#no bitch thats a brand new sentence. what are you talking about
tulpafcker · 1 year
i am gonna b real yall dunk on twitter for the "i say i love pancakes and someone goes 'so you hate waffles then?' no bitch thats an entirely new sentence" thing but you guys also do it too. tumblr also does that.
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legion1993 · 6 years
Let Me Be Your Saving Grace
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Title: Let Me Be Your Saving Grace
Square Filled: Michael!Dean
Ship: Dean x reader / Michael x reader
Rating: 18+
Tags: death, rape, vaginal penetration, possession
Summary (If applicable): shhh… it’s a surprise….
Word Count (If applicable):
Created for @spnkinkbingo.
SPN Kink Bingo Masterlist
Choices. We make them every single day, but when we make these choices, we don’t often think of the consequences.
My name is Y/N this is the story of a choice, a very important choice. one that was made to save my life this choice was made by my fiance. for him to become he who would do anything to bring on the apocalypse and to save my life.
<<< lets go now to set the facts straight>>>
Dean: “okay, so we are only 1 ring away from having the ability to lock lucifer back in the cage...”
you came up behind him, to wrap your arms around him... Dean had no idea of what was really about to happen.
Y/N: “Dont worry... right now we have time ok... we will save Sam... plus i think someone needs to relax and stop stressing. i understand your scared... baby i am too but we are hunters, now come on there is a massive mixed hunt next town over. come on there are signs of vampires, demons, werewolves & angels... come on D... Please lets go have some fun!”
Dean could only look at you with what could only be a worried expression as he spun you round to have you straddle his lap... 
Dean: “my dear Y/N always trying to keep my hope alive... okay lets go on that hunt.”
you kissed him, grinding him a bit as he held you close for that moment. it was a moment of bliss... before you guys would head out on the hunt that would forever change your lives!
Y/N: “babe, i’ve already packed bags and put them in the impala. i always knew that being with you was gonna be a brand new adventure, but its turning out to be the best adventure of my life.”
Dean: “i guess we should head out... i mean we got a few hours before nightfall & i would hate to miss chopping down any of these sons of bitches.”
Dean kissed you again and smiled, lifting you up as he stood setting you slowly back on your feet. breaking the kiss you 2 walked out to the car got in and started driving. you however had a very haunting feeling one which would not leave till fate ran its course.
Dean could tell you were concerned so about half way through the drive Dean spoke up.
Dean: “babe you okay? you look troubled.”
Y/N: “i know its just i feel like something’s wrong, i dont know how to explain it but i can almost feel it...”
Dean: “its probably just post-engagement jitters...”  
yes its true you guys were engaged. this happened not but a few months ago. 
Dean: “once we get to town we will find out why so many monsters are in one place at one time. Y/N are you ready?”
you take a deep breath in and a fire ignites in your eyes.
Y/N: “lets go kick some ass & raise a little hell...”
that also set a fire in Dean’s eyes... Dean & you arrived in the next town just before the sun finished setting.
checking into the nearest motel all seemed normal, that is till you took notice of a large group of men following you.
luckily Dean also noticed, you guys were very prepared. for you unlocked the door to your room & made it seem like you were going inside.
Dean (whispers): “on my mark...”
Y/N (whispers): “always... what are they do you think?”
Dean gestures his count down. you hear a low deep hiss that made you jump. thats when realization on what they were struck.
Y/N (whispers): “babe they are vamps...”
you drew your machete, but turned & it was too late... you guys were ambushed.
Dean: “Babe... RUN!!!!”
you guys started running but only got a bit ahead before being surrounded. surrounded by what you both realized wasnt just vamps. it was Angels, demons & werewolves.
Dean: “whats wrong? did everyone loose their leaders?”
thats when the crowd of monsters surrounding you cleared a path, only to show someone who you both were not expecting to show up...
the one person who you knew could seperate you from Dean...
Michael, the archangel possessing the vessal of a girl... but his eyes & shadow gave him away.
