#nmixxseol yoona fanfic
rd0265667 · 1 year
Sullyoon x Reader: I belong with you
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A/N: I swear this is not a sequel to Tingles, they're still happy there, also, req from a Swiftie I would assume
Permanent Taglist: @cwpiqwon@justme-idle
"Rei, it was just a joke, it's really not that serious...I was just teasing..." You tried in vain to talk into the phone, before hearing only the dial tone
Despair soon took over as you groaned, rolling your eyes at your girlfriends antics and turning your phone off in a huff. Why did things always have to be so serious with her? Turning to your window, you saw your neighbour Sullyoon scribbling something on a piece of paper, a form of contact the two of you had long shared.
You ok?
It was nice to know someone cared. With a small smile on your face, you sat on your bed, taking out a piece of paper and writing a response
Tired of Drama
You flashed the paper with a sad shrug, as Sullyoon wore a small smile on her face too
Sorry :(
Once again, you shrugged, You and Rei had been dating for ages now, but it never seemed two sided, something was always up. Shaking off the thoughts, you saw your phone light up, a text message from your coach about the game coming up on the next day. Not wanting to be distracted, you quickly closed your blinds, joining the video call with your team
An hour later, you stretched, back sore and head aching from the discussion. With your earbuds now off, you could now hear some music blasting from the house next door. Sullyoon's house. Interest piqued, you walked over, lightly shifting the blinds out of the way, laughing lightly as you saw Sullyoon jamming out to some music, dancing in her room, hair mic in hand as she moved about. This was a side of Sullyoon not many saw, even you. In school, Sullyoon was the quiet student, top of the rankings academically, but always out of the spotlight, by her own volition. So it was rare to see her Sullyoon so carefree, having fun. Regardless, it lifted your spirits to see Sullyoon having fun, and the fact that she was an excellent dancer didn't hurt either. The gravity of what you were doing finally hit you, feeling a little creepy(for real, why was this shown like a romantic thing in the MV, it's a little creepy isn't it), taking one last glance to admire Sullyoon's dancing before closing your blinds.
"Front Door. 9AM. I'll drop you off at school." Was all your girlfriend had sent to you after ignoring you the whole night. With a sigh, you quickly dressed up, grabbing a pair of worn out jeans together with a plain white shirt, walking to the bench in front of your house, seeing Sullyoon with her nose buried in a book.
"Hey Yoona!" You called out, her birth name revealed to you after one of your lengthy conversations from school once when Rei was out drinking with her buddies. "Hey." Was all Sullyoon said back, never one for many words. Unbeknownst to you, her blush and her heart vigorously thumping was not helping things. "Your hair's a mess Sullyoon, Jeez." You jokingly commented as you reached over to her, isolating a few rogue strands of hair, tucking it behind her hair. "Thanks." Sullyoon replied, turning her head to hide her blush "So how's the preparation for the big game?" Sullyoon asked, a smile on her face as she saw you light up, you beginning your long ramble as you talked about how important this game was to your team, all the while Sullyoon's eyes never left your face, her doe eyes seemingly turning to crescents as she looked at you, seemingly imagining her future with you. "Sorry about that, I got carried away, it's just easy to talk with you. I don't really get to do this with..." You sheepishly scratched your head, trailing off and hoping Sullyoon had missed what you had said, but you turned to see her concerned face "Is everything okay?" Concern laced on her voice as she patted you on the shoulder "Yeh, everything's fine, don't worry about it." Sullyoon wanted to believe you. She really did. But she couldn't help but notice how your smile dropped a little when Rei pulled up in front of the two of you in her car. "I'll see you at the game later Yoona." You said with an obviously forced smile, turning to see Rei glaring at Sullyoon. Though you were confused at what was going on, you entered the car, seeing Sullyoon timidly waving goodbye to you, but you were quickly pulled into a kiss by Rei. Not only was the timing weird, it wasn't what a kiss should feel like. You always thought these romantic kisses should have been light, gentle, a kiss that held all the love and care the other person had for you, but this wasn't it. Rei's kiss was rough, dispassionate, heartless even, a kiss to mark her territory more than express her love. After the kiss, Rei shoved you back on your seat, shooting Sullyoon one last dirty glance before driving off. "What was that?" You asked, still unsure on where you stood after the argument last night "Nothing, just don't like the sight of that girl." Rei groaned, rolling her eyes. "Yoona's a good person Rei, if you'd spend some time with her you'd see that." You tried to convince Rei, Sullyoon always had a way of making you cheer up after a tough day, in a way Rei never could, even if she bothered to help. "Ugh, whatever, y'know what, if you're just going to spend the whole ride fawning over her, just fuck off, I don't want to see your face." Rei said, pulling over as she shoved you "Rei, we're in the middle of a highway, can you ju-" "Out." She rolled her eyes once again, staring at you till you sighed, getting out of the car. She quickly drove off, not sparing you a second glance. Guess a walk to the school isn't too bad 
Once you finally got to the school, your shirt was drenched, legs slightly sore. Once you got into your locker room, you plopped onto your chair, trying to rest a little, before noticing your friend and Power Forward Hyejin walked to you, tossing you a box. "What's this?" You asked, peeking into the box to see some of your favourite snacks, a drink and a 4 leaf Clover. "Oh, some girl came to the locker room looking for you. You weren't here so she told me to hand it to you."  "Was it Rei?"  "No, it was that other girl that kinda looks similar. I think her name is Sullyoon?" Hyejin said, you nodded in acknowledgment as you dapped him up, before looking into the bag. "Of course it was her." Digging further into the bag, you found a small scrap of paper on the underside of the clover "All the best for the game later. You're gonna do great!" Smiling, you took the 4 leaf clover into your hand, holding it to your chest before looping the chain around the clover, setting it in your pocket, running out to the court. On the way to the court, you could see Rei with her cheerleader friends, warming up for the game, you tried to wave to her but once again, she didn't spare you a glance. Lost in the crowd, you could see Sullyoon too, sitting with the band, and she waved enthusiastically as she spotted you running out of the tunnel, an action you reciprocated, before pulling the clover out of your pocket, showing her that you had gotten the gift, before shooting her a heart with your hand. 
