zexainias-doodles · 11 months
Rocktober Day 29
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I love Nnoitra in this outfit 😍
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@quintoespada replied to your post “"If I picked him up and carried him, how much of...”:
“All of it.”
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​"You speak as if I can't pick you up and carry you at all. I'm offended, hurt even." Clearly she wasn't.
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hirako5hinji · 5 years
[ Continued from here ]
@quintoespada said: 
“What the–”
This was some sick joke, wasn’t it?
With his forefinger buried knuckle deep into the sand, his pesquisa sparking off the charts, Nnoitra had, by all intents and purposes, been about to confront a stranger, someone new he’d run into upon first stepping out of the garganta that’d zipped shut behind him– only to be confronted with Hirako Shinji himself, a source of spiritual pressure so steep he could only react with a rattled breath of (roused) surprise.
Not without, of course, having stumbled in over himself in front of him.
His recovery swift, he turns on a heel to front face him, knuckles tight around the elongated shaft of Santa Teresa looming even taller at his back.
“And just who the fuck are you? You ain’t no shinigami!”
          ...And here he was wondering who was behind the sharp spike of spiritual pressure encroaching rapidly upon Karakura. He had been minding his own business about town when this absolute beanpole of an Espada had quite literally tripped out of the sky. Nice entrance. 
          Shinji’s expression remained deadpan as he gazed upon the twitchy Espada. It wasn’t often that entities of this caliber would show themselves in the Living World, so the Visored could only wonder what this one was doing here. 
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               “ ...No shit, Sherlock. Ya ain’t a sharp one, are ya? ” the blond drawled. Despite his seemingly calm, casual levity, that spiritual pressure was no joke and Shinji recognized the threat. He just wasn’t too bothered to jump the gun until he figured out this fella’s intent. 
               “ D’ya come all the way out here ‘ta play with sand and build sandcastles, or what? ” 
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miragefactory · 6 years
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quintoespada started following you
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Muffled laughter.
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la-fleur-du-carnage · 5 years
Continued from here | @quintoespada
Renji is gonna retort and try to prove him wrong, but the course of the day replays in his head and he can basically remember himself cursing at everything, complaining about how everything’s not working the way it should, how everyone is so stupidly lazy.
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“… Wanna get drunk to forget about how everything sucks… ?”
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"You're dead to me."
"You're dead to me."
"Do try not to blame me for your failures, Nnoitra. It is unfortunate that you must lie to yourself in order to feel content. Do not forget that it had been your choices and your choices alone that had ended you where you are." Aizen's tone was even despite the meaning behind his words, smile pulling over his features as he did so.
"Now, if you would... I request that you leave my presence, Nnoitra."
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Gives Lyre a very bloody kiss (that she definitely wanted).
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Oh! This was a kiss she had been waiting for, but was that? A tinge of blood to it? Really, this shouldn't matter, but didn't someone have the strongest hierro in Hueco Mundo? There was that ever-so-high chance that this wasn't even his blood and this was an after-battle kiss. A contingency plan for revenge, if it wasn't a victory kiss, was forming.
Placing that in the back of her mind for a moment, she would wrap her arms around him. Her body pressed up against his as she leaned into the kiss. Leyre was standing on a pile of bones to make up for the height difference. Though even that was still a bit short, she was standing on her tiptoes. It looks like she'll be adding a few more bones to the pile later.
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You are my:[x] Acquaintance [] Friend[] Stranger[] Boyfriend/Girlfriend[] Love Interest[] Best Friend[] Enemy[] Nemesis[] Other
I think you’re:[] Ugly[x] Ok[] Pretty[] Beautiful[] Gorgeous[] Sexy[] Hot
We should:[x] Fight[] Fuck[] Kiss[] Make love [] Text[] Watch films
I:[] Like You[x] Hate You[] Love You[] Think you’re …
I secretly:[] Hate You[] Love You[] Like You[] Dislike You[x] Think You’re …an asshole
Should you reblog this?[x] Yes[] No
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headoftheshiba · 11 years
My url.. -flees-
*drags back and loves on*
Do I rp with them: Not yetDo I want to rp with them: YES Do I follow them: Yup, on both accountsMy opinion on them: a really awesome Nnoitra! I love the conversations that they have with others
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@quintoespada replied to your post “"I should have told him when I was still an Espada...”:
“Ya were an Espada?” Nnoitra’s eye narrows. “Do tell.”
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"I'm currently 109. I lost my rank to a pair of balls in a jar.​" Her work never showed any great results... that, and the Hogokyu was doing the work that she thought she could have done herself.​ There was that caring thing, but she was leaving that out of her story.
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tesra-lindocruz · 11 years
Married for week [ nnoitra-quintoespada ]
⌈✔⌋ Married to Nnoitra-sama—!
Tesra couldn't help but to feel overjoyed about this, he was finally married to the quinto even if he liked it or not. The fraccion's sole hue moved to the side for a moment and then up-towards the taller male, "So Nnoitra-sama." the boy began, "Aren't you happy that we're married now." Tesra's face beamed with joy as he stood in front  of him. The sandy-hired male then began to think what married couples do. Don't they have kids...?.. He thought to himself, "Oh does this mean that we can finally share a bed...and I can move in to your room —?" With that the dirty-haired blond couldn't help but to imagine what it might be like.
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nnoitra-quintoespada RP: The Praying Mantis vs The Dragon
Ugh... if there's anything that the brown-skinned teenager demon girl, Ink is frustrated about is where the hell was she right now. First she was out with friends when exploring the towns of Japan, then sees some masked creatures who came out. At first, they look like demons for epic meal time but Ink purposely chase them into the hole which looks like a black hole.
Then crash-landed into the sands of the desert under board daylight. Ink looks around as she sees white pure buildings and decides to walk around. It look as if this town was deserted.
"Hello?" Asked Ink.
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"… but I love you."
".......---I don't care anymore."
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"That I didn't tell you some of what I'm telling you now to your face before. Though, at least you got to hear what I really think of you now."
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