#no but fr she looks so so good so far!!! I suck at drawing birds (or any kind of animal ngl)
random-cryptid · 1 year
will i ever finish the other drawing of winnie? yes! i will! i just keep getting distracted
mostly by this now
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local angry bird terrorizes town of salem along with her sisters, more at 11 ahsjjsjdnd
i looked up storm petrel and theyre so cute?? hello??? i have found another bird for me to obsess over (along with peregrine falcons and starlings) also, i havent figure out how to do her feather patterns yet. i think a lot of her feathers would be like a storm petrel's but her tail feathers as well as the feathers by her eyes and maybe her neck and chest would be more like a peacock's
on the one hand, i was gonna draw her without the dress to show off her feathers, but i decided against it purely cuz idk how feathers on a body work (can barely understand how wings work rip). i do like the idea of her dress having a dpace in the back so her tail feathers can stick out and make it more comfortable for her. also, idk whats gonna kill me first, drawing her talons or drawing her tail
Hmmm I think your idea sounds good actually!!! And perhaps they can sort of transition to the storm petrel's type of feather so it looks consistent!
Also you can always try and do some bird studies!!! Studies are great for when you can't figure out how something (or someone) works!!! Draw a bunch of birds and try and figure out how their wings work!
Oh yeah that sounds good!!! And also godspeed soldier I believe in you 🫡
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xaz-fr · 5 years
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@deadpool-scar-bro @hikayelastoria @cornsnoot-fr @redlion-fr @mushroomdraggo @murdoch-fr @tales-around-sornieth @frxemriss @rainhearts-hatchery @rexcaliburr-fr @starry-ampelope @plainstriderbard @reanimatedfr @sirensage-fr @ally-fr @golden-lionsnake​ @rookfern​ @khadjin-fr (let me know if you’d like to be added to the lore pinglist)
More cute and soft pairing writing of THE ORIGINAL dragon pairing obsession *sob*. My sweet reincarnated babies Nadalin and Tyberion. In which you should NEVER listen to Gemini ever unless he’s giving your romance advice because somehow? That clown? Has romance on lock? Madness.
Also should mention it’s very very VERY slightly sexual. There’s nothing graphic at all. But you know what’s going on B)
Tyberion looked over his shoulder when a group of birds took off, spurred by a loud shout coming from inside the newly built, open air, pavilion. It was two words and told you all you needed to know. A simple, punctuated “GET OUT!” of intense frustration and irritation. Tyberion frowned and looked back at the older Wildclaw named Saturn he was training with. “Ah- I better go,” he said.
“You'll never regain your old ability if you keep interrupting your training,” Saturn said dismissively.
His scalp prickled in his dragonoid form like trying to make his crest flair. “There's more to life than killing,” he said. She scoffed. He rolled his eyes and left her, putting his sword away at his hip and going to the pavilion.
The pavilion was technically four sides but the walls were made of bamboo with intricate lattice work for windows with paper constructed doors. Dragons were still leaving when he appeared and he saw Ars standing just inside the main doorway. “What happened?” Tyberion asked him.
“it's stressful being a Progenitor reborn,” Ars frowned understandingly.
Tyberion frowned as well. “You dragons ask too much of her. We're not leaders. We're just dragons from a swamp clan.”
“For now,” Ars said, neatly putting his claws in the wide opening of his robe. “I have patience for such things, the others not so much.”
“I told you to get out,” Nadalin's voice snarled from nearby. “That means you, Ars-- oh, Tyberion,” she deflated slightly, happy to see him, her drawn and angry eyes softening.
“Are they giving you a hard time?” he asked her.
“Yes,” she huffed angrily. Are just chuckled. “So I did what you suggested and yelled at them to fuck off when they made me angry.”
“Feels good, right?” Tyberion asked.
“Yes. What are you still doing here, Ars? I told everyone to get out,” she gave her predecessor’s brother a look.
“I will talk to them about being less pushy,” was all Ars said, then he leaned over and gave her a Wildclaw kiss on her cheek and left.
“Uhh! I hate him so much,” she cried once he was gone.
“What? Why? He's so nice,” Tyberion asked and closed the paper door.
“Exactly! He's so nice and understanding! He doesn't even get upset at my outbursts. He's impossible to be angry at: I hate him,” she said moodily and folded her arms irritated.
