#no Doom didn´t poison Pietro I toyed with this idea but I decided is better if Doom has nothing to do it with this
kurtty-drabbles · 4 years
The Omen au (part 14)
N/A: Just something sort fluffy with the Maximoff twins because of FUCK CANON.
@djinmer4 @dannybagpipesarecalling @bamfoftheundead
How two Romani orphans managed to purchased such house is not linked to magic, as some people speculate in a way that Wanda likes to label as Disney Frollo, in fact, it was thanks to their good paycheck that billionaires like Tony Stark and his friends offer to the Avengers for their heroic deeds.
Of course, Wanda can say how the group is not exactly the "found family" she was hoping, in fact, they blatantly ignored how sick Pietro was until Wanda, did return from her mission in Hungary, was the one to see her twin at the verge of dying and no one seems to notice or care and this, that little moment, should be the end of the Avengers, but, Pietro was almost coughing blood and she prioritizes his condition first.
How Wanda went to Doom? It was a desperate call as Doom is Romani like they are and it was shot in the dark if nothing else, and to her surprise, Doom helped them. Doom, of course, has the cure and it brings the health on Pietro´s form slowly but surely.
The price? Serve Doom until Doom is done. And right now, Doom is planning something big, in fact too big, that can change reality as everyone knows.
Her distress is evident as her twin, now fully healed and with his powers under control, offer a shoulder for Wanda to land in even not provided all information about Wanda´s deal with Doom, Pietro can at least offer to hear her woes as she always does with him.
"Wanda? What Doom truly wants you to do...is something you can do?" Is a question with a hidden meaning that´s too obvious for the Scarlet Witch. And this makes her smile a little, if anything, she can understand her twin.
"To be honest, I´m not sure of all the details, but, he wants to destroy the Avengers...the X-men, I think, he´s not taking in precaution and his main goal is to control a kid who has powers to do anything...Doom wants to control the antichrist" Wanda concludes holding her hands together as Pietro process this information.
"Wanda...are you sure it was..." she didn´t let him finish as she spoke faster than Quicksilver and her eyes hold a strength that´s not common associate to Wanda Maximoff, at least, not usually seen.
"Please, don´t say that, don´t even think that...don´t say I should have left you die" she speaks with urgency. "You´re my family. I love you. How can you think I would let my brother die...and dying like that? Why you would think your life matters less than mine? Pietro...if you say you lean on me to carry on... then I´d the same. We need to stay strong together. We´re family and I...Goddamit, Pietro, I´d not want to go to your funeral" she then takes a deep breath and concludes now. "Can you see why you´re important?"
Pietro´s face twisted into something akin to crying and a small sob escapes his lips and him, not sure of what word to use right now, just nods as the twins hug each other.
"I know you, Wanda, and I know what you´re going to say...if the worst comes to go by...if Thor is killed by the Avengers or worse...you want to save that kid, don´t you?" Pietro asked in a sweeter tone, well, as much Quicksilver can be.
"The child is with Clea who is working with Doom and ...she´s a bargain piece if anything else"
"If the worst has to come by...we can raise the kid, and I now notice...why Simon make those ''jokes'' about us"
"...One day, Pietro, you´ll fall in love with a douchbag and I´ll never let you forget this"
Amora is an Enchantress. How one reaches to her level? Well, by the only way she knows, studying and being cunning than the others and sure, people love to talk about her unrequited crush on Thor, as if she has nothing going on for her side, and that´s a big mistake that Doom will soon learn.
Clea is taking care of the child on Doom´s behalf, Amora wonders privately why Clea is with Doom, maybe is a way to spite her ex-lover who was her teacher or maybe Doom had good plans to Clea, either way, Amora does not heed anyone´s words but her own.
"Hello, Veela, do you remember me?" Amora asked and has a flashback of the times she was taking care of her sister. The young Veela looks at Amora with awe and pulls a book that was hidden under a pink pillow and shows to Amora with excitement.
"Are you a fairy? like in the book?" Veela asked with her eyes glowing slightly, literally, and yes is pretty clear why Doom wants this child and Amora won´t help him in the slightest.
"No, I´m a Godness" is her simple reply and is enough to make the girl even more energetic, again, it does remotes to Amora´s little sister and how she used to be marvel by Amora´s magic.
"Even better, you´re so pretty," she said and points other fairies in the book as she explains it was Clea who gave the book to her and it was a really good book. Clea still is under the impression that Amora is also working to Doom and well, Clea´s spells and charms will warm her otherwise in less than 2 minutes.
"Veela, do you want to come with me? I ..." she could lie to this child and take her away with her, but, no, Amora prefers to not go to this route. "I know what´s really happening with your father"
"He´s...fighting the Avengers because what he has done?"
"No, he´s fighting the Avengers to keep you safe and Clea and her boss, you know the one with a metal mask, " she jokes as Veela does not get how dangerous Doom truly is, then again, she lived with Hela, Doom has to do the impossible to be worst than her. "So you can have a normal life and I´m here to help you...to be secure."
"Or you could be using me to manipulate me and Thor too"
"Thor came to me to ask help and we made a deal...I´m to protect you until he has everything figure it out"
"...Would you teach me how to really use my powers without hurt myself?"
"Of course"
Clea enters in the room too late as Veela made her choice and now Doom lost her bargain´s coin and Clea has to ponder on what to do to appease her new boss. "If I defeat Dr Strange...maybe he´ll not mind too much"
Rogue is whispering with Remy, the Cajun is not silent about the whole rescue plan nor about Raven Darkholme, and Rogue as much she loves her mother can´t pretend much longer she feels something is wrong.
"Look, I feel awful...and I know those good intentions does not justify what we did, but, with his powers and his origins...we were so afraid..." she explains to Remy who nods but is still not letting the matter go.
"I get it, Cherri, I get it. You have a big heart and loves your family, but, ask yourself: would you like to be trapped in an attic because of your origins and powers?"
Rogue lower her head down and the silence is the answer enough.
"So, what you want to do?"
"Talk with him...just talk. And no, mother does not need to know"
"See, that´s Rogue that Remy loves"
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