#aaah I do not like this feeling of ending up blocking someone
takaraphoenix · 2 years
It’s not like you’re contractually obligated to read every single post in a tag.
But, I don’t know, if you feel like screenshotting it to post and complain that going through the tag is a hassle in a manner that suggests the post is inappropriately crosstagged, maybe you should read it, after all.
Or just, like a normal fucking person, scroll past posts that are too long for you to engage with and move on with your life instead of screenshotting them to complain. I mean what the fuck.
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gatoplanet · 2 years
HOW do you write your wonderfully gushy porn bc holy hell whenever i try to it always sounds like
"i have daddy issues"
and then he CUMS
okay first of all youve got me invested with eight words and one emoji so you gotta give yourself some more credit
but aaah this is so kind of you to say thank you!! honestly most of my writing process is just me staring at the same paragraphs and changing single words for months and then posting it because i can’t look at it anymore. i wish i was exaggerating for comedic effect. so my main advice is to go through your doc and delete half the times you use the word just. i’m doing it in this post right now
but if you’re a normal fucking person then i guess if it’s helpful, the most important thing to me when writing a sex scene specifically is to think about what i’m trying to get across about the characters via the sex they’re having!! i love writing sex scenes because it takes two (or more if you’re brave) characters and puts them in an intimate position where they might realize something new about themselves or their relationship, but there are built-in things for them to do other than just shrug and sigh between lines of dialogue. so like, if i was gonna write a scene where klaus someone has daddy issues and then he comes, i’d try to show the daddy issues through what it is about the sex that ends up making him come, and then i could get into how he feels about that, and how his partner feels about being part of it if they catch on, and how he feels about making them part of it if they don’t catch on, and how all of that makes them behave toward each other while they’re sticky and vulnerable, and and and. there are about a million different directions you can go with ostensibly the same plot beats (they make out, they bone, they have orgasms, the end) and that’s why i love fanfic and will read every story about klaus and dave in a motel room on leave that anyone ever writes
also ymmv with this and i know plenty of people who do the exact opposite of what i’m about to say and have it turn out fabulously, but something that helps me a lot when i’m writing porn is to refer to actual genitals as little as possible. and i don’t mean like his member or his lower opening or whatever, just* write around having to talk directly about them. not that there’s anything wrong with mentioning a dick, obv we all know it’s there, but i find for me that when i block off the most obvious thing to write about during sex, it makes me a) get more interesting with my descriptions and b) focus more on how the characters are feeling than just a play by play of what they’re doing. i also think focusing on the full-body experience is overall sexier, like yeah i know there’s thrusting happening but i wanna hear if a waist gets grabbed!! anyway this is why i write about hips and thighs so much lmao
*this is the one that gets to stay. the chosen just
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upat4amwiththemoon · 2 years
Hiii! Could you write a Daisy Johnson X Fem!Reader fic, with Daisy mentoring R and helping her with her powers. A training sea turns into something else as R’s crush for her mentor comes to light. Thanksss!
Training sessions
Summary: Workplace crushes.
Pairing: Daisy Johnson x female!reader
Warnings: none
Word count: 1559
a/n: aaah thank you for a Daisy request!! Hope you enjoy :)
Tags: @thought-of-you-and-me @rafecameronswhore
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Becoming an inhuman definitely wasn’t something Y/N was either expecting or wanting, but she didn’t get to choose. She was one of the people who turned because of fish oil vitamins.
She didn’t understand what was going on when the flowers started floating around the shop, freaking away the customers. Y/N didn’t even realize it was her doing it before they all slammed to a wall because of her hand movement. Her coworker instantly called the cops, which also got SHIELD’s attention.
Although, SHIELD capturing her with a flying room didn’t seem like a good thing at the time, she feels very fortunate to be with them now. She didn’t have a lot of family around and the one friend she had was disgusted by her powers, so the people at SHIELD became her friends. Especially Daisy Johnson, another inhuman. Daisy understands her feelings and struggles. She also helps her overcome them. She’s like a mentor to Y/N, which is why she is so afraid of her quickly growing feelings towards her.
“You are able to move it, Y/N, you just have to believe in yourself.” Daisy stands next to her, staring at the broken car in front of them.
Y/N groans, swinging her arms down. “I can’t do it.”
“Come on now.” Daisy glares at her playfully. “Don’t give up so easily. It took me a long while to get used to my powers too.”
“But you learned with professionals.”
“Are you implying I’m not a professional?”
Daisy gasps in mock offend, slamming her hand to her chest. Y/N giggles at her, shaking her head. “I’m hurt. You know, as your SO I’m going to make you hard twice as hard now.” She bumps her side to Y/N’s, who inly rolls her ryes at the threat. ”Try again.” Y/N sighs, but moves her hand up towards the car. She breathes out and closes her eyes. “Block everything else out of your mind, focus on the car.”
Opening her eyes, Y/N smiles widely. The car is few meters up the ground. “I did it.” She laughs, surprised and happy she actually did it. “I actually did it.”
“I knew you could do it.” Daisy grins, looking at the pure glee on Y/N’s face.
The car slams down to the ground as Y/N practically jumps at Daisy to give her a hug. Daisy takes a few steps back from the impact, but returns the hug just as enthusiastically, happy for her and happy to be close to her.
“Thank you.” Y/N looks at Daisy. “You truly are a great SO.”
Daisy smiles. “You did all the hard work. Come on, lets end this here.” She sets her hand to Y/N’s lower back, under her crop top where her skin is bare. The touch makes Y/N’s cheeks feel warm. She is pretty sure the hand is lower than a friend’s hand should be, but she doesn’t think too much about it. Certainly Daisy couldn’t have the same feelings towards her.
“Yeah.” Y/N mumbles, looking down at the floor. “You think the others are ordering something to eat today? Or is it someone’s turn to cook?”
Daisy thinks for a moment. “I think it’s Hunter’s turn, which means we’re eating ordered pizza.”
“Well, I don’t mind that.”
Giggling, Daisy looks at Y/N. “That’s because you and Hunter are scarily alike.”
Y/N’s eyes widen. “You take that back.”
Daisy only laugh, throwing her head back as she lets go of Y/N and walks towards her room. “See you at dinner!” Y/N stares dopily after her, smiling at her laugh and the way she walks.
Shaking her head, Y/N walks over to her room, desperately trying to push her feelings away.
Most of the agents are sitting together at the dining table, taking their pick of the different pizzas laying in front of them.
Y/N is staring at laughing Daisy, who is sitting across from her. “I’m not similar to Hunter, am I?” She cringes at the thought, turning to look at Bobbi sitting next to her.
“I mean, a little bit.”
Groaning, Y/N bites into her piece of pizza. “Have you even met Hunter.”
Bobbi chuckles and rolls her eyes. “You should tell her.” She glances at Daisy. She’s talking with Jemma and Leopold.
“That I’m like Hunter? She’s the one who said it to me first.”
“No.” Bobbi shakes her head with an exaggerated sigh. “That you like her.” She whispers so the others around them wouldn’t hear.
Y/N freezes for a moment. Glancing at Daisy, she makes sure the brunette didn’t hear anything. She clears her throat and continues eating. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Y/N mumbles.
“It’s so obvious.” Bobbi leans closer to Y/N. The action makes Daisy glance at the two, but it goes unnoticed by Y/N. “And it’s very clear she likes you too.”
“You don’t think it’s weird?” Y/N sighs, slightly shifting in her seat. “That she’s my SO.”
“No, of course not. Wasn’t Ward Daisy’s SO?” Y/N raises her brow, looking at Bobbi with an expressionless look. Bobbi purses her lips. “Right, probably not the best example. Just tell her, or..” She grins. “I can help you.”
“Make her jealous.”
“No.” Y/N shakes her head. “That’s not right.”
“Do you know how many times me or Hunter tried to make each other jealous?” Bobbi glances at Hunter, giving him a small smile when she notices he is already looking their way. “And we’re doing great now.”
“I wouldn’t exactly call you two a role model relationship.” She mumbles out, ignoring the offended although playful glare she gets from Bobbi.
“Come on.” Bobbi lays her hand to the backrest of Y/N’s chair, leaning closer to whisper into her ear. “It’ll be fun.”
Y/N grumbles and rolls her eyes. “Fine.”
“Good.” Bobbi grins, caressing Y/N’s arm lightly, at times fiddling with the sleeve of her t-shirt. “She’s already staring.” When Y/N goes to lift up her head, Bobbi pinches her. “Don’t look.”
“Ouch.” Y/N moves her hand to the spot Bobbi pinched and glares at her.
“Don’t be a baby.” Bobbi glares her back. “Can you at least pretend you’re having a good time?”
Y/N starts giggling out of nowhere and quite loudly, definitely getting Daisy’s attention. She puts her hand near Bobbi’s collarbone and pushes her lightly. “You’re too funny.”
Bobbi smirks. “You’re good.”
“Thank you.” Y/N winks at her before going back to her pizza.
Y/N groans at the force of Daisy’s hand coming to her stomach, the impact making her take a few steps backwards. They’re training hand to hand combat, which Y/N is not a fan of. Especially now, as Daisy seems to be taking it to a next level.
She straightens her back and gets back to position, lifting her wrapped hand up to her face in fists. “Is there something going on between you and Bobbi?” Daisy throws a punch, which Y/N successfully avoids this time.
“I don’t know what you mean.” She advances Daisy, trying to get her into a headlock.
“You two seemed pretty close at dinner.” Daisy rolls away from Y/N. “I thought she was with Hunter.”
“Well, you know her and Hunter.”
Daisy scoffs at the vague answers. Not answering, she sweeps Y/N off of her feet. Y/N grunts from the impact. “Just wasn’t aware you were her type, or she yours.” She takes a sip from her water bottle while Y/N stands back up.
The tone of Daisy’s voice makes Y/N’s insides feel weird. She doesn’t like lying, which is why she didn’t want to do the whole thing in the first place.
“Guess I was wrong.” Daisy shrugs, setting the bottle down.
“Bobbi was only trying to make you jealous because I like you!” Y/N finally confesses, feeling too bad for lying to Daisy. She shuts her eyes in embarrassment, not wanting to see her SO’s reaction. “I understand if this crosses a line and you don’t want to be my SO anymore.” She whispers, quite sadly.
She didn’t want Daisy to stop being her SO, but she also didn’t want to make things uncomfortable. She still wants to be her friend, even if she didn’t feel the same way about her.
“What did you say?”
Y/N’s whole body is burning up. “I like you.” A long silence makes her skin crawl. “I’m really sorry, we can forget this a-“
“Look at me and say it again.”
Daisy’s voice sounds different than usually, more demanding and serious. Slowly, Y/N opens her eyes to see Daisy much closer to her than she thought. “I like you, more than I should.”
Daisy stares at her, searching for a trace of lie but finding none. She breathes out and smiles. Taking Y/N completely by surprise, she grabs her waist and pulls her into a rough kiss. Y/N gasps, kissing her back as soon as she realizes what’s going on.
“I’ve been waiting to do that for so long.” Daisy laughs as she backs away.
Y/N giggles, leaning her head to Daisy’s shoulder. “Me too.”
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celestialmango · 3 years
(an anon sent me a prompt a while ago that caught my interest and I tweaked it a little so I wouldn't get writers block and get stuck but honestly whoever you are anon, great job👍, I loved it but it just took awhile for creative juices to flow so I could write it out.)
Soft vore, stuffing, unwilling Prey, ambiguous ending, reader insert, fatal mentions.
Holy shit, you shiver in fear at the knowledge just given to you by the college staff, you shouldn't have signed up for the dorms fuck what do you do? You don't know but you don't have a choice now, you chosen a college far from home and didn't have the money to rent a place. You can see pity on the staffs face as if they know they signed your death warrant. You take a deep breath, stand up and leave.
You don't have a choice, you can't afford to go anywhere else, you were just assigned to be the roommate of a well-known upper class man Pred on campus, as you slowly walk a down the path to the main dorm you feel you have to think, what do you do? as you enter the building....you have an idea, it might be dumb, might not even work but if a plan like this might help you survive you have to at least try it right? You clap your hands and pray to whatever deities are out there that this will work.
You walk down the hall to your assigned dorm room and knock on the door, after a moment it opens and you're face to face with a gurgling bulge of a stomach, you try not to let it phase you as you look up at the towering form rubbing the back of their neck before they look down at you, before the can do anything you play your cards 'o-oh wow you're tall! Hi I'm (y/n)!' you say with an innocent friendly smile 'the dorm manager assigned me as your roommate, from the sound of it you sound pretty hungry which is great! I wanted to invite you out to a buffet I saw on my bus ride to campus for lunch, my treat!' you look at them expectantly waiting for a reply after your word vomit.
After a few minutes of silence and them just staring down at you begin to fidget in place, they just blink at you slowly, looking as if they're debating some as they lift a hand to their mouth and yawn, you fidget a bit more nervously as you see how wide their maw can stretch and see their sharp canines dripping with saliva before their hand drops and their jaw relaxes. Their other hand finds it's way to the back of your shirt and they bring you inside the room before dropping you on a giant beanbag chair, they yawn again "Nnnn fuck it sure, give me a minute, I gotta put on some pants."
Phase one of plan play dumb success! The staff members said your roommate would eat you as soon as they opened the door, but instead you convinced them to a buffet instead, you take your chance to look around the room and your smile drops a little into a look of concern and confusion. There's only one bed. After getting dressed the come out of a bathroom and see your face "what's with you?" They ask sounding a little hostile, you respond by letting your face flush and scratching your cheek with a finger 'u-um well.' their eyes are gazing at you like a hawk 'there's only one bed in the room, this college doesn't really make roommates share a bed do they?' the Predator responds with an unnerving grin "most of my roommates don't last long."
Deflect! Deflect and act cute! You smile at them innocently again and tilt your head 'oh? Did they get kicked out for some reason or something?' their grin gains an aura of menace. "Or something." You put a hand on your chin in thought, 'by the way how do we get to town from campus? Do you have a car or will we be taking a bus to buffet.' their grin drops as they pause for a moment raising their eyebrow, "do you honestly think someone my size can fit in a car? Because the answer is no." You just grin at them 'guess I'll be paying for bus passes too then' they shake their head "naw, the college provides monthly passes, now come on, we'll want to hurry because the next one will leave soon." You look startled before you leap up, 'ok'.
You have trouble keeping up with them as you both run so they quickly turn back pick you up and tuck you under their arm before rushing to the bus stop, they really want that free food you offered, a chance to pig out that they don't have to pay for sounds great to them.
To saw you were surprised at how much $5 at a buffet could stretch was an understatement, barely half an hour and a tower of plates was stacked on the table you two sat at and as the pred finished their final plate a well dress person came up and banned you both from coming back, as you both stood on the sidewalk you spoke with a stunned look on your face 'i didn't know it was possible to get kicked out of an all you can eat buffet' the pred patted at their large gut "yeah, pity. I'm not even full yet." They pause looking like they're thinking about something again when you spoke again 'what? Seriously? You ate out the entire buffet.' they look towards you again with a strange gaze that you don't even notice and answer.
"I could go for more." You don't even see them reach for you before you turn to them with a mischievous grin while ask them an question that interests them greatly 'wanna see how many buffets we can banned from in a day?' they hesitate, the hand they were about to snatch you up freezes for a second before it reaches down to pat your shoulder instead as they give you a wide grin and an enthusiastic reply "hell yeah." And off you both went to cause as much chaos as possible before you had to go back to campus.
A few hour later and they can barely squeeze themselves out of the doors of the bus as you return to campus, their gut bulging out so large it look as if they ate a moose, the both of you laughing '-i mean the look on that guys face when you snatched up and ate an entire turkey whole as they chased us out was priceless' "pfft yeah but what about the other guy when I ran out of the kitchen with that pot of soup a chugged it?" You both walk towards the dorm 'he looked like he was about to faint! That was right off the stove! Like boiling hot! How in the world did that not burn like you were drinking lava?' "heat resistance is a wonderful thing" they reply grinning from ear to ear.
After they open the door and you're about turn to leave to talk to staff about finishing the dorm paperwork their hand presses against your back a shove you into their room, you don't see a dark look flash across their face for a moment before disappearing, there is an unnerving tone to their voice that gives no room for argument as they speak "hey now, how about we spend a bit more time together?" It doesn't sound like a question but more like an order. Afraid and nervous about what may happen if you say no, you agree.
They hand you a controller and ask in a voice, as if they know exactly how the words sound
"Wanna smash?" 'Hah' you can't help the laugh that comes out, you shouldn't have told them about your weakness to dirty jokes.
Time passes fast as you play smash bros together for a while then move on to more multiple play games, you keep noticing they way they glance at you sometimes with a look that scares you, sometimes licking their lips, you notice as time goes by the size of their stomach decreases and the more it does, the more these moments of staring increase.
Their stomach growls a low long sound and you feel like you're sweating as you shiver while a chill shoots down your spine,you speak in a shaky voice as you get up and start walking towards the door 'w-ell t-this has been fun but I have speak to staff about sleeping arrangements as there's not room for me her right now' you open the door a crack before it slams shut, you see the Pred's hand above you and the other engulfs your shoulder, the tone Pred speaks to you in makes your heart stop "oh I have room." Before the spin you around, pinning your arms to your sides as their jaw stretches open and they lift you up , shoving your head inside and swallowing before you can properly process the situation.
The grip of their throat is tight, but the fleshy tube contracts and releases easily as the experienced muscles drag you deeper inside, you snap out your stunned state a futilely kick and squirm , the struggles doing nothing except helping you slide down faster, the Pred groaning at your flavor as they gulp heavily and fast, impatient and greedy they feel they have waited for this long enough. Your head passed through the opening to their stomach and thinking fast you hold your breath, closing your eye as your face is shoved into the pile of half digested remains of the multiple buffets they cleaned out.
You're quickly force inside, curling up you gasp as your head emerges from the slurry of food, it stick to your hair, a foul acidic smell in your nostrils, you barely have the room to move and you start to cry feeling a bit betrayed but your soft sobs can't be heard over the gurgles and groans of the chamber as it continues to work on the food around you.
"Aaah that hit the spot." They plop back down on their beanbag, their gut having grown in size once more, they give it a couple pats then rub it lightly "out of everything I ate today you are definitely the tastiest." They mean that fully, they had been planning to do this since they were first told that staff was going to once again, try to give them a roommate, a freshman this time, you were always going to feed them, they just didn't expect you to do it in more ways than one.
They continue to switch between rubbing and patting their their gut as a thoughtful look crosses their face, they had made up their mind to eat you, nothing you did was ever going to change that, however, what happens afterwards is still up for debate because honestly you are probably the first one staff sent that was actually friendly towards them instead of an entitled jackass , you also took them out and let them stuff themselves till they couldn't eat anymore, they had to wait to digest a bit before they could fit you in too, but even then they had a really good time today with you.
Considering who and what they were it wouldn't take but a second to cast the spell they would need to keep you from being lost inside their stomach forever, hell you might even actually be a good roommate if they give you that chance....a low whiny gurgle sounds from their gut. Whatever their decision is they will need to make it soon, they have about 15 minutes before the acid in their stomach starts to affect you too.
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DIABOLIK LOVERS MORE BLOOD Vol.2: Mukami Kou [Track 9+10]
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Original title: 気持ちいことを考える時間 & 明けることのない夜
Source: Diabolik Lovers More, Blood Vol. 2: Mukami Kou [CD not owned by me]
Audio: Here
Seiyuu: Kimura Ryouhei
Translator’s note: Rejet listened to my pleas and there’s no more yucky noises in these last two tracks, thank god. T _ T If it weren’t for track 7 & 8, I’d say this CD was actually quite enjoyable despite Kou not being super high up on my favorites list. I just can’t handle the bodily gore stuff though. ;; You may say I got into the wrong fandom then and maybe I did butー Have some mercy on my weak stomach. xD
Track 1+2 ll Track 3+4 ll Track 5+6 ll Track 7+8 ll Track 9+10
Track 9: Time to Think About Pleasure
“Hm...I’m thirsty again. ...Geez...I wonder if I’ve been successfully caught in your web and stooped down to their level.  Oh well, I guess it’s fine. As long as I have youー and as long as I can have your blood, all of my desires will be fulfilled...”