Michael smiled darkly, eyeing you up and down making sure to mentally undress you slowly...  physically however he began to speak.
Michael: “well well well, loook at what we have here... my trap worked perfectly... surround them, take their weapons, seperate them from eachother... if they resist kill them.”
michael stepped back... the vamps, wolves, demons & angels approached starting to disarm and seperate both you and Dean.
you watched Dean let them disarm him, but when they went to seperate you from him and disarm you. you wouldnt have it.
you began to fight back... going after everything you came across. but there was nothing that michael wouldnt do to get the point across.
Michael snapped his fingers, the monsters that surrounded you... knocked you to the ground, within seconds you were bitten, bruised, scratched & stabbed. Dean struggled against the monsters that held him back, forcing him to witness the sight of you on the ground as a pool of blood started to form.
Michael: “when are you going to realize that nothing as it seems... Dean you and her are never gonna live happily ever after.”
Michael turned his attention to your now still form, he watched your aura fade.. when he faded he knew you were dead.. he smiled darkly for he now had a motive to get Dean to say yes.
Michael: “Your fiance is dead, now make your choice Dean!”
Dean: “go fuck yourself bastard. you and your bitch crew killed the love of my life. why the hell would i ever agree to become your vessal?”
Michael: “if you agree to let me take your body as my vessal. i’ll bring the love of your life back from the dead. you have 24 hours to give me your answer...”
michael and his goon squad disappeared leaving Dean in the middle of the road with you dead in his arms. after several minutes Dean let out a pained scream followed by tears and this sentence.
Cas appears and is instantly shocked at the sight of Dean holding your dead body.
Cas: “Dean what happened? is she?”
Dean then looked at Cas now letting the tears fall freely. Cas came up and hugged Dean the best he could. Dean just leaned in sobbing. it no sooner became close to dawn that brought concern to Cas.
Cas: “Dean we have to move her, this will attract alot of attention... where did you guys drive here from.”
Dean: “a hotel in Lebanon.”
Dean knew cas was right, dean shrugged the keys from his pocket for he knew that he was in no condition to drive. Cas helped dean place you in his lap in the back of the impala. but instead of just driving all of you back to Lebanon, he snapped his fingers to bring you guys back to the hotel. 
Dean & cas together got your body inside, laying your still form on the nearest bed. Dean threw off his jacket and in an emotional rut he sat on the edge of the other bed.
Cas: “its not your fault Dean. your love for her wasn’t wrong. Dean it was her choice, you & Y/N are written in the stars. you guys are pre-destined. i hope you can find the heart to tell me what happened. I’m always here for you.”
Dean: “look okay michael and his goon squad killed her. michael gave me 24 hours to become his vessal. if i agree to become his vessal he said he would bring her back.”
Cas: “your not gonna do it are you?”
Dean: “what else do i do cas? i don’t have any other choice. i won’t live without her.”
Dean screamed at that moment he didn’t realize that his yelling wasn’t helping anything. he also realized that as much as he wanted you back he had to be careful about his choice.
Cas: "dean Y/N isnt dead..."
this made dean's head snap up... he glared at cas with tear struck eyes and quivering hands.
Dean: "what do you mean she isnt dead... cas look at her... what do you know that i dont?"
cas: "that Y/N isnt a regular hunter. her mother around the time of her conception slept with 2 very different beings."
dean: "wait her mother had a threesome..."
cas rolled his eyes and began pacing...
cas: "her mother slept with both an archangel and a vampire... the vampire bit her turning her as the archangel finished unloading into her. it concieved Y/N. her powers abilities etc. were hidden, placed under lock and key... the only thing that can wake her is archangel grace."
dean couldnt believe what he just heard, he couldnt believe that he was hearing this come out of his friends mouth.
dean: "wait so if she isnt dead what is the state she is in called?"
cas: "acoma, we have alot of similar medical terms for our things. to michael it looked like she died. when i got there i noticed that she was just in acoma..."
dean: "i have to do it..."
Cas looked at Dean like he wasnt thinking clearly.
