#nixcero ⤿ 【 out of character. 】
nixcero · 2 years
historical text: this pokemon is a manifestation of anger &&. hatred, originally created from a sword &&. the souls of those that fell to it in ancient times
grusha, holding up chien-pao under its front legs: stinky cat.
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nixcero · 2 years
mama mia
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nixcero · 2 years
hello sorry this week has been my last week of the semester so i am stressing lmao BUT. tosses grusha up into the air
like this post if you want him in your inbox ?? i'll send something from one of your reblogged memes, or one of mine if you haven't reblogged any <:)
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nixcero · 2 years
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this is a starter call. pls like this post if you want a starter of varying length. if you're a multi, please specify who it's for, thank you.
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nixcero · 2 years
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hi i am boo boo the fool, doo doo the clown, pee pee the fart etc. etc. &&. accidentally deleted my old starter call while i was cleaning things up. so i am Reposting it, like this post if u want a starter. if you liked the last post &&. still haven't gotten one you can like this again. ty smile emoji
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nixcero · 2 years
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hi. hello. i'm making this post today to offer you: My Friendship. but really this is a relationship / connections call — as long as we're mutuals ( aka i follow u &&. u follow me. that's it ) &&. u want to establish something between ur muse &&. my grusha, feel free to like this post. it can be literally any dynamic like romantic, platonic, w/e. liking this post basically also gives me permission to come bother the shit out of u so we can discuss which type of connection we wanna have. i will grasp u like a squeaky toy. i will bonk against ur leg like an affectionate cat. etcetera etcetera. also also u will get a spot on grusha's document ty smile. also don't ever feel shy like "what if this is weird" like. u want him to be ur big brother ? bet. u want to kiss him ? Great. u want him to be ur drinking buddy at 10pm on a tuesday night ? Sure. like literally anything Hand It To Me. all i ask for ocs is that u have a clear document abt said oc somewhere.
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nixcero · 2 years
knowing that grusha is so scared of losing his job as the current ice gym leader because it's all he has left really does fuck me up. like, he intentionally ramps up cold &&. condescending towards potential challengers to 10000000 because he's terrified that if he lets that facade up even once, someone's gonna come that's gonna wipe the floor with him &&. make everyone else think he's not good enough at what he does or that he's soft &&. incompetent. &&. like, as much as i adore geeta, he really is just Scared of her. not even just discomfort, full on terrified every time she walks in that she's going to take his job away &&. leave him with nothing. the rational side of him knows she wouldn't do that, she isn't cruel, but it's Really Hard to just keep acting normal bc he's become so used to putting up a front &&. a performance that he doesn't know what his "normal" is anymore.
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nixcero · 2 years
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also here are some headcanons i've thought up in my time eating turkey dinner. <:)
grusha looks like he's 18-20, &&. he knows he does. he's got an extensive skincare routine he's developed from when he was on television as a pro - athlete still. he would rather die than give up his routine. he is, in actuality, 27 years old.
he was a pro - athlete up until he was 23, when his accident happened. he completely lost control of both himself &&. his board &&. took a horrendous tumble down the mountainside. thankfully he survived, but his entire left side ( hip &&. leg ) was completely shattered, leaving him unable to stand / walk / etc. on his own anymore. four years later he's made great progress, but he still needs a cane if he's doing anything more than just gym battling. grusha has a set rest routine before each gym battle so he knows he'll be okay during said battles.
the previous ice gym leader was his mother, nieve. she willingly stepped down &&. handed the position to him after seeing how restless he became from losing the ability to compete. of course, grusha still had to go through the official motions to become certified as its gym leader for the challenge, but nieve always knew he was strong enough for the task.
he doesn't care what anyone perceives him as, really. male ? sure. female ? okay. genderless ????? whatever. while he uses he / him for himself, any pronouns work.
actually hates social media, "selfies," etc. of course, if a gym challenger wants a photo with him, he'll oblige to be kind, but otherwise ... no pictures without his consent, please, especially not since he lost his professional status.
grusha actually comes from a rather big family. he's the oldest of four children - two twin sisters currently 22 years old, &&. one brother currently at 17. grusha doesn't see eye to eye with his father, but he adores his siblings &&. mother.
he's kissable :)
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nixcero · 1 year
name: emmy pronouns: they / them only. none gender with left beef preference of communication: discord name of muse(s): grusha borisyuk, arven, &&. bianca rosenthal <:) experience/how long (months/years?): 9 years on tumblr lawl platforms you’ve used: um .... flipnote hatena, facebook, skype best experience: the fact that i have managed to convince people that i am not cringe and am a sane normal person fluff, angst, or smut: i am not good at smut. LMFAO i get so awkward writing it. i only write it with my boyfriend and super close friends plots or memes: plots !! when i have too much memeing i get kinda sad because i really like having stuff of substance w people long or short replies: either or best time to write: there is no best time. either i'm playing wow / ffxiv or something else and am distracted for the entire day or i am present. i do not control the autism/adhd are you like your muse(s): God i fucking hope not
tagged by: no one i stole it tagging: :peek:
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nixcero · 2 years
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he's never had that many calories in his life. he'll die. Thank you
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nixcero · 2 years
i think grusha should be allowed to beat people that annoy him with his cane. he will not hesitate because of age
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nixcero · 2 years
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this gets me every time fr
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nixcero · 2 years
new headcanon just dropped grusha, alongside a full hip replacement, has an entire prosthetic leg up to the top half of his thigh. he wears extra baggy / warm pants bc when his leg gets cold he starts to ache &&. that's when he needs his cane
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nixcero · 2 years
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i would fucking fist fight arceus itself for you im so in love it hurts
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nixcero · 2 years
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also mutuals hiii if u would like to come plot or just talk abt pokemon in general 👉👈 just tell me who u are when / if u add me
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nixcero · 2 years
grusha borisyuk
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