“Ah-aaah~ These twig legs...When looking at them, I can’t help but want to rip them to shreds, you see? ...However...I’m feeling quite good right now, so I’ll let you off the hook.”
[00:40] “Hmー Are you running low on blood, perhaps? Somehow it doesn’t gush out the same way it did before. ...So I’m going to have to increase the pressure on your leg a little...”
He squeezes down as you cry out.
*Rustle rustle*
“There we go. I wonder what will happen if I block your blood circulation like this...~? Ah. Does it hurt? But don’t worry. I’ll give you pleasure in a sec. Say, you’ll forgive me, right?”
You writhe around. 
[01:15] “Haha...I really feel as if I could just tear your leg off with my fangs. You should be grateful to your own blood for being so delicious, otherwise you would lose your limbs in no time. Fufufu...~”
Kou bites you again.
*Gulp gulp gulp*
*Gulp gulp*
“Haah...So sweet...and delicious...”
“Give me more...Hahn...”
*Gulp gulp*
“Haah, hah...”
“Haah...I feel as if I’ve reached my peak as well...You feel good too, don’t you? ...Hey, are you listening to me?”
You just weakly whimper in return.
[02:19] “Hey, answer me. I’m the one asking you a question after all. If you don’t, then I really can’t guarantee your safety. Ah...Did you perhaps come just now? (1) Ahahaha...Honestly, I don’t need to hear your reply, I can tell by the look on your face.”
*Rustle rustle*
“However...You’re still not satisfied yet, are you? I can tell by that greedy look in your eyes. You want me, don’t you~? Well, I suppose I should give you a reward seeing as you managed to get off from my fangs~ I’ll kiss you...~”
*Smooch smooch*
You flinch. 
“...Hm? Why do you seem so surprised? You like this sorta stuff, don’t you? Hah. ...Most foolish human girls are weak to kisses. Mmh...”
[03:32] “...Haahー Honestly, humans are so cheap to feel satisfied just from pressing one’s lips together like this. It’s so easy, it almost seems precious. ...See? You looked somewhat happy for a split second just now, didn’t you? Look at you getting the wrong idea already...I was spot on, wasn’t I?”
You frown.
“Ah-aah, you really are such a fool. Hahaha...”
[04:06] “Well then...Where should I bite you next? I can feel my body aching, begging for more. ...Hehe. I’ll search for more of their marks and remove all traces of those guys’ fangs. ...Brace yourself.”
“Hmー Next up is...Here, I guess? The nape. I wonder who sucked from here, huh? Do you remember all that information?”
Kou licks your skin.
[04:44] “I bet you recall it upon having these marks touched and your body starts to ache all over, correct?”
“Say...What do you want me to do? Should I just plunge my fangs in? I don’t take requests like this very often so come on, hurry up and give me an answer.”
“Ah, right! Let’s do something they’ve never done to you before! We have plenty of time on our hands after all. ...Hey, are you listening?”
[05:15] “Don’t space out on me now. I’m right in front of you, so you have to stay focused, looking only at me, thinking only of me.”
*Cling cling*
“...Hm? Ah. I still haven’t untied your arms, have I? I doubt you have the energy to fight back anymore, so I suppose I can remove this thing.”
*Cling cling*
[05:48] “Hm...Hahaha...You’re slouching but we’re still far from done, you know? I still want to have lots more fun after all. I’m doing you the honor of giving you my full attention, so I see no reason for you to refuse?”
Track 10: A Never-Ending Night
“Now what to do...~ Well, I suppose I should do something about these marks on your nape first, right? I bet they make you feel disgusted too. ...Don’t they?”
*Rustle rustle*
“Hm...To be honest, it’s the first time I feel this...unexplainable anger towards marks which aren’t my own...For real...I’ll make sure to get rid of all of them...”
Kou bites you.
*Gulp gulp*
“Haah, hah...”
“...I have to go deeper...More...”
*Gulp gulp*
[01:08] “Hah...! ...Phew...I wonder why I just don’t feel satisfied...even when I’ve sucked so much of your blood already...? I just end up craving more and more, wanting to push to the very limit...Until you die...! Exactly. Let’s go to that limit. Don’t you think that might just make it even more enjoyable...? Fufu~ ...Hm?”
*Rustle rustle*
“What’s wrong...? Look at you snuggle up to me...”
You explain.
[01:51] “Your body has gone limp? ...Geez, you’re so hopeless. Come here, I’ll embrace you tightly.”
“Hm? It hurts...? Well, of course it does. I squeezed you tightly all at once after all. ...See? As a result, blood has started gushing out the wound from earlier.”
[02:29] “Haah...You see, this whole time I’ve also been...I guess you would call these dizzy spells? The room’s spinning and my body feels so hot, as if I’m melting...I feel we might just become one. 
[02:55] “At first I thought I had caught myself quite the masochistic kitten. I was convinced you’d upset me and wouldn’t last long but before I knew it, this happened...Laughable. ...Furthermore, I’m frustrated with myself. It doesn’t make sense for someone like me to feel satisfied with someone else’s second-hand goods. (2) Under normal circumstances, I’d never show interest in such a person...”
[03:37] “When I get a whiff of your nearby scent, I get the urge to plunge my fangs inside. This must be my instincts rather than just a mere reflex, right? Fufu...But that’s what you want as well, isn’t it?”
You remain quiet.
“...Hah! I’ve told you a million times so far, but I expect an answer when I ask you a question. I don’t care if you’re lost in the pleasure from my fangs, getting the cold shoulder still pisses me off. ...Don’t come crying to me afterwards.”
Kou bites you again.
*Gulp gulp gulp*
*Gulp gulp*
[04:29] “Haah, haah...Aah...I still want you more...I’ll devour you whole...With everything I’ve got...You must be happy to hear that, no? Of course you are. You should be grateful...to the blood now flowing through both our bodies. Haah...”
*Gulp gulp gulp*
[05:05] “Mmph...Haah, haah...Come on, open your eyes and look at me. That’s all you need to bring you joy, right? The morning will never come again. ーー Never. Because I’ve already decided I will make you mine. 
“Fufu...Ahaha...It’s fine. I already know you’re happy. So just offer all of your blood to me...as you lie there and think about how glad you are to have become mine, okay?”
*Gulp gulp gulp*
*Gulp gulp*
*Gulp gulp*
ーー THE END ーー 
Translation notes
(1) いく or ‘iku’ has many meanings, one of which being ‘to climax/to have an orgasm’. 
(2) Kou does use the term second-hand product (中古品), referring to the fact that MC has already been used and bitten by the Sakamaki’s in the past and therefore is no longer ‘pure’. 
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dreamii-yume · 4 years
hey yume i just want to say that no need for you to keep the spice mild because honestly i like it v-very spicy! actually since he also got a hot pirate card why dont we get into spooky season a little early? between him and a darling who dressed up as a cute wolf girl character for her costume ;;
Halloween in Night Raven College is quite a little different and special from what others perceived as the traditional. You know that much to a certain degree at least. You knew how competetive these students are at a concerning amount of level to take the role that they have to the absolute heart.
So, when you decided to dress up as a cute wolf character, you did not expect for someone like Jack to do a double-take on you. Sure, you did something like walking up to him, raising your hands in clawing manner, before giving an adorably ‘threatening’ growl but nothing more. You just really wanted to show off the fake fangs that you attached to your actual teeth, you’re intention was nothing more than to tease him a bit. You got a bit curious of how Jack will react to seeing you dressing up as his species.
But there you go talking shit again as Jack had suddenly pulled you into the shadiest part of the school.
“Um...Jack? Hello~?” A drop of sweat fell from your forehead as you looked to the other side with Jack nuzzling against your neck. You were trapped between his huge body and the wall behind, his arms blocking your side exits. With an awkward smile on your face, you closed your eyes as you can feel him going up, his nose grazing against your cheek. You clenched your fist tight as you were stiffed as a rock against his questionable touch, his knee was parting both your thighs, dangerously close to your special place. “T-The others...The others already went ahead, y-you know...?”
You cracked open an eye to look at Jack, quickly speculating on what could’ve happened to this usually serious guy. “...Jack?” You called again, successfully earning a glance from the guy. “...What are you doing?”
“...Don’t get the wrong idea.” Jack said and you shivered as he nibbled slightly on a certain part of your neck. You were already so used to seeing his fangs and you even felt them at some point, but this was actually the first time that you felt how powerful they really are. You were praying that he was just there for a little nibble and not to seriously bite a part of your nape off. “I’m just playing by your role.”
...He say that but isn’t he getting a bit too...close? It doesn’t really come to you as quick as bullet train about what he meant, you don’t anyone in your position would. Perhaps this was a way of greeting in wolf language, since you are technically dressed up as his species, a bit affectionate but you’re not one complain. You can always settle for cuddles and a little bit more, you wondered if Jack-
“Hey! W-Whoa! What!?” You exclaimed, interrupting whatever you were thinking off as Jack suddenly crouched down in eye-level with your crotch. “Jack!? What is this!?”
You blushed bright red as he lifted up your thighs and hang them around his shoulder, you had to cling onto the wall behind you to not fall from your current position. “H-Hey...!” You panickly yelled out as his hands caught the waistline of your shorts, tugging them down. “W...Wait, Jack...That’s...!”
Before you can say anything, he hastily pulled them down, along with your black stockings and underwear, causing you to flare up even more. “Okay, okay...! This is getting too far, what are you doing!?” You asked as you desperately try to pull your shorts back up. You worked hard on this outfit too, the frills and ribbons took so much time to put on. But that’s the least of your worries right now, seriously!
Suddenly, Jack caught your hand in a grasp, glaring up at you with a blush that caught you off guard. For some reason, he doesn’t look as threatning as you imagined him to be. “S-Stop struggling...!” He growled and you were just left staring at him dumbfoundly, thinking of your next move.
Taking advantage of your guard down, Jack quickly pulled down your undergarments all the way down to your thighs, revealing the sight of your pretty pussy. You squeaked in embarrassment as you tried to push him away but ended up freezing in your spot as a wave of pleasure went up in you when Jack had immediately clamped his mouth onto your cunt.
“H-Haa...Ah! J-Ja...ack...!?” You exclaimed, lips quavering as you felt him moving his mouth, stimulating you sensitive organ. Ultimately, sending sparks of electricity up your spine. “S-Sto...!”
He started lapping up your dripping cunt, even taking a quick attention to your little bud in the process. You gasped and whine as you hold his head, trying to form words but ending up with incomprehensible slurs. You don’t know what’s happening or why Jack is doing this all of a sudden but it got you drooling questionably. His toungue entering and exitting you in a moderate pace, scraping against your insides, it was all driving you nuts! Jack sucks on your clit and you felt as if that was the last piece of the puzzle to completely send you to overdrive.
With a high-pitched moan of his name, you gripped Jack’s head, even squeezing his ears for support, and came hard onto his awaiting mouth. Panting with your eyes almost cross-eyed in pleasure, you almost fell down to the cold hard ground if it weren’t for Jack still holding you up. He lifted back your shorts to hide your dripping cunt in an unorderly manner, he took off his long coat and basically had you wrapped around it, like a newborn baby. Seeing how you’d be unable to walk around with those shaking legs too, he lifted you up in a bridal style, looking everywhere to see if there’s anyone around.
Thankfully, there was none.
Within the hazy part of your mind, you caught that bashful look on Jack’s expression. You blushed slightly as you saw him licking his lips and wiping some of your love juices dripping against his jaw. “...You should’ve thought twice about playing as a wolf, damn it...” Jack said as he eyed you, his blush getting bigger and bigger. “W-Who knows what others could’ve done...You big idiot!”
You don’t understand this wolf culture that he’s trying to imply or what you did to trigger him this much, maybe if you have a little bit more of an extra free time on your hands, you’ll study more about it. But holy shit...You would be dirty, dirty liar to say how that experience did not spark something in you.
Aaah, there’s more in my inbox but I’m sorry! I gotta end Jack’s Birthday Crumb event here! There’s more hornii I want to answer actually but aah- (´;Д;`) Yume ran out of time! Thank you for sending in ideas though! Yume appreciates all of it and once again, Happy Birthday to our dear Wolf Tsundere Boi Jack!
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unholyplumpprincess · 3 years
Don’t Wanna Forget a Thing
For @fyeahnix​ !!!!!! Thank you so much for your patience and I hope you end up loving this as much as I love creating it! Thank you also for always giving me such fun prompts to do for the Goirls!!!!!
Summary: Anita and Wraith get away from the games for their anniversary on a vacation that involves being together, lots of good food, lots of Wraith taking pictures, and more than one sexual romp. Finally having privacy away from the games only making Wraith realize more and more things about how she pictures her life with this beautiful woman. Or! In which Anita and Wraith go on an anniversary trip and kiss and fuck a LOT and also bask in each other's presence.
!!!Minors and ageless blogs dni or you will be blocked!!!
Fandom: Apex Legends
Relationship: Bangalore/Wraith
Warnings: R18+/NSFT, Wraith has piercings which is mentioned, public play, scent kink stuff, lots of picture taking + recording that is also explicit bc Wraith wants to remember Everything, Lil bit of bondage, and LOTS of the girls loving each other soooo much
Words: 10.4k
Psamathe was easily one of the most sumptuous, luxurious locations Wraith had ever seen in her life. 
That’s all she could think when Anita brought up taking a trip there for their first-year anniversary. Olympus in its abandoned state as it was, was already terribly expensive looking in appearance. And that’s just for when they were fighting rather than going somewhere just to spend time together. Albeit, holding a knife to your girlfriend’s throat could be considered ‘spending time together’ but not when you were ready to steal Champion right from under their nose. 
At first, Wraith had been a bit nervous. It was a beautiful location, don’t get her wrong, with plentiful shops and beautiful scenery. But any hesitations she may have had disappeared at the sight Anita’s excited face. Wraith was already wrapped around her finger and agreeing that it sounded like a great idea for their time off between seasons.  
Anita had never been on a vacation like this before, she had admitted with a bit of a sad chuckle. Family vacations weren’t really a thing in their family- always on the stiffer end of waiting for more orders from the military. Being able to get away, as she explained it to Wraith, was almost like a dream. 
Most people went home. Wraith and Anita both had their own reasons for not returning. Wraith, because she didn’t even know if she had any family members to begin with. And Anita, her home planet and family being too far- the whole reason she joined the games in the first place. Finding someone willing to take her home. 
But together, they were their own family. 
Together, they were a home. 
~Rest under the cut~
The dropship leading to their hotel is spent with Wraith wide awake and Anita leaning down and to the side to rest her head on her shoulder. Wraith spends that time with her head resting against hers, her hand resting on Anita’s thigh and squeezing soothingly when Anita gets disturbed by a bit of turbulence. Soft murmurs of, “We’re okay, shh, I’m here. Rest up, baby.” To encourage Anita back to rest. Normally followed by Anita’s soft, fond hum and her freckled cheek nuzzling lightly across the top of Wraith’s head. 
Their hotel is even prettier than the pictures. Huge and spacious with a big enough bed for them to share. Not like the size would save Anita’s body from the wrath of Wraith’s cold hands, however. The canopy bed was massive, with beautiful white gauzy fabric tied up around it giving it this romantic feeling with soft twinkling lights entangled in pink flowers. 
To the left of it was a huge balcony overlooking a beautiful lake with big mountains and trees since in the distance across the way, with the city’s lights on the opposite side sparkling enticingly. Benches, tables, and chairs on the balcony for a quiet night or morning overlooking the beauty of the city they were staying at. 
The bathroom was huge on its own with a walk-in shower made from stone and glass, big enough you could probably host at least five people in there comfortably, and a clawfoot tub off to the side. The double vanity with quartz countertops was equally as lovely, including everything they may need for their stay left atop in a basket. 
“I could get used to this.” Anita had murmured low in her chest, arms wrapping around Wraith from behind in the bathroom as they both looked at the massive mirror together. Wraith had hummed her agreement, it definitely being a step up even from their quarters at the compound. Her plump lips quirk up into a half smile, turning her head up to receive a forehead kiss. 
From there, it was planned dates for their two weeks in the city. 
Anita suggests scoping out the city first, reminding Wraith that Natalie had a few places she wanted them to try as well. Wraith remembered, having written them down with Natalie’s insistence and a big smile on her face- anything for her best friend, after all.  
The first day is sightseeing, going and walking around with their hands interlocked. Anita didn’t tend to care for PDA, but after a few hungry looks peering over at her, Wraith had casually slipped their hands together. A low hum nearing a growl in her throat when Anita had laughed. “What? Don’t like people checkin’ out the goods?” 
“Don’t like people checking out what’s mine.” Wraith had coolly replied, looking up at her from under her thick lashes and smirking when she catches Anita’s freckled cheeks flushing and a small lip bite. 
She’s so cute. 
Should let them watch- 
Should let them watch how we tear her apart- 
“They bugging you?” Anita’s voice cuts in, looking pointedly at how milky white Wraith’s eyes turn. Wraith shakes her head softly, offering a little shoulder shrug to show they weren’t saying anything worrying. No danger. However, Wraith wasn’t about to stroke Anita’s ego and tell her the reasons why. 
They stop at locations to eat, a nice outside area in the morning where Anita looks beautiful in the morning light with her hands cupped around a mug and her full lips curling around the lip of it. Wraith must look at her a bit too fondly because Anita smirks, with a cocky sounding remark about if Wraith would rather take a picture to make it last longer. To which Wraith replies sarcastically of how she bets Anita wished she would, only to make Anita laugh, her head thrown back and dimples creasing her cheeks. 
Wraith would end up taking a picture of her, however, for her book to keep for her own memories. Fit with little hearts drawn around it of where the morning light kissed Anita’s warm face and made her face glowy with her little smile left on her lips. 
Parks were Wraith’s personal favorites. The large trees and walking paths brought a warm peace to her as she walked hand in hand with Anita. The crunch of Autumn leaves under her boots’ heels with each step and the crisp breeze blowing a few loose hairs from her messy bun around her. Everyone was quiet for the most part. Only occasionally piping up when Wraith would peek at Anita and everyone would start their rants. Ranging from Wraith’s innermost adoring thoughts to the filthier of them.  
Who would have thought shopping would be Anita’s favorite? She loved clothes shopping, namely, putting Wraith in outfits and having her walk out and twirl for her. Anita’s own wardrobe was kept pretty simple, more masculine or neutral clothing just like she liked it. Though at some point in time, Wraith walks out in a sweet white dress she would have never picked. A thin bow tied at her chest and the sleeves short and puffy resting just on her biceps below her shoulders with the skirt flowy and sweet. It looked very cute- but definitely not her normal style. 
It seems to do it for Anita however, who ends up in the dressing room with her, kissing Wraith until her breath is gone and her legs are hooked around Anita’s waist so she can grind into her and grunt in her ear about how good she looks. 
That picture was taken by Anita, a selfie of the two with Wraith propped up against the wall by Anita’s hips still and Anita raising one side of her lips in an almost snarl and doing a rock sign. Whilst Wraith’s hair was a mess, bite marks on her neck and covering her face with her arm while her top and bra were tugged below her plump breasts. 
That would later start a war between them of many more selfies and pictures in more sexual settings. One always having to prove they were better than the other. 
Not that Wraith didn’t notice, though. How much Anita loved being on camera. Something that would be used to her advantage later as well.  
Another day, they go to a cute café together. Sitting outside of it where the sky is gray and the rain gently patters down without too much concern for it underneath the large, white, lacy parasol over their heads. On the matching glass table is a plate of sampler little cakes, since Wraith was unsure of the flavors she would or wouldn’t like. On the table if her journal detailing the foods she liked and disliked, just so she could keep track for later purposes. 
Anita insists on feeding her the bites, fit with a hand cupped under the spoon and her going, “Say ahh.” A blinding smile always on her face when Wraith rolls her eyes dramatically before going ‘aaah’ to placate her. Sealing her lips around the sweet cakes and having a different opinion each time. 
