gg-astrology · 6 years
BTS: Virgo Boys - Namjoon’s Fashion Sense (Venus)
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Virgo Boys Masterlist: JK Series | NJ Series
*Note: there’s some minor details about Jimin’s fashion sense in this post, since they both have Scorpio Venus. But for the most part, this focuses more on Joon.
We can’t make a series about Namjoon without mentioning his love for fashion. Now let’s look a bit at why Namjoon is such a fashionophile.
So there’s this idea that Venus can tell you a lot about the way you dress right? Well it’s true, but it’s also part of the ASC on how you come across/self-identity as well. Since we don’t have his ASC we’re going to look at how his other placements might help inform his Venus and make up-- generally how Joon dresses. 
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(look at this dashing kid!) 
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Interest in Fashion | Sagittarius Moon - Scorpio Venus 
With Joon he’s always been pretty fashion forward. That part comes with being open to fashion choices and appreciating self-expressions from others as well.
If he cares about what he puts on himself (fashion as a self-expression), he cares about fashion and that’s the way he’s communicating about things. People who share the same interest/care as much as he does (Taehyung, Hoseok) is sort of like being the same stream of things. That’s opposed to people who cares about fashion only to be mainstream. It’s not the same line of communication that he’s coming from. Mostly because It’s not coming from a place that’s personal to them so there’s no intensity there. 
That inner intensity (Scorpio) is being a part of a intimate/community (Venus) and seeing yourself personalized and expressed in the same wavelengths as others (being able to relate to others socially). It’s about having a dialogue/conversation about how fashion is expressed individually. Caring about the personalized experience of someone else, being involved/life-changing experience by their own self-expression. That’s sharing/creating a community of self-expression and it involves the person putting a part of themselves (intimate and personal) into what they create/express about themselves, as well as opening themselves up for others to inquiring/asking about it. (Scorpio).  
It’s a culture, but also a very personal and image-creating has always been part of what he enjoys/feels like represents himself. To understand where that might stem from, compare it to his childhood photos. Although most kids usually wear what is already prepared for them. It’s like once he takes control of what he wants to put out/self-express it jump-start his self-discovery process, creating his own identity and establishing his independent as well. 
I know childhood photo is weird to talk about because we usually dress so differently when we begin picking things to define ourselves with. But it’s a good scenario to think about, because Sagittarius/Scorpio both talks about independence/establishing that independence somehow. It has to start somewhere (physically) in order for the person to go ‘oh shit, I found something that’s truly me’ y know. It’s that moment where you finally figure out the perfect jigsaw puzzle to your personality, that makes you feel whole and compete by yourself about yourself. Everything clicks, and you’re awed/amazed-- moved by the lining of fate for once in your life. 
But sometimes it comes with like, a rebellious nature as well. When his Moon and his Venus are in signs next to each other there’s that sense of transformation that comes with some sort of anarchy (Scorpio-Sagittarius). 
Fashion is a statement, a way to explore both his Sagittarius placement (being open-minded/’doesn’t mind trying a lot of different styles once’) and Scorpio placement (personalizing himself, accumulating material goods, establishing control externally for himself). So it makes sense that it would be a big part of what Namjoon is invested in. 
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Everybody thinks Taurus is the one that talks about material wealth but Scorpio does too. There’s this idea of control that Scorpio (and Taurus) talks about. Having a power/dominance over something in his life, such as his fashion choices gives that Scorpio something they can stabilize themselves in. Outwardly it’s like a stress-reliever for him, but it’s also serving to internally give him something to depend on.
Scorpios are all about personalization of themselves, combined that with Sagittarius Moon -- it lifts and fuels each other, pushing that narrative of ‘this is what I want, this is who I am’
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Material Excesses | Scorpio Venus 
Forget about Scorpio being dark and moody when you have a Sagittarius somewhere significant in your chart. Although Scorpio likes to express themselves covertly, Sagittarius is so loud and indicative of your fashion choice that it over-powers that covert Scorpio. Looking at your other placement, like Moon and ASC tells you a lot more about how you come across to others/your intensions behind your fashion. 
Scorpio in this case indicates a personalization of the self, a sense of control/stability and being selective of what he’s putting on his body. With Jimin it’s in his accessories; he personalizes what he puts on and does it in excess. Namjoon’s the same, but with him it’s the clothes. He personalizes his clothes/how it fits/wears on him and does it in excess as well.
In a way that’s a physical manifestation of Scorpio’s drive/power, when it’s being turned into excess of material wealth. Because they can tend to buy a lot of things to stabilize their external ‘appearance’ when/if their internal self feels like it’s in turmoil/transforming. (Seeking internal stability, able to transform/control their external self) 
Little cheat sheet for Taurus- Scorpio: 
Taurus- internal stability for exterior control. Desire to be in control of their environment, has internal stability (reluctant to move).
Scorpio - exterior stability for interior control. Desire to be in control of their internal stability, has exterior control. (dependable to other people/coldness)  
So in a way Scorpio are great at consistency, but consistency in terms of style/personalizing --being in control of what they put on the body. 
