definitely gets thrown into situations he doesn't want to be in. He's sort of weak and kind of a wimp; he definitely freaks in all the scary and tough situations with the most hilarious, squeemish looks on his face.
☆ Domoto plays the owner of a factory; he's your typical factory man who, after he finished work just wants a good beer and some quiet time to himself. Even though he seems dumb, he quickly proves he's just as many parts clever as he is stupid. He is clever enough to figure out a system to get around the Inflation without having to worry about money, but he fights over silly things such as not wanting to share food. It was a different role that we've seen from Domoto so far and I think he did a great job! His body language in his characters is definitely his strong point. From his body language alone he FELT like a factory owner (I don't really know how to explain this but you catch my drift right?), and when he was scared he was able to make himself look very small and timid etc. He did a great job -- course he did! I'm bias as hell! xD
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☆ Yuta definitely stole the show in this one. He plays a rich, mafia (I assume) guy who is very hot-headed and pretty stupid, which causes him to start fights with everyone on stage even if it's a miss understanding. Yuta SHINES when it comes to comedy. He is both intentionally and unintentionally funny. He's great with scripted comedy, adlibbing/improvised comedy and he is just naturally amusing to watch. He did amazing in this if you ask me! He was, for me at least, the star of this show, even though he isn't in it for the first half at all!
☆ The Higawari Cast's character was.... odd. I think he was supposed to be the friend of Yuhei/Kikuchi but he is, what's the best word to describe him as, eccentric. At least from what Kazuma and YuuKun did; their character was ridiculous and completely over the top. In true Kazuma style, the character was dramatic and ridiculous. I absolutely loved that during Kazuma's performance, he started reciting who scenes and lines from Death Note and put on this huge act; the audience seemed to get the references straight away which was great so we could all die laughing together. I think the guys on stage too were at a loss as to how to react. In true YuuKun style, he was very funny, ridiculous, and a little stupid. I was so happy that when he first came on stage, he immediately went to Kaname and the two of them looked at each other very puzzled and said 'have I seen you somewhere before? You look familiar.' the audience ADORED this moment for very obvious reasons! <<< if you didn't know Futaba Kaname and Futaba Yuu are twins.
I really, really hope they've learned from past plays and have filmed ALL the higawaris from the boys because I'd really want to see the other performances too!
Now back to some key moments and comedy that I loved! Although this may be very Yuta heavy xD
☆ There is a scene where Domoto, Sunahara, Kikuchi and Yuhei fight over the money that is left on NishiKen's shop counter. This is another scene where everyone slows down, and NishiKen tries to get between them to break up the fight but then they start attacking NishiKen instead (more on this below because it was different every show). In this fight, I’m pretty sure Domoto ended up on the floor in defeat and he stayed there for a long time xD
☆ Another scene is when Yuta is obsessed with this Family Pack of sweets/snacks -- it is actually what gets thrown into Yuta's car, causing him to get angry and to join their madness -- so he fights Domoto for it. They start fighting for it, so there is a scene where they are pulling the family pack away from each other and neither of them will give up. They do it in slow motion so everytime one of them has the upperhand, they did these funny faces, which of course Yuta's were better and were very, very hilarious!
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☆ Towards the climax of the story, Yuta gets stabbed accidentally. His reaction is GOLD. He reacts so slowly reacts to it and then yells very loudly 'ITAI!!! / OUCH!!!!!' and then proceeds to mope around the stage, 'this really hurts! It's hurts!! Argh!!!' and he was so comical.
I am NOT doing ANY of this comedy justice. It's hilarious, okay! Just trust me xD
☆ Then right at the end, Yuta loses it and just takes his gun out and shoots everyone! again, we get a slow-mo scene so everyone in the audience is laughing. Also, the way they fall to the floor is very funny. I specifically remember YuuKun's death because he gets shot and, similar to Yuta, his reaction is very late and delayed so he get's shot.... ARGH! And then he proceeded to do this flying wing action as he fell to the floor. It was hysterical!
☆ Another scene I remember is right at the beginning (backtracking a little I apologise. But y'know my reviews are always all over the place xD) when NishiKen explains how much their bill is and why it costs so much, NishiKen lists off the food they had and Kaname is like 'that is not what we had!', and he grabs the yakitori stick/skewer and goes to points at what they ate but he doesn't remember so he asks Sunahara and he slowly labels off types of yakitori (illustration example here) but every show he said something different so Kaname had to quickly get on board and remember what he said, but I remember at the first show he was like 'what? Does that even exist?!' clearly it was a yakitori that's not usually on the menu, or Sunahara made it up completely xD
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☆ I love when Yuta first comes into the scene and he sits down next to Domoto at the counter, but Domoto is just full of fear and is slowly trying to turn away from him while Yuta is talking.