Each bite is taken into account, with Anita laughing at her when Wraith makes displeasured faces fit with crinkling her nose when it’s a flavor she isn’t fond of. Normally followed by Wraith swallowing said bite and quickly downing it with water and hastily writing in her book with an underlined red pen of ‘No’ in bold. 
If it’s a flavor she enjoys, she notes that Anita goes quiet when Wraith hums in a low moan of pleasure with the taste. Taking her time to flick her tongue over the spoon or linger a bit too long just so she can peek at Anita whose cheeks are red, but a small smile still on her face. 
When Anita goes to take a bite of a cake Wraith really liked right after her, she leans herself across the table to kiss Anita. Swiping her tongue over her lips with another low hum of approval as she situates herself back in place with a look over Anita’s red face at the blatant PDA. “Mmh. I think I like it better when it’s from your mouth instead.” 
“Ghostie, Imma need you to tone it down in public,” Anita whispers breathily at her, her ears burning and her elbow going to rest on the table with a hand over her face so she can hide her embarrassed look from Wraith. 
Which is oh so fondly taken a picture of by Wraith after a quick glance down at the glass table to see how tightly Anita’s got her thighs pressed together and squirming lightly. 
She’s so easy to turn on. 
Look at how cute she is when she turns red for us. 
You know she doesn’t actually want it to be toned down. 
No one is around, what’s she so shy about? 
Maybe she’s hoping you’ll take here right here-- 
In front of you. 
Wraith blinks the visions away just in time to see Anita uncovering her face, reaching across the table to try and smear cake on Wraith’s face. Thankfully with the warning, Wraith jerks back with a short chuckle when Anita narrowly misses, only skimming her bottom lip with icing. The dodge only makes Anita try harder to get her, resulting in laughter from the both of them as Wraith leans back, ending up snatching her wrist and twisting her arm back towards Anita to aim for her face back. 
They don’t notice a couple passing by soon after, holding an umbrella to stay close and looking over at the duo with a fond smile on their own faces as they think of their youth together. 
The day proceeds just as softly with them together, walking the streets and occasionally taking breaks to rest or just to look at the hologram of a map and figure out what their next location should be. Sitting shoulder to shoulder and both feeling freer than ever without the responsibilities of keeping things ‘under wraps’ for the interviews for the Games.  
Even then, they were known across the Outlands. Fans would occasionally stop them even here, smiling and giggling and asking for pictures. Both always declined the pictures, but most were respectful and understood and just told their stories. Some people telling Wraith that she helped them accept themselves with their own disorders- something she never thought she’d even help with. People with DID relating to her or schizoaffective disorders. 
It felt...good for someone else to relate to her. For someone else to see her and think if she could do something like that, they could too. 
When people stop Anita, their own stories are just as warming. Seeing not only a strong woman competing on screen, but a black woman. People explaining how it empowered them to apply for jobs they would have never before, or to be more assertive in saying No to people due to Anita’s most infamous interviews where she’d put her foot down at certain questions and tell them to move on or she would be leaving. 
Not to mention some of the women stopping Anita looking to be of more masculine dress like she was, always seeming to bond to her in a way of seeing representation in a ‘Stud’ on screen. When Wraith had asked about that term after they had left, Anita explained it with a bit of a laugh and a one shouldered shrug. “Just some slang, baby.” 
“An accurate term.” Wraith hums back, her eyes looking Anita over from toe to head in a slow drag and making a clear show of checking her out. That results in a blush on Anita’s cheeks, lightly shoving Wraith’s shoulder and shushing her once more. Again, Anita didn’t like PDA, something Wraith used to her advantage to make her blush even more. 
Later that night, however, it would be Anita’s turn to enact some red cheeked vengeance. 
Under the night sky with beautiful bright stars, there’s a violinist in the streets playing a beautiful love song on the corner of the street. People have gathered around to listen and watch her play, some kind of swaying to the music or holding their loved one with them. 
 Wraith feels a hand grab hers as they get closer, only to be pulled in a twirl back towards Anita and her waist grabbed as she smiles down at Wraith. “May I have this dance?” 
Wraith’s face flushes red with an embarrassed laugh choking from her throat as Anita begins to lead them in a dance on the sidewalk. Twirling her and swaying with her and making Wraith’s nervousness bubble down into just soft laughter as she’s twirled back into Anita’s arms and dipped with one of her legs going up to complete said dip. 
They’re watching. 
“Anita they’re looking-” 
“Let them. What? A girl can’t dance with her favorite ghost?” Anita’s voice is teasing as she pulls Wraith back up, spinning her in a twirl once again and dragging her body close to hers with a tighter grip on her waist and mischief flashing in her dark eyes. “Ya don’t mind the PDA when you’re doin’ it, but when I do it...” 
Wraith is lifted by her waist and spun in the air, making an uncharacteristic and humiliating squeak leave her lips as her hands grip Anita’s broad shoulders. She’s brought back down, their noses nuzzled together and making her face feel all too hot when Anita chuckles low and rumbling in her chest. “See why you like it. Like when you turn all red for me.” 
That night, Wraith makes sure to turn Anita all red for her. Fit with licking into her mouth and tying her down, making her thighs shake and her muffled moans crying out around Wraith’s panties in her mouth. Wraith makes sure to take a picture of her afterwards with flash just to embarrass Anita further, admiring the pictures afterwards and how her nails had scratched ‘Mine’ across Anita’s abdomen in raised dark pink marks. 
These would go right in her personal journal, for her eyes only unless she wished to embarrass Anita by showing and reminding her. 
The present day was a lazy day in the morning. Spent in bed for most of it and resting in each other’s embrace and eating together. Wraith needs the down time, and it looks like Anita does too considering the way she whines whenever Wraith needs to get up to do something as simple as brush her teeth. Needily burying her face into Wraith’s neck or back once she’s finally back in bed and grumbling about her cold skin when Wraith’s nails scratch at Anita’s scalp and running her cool fingers down her neck. 
Of course, that only results in Anita getting said cold hands pressed further across her skin until she has to arch into her girlfriend and away from her freezing hands. Only able to stop her when Anita grabs her wrists and pins them above Wraith’s head with a huff. “Watch it, Blasey.” 
“Or you’ll what, Sergeant?” Wraith quips back with a cock of her head. Her hair loose from its normal up position, dark locks curling around her head and her face in a messy way that makes Anita swallow. Her baby blue eyes look hungry as she peers up at her from under her lashes, her strong thighs spread around Anita’s hips and her soft, plump lips quirking into a smirk when Anita doesn’t reply. “Gonna tie me up so I can’t touch you? I’d like to see you try.” 
Anita opens her mouth to huff back that she’s stronger than her and ropes wouldn’t be necessary to hold Wraith down. Only to yelp when Wraith hooks one leg around her waist, thrusting her hips in time to push Anita backwards and using her weight to push her back. Anita lands with an ‘oof’ on her back, her girlfriend happily perched on her lap with now Anita’s hands above her head, laced in Wraith’s. 
“What? Cat got your tongue?” Wraith teases, leaning down to be close enough their breath mingles. 
“I’d like somethin’ on my tongue, that’s for sure.” Anita breathes back, her eyes flickering down to her plump lips and how Wraith smirks. Wraith makes sure to lick her own lips, the flash of her piercing making Anita’s breath hitch. 
Too easy. 
“Be a good girl and keep your hands up there for me, hm?” 
“Yes, ma’am.” 
 Wraith moves her head down, ending up kissing along Anita’s neck, leaving small bites and humming when Anita moans. Letting her tongue slide down her neck as Anita tilts her head to the side with a satisfied sigh when lips brush that little spot she liked being kissed the most. 
Only for Wraith to blow a big, wet raspberry in her neck and causing Anita to shout, squirm, and shove at Wraith who goes falling backwards with a laugh. 
Only for a pillow to thump her right in her face in turn. 
That results in laughter bubbling from their room as they fire pillows at each other, ending with Anita running to take shelter in the shower and Wraith cornering her with a pillow until Anita can swing and pin her to the shower wall. Resulting in more laughter and stolen kisses and finally a truce. 
By the time night rolls around, they’ve both have had their very necessary downtime. Tonight, they were going to go to a club, one that Ramya had suggested to Anita. Of course, when Anita had narrowed her eyes and mentioned that Ramya had been 20 when she came on a business trip here and wouldn’t be old enough to enter the club, Ramya had merely given her a look. ‘Been runnin’ this business since I was a kid, but me handlin’ guns is less frightening to you than underage drinking? C’mon, ‘Nita, don’t be such a mom.’ 
Anita dresses up for the occasion. A black, tailor fitted button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up to her forearms and it unbuttoned tastefully down towards her cleavage but covering entirely. Black form fitting slacks fitting into her combat boots. A leather banded watch rests on one wrist, a gold chain choker and her dog tags rest around her neck, drawing attention to her collar bones and chest, and matching rings decorate her hands. 
This was an outfit Wraith went a bit crazy over. Something simple but a little more dressed up than Anita’s casual outfits. Maybe Anita was looking to tease a little bit, maybe work Wraith up a bit and get her to finish what she started earlier. Anita checks herself over in the mirror, a ringed hand running over the side of her neck where a bruise was made earlier from Wraith’s mouth. 
Before she can linger much longer on it, the bathroom door is heard creaking open and Anita goes to open her mouth to tease Wraith about maybe going in a hoodie or something casual. But her breath is stolen from her the second she sees her girlfriend. 
Wraith normally wore things that were more on the punk side or more covering when in situations like this. But today, Anita guesses, she’s trying to kill her. 
Wraith dresses in a tight black dress with a low plunge neck to get an eyeful of her plentiful cleavage and floral lace full length sleeves. It pools almost to the floor with a long slit up her left leg nearly reaching her hip and exposing her soft skin and her own black boots. Her hair is tied up into a ponytail, her fringe swept to the side and two loose pieces of hair curling onto the sides of her face in their natural waves. Her makeup is done with a pitch-black matte lipstick on her lips and winged out eyeliner. A black velvet choker around her neck is only the icing on the cake for Anita. 
The way the dress clings to her soft, filled out frame makes Anita swallow hard. Wraith can see how she looks at her, her eyes raking over her favorite ghost’s form. Wraith tries not to smirk, cocking her head to the side to show the expanse of her neck and watching Anita’s dark eyes slowly sliding up before she’s licking her full lips and she’s making a low whine in her throat. “When in the hell did you get this?” 
“When Nat and I went out a few weeks ago,” Wraith starts, struggling not to laugh when Anita comes closer until her hands can slide up Wraith’s curves. She looks like a little puppy dog, or like Wraith was a present for her. Wraith can’t say she hates the attention this holds on her. “She said you would like it. Looks like she wasn’t wrong. Never is.” 
“Remind me to thank her.” Anita sighs. 
Wraith’s hands grab Anita’s wrists and slide them back down to the swell of her hips when they start to creep higher, resulting in a low whine from her poor, poor girlfriend who looks like she’s about to ditch the idea of the club all together. Wraith might be thinking the same thing, looking over the outfit Anita had on and picturing popping all those taunting buttons and tying her hands above her head so she’s just in her slacks and accessories. Maybe tie her to a chair... 
They’re practically eye fucking each other. Wraith’s hands still stay around Anita’s wrists, holding them in place on her hips where Anita is squeezing her with flexes of her fingers. It’d be too easy to just back her against a wall, mouth at Anita’s neck until she got weak in the knees and fell to the floor. 
We could taunt her. 
Imagine how she’ll look looking at only us in a sea full of people. 
Make her want us more. 
Make her beg- 
“Good?” Anita murmurs softly, dragging Wraith’s attention back to her face. It’s spoken quietly, a pointed look to Wraith’s once milky white gaze. 
Wraith quirks her lips up, standing on her tiptoes and letting her soft painted lips press a kiss fondly to Anita’s jawline, the start of her marks for the night. “They’re fine. Nothing bad.” 
It’s enough of a pause to let Wraith break away from her, much to Anita’s disappointment who whines and tries to follow after her. But a reminder of their plans is enough to get her to stop, even if it’s just because Wraith knows she’s looking at her ass when she turns around to bend over and make sure her boots are laced up. 
Too easy. 
A private driver picks them up to drop them off at the club. Wraith’s hand rests on Anita’s thigh near the entire drive, subtly squeezing whilst looking out the window and feeling how Anita’s muscles tense beautifully. She can feel her squirm when her hand inches up a bit more towards her inner thigh, squeezing and letting her gaze flicker over to Anita. 
Anita herself looked so cute, her legs spread casually, her elbow resting on the side of the car with her mouth covered by her hand and her own gaze turned outside. Even in the dark, Wraith can see her blush from here and how Anita tries to play it cool. A squirm of her body, a clear of her throat, and trying to adjust her legs occasionally only for them to fall back open and prey to Wraith’s squeezing. 
By the time they make it to ‘The Tipsy Bat’ nightclub, Anita’s already wound up. Something Wraith can tell just by how she exits the car and has to adjust herself before going and opening Wraith’s door. Always a gentleman. 
It starts well enough. The club is huge and spacious, the lights sticking to a more pastel with some illuminating bats on the walls. The bar is off to the side, out of the way to allow easier access with the music sticking to a deeper bass instead of shrill. Natalie had recommended this club, explaining that it was easier on the eyes. She explained that she had her headphones on her just in case and that there were ‘quiet rooms’, making it easier to manage if she got overwhelmed. 
Perfect for Anita. Sometimes too loud of bangs could startle her if she wasn’t ready or in the mindset for fighting. It could send her into overdrive, upsetting her enough that Wraith would need to find her a quiet place to ground her again. Just as too bright of lights could send Wraith into a panic if she wasn’t prepared for them. 
Wraith goes to get them drinks from the bar, just water for herself, something stronger for Anita upon request. At the bar she keeps an eye out, casually leaning back against it and letting her eyes scan the scene. 
Bodies press to each other on the dancefloor, people dancing with their friends or lovers. The music is a deeper, steady bass, perfect for something to grind to and people are abusing that. Her eyes scan farther, looking for Anita and finding her leaning against the wall she’d left her at but now with two girls on either side of her seeming to be talking her up. One twirling her long blonde braids and fluttering her lashes and clearly eyeing Anita up, the other girl leaning closer to her and doing that flirty little gesture of resting her hand on Anita’s bicep. 
Anita clearly is trying to be polite, flashing a smile and clearly liking the attention. Wraith can’t blame the girls, nor Anita. She was beautiful, absolutely stunning. Of course people wanted a piece of what was Wraith’s. Look at her. Such a handsome woman with her curls and her freckled, dimples smile. Her kind gaze and how when she laughed it was deep enough to rattle your chest from her smoky tone. 
But she’s ours. 
She knows she’s ours so what’s the harm? 
Look at them- all over her. We should show them who she belongs to- 
“Your drinks, ma’am.” The voice of the bartender makes Wraith blink a few times, turning her attention back to the bar and thanking them as she takes the two glasses. She feels like a predator as she slinks through the crowd, people parting as if they knew she was a woman on a mission as she approaches their area to set drinks on the table nearby Anita. 
“-h my gosh, running around on that arena must be soooo hot! Do you get like, super sweaty?” Wraith catches one of the girls asking, a giggle in her voice and her teeth biting her bottom lip as she looks Anita up and down at the words ‘super sweaty’. Wraith is closer now, able to see how Anita rubs the back of her neck and offers a low chuckle. 
“Yeah, of course. King’s canyon tends to run a bit hotter. But I’m hot blooded, ya know? Like it hot.” Anita answers, only resulting in both girls looking at each other with a knowing expression and one of them laughing a bit harder than necessary. 
“Hot blooded! Oh my gosh, you are so funny!” 
Wraith feels her own blood boil. 
She creeps closer, silent like a ghost and making the two women jump in surprise when Wraith slides an arm around Anita’s waist and tucks her body against her. Her nails press lightly to Anita’s side, pressing nice and close to her and feeling satisfaction when Anita’s arm rests around her and gives a squeeze in greeting. 
“I suggest you find another ‘funny’ girl. This one’s taken.” Wraith’s tone is icier than she intends. Unfortunately, it’s how most things came out of her mouth, rather flat without much tone indication. Her expression doesn’t help any either, her eyebrows not even so much as twitching. 
When the girls trot off with half assed goodbyes and a nervous glance over Anita’s smaller companion, Wraith can’t help but huff a bit. Turning to bury her face into the side of Anita’s chest and growling a bit low in her throat. “I remember why it took us so long to date in the first place. You’re so oblivious.” 
“Or maybe I just like seein’ ya jealous.” Anita teases back, squeezing her arm around Wraith and letting her hand brush up and down the curve of her side as if soothing an angered lion. “You look like a pissed off kitten. It’s cute.” 
That might just seal Anita’s fate, and Wraith knows that Anita knows how Wraith feels about being treated as small. Her eyes flash dangerously up at her, seeing how Anita’s lips flicker into a little smirk because she knows. She knows what she’s said and done. 
Wraith’s nails press into Anita’s side, curling her body around her until she can press her hand to the wall behind her, her other hand grabbing Anita’s jaw and drawing her attention down to Wraith. 
Her baby blues trace over Anita’s face, down to her lips and then flickering back up to her eyes as she brings her close enough for their breath to mingle. “Watch it, Williams. I’m not against making an example out of you in front of everyone. But you’d like that, wouldn’t you?” 
Even in the club, Wraith can see how Anita swallows, squirming when Wraith presses closer. Anita’s cocky expression falls quick when Wraith slides a thigh between hers, drawing Anita nice and close until her lips can press at the expanse of her neck. The hiss falling from her fall lips of embarrassment is worth it alone, but it’s even more worth it when Wraith sucks hard on the side of her neck to leave a bruise. 
Anita knows better than to draw attention by yelping, but that doesn’t stop her from hissing Wraith’s name and squeezing her waist until Wraith is satisfied with the bruise. Letting Anita stand up as Wraith quirks one corner of her lips up in a smirk. “Try not to let another girl get all over you.” 
Should find them and ask if they want to watch her- 
Watch her get fucked by us. 
Show them who does it better. 
Bet they were pillow princesses anyway. 
Wouldn’t know how to touch her like we do. 
She wants us. 
She likes when we’re mad. 
“And if I don’t?” Anita breathes, leaning back on the wall as a pastel pink light zooms by her face, highlighting the darkness on her cheeks. Her legs are still lightly spread, still staying right where Wraith put her. A good girl. 
“I’ll do worse than just give you a hickey. Maybe they’d like to receive a video of what a good girl you are for me on your knees.” Wraith’s voice is just as icy as it always is. Quirking a brow at Anita and waiting for a quip back, but all she gets in return is a low whine. 
Once settled down again, Wraith offers Anita her drink to sip on before they go and dance. A precaution to down your drink before ever letting it out of your sight even for a moment. 
Anita doesn’t dance, that’s what she says always to Wraith with a roll of her eyes as she’s bringing her to the dancefloor. They both know it’s a lie. If anything, Wraith didn’t dance. But she’d seen Anita dance plenty. Swaying her hips in the kitchen when cooking, bouncing her body to rhythms that hypnotized Wraith often into coming up behind her to wrap her arms around her while she swayed. 
Wraith knew dances, but whether she knew them from another life or this path knew it, she still wasn’t sure. She knew belly dances, rhythms in which her hips and abdomen were your focal point. Things she taunted Anita with that made her whine and strain against bonds and huffing about how much she wanted to touch Wraith. Always an ego booster. 
Even on the dancefloor now, it takes Wraith more time to unwind as they move together to the deep bass and flashing pastel lights. Anita’s hands keep sliding over Wraith’s body, squeezing over her soft curves and the plumpness of her hips. Wraith can’t even argue that she’s not doing the same thing, feeling over Anita’s strong arms and the much sharper, built waist of hers. 
It gets to the point where Wraith’s breath is catching whenever Anita’s hands slide over her body. Ending up dragging Wraith to her, with her back to her chest where her hands can slide up and over Wraith’s body as she reaches behind to grip at Anita where she can. Wraith’s face is flush, warmed when Anita’s head dips, pressing hungry kisses to her neck and down her shoulder and hearing the quieted moan from her lips when she inhales Wraith’s scent. 
