#no but seriously what cunty behavior is this???
takaraphoenix · 2 years
It’s not like you’re contractually obligated to read every single post in a tag.
But, I don’t know, if you feel like screenshotting it to post and complain that going through the tag is a hassle in a manner that suggests the post is inappropriately crosstagged, maybe you should read it, after all.
Or just, like a normal fucking person, scroll past posts that are too long for you to engage with and move on with your life instead of screenshotting them to complain. I mean what the fuck.
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gildinbainas · 3 months
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if you blaming anyone but visery/s for this entire fiasco in fire and blood then i cannot take you seriously. like just don't even. because this whole show / book is basically about how confusion in the line of succession led to civil war. there was roughly three paths acceptable, but greed, manipulation and cunty behavior is why the targaryens are where they are. and my god i get sick of the posts about abusive behavior. like i get it. it's not nice. but also those times were different. abusive or not, that's how things were done. and women could be equally abusive in their own ways by means of NEGLECT, which i see so few people pointing out but being quick to go in on the males. so im just... i like some of you, but be careful. to quote tywin. i got all day to defend house black but also rip viserys apart for not standing on business. this show as well as game of thrones has never had a true morally upright person. people do what they must given the hand dealt to them. sometimes it meant partaking in nasty business to keep their standing. you can't judge a series like this based on modern morality. thats like those folks going in on pen's mom on bridgerton when she's only doing what society dictates. she KNOWS women have no rights so making sure her girls are married to a rich guy was the norm; it was the thing to do and honestly you people exhaust me.
go pet a dragon and thanks for coming to my ted talk.
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some of yall dont get that kinnporsche is camp and it shows
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its-a-queer-thing · 7 years
I'm rewatching Shameless and it's made me realize how much I really dislike Lip. He gives terrible advice and the only time he complimented Mickey was when they were bringing Ian back from the hospital. Do you like Lip? And or what are your thoughts on Lip?
See, I just about never liked Lip. When I first started this show it was because my girlfriend’s co-workers kept freaking out about the show and primarily Lip, and when she mentioned it I remember everyone on my facebook freaking out about Lip, so I said “yeah, okay. Let’s try the first episode!” I ended up loving Ian, Fiona, and V right away rather than Lip.
Lip was okay (just okay) for the first… idk 4 episodes and then I didn’t like him as much anymore and he just kept going downhill from there for me. 
Let’s talk about our buddy Lip for a second, though.
He’s rude, conceited, arrogant, and somehow for someone who is so smart, he is so stupid! He treats his female friends and girlfriends like garbage and then is surprised when they move on from him after he is suddenly comfortable showing his feelings (this has happened with Karen and Mandy and even to an extent Amanda) then tries to drag them back in only to want out the second things look promising for a good strong connection.
He clearly loved Karen but only wanted her for sex and treated her like a whore. This is more sad than a negative but it directly correlates to how he then treated Mandy, so I feel like the pattern here translates this into a really sad fault, but a fault nonetheless. The main part that pissed me off about his relationship with Mandy was when Mandy was going to Indiana with Kenyatta, Ian asked Lip to try to convince her to stay. His idea of convincing her was giving her his magic dick to just enchant her into wanting to stay despite the fact that he refused any promise of a relationship after they were done having sex this time around. He grabbed her by the face and, sure, said some sweet things… But let’s be honest for a second: was he actually putting any effort into getting her to stay? NO! What the fuck did he offer her as incentive to stay? He thought he’d say some nice words, rock her world for thirty minutes, and then tell her not to go and that she’d be putty for him. Sorry, Lip. I doubt your Johnson is THAT amazing. I HIGHLY doubt it. And then he acted surprised when she left anyway. Just… the arrogance there is disgusting. Seriously. Disgusting.
He treats Fiona like shit after season 4, and some people don’t blame him, but I do. Even after she’s paid her debt to society Lip still acts like he has any room to judge Fiona for her questionable behavior. When Fiona got in trouble for Liam and Lip takes over as Liam’s caregiver, I honest to god think he only did it to the degree that he did to get girls’ attention. It’s no coincidence to me that just two episodes prior he was being shot down by everyone except someone who is clearly easy UNTIL he took Liam with him to school. No doubt he started taking Liam with him everywhere because he couldn’t drop him off at daycare and surely couldn’t trust Fiona completely, but after an episode it was definitely more of him trying to get positive recognition for being a man who takes care of children (because he’s been doing everything wrong at college and he feels in need of some recognition and validation).
 He keeps insisting that he’s southside and college life isn’t going to change him except he starts acting like he is too good for his neighborhood and his own family pretty damn quick, and kind of kick-started Fiona’s cunty behavior in season 6 and 7 by trying to make her feel like she is stupid or a failure (and he did the same thing when she went back for her GED).
The only good I can say about Lip is he called Ian on the bullshit double standard he and the rest of the angry mob had about the female pedophile (though he took that experience to get laid as well), he finally gave Mickey some credit for helping Ian and starts to believe in their relationship a little bit, (”You did okay, Mickey. You know, you tried.” “I thought Mickey’d be here”) he’s finally recognizing the Frank in him and is trying to stop himself from becoming Frank now that he’s seeing it and when it comes down to it (but it has to come down to it) he will support and defend his family like no one else.
I still don’t understand why people care for Lip so much, but hey, to each their own. Some people don’t see the redeeming qualities of Mickey that I see so I’m sure there are some redeeming qualities on Lip that I’m just not seeing, too.
Thanks for the question, Anon! At least you and I are in the same boat!
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