☆ The final moment I remember is when Sunahara slaps Yuhei. It was so unexpected and the timing is perfect and just made everyone laugh out loud.
I went to this show twice and there was a LOT of adlib and improvisations, and as you know, one of the characters was a different actor everyday or every performance, and of course each actor has their own sense of humour and comedy style which they brought to the stage. So here are some differences between the two show I saw.
First Show - Thursday 23rd November Night Show
☆ During the scene where Nishiken is being lifted up by Yuhei and Suna were holding Nishi in med-air for ages, but then they finally put him down. Nishi was holding onto them for dear life xD
☆ YuuKun's performance was, as I already mentioned above, GOLD! He had people screaming with laughter. Our stomachs were all hurting from the amount of comedy he threw at us. He was so good! Also, as mentioned, they did the whole 'brothers meeting' and when YuuKun came on Kaname was like ‘hang on... ain’t I seen you somewhere before?!’ these boys know what we want to see!
☆ Yuta completely broke character and was pissing himself laughing when YuuKun came on stage. Yuta tried so hard to keep it together and it keep looking mean, but he had to turn away from the audience, and you could tell he was dying inside of laughter. That's just HOW FUNNY YuuKun is okay! His comedy, even when he speaks normally is GOLD. He is so, so unbelievably funny!
☆ I really have to reiterate how funny YuuKun was doing that flying winged movement when he died. It was like something inspired from a RedBull advert xD
☆ Towards the end of the show, Nishi's character gets really pissed off at the ridiculousness of everything and just wants everyone to stop so he took his shirt off in anger. The audience died naturally. And then sometime after that scene, he just starts flexing his chest/breast muscles which killed the audience even more.
☆ NishiKen is another who is so naturally funny and his timing is great! There was a point where Kaname was talking really seriously about the situation but NishiKen slipped out a really quick but insulting comment causing the entire audience to die of laughter while poor Kaname tried to continue on without cracking up himself.
☆ During the curtain call, YuuKun got to speak and they all commented that he had only had one rehearsal for the show (because he was so busy with Saiyuuki at the time, review here), and they were all so impressed he was able to do such a great performance regardless of that. I figure he probably practise when he had time at home because he lives with his brother so they could've easily done their scenes together in their free time at home.
☆ Sunahara also spoke at the curtain call this night and commented on how even though he's from Kyoto, in the Kanto region, the boys like NishiKen had to help him with the Osaka Kansai accent and dialect because he felt it was different to how Kyoto people speak.
☆ There is a scene where Domoto acts out and gets angry, seriously there are so many ridiculous fights and out-spurts in this show xD and at this show, he ended up really kicking NishiKen who took it like a champ. I think Domoto surprised himself at how well he could do it but NishiKen kept in character and was like 'wtf you doing?!' xD
☆ There were two curtain calls / rounds of applause and when they went off both times, Kaname always took something off stage with him. At this show he took some of the money with him as he walked off.
Second Show - Friday 24th November Night Show
☆ The highlight of this performance was definitely: Yuta forgetting his lines completely. It was during his character was this center monologue scene and he just forgot completely. Yuta forgot then tried to start over (the audience and himself was already cracking up at this point), and Domoto just blurted out 'oh don’t start ALL over!’ which cracked Yuta up even more but he got himself together and when he finally did his moment from start to finish, he got a huge applause from the audience, to which Domoto (in character and according to the script) responded, ‘I don’t get it (= I don't understand what you just said)’, and Yuta (completely out of character) replied ‘I don’t get it either’ and we all lost it again xD Yuta was so OVER it at that moment. Because this stage is suppose to be ridiculous and funny and comedic, it was totally acceptable and okay for Yuta to mess up as much as he did. He's a great guy, he's funny, we all love him, this stage was a comedy; we all accepted his massive mess up and we all joyed in on the fun of it!