Everything has to have a meaning, or a significance. Whether it’s prestige (but meaningful ones like helping an organization, etc.) or a personal meaning. 
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“Black” | Scorpio Venus  
Jimin and Namjoon also tends to gravitate more towards darker colored clothes.  A stable in their closet this a strong black. 
Sometimes the black is in the little details, like sunglasses or `shoes. Socks, shorts, pants. Sometimes they gravitate towards louder colors (Namjoon definitely does) but there’s always a black in there somewhere that ties everything together to make a ‘complete’ ensemble in their fashion choices/stance. 
Even when they’re fully colourful outfits, the darker tone/theme is significant to creating dimension/perspective layers to their outfit/style. Like becoming base/background to highlight and balance an accessory piece/an outfit piece to pop even more. It serves a purpose, and that’s to balance and ground the brighter things. That’s part of why they look ‘put together’ or ‘intentional’  
It plays into Scorpio’s inner-power (driven into their fashion) having a ‘powerful presence’. Because that’s kind of the goal Scorpio Venus has. Jimin and Namjoon are two members who always seems the most ‘put-together’/adding a little effort to appear somehow immaculate. It’s giving that impression off to others, but it also brings a sense of inner-peace/calmness to them. Again, it’s to do with control. But the darkness/absoluteness of black also tends to hide anything they don’t want to ‘overthink’ about (Libra Mercury) and is a good ‘peace of mind’ stable to go to when lost. 
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“White” | Virgo Sun 
Also, Namjoon wears a lot of simple colours. With brighter cool tones, white is a good grounding colour. It’s either black or white with him, but the white is more to do with that Virgo popping in. 
There’s a simplicity to white, instead of styling with the black pieces, this is about simplifying with the white. There’s a simplistic nature to it-- anything that looks good simply is worn to balance/base everything else out. That means the white serves as part of the piece, not as a mid-ground or background colour for other pieces to ‘fit’ in.  It doesn’t act as like the void darkness brings, the significance of the white is to equal/evenly-weigh everything together. 
When you pair white with black, the white becomes the ‘colour’ that pops (lighter shade?) while the black sets the grounded-ness/stability/background for the white. 
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(Joon plays with silhouette/textures a lot. That’s part of his ‘consistency’)
Also, Namjoon definitely he follows some kind of trend (definitely) but he always finds comfort within himself to make things (trends) his own style (immortalize it, as a part/season of his life). That kind of consistency which is why his fashion choices always seems to be prominent part of him. 
Let’s say like, on the opposite end of the spectrum is Hobi. Who also cares alot about fashion. But he consistently shifts from style to style, and that inconsistency defines his personalized fashion style. Paradoxical but makes sense? Consistency is key to both of them. 
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Ending Notes | 
Mercury actually plays a part in fashion choices as well, cause you’re still making conscious decisions on what you like, what type you want, what your style is. 
Like the post-process of deciding who you are/defining your Venus individual style is made through Mercury. You can pick and choose what you like instinctively sometimes (Moon/Venus) but then when it comes to someone mentioning your style (’oh you like wearing these types of clothes’) you come to evaluate yourself through your Mercury. It’s basically your informed decisions, a conclusion and product of what your Venus/Moon has already picked out from you. 
Also to note: your ASC does play a huge part in how other people perceive you. So if you feel like they didn’t do a good job identifying you, it’s most likely because you’re defining your fashion choices differently in your own mercury here. 
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gg-astrology · 6 years
BTS: Namjoon’s Koya - Comfort Style (Mars) | Sleeping Cycle (Mercury/Venus)
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*Note: Not an analysis of his sleeping cycle (ya freaks) just the significance of sleep to him/how it’s a re-occurring subject when it comes to Namjoon. An appreciation for Koya/Namjoon’s creation of Koya. And a little bit on Jimin staying up super late into the night (and how it correlates to Namjoon as well)  
Virgo Boys Masterlist: JK Series | NJ Series
Not to make anyone cry but Namjoon having difficulties breathing when he sleeps (we knew he snore during debut -> until he got the surgery) and Koya’s detachable nose/body parts might be more correlated if you think harder about it 🙃 We’re NOT going to think about it since we’re NOT going to cry today! And also it’s probably just a coincidence pleaSE DONT CRY 
Anyways it’s super cute how Koya is such a relaxing color for Namjoon to sleep with. Can we talk about the color-scheme chosen for Koya for a second? I know during the behind-the-scenes/making of bt21 we didn’t get to focus so much on Namjoon’s creation of Koya (it was focused on the jokes/member dynamics) but the color blue (light/dark) seems to come up alot with Namjoon when he’s relaxing/being himself.
Whether it’s completely coincidental or not, it’s a good contrast from his ‘airport’/daytime fashion that focuses on Black, White and Khaki/Cargo pants. 
This contrast between Namjoon putting himself out there/expressing himself through fashion (Namjoon’s Fashion Sense Post) and Namjoon just relaxing/being himself is kind of distinctive. Nowadays, we see Namjoon just being himself more when he wears joggers, studio clothes/vlive at night where he’s decked out in comfy wear. Baggy/roomy clothes are good for him. Plus the gray/white seems to be much more prominent when he’s not ‘dressing up’ (Black - Scorpio Venus) 
Koya with it’s periwinkle colour and it’s main trait being ‘sleepy’/‘relaxing’ is almost like a manifestation of Namjoon’s comfort being given into a character, in order to gift/help others with this as well. 