Cas: “if your talking about doing what i think you are don’t nothing good will come from it.”
Dean: “Y/N has always had the power of good and evil inside her, it makes her special, makes her who she is. i have to take michael’s essense into myself and kiss her. would that do the trick?”
Cas’ jaw just dropped down to the floor. but he watched as Dean now stood facing the mirror.
Cas: “are you insane? if you say yes to michael he won’t let you go... you know that right?”
Dean: “of course i do, its just if i don’t do this she will never wake up... and i can’t live on if she is like this forever!”
Cas: “ok do what you want, but dont expect me to watch.”
cas disappeared as dean stood now in the room alone. there was more pain in his heart, than there was on his body.
Dean: “michael you son of a bitch get down here now. i’m prepared to offer you a deal.”
Dean sat by your bedside and waited... he waited for several hours.. all this waiting was making him edgy.
Dean: “look ass-douche, hear this. i dean winchester ask thee michael to use my body so i may save my love, you think you killed her but she is in an acoma-like state.”
at that last word Michael appeared. Dean wasn’t going to let Michael physically go near you.
Michael: “but she’s dead. i can’t believe my own eyes decieved me...”
Dean: “yeah well believe it but lets get one thing straight. you must stay in the back of my mind and let me do this. let me use your angelic power to save the love of my life. then i’ll help you stop lucifer. do we have an accords?”
Michael: “on 1 condition, lets be the greatest duo of all times cause once i am sharing your body... I’m Never Letting You Go...”
dean didn’t have time to blink before Michael left his vessal and made his way into Dean’s body.
Michael's essence pushed Dean aside but michael kept him close enough that he culd see what was about to happen. dean kept yelling and yelling at michael but it didnt work.
dean: "whats the meaning of this? give me back control of my body bitch?"
michael: "afraid you only get to watch this time buddy as i fuck the daylights out of your fiance."
Michael approached your still form snapping his fingers he removed both yours and Deans clothes. then he spread your legs lining “His” cock up with your entrance. 
Michael rubbed the tip against your pussy which was soaked. Dean had no idea what michael was planning. 
Dean: “michael what the hell is that grin doing on my face? your about to rape MY fiance. not yours... MINE.”
Michael: “she became mine as well when i took over your body...”
Michael at that second penetrated your vagina, he could hear Dean screaming in the back of his mind. but ignored him instead michael sped up, gaining speed with each thrust. 
it wasnt until about 5 minutes later that Dean realized what Michael’s plan was. 
Dean: “michael i swear to god if you cum inside her, i will fucking expell you from my body.”
Michael once more ignored dean’s incessant nagging and reached final stretch to climax. finally Dean felt it, he was about to cum. he had to leave a message some how for you... he had to regain control for one small minute long enough to write a letter or leave a message or something.
Dean knew his brain like the back of his hand, so he went to the pleasure part of his brain, and made michael pull out a bit just as he came. Michael pulled out of you entirely once he had released all of the cum. 
Michael: “i can feel you poking around in there i hope your not the reason why i didnt cum inside of your girl...”
Dean: “no but im the reason for this...”
Dean had found one of his mental blockers, he stuck it around michael’s grace shaving off a bit of it he took that to his mouth section. now having control back of his body he put a cover over you and put his pants back on... 
then he called for Cas, who appeared within seconds.
Cas: “what...”
Dean: “i dont have alot of time let me tell you this... when Y/N wakes after i kiss her you need to help her recover the last horsemen ring and stop the apocalypse. and tell her i love her and intend to marry her properly when im free of Michael’s hold. please my friend guard her with your life.”
Dean leaned down feeling michael breaking free, Dean kissed you releasing that little sliver of angel grace into you. then he disappeared using michael’s powers to get far enough away from you that michael wouldnt ever be able to find you.
it was a few seconds later that you woke up.
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amascomet · 7 years
Cars 3 thoughts
So I decided to watch Cars 3 at like 2 am, so here’s all my thoughts while watching. Warning: It’s long but it’s like fragments of sentences.