☆ For Kazuma's higawari he was essentially himself -- I feel he only ever plays himself if I'm being honest -- and was being overdramatic and ridiculous. Which IS enjoyable and fun! But what made his character amazing was the fact that his moments were completely full of Death Note lines and scenes xD his characters main introduction had him reciting Ryuk lines and then at the climax of the stage he started doing the lines and actions from the final Light vs Near scene in Death Note. It was clear that most of the audience got the reference (BBs audience are pretty young. I'd say like late high school to my age, mid-20s) and loved Death Note too by the fact everyone was laughing at him. Even the boys on stage were like 'who you acting with? Who you talking to?' and either had puzzled or amused expressions on their faces xD
☆ Instead of NishiKen doing the chest flex today, we had Kazuma singing his lines rather than saying them (like a normal person!) and once Kazuma had finished NishiKen's PERFECT comedic timing kicked on and he said 'your arms are so skinny!' xD
☆ Speaking of NishiKen, he wasn't lifted up this time when they were fighting over the money. Instead, Yuhei took off his shoe and shoved it in his face but because it was a scene where we go from slow-motion to everyone freezing and Kaname going into narrator mode, NishiKen had to stay there with the boot in his face and his face didn't not look impressed. It must've been stinky~~~ xD
☆ When Kazuma first appears on stage, Yuhei tries to talk to him but Kazuma immediately said to him 'speak in a lower voice' and everyone died of laughter. So Yuhei said his line again IN a lower tone xD There was another point during the stage also where he asks him to lower his voice xD
☆ Also Kazuma squealing his line out just barely because it was a long line and he was running out of breath, killed everyone too. Especially when Yuhei immediately responded with 'even mine doesn't go that high' xD
☆ The curtain call had Kazuma and Kikuchi do a small speech. Unfortunately I do not remember what they said.
☆ And finally, Kaname took a drink after the first curtain call/applause, and then at the second one took two big wads of money xD
After the second show, I got Chekis with Domoto and for once I had something to say and a question ALL set up for once! So here's a quick summary of that:
Me: Yoroshiku onegaishimasu Domoto: Yoroshiku onegaishimasu Me: let's do a peace pose! Domoto: Okay! *pose for cheki/polaroid* Me: Thanks for the good work! Domoto: Thank you! Me: Are you sleeping okay now? (He mentioned recently that he was having trouble sleeping) Domoto: Oh yeah! I'm okay now, thanks! *takes cheki and says goodbye
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This was heavily overdue and my memory is not serving me the best but it is done now! Turns out I have ANOTHER Bancho Stage left to review and upload -- which is absolutely ridiculous, I really shouldn’t be this far behind but... oh well!
0 notes
leenaevilin · 6 years
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[Update] 劇団番町ボーイズ☆×10神ACTORコラボ公演 舞台「クローズZERO」(gekidan banchou boys☆ 10kami actor collabo kouen butai crows zero)
the show will be running from May 23rd, 2019 to May 26th, 2019 (Fukuoka) @ パピヨン24 ガスホール (Papillon 24 Gas Hall) June 1st, 2019 and June 2nd, 2019 (Osaka) @ ABCホール (ABC Hall) June 14th, 2019 to June 16th, 2019 (Tokyo) @ 草月ホール (Sogetsu Hal)
Matsumoto Taishi as Takiya Genji  (滝谷源治) Doumoto Shouhei as Serizawa Tamao (芹沢多摩雄) Sakata Ryuuichirou as Izaki Shun (伊崎瞬) Mitsutake Shinnousuke as Makise Takashi (牧瀬隆史) Magoshi Takumi as Tatsukawa Tokio (辰川時生) Sunahara Kensuke as Tokaji Yuuji (戸梶勇次) Kooshiroo as Tamura Chuuta (田村忠太) Futaba Yuu as Mikami Manabu (三上学) Futaba Kaname as Mikami Takeshi (三上豪) Kikuchi Shuuji as Tsutsumoto Shouji (筒本将治) Hamana Issei as Bandou Hideto (阪東秀人) Yamada Kento as Senda Naoki (千田ナオキ) Nakashima Yuuki as Yamazaki Tatsuya (山崎タツヤ) Shimura Sadao as Kirishima Hiromi (桐島ヒロミ) [Fukuoka] Tanaka Riku as Kirishima Hiromi (桐島ヒロミ) [Osaka] Yasui Kazuma as Kirishima Hiromi (桐島ヒロミ) [Tokyo] Kihara Rui as Honjou Toshiaki (本城俊明) Oribe Yoshinari as Sugihara Makoto (杉原誠) Matsushima Yuunosuke as Hayashida Megumi (林田恵) Nishihara Kenta as Tamura Yasu (田村保) Yashiro Takuya as Manaka Tooru (真中トオル) Izaki Hisato as Yazaki Jouji (矢崎丈治) Itou Daiki as Katagiri Ken (片桐拳)
natalie sumabo
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gdwessel · 3 years
Wrestling Satsuma no Kuni Night 1 - 4/28/2021; Government Extends Large Event Attendance Cap Until End of June; CMLL + Ring of Honor Sever Ties, Does This Affect NJPW At All?
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The first night of Wrestling Satsuma no Kuni has taken place, and you can see it now on NJPWWorld. Two title matches took place today.