It’s like a well-meaning gift, like saying ‘hey this is a personal part of myself. Some of the problems I deal with personally, with sleeping, and I want to give my well-wishes/solutions to you to help those out there who might suffer from this insomnia/thing as well’ It’s the best part of himself and a personal part of himself (like how he said he can’t act/let others direct his own narrative for him) being presented/given to others. That’s the core of BTS and what they’re trying to do (to an extent as well) -- and Namjoon is a manifestation of doing it in his action/motivation which is what makes it so comforting (whether he realizes this or not).
Honestly the blue colour-- I think it’s part of the inner-conscious. The manifestation of the water in his life. You don’t have to pick your favourite colours based on your element/what you feel like, but it’s interesting to see colours/favourite colours plays out as an expression of what the person isn’t expressing in their personality already. 
See Hoseok for example who’s just so airy (Aquarius) and his favourite colour is green (Taurus) -- he definitely shows the ‘groundedness’ Taurus has.  But you can think of Taurus as the plant + earth at the same time. Since he already expressing the ‘earth’ part of Taurus, the ‘green’ part is expressed through his clothing style/colour choice instead (muted colours sometimes).
Jungkook with his Leo Moon (yellow) and the abundance of black/white in his colour scheme (Virgo/Scorpio)
Jimin preferring dark blue/light blue (Scorpio/water) mixed with the air in his chart (Libra/Gemini) since he already wears quite a lot of blacks (Scorpio) the intermix/lighter side of Scorpio (water) might be mixing in with his air placements.
These are all just speculations, there’s not a lot to go on so please take this with a grain of salt. Honestly, I’ve looked a bit into colour astrology but unless it’s vedic the information is kind of limited (and I don’t have a degree in colour psychology either, so I’m really not coming from any professional authority-- I’m just speculating.) 
We’re also going to be talking about the abundance of Ryans on Namjoon’s bed as well.
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Cuddly Cancer Mars and the cluttering of Sagittarius Moon, even though he said (in the latest Hobi Vlive) that he throws the pillow out of the bed because it’s ‘clustering’ boy sure has the space/time to be surrounded by doll collections 24/7 of his life (from his bed to his studio) 
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Cancer Mars typically find comfort in people/domestic scenes, this doesn’t always have to mean their bed/personal space it can also mean their office/place they spend certain amount of time in-- alone. When they’re not being tactile with people they can find themselves customizing/intentionally designing their space to be some kind of ‘nest’ for themselves to function/work in. It’s not about moving rapidly through life and the impermanence of objects, it’s about making whether they go/reside in home. 
That’s why you can see Yoongi holding up in his room a lot of the time, but also you can see how Seokjin/Namjoon tends to collect figures/dolls (Mario figures/gaming device - Aries Moon | KAW figures + Ryan dolls ) as well. It gives a sense of comfort to them, and also just domesticate their spaces somewhat (adds familiarity to them).
Because Namjoon does have a Sagittarius Moon sometimes he can get to clutter/scatter the objects. Buys more than he needs or keeps relics in his spaces (how he customizes his desk) compared to say Seokjin who’s more about activities/fast paced-ness (Aries Moon) and that tends to focus more on devices/objects he can use that benefits him emotionally.
It’s also about the ~aesthetic~ with Namjoon, and that’s a combination of Libra and Virgo involved. Contrary to popular belief, Virgo can tend to be pretty house proud themselves. They like to show off in nondescript ways their personal possession/objects (see: Yoongi’s jersey and basketball figures, Jungkook’s speakers/gaming keyboards) It’s nothing too flashy/things to be acknowledged by others, they’re just proud of themselves like that (house-proud).    
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Oh and going back to sleeping cycles? In Saipan video where Namjoon said he ended up watching an entire series instead of one, that’s such a Scorpio Venus mood. It’s part of Libra Mercury too, usually to do with sleeping cycle/mind pursuit being too caught up on a lot of things (Jimin does tend to stay up late as well) and Scorpio enabling that obsessive factor making them possibly nocturnal (unintentionally) when something caught their mind’s attention.
Libra Mercury won’t stop until they feel like they understood something above the superficial level, if it’s something that personally interests them (like a topic/hobby they might have) it’s the same agitation when it comes to being bothered about a situation that is unjust/unfair to others, but in this case it’s just that drive/persistence that’s involved (cardinal). Their mind is constantly working, and Jimin especially with his Gemini Moon. It can be hard for him to fall asleep because he’s constantly stimulated/wanting that stimulation. 
With Namjoon it’s just a matter of distracting/exerting himself enough in his daily life that he’s drained (tired) enough to go to sleep (Sagittarius Moon). Although when they’re both caught up on something (Scorpio Venus- personal interests) they can be awfully persistent in getting to the end of it. Thus why sometimes, that might possibly eat into their daytime/night-time cycle as well.   
