#no but fr i think i may be omnisexual
i-eat-lip-gloss · 5 months
*knock knock* oh, i wonder who it is? *opens door* ah, 2 am gender and sexuality crisis, right on time!!
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valyrou · 1 year
hi there, dear! i saw you were doing matchups 🙀🙀 if it’s alright with you, may i please have a bsd matchup? please take your time on this!
my name is ren and i use she/they pronouns. write this with either one! i am omnisexual, but my preference is men at the moment. i am an aries, as well as an intj 6w5!
personality: my personality really depends on my mood. i am usually hella awkward when i first meet a person, and before we really get close i will be quiet and polite. but once you really get to know me, i am positive and energetic, and objectively funny. i’m incredibly kind and sweet and caring i think are the words, and i always put others before myself. i’m what one would call “a gifted kid”, i am very intelligent. i’m very responsible and i am the “mom friend”. i’m very clingy unless you make me uncomfortable. i can usually mask my emotions but if i bottle them up for too long I’ll just break down. i have ADHD and have the shortest attention span known to man, so I’m always off in my own little world. i need someone who can keep me grounded. i LOVE to talk and if you give me a chance, i won’t shut up. i am very insecure and have severe trust issues, unless you have proven to me time after time i can trust you. i fear that people find me annoying and i cry very easily, especially if someone raises their voice at me.
hobbies: i love to read, especially classics and fantasy novels. give me a good book and i can finish it in a day if i work hard enough. i play piano and i do theater and honors chorus, so i love to act and sing. i love writing and always am writing something, whether it’s in my head or on paper. i am an amazing cook and baker and will housewife if i have to 😼😼. i love to have conversations on politics and world debates. i like to play chess (but i suck) and pool (i don’t suck at pool), and i play tennis.
likes: i love music and literature in general. i am definitely a cat person and will pick up a cat off the side of the road and bring it home. i love drama and am a bit of a gossip. i also love fashion and will have a heart attack if i am not wearing something that matches. i love shopping and video games (i am a smash bros and mariokart GOD)
dislikes: i HATE bugs. if there is a bug in my house, i will scream and jump onto the counter to get away from it. you kill a bug for me? you have my undying loyalty. i can’t stand scary movies, especially clowns. i am somewhat of a picky eater. i also hate second chances. it’s not worth it to give hundreds of chances to someone who breaks your trust and heart every single time. i also hate the ocean. you take me to the beach? i will be sitting in a chair under an umbrella reading, looking absolutely disgusted 💀💀
love language:
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A/n: THIS WAS THE FUNNIEST THING EVER LOLOL BUT NO WORRIES IT HAPPENS TO ME ALL THE TIME!! Also we are quite similar :0 thank you for requesting love, stay hydrated yourself and sleep a good amount <33
I will pair you up with…
Kunikida Doppo!
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(Bro looks soo majestic <33)
Kunikida isn’t patient with Dazai since Dazai teases him on purpose, but he would be incredibly patient with you
He understands the struggle that comes with ADHD so he’d make sure you don’t zone out to much, maybe take you places and let you talk as much as you want
He‘s a great listener
Distracts you with something to fiddle with, so you don’t zone out on him
Maybe physical touch isn’t his biggest love language, but Initially warms up to it. PDA maybe too, depends really
Hand holding sure, except you guys work together (If you would work in the ADA as well that is) then it’s just an initial squeeze on the shoulder or a kiss on the head
Kunikidas love language is quality time fr fr
Takes you out all the time, art galleries, museums, ancient library, the park etc.
You don’t have to feel insecure around Kunikida as well. He loves you for you, not for who you‘d wish to be
He would make sure you understood that
Compliments all the way, long talks
He has a literal description of his dream partner like?????
He loves you the way you are and he promises you every time you doubt yourself that he loves the current you <3
As loyal as you Are
Get a bigger beach chair, because this guy won’t play in the water either.
Please give each other book recommendations???????
Would start off very shy and akward in the relationship but once you two really get to know every detail about each other honestly anyone would be jealous
Idk if it’s canon or not, but I picture Kunikida a great cook (not so good baker) too, so DUO COOKING
Baking with him is more complicated tho because he has absolutely zero clue what’s going on
He‘d probably even mess up half finished muffins (yk the ones were you only need to put in the eggs and oil and then the muffin mix? Yeah that one)
Kills the bugs for you <3
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a-a-syren · 2 years
my name is atlanta, i'm 16 years old, and i like lilacs
(i'm @atlanta-likes-lilacs)
some things i like: writing poetry, photography (i may be a bit obsessed), music theory, playing guitar, saxophone, and piano, and uhhhh building guitars
9w1, 927, sp/so
neutral good
i'm genderfluid
i'm omnisexual and aceflux
my pronouns are they/she/he
i literally get so much gender euphoria from john mayer
some favorites of mine
food: pizza or ice cream
drink: iced coffee
color: turquoise
book: the hobbit
movie: the star wars original trilogy
music artist: alter bridge, nothing but thieves, and symphony x
mental health
i have avpd
i (probably) have bpd
i have adhd
i (probably) have autism
i have anxiety and depression (who doesn't?)
i have social anxiety
i think i have a dissociative disorder
i post mainly avpd related things as that is one of the biggest things i struggle with in life
i might post some of my pictures here but i mainly post on my insta (@atlantanmemories on ig)
i'll probably post some of my poetry sometime too
but like yee i'm so cool you should def follow me :)
ok i'm done <3
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