Wrestling Satsuma no Kuni - 4/28/2021, Kagoshima Nishihara Shokai Arena (NJPWWorld)
Yota Tsuji & Yuya Uemura d. Tiger Mask IV & Gabriel Kidd (Tsuji > Kidd, Boston Crab, 8:48)
Tama Tonga, Tanga Loa & Jado [Bullet Club] d. Taichi, Zack Sabre Jr. & DOUKI [SZKG] (Tonga > Sabre, DQ, 7:53)
Hiroshi Tanahashi, Ryusuke Taguchi & Master Wato D. Yujiro Takahashi, Taiji Ishimori & Gedo [Bullet Club] (Tanahashi > Gedo, Texas Cloverleaf, 9:35)
Will Ospreay, Great O-Khan, Aaron Henare & Jeff Cobb [United Empire] d. Shingo Takagi, Tetsuya Naito, SANADA & BUSHI [Los Ingobernables] (Cobb > BUSHI, Tour Of The Islands, 12:15)
Provisional KOPW2021 Creation Of Darkness Blindfold Match: Toru Yano [CHAOS] © d. EVIL [Bullet Club] (Schoolboy, 14:58) - Yano remains Provisional KOPW2021 Champion
IWGP Juniorheavyweight Tag Team Championship: SHO & YOH [CHAOS] © d. El Desperado & Yoshinobu Kanemaru [SZKG] (SHO > Kanemaru, Strong X, 27:10) - Roppongi 3K succeed their 1st defense
Roppongi 3K retain their tag belts (notably, with SHO getting the pin), as prelude to Despy v. YOH at Wrestling Dontaku on 5/4. Toru Yano retains the Provisional KOPW2021 trophy, and repainted it back to its gold color. Taichi whacked GOD with a ladder for the DQ finish to that match. NJPW Global's Twitter hyped the opening match with "Young Lions & Tiger, oh my!", which, OK, that's cute. It was announced yesterday that the government will be extending its cap on large event attendance at either 5000 persons OR 50% of capacity through the end of June. Wrestle Grand Slam in Tokyo Dome on 5/29/2021 will obviously be affected by this, making this the second consecutive Tokyo Dome event from NJPW to have this cap in place (the first being WK15 in January, obvs). MMA promotion RIZIN also have a Tokyo Dome show booked for 6/13/2021 that would also fall under this restriction. It turns out, also, that the May sumo basho at Tokyo Ryogoku Kokugikan will indeed have no fans, at least for the first three days, 5/9-5/11/2021, which would put it right to the tail end of the current state of emergency. As I keep saying, this could be extended.
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Also announced yesterday, two of NJPW's current working partners have undergone a conscious uncoupling between themselves. CMLL said late in the day that they are separating from their working agreement with Ring of Honor in a statement. Ring of Honor have yet to make any sort of public statement of their own about it, which leads one to suspect that this was a one-way split. The genesis of this is most likely the formation of a new promotion in Mexico, Federacion Wrestling, that has the support and participation of Rush and Dragon Lee, who were infamously fired from CMLL back in 2019, and have been signed to ROH ever since. Other ROH, and possibly CMLL, talents are booked to be at Federacion's inaugural event this coming June, so this is quite likely what caused the split. I am not going to go into too much detail about this, as lucha isn't entirely my wheelhouse; you can check out friend of the show TheCubsFan at luchablog.com for more detailed and knowledgeable analysis. What I do know, is that NJPW and CMLL went to great lengths not too long ago to ensure everyone (but mostly CMLL wrestlers, if we're honest) that their partnership is still very much viable, although there is Not Much happening between the two right now. I also know that there has been constant chattering that NJPW would end its association with ROH any day now, going all the way back to G1 Supercard in April 2019 (which seems like a decade ago now). Nevertheless, NJPW and ROH continue to work with one another, despite also being in partnerships now with both All Elite Wrestling and Impact Wrestling (who also have working relationships with AAA, the main competitor to CMLL). If we're honest, however, those haven't been much cop in the pandemic era either -- ROH talents continue to work NJPW Strong, at least for now, Juice Robinson & David Finlay are Impact World Tag Team Champions, KENTA appeared on a couple of episodes of AEW Dynamite, and everyone involved gets to say "Bullet Club" on TV now. That's... about it for now. We maybe have a Jon Moxley v. Yuji Nagata IWGP US title match coming up. Nothing earthshattering has taken place with this "forbidden door" deal as yet other than the initial shock of KENTA on Dynamite. Long story short, at this stage, either NJPW will quit working with ROH despite all assurances otherwise, NJPW will quit working with CMLL despite all assurances otherwise, or NJPW will do nothing and keep working with everybody involved. One of those. Tomorrow's show is Night 2 of Wrestling Satsuma no Kuni, which will be streamed live. No title matches on this one, however the main event does feature the return to action of Kota Ibushi, in his first match since losing the IWGP World Heavyweight title that he worked so hard to create at Sakura Genesis.