Wraith’s hips grind backwards absentmindedly into Anita’s that are starting to dry hump against her ass. The swell of her ass being a perfect thing for Anita to grind into as her hands fall to her round hips and draw her closer back. One of Wraith’s hands grabs the back of Anita’s neck at her nape, her fingers teasing up the velvety shaved sides as Anita’s teeth press into the side of her neck and make Wraith whine low in her throat. 
They’re practically dry humping on the dancefloor. Not that anyone pays them any mind like anyone else. It takes all of her strength for Wraith to break them apart and not just stake her claim in public. Taking Anita’s hand and rushing them through the crowd and straight for the private bathroom. Wraith is quick to lock it behind them, walking Anita back against the sink and grabbing the front of her button up to tug her down until their lips can hungrily press together. 
The sound Anita makes is worth it alone with the way she moans into Wraith’s mouth, her hands coming to grip Wraith’s hips and draw her close until she can fit her body against hers. Sliding her thigh between Anita’s parted legs where she eagerly starts to grind against it.  
There are hungry hands sliding up each other’s bodies, Anita’s hands grabbing at Wraith’s ass and pressing her closer, sliding up her curves and grabbing at where she can. Wraith is no better, undoing the buttons on Anita’s shirt with hunger and untucking it. Her hands slide up her strong form, over her abs and up to her braless chest where Wraith grabs and squeezes just as her teeth sink into Anita’s bottom lip. 
“Let me taste you,” Wraith breathes against Anita’s lips, drawing her pierced tongue over Anita’s lips in a playful flick that makes her moan. “I’ll make it quick.” It’s spoken in a hushed tone, breathy as their breath mingles and Anita keeps making the prettiest little sounds in her throat. 
A nod is all Wraith needs before her hands are going down to Anita’s belt, quickly working it out of its loops as she starts to kiss down her torso. Leaving heavy black prints from her lips. Wraith makes sure to leave her mark, still not quite satisfied about the girls from earlier. Making sure to bite down and suck on Anita’s skin over her abdomen and hips, paying special attention to the part just above the elastic of her Apex branded briefs. 
Anita’s already wet, shown by the darker gray on her crotch. Wraith can’t help but bury her face there against her as she pulls her pants down to mid-thigh, inhaling her scent and hearing Anita laugh above her in an embarrassed fashion. "O c’mon, Ghostie-” 
“I like the way you smell.” Wraith murmurs honestly, nosing at the wet spot and moaning low in her throat at the deep scent of sex. “You smell so good...” It’s spoken with a sigh as her tongue drags along the fabric. 
But she can’t help herself any longer, hooking her fingers in Anita’s briefs and dragging the elastic down to rest on her pants and exposing her cunt. She takes her time teasing, biting and sucking her way around her inner thighs to leave more and more bruises. 
Always so pretty when she’s covered in marks, Wraith thinks. With her dark curls and her smaller lower lips all exposed and glistening from wetness. It only takes Wraith’s hand pressing on her mound to expose her clit, engorged and shiny. Her plump lips seal around it immediately, suckling and letting her tongue do all the talking for her in broad swipes. Paying special attention to letting her piercing flick off the tip and making Anita’s hips jerk. 
Anita’s hands grip the sink, pressing her body back into it and gripping onto it for dear life as her head falls forward. Wraith looks up under her lashes, spying how her brow furrows, her teeth biting into her bottom lip to stay quiet even as her hips helplessly try to hump against Wraith’s mouth. 
Wraith makes a show of licking up her slickness, from hole to clit and nosing her way against her. She makes sure she moans into her, letting Anita know just how much she loved her taste and scent. It does the job just fine, making Anita’s cheek turn rosy red and her head rolling to the side with a sharp whimper. 
Wraith’s hands slide up the back of Anita’s legs, grabbing handfuls of her muscular ass and forcing her to hold her hips still and tilted forward. It provides a good angle for Wraith to mercilessly trace her tongue against her clit, writing her name around it as her nails press into her flesh. Only one thought on her mind with each trace. 
When Anita cums, it’s with one of her hands clinging to the sink and the other slamming over her mouth as her beautiful cries become muffled. Wraith drinks her down, licking greedily at her slickness and feeling each contract of her cunt with every skim of her tongue. She doesn’t stop licking until Anita’s legs are quaking and she’s murmuring incoherently behind her hand in a frantic way with each strained twitch of her hips. 
When Wraith finally stops, she kisses over Anita’s marked thighs where the bruises from her teeth are and scratches from her nails. Just as greedily, she leaves another one near the delicious V shaped markings from the muscles on Anita’s hips. Making sure the bruise is nice and dark despite the whines of protests above her. 
By the time Wraith finally stops marking her, she’s standing up and seeing how Anita’s legs shake and her head falls back. Can you really blame Wraith for reaching into her bag to snap a photo of her? The flash makes Anita groan, turning her head to the side with a heavy flush on her face and a huff. “D’ya have to take a picture, really?” 
“You always said I should document the things I like.” Wraith practically purrs back, looking down at the developed photo in delight. In it you could see Anita just as beautiful and satisfied as she is now. Covered in lipstick marks and bite marks, her pussy glistening with a thin string of wetness drooling towards her thighs. Her pussy has smears of her lipstick, especially circling her clit. It almost makes Wraith go back on her knees, eager to lick her through another orgasm. 
Thankfully for Anita, all Wraith wants is a picture and checking in on her. Helping her back into her clothes, despite her slightly disheveled appearance now while Wraith pauses to reapply her lipstick in the mirror. She can practically feel the hearts fluttering off Anita with the way she looks at her, especially when Anita comes and hugs her from behind, burying her face against Wraith’s neck for the comfort she always seeks after an orgasm. 
When they finally make it back out into the club to start dancing again, it doesn’t take very long for hands to start wandering again and for Anita to start grinding against her. By then it’s a rush to call their driver outside with Anita squirming next to Wraith and her not doing much better. Hard to be behaved when your handsome girlfriend is covered in your kiss marks and bite marks and her body still has that healthy glow of ‘just had an orgasm’. 
Even the car ride is tense, sexual tension so thick it could be cut with a knife. Wraith’s sure the driver notices, but thankfully they don’t say anything but for them to have a nice night as the two women race into their hotel to get to the elevator. Where once more, they’re handsy and needy, Wraith’s lipstick left lingering on Anita’s lips even as they race down the hall to get to their room. 
By the time they finally get inside, shoes are kicked off, bags thrown to the side, and hands are frantic to get on one another. For once, Anita gets the upper hand, managing to scoop Wraith up to throw her onto the bed like it’s their wedding night and she’s about to get her first taste of her. 
No words are exchanged despite their combined snarky nature normally wanting them to. Anita’s soft, full lips press over Wraith’s, fitting her body until Wraith’s plush thighs are hugged around her waist and her dress is being shimmied up her body to make way for Anita’s wandering hands. Her calloused hands slide up Wraith’s dress, over her soft skin and over a few raised scars. Dragging her nails back down towards her hips to make her squirm underneath her. 
Wraith can hardly breathe between the heavy kisses, the slides of their tongues and the light click of teeth. Her hands frantically work on Anita’s buttons, rolling her hips upwards and managing to get her shirt open and free so she can reach up to cup at her breasts and roll the hardened nipples between kisses. This results in Anita’s hips humping against her in slow grinds, her kisses becoming breathy and more of her lips parted to sigh in pleasure. Plenty of room for Wraith to lick at her tongue. 
It takes just a single adjustment of Wraith’s leg slipping between Anita’s instead for her to crack. Anita’s hips helplessly hump against her thigh, her low moan reverberating in Wraith’s mouth and only reminding her just of how wet she was. And it takes just that moment of weakness for Wraith to roll them over and slam Anita’s hands above her head, fingers intertwined with hers. 
Wraith straddles her lap just like Anita likes. Sitting up and parting their lips and smirking when Anita grunts in annoyance and tightens her grip on Wraith’s hands. “Wraith-” 
Anita’s brow furrows at the simple tone, meanwhile clearly embarrassed at how disheveled she sounds in turn. Wraith liked it that way. Loving seeing her warm freckled cheeks turn dark red and seeing that grumpy little look on her face yet pure desire racing through her eyes when her eyes drag over Wraith’s form. 
Anita squirms underneath her, pushing at Wraith’s arms- something she could easily overpower Wraith in. But when Wraith simply pushes back, quietly telling Anita to stay down without words, her arms stay right where she’s holding them. 
Though Anita was physically stronger, she knew who was really the top dog around here. 
“There’s my pretty girl. You wanna be my good girl tonight, hm?” Wraith’s voice comes out silken and low, just how Anita liked it. It’s without needing to say does she move her hands from Anita’s, moving off her lap briefly to begin stripping her completely. Carefully unbuttoning and working Anita’s pants and briefs off until she’s naked and squirming under Wraith’s gaze. 
Her rings and watch are gingerly taken off with loving hands from Wraith, set to the side and out of the way with all that’s left on her being her chains and dog tags. A look that never fails to make Wraith sigh at her whilst Anita grunts under her now in embarrassment, even with her legs parted with Wraith between them and her body exposed for the umpteenth time with her. 
Wraith sighs at her lovingly once again, running her hands along Anita’s thighs and taking in the sight of the prior bruises and lipstick marks left on her. Including the smear of black across her lips from the make out session just held. All marked and hers. 
“Can I tie you up tonight?” Wraith starts softly, tracing her nails up Anita’s sides to make her squirm as she chirps out a ‘yes’ in return with an enthusiastic head nod. “Can I record us for later?” Another nod the head, a little shier. If shy was even in Anita’s vocabulary. “You remember your safe words and signals, handsome?” 
After a brief clarification and making sure everything was fine, from there it’s tying Anita up. Tying her lying down with her arms above her head tied to the headboard. It’s a minimal tie, not elaborate like Wraith normally liked, but desperate times called for desperate measures. 
A click of Wraith’s camera is heard and a whine from Anita follows as Wraith pulls away the camera to see the photo with a small smile on her face. The calm before the storm- even if Anita was already quite marked up. “I needed a ‘before’ picture.” 
“You’re an ass.” Anita huffs back, squirming against the red rope when Wraith stalks towards her again. A cold hand inching up her thigh and making Anita instinctively spread her strong legs open. It exposes her cunt, her inner lips blossoming open like a flower and showing her already engorged clit still circled with black lipstick from earlier. Beautiful. 
Wraith can’t help the chuckle that leaves her, setting her camera to the side finally and crooning. “Can’t help it that you’re so handsome covered in my mark, sweetheart. Can you really blame me for wanting to capture this moment? Thought you wanted me to take pictures of what I loved.” 
“If you don’t hurry up and get your ass over here, I’m gonna break these bonds and show you what you’re missing from just pictures, ghostie. I ain’t an art exhibit.” Anita huffs, clearly embarrassed as she arches her back in a beautiful arch and pulls on the ropes. Wraith smirks, setting the camera on the nightstand next to the tablet which she opens up and angles at the bed. Doing it quick so Anita wouldn’t get too squirmy. 
It’s Wraith’s turn to strip out of her dress, letting it pull to the ground and hooking her thumbs under her black lace panties and pulling them off nice and slow to make Anita’s mouth salivate at the sight of her. Wraith makes sure to do it with her back facing her, bending over to unhook it from around her ankle just to hear Anita’s whine at the sight of her ass. 
When Wraith turns back around, her breath can’t help but catch at the way Anita hungrily looks at her. Her full lips are already parted and inviting, her eyes moving down Wraith’s body to rest on her cunt where black, soft hair rests and a peek of her large clit from her lower lips, with a thin line of hair up Wraith’s abdomen in a happy trail. Her legs were just as soft with hair, something Anita always made a sight of enjoying by nosing at her thighs and calves. 
From there, Wraith sets up the harness and strap on. A thick cock that was red and ribbed with beautiful texture and a tapered tip. The base was black, marbling into the shaft and all in all looking akin to a dragon. Big enough Wraith couldn’t circle her fingers around it anywhere but the head. Just like she liked to feel. She also makes sure a vibrator presses inside the harness, turning it on low to begin so Anita would only get squirmy and nothing more. 
“You wanna beg for it?” Wraith hums as she approaches the bed, making sure to grab the harness and strap on. The bed creaking under her weight as she pulls herself onto it to first attach the harness to Anita, delighting in her light gasp and roll of her hips at the light vibrations. 
Then Wraith moves to straddle her waist, hovering just above her to ensure that Anita didn’t even get the delight of her wetness. Anita grunts, her lips parting and a furrow to her brow, but Wraith catches her quick before she can quip back at her. Gripping her jaw and guiding her eyes back to Wraith’s with a low growl leaving her. “Wasn’t really asking you, Princess.” 
Anita was a bit of a struggle when getting her into a sub headspace. It took a bit of pushing, coaxing, and equal amounts of praise until she gave Wraith that look. Even now with her arms tied above her head and her eyes half lidded, Wraith can see how she struggles to keep her control. How she steels her jaw and clenches her teeth. 
It takes Wraith leaning in a bit closer, her breath mingling with Anita’s due to their closeness and their noses brushing. “Beg for it.” Growling from Wraith’s lips before Anita finally lets that breath go and her eyes flutter. And Wraith knows she has her then. 
“Please,” Anita breathes, her lips parting and her head tilting to chase after Wraith’s lips when she leans back a bit. “Please let me taste you, please ride my face, please- fuck, baby, you smell so good-” 
Her whining is successful. Just what Wraith wants to hear. 
She pulls herself up, putting one soft thigh on each side of Anita’s head and threading her fingers into the thick curls atop her head to guide her. When Anita’s tongue slides across her and her full lips seal around her clit, it’s Wraith’s turn to whine. Making sure to grip her curls at the root, Wraith holds her head still so she can hump her hips down against her mouth, delighting in how Anita moans and her hands flex above her head, a beautiful expression overtaking her face. 
Her dark eyes look up at Wraith half lidded and clouded with lust, her eyebrows knitted and her lips obediently sealed around her large clit to Wraith could practically fuck her face. Smearing her wetness over her lips, her chin, probably spilling down her chin as well. Wraith couldn’t wait to see her ruined. 
“That’s my good girl,” Wraith shakily exhales, her gaze turned down towards Anita to see just how well she licks her clean when her hips hold still. Wraith’s thighs shake with each lick, each spelling of Anita’s name over her clit with a distinct flick at the ending of each ‘A’ spelled. When Wraith tugs her hair, Anita goes right back obediently to sealing her lips around her clit, taking whatever Wraith gives her no matter how hard her hips hump. 
When Wraith cums, it’s with a breathy, frantic noise falling into a moan. With a tighter grip in Anita’s hair and her back arched, her thighs trembling as Anita licks her through it with her own moans spilling from her lips. Wraith knew she lived for her taste, knowing just how much Anita got off on getting her off. 
When satisfied, Wraith sits up higher to get away from the onslaught, pulling Anita’s hair just like she liked to force her head back and for Wraith to see her. She looked beautiful with slickness smeared across her now glossy lips, dribbling down her chin and how Anita’s half lidded eyes look so hungrily up at her. 
“Look at you. Such a pretty little thing, hm? Obedient.” Wraith croons. Putting emphasis on her last word to test Anita’s restraint right now- how deep she was in sub headspace.  
A fire is lit up in her eyes, but she doesn’t talk back. A good sign, Wraith thinks, as she releases her hair and makes her way down Anita’s body. The vibrator’s controller is carefully turned up to a medium speed, making the soldier underneath her arch off the bed and tug on her rope with a cry and her hips rolling upwards. It makes the thick cock bob with each roll, a sight that makes Wraith drool. 
“C’mon, j-just get on with it. I know you want it.” Anita breathes out, trying her best to sound grounded and not as drooly as she looks. Wraith quirks a brow at her, grabbing the lube from the nightstand to work onto the strap, using her other arm to hold down Anita’s hips. It does the trick in making her let out a frustrated sound, only able to clutch at the ropes and bask in her own labored breathing without a single peep from Wraith. 
Anita still keeps trying to get a rise out of her, even as Wraith takes her time lubing her up. “Ya want my cock, baby? Want to be full?” Her voice is low, her eyes purposeful when Wraith glances up at her. She’s still got glossy lips, still covered in bite marks, and she’s trying to get a rise out of Wraith, hm? 
Gag her. 
Shut her up. 
Better things to do with her mouth. 
Not a bad idea. One that Wraith takes in stride as she plucks her pretty lacy black panties from the bed and sits up, gripping Anita’s jaw and forcing her mouth open with a press of her thumb. She slips the panties in, pressing down on Anita’s tongue and smiling all too sweetly at her. “That’s better. You’re cuter when you’re quiet.” Being spoken with a light, loving pat of her hand on Anita’s flushed, freckled cheek. 
Carefully, Wraith sits back on her hips and guides Anita’s dragon styled cock into herself. There’s always a bit of a sting in the stretch, but she kind of liked the pain of it. Absentmindedly, she reaches up towards her styled hair, pulling it from its ponytail and shaking her ebony locks free as the waves spill down onto her shoulders. 
The look Anita gives her is reward enough, with her eyebrows knitted and her eyes looking up at her pleadingly with her mouth full of Wraith’s panties. Her fingers twitch above her head, her back straining like she wanted to touch her so bad. Wraith only hums, pretending she doesn’t notice Anita’s whining and whimpers as she eases herself down inch by agonizing inch with little shimmies of her hips. 
By the time she’s finally fully seated, sans the more knotted base, she groans like she’s stretching oh so casually forward. Hooking her fingers around Anita’s jaw like she’s about to kiss her when she leans forward, only to forcefully turn her head to remind her of the tablet sitting on the nightstand recording them perfectly all the way down to Anita’s knees. 
“Nnh-” Is the only sound Anita can make, a high-pitched whine as her eyes flicker over the screen with her face burning red. Her dark eyes linger lower on the screen where Wraith grinds and bounces her hips on her cock, moaning directly into Anita’s ear and making her eyes roll back with each bounce. Each bounce forcing the vibrator to press directly to her clit, each grind forcing it against her, each breath from Wraith driving her closer and closer. 
Wraith knew just how to push Anita’s buttons. Her lips mouthing at the lobe of her ear and lightly nipping, glancing to the side to see how Anita still helplessly watches the screen with flutters of her eyes. She knows Anita is close already, her breathing starting to get labored through her nose and her body trying to fuck up into Wraith with each grind downwards of her hips to fill her up. 
“That’s it- good girl, you gonna cum, hm?” Wraith moans in Anita’s ear, ghosting her lips over the shell of her ear and down her lobe. The noise Anita makes is strained and needy, a high pitched ‘mmh!’ and her eyes rolling back into her head as her eyes unfocus from the screen. Her fingers flex on the ropes above her head, her lashes fluttering and her hips jumping as she begins to cum. 
“Keep watching,” Wraith hisses low in Anita’s ear, watching her teary gaze turn back towards the screen to see herself cum. Wraith can only imagine the embarrassment coursing through her having to watch herself helplessly cum and hear herself whimper. Wraith can feel each jump of her hips, forcing the cock deeper into her and making her own breath hitch. 
From there, Wraith bounces her hips with hisses in Anita’s ear of, “Don’t take your eyes off me.” “You wish you could fuck me, hm? Wish you could make me moan like you did?” “Such a good girl. That’s my princess, let me hear you.” 
Anita responds positively to each one, her eyes rolling back into her head upon her second orgasm and Wraith chasing that high with her as she cums again. Making sure to sink her teeth into Anita’s neck to silence her own whimpering and once complete, she pats downwards until she can turn off the vibrator to silence Anita’s over-sensitive sounds. 
The panties are removed from Anita’s mouth, a gentle kiss pressed over her lips and the rope removed from her. Another kiss is shared, then another, then Anita chasing after Wraith’s lips with a soft sound in her throat when she dodges to kiss her cheek instead with a gentle ‘shh’ falling from Wraith’s lips. 
Aftercare is to be had after turning off the tablet and saving the video. Wraith makes sure to clean Anita up, carefully applying salve to any bruises on her wrists and massaging her hands where she’d flexed them too hard. Even softer kisses are pressed to each bite mark, carefully wiping off lingering lipstick anywhere and Wraith’s voice gently asking if Anita wanted a shower. 