[1:43:52 AM] kool aid: livechatting cars 3 starting now [1:44:04 AM] kool aid: the opening is a reference to the first film [1:44:32 AM] kool aid: he's imagining doc husdon and remembering his words [1:44:44 AM] kool aid: "this ones for you doc" [1:45:07 AM] kool aid: sally still calls him stickers [1:46:23 AM] kool aid: I think hes still young rn [1:46:54 AM] kool aid: oh shit he lost his after the first race it showed [1:48:11 AM] kool aid: he lost [1:48:20 AM] kool aid: Jackson storm just got introduced [1:48:37 AM] kool aid: "just like when young McQueen made his mark" [1:49:11 AM] kool aid: "you've been my rolemodel for years" [1:49:19 AM] kool aid: that's from jackson [1:49:30 AM] kool aid: IT CHICKS [1:49:34 AM] kool aid: THE OLD GUY [1:49:44 AM] kool aid: THE OLD VILLIAN BRO [1:51:01 AM] kool aid: new generation rookies are now in the race [1:51:15 AM] kool aid: "so glad I get to race you in your final season" [1:51:38 AM] kool aid: hes starting to loose now [1:52:46 AM] kool aid: all the other veteran cars are retiring because of the next gen [1:54:09 AM] kool aid: some are being replaced [1:54:14 AM] kool aid: this is kinda fucked [1:54:21 AM] kool aid: "whered all your friends go" [1:55:42 AM] kool aid: HES TRYING [1:55:50 AM] kool aid: THERE IT IS [1:56:08 AM] kool aid: HOLY SHOT [1:56:14 AM] kool aid: FUCKING BRUTAL [1:56:34 AM] kool aid: THERES SIRENS AND IT JUST FADES TO BLACK [1:57:19 AM] kool aid: 4 months later [1:57:30 AM] kool aid: hes fixed but non colored [1:57:37 AM] kool aid: hes watching old footage of doc [1:57:48 AM] kool aid: HE WATCHING DOC'S CRASH [1:58:42 AM] kool aid: YO THIS IS DEPRESSING [1:58:53 AM] kool aid: NOT LIKE CRY DEPRESSIG JUST LIKE [1:58:55 AM] kool aid: BUMMER [1:59:24 AM] kool aid: "i don't want what happened to doc happen to me" [2:00:23 AM] kool aid: sally talked him back into training [2:01:40 AM] kool aid: "its futile to resist change" [2:04:08 AM] kool aid: sally and lightning exchanged real casual love yous went he went back on the road [2:04:13 AM] kool aid: idk but that felt [2:04:21 AM] kool aid: normal and nice to year [2:04:47 AM] kool aid: just pleasantly casual [2:05:15 AM] kool aid: hes being mobbed by cars that are asking [2:05:24 AM] kool aid: if hes ready to retire [2:06:04 AM] kool aid: his sponsers had to sold rusteeze in order to give him the new training [2:06:35 AM] kool aid: hes kinda like :/ about it [2:06:46 AM] kool aid: hes upset but like fake [2:07:11 AM] kool aid: hes saying goodbye to his old sponsers [2:07:46 AM] kool aid: the new center is like a museum about him [2:08:24 AM] kool aid: they saved the dirt from doc's original races [2:09:03 AM] kool aid: hes got a new paint job/suit [2:09:17 AM] kool aid: it monitors his speed and his vitals or however u spell that im [2:09:56 AM] kool aid: ITS THE NEW LADY CAR [2:10:10 AM] kool aid: the trainer [2:10:43 AM] kool aid: she had the highest speed we've seen so far [2:12:02 AM] kool aid: "i grew up watching you on tv" [2:12:13 AM] kool aid: ITS ZUMBA FOR CARS [2:14:21 AM] kool aid: CRUZ IIS MAKING HIM NAME HIS TIRES [2:14:32 AM] kool