- 4/29/2021, Kagoshima Nishihara Shokai Arena (NJPWWorld)
Yota Tsuji & Yuya Uemura v. SANADA & BUSHI [Los Ingobernables]
YOH [CHAOS], SHO [CHAOS] & Tiger Mask IV v. El Desperado, Yoshinobu Kanemaru & Minoru Suzuki [SZKG]
Taichi, Zack Sabre Jr. & DOUKI [SZKG] v. Tama Tonga, Tanga Loa & Jado [Bullet Club]
Toru Yano [CHAOS], Hiroyoshi Tenzan, Ryusuke Taguchi & Master Wato v. EVIL, Yujiro Takahashi, Taiji Ishimori & Dick Togo [Bullet Club]
Shingo Takagi & Tetsuya Naito [Los Ingobernables] v. Will Ospreay & Great O-Khan [United Empire]
Kota Ibushi & Hiroshi Tanahashi v. Jeff Cobb & Aaron Henare [United Empire]
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gdwessel · 4 years
Upcoming NJPW Events - 3/25/2021
This is the most up to date list of upcoming New Japan Pro Wrestling events I can provide, with full cards announced where possible. (NJPWWorld) means the event will be shown live on NJPWWorld. All cards subject to change.
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Road to Sakura Genesis 2021 - 3/28/2021, Gunma G Messe
Ryusuke Taguchi, Yota Tsuji, Yuya Uemura & Gabriel Kidd v. Tetsuya Naito, SANADA, Shingo Takagi & BUSHI [Los Ingobernables]
SHO [CHAOS], Tiger Mask IV & Master Wato v. El Desperado, Yoshinobu Kanemaru & DOUKI [SZKG]
Kazuchika Okada, Toru Yano, Hirooki Goto, Tomohiro Ishii & YOSHI-HASHI [CHAOS] v. EVIL, KENTA, Bad Luck Fale, Yujiro Takahashi & Taiji Ishimori [Bullet Club]
Hiroshi Tanahashi, Hiroyoshi Tenzan & Yuji Nagata v. Jay White, Gedo & Jado [Bullet Club]
Kota Ibushi, Satoshi Kojima & Tomoaki Honma v. Will Ospreay, Jeff Cobb & Great O-Khan [United Empire]
- 3/29/2021, Tokyo Korakuen Hall (NJPWWorld)
Master Wato, Yota Tsuji, Yuya Uemura & Gabriel Kidd v. Tetsuya Naito, SANADA, Shingo Takagi & BUSHI [Los Ingobernables]
SHO [CHAOS], Tiger Mask IV & Ryusuke Taguchi v. El Desperado, Yoshinobu Kanemaru & DOUKI [SZKG]
Kazuchika Okada, Toru Yano, Hirooki Goto, Tomohiro Ishii & YOSHI-HASHI [CHAOS] v. EVIL, KENTA, Bad Luck Fale, Yujiro Takahashi & Taiji Ishimori [Bullet Club]
Hiroshi Tanahashi, Hiroyoshi Tenzan & Satoshi Kojima v. Jay White, Gedo & Jado [Bullet Club]
Kota Ibushi, Yuji Nagata & Tomoaki Honma v. Will Ospreay, Jeff Cobb & Great O-Khan [United Empire]
- 3/30/2021, Tokyo Korakuen Hall (NJPWWorld)
Tiger Mask IV, Yota Tsuji, Yuya Uemura & Gabriel Kidd v. Tetsuya Naito, SANADA, Shingo Takagi & BUSHI [Los Ingobernables]
SHO [CHAOS], Ryusuke Taguchi & Master Wato v. El Desperado, Yoshinobu Kanemaru & DOUKI [SZKG]
Kazuchika Okada, Toru Yano, Hirooki Goto, Tomohiro Ishii & YOSHI-HASHI [CHAOS] v. EVIL, KENTA, Bad Luck Fale, Yujiro Takahashi & Taiji Ishimori [Bullet Club]