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gg-astrology · 6 years
BTS: Virgo Boys - Namjoon’s Thankfulness | Leadership (Sun | Moon | Mercury)
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Virgo Boys Masterlist: JK Series | NJ Series
I’ve talked about this on the Namjoon Inner Planet Natal reading but let’s look at how the humble Virgo Sun and benevolent Sagittarius Moon plays with the harmonious Libra Mercury. How he expresses himself, and their aspects together. 
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First of all, there’s sincerity. There’s not one single interview where Namjoon doesn’t focus on how thankful he is to the fan, and that’s a place that comes from the heart. 
It’s not just a social custom, there’s genuinity there. He jokes but he never jokes about people’s love/support/genuine affection for him because he knows that’s not something to joke about. (Sagittarius Moon-- loves to joke, but is stopped by this Virgo Sun and also just general self-awareness they both share).
Virgo natives take this quite seriously, especially in the Capricorn decan. Nothing comes easily to them, not their self-esteem, not their confidence. With any signs that’s supporting their chart (a flamboyant moon, a hyper-critical mercury) the inner need to show gratuity to others is immense. It will come through just from the influence of this Virgo Sun (no matter how laid-back/teasing they appear to be, this seriousness will come through in moments of genuinity/clarity when they need to make a speech/express themselves). 
You can never catch a Virgo Sun not being somewhat humbled, or discrediting other people’s influence on their lives. That’s part of their integrity as a person-- their morals/values-- because they credit their successes to the contribution of others in their ego/self-confidence as well (Mercury -- communication/physical build up of ‘self’ through support)
Their own livelihood and successes (inner sense of self- Sun) is attributed/contributed to serving/giving back to their support system. And that’s part of what makes Virgos so dedicated/appreciated in the public. Because they’re practically ingrained in that cycle of receiving, building and giving back (releasing) to others. Thus-- the insane amount of genuinity and dedication he gives to his fans/members/family/staff around him fuels his inner purpose/personal need as well (serving/giving back- Virgo).  
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  Is it his job to be sympathetic to the public? no not really, he has to be cordial and come across a certain way, but there’s nothing truly gaining from him (in his position) to respond back/put himself on the same level as his fan.
The most amazing is that Namjoon still does it in leaps and bounds anyways. With Namjoon, that connectivity to his fan is important to his inner wants/needs and core (luminaries - Sun | Moon). 
His presence in the fandom is important-- just as much as we are to him, he is a part of us as well. He wants to feel things from both sides (Sagittarius - learning/exploration) he doesn’t want his perspective to be restricted/stifled (by seeing things from one side only). 
He wants to be part of the movement, the action, the change that truly brings about the things their music is creating in the world. He benefits personally from these changes himself (as much as he leads them) and they serve a higher purpose to himself-- his person (Sun - inner conscious, Moon - conscious/subconscious). 
That’s what truly makes his messages/gratuity important to Namjoon -- it’s about collaboration, and not feeling isolated/separated from the public in the first place-- that makes everything impactful for everyone involved.  
Namjoon is an untraditional leader because he actively chooses himself over his duties sometimes. His genuinity and integrity come from self-benefit (Sun | Moon) even if it serves others at the same time. 
He can’t act cordial or become too complacent when he disagree with something, he can’t be bound to the system when the system is fucked. The changes they talk about, and the changes they want to bring-- are exactly the reason why they are in this team in the first place. To bring about said change, and benefit from it as well (as people, as individuals, as the public-- as well as the representative to these kind of thinking) they have to be part of the change, as well as using their position wisely to make about said changes.  
This opportunity-- the chance and influence they have over the media/public doesn’t come easily. They’re always constantly amazed and excited because they see themselves as part of the public. 
That’s the core part of BTS, it wasn’t seeing themselves as idols or trainees or stars. They’re first and foremost-- just part of the change/people benefiting from said change themselves. They have Ideas and Voices and Thoughts on the subject, just like everybody else. But this influence/opportunity is like an amplifier/speaker that is a delicacy, people just like them (part of the change/want said change) would die to get a hand on the amplifier/speaker. 
Thus why they handle it with great care, uses it sparingly, chooses what they want to do. They remain themselves throughout the entire fiasco that is their fame. That’s what they came from and that’s what they’ve decide they’re going to end up with-- just being part of the public again, the stability/core part of where their humbleness/integrity stems from.   
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There’s a clear perspective/understanding in the true core values of trying to get to know/connect to the fandom. A real care/bond that isn’t fed through a publicist or some mediator in-between the idol and the fans.
He knew about the purple ribbon project, he knew about the hardship (has mentioned) his fandom goes through. And he knew because he cared to ask and learn about people in a very genuine fashion. 
It’s that ability to truly be sympathetic (developing Sagittarius Moon), reach out to others and struggle through the strain of ‘safe keeping’ that blocks idols from fandom that truly makes Namjoon a great leader. 