aid: HES UPSET CAUSE HE WANTS TO USE THE SIMULATOR [2:14:54 AM] kool aid: "I need u to launch this thing" [2:15:07 AM] kool aid: he doesn't know how to use it im [2:16:15 AM] kool aid: HES CRASHING INTO OTHER CARS INTO THE SIMULATOR [2:16:26 AM] kool aid: his sponser is getting upset [2:16:37 AM] kool aid: HE CRASHED INTO THE MULTIMILLION DOLLAR SIMULATOR [2:16:43 AM] kool aid: A113 [2:17:47 AM] kool aid: he's trying to brand his name [2:18:05 AM] kool aid: HIS SPONSER THINKS HES DONE [2:18:42 AM] kool aid: "your speed and performance aren't where they need to be I'm sorry" [2:18:52 AM] kool aid: "everytime you lose you damage yourself" [2:19:06 AM] kool aid: HES GETTING PISSED [2:19:19 AM] kool aid: LIGHTNING I MEAN [2:21:05 AM] kool aid: he made a deal to win the florida race or he'll retire [2:21:10 AM] kool aid: HE MADE A BITCH JOKE [2:21:28 AM] kool aid: "WELL LIFES A BEACH AND THEN YOU DRIVE" [2:23:51 AM] kool aid: cruz is having trouble racing on the beach [2:26:57 AM] kool aid: he went to go practice on an old track [2:27:24 AM] kool aid: but its like a Michael bay film out there [2:27:33 AM] kool aid: "last car standing" [2:28:13 AM] kool aid: "no cursing its family night" [2:29:15 AM] kool aid: okay but the millennial undertone stuff is strong af when I stop looking at whats actually good [2:29:46 AM] kool aid: cruz is a trainer but she can only actually race inside and isn't use to the outside without tech [2:29:57 AM] kool aid: IM GONNA MAKE A PREDICTION RN [2:30:07 AM] kool aid: BECAUSE SHE HAD A REALLY HIGH SPEED EARLIER [2:30:38 AM] kool aid: LIGHTNING WILL RETIRE BUT HE TRAINS CRUZ TO BE A RACER BECAUSE HE KNOWS SHE HAS THE ABILITY [2:33:04 AM] kool aid: lightning is getting pissed at her [2:33:07 AM] kool aid: I feel bad [2:34:09 AM] kool aid: "ask me if I dreamed of being a trainer" [2:34:12 AM] kool aid: SHES GOING OFF [2:34:22 AM] kool aid: THE VA IS REALLY GOOD HOLY SHIT [2:34:44 AM] kool aid: "ASK ME IF I DIDNT SAVE EVERY PENNY TRYING TO BUY A TICKET TO THE RACES" [2:35:29 AM] kool aid: "i didn't belong. the other racers didn't look like me" [2:35:39 AM] kool aid: FUCK MAN [2:35:40 AM] kool aid: IM [2:36:24 AM] kool aid: THIS MOVIE IS SO NEGATIVE [2:36:30 AM] kool aid: I LIKE THAT KIND OF SHIT [2:37:41 AM] kool aid: the media is talking shit about him [2:38:04 AM] kool aid: 1.2% chance of winning [2:38:24 AM] kool aid: "I predict his racing career would be over within a week" [2:39:05 AM] kool aid: he called mater for support [2:39:44 AM] kool aid: "i can't do this forever" [2:42:12 AM] kool aid: "I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry that I yelled" he says while Zumba car dancing in apology to cruz [2:42:18 AM] kool aid: hes looking for doc's trainer [2:42:27 AM] kool aid: "do you even know if hes alive" [2:43:23 AM] kool aid: he stopped to drive on doc's old track [2:44:34 AM] kool aid: HES ALIVE [2:46:41 AM] kool aid: "the fellas didn't like the ideas of a female racer" [2:46:50 AM] kool aid: cars 3 is woke af [2:47:24 AM] kool aid: FLASH BACK TO DOC'S HAYDAY [2:48:21 AM] kool aid: "i wish I coulda seen him like