Hiroshi Tanahashi, Yuji Nagata & Tomoaki Honma v. Jay White, Gedo & Jado [Bullet Club]
Kota Ibushi, Hiroyoshi Tenzan & Satoshi Kojima v. Will Ospreay, Jeff Cobb & Great O-Khan [United Empire]
Sakura Genesis 2021 - 4/4/2021, Tokyo Ryogoku Kokugikan (NJPWWorld)
Taichi, Zack Sabre Jr. & DOUKI [SZKG] v. Tama Tonga, Tanga Loa & Jado [Bullet Club]
Kazuchika Okada, Toru Yano, Hirooki Goto, Tomohiro Ishii & YOSHI-HASHI [CHAOS] v. EVIL, KENTA, Yujiro Takahashi, Taiji Ishimori & Dick Togo [Bullet Club]
Tetsuya Naito, SANADA & Shingo Takagi [Los Ingobernables] v. Great O-Khan, Jeff Cobb & X [United Empire]
Hiroshi Tanahashi & Satoshi Kojima v. Jay White & Bad Luck Fale [Bullet Club]
IWGP Juniorheavyweight Tag Team Championship: El Desperado & Yoshinobu Kanemaru [SZKG] (c) v. SHO & YOH [CHAOS]
IWGP World Heavyweight Championship: Kota Ibushi (c) v. Will Ospreay [United Empire] (c)
Road to Wrestling Dontaku 2021 - 4/10/2021, Kanagawa Yokohama Budokan - 4/11/2021, Shizuoka Act City Hamamatsu - 4/13/2021, Tokyo Korakuen Hall - 4/15/2021, Tokyo Korakuen Hall - 4/18/2021, Tokyo Korakuen Hall - 4/19/2021, Tokyo Korakuen Hall - 4/20/2021, Tokyo Korakuen Hall - 4/22/2021, Osaka EDION Arena Subarena - 4/23/2021, Kochi Prefectural Gymnasium - 4/24/2021, Kagawa Takamatsu City General Gymnasium #1 - 4/26/2021, Hiroshima Sun Plaza Hall - 4/30/2021, Kumamoto Grand Messe - 5/1/2021, Oita Beppu B-Con Plaza
Wrestling Satsuma no Kuni - 4/28/2021, Kagoshima Nishihara Shokai Arena - 4/29/2021, Kagoshima Nishihara Shokai Arena
Wrestling Dontaku 2021 - 5/3/2021, Fukuoka Convention Center - 5/4/2021, Fukuoka Convention Center
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Road to Wrestle Grand Slam - 5/8/2021, Tokyo Korakuen Hall - 5/10/2021, Tokyo Korakuen Hall - 5/11/2021, Tokyo Korakuen Hall - 5/22/2021, Aichi Nagoya Congress Center Event Hall - 5/24/2021, Tokyo Korakuen Hall - 5/25/2021, Tokyo Korakuen Hall - 5/26/2021, Tokyo Korakuen Hall
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Wrestle Grand Slam in Yokohama Stadium - 5/15/2021, Kanagawa Yokohama Stadium
Wrestle Grand Slam in Tokyo Dome - 5/29/2021, Tokyo Dome
Road to Dominion - 6/1/2021, Tokyo Korakuen Hall - 6/2/2021, Tokyo Korakuen Hall - 6/4/2021, Tokyo Ota Ward Gymnasium
Dominion 6.6 in Osaka-jo Hall - 6/6/2021, Osaka Osaka-jo Hall
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gdwessel · 4 years
Upcoming NJPW Events - 3/3/2021
This is the most up to date list of upcoming New Japan Pro Wrestling events I can provide, with full cards announced where possible. (NJPWWorld) means the event will be shown live on NJPWWorld. All cards subject to change.
