#no beta we die like felix ankle under that costume
yueasuka · 1 year
Whats the chance that PV Chat Noir do this for Bri's birthdayy? Endless! ❤️
Chat Noir is many things for her, he's her friend, her partner and she even think that he's a family now by how much he visited her house. He said he was just patrolling but he end up enjoying the dinner in the Dupain-Cheng's table like a house cat that she remembered her father always want to have. It was started once, twice and somehow through the months it become a routine, to the point that she must admit that it feels odd to not have him with them at dinner.
"Noir Dupain-Cheng," Bridgette remembered her father proudly said the future name of the bakery if he decided to marry her which fortunately, he refused. Her father seems to be disappointed but of course Thomas Dupain isn't one that would dwell on disappointment for long (now think again, neither do Chat Noir) and before long, we have gathered at the living room and play games together.
She likes to think that she's already get used to his anticts by now, both as her civilian self of when she suited up.
Boi... How wrong she was.
Because right at her seventeen birthday, he come to her house, screaming 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!' while wearing a high heels boots over a star fish costume and while that alone is already weird enough, the black belt wrapped around his hip(?) make it even weirder that everyone who saw it couldn't help but laugh.
"Can't be helped," Starfish-Noir whispered to her. "Plagg refused to let me suited up but I already promised that I'd come."
She blinked and her mouth was opened and closed repeatedly before realisation came. That was why he came so late, the party has been started for an hour before his arrival and to be honest, she was a bit disappointed when she thought he wouldn't come. He's usually punctual after all.
"So that's why..."
She muttered, relief clear on her tone as she looked up at Starfish-Noir with a small smile. His dedication deserve a lot of praise, really. Because while most people would opt out to not come, he still decided to come with his DIY costume. Although one question remain,
"Why starfish though? You're a cat, not a fish." She whispered back.
"Starfish isn't a fish, mind you." He said and for some reason she could imagined a pout on his face behind that stupid costume. "It's a last minute deal so I need to get what I can get from the store. You know, desperate time called for desperate measure?"
And her laugh erupted right at that moment, she didn't care if people looking at her weird because she had been holding it since his arrival! Fortunately it didn't take her long to finally regain her composure and she quickly hug Starfish-Noir.
"Thank you Chat Noir," she said as she buried her face into the costume. "For coming and being my friend."
"Anything for a friend." He said and she could feel his hand on top of her head, rubbing it to the point it make her ponytail askew. Not that she mind, not when he finally here on her special day.
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