It’s his genuinity (Virgo) plus his personal struggling to reach out to us (consistently). To make us feel connected and learn/integrate us into part of his live that’s absolutely mind-blowing from a public figure to the public. That calls for some bravery/courage (Sagittarius), as well as genuinity/strength of heart that Namjoon shows he cares for others in such a demonstrative (responsive - Moon) way. (Opening up to others, opening himself up to others - Sagittarius Moon)
That’s why he posts on twitter/fancafes, why he consistently reach out to us. The effort alone, is what makes it truly amazing to be in the presence of such a genuinely kind, humble and openly-accepting man. 
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He never discredits his fan, as much of a leader he is to his team he thinks of the fan as part of the team itself. 
An integral part of what makes BTS works. This kind of thinking/wave length is applied to how he treats his staff, their dancers, their teachers and those behind the scenes. 
Everything is linked/worked together in units to congregate and make one piece of a whole (symbiosis)
It’s all a part of a whole, the universe he builds for himself in order to recreate his own understanding of himself from it. It’s the relationship between people he feeds and feels (Sagittarius Moon) -- it fuels this sympathetic understanding of bonds he truly focuses in on. (Libra Mercury)
Namjoon is a person who thinks of himself as a rational/logically minded, and that’s completely correct. Libra Mercury fuels his mind into making informed, rational decision about things. But there’s also an added layer (sublayer) of reaction/atmospheric attributes he’s receptive too (custom-made/stylized) as well. 
Namjoon can’t respond without inputing his emotion into it, whether it be gratuity or embarrassment. 
He’s always adding a layer of himself into his responses. It’s part of what makes Libra Mercury imperfect, yet works perfectly with his Sagittarius Moon. It’s how we as the audience perceive his imperfection as perfect despite the frustration it might cause Namjoon himself (at the expense of him thinking it’s an embarrassed flaw -- Libra Mercury being hard on themselves.)  
Libra, instead of being completely objective like they aim to be, come across as human because of the Sagittarius Moon. It’s that drive (need- Moon) to respond back-- to give to learn to teach and to add (expansion/excessiveness in expression) that Namjoon can’t hold back on himself either. 
That’s what truly makes him relatable and genuine, or come across as such a distinctive leader of an influential group. Because he’s so expressive and is himself when he’s doing so (Moon - his desire/wants/subconscious is expressed outwardly through his verbal/mental Mercury-- in excess sometimes- Sagittarius)   
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Also check out this gif-set and notice how nurturing/caring he is (comfort is appreciative, general nervousness - Cancer Mars)  
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gg-astrology · 6 years
BTS: Virgo Boys - Namjoon’s Aegyo/Embarrassment (Mars)
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Virgo Boys Masterlist: JK Series | NJ Series
Which part of Namjoon Makes up his Cuteness?  
When brainstorming what about Namjoon that makes him so endearing, I couldn’t actually pick one. Maybe it’s his Virgo sun? Maybe it’s his Libra Mercury. They have their own individual charm, but combined together they make a wholly unique Namjoon who’s cute the way he is-- because of these traits (that he himself might not realize/find endearing).
It’s important to think of yourself this way as well. You’re a whole person, made up of all these small endearing traits yourself. There’s alot of emphasis on the bad traits of the sign for self-improvement, but we often forget to stop and appreciate the good stuff in ourselves as well. 
Your Leo Sun might make you feel some type of ways about your difficulties, but you have a unique cuteness that comes from this Leo. Your Libra Moon might contribute to some part of your personal hardship, but you’re so uniquely you that people are endeared by it.
Each and every signs in our placement eventually makes our very own personalized endearing personality. Even if you don’t think you are, or feel swamped by the bad traits about yourself. It’s always nice to get out of your own head a little and really think about how others sees you and appreciate you for who you are. (Because they do). You’re so uniquely you and there’s people out there who loves you for who you are -- regardless of your view about yourself sometimes. 
Everybody’s cute-- aegyo’s just a tool used to emphasize/feel confident in ourselves. It’s to celebrate being vulnerable AND soft, but also accepting a part of ourselves we don’t normally get to acknowledge. All the signs and placements in your charts have different endearing traits. It’s part of you that is just irresistible to someone else (think about that atleast!) 
With Namjoon -- every single placement he has makes up who he is as a whole. Each placement has their own endearing trait that people love about him, combine them all together to create a perfectly unique, ‘Namjoon-style’ cuteness that’s entirely him. It’s impossible to point out and consider which part of him that’s really endearing because they all are. Namjoon is a whole cutie (just like we all are!)
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I think I’ve touched on this briefly in his Inner planet natal reading, but the part that makes him endearingly awkward when shown an ounce of affection (receiving affection) is that Sagittarius Moon (embarrassment) and Cancer Mars (loves to receive nurture/care but is defensive about accepting/receiving it freely)
This makes up his reaction (Moon) when he receives love from other people/when he does aegyo (Mars).
When he does aegyo (action - Mars) it’s often a form of self-expression to him that he doesn’t necessarily have to feel connected to. Aegyo/acting cute as a concept is kind of -- showing vulnerabilities. That’s some inner-realm stuff, someone who’s comfortable showing vulnerabilities is usually indicative in their Moon and luminary (more so than our planets). The further the planet gets from our Sun the more it takes time to realize/become personal to us. Think of the solar system and the speed each planet travels, it’s just like that. Without effort on our own part (noticing these things/focusing on it) some people goes their entire life without even noticing their placements (that’s perfectly good too).