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NJPW 49th Anniversary Show - March 4, 2021, Tokyo Nippon Budokan (NJPWWorld)
Hirooki Goto [CHAOS], Tomoaki Honma, Gabriel Kidd & Master Wato v. Taichi, Minoru Suzuki, Zack Sabre Jr. & DOUKI [SZKG]
Hiroshi Tanahashi, Juice Robinson, David Finlay Jr., Toa Henare & Ryusuke Taguchi v. EVIL, KENTA, Chase Owens, Jay White & Taiji Ishimori [Bullet Club]
Kazuchika Okada, Tomohiro Ishii & SHO [CHAOS] v. SHingo Takagi, SANADA & BUSHI [Los Ingobernables]
New Japan Cup 2021 1st Round: Satoshi Kojima v. Jeff Cobb [United Empire]
New Japan Cup 2021 1st Round: Tetsuya Naito [Los Ingobernables] v. Great O-Khan [United Empire]
IWGP Heavyweight & IWGP Intercontinental Championships: Kota Ibushi (c)(c) v. El Desperado [SZKG]
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New Japan Cup 2021 - 3/5/2021, Tokyo Korakuen Hall (NJPWWorld)
Tomoaki Honma, Gabriel Kidd & Yuya Uemura v. Minoru Suzuki, Zack Sabre Jr. & DOUKI [SZKG]
Hiroshi Tanahashi, YOSHI-HASHI [CHAOS], David Finlay Jr. & Tiger Mask IV v. EVIL, Yujiro Takahashi, Chase Owens & Taiji Ishimori [Bullet Club]
Hiroyoshi Tenzan, Satoshi Kojima & Master Wato v. Will Ospreay, Jeff Cobb & Great O-Khan [United Empire]
New Japan Cup 2021 1st Round: Toru Yano [CHAOS] v. Bad Luck Fale [Bullet Club]
New Japan Cup 2021 1st Round: Hirooki Goto [CHAOS] v. Taichi [SZKG]
- 3/6/2021, Tokyo Ota Ward Gymnasium (NJPWWorld)
Toa Henare, David Finlay Jr. & Yuya Uemura v. Jay White, Chase Owens & Taiji Ishimori [Bullet Club]
Tetsuya Naito, SANADA & BUSHI [Los Ingobernables] v. Great O-Khan, Will Ospreay & Jeff Cobb [United Empire]
New Japan Cup 2021 1st Round: Tomoaki Honma v. Minoru Suzuki [SZKG]
New Japan Cup 2021 1st Round: Juice Robinson v. KENTA [Bullet Club]
New Japan Cup 2021 1st Round: Kazuchika Okada [CHAOS] v. Shingo Takagi [Los Ingobernables]
- 3/7/2021, Yamanashi Aimesse (NJPWWorld)
Yota Tsuji v. Yuya Uemura
Satoshi Kojima & Tomoaki Honma v. Jeff Cobb & Great O-Khan [United Empire]
Hiroshi Tanahashi, Toa Henare, Juice Robinson & Ryusuke Taguchi v. EVIL, Jay White, KENTA & Dick Togo [Bullet Club]
Kazuchika Okada, Tomohiro Ishii, Hirooki Goto & SHO [CHAOS] v. Shingo Takagi, SANADA, Tetsuya Naito & BUSHI [Los Ingobernables]
New Japan Cup 2021 1st Round: Gabriel Kidd v. Zack Sabre Jr. [SZKG]
New Japan Cup 2021 1st Round: Hiroyoshi Tenzan v. Will Ospreay [United Empire]
- 3/9/2021, Okayama ZIP Arena (NJPWWorld)
Toru Yano [CHAOS], YOSHI-HASHI [CHAOS] & Yuya Uemura v. Bad Luck Fale, Yujiro Takahashi & EVIL [Bullet Club]
Satoshi Kojima, Tomoaki Honma & Gabriel Kidd v. Jeff Cobb, Will Ospreay & Great O-Khan [United Empire]
Hiroshi Tanahashi, Juice Robinson, David Finlay Jr. & Toa Henare v. Jay White, KENTA, Chase Owens & Gedo [Bullet Club]
Kazuchika Okada, Hirooki Goto & SHO [CHAOS] v. Shingo Takago, Tetsuya Naito & BUSHI [Los Ingobernables]
New Japan Cup 2021 1st Round: Yuji Nagata v. Yota Tsuji
New Japan Cup 2021 1st Round: Tomohiro Ishii [CHAOS] v. SANADA [Los Ingobernables]
- 3/10/2021, Kyoto Sandan-ike Park Gymnasium (NJPWWorld)
Hiroshi Tanahashi, Toru Yano [CHAOS], Juice Robinson & Yuya Uemura v. EVIL, Bad Luck Fale, KENTA & Dick Togo [Bullet Club]
Satoshi Kojima, Yuji Nagata & Tomoaki Honma v. Jeff Cobb, Will Ospreay & Great O-Khan [United Empire]
Kazuchika Okada, Tomohiro Ishii, Hirooki Goto & SHO [CHAOS] v. Shingo Takagi, SANADA, Tetsuya Naito & BUSHI [Los Ingobernables]
New Japan Cup 2021 1st Round: David Finlay Jr. v. Chase Owens [Bullet Club]
New Japan Cup 2021 1st Round: YOSHI-HASHI [CHAOS] v. Yujiro Takahashi [Bullet Club]