that" [2:48:25 AM] kool aid: "like what" [2:48:30 AM] kool aid: "so happy" [2:49:48 AM] kool aid: he's scared of being unhappy because he thought that doc was never the same after his crash [2:50:03 AM] kool aid: he sent letters back all about lightning [2:50:17 AM] kool aid: "racing wasn't the best part of hud's life. you were" [2:50:39 AM] kool aid: theres an emotional flashback montage [2:51:09 AM] kool aid: "he saw something in you that you don't even see in yourself" [2:53:46 AM] kool aid: cruz is training with him as a stand in [2:54:18 AM] kool aid: I'm 100% sure about my perdiction [2:54:57 AM] kool aid: shes learning too [2:56:37 AM] kool aid: THE NEW SUIT THING TORE OFF WHILE HE WAS RACING [2:57:26 AM] kool aid: HES HAVING PTSD FROM HIS CRASH [2:58:12 AM] kool aid: he keeps looking at the ground [2:58:29 AM] kool aid: its time for the florida race [2:59:38 AM] kool aid: he looks depressed as fuck [3:00:28 AM] kool aid: THERES THE KID SCREAM [3:00:45 AM] kool aid: HE SOUNDS SO UNCERTAIN [3:00:51 AM] kool aid: HERE WE GO [3:01:41 AM] kool aid: HES DOING OK [3:02:07 AM] kool aid: they are telling cruz she needs to leave [3:02:17 AM] kool aid: "take off those tires you look ridiculous" [3:02:25 AM] kool aid: "youre a trainer not a racer" [3:02:35 AM] kool aid: theres a montage of her being fast af [3:03:06 AM] kool aid: theres been a crash [3:03:15 AM] kool aid: couple of cars are out [3:03:24 AM] kool aid: hes calling for cruz to get back [3:03:52 AM] kool aid: HES TELLING THEM TO SET CRUZ UP TO RACE [3:04:11 AM] kool aid: "I STARTED THIS RACE YOURE GONNA FINISH IT" [3:04:53 AM] kool aid: "my last chance is your first chance I want you to take it" [3:05:01 AM] kool aid: I WAS RIGHT [3:05:30 AM] kool aid: "what the girl in the costume??" [3:06:51 AM] kool aid: HES ON THE MIC FOR HER I WAS RIGHT [3:06:56 AM] kool aid: IM A FUCKING TSA AGENT [3:07:04 AM] kool aid: IM A PRO [3:08:17 AM] kool aid: HE SOUNDS SO HAPPY NOW TALKING TO HER [3:09:28 AM] kool aid: Jackson pulled back to speak to her during the race [3:10:12 AM] kool aid: "its important to look the part. you can play dress up all you want but you'll never be one of us" [3:11:26 AM] kool aid: HES SLAMMING HER AGAINS TH E WALL [3:11:31 AM] kool aid: SHE DID DOC'S MOVE [3:11:38 AM] kool aid: SHE FLIPPED OVER HIM [3:11:43 AM] kool aid: SHE WON [3:11:44 AM] kool aid: SHE WON [3:12:25 AM] kool aid: SHES GETTING PRAISE FROM ALL THE OTHER RACERS [3:13:26 AM] kool aid: the sponsor dude who talked shit is trying to be nice now [3:13:30 AM] kool aid: she quit [3:14:14 AM] kool aid: HE ISNT RETIRED THEY CONSIDERED IT A WIN FOR HIM BECAUSE HE STARTED IT [3:14:49 AM] kool aid: he decided to keep racing [3:15:33 AM] kool aid: dinoco from the first movie has made cruz their car [3:16:15 AM] kool aid: THEY GAVE DOCS NUMBER TO CRUZ AND LIGHTNING HAS A NEW PAINTJOB BASED ON DOC'S COLORS HE BLUE NOW [3:16:28 AM] kool aid: AND HONESTLY ITS SO DISTRACTING TO SEE HIM NOT RED [3:16:32 AM] kool aid: THATS IT [3:16:35 AM] kool aid: THATS THE ND [3:16:48 AM] kool aid: FUCK
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