Carefully they make their way to the shower with Anita getting in first and Wraith taking the time to wash off her makeup in the mirror. She ties her hair up loosely with a clip to prevent it from getting wet, entering the shower to see how drunken in love Anita’s eyes are when she reaches for her to drag her close to her body. Her taller body preventing the spray from hitting Wraith and instead pounding on her back. 
“Hey,” Anita softly murmurs, her voice hoarse and quiet from earlier. 
“Hey,” Wraith murmurs back just as soft, pressing a kiss to her collarbone fondly. 
They embrace each other in the warm water for a bit, just lightly swaying and spending close intimacy together. Wraith always liked to be close, letting her fingers trace mindless shapes into Anita’s strong back with water dripping down her fingertips. Taking particular interest in a scar on her lower back that makes Anita hum soft and quiet into Wraith’s hair. 
“Dropship picks us up tomorrow,” Anita murmurs with a kiss to Wraith’s head when she hums back in disapproval. “Hey, don’t complain. I’m sure ya miss bein’ able to hunt me down.” 
“Mmmh.” Wraith hums back, nosing her way against the top of Anita’s breast instead and letting her hands slide back down to her ass to grab it. It makes Anita choke on a small chuckle, even as Wraith sighs back. “Don’t get this much privacy in the showers, though.” 
“Thought you liked being a lil’ exhibitionist?” 
Wraith huffs out a laugh, turning her head to press her warming cheeks to Anita’s body at being caught. 
From there it’s quiet care. Cleaning up each other with Anita being mainly focused on, working out her tense muscles and rubbing her down with expensive soap. Wraith takes her time on her, murmuring apologies for covering her in her lipstick and getting murmured replies back that it was fine. Gentle hands ensuring no dirt left, and even afterwards Wraith still urges Anita back into her arms to hold each other under the warm spray again. 
By the time they get out and clothed into pajamas, the hologram clock reads a blaring 4:00 A.M in red lettering. Anita groans, but that’s quickly remedied by them climbing into bed and Wraith drawing Anita’s head to her chest to gently begin stroking along her shaved sides. 
Wraith sighs to herself once Anita is soon fast asleep, her breathing even and calm with her breath fanning across Wraith’s chest. They'd go back to the compound, get settled back in and the new season for the Apex Games would start in a week’s time. 
And one day... 
Wraith turns her gaze down to Anita, smiling softly down at her. 
One day they could forget the games and start a life of their own together. 
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nightshade-minho · 4 years
-Nightmare- (4)
Warnings: Minho being a little bit of an asshole lol.
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There she was, standing right in front of you. You gulped, trying not to look intimidated...but it was hard, considering the way she was looking you up and down.
Rina’s gaze travelled to your hand in Minho’s. She cocked her head to the side, pursing her lips.
“So...you’re dating your best friend.”
Minho nodded, and you looked up at him. He looked pretty confident and at ease, considering how nervous he’d been when the two of you left the apartment this morning.
“How did this happen, exactly?”
“It just...did.”
She skeptically raised an eyebrow. “So, you just woke up one morning and she was your girlfriend?”
Minho chuckled. “I don’t see why you want the details so bad. We’re together now, that’s what matters.”
Rina tapped her finger with her chin before shrugging, hoisting her purse over her shoulder as she smiled before walking away.
You felt Minho’s tight grip on your hand relax as she left. He looked at you, grinning. “That went pretty smoothly, didn’t it?”
“Uh huh. So does that mean we can stop this now?”
Minho shook his head incredulously. “Fuck no? If we break up right after, she’ll obviously understand it was a farce. No, we have to keep this going for a while...at least until the party.”
“Honestly...am I the only one who felt like she wasn’t completely convinced?”
“Yeah...I noticed that too. We have to step up our game.”
The evening air was quite breezy, and you felt very calm as you sat on the balcony, your guitar on your lap as you strummed mindlessly, staring at the moon.
Your fingers automatically played a song you’d written a while ago, when you’d first realized you were in love with your best friend. It was a soft song, a sweet melody with melancholic undertones. You knew how hopeless this was.
Minho nudged the balcony door sideways as he stepped out, settling on the chair next to you with a cup of coffee in his hands.
You stopped playing, tucking your hair behind your ear. Minho frowned as he turned to look at you.
“Why’d you stop? That sounds beautiful.”
You smiled bashfully, looking away to hide your blush. “Eh, it’s just something I came up with one day.”
Minho scoffed. “Are you kidding? Y/n...you’re so talented. I really admire you. I wish I could be the same.”
It was your turn to scoff in disbelief as you turned your chair slightly so that you were facing him. “Have you seen yourself dance? You pour your emotion into every step. That’s admirable.”
Minho smiled softly as he gazed at you. He drummed his fingers on the side of the chair. “If you like my dancing, how come you never come to the studio to watch?”
You rolled your eyes. “Sorry Minho, but I’m not into the idea of someone mistaking me to be one of your gawking fangirls.”
His smile dropped. “What’s wrong with that?”
You shook your head, leaning back as you looked at the sky.
He paused for a moment, before nudging you slowly. You looked at him, breath hitching as your eyes met his beautiful, galaxy-filled ones.
“Play something for me.”
“Any particular song you’d like?”
“Nah. Just something you wrote. The first thing that comes to your mind.”
So you played the song you’d been playing when he interrupted you. Minho closed his eyes, letting himself get lost in your music.
“Is this a dream or a nightmare? Can’t bring myself to care.”
You sang softly under your breath, gaze flitting to the boy in front of you from time to time.
You ended the song with slight tears in your eyes.
“Cause I love you...it hurts, but I do.”
You quickly wiped your tears away as Minho’s eyes opened. He looked at you, mouth opening and closing as he tried to think of something to say. His heart was pounding, and he didn’t know why.
All he knew was that you looked ethereal with the moonlight washing over you, eyes shining as your fingers rested over the strings.
Minho felt suffocated. He was outraged at himself, his breath catching as he got up so suddenly that the chair fell over. He didn’t bother to say anything, walking back into the living room and going straight to his bed, locking it as he put his head in his hands.
What was that funny feeling residing in his chest and his stomach? Honestly...it always happened when you sang or played your guitar, but never in this intensity. He didn’t like it. He needed it to stop.
There was heavy knocking on the door. Minho collected himself, peering through his keyhole. You stood there with your hands on your hips, anger evident in your face.
“What the fuck? You’ve been doing this a lot lately. Tell me, what’s wrong?”
Minho breathed in. He told himself it was normal. Everything was normal...nothing had changed. He squashed the feelings deep down in his chest. He reminded himself of his top priority, telling himself that these were all merely side effects caused by the little project you both had going on.
He ignored you, plopping himself down on the bed and trying to block everything out.
The next morning, Minho apologized to you as you served him breakfast, which happened to be pancakes.
“I was just thinking of how I’m still very nervous about the whole Rina situation. I’m terrified. Sorry I took it out on you. We need her to really be convinced...so how about we go on a date tomorrow?”
You were still a little miffed, but you brushed it aside. You were too tired to hold a grudge at this point. “A...date?”
“Yeah. Let’s go to the coffee shop that she’s always visiting. Mera told me that she’s always hanging out with her friends at The Little Leaf after classes. ”
You’d forgotten that Mera and Rina were best friends. You scrunched your face up, nodding. “Alright.”
“We’ll walk there together in the afternoon, and make sure there’s no doubts left in her brain.”
You walked beside Minho. He seemed to be in more of a cheerful mood, swinging your intertwined hands as he hummed.
He looked really good in his camel-brown jacket and white shirt. He’d insisted that the two of you wear matching colours so that you could really drive the point home- which is why you were wearing a cream sweater and a tan pleated skirt, one which was way too short and had to be constantly pulled down.
“You look cute.” He said as the Little Leaf came into view.
You tried not to blush. “You look nice too.”
“Just nice?” He raised an eyebrow and you giggled.
“I mean, hot. Super hot. Rugged and handsome.” You said half-jokingly, watching as he wiggled his eyebrows and laughed.
Through the window, you could see Mera, and two other girls you didn’t know the names of. The fourth girl sitting in the corner was clearly recognizable by her fiery red hair.
Minho breathed in deeply. “You ready?”
“Uh huh.”
“Here we go.”
The door swung open, the little bells on top tinkling. Minho led you to the counter.
“I’ll have an americano, please. The lady will have a strawberry milkshake.” He looked to you with a crooked smile. “Isn’t that right?”
You nodded, smiling. “Oh, a blueberry cheesecake too, please.”
Both of you made your way to an empty table that happened to be right in front of the girls.
Mera was the first to notice, her eyes wide as she saw the two of you sitting down. She nudged Rina, pointing.
You saw this out of the corner of your eye, and you were satisfied. “They’re noticing,” you whispered. “Good.” Minho said.
“So. About yesterday. I’m really sorry. I shouldn’t have stormed out on you like that.”
“It’s okay. I just...did I do something wrong?”
Minho shook his head. “No. Not at all. I was just really on edge.”
You nodded.
A waiter came, setting down your drinks and the cheesecake. You noticed that he was someone you’d worked with on a project once.
Minho looked up, frowning.
Juyeon smiled. “Y/n! It’s nice seeing you here.” He gave Minho a cursory glance, before focusing his attention back on you.
“Likewise! I didn’t know you worked here! I’ll come by more often, then.”
“Do that. I’d even give you free cupcakes.” Juyeon winked at you, before turning to leave. Minho watched him go with an angry expression, before turning back to you.
“Uh, what the fuck?”
You took a sip of your milkshake before cocking your head to the side. “Huh?”
“You were flirting with that guy.”
“I wasn’t!” You said, glaring. “I was being nice. And need I remind you that you have no right to be jealous? We’re not actually dating.”
Minho scoffed. “Jealous? Don’t fucking flatter yourself. I am fully aware that this is all fake, trust me. However, you flirting with the waiter might give people the wrong impression, especially because the whole reason we came here is to convince Rina that we’re dating.” He snorted. “Jealous. That’s rich.”
You pursed your lips, saying nothing. Taking a fork, you took a piece of the cheesecake and shoved it in your mouth.
Minho sighed. “I’m sorry.”
You swallowed. “Minho...sorry doesn’t cut it anymore.” You said sadly.
He stared at you, before shaking his head sadly. Nodding, he took his drink and lifted it to his lips. “This is the most awkward date ever. Rina’s never gonna believe this. Our body language gives it all away.”
You shrugged. “Well, what do you propose?”
Minho paused, before laughing loudly, turning his head slightly to see if the girls noticed. You rolled your eyes.
“What a dork.” You said fondly. He put his hand on top of yours. Rina and Mera were watching, and he needed to give them a show. He took a fork of his own and dug it into the cake, lifting it to your mouth.
“Say aaah, baby.”
You giggled before opening your mouth, letting him feed you. Minho’s smile was intoxicating. You felt the butterflies in your stomach run amok as you stared into his eyes.
Minho felt it too. As he spooned the cake into your mouth, he felt his heart flutter. Babying you was actually quite enjoyable. ‘I should do it more often,’ he thought.
He watched as you munched, your cheeks so full that you looked like a hamster. It was an endearing habit, one that made him want to kiss your face all over.
Wait, what?
Minho slammed the spoon down on the table all of a sudden. You looked up at him, confused. “I need to go.” He stammered, standing up and walking to the door as fast as he could.
You sat in your chair, eyes wide, before looking down. Why was he doing this? You were doing nothing but help him...yet he kept storming out randomly with no explanation, whatsoever.
It took a while for you to realize that someone was standing in front of you. When they cleared their throat, you looked up.
Rina smiled sympathetically.
“He’s a pain, isn’t he? From what I’ve seen, he doesn’t treat you very well.”
The girls standing next to her nodded. Rina stared at her nails. “Don’t you feel tired of being his girlfriend, especially when you know what he’s like?”
You frowned. “What do you mean?”
“You know. He’s just a fuckboy without any substance. Come on...I know you’d like some revenge too. Help us give him what he deserves.”
You chuckle humorlessly. “That’s real funny. Fuck off.”
You got up, brushing your skirt. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go find my boyfriend.”
You pushed past them, running out of the shop and down the street. It took you a while to finally find him. He walked languidly, hands in his pockets.
You ran until you’re standing right in front of him. He stopped in his tracks, raising an eyebrow. “What the fuck do you want?”
You sighed, reaching for his hand. “Minho, you have to tell me why you’re acting like this. Besides...something happened back there that I think you should know-“
Minho shook your hand off roughly. “Y/n. I’ll say this once. Fuck off. Go home.”
You push him angrily. “You dickhead, we live in the same place. And I did nothing to deserve this.” You said, reaching for his hand again.
“Touch me again, and I swear to God...look, I’m not coming home. I might be there by evening. Just give me space.”
You tried not to look hurt. Suddenly, out of the corner of your eye you saw Rina and her friends standing near her car. They’d clearly already seen half of what was going on. Fuck, you had to salvage the situation.
You grabbed Minho’s cheeks and pressed your lips to his hurriedly, electricity jolting through you as you realized what you’d just done.
Minho made a shocked sound. He felt his heart run berserk, unaware that you were feeling the very same thing. You wanted to cry. This was not how you’d imagined your first kiss with Minho would go. It was a rough, insincere kiss, one with no feelings behind it whatsoever...or so you thought.
You opened your eyes slightly and saw that the girls had already left. You let Minho push you away.
He wiped his lips with the back of his hand, looking at you in disgust.
“Why the fuck did you do that? No kisses was a part of the agreement, and there’s no one around.”
You wiped your wet eyes, tears threatening to spill. “Rina was standing there the whole time. She saw our fight. Back in the cafe, she also told me to join forces with her. Just thought you should know that she’s still looking for revenge.”
You turned around, half-running as you got away from him, the tears flowing freely. He watched you leave, his face blank, as he processed the information you’d spewed at him.
You felt your heart harden. You’d been thinking about it for a while...but you were sure of it now. Minho didn’t deserve your love.
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osakaso5 · 3 years
La Danse Macabre
Episode 20
Chapter Index
20-1: A Flight of Freedom (1)
Libel: .......
Arme: Libel! Libel!!! You're bleeding so much..!  
Qual: ...Celestial.
Qual: I've disposed of the devil who was putting strange ideas into your head.
Qual: Let us return home. To our Ark.
Arme: .......
Qual: Why... Why do you not respond..?
Qual: Did we not spend most of our lives together?
Arme: Yes, we did... Until I turned fifteen, and your duty as my attendant ended, you were always by my side...
Qual: Exactly... I've watched over you from since you were an infant.
Qual: It was my duty to keep you safe. And...
Qual: I... I even consider myself your closest friend.
Arme: ......!
Qual: Only I can understand your loneliness! None can know you like I, after all the years I've spent with you...
Qual: Least of all some worm from the Surface, whose breeding and upbringing are nothing like ours..!
Arme: My friend..? Did you really just call yourself my friend..?
Qual: Yes, I--
Arme: Then... answer me. Qual, have you...
Arme: Have you ever called me by my name, even once?
Qual: Pardon..?
Arme: You think yourself my friend..?
Arme: There was never friendship in your eyes when you looked at me...
Qual: ......!
Arme: And I even wanted you to become my friend, all those years!
Qual: B-but...
Arme: .......
Qual: N-no..! Celesti--
Qual: ...Ah...
Arme: Hah... haha.
Arme: It's simply not possible,   Qual. The people of the Ark don't even see me as a person.
Qual: .......
Arme: We can never be friends. Not for as long as that remains true.
Arme: Cura taught me many things, because I was so ignorant.
Arme: Fuga got angry with me, but it gave me a chance to argue with someone.
Arme: As for Libel... He called me Arme.
Arme: Do you understand, Qual..? He was the first person to ever use my name.
Qual: ........
Arme: Those three are the only people I consider friends. It has nothing to do with how long we've been together.
Qual: .....!!! Ah... Aaah...
Qual: So it was all... presumption on my part..? You never..?
Arme: Inside that white room in the church, I'd ponder my reason for being born.
Arme: I never found the answer, until I came down to the Surface.
Arme: If my existence truly is special, then I want to use my power to help my friends and their beloved home.
Qual: I... I...
Qual: I don't...
Qual: Aaaaaahhhh!!!
Arme: So, Qual--!
Qual: No... no! This has to be some kind of mistake...
Qual: Hahaha... Ahahahaha...
Arme: .......!
Qual: The Celestial would never call lowly Surface dwellers his friends...
Arme: You're just forcing your ideals on me, Qual!!!
Qual: ...SILENCE!!!
Qual: !!!
Libel: ...I got woken up by all your yelling.
Arme: Libel..!
Qual: ...How many times!?
Qual: How many times are you going to get in my WAY!!!
Libel: ......!
Schau: That's enough. 
20-2: A Flight of Freedom (2)
Libel: Tsk..!
Qual: Schau...
Schau: While you were talking, we blocked every possible exit from here.
Schau: Game over.
Libel: .......
Schau: Libel, was it?
Schau: To tell you the truth, I don’t  give a damn about the Celestial or the  Surface. Just the thought of having to get  any more involved in this annoys me.
Schau: And it looks like our newly appointed vice commander won't stop until you're dead.
Schau: Your very existence is a thorn in my side. Just die already.
Libel: ...Arme, are you ready?
Arme: Yes. Though I'm not sure what you're talking about.
Arme: I trust you.
Libel: ...You're the best.
Schau: !?
Libel: Hold on to me as hard as you can, Arme!
Arme: I will!
Schau: It's no use. The only thing over there is the cliff... wait, don't tell me!?
Qual: S-stop! Libel!
Qual: Schau! Shoot him!
Schau: That's the... plan!
Libel: Ugh..!
Schau: Tsk! Missed the head!
Libel: I'm gonna jump, Arme!!!
Arme: Hahaha! I'm so scared! And yet..!
Arme: Do it, Libel!!!
Qual: Stop... Stop it...
Qual: Don't take the Celestial from me..!
Qual: STOOOOP!!!
Libel: Aaaaargh!!! 
- - - -
Cura: I wonder if they managed to get away...
Cura: ......! Coff... coff...
Cura: Huh? Blood..? What's going on here..? 
- - - -
Fuga: No... help... It hurts... it hurts..!
Fuga: ......! ...Just a dream..?
Fuga: Ah... Why, why..?
Fuga: Why didn't you save me... Libel..?
Fuga: Aaaaaahhhh!!!
- - - -
Reue: ...I see. Thanks for letting me know.
Reue: Okay. Leave cleaning up to your subordinates and come back to the Ark.
Leiden: Commander Reue. Who was that? Schau?
Reue: Yep. He was just reporting back.
Reue: The Celestial is missing. He fell from a cliff, and could even be presumed dead.
Leiden: Hmm.
Leiden: So it's over.  
Reue: Yeah, sure is. This is what you get when you start throwing tantrums.
Reue: Qual is to be confined indefinitely. 
20-3: Time Moves Once Again
Misericorde: Qual failed and the Celestial is missing...
Misericorde: I see. How very interesting...
[Door opens]
Misericorde: No changes...
Misericorde: He should remain alive, as the transfer has yet to occur.
Misericorde: The Celestial, sullied...
Misericorde: Perhaps 'tis time for a shift in plans. 
- - - -
Eternea: I see... so you've chosen the Surface in the end.
Eternea: Heh, perhaps even I ought to ready myself.
Eternea: ...Arme. 
- - - -
Vida: ...Hey. What do you guys think?
Vida: What should I do? How can I repay you? What do you want from me..?
Vida: ...Our numbers are going down. We can't stop it.
Vida: .......
Vida: I see... Figures...
Vida: It's been a long time coming.
Vida: This way, we'll be able to grant Placer's wish. We'll take all his pain and send it back...
Vida: ...We'll take the skies.
Vida: Prepare to get crushed, Ark. 
- - - -
???: Kabane! Over here, come quickly!
Kabane: ...What?
???: This! Look at this!!!
Kabane: Corpses... It's awful rare for anything from the Surface to end up here.
???: This is much, much rarer. You might want to sit down for this.