“I think he does that on purpose,” he said gently and pulled her away from the outer wall. The pavilion, despite the walls, was very bright and airy, and had a central chamber with access to the sky. “He's very old. He's had plenty of time to learn to be kind and understanding.”
“I guess,” she said, pursing her lips. “And how is Saturn?”
“Still obsessed with making me ‘as I was’, whatever that means. From how she talks about Tyberion the First I take it he was not the nicest or kindest sort. I don't think I want to be like that,” it worried him sometimes.
She squeezed his hand, “You don't have to be like anything you don't want to be,” she said. “At least you aren't some damn reincarnated Progenitor and everyone expects you to act all proper and patient all the time. I don't even have time to draw anymore!” she flopped down onto their bed dramatically, her leather wings splayed out behind her. “I haven't seen Helida in weeks either,” she looked to the side, upset.
Tyberion sat next to her. “I'm sorry. If it makes you feel any better Saturn is so hell bent on retraining me I hardly get to do anything I enjoy either.”
“Yeah? Like what?”
“Spend time with you for starters,” and he touched her face gently. “I barely see you.”
She frowned, “I know. I'm sorry.”
“It isn't your fault,” he stroked her cheek with his thumb.
She sighed. “It feels like all I do is sleep and listen to ancient dragons try to teach me things I don't care about.”
“We could stop? We don't owe them anything,” Tyberion reminded her.
She got a far away look in her eye. “But all those dragons,” she said softly. “They were so happy when they saw me. This clan was dying before. It's alive again because of me.”
“I guess,” Tyberion said.
“I'd feel guilty if I took away all that joy, Ty. I know it only feels hard now. Once I'm used to it it won't be so difficult,” she sighed tiredly.
He just sat there, stroking her cheek. “I love you,” he told her gently.
“I love you too,” he loved the way her entire moved to express that too. How it radiated out of her smile like a warm fire. She put her hand over his.
“I learned a new trick recently,” he said, his heart starting to beat harder. It felt odd not having two hearts, it always felt like his single one beat harder and faster to make up for it.
“Oh yeah?” she asked, “From Saturn?”
He scoffed, “I'm pretty sure all her feathers would fall out if she knew I had learned this. She looks at me at once like a child and like the dragon who taught her everything.” Nadalin giggled. “No, this I learned from our actual clan member.”
“Ah, so something practical, useful, and probably actually important for a young dragon to know,” she said, smiling slightly, but not knowing what he was doing. The former Cypress Hall was much more singularly industrious than the former Windshear Caravan. Members of the Hall could take care of everything themselves while the Caravan relied on each other. Neither was better than the other but it led the dragons formerly of the Hall to know a greater variety of things and not just a lot about one thing.
“Well… Sort of,” Tyberion said and blushed a little.
“Who taught you the trick?”
“Can't trust a single thing he says, you know that,” she teased him.
“Well Sobek said the same thing. Aya backed them both up too, so I'm inclined to believe them.”
“Oh really? Well that's something,” she said. “So I know about this?”
“No… Or, I don't think so.” He'd be a bit upset if she did honestly.
“Ah. Well you going to show me?” she asked, moving a bit on the bed, rustling the covers, curling her wings back up towards her body. Her previous annoyance was gone now.
“Sure. I hope you like it,” he said and took his hand off her face. His tail and wings twitched nervously as he sort of propped her knees up. She just looked at him curiously.
“I already know this trick,” Nadalin snickered as he opened her legs and knelt between them.
“Oh, this is different,” he assured her.
“Too bad, I rather like that trick.”
“It’s as good,” he promised and pulled down her pants.
“I dunno. That’s like my favorite trick,” she giggled and laughed louder when he tickled her under the knee. “No fair!” she yelled. Tyberion just grinned and kissed the side of her knee as apology.
“We can do that after if you don’t like this one,” he promised her, admiring the soft tone in her calf.
“Or if I do like it?” she asked, teeth bright in a smile at him.
He snorted. “Well, yeah,” he scoffed like that was even an option. She jiggled her leg and used some of her magic to pull her underclothes off and tossed them away with a flick of her foot to land in the opposite area as her shorts. Tyberion kissed the inside of her knee and then slowly down further. Down the soft inside of her thigh. She made a curious noise and he knew he’d done it right when she sucked on her teeth and held back a moan as he put his head down between her legs.