New Japan Cup 2021 1st Round: Toa Henare v. Jay White [Bullet Club]
- 3/11/2021, Ehime Item (NJPWworld)
New Japan Cup 2021 2nd Round: TBD
New Japan Cup 2021 2nd Round: TBD
More TBA
- 3/13/2021, Aichi Prefectural Gymnasium (NJPWWorld)
New Japan Cup 2021 2nd Round: TBD
New Japan Cup 2021 2nd Round: TBD
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- 3/14/2021, Hyogo Baycom Gymnasium (NJPWWorld)
New Japan Cup 2021 2nd Round: TBD
New Japan Cup 2021 2nd Round: TBD
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- 3/15/2021, Tokyo Korakuen Hall (NJPWWorld)
New Japan Cup 2021 2nd Round: TBD
New Japan Cup 2021 2nd Round: TBD
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- 3/16/2021, Tokyo Korakuen Hall (NJPWWorld)
New Japan Cup 2021 Quarterfinal: TBD
New Japan Cup 2021 Quarterfinal: TBD
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- 3/18/2021, Shizuoka Twin Messe (NJPWWorld)
New Japan Cup 2021 Quarterfinal: TBD
New Japan Cup 2021 Quarterfinal: TBD
More TBA
- 3/20/2021, Sendai Xebio Arena (NJPWWorld)
New Japan Cup 2021 Semifinal: TBD
New Japan Cup 2021 Semifinal: TBD
More TBA
- 3/21/2021, Sendai Xebio Arena (NJPWWorld)
New Japan Cup 2021 Final: TBD
More TBA
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Road to Sakura Genesis 2021 - 3/28/2021, Gunma G Messe - 3/29/2021, Tokyo Korakuen Hall - 3/30/2021, Tokyo Korakuen Hall - 4/1/2021, Fukushima Big Palette
Sakura Genesis 2021 - 4/4/2021, Tokyo Ryogoku Kokugikan
Road to Wrestling Dontaku 2021 - 4/10/2021, Kanagawa Yokohama Budokan - 4/11/2021, Shizuoka Act City Hamamatsu - 4/13/2021, Tokyo Korakuen Hall - 4/15/2021, Tokyo Korakuen Hall - 4/18/2021, Tokyo Korakuen Hall - 4/19/2021, Tokyo Korakuen Hall - 4/20/2021, Tokyo Korakuen Hall - 4/22/2021, Osaka EDION Arena Subarena - 4/23/2021, Kochi Prefectural Gymnasium - 4/24/2021, Kagawa Takamatsu City General Gymnasium #1 - 4/26/2021, Hiroshima Sun Plaza Hall - 4/30/2021, Kumamoto Grand Messe - 5/1/2021, Oita Beppu B-Con Plaza
Wrestling Satsuma no Kuni - 4/28/2021, Kagoshima Nishihara Shokai Arena - 4/29/2021, Kagoshima Nishihara Shokai Arena
Wrestling Dontaku 2021 - 5/3/2021, Fukuoka Convention Center - 5/4/2021, Fukuoka Convention Center
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leenaevilin · 7 years
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[Announcement] 劇団番町ボーイズ☆第10回本公演「舞台『クローズZERO』」(gekidan banchou boys☆dai 10 kai honkouen ~ butai crows zero) DVD announced
the DVD will probably be available sometime next year ☆ ☆ ☆
Matsumoto Taishi as Takiya Genji (滝谷源治) Domoto Shouhei as Serizawa Tamao (芹沢多摩雄) Sakata Ryuuichirou as Izaki Shun (伊崎瞬) Mitsutake Shinnousuke as Makise Takashi (牧瀬隆史) Fujioka Nobuaki as Tatsukawa Tokio (辰川時生) Futaba Yuu as Tokaji Yuuji (戸梶勇次) Koujirou as Tamura Chuuta (田村忠太) Chiwata Yuuhei as Mikami Manabu (三上学) Yasui Kazuma as Mikami Takeshi (三上豪) Kikuchi Shuuji as Tsutsumoto Shouji (筒本将治) Tsuruta Ryousuke as Bandou Hideto (阪東秀人) Sunahara Kensuke as Senda Naoki (千田ナオキ) Nishimura Ryoutarou as Yamazaki Tatsuya (山崎タツヤ) Momiki Yoshito as Kirishima Hiromi (桐島ヒロミ) Kihara Rui as Honjou Toshiaki (本城俊明) Oribe Yoshinari as Sugihara Makoto (杉原誠) Matsushima Yuunosuke as Hayashida Megumi (林田恵) Nishihara Kenta as Tamura Yasu (田村保) Tadano Asanobu as Kuroiwa Yoshinobu (黒岩義信) Izaki Hisato as Yazaki Jouji (矢崎丈治) Itou Daiki as Katagiri Ken (片桐拳) Moro Morooka as Takiya Hideo (滝谷英雄) 
homepage twitter natalie sumabo wikipedia 劇団番町ボーイズ☆ wiki
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