???: They're still alive... if barely.
Kabane: ...I see.
Kabane: ......!
Kabane: Konoe. I think you're the one who might want to sit down for this one.
Kabane: This smaller one is a Celestial.
Konoe: What? Whaaaat!?
Konoe: That's... Even rarer than rare...
Konoe: Kuon!!!
Kuon: ...Yes. I feel it already.
Kuon: It appears we're still to continue...
Kuon: This dance of death. 
- - - -
Libel and Arme are swept into the vast Underground, where they meet three young men; Kabane, Kuon, and Konoe.
They claim to know the truth about the world and the Celestial.
"Kabane doesn't want you to make the same mistake..."
To be continued in Part 2...
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gerbiloftriumph · 3 years
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The Silence Between Snowflakes
(also on ao3) ~ 6/8 - Fractals
The instant Alexander dropped below the entrance hall floor, he started clawing at the slide, trying to dig his toes into the walls, the slide itself, anything. His gloved hands slipped uselessly off the walls, and he skittered and bounced like a ball on a track, slamming into sharp bends that he couldn’t see in the dark. There were no footholds, no handholds, no outcroppings, nothing, and by the time he’d shook off the pain from crashing into another curve, there was no curve to grip (not that the slick walls would have afforded him any sort of leverage had he been prepared, anyway).
He didn’t know where this track was going, and he didn’t think it was anywhere good, and he wanted out. He wanted out right now.
Claustrophobic, shoved into a tiny, dark space, punishment for breaking a cup. Stretched and pulled like taffy for forgetting to wash a plate. Battered and bruised and frightened and angry and cold and tired and done.
He had rescued himself from Manannan. He would rescue himself again.
Fierce terror and anger rose in him, and he forced the emotions together, channeled them into what little fragmented magic he knew, and he snapped his fingers. At first, nothing, and he did it again, and again, muttering half remembered words he’d stolen from Manannan, and again, until finally the magic caught in his fingertips, and heat poured from his hands, and he slammed against the wall, and it melted away before him and sent him screeching down another road, one he made himself, and the new melted tunnel vanished beneath him and he felt himself falling, falling—but he saw in the split second before impact that he was probably going to land on something softer than the floor.
Normally, Graham liked mazes. Hedge mazes were lots of fun, he thought, and he’d always been fond of the corn maze Royal Guard Number Two organized every autumn. Even better when there were puzzles scattered around, just to make it extra tricky and entertaining.
But normally he wasn’t freezing to death, and normally he could see the sun, and normally he knew what the end goal was. Knew there was a way out. This one probably had a way out, but it didn’t seem to be following any rules, and he was starting to doubt. He felt like rooms were circling around, sending him in every direction aimlessly. He’d tried going through left-most doors, but then he’d gotten confused and turned around in a couple of the larger emptier spaces and now had no idea where he was headed. He was sure he’d already been in some of the rooms, corridors entwined and intersecting. There was an overall slow downward slope to his route, like he was going deeper into the castle, and he wasn’t sure if that was what he wanted.
The place seemed to be falling apart, too, perhaps a consequence of the castle moving and jarring against itself as it settled. He had to scramble over huge ice blocks and squeeze past fallen pillars. Had to find keys to doors that were locked before him and locked behind him again. None of which was an easy feat with his wrist entirely frozen over and his elbow starting to stiffen and his head starting to feel foggy (from the cold of the room or the cold of his arm, who could say). Strange carvings in the walls leered at him. Tunnels narrowed until he was hunched over, or swooped out so that his footsteps echoed around him.
He hadn’t found any signs of life. Just statues and sculptures that made him wonder if his curse had a solution at all. Distressingly realistic humans carved of clear blue ice, in all manner of dress and features, scattered the rooms. Reaching, cowering, curled up broken in pieces on the floor. He had the oddest sense they were watching him, moving when he wasn’t looking at them.
Sometimes, there were sounds, but mostly they were of the sinking ship ice-creaking variety that made him think the place was going to fall down on top of him.
Take this new sound, though. It was perfectly chilling. Sounded like someone screaming, but muffled by layers upon layers upon layers of ice, a fractured sound in the walls. Until, quite suddenly, it wasn’t muffled, and the ceiling opened up into a slushy hole, and Alexander, flailing, dropped out of it, landing on top of Graham. The two collapsed in a tangled heap of cloaks and scarves.
Startled and unwilling to immediately accept the presence of Alexander in this icy prison, Graham instantly slipped into the babbling safety of terrible jokes. “Aaah, ice to see you, son, but this is snow place for a prince. We’ve already had fall, you know. I winter why you’re here. Have you snowflaked on your mother? That’s a cold thing to do, you know.”
Alexander stared wild-eyed, uncomprehending. Frost slicked back his hair.
“Ah, sorry, not the time.” They stood a little unsteadily, and Graham leaned back to look at the tunnel Alexander had apparently blasted open. “That’s...” he struggled for the right word in his alarm, “impressive.” He glanced at his son, and he quickly smoothed his expression into bland kingly interest. “Could you explain why you’re here and not safe in the castle where you should be?”
“We were worried,” Alexander said, still breathless, still staring up at what he’d done. He knotted his fingers together. “You hadn’t...you just left, and we couldn’t...we had to come.”
“We?” The floor seemed to drop out from beneath Graham. “You’re not going to tell me your mother and sister are here, too, are you?”
“Valanice is here? Of her own volition? No one invaded Daventry Castle or forced her to come or anything, she decided on her own?”
“Ohh, shining stars.” He was in trouble.
“You just left,” Alexander repeated defensively. “We weren’t going to leave you to freeze.”
“I’m not going to freeze.” And there was a sharp note of anger in his voice, he realized, a snap that he wasn’t sure if he meant or not.
Alexander looked like he wanted to argue, and his eyes were on Graham’s arm (which was definitely colder, definitely locking up, definitely aching), but all the fight went out of him. Especially after hearing the frustration in Graham’s voice, the words choked in his throat. Arguing wasn’t something that came naturally, not after Manannan’s treatment. Not after Graham’s irritated tone. Whatever he’d been going to say or do just...stopped. He hovered on the front of his toes, like a bird trying to take flight, and could do or say nothing more than that.
Graham sighed, and then smiled at his son, apologetically, gently. “Nothing like the Crackers for snowballing right into danger. I’m surprised Number One didn’t send you back.”
“We didn’t see him. We, um. We think something happened to him.”
“It looked like there’d been a fight. They were gone. All of them. We never even saw them.”
And that felt like a slap. Graham blinked. The castle had been empty, lonely. No human was here, he would have bet his adventuring hat on it. And yet. He glanced at the ice sculptures leering at them, wondering if they’d crept a little closer while he and Alexander were talking. Maybe not that empty after all.
But they couldn’t leave the way Alexander had come, that was clear. The hole was high above them, perfectly glossy with smooth ice, reflective as a mirror. And Graham wasn’t sure which direction he’d come from, now. His head was getting fuzzier, his thoughts starting to splinter. Going back wouldn’t do them any good: his own slide down into the maze was long and cold and slick and behind a series of locked doors by this point. They’d have to go forward. If only he knew which way forward was, and if only he could guarantee there was a way out in the end.
He’d been distracted by Alexander and news of Valanice for a few minutes, but the pain of his arm was coming back at double strength, slicing through his thoughts, a pain that pulled his attention in every direction and made him feel all the more helpless. Useless.
He rubbed at his frozen wrist, staring at the gaping hole above them. It really was something incredible. Alexander had blasted it with some sort of heat, but the slush had already refrozen into sharp, cruel icicles dangling above them. Deadly. Magic, deadly. His arm, deadly. He wasn’t at all sure he liked his son knowing how to do something Manannan could do. Magic. What if it killed Alexander just as soundly as it was killing Graham?
He drew himself up, took refuge in his knightly training and kingly history, found the confidence he needed to project. Regrettably, it sounded like chilly annoyance when he spoke: “We must find Valanice, Rosella, and the guards. We’ll figure things out as we go.” He chose a direction and set off, praying to all the stars that he wasn’t backtracking.
Gwendolyn spent the day trying to find Gart, and Gart kept avoiding her. Every time she thought she saw him down a hall or in a room, he managed to get away from her. She wondered if Aunt Rosella had taught him about all those alcoves and tunnels that she had liked to hide in as a child, and she wished she knew the castle as well as he did. Gwendolyn had grown up in the Green Isles, as far away from here as it was possible to get, and hearing Grandpa’s stories about the secrets of Daventry’s castle had sparked her interest.
But she knew she wouldn’t get to discover the twists and turns of the passageways. Gart was right about that. She would be going home soon, and he would stay here, learning to be a good king.
Her father Alexander had relinquished his claim on Daventry’s throne long ago, changing the line of inheritance to Rosella’s family. Gwendolyn knew it was because he’d fallen in love with her mother, Cassima of the Green Isles, and had submitted to her authority and rule on the other side of the world. He loved it, loved the little islands with all their characters and abilities and interests, loved the smells and the sounds and the feel of the place. Loved Cassima.
He had found a home, in the end. Gwendolyn couldn’t help but wonder if it was meant to be her home, too, or if, like her grandfather, like her father, she was meant to wander, to find something to call her own. She didn’t begrudge Gart’s inheritance, not even a bit, but she was jealous of his confidence that this was where he belonged. That he had so much trust in his future when she was questioning so much. When she wanted what was best for everyone, best for both countries, both families, both lives…but wasn’t sure how her happiness fit into the equation, too. Which made her feel guilty; she had so much good in her life. She didn’t deserve these doubts.
And yet. And yet, she doubted and worried and fussed, nevertheless, which just made her feel all the more guilty.
This was why the stories mattered so much. The stories were a way to explore and learn safely, to carve a road to decisions. If only Gart would listen to the stories, too.
Or if he would at least stop running away from her. She bit her lip, tugged up her hood, and hurried down another passageway, his name burning her throat as she called again and again with no response. Feeling lost in the labyrinth of the castle, not at all sure which way to turn next.
Royal Guard Number One shivered. “I hate being cold,” he muttered. His teeth chattered so hard that it sounded like he said every word twice. He was sitting on his helmet since that was warmer than sitting on the ice block chair that had been provided, blowing puffs of smoke as he tried to keep his fingers limber. Not that he had his sword to swing anymore, which made the exercise mostly pointless. Even with his quilted padding, even with his scarf and earmuffs and mittens and everything, he felt like he was turning to ice as solidly as Graham was.
He didn’t even have the others to huddle with for warmth: those strange living sculptures had easily determined he was captain of the little operation and had hastily separated him from the rest of the Royal Guard. He’d blinked away the cobwebs and shadows and pain just in time to find himself being flung face first into a frosty little cell. The door had slammed and locked behind him while he extricated himself from a snowbank.
In the distance down the hall, he had been able to make out No2 shouting something before being silenced, accompanied by an angry crack of ice against metal, and then...nothing after that. No sounds from his men or ice guards. Just the chilly creaking of the castle’s walls. He tried shoveling his way out (surely this place was no different than the pretend castles he had helped Rosella build when she was a toddler, a snow castle you could kick your way through in a pinch), but the blocks of ice were as hard as any actual dungeon wall he’d ever faced.
“I’m getting too old for this sort of nonsense.” He wondered how the others were getting on, and very much hoped they hadn’t been split up. Especially poor Larry, who possibly shouldn’t have been allowed to come considering how his bad arm locked up if it got too cold. Hopefully he and Kyle were together. If any of them had been hurt, those ice monsters were going to catch hell from Number One.
He had to get up and try to find another way out. He knew he did. But it was just so cold. In a minute, maybe, he’d stand up. If his knees weren’t frozen in place. For now, he blew on his fingertips again.
There was an incredibly loud crash from outside his door. It sounded like someone had knocked over a tray of glasses, shattering every single one on the floor and then stomping on them for good measure. He sprang to his feet, reaching instinctively for the sword he didn’t have, as the cell door swung open.
Princess Rosella leaned against the door frame, grinning at him. Around her, the anxious faces of the other royal guards appeared.
“Having trouble, Number One?” she asked.
“Not anymore, Princess Rosella.”
She handed him his sword, and he buckled it around his waist without looking at it, visually checking over all his men instead. They looked rattled, frost limning their uniforms, but otherwise all were accounted for, all seemed safe. He nodded sharply, satisfied, and marched out of his cell with his helmet tucked under his arm. Ice crunched beneath his feet like shards of glass.
“Ice guards,” Rosella said dismissively. “Not paying a shred of attention. Easy to break, turns out, if you can get them to hit the ground right.”
“Might I ask how you’re here, Princess Rosella?”
“You might,” she said, playing along as drily as him, and then she broke character by snickering.
Rosella, Alexander, and Queen Valanice (ohh, shining stars, if the queen was here then they were in trouble) had found Graham missing (No1 wasn’t even remotely surprised, just annoyed) and had hurried to the castle, where they’d been promptly trapped (meaning he couldn’t send her home, so don’t even try to order it, she insisted). They hadn’t found the king, or the royal guards, but they had found nasty little trap doors inside the hall, which split everyone up. Rosella’s slide had sent her bumping and shrieking with laughter down, down, down into what was probably a dungeon cell but which had been recommissioned into a breakroom by whatever minions this castle supported. Someone, likely not an ice guard, wasn’t pleased with all the snow around, and had made up a straw nest for taking naps in. She'd fallen into this nest, unharmed and giggly.
The cell-turned-breakroom was at the far end of a long series of twisting tunnels, made of dark blue and black ice that reflected her shadowy shape back at her. Her explorations went entirely unnoticed by anyone for a good long while. She’d eventually found the rest of the guards cuddled together in a heap of armor and scarves and gloves behind a locked door, and they’d hastily explained what was going on.
Armed with expectation, she wasn’t surprised when she saw her first ice guard, and she deftly dodged and slipped through the tunnels and open cells until she found the keys she wanted. It had been a feat worthy of anything her father had ever done on any of his adventures to sneak the keys out from the guard room unnoticed by the strange magic creatures. It had involved a bit of string, her tiara, and one of the windup Battle of Wits miniatures she had been carrying in her pocket from an earlier game with Alexander.
A sight to behold, totally memorable, a proper shame no one else had seen it. She gathered up the keyring and hurried away.
She had been unlocking the Daventry team door when the ice guard spotted her. It rushed her, grabbed her, and she would have been completely done for, adventure at an end—if the key for the cell hadn’t already been in the padlock, and if No3 hadn’t been turning it the rest of the way, and if the rest of the royal guards hadn’t burst out to protect their princess. The lone ice guard didn’t stand a chance.
Most of the sculptures from this dungeon area were now fuming behind locked doors, and a few more troublesome ones were now so much chunked ice, blue shreds of animation magic rising like steam before disappearing.
“Easy,” Rosella finished.
“Excellent job,” No1 said. He bowed to her, as befitting royalty. And then they exchanged a very complicated handshake that ended with a spectacularly silly fist bump and the two of them leaning back-to-back. No1 straightened quickly and gave an imperious glance over his men, silently suggesting that if anyone spoke of this moment again, they would be docked pay. “Now then. I imagine King Graham has ended up in some sort of unpleasant trap as well. Princess Rosella, would you perhaps like to assist in another rescue?”
“Always.” She hooked a thumb over her shoulder, pointing down one of the long dark blue halls. “I heard the strangest noises coming from that direction. I didn’t check it out without backup, though—thought you’d be proud of that. We should probably investigate.”
“A fine idea. Shall we?”
“Let’s shall.”
The maze was definitely deteriorating. Walls sagging, pillars crunching. Perhaps the weight of the castle was heaviest here, pressing down on the honeycomb of tunnels. Maybe it was something to do with its movement, takeoffs and landings shaking things loose. Graham was vaguely certain he hadn’t been here before. But only vaguely. The rooms still looked about the same, the only difference being the types of statues leering at them, and his head was getting fuzzier and the pain of his arm was starting to pound in his ears in time with his heartbeat.
Graham dizzily recognized that Alexander had started taking the lead, but Graham was too preoccupied to say anything much about it. He was focused on his hand, cradling his arm, careful not to bump it against the debris and ice blocks strewn around the rooms that Alexander was pushing out of their way. Sometimes, Graham thought the ice blocks could have been moved a little faster. He almost said so, that anger rising in his chest again, a cold desire to hurt, but then decades of diplomatic leadership kicked in and he realized what he was about to say. He bit down sharply on his tongue and turned a snarky critique into a vague compliment, but then he was back to quietly moping and not paying much attention.
His teeth were starting to chatter as the ice snaked up his body. He yanked his cowl up higher, trying to trap warm air, to do anything to help. It didn’t help at all. Alexander kept glancing back at him, which made the puzzles take even longer, his fingers made clumsy by hesitation and uncertainty.
This room was different. Someone had shoved straw in the corner, between pillars and the wall and some ice blocks, making a sort of sleepy nest to sit in that was warm against the perpetual chill of the labyrinth. A hideaway, Graham thought, and that made him smile a bit, remembering how much he’d loved to hide in Triumph’s stable when he wanted away from everything. The scent of hay was comforting, and snapped through his bleary disinterest, made him stand straight and be aware of his surroundings again. Whoever had made up this little comfortable bed had access to the maze through a tunnel splintered through the wall by a fallen pillar. They must have taken an ice pick and made the tunnel just barely wide enough for someone to squeeze through single file.
“Ah. A short cut,” Graham said. “I’d bet that’ll take us out of the maze and into more inhabitable rooms.” Hopefully warmer ones, too.
Alexander nodded, inspecting the scrapes and scratches marring the narrow tunnel walls. The two men squeezed through the tunnel, which narrowed and widened and pressed and pulled. Alexander looked queasy and Graham’s arm ached, but they wriggled through without too much difficulty.
As hoped, this area felt considerably more lived in and used. The chilly silence of the maze was behind them. Graham could hear something metallic clanging and echoing nearby. He smiled at Alexander, pleased to have escaped. He pushed open a door—and walked into the center of a crowd of goblins.
There were probably two dozen rock goblins standing around. Most were clutching shovels and were in the middle of scooping snow out of huge hampers and wheelbarrows and into icy furnaces belching snowy clouds up huge chimneys. Some had ice picks, to break up heavier chunks of snow. All of them had scarves and hats and mittens dragged over their armor. Every head turned, and every eye was on Graham and Alexander, and the door swung shut behind them with a click, and Graham mumbled, “Oh. Zards.”
The goblins spun their shovels and held them like spears. Apparently, they didn’t have their real spears with them. The ones with the ice picks still looked as threatening as ever, though. All approached, slowly, encircling the two intruders, hemming them away from the door (not that there was anywhere to go—back into the maze wasn’t a real option). Their helmets revealed not a single emotion, and Graham stepped back unconsciously, swallowing. He’d run into goblins a handful of times since his awful experience in his twenties. They were part of Daventry, like the squirrels. And, like the squirrels, they had their own ruler. There were treaties. There were rules.
But goblins had never been the sort to follow rules.
Something sharp pressed against his shoulder blades, and he froze. It was a shovel, surely, but sharp and heavy enough to cause serious damage, and wielded by a spearmaster. He would never forget the pressure of a spear held against him, and it sent him spiraling back, back, back, and he felt young and inexperienced and out of place again, at a loss to defend himself and his friends. But this time, it was his son at his side, looking absolutely petrified with an ice pick point tickling his ear.
That couldn’t stand. His son had faced enough. Graham wouldn’t let anything hurt him now, not if he could help it. Graham’s fuzzy resolve hardened and he stepped forward, in front of Alexander, his good arm raised to defend, forcing his cold anger in his chest to help instead of hurt.
One of the goblins stepped forward to match him. It wore a hat with a fluffy white bauble sewn onto it, perched almost rakishly over its helmet. Goblins all had uniquely designed helmets, and this one’s forward swooping curl sparked a memory... “I remember you,” he said to it, sternly. “You stole my adventuring hat.” And had been one of the more enthusiastic ones when it came to flipping Graham upside down and shaking him hard to knock loose contraband in his prison cell—he'd had that goblin’s grip imprinted as a bruise on his legs for a month.