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I’ve lived in or visited multiple different states. I’ve enjoyed the sights, sounds, and smells of many different environments and eco-systems. I now live in one of the most beautiful states in America, Colorado. I haven’t done much adventuring, but I will soon.
I can’t say I have a favorite environment. I’ve stumbled across magical woods, trudged through mysterious swamps, and got lost in wild forests. I can however share some of my best memories of places that meant a lot to me.
I barely remember the couple years I lived in Florida, the state I was born in. I do have a memory of being very young and small. I was outside and we lived in an area surrounded by a bunch of Redwoods(I think that’s what they were calling but I was very young). I can almost vividly hearing birds chirping and looking up to see nothing but trees taller than any I had ever seen. The ground was super soft. not from grass but from dirt and leaves that had turned brown. This is my youngest memory. I remember feeling so tiny compared to these trees. I was completely awestruck. Looking back on it now I’m sure they weren’t half as big as I remember being a little over 2 ft tall, but the magic of the moment will stick with me, I hope, for many years.
I grew up for the most part in three different states. Louisiana, Minnesota, and Arkansas. Louisiana is the state I claim as my home state. I’m not a big fan of Florida and I barely lived there. Louisiana is an all around mysterious and eery state, but not in a bad way, like in a, using this word again, magical way. I am a witch by birth, when I was younger I did not know this because I didn’t know my father very well nor did I ever see him, but apart of me also sensed something...different or special about me. I was always drawn to nature and seemed the thrive when in it. So I classify myself as a nature witch.
Louisiana holds some of my worst and best memories. My great grandparents, and grandparents were farmers. Not livestock, just fruits and vegetables. One of my fondest memories, I’m tearing up remembering it, was being in the field with my great grandfather. I was in kindergarten at the time. I can still feel his hand rustling my hair. He and my grandmother taught me so much about gardening. We grew strawberries, corn, greens, cabbage, blueberries, blackberries, watermelon, potatoes, bell peppers, carrots, string green beans, there was a fig tree, peach tree, and I do believe an apple tree. I would spend hours in the field watering, fertilizing, weeding, I even talked to the plants. Finally when harvesting time came it was like winning an award. Nothing, and I mean nothing tastes better to me than homegrown strawberries, watermelon, and corn straight out of the field (rinsed under the house of course). The smells I remember make my mouth water. I never wore shoes when I was younger and if I did it was sneakers to school and flipflops at home. I loved feeling the grass in between my toes at my great grandparents. I lived with my grandparents 2 minutes up the dirt road. I raced my cousins so many times barefoot running up and down that road. It truly makes me nostalgic writing this. My grandmother and my great grandfather, and occasionally one of my great uncles, would harvest the fruit and vegetables. While me, my grandmother, and great grandmother would preserve the harvest. We made jam that was so damn good. My grandmother would have my climb the fig tree while she picked the ones closer to the ground. We would talk for hours and it was so much fun. I truly miss it. In my grandparents driveway is a Magnolia tree and a tree I don’t remember the name of, but it grows beautiful pink flowers. At the right time of the year the petals would begin to fall and I would pretend I was one of those girls in the anime I sneakily stayed up late to watch. It was so beautiful I would often sit in the gazebo placed slightly to the side of the trees and just watch the wind blow the flowers. I used to get the ones off the ground and decorate the gazebo with them. There is a ditch at my great grandparents right before the mail box. So they had a bridge with one of those crisscross pattern archways where my great grandmothers roses grew. Both of my great grandparents have passed away. I think about them everyday and the lessons they taught me growing up. I often think about watching my great grandmother draw her butterflies, she used glitter gel pens and they always turned out so gorgeous. My great grandfather used to give me dum dums and I would sit in his lap on the porch swing while he dipped and told me stories about the war, or meeting my great grandmother, or when my grandma and her SIX brothers (she being the only girl and the oldest) were young and played in the same yard I did. Along the fence that went down the road to the bus stop, wild honeysuckle grew. When I would walk home from the bus stop, with or without my cousins, we would often grab a couple to suck on. Louisiana is beautiful full of swamps, creatures, and an amazing culture that is worth visiting.