That’s why the further the planet gets from the Sun, the more drive/intent is needed to bring it into focus. It’s pre-meditated, and in the context of aegyo unless it’s aspecting a luminary/personal planet (like Sun-aspects/Moon-aspects) people can have difficulties manifesting/connecting to that vulnerability inside of themselves (their inner self-Sun/Moon) to an actual action they can take (Mercury/Venus/Mars), y know.
Mercury is a huge part of our self identity, because it helps us manifest/have consciousness about ourselves. Venus indicate what we love and shows us how we approach social relationship. Mars (as a planet) acts as a defense for us incase our vulnerabilities aren’t well received, and provide a drive for us that we don’t normally get to appreciate/truly realize. It’s more about actions we take that are pre-meditated, rather than our natural instinct to be vulnerable. 
Not saying Mars can’t be vulnerable, but it can feel uncomfortable doing things like that (if un-aspected) because it’s essentially our main defense base y know. When you have to settle an argument (after blowing up) when you have to pursue long term goal, when you need to get something done physically-- Mars isn’t about showing people cute-side, it’s about pre-empting a back up incase people don’t see you as cute.
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Cancer Mars
But the signs in Mars can be cute. Namjoon’s Cancer Mars is cute, because after all the defensive stuff and trying to see if the person is actually sincere with him or not-- he actually does like the affection it brings. Cancer are just naturally defensive (in Mars), so it can take a lot of time to open up and actually show it’s vulnerable side through action. 
Since Cancer’s ruler is the Moon, there’s already this pre-disposition to be seen (to some capacity) as cute some how. Like, even when they feel awkward expressing vulnerability/cute-ness, when they actually show (through action) their ‘cute-side’ you find yourself endeared by them. It’s like this natural inclination to be cute even when they don’t mean to be? Whining and pouting is just a Cancer Mars thing, and it’s not meant to be cute (sometimes) it just comes across as cute because it is.  
The reason he has this awkwardness when he does something cute is because Mars (as a planet) when it’s not driving forcefulness/defensiveness it feels kind of stiff about vulnerabilities y know. Think of it as having to go through Sun-Moon-Mercury-Venus just to get to Mars. Unless it’s aspected directly or share the same sign there’s always going to be a distance (think about the solar system). That’s why signs like Aries/Scorpio/Capricorn might have an easier time with Mars. They have that same distance nature to showing vulnerabilities (softer side or more aggressive side) that keeps Mars (as a planet) balanced. 
It also explains why Namjoon, Yoongi, Jin (Cancer Mars) when they’re vulnerable/feels embarrassed tend to hide their face/curl into themselves. Like a crab, hiding in it’s shell. It’s a physical representation of what they do inside of themselves as well (consciously or subconsciously). 
A part of their reaction is indicated by their Moon (despite having the same Mars) Yoongi physically feels the embarrassment (Virgo Moon - earth sign feels things through senses) Jin externalize it all outwards in outbursts (Aries Moon - externalize their reaction/get it off his chest) and Namjoon squeezes his eyes real tight trying not to see the stimuli (or if he feels like he can handle it --hype up the situation) 
Sagittarius Moon - can take more vulnerable stuff/embarrassment (than Aries Moon) but as a fire sign ‘shuts off’ the senses/stimuli -- ‘see no evil’/’ignorance is bliss’ kind of deal, but also a flair for dramatics--  just not loud like Jin is. 
With Jin’s Aries Moon, if you compare it to Taehyung to see the difference Mars makes. Taehyung’s gets bashful first and then if he’s really embarrassed he yells/externalizes it all aloud (Aries Moon). His pain tolerance (embarrassment tolerance) is usually higher than the Water-sign Mars. Since Water-sign Mars tend to be able to connect emotionally to the situation. And earth-signs keeps their grounded nature/stability in these instances.  
   Namjoon’s so awkwardly endearing with receiving compliments, and it goes back to Mars being about natural defense and proactiveness. When it’s at the receiving end of things (for it’s effort/assertiveness/physically) it doesn’t really know how to react. Sure it feels great, it feels like it’s effort paid off. But the accepting compliment part has more to do with his Moon and how it takes it. 
Since this section is mostly about Mars we’re going to leave the Moon alone for now. A huge indicator of Namjoon’s awkwardness/critical nature is also part of the Moon-Saturn aspect. It makes him harder on himself/preconceived to expecting hardship to be given back to him (with his actions, his interests, his thoughts, everything). He’s always expecting criticism about how he reacts (Moon) because of how traditional and restrictive Saturn is. It’s disciplinarian nature, he feels like he’s often doing things more excessively (Sagittarius Moon) so emotionally, he tries to expect that a strict telling-off from others as well. Whether it’s an actual authority, a person or just the world in general. He’s always defensive on main already because his emotions (Moon) are always being criticized by an unknown force at large (Saturn’s challenges/attitude). 
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   Wants to be nurtured/take care of others, but at the same time shy/awkward about it. 