If it were possible to see expressions through those helmets, Graham thought the little fellow would be grinning. It swept itself into a low bow, flipping the multicolored scarf it wore like a lady’s ballgown skirt. Definitely one of Acorn’s scarves, Graham decided: he was sure he could spot the little artisan tag sewn near the ruffle. At least one mystery had been solved. Possibly more. Those were probably Amaya’s ice picks.
The shovel that had been at Graham’s shoulders swung low and the shaft whacked the back of his knees. He fell forward, landing hard on his knees. The same thing must have happened to Alexander, because he too fell with a startled cry. Graham remembered this, knew what would come next. Now that he was at the goblins’ level, they’d pull out the rope, bind his hands behind him, and march him away for stars knew what purpose.
But the goblins were chittering amongst themselves in their scratchy language, and there was a general movement of bodies and weapons as something new approached. Something hard clamped down on Graham’s shoulder, on his arm, as tight as a manacle and absolutely freezing. He looked up, startled, and Royal Guard Number One stood above him, entirely utterly horribly frozen through like Graham’s frozen arm, his icy cold hand grip—no, wait, not Number One. The mannerisms were wrong, the uniform just a touch off kilter.
A living sculpture.
Who would possibly want ice guards to look like his Daventry ones? Well, everyone, honestly, Graham thought with a vague touch of glowing pride. No1 had trained the very best. It wasn’t surprising at all that someone would imitate that glorious Crimson Colada uniform for their own regiment. Even if this example of it was a little...abstract and malformed.
Which, he slowly realized, meant that whoever lived in this castle knew Daventry. Or at least had seen his royal guards before, knew of their uniforms. But who? How? Why?
What else did this ice castle have? If a yeti had walked around the corner walking a herd of wedzels on leashes, Graham would have thought it much more sensible. What next? Sentient scarves? Talking cats?
The goblins looked annoyed, like they’d lost something fun they’d been looking forward to playing with, shuffling back with fingers drumming on shovels and picks. Multiple ice guards hauled Graham and Alexander back to their feet, their hands digging like claws into the captives' shoulders. No need for further restraint, not with these things holding them.
The ice guards barked something at the goblins, and they skittered and scattered, rushing back to work. Their language was odd, brittle, and...backward? It somehow seemed reversed. But the goblins had understood well enough, and were back with their shovels, frantically scraping huge piles of snow into the furnaces, in seconds. As the ice guard harried and hustled the two royals through the room, past the bustle of workers, the king watched the furnaces. He was thinking of blizzards, of clouds heavy with snow, of a center to the storm that appeared to be coming from a single point. Number One may have been right after all.
Another ice guard, apparently there to watch over the goblins and prevent laziness, snapped something, and the goblins scurried to work faster. The last thing Graham saw was the forward-curl goblin straining under a very heavy load of snow, whimpering something unhappily. And then Graham and Alexander were dragged out of the furnace room and propelled along corridors and stairs, past alcoves and curtains and cheerless rooms, heading up, up, up, toward the center of the castle and the tower that loomed over everything.
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mbti-enemies · 3 years
Dumb question: I'm INFJ and started speaking to someone who I now suspect has a crush on me. We knew each other as interns many years ago, clicked super but I was seeing someone else... and he had a crush on me at the time. Years of no speaking. And I got in touch with him again in mid-Feb (not noticing it was V-Day) and we spoke a bit, clicking. After a few weeks, he sent me a song which I now retrospectively see was a hint that he fancied me. Fast-forward, in mid-April I told him I fancied him a bit but need space (past relationship ghosts) but would be eager to befriend him more. He asked me if I'm ok ofc but I chickened out from answering. It's practically May and I wondering if I'll ever have a shot with him? Or maybe I wrecked it all? I think he's INFJ and I suck at reading ppl's romantic vibing with me... and I'm almost 30! Also, we live in different countries thanks to covid. Insights are SUPER appreciated.
Aaah hello- infj here and I can imagine writing a similar ask. I think if I wrote this I think would pretty much predict the answer I’m going to get beforehand. So perhaps you’ll have predicted this.
intj’s main blocks of writing are in italics, though she’s also helpfully edited mine a little >< My writing now sometimes sounds like her voice in my head- very strange stuff. We hope you like the length and detail! Hopefully, it doesn’t get boring/confusing/long.
The short answer? GO FOR IT! The only thing at risk here is your friendship dynamic, cause worst-case scenario going for it would mean giving up being friends for the chance of something even greater than that (but in all honesty one could argue a chance like that is worth a hell of a lot) . And hey if they really are a good friend, i would expect them to still stick by you regardless of the awkwardness/disagreement in any situation so all in all yeah just GO FOR IT.
Oh, and in terms of bad timing concerns , a few months (from him sending the song) and a few weeks (from you telling him you liked him) is honestly not as much time as you think! Especially as you suspect as he had a crush on you from years before too, these types of feelings don’t tend to be that fickle.
If you feel that you want a relationship with him now, you should tell him, however difficult. And if you still feel like you need more space, and just want to be friends, take the space! And if you just need a little more time, tell him how much, just make sure to take his feelings into account to and any way will end up just fine. Just to be clear - you definitely haven’t wrecked it at all. It’s damn hard to be clear with other people about what you want, heck sometimes it’s hard to be clear yourself about what you want, but trying matters. Trying matters.
In terms of sucking at reading others’ romantic vibing- I’ll suspect that as an infj you’re more likely to not notice their romantic vibing than falsely think it was there. Still, as intj said, you may be scared of losing your friendship. I hope that your confession of feelings hasn’t disturbed your friendship- but if it hasn’t, that’s a pretty good sign for open communication and if it has, then you don’t have much more to lose! But whatever you decide, it’s important to weigh up how much you value your friendship with how much you want a romantic relationship with him. And considering he did in fact have a crush on you before , your situation would be understandable to him so perhaps you really wouldn’t be risking all that anyway…
Finally, long-distance. I don’t really know how far away your respective countries are, but I hope that whatever you decide, that your relationship mitigates the challenge! If you feel a romantic relationship with the distance between you is feasible- then that shouldn’t be something stopping you. But, of course, do make sure that you (both!) want the relationship despite the distance, otherwise, either the distance or the relationship will have to go somehow. But it’s okay not to be sure about all that just yet , maybe its best to just try and test the waters first - time can make decisions like these become a lot easier and then you’ll really know what you would be willing to give up (or not give up). Just speak the truth and feel free to go with the flow , your heart will be able to navigate you to shore.
So yeah …, FOLLOW YOUR HEART! And you know- make logical decisions (intj can’t stress this point enough). Be brave (it’s underrated in these situations) and try and be honest. Life’s too short for regrets like these. Whatever you decide to do, I hope your friendship is doing well right now, and will thrive even more in the future! Keep us updated and good luck <3
(P.S Quick note about same-type pairings. I doubt you’re both infjs, though of course still totally possible. Perhaps he’s an infp (easily confusible?). Two people of the same type have the same cognitive functions and so don’t really click as you said you two did (that being said its not like its i m p o s s i b l e for two of the same type to click so its cool if he’s an infj too :) . So, if you haven’t heard about functions, look them up! They’re very cool and at the heart of mbti. And of course, if you have any questions about this, please do ask)
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twoidiotwriters1 · 4 years
Written In The Stars LXX (Harry Potter xF!Oc)
A/N: I’m currently back in school and I’m not happy– Also, I’ve been re-reading the whole story bc I need to see if I’m not fucking up my plot and shiiit the first books just plain suck with all those typos lmao I’m suffering -Danny
Words: 2,983
Warnings: None!
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Chapter Five: Bulgaria vs Ireland.
Once the night sky was setting, they strolled around the field to look at the souvenirs several wizards were selling.
"Wow, look at these!" said Harry, hurrying over to a cart piled high with what looked like brass binoculars, except that they were covered with all sorts of weird knobs and dials.
"Omnioculars," said the saleswizard eagerly. "You can replay action... slow everything down... and they flash up a play-by-play breakdown if you need it. Bargain — ten Galleons each."
"Wish I hadn't bought this now," said Ron, gesturing at his dancing shamrock hat and gazing longingly at the Omnioculars.
"Four pairs," said Harry firmly to the wizard.
"No way you're buying me those," Mel frowned, pulling out her own money and buying her own pair, which technically left her without money to spare, but she wasn't going to admit it. "No, don't even try to insist. This year you won't outdo my Christmas present and that's final."
"Don't bother," Ron also tried to reject Harry's offer, but it was too late for him.
"You won't be getting anything for Christmas," Harry told him, giving Mel a pointed look. "For about ten years, mind. Hear that? If you had accepted my gift, Mellow, you would've had ten years to outdo me."
"Fair enough," said Ron, smiling down at the Omnioculars.
"Oooh, thanks, Harry! And I'll get us some programs, look —" Hermione walked over to the next stand.
"I know you're lying," Mel whispered once Ron and Hermione were far from earshot. "There's no way you'll stop giving them presents, you're too nice."
"And you're too stubborn," He replied with a smile. "But I'll find a way to outdo you, anyway."
When they went back to their tent, Mel threw two little green pins at Fred and George.
"I got you those, considering you wasted all your money on a stupid bet."
"It won't be so stupid once we win," George said, pinning the souvenir to his jersey. "Then you'll feel stupid."
"I'm looking forward to it," She grinned.
And then a deep, booming gong sounded somewhere beyond the woods, and at once, green and red lanterns blazed into life in the trees, lighting a path to the field.
"It's time!" said Mr. Weasley, looking as excited as any of them. "Come on, let's go!"
They walked for about five minutes (Mel convinced Charlie to give her a piggy back ride) and talked animatedly about the game and their expectations. In front of them, there was the biggest stadium Mel had ever seen.
"Seats a hundred thousand," said Mr. Weasley. "Ministry task force of five hundred have been working on it all year. Muggle Repelling Charms on every inch of it. Every time Muggles have got anywhere near here all year, they've suddenly remembered urgent appointments and had to dash away again... bless them!"
"Prime seats!" said the Ministry witch at the entrance. "Top Box! Straight upstairs, Arthur, and as high as you can go."
So they climbed all the way up, Mel caught a glimpse of some annoucements that were magically appearing across the field.
'The Bluebottle: A Broom for All the Family — safe, reliable, and with Built-in Anti-Burglar Buzzer . . . Mrs. Skower's All-Purpose Magical Mess Remover: No Pain, No Stain! . . . Gladrags Wizardwear — London, Paris, Hogsmeade . . .'
"Look at that!" Mel said in amazement, taking a seat next to Harry.
But Harry was no longer looking at the field.
"Dobby?" Harry asked loudly.
Mel turned around, behind them there was a creature tha looked a lot like a mix between a very big doxie and a really ugly cat. It had huge brown eyes and a big round nose.
"Did sir just call me Dobby?" The elf squeaked.
"Sorry," Harry replied, "I just thought you were someone I knew."
"But I knows Dobby too, sir! My name is Winky, sir — and you, sir —" Its eyes fixed on Harry's scar. "You is surely Harry Potter!"
"Yeah, I am," Harry smiled awkwardly.
"But Dobby talks of you all the time, sir!"
"How is he?" said Harry. "How's freedom suiting him?"
"Ah, sir," said Winky. "Ah sir, meaning no disrespect, sir, but I is not sure you did Dobby a favor, sir, when you is setting him free."
"Why? What's wrong with him?"
"Freedom is going to Dobby's head, sir. Ideas above his station, sir. Can't get another position, sir."
"Why not?"
"He is wanting paying for his work, sir." Winky replied in a very low, very frightful whisper.
"Paying? Well — why shouldn't he be paid?"
Winky looked quite horrified at the idea and closed her fingers slightly so that her face was half-hidden again.
"House-elves is not paid, sir!" she said in a muffled squeak. "No, no, no. I says to Dobby, I says, go find yourself a nice family and settle down, Dobby. He is getting up to all sorts of high jinks, sir, what is unbecoming to a house-elf. You goes racketing around like this, Dobby, I says, and next thing I hear you's up in front of the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, like some common goblin."
"Well, it's about time he had a bit of fun," said Harry.
"House-elves is not supposed to have fun, Harry Potter. House-elves does what they is told. I is not liking heights at all, Harry Potter," She gulped. "But my master sends me to the Top Box and I comes, sir."
"Why's he sent you up here, if he knows you don't like heights?" Harry frowned.
"Master — master wants me to save him a seat, Harry Potter. He's very busy," said Winky. "Winky is wishing she is back in master's tent, Harry Potter, but Winky does what she is told. Winky is a good house-elf."
"So that's a house-elf?" Ron examined Winky carefully. "Weird things, aren't they?"
"Dobby was weirder," said Harry.
"They have their own charm," Mel said absentmindedly.
Ron pulled out his Omnioculars and played around with them for a bit.
"Wild!" He said, turning the replay knob. "I can make that old bloke down there pick his nose again... and again... and again..."
"Oh, stop it," Mel pushed down his Omnioculars, though she was grinning.
" 'A display from the team mascots will precede the match,' " Hermione read aloud her program.
"Oh that's always worth watching– National teams bring creatures from their native land, you know, to put on a bit of a show." Mr. Weasley added happily.
After a while of waiting and watching the stands get a little bit more crowded, the Minister arrived to their booth, he introduced a few people to Harry, holding a fatherly attitude towards the boy.
"Harry Potter, you know," He was talking to the Bulgarian Minister. "Harry Potter... oh come on now, you know who he is... the boy who survived You-Know-Who... you do know who he is —"
The wizard saw Harry's scar and pointing at it excitedly.
"Knew we'd get there in the end," said Fudge. "I'm no great shakes at languages; I need Barty Crouch for this sort of thing. Ah, I see his house-elf's saving him a seat... Good job too, these Bulgarian blighters have been trying to cadge all the best places... ah, and here's Lucius!"
The whole Malfoy family arrived at that moment. All wearing the same sneer.
"Ah, Fudge," said Mr. Malfoy. "How are you? I don't think you've met my wife, Narcissa? Or our son, Draco?"
"How do you do, how do you do? And allow me to introduce you to Mr. Oblansk — Obalonsk — Mr. — well, he's the Bulgarian Minister of Magic, and he can't understand a word I'm saying anyway, so never mind. And let's see who else — you know Arthur Weasley, I daresay?"
"Good lord, Arthur," Mr. Malfoy said in what sounded like the most false kindness she'd ever heard. "What did you have to sell to get seats in the Top Box? Surely your house wouldn't have fetched this much?"
"Lucius has just given a very generous contribution to St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries, Arthur. He's here as my guest." The Minister said almost at the same time, not really listening to the man.
"How — how nice," said Mr. Weasley.
"Guilty, that's what he is," Mel leaned to whisper in Harry's ear. "That man thinks he can fix anything with money..."
Harry barely nodded, his eyes fixed on Mr. Malfoy.
After they moved along, it didn't take long for Ludo Bagman to appear, looking rather excited and jolly.
"Ladies and gentlemen... welcome! Welcome to the final of the four hundred and twenty-second Quidditch World Cup!"
The spectators screamed and clapped. Thousands of flags waved, adding their discordant national anthems to the racket. The huge blackboard opposite them was wiped clear of its last message
(Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans — A Risk With Every Mouthful!) and now showed BULGARIA: 0, IRELAND: 0.
"And now, without further ado, allow me to introduce... the Bulgarian National Team Mascots!"
The right-hand side of the stands, which was a solid block of scarlet, roared its approval.
"I wonder what they've brought," said Mr. Weasley, leaning forward in his seat. "Aaah!" He suddenly whipped off his glasses and polished them hurriedly on his robes. "Veela!"
"Excuse me?" Mel leaned closer to the edge, alarmed. "Those aren't mascots– those are women!"
But after looking at them for about five extra seconds, Mel understood that those couldn't possibly be just women. They were too similar, same skin color and hair– they moved as if time went by slower around them. They were, in the most fascinating way, extremely ethereal, like the fairy godmothers of her fairytales.
The veela started to dance around the field; something warm spread over her chest. She felt at ease. She felt too at ease, actually. Something was wrong.
She remembered what Dumbledore had told her on one of their many lessons, 'Beauty in magic almost never equals good or safe.' Things that shone too brightly were often that way so it would blind you from its actual intentions.
She shook her head, blinking rapidly and noticing the movement on her left. When she turned she saw Harry, trying to climb the wall that protected them.
"Harry, what are you doing?" Hermione asked harshly.
Mel reached for the back of his shirt and forced him to sit down. Beside him, Ron was sitting stifly on his place, and he was destroying his Ireland hat.
'Sirens' was the first thing she thought. Even though she now knew that mermaids didn't look at all like a veela, she was pretty sure the effects were meant to be similar. Luring humans to their deaths... and Harry had fallen right into their trap.
"Honestly!" Hermione rolled her eyes, sinking further on her seat.
"Really?" Mel frowned. "Is that all it takes for you to lose your mind?"
"What?" Harry looked at her in a daze.
"Nevermind," She groaned, directing her gaze towards the field again to watch the veela stand aside.
"And now," roared Ludo Bagman's voice, "kindly put your wands in the air... for the Irish National Team Mascots!"
Next moment, what seemed to be a great green-and-gold comet came zooming into the stadium. It did one circuit of the stadium, then split into two smaller comets, each hurtling toward the goal posts. A rainbow arced suddenly across the field, connecting the two balls of light. The crowd oooohed and aaaaahed, as though at a fireworks display. Now the rainbow faded and the balls of light re- united and merged; they had formed a great shimmering sham- rock, which rose up into the sky and began to soar over the stands. Something like golden rain seemed to be falling from it —
"Excellent!" yelled Ron as the shamrock soared over them, and heavy gold coins rained from it, bouncing off their heads and seats.
"Leprechauns!" said Mr. Weasley.
"There you go," Ron shouted, giving Harry a handful of gold coins, "for the Omnioculars! Now you've got to buy me a Christmas present, ha!"
The great shamrock dissolved, the leprechauns drifted down onto the field on the opposite side from the veela, and settled themselves cross-legged to watch the match.
"And now, ladies and gentlemen, kindly welcome — the Bulgarian National Quidditch Team! I give you — Dimitrov!"
A scarlet-clad figure on a broomstick, moving so fast it was blurred, shot out onto the field from an entrance far below, to wild applause from the Bulgarian supporters.
A second scarlet-robed player zoomed out.
"Zograf! Levski! Vulchanov! Volkov! Aaaaaaand — Krum!"
"That's him, that's him!" yelled Ron, following Krum with his Omnioculars.
"And now, please greet — the Irish National Quidditch Team! Presenting — Connolly! Ryan! Troy! Mullet! Moran! Quigley! Aaaaaand — Lynch!"
"They all have Firebolts," Mel gasped. "There's no way Bulgaria can beat that!"
"And here, all the way from Egypt, our referee, acclaimed Chairwizard of the International Association of Quidditch, Hassan Mostafa!"
"Theeeeeeeey're OFF! And it's Mullet! Troy! Moran! Dimitrov! Back to Mullet! Troy! Levski! Moran!"
Her heart was leaping every so often she could hardly remain still. They game was thrilling, she even thought that a person like Erick, who didn't like Quidditch that much, would enjoy a game like this one. One could tell it was professional players out there, they moved around the field which such simplycity that even caused her to long for flying.
She thought about it for a second. Maybe, just maybe, she could try to join their school Quidditch's team this year. Harry said she was good enough, perhaps he wasn't lying.
The veela had lost control after watching their team losing by a great amount and transformed into some type of harpies, Mel thought Dumbledore would've been proud of her deduction skills, having figured out the veela on her own.
Krum, Bulgaria's seeker, had been severly injured, but that wasn't the only thing happening.
"Look at Lynch!" Harry yelled abruptly. "He's seen the Snitch! He's seen it! Look at him go!"
Both seekers were now heading towards it at great speed.
"They're going to crash!"
"They're not!" roared Ron.
"Lynch is!" yelled Harry.
Right at that moment Lynch fell flat on the grass, Krum had suddenly flown up into the air.
"The Snitch, where's the Snitch?" Charlie yelled
"He's got it — Krum's got it — it's all over!" Harry yelled back.