Minnesota was a little different. Or a lot different really. I saw snow for the first time there. I lived with my Aunt and her now ex husband. We had a nice townhouse in a rural area. Behind out house was a small, and not very thick treeline I treated like my own personal forest. Behind that small little forest was a huge open field I never felt like exploring, not to mention I would get in so much trouble for going that far out. I would run through those woods with my next door neighbor and/or cousins and build booby traps and little huts. To the left of our back yard was a small patch where they grew bell peppers, and peppers. When the left overs would die close to winter it had such a pungent smell. I’ve never smelled anything like it. It wasn’t bad per say, I actually was very fond of it. It would begin around Halloween time. I would rake the leaves to put into those big, orange, pumpkin yard bags they have during Autumn. I loved raking the garden remains because it smelled so good. I had to be super careful about rubbing my eyes or mouth though. The peppers were still spicy dead or not and the spiciness seemed to infest the whole garden. Halloween was great in that neighborhood. EVERY house participated. My Aunt and her husband would go all out and turn our garage into a super creepy scene that scared even teenagers. I loved driving through the neighborhood and seeing all the decorations, same went for Christmas. The snow was beautiful, but there was always so much. I loved it though. It didn’t stop me from going outside. I would spend around 2 hours tops at a time outside because my aunt is very protective and didn’t want me to get frostbit or sick. I often built snowmen and sometimes she would come out and help me. After playing outside I would come in and she always had hot coco waiting for me. There would be a bowl of Halloween candy on the dining room table which I would pick whichever chocolate I was in the mood for that day and drop it in my coco. I wasn’t in much wild nature besides at my cousins house. There were a couple duck ponds that were fun to play around even if we were told not to. Minnesota is so very pretty. The snowfall is so mystical, you would almost expect faeries to be fluttering around.
Arkansas is the state I just moved from. I have most of my worst memories ever in this state. I can’t complain though because, in some areas, its a truly beautiful state. At some point after turning 18 I met a cousin of mine and his wife. They introduced me to crystal mining and let me co-own their shop with them which they sold jewelry with crystals attached and crystals just by them self. Crystal mining is an amazing experience. It is so rewarding digging through dirt and mud and bugs to come across a beautiful little druzzy(term they used to describe crystals with no particular name). If it could still be my career, it would. It was an amazing experience and I would go back to crystal mining in a heart beat, but in my current location. I lived in an apartment underneath my landlords who happened to be a close friend of mine’s parents. They helped me learn a lot about myself and taught me anything I asked to be taught. The lived on top of a cliff, if you followed the concrete to the gazebo you would see the small path that led to the end of the cliff. Below was a lake. I spent so many mornings there drinking coffee or tea thinking, and meditating. My 20 birthday was spent with two people I hold very close to me on that cliff casting a fire spell to bring me luck for the next year of my life. In Arkansas I found many beautiful little hiding spots, because that’s mainly what I was looking for. Somewhere to hide, to get away for a little while. I met and married my husband in this tourist town that we lived in after we were married, I moved into his apartment. Often after 10 or 11 we would walk around downtown for exercise, Pokemon Go hunting, or just to go and smoke and get out of the house. It was one of the most magical places I had ever had the pleasure of enjoying. Night time was the best time, the spirits came out to play, and obviously there was a LOT less people. The town we inhabited happened to be a big Wicca/Pagan community and was full of hippies. So the energy was so much fun to feed off of. My most favorite, and last I’m going to share, memory is of this place my brother and his family, we have different dads, went swimming, help parties, and barbecued at called the blue hole. Besides having to watch for snakes, watch the current, and get used to the cold it was SO BEAUTIFUL. My brother’s dad always says “They don’t call it the blue hole because the waters always blue, its because no matter how hot it is that water is going to turn your lips blue!” Yes, the water was always this magical light blue color, and yes it was freezing cold no matter how hot it was. It is a circular body of water that derives from a fresh spring. There is a wall of cliff. which is the primary way people get into the water. It’s too cold to just wade in slowly so mainly everyone would dive in off the cliff side. People built a rope swing, and even installed a diving board. It’s a beautiful area I would advise visiting.
Other places I’ve visited include Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Iowa, New Mexico, Arizona, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, North and South Dakota, North Carolina, South Carolina, Kentucky, Tennessee,  West Virginia, Virginia, Missouri, Nebraska, and Wyoming. 
I would advise you, no matter what age, race, ethnicity, culture, sex, social class, etc to get out there and explore. Adventure. Learn this country or other countries. There is a beautiful world out there waiting for you to explore it!
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