It was a tough fought game, that went back and forth and back and forth. The opponents blitzed your defence, overwhelming your team's defence, but the game was buoyed by you and Hyejin's one-two punch. After a long game, it all boiled down to the last possession, both teams all tied up with 5 seconds left, ball in your hand. As you made a drive to the basket, somewhat open thanks to a solid screen by Hyejin, you elevated for a shot, only to be fouled by the opposing center, sending you to the free throw line, two chances to ice the game.
Walking up to the free throw line, you took a deep breath, trying your best to drown the hecklers out, doing your free throw ritual before shooting the free throw. Clank. Your head sunk as your teammates came to you, high fiving you and reassuring you that you could make the next one. But the pressure was mounting, the crowd getting louder and louder. In the middle of the madness though, you could hear one voice through the noise. It was Sullyoon, her voice was not loud but it cut through the chatter, cheering you on. Closing your eye, you took a deep breath, before shooting the next free throw. Swish.
The next moments were surreal, the crowd bursting into either ecstasy or despair, your teammates and bench charging you as they celebrated, lifting you up and throwing you up in the air as you celebrated. Once the crowd had let you down, you ran to find Rei, hoping to celebrate the moment with her, only to find her with her tongue jammed down some random person's throat. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?" You yelled out, Rei turning around as she looked at you with disdain. "Oh please, you had to know you were just another body for me, run along now." She snidely commented, as you clenched your fist "Whatever Naoi." You grumbled, storming off. Unbeknownst to you, amidst the chaos of the celebration, someone had witnessed what had just gone on. And she was pissed.
Running to the empty locker room, you sat at the bench, an empty feeling overcoming you. You should have known that Rei was just using you, but she had seemed so sweet, so perfect, before it all went downhill. You should have known. Hearing footsteps, you looked up. "Hyejin, can I be alone for a little?" "It's me Y/N." Sullyoon's voice rang out from the door, as she took a seat beside you. "You saw what happened didn't you?" You asked, feeling your tears welling up at the betrayal you had just witnessed, Sullyoon wordlessly nodding. "I thought we could work." You muttered, before feeling Sullyoon's hands on your back, patting you in an attempt to calm down. "Do you want me to go and get you anything? Something to drink?" Sullyoon offered, before freezing up, feeling your head resting on her shoulder. "Could you stay here? Just for awhile?" You lightly whispered. Mustering all the courage she could, Sullyoon turned slightly to you, letting her body sink a little to allow your head to rest more comfortably, her hand lightly comforting your cheek as she felt your breath slow down
Months had passed since that day, news of your breakup with Rei spread like wildfire, though the exact circumstances were not disclosed, most thinking the two of you had just parted ways. In that month, you had slowly gotten closer to Sullyoon, though not sharing classes together, you'd spend time taking the bus home together, as well as continuing your little window chats. In these few months, you were enlightened. After feeling what you did for Sullyoon, you realised that what you had with Rei wasn't love, love was two sided, and though you doubted Sullyoon loved or even liked you, you somehow felt more love from her than you ever did from Rei. Today was a special day, prom. Dressing up for prom, you looked through the Window, seeing Sullyoon laying on her bed, reading through some textbooks as she turned to you, smiling as she waved. Grabbing a piece of paper, you scribbled
You going tonight?, a small hopeful smile on your face
no, studying Sullyoon had an apologetic face as she shrugged
"Wish you were going!" You wrote back, a sad smile on your face as Sullyoon giggled, seeing you turn and walk to the door.
Looking through her books and stacks of paper, Sullyoon found a note she had wrote ages ago, a feeling that she still had after all this time.
Prom was pretty lifeless for you. You had fun, yeah, talking to your teammates and their dates, but it all felt empty. You had always dreamt of being at prom with someone dear to you, and now that you were here, all alone, it all rang hollow on your own. As fate would have it though, you weren't doomed to spend the night alone. As if the world had suddenly gone silent, and the lights in the party hall dimmed, only one spotlight remained, your gaze turning to see Sullyoon, dressed in a beautiful white dress, walking through the floral arch. In that moment, nothing else seemed to matter, your eyes only stayed glued onto the angel who had just descended from heaven, walking towards you as the crowd parted away, all in awe at the new side of the girl who they had perceived as a one dimensional nerd. Your jaw dropped, but it soon morphed into a smile, the two of you sharing a smile as you walked towards her.  Suddenly though, you felt an arm grab your shoulder, Rei in her red dress walking to you as she clung to your shoulder, trying to talk about some nonsense, but none of that mattered, as you quickly brushed her off your arm, continuing your walk toward Sullyoon.
The two of you stood parallel to each other, smile never leaving your face, as Sullyoon took a piece of paper out of her pocket
I love you
Smiling at Sullyoon, you reached into your jacket pocket, pulling out a similar piece of paper
I love you
Both of you lightly giggled at your shared actions, and following Sullyoon's gaze to your lips, the two of you approached, sharing a gentle and beautiful kiss
And that's all she(or I guess I) wrote
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