#nnnhh h ive read good fics that made me prefer pining!oikawa but like. i think abt how oiks has more fangirls and iwa has to Suffer
gendice · 6 years
OKAY i know mutual pining is the best fucking shit but like, objectively, who would pine more: oikawa or iwaizumi 
#kai talks shit#haikyuu!!#iwaoi#no one on my side blog interacts with me so i have to ask it here :^(#nnnhh h ive read good fics that made me prefer pining!oikawa but like. i think abt how oiks has more fangirls and iwa has to Suffer#but then again its canon that the  guys (esp those on the volleyball team) all lowkey hero-worship iwaizumi to some extent#would oikawa get jealous abt that.   also the fact that he thinks that iwaizumi would only see his affections in a friendly bro kinda way#god iwaizumi is so fucking gay im laughing#but ok think abt pining iwaizumi  he's like. the a REALLY selfless person so he'd just. he'd put oikawa and their friendship before his own#feelings so its like. canon that if he were to crush on oikawa he'd keep it to himself bc he wants want he THINKS makes his#best friend happy#BUT pining oikawa????????????? CANONICALLY hes always felt inadequate so what if he feels like he's not good enough#for iwaizumi as a boyfriend. so he's like. held back by all his insecurities and he's suffering.#so he never makes the first move to ask and he's always just wistfully thinking about being iwa's boyfriend although he tells himself that#its not possible; that iwaizumi would never see him in that sort of way.#he's. afraid.    like he doesnt want to lose the only person he knows he can rely on for support always (this is hanamatsu erasure)  so he#stays quiet and loves iwaizumi from afar bc he doesnt want to ruin what they have just bc he loves iwaizumi (selfishly,he thinks)#((but he doesnt know iwaizumi loves him back))#?????????#it is 6am i am in pain (i have a stomachache) and i really should be spending my time better
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