#no actually Cassie is a vet she's very comfortable with death and body-related gore and in the TLT world necromancy is just science
theidiotabides · 1 year
...so is there overlap between Animorphs and Locked Tomb fandoms? Or am I the overlap?
'cuz I woke up this morning thinking:
Marco (necro)/Jake (cav) Cassie (necro)/Rachel (cav) Tobias (necro)/Ax (cav)
I'd split it like this because canonically in TLT cav/necro pairs aren't supposed to have romantic relationships (even though of the ones we see, one is explicitly romantic, two have romantic feelings going at least one direction, and I have my suspicions about Cam/Pal but they are canon cousins so like, fine, I'll let it slide but I'm watching you). But if you split the kids by canon couples, that makes:
Cassie (necro)/Jake (cav) Tobias (necro)/Rachel (cav)
Then the spares Marco (necro)/Ax (cav), which also absolutely works.
What I'm saying is the Animorphs' dynamics map perfectly onto TLT's cav/necro roles, no matter how you slice them.
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