Also a huge part of his aegyo is just how cute his Virgo is? Like that shy bashful nature but also just how they often find themselves so endeared by the people around them. They’re simple people, so the aegyo that they do are often simplistic as well (common ones/really mainstream ones). People call them basic bitches but its cute so there’s no problem there. 
Also Namjoon’s bouncy/child-like nature is very Sagittarius Moon of him. Sagittarius when it’s in a Moon placement tend to act more childish than how they are naturally. It’s just that natural charm about them, a youthfulness all fire-sign has. But with Sagittarius it’s more about not being able to control their happiness. When they’re happy they’re extremely expressive (Moon- facial expressions/eyes light up).  
They’re also naturally encouraging to be around. One of the most supportive/ openly expressive people with their hopeful, optimistic nature -- even if they are so hard on themselves.
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gg-astrology · 6 years
BTS: Namjoon’s endearing clumsiness (Moon/Mars/Venus)
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Virgo Boys Masterlist: JK Series | NJ Series
Starting off the Namjoon Series by touching on why he’s so forgetful and clumsy, which is one of Namjoon’s endearing trait but also his bane of existence! 
Let’s be clear that he is not clumsy when he’s performing/working, when he focuses/concentrates on something he’s totally fine with not breaking stuff. It’s when he’s distracted that’s concerning (to him) --he tends to cause himself injuries that way. 
So there’s three things to touch on. First: Why He’s Clumsy (Sagittarius Moon - Libra Mercury) his Physicality (Cancer Mars) and When He’s Not Clumsy (Scorpio Venus)
First of all, when he’s clumsy it’s probably because he’s distracted. Besides being a Sagittarius Moon, it’s also partially his Libra Mercury fault as well. They’re not very self-aware (despite the Virgo in their chart) when their mind is occupied (Mercury) they tend to react without thinking (Moon). Which can lend Namjoon to a faster reaction time (to freak out, since Sagittarius is a fire mutable) but he can also tend to act without thinking (Mercury-Mars aspect).
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  When you’re hungry you’re not thinking straight. 
‘Physicality’  | Cancer Mars 
It’s also a matter of him physically. Let’s look at Cancer Mars that talks about activity. Cancer Mars can find themselves pre-disposed to being a bit more defensive than others. Yoongi curling into himself (on chairs etc.), Seokjin being easily spooked (fire-fire luminary contributes to this as well). 
When they’re provoked by changes that requires defensive position they act accordingly (with their Moon usually). You can see it in how Seokjin immediately squares tf up (Aries Moon) Yoongi observe and bites back (Virgo Moon) and Namjoon fight or flight kicks in (that manito run episode where he’s ready to go to court about wrongfully accused for things he didn’t do)
Cancer being traditionally ruled by the Moon, draws power from it (the sign on it) when it’s in the Mars position (within this context). They look to the Moon for directions, and sometimes instantaneous reactions. 
They can find themselves a bit defensive and argumentative, but also (physically) those with fire in their moon can appear like they want to fight. 
What ‘wanting to fight’ mean isn’t like-- physically, it’s just a lot more about coming across as confrontational to others in a loud, flailing of limb (sometimes), semi-cutting or aggressive fashion. It’s an appearance of aggression without actually being aggressive. 
Taehyung also has a fire-moon, but his Mars is in Capricorn. He can tend to hold his position (stance/calmness) for a certain time before his Moon reacts (in serious situation/discussions). 
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The example above, Cancer Mars can find themselves either being largely unaware of their limbs (or spatial conditions) or are extremely aware of it. It’s about being self-contained, so useless things gets cut out. Like a crab’s shell, you can only fit so much inside the consciousness of your brain (even in your subconscious) -- with it being ruled by the Moon, their physicality (in Mars) probably has to do with being aware/unaware of their surrounding depending on what they can fit/contain inside their conscious/subconscious (whether they’re interested in it or not)
Why He’s Clumsy | Sagittarius Moon - Libra Mercury 
Namjoon forgetting several things because it’s of a certain color (black) breaking his glasses unwittingly (or this gif-set/general fumbling) has a lot more to do with his physicality (spatial unawareness) his mind being occupied (Libra Mercury) caused by his mind/emotions not really focusing on the details of things (Sagittarius Moon)
Sagittarius Moon are big thinkers, goes from projects to projects. The tiny things matter too, but not really the nitty-gritty details of it. They like to draw inspiration and line of thoughts from things, the on-going process of discovering something and then more from that initial reaction. That can lend itself to following a trail of thought on and on instead of stopping to observe or pause at a landmark. 
If it’s a trail in the woods, they’re the type of people who continues to walk and observe things even if they’re doing it at a leisurely pace. Compare it to some people (like a Virgo Moon - Yoongi) who likes to stop along the trail to observe/pick up a flower to examine. Who takes the time to learn what kind of tree is that in the area, or focuses on the ‘tiny details of things’ -- there’s a difference there in terms of their pace/things they sacrifice. 
Virgo here is sacrificing comfort of time, day light could end at any hour and they might not even get half way through the trail. Sagittarius might not know all the trees in the area/the pretty flower they saw in the ground but they’ve observed it, they’ve seen it. 
The impression is committed to memory, when they get the chance to learn more about it in details (maybe like, pointing out ‘oh that plant grows in the wood I’ve been too but I don’t know what it’s called, can you tell me more?’) they jump from thoughts to pursuing those thoughts (not in the immediate moment like Virgo does-- so tiny details like that).
Now with the Moon occupied with something the Mind facilitate that. Namjoon’s personal inspirations/emotions (Moon) drive his thoughts to focus and examine the topic even more (Libra Mercury). It’s sort of like Libra Mercury here (air) is providing incentive for the Sagittarius Moon to find thing that inspires them/ignite them (Libra -helpful, gracious, can compromise individuality for teamwork sometimes). Once the Sagittarius Moon is ignited (fire- inspired by something) the Libra Mercury keeps it growing/becomes the smoke to pursue those interests. 
Namjoon also has a good Moon-Mercury aspect so these two work well together. However, with Sagittarius Moon being the main core of what he’s interested in and Libra facilitating that can make him overlook a lot of things because he doesn’t have that-- small-picture kind of interest, if he’s not emotionally driven by it. 
Libra especially is just going along with what his Moon wants, guiding it slightly a long the way but not really taking much control (like 1/2 relationship is more of a 1/4 relationship instead) while Sagittarius is just letting itself roam free to make up that 3/4 of the relationship (like ‘ok?? are you sure?? I can take the lead if you want?’ and Libra is just ‘fine’ with it). You can kind of imagine what it’s like to not have any constructive criticism in the power-dynamic, it’s sort of a free-roam and they don’t face the challenges to grow because of that accommodating behaviour Libra has and the Sagittarius’s Moon natural flaw/lesson they still have to learn.  
So when Namjoon is pre-occupied with something, his mind is on another wavelength to his body. Combined that with Cancer Mar’s spatial awareness (outside of their little shell--They externalize/customize their external environment/support group so much to feel in control of themselves/create a ‘shell’ to be contained in) He doesn’t notice a lot of things that happened to him at that moment (Sagittarius Moon- Libra Mercury) and only does so later.
When He’s Not Clumsy | Scorpio Venus
This is a misleading title because Scorpio Venus does contribute to his clumsiness sometimes. It provides power to his strength, which is why sometimes he doesn’t really know how much force to use/overwhelms the object and ends up breaking it. 
Scorpio (depending on what you learn) has influences of Mars/Pluto. Scorpio natives have an abundance of power/driven to do pursue things that they want (passionately sometimes). 
Unlike Aries (who’s also ruled by Mars) their cardinal nature makes them forward (more extroverted/externalized) and explosive (in all directions). Scorpio’s power is driven inwards (internalized/investigative) and it’s fixed nature makes it focused/pointed (intensity/forcefully but in a semi-flexible manner -- like an amphibian)  
When Scorpio is in the Venus position, it’s power/intensity can be overwhelming to the individual. This isn’t a bad thing at all, but with so much of that power driven inward (internalized because it’s water polarity/being fixed) it tends to make the person a bit heavy-handed (or rather they’re abrupt with their motions)
It doesn’t just apply to Namjoon, Jimin shares the same Scorpio Venus. This small vid of Jimin patting Taehyung’s head in Saipan, you can see how abrupt the motion is. He kind of just springs into action, and that’s what Scorpio’s power feels like.
It’s not directly aggressive. When it’s driven inward, there’s an intent on focus. They want to control themselves, control their own  power/strength - to utilize it. This other gif of Jimin lifting Taehyung’s head during ISAC, also shows how Scorpio Venus/Mars can be used gently. When they have that control.
So when we talk about control and focus, when Namjoon utilize this Scorpio power (fueled into his work) there’s an intent there. He’s not always clumsy, not with his work. But since it’s tunnel-visioned (to bring focus to his work) he can become even clumsier to his external environment that way (in his studio probably). 
When he’s performing on stage, the focus is on the physicality of the space. It helps bring an awareness of his spatial condition (like, maybe a dangerous area on the stage, the equipment around so he doesn’t topple them over/hit himself during performance -- maybe not so much during dry run/rehearsals) Scorpio’s attention to details (at this point) heightens and support Cancer Mars’s vices. It balances it out, and he doesn’t make mistakes at least on stage during performances (not that we’re aware of).  
 The tenacity (intensity/attention to detail) that Scorpio brings when working towards his passions helps him not make mistakes on the job. In his personal life however, he can be as clumsy as he wants. 
You probably won’t see Namjoon fucking up in an interview because he’s conditioned to think of it as part of his job. Not his personal life. So when he’s paying attention (focusing/utilizing Venus on it - conditioned working ‘zone’) he’s good at paying attention to details.  
Namjoon is a capable leader because of this, when he goes over documents/pays attention to the details he’s focused. And that focused energy is what keeps him from not making mistakes/clumsiness. It would be another matter entirely if he was still clumsy/making mistakes whilst he’s paying attention (people are made differently, some people are good at details and some are better at working through the big picture). Namjoon’s focused on directing that Scorpio energy (drive/passion) towards things he love, self-expression --- not the everyday mundane part of things. 
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