Krum, his red robes shining with blood from his nose, was rising gently into the air, his fist held high, a glint of gold in his hand. The scoreboard was flashing BULGARIA: 160, IRELAND: 170 across the crowd, who didn't seem to have realized what had hap- pened. Then, slowly, as though a great jumbo jet were revving up, the rumbling from the Ireland supporters grew louder and louder and erupted into screams of delight.
"IRELAND WINS!" Bagman shouted, who like the Irish, seemed to be taken aback by the sudden end of the match. "KRUM GETS THE SNITCH — BUT IRELAND WINS — good lord, I don't think any of us were expecting that!"
Mel turned at the comment, locking eyes with George who sent a pleased grin her way. Those two, she couldn't believe they were so lucky.
"What did he catch the Snitch for? He ended it when Ireland were a hundred and sixty points ahead, the idiot!" Ron said in disbelief.
"I thought he was a genius," Mel snorted.
"He knew they were never going to catch up! The Irish Chasers were too good... He wanted to end it on his terms, that's all..." Harry explained.
"He was very brave, wasn't he? He looks a terrible mess..." Hermione said, peering to the field were the team was now standing.
"I love Quidditch!" Mel beamed. "Have you seen anything as impressive and breathtaking as that?"
"I don't think so," Harry replied, smiling.
He wasn't looking at the field, though.
"Vell, ve fought bravely," someone said behind them in a very thick accent.
"You can speak English!" said Fudge, looking at the Bulgarian minister with wide eyes. "And you've been letting me mime everything all day!"
"Vell, it vos very funny," said the minister.
"And as the Irish team performs a lap of honor, flanked by their mascots, the Quidditch World Cup itself is brought into the Top Box!" roared Bagman. "Let's have a really loud hand for the gallant losers — Bulgaria!"
One by one, the Bulgarians filed between the rows of seats in the box, and Bagman called out the name of each as they shook hands with their own minister and then with Fudge. Krum, who was last in line, looked a real mess. Two black eyes were blooming spectac- ularly on his bloody face. He was still holding the Snitch.
And then came the Irish team. Aidan Lynch was being sup- ported by Moran and Connolly; the second crash seemed to have dazed him and his eyes looked strangely unfocused. But he grinned happily as Troy and Quigley lifted the Cup into the air and the crowd below thundered its approval.
At last, when the Irish team had left the box to perform another lap of honor on their brooms (Aidan Lynch on the back of Connolly's, clutching hard around his waist and still grinning in a be- mused sort of way), Bagman pointed his wand at his throat and muttered, "Quietus."
"They'll be talking about this one for years," he said hoarsely, "a really unexpected twist, that. . . . shame it couldn't have lasted longer. . . . Ah yes. . . . yes, I owe you . . . how much?"
For Fred and George had just scrambled over the backs of their seats and were standing in front of Ludo Bagman with broad grins on their faces, their hands outstretched.
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Next Chapter —>
@tiphareth2018 @vampiregirl1797 @siriuslysirius1107 @stardusthigh @mikariell95 @omiwashere @thesuitelifeofafangirl @kylosleftbuttcheek @vernon-dursley @tomshollandz @reverse-hxlland @bloodorangemoonlight
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shuahoonie · 4 years
you. [tom holland] - three.
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PAIRING: tom holland x female!celebrity!reader
SUMMARY: ah, to be young and in love. it sounds great if only you and tom were actually dating out of pure love and not for the sheer reputation of your careers. it also should be great if you two actually got along, but life isn’t that easy.
WARNINGS: mostly swearing! mentions of alcohol! a bit of fluff, a bit of angst. it’s haters to lovers / fake dating au so take that information as you wish!
SONG INSPO: our lawyer made us change the name of this song so we wouldn’t get sued - fall out boy  
A/N: aaah, hello babes! i have been writing a lot since the new year ngl, it is so refreshing to just write and not stress about stuff. although that’ll change as i head back to university tomorrow [technically today lmao] and face a shit ton of papers and readings!!! anyways, happy reading and enjoy part three!
gif credits @peteparkrrs​
vanessa’s masterlist | preview | one | two | four | five | six | seven | eight | eight.5 [interview excerpt] 
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“Why, I found a solution to your problems, my dears.” Zoë smiled, almost too sickly.
You were starting to get anxious. Is it your manager or is it because of the coffee? Probably both.
You waited for her to continue and what she said afterwards almost made you spat your drink.
“You and Tom will fake-date for damage control,” Zoë said as if it was the most obvious solution.
“I’m sorry, what?” You asked, practically choking on your drink. Has she gone mad?!
“You,” Your manager pointed at you “and Tom” She then gestured to the devil sitting beside you “will be acting as a fake couple.” 
“God, please tell me this is just a horrible dream.” You practically begged as you closed your eyes, trying to convince yourself that you’re just asleep and this, whatever this is, will be over as soon as you open your eyes. 
“How did you two end up to this conclusion, may I ask?” Tom asked, equally appalled at the resolution that was dropped in front of you two. 
“It’s the only thing that made sense after the theatrics that you two pulled,” Matthew spoke up. “Setting the illusion that you two are secretly dating and got into a small fight last night, which ended up with Y/N pouring her drink on Tom.” 
“That was a small fight? What if we had a big one?” Tom scoffed “Will she kill me then?” 
You smirked at him. “Why, that’s the first thing that I liked from all of the nonsense you just said.” 
Tom rolled his eyes at you. “I still don’t see how dating for publicity solves what happened last night,” Tom spoke up, in which you had to agree. None of it made sense after all. 
“Then how exactly are you two going to explain the scene from last night?” Zoë asked with her arms crossed. 
“I’ll be glad to confirm to the world that Tom Holland is an asshole since he called me a leech,” You said almost nonchalantly. People were starting to paint Tom as the bad guy in the narrative, and all four you were aware of it. 
“No one will be telling anything,” Tom jeered. “No one will be telling anything because it’s none of their business. They shouldn’t care about these things in the first place.” 
“Hate to break it to ‘ya, bud, but see this?” You showed him your phone, the screen showing Twitter’s trending tab and there it showed over a hundred thousand tweets about you two. “People made it already their business.” 
Tom massaged his temples. “What, are you on board with this idea now?” 
“Fuck no,” You hissed. “As much as I hate to say this but Holland’s right, we don’t have to anything about this.” 
“You two don’t have a choice,” Matthew commented. “If you two chose to disregard this, the people wouldn’t let this go. It will always be asked in interviews, they would only speculate more.” 
“God, why did you even go to that specific club.” You grumbled at Tom. “Of all clubs in Los Angeles.” 
“Why are you putting this on me? None of this would’ve happened if it wasn’t for you!” Tom argued. 
“I wouldn’t have done what I did if it wasn’t for your stupid mouth!” You were fuming. 
“Look, it’s a win-win for both of you. Tom will clear up his image by giving an impression of how your little couple’s argument escalated. As for Y/N, she’ll be receiving a lot of publicity for this. It’s good for a rising-star to have this much publicity.” Zoë proclaimed. 
“Jesus, you really are a leech,” Tom mumbled under his breath. However, you still caught it. 
“Call me that one more time and I swear you’ll be going home with not only ruined clothes but also with a bruise on your precious face.” You threatened, narrowing your eyes at him. 
“So it’s settled then?” Matthew asked, “You two are going to do it?” 
Tom just shrugged, probably defeated knowing he won’t stand a chance in this argument. He does have this reputation to uphold and he’s not going to let someone ruin it. 
You, however, felt too brave. You shook your head no and said, “You can’t make me.” 
Zoë raised her eyebrow at you, taking it as a challenge. “Try me.” 
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“Remember to hold hands, kids!” Zoë said giddily as she waved goodbye. 
“I am going to kill her,” You gritted in between your teeth as you left the building with the devil quickly fixing his hair. 
“I might actually take you up on that and add my manager into the mix,” Tom grumbled and adjusted his shirt. Tom decided to leave his jacket at the office and figured that a white shirt paired with denim pants was enough. He claims that he looks toned down and his outfit is so casual that people might not notice him. 
You begged to differ. Even if he is just wearing a plain shirt and the most basic denim pants, Tom will still attract people’s attention. The fabric of his shirt clung to his body like second skin. It shows how fit he is and you weren’t one to deny that. 
No matter how little effort Tom puts in regards to dressing himself, he still looked good. That annoyed you. 
“Okay, so the first thing to get this ship sailing-” Zoë stopped and turned to Matthew, “Hah, get it, Matt? I learned it from the internet. Apparently, a ‘ship’ is slang for relationship.” She raved. 
“Oh, that’s sick.” Matthew agreed. 
You let out a huge groan. “God, it’s like watching my parents learn internet lingo all over again.” Not to mention having flashbacks of your early internet days, stumbling over Tumblr with ‘Destiel’ mentioned everywhere. What a time.
Tom, on the other hand, had his face buried in his hand. He seemed like he was equally embarrassed and frustrated with this entire situation. 
“You two are going to have lunch together at this newly opened restaurant. It’s not far from here, don’t worry.” Zoë stated. She mentioned the name of the place, also adding the fact that you and Tom had to walk there. 
“You want us to walk?! This whole area is crawling with paparazzi.” Tom noted. 
“You two will be fine, they can’t hurt you.” Zoë dismissed you two. 
“The restaurant is a couple of blocks away,” You pointed out after searching the place on Google maps. 
“See it as a quick exercise,” Matthew implored. “You two are young, you’ll manage.” 
So here are you both now. You were walking with a complete asshole, who’s apparently now your boyfriend, on the way to this restaurant and waiting to be devoured by paparazzi. 
It was a quiet walk if you two were being honest. You expected more irritating remarks from Tom and you were ready to give out your snarkiest replies, however, you two were now walking in silence. 
It was actually a nice day in Los Angeles. It wasn’t too hot and humid, unlike most days. It wasn’t also that busy in the streets, which is odd, you thought. The day was perfect-too perfect.
Well, it was until you saw a man with a camera hiding behind one of the parked cars along the street. 
Tom seemed to take notice of the figure you just saw and put on a neutral face. “It’s showtime,” Tom said under his breath, loud enough for you two to hear. 
You two were walking alongside each other with close proximity, yes, but you weren’t going to hold hands. As much as to Zoë’s dismay, you thought and restraining yourself from rolling your eyes. 
You could hear the clicks of the camera and with every step, it seemed like the number of clicks multiplied. It only made you feel uneasy, you felt your chest tightening. 
You suddenly wished that you never agreed to this, no matter how much they pressured you. You didn’t mind your state of fame before. A handful of people recognize you from the Sci-Fi Thriller, Alchemist. You were also known for your Twitter and how you absolutely gave no fucks with whatever you tweet. Zoë had a problem with that before, but she just let it go since your account says a lot about your personality. 
However, none of that bothered you. You liked that people recognized you but still managed to get on with your life without getting disrupted. 
Tom glanced at you, noticing how you seemed like you were out of it. He could sense that you were taking deeper breaths than you did before. He frowned, Is she not used to this? Tom wondered. He carefully thought of what to do and just mumbled “Oh, fuck it,” and reached for your hand. 
It caught you off-guard. Oh boy, did you react so rashly. 
“What the hell are you doing, Holland?” You asked as you yanked your hand back. 
“I’m trying to help you,” He grumbled as he took your hand again, holding it firmly this time. “You looked like you were about to have a panic attack. I figured you’d rather have your attention somewhere else.”
“What if people see and-” 
“And what?” Tom cut you off, “They assume that we’re dating? Aren’t we supposed to be, princess?”
You weren’t expecting Tom to wrap his hand around yours nor did you expect him to help you ease your nerves down, so you ended up staring at him. You were trying to figure out what kind of stunt is he trying to pull now. 
He turned his attention to you, his brows knitted slightly. “Why are you staring, princess?” He chuckled softly, amused at the confusion painted on your face. 
What are you trying to do, Holland? You thought. 
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TAG LIST:  @thomasthetankson @autty0314 @marvelous-tswiftfan @averyfosterthoughts @theolwebshooter @jackiehollanderr @sltwins​ @herondalescecilys​ @notjustpenandpaper​ @ihopethatwemeetinanotherlife​  @sectusempried​ @gothicwidowsworld​ @heartofholland​ 
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capricornus-rex · 4 years
Someone Left to Save (13)
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Cal Kestis x Reader
Requested by Anon
Summary: The Mantis crew arrives to the capital of Ulfin, in the planet of Pevera, under siege. They meet the local rebel cell spearheaded by the former Republic admiral, Jax Beneb, who seeks to destroy the Empire’s occupation that was aggressively imposed upon while exploiting the planet of its natural resources. A plan is devised to destroy the Imperial’s main base of operations—as well as their influence—in the planet; however, it was a do-or-die mission that you and Cal had gotten yourselves caught in.
A/N: Late post again, but the AO3 version got there first because it was easier to format aaah I want my laptop fixed soon ;_;
Tags: Force-Sensitive! Reader, Inquisitor! Reader, Jedi! Reader, Fake Death, Jedi turned Inquisitor, Seduction to the Dark Side, Turn to the Dark Side, The Dark Side of the Force, Aftermath of Torture, Torture, Psychological Torture, Redemption Arc! Reader, Possible Redemption, Premonitions
Also in AO3
Chapters: 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6 – 7 – 8 – 9 – 10 – 11 | Previous: Part 12 | Next: Part 14 | Masterlist
13 of ?
It has been hours since Cal encountered you. He’s in the Mantis recovering, and still wrapping his head around everything. In fact, his mind is still in a jumble after your reunion of a duel.
He can’t meditate for long periods of time, he constantly tosses and turns in bed when he decides to rest, and he religiously reads your profile as an Inquisitor on BD-1’s databank.
“Twelfth Sister, huh?” Cal mumbled behind his clasped hands over his lips.
He intently stares at the written portion of your profile.
He pondered out loud, “I don’t even wanna think about how long they’ve kept her there until they broke her, or how long she’s been doing missions until she’s completely desensitized like the rest.”
“Bee…” BD-1 chirped sadly.
Cal shakes his head, erasing such gruesome thoughts.
“No, she’s not like them. She’s still not fully gone yet. I know her…”
BD trills in reply, astonished just how cemented the boy’s resolve and optimism is.
“[Y/N] still has a choice, I hope she understands that,” he added.
A migraine abruptly jabs at Cal like a dagger to the stomach. Screams, explosions, and blaster fire echoed as an awful-sounding medley in his skull. It took him a few good moments before the sounds quietened. His little droid chirped worriedly as he watched Cal shudder and go woozy.
“I think the town’s in trouble, BD!”
BD knew what was up just from that simple outburst, he hopped on Cal’s shoulder before the boy could even stand up and scamper out of his room. He jumped over the set of stairs, slammed a button, and slipped through the entry door left ajar, disappearing from the Mantis; he didn’t run off right away, he waited for the exterior compartment door to open, revealing a compact speeder bike stored inside and sped away to the city.
He already knew the culprit, he only hoped that you haven’t done enough irreversible damage yet.
Contrary to Cal’s foresight, you haven’t wreaked havoc… yet.
Upon your arrival to the small city, you saw how sparse the Imperial security is.
You approached a Stormtrooper donning a red pauldron on his right shoulder, he straightened his posture as soon as he saw you.
“Are these all your men, Commander?”
“No, ma’am, they’re my patrol unit. I have more fanned out in different sectors. Should there be any problem, I’ll have reinforcements ready.”
“Good, because you should. The Jedi’s quite an elusive one,”
“If we spot him, we’ll deal with him,”
You nodded, impressed by this leader’s confidence. You inquired if there are any Purge Troopers dispatched in the city, you called for two of them to your position, they arrived within minutes.
“Two of you come with me,” you commanded with a steel voice. “If you find the Jedi, do not attempt to kill him. He’s mine for the taking.”
The three of you mounted on individual speeders, they followed you. Solely relying on instinct and feeling based on what you had back at the garrison, your party ended up in a small residential compound.
You’ve pinpointed the exact locations where that ripple in the Force is originating—from a house at the western side. However, your welcome wagon from the locals is rather cold. Anyone who can carry a gun held their ground, at the corner of your eye, you spot a little family of three: mother, father, and infant boy.
You knew right away the source.
The man saw through your faceless helmet, father’s intuition spiking up when he knew that exact intention of that ominous turn of your head to his son.
“You,” the ignition of the saber startled everyone, including the family; they held their ground, safety locks from all of the blasters clicked with the barrels aimed either at you or the Purge Troopers. Your men returned the gesture, but you signaled them to hold their fire. You lowered your saber to point at his son. “You know he has it, don’t you?”
Apparently, not many were aware of what you’re talking about, but the parents knew all too well. Even he pointed his own blaster at you. This demonstrative warning didn’t intimidate you, not in the smallest bit, instead you received them with a sinister chuckle—which left them in a collective puzzlement.
In the slightest movement, someone did the first shot but you deflected it with a superhuman precision and speed—intentional or otherwise, they feared for their life as they’ve come to realize they made that mistake. And then in the next split second, they never saw you coming. A barrage of blaster fire came from all sides. A few Stormtroopers near the area got themselves involved when they heard the firefight. While they’re busy exchanging bullets, you went after the mother who ran away from the action; her husband didn’t stand a chance against you—incapacitating him by hammering his jaw with your saber’s pommel.
The apartment where the woman went into hiding was a maze, halls upon halls of doors, she thinks she’s outsmarted you. You stood still and felt for the child’s Force signature amongst the rooms. Its fussing echoed in your mind until you turned to the direction where you think it’s coming from. Your eyes shot open and you bolted through the narrow hallway, a single kick broke down the door—startling both mother and wailing child.
“Don’t make this any harder for me,” you snarled, pointing your saber at the trembling woman.
She didn’t cooperate. Her hand aimlessly wandered the floor in search of anything to throw at you. She threw a small statuette in your face but you casually dodged it—all too easy, but it vexed you that she did exactly what you didn’t want her to do. When she found herself helpless, she scrambled up to her feet and made a run for it—but you were faster. The chase led to a dead end, you snuck up behind her as she looks at the wall with sheer horror in her eyes.
“I told you to not make it harder for me, woman,” you hiss from behind, and gave her the same fate as her husband.
You broke her fall by catching her, along with the child whom you snatched from her arms, you returned to the scene of the action only to hear not a hail of projectiles but silence, the baby seems to be calmed down by it. You stopped where you stood, listening for a sign of fighting, but there was nothing. You prepared yourself for whatever you’re going to see. The residents are gone—probably scampered back to their homes—and your Purge Troopers had Cal preoccupied, his back was turned to you as he fought them off, a couple of Stormtroopers lay dead on the ground evidently Cal’s handiwork.
Cal spots you, the Purge Troopers withdraw from the fight when they read the room. The young Jedi immediately turned around to the direction where the enemies were looking at.
“Well now, two heroics in a row! That ought to be a new record, darling,”
“I know what you’re planning to do with that kid, [Y/N]!”
You nasally scoffed, “Trilla was right. You are uncharacteristically prescient!”
“Why don’t you come and face me! It’s me you want!”
“What a brilliant idea!” You gestured at one Purge Trooper to come and retrieve the child. You spotted Cal flinching as soon as the trooper’s hands touched the baby’s swaddle. Both you and the troopers were alerted and positioned in different stances.
“Ah-ah-ah!” you cautiously held your hand above the child’s face. “Don’t do anything that you’d regret, Cal! Believe me, I still have enough humanity to not kill a child in cold blood. Do not convince me otherwise.”
Cal stood down, giving in to your bluff, and forced himself to relax—despite having an Electrohammer Purge Trooper standing behind him with his held in an offensive stance. He watches the other Purge Trooper scoop the child off your arms, your lightsaber takes its place in your hands. Igniting both ends, you point the haloed sleeve in front of the Jedi.
“Let’s dance, darling!”
Finishing what you started, you locked blades with Cal once again. This time, your arena has gotten wider and more open. Cal had no time in apprehending the Purge Troopers with the child and escaped on their speeder bikes. He split his sabers and dual-wielded to match you, but it was useless, he didn’t even realize that you have gotten more skillful and stronger. He’d hate to admit that he was saved by sheer luck back at the temple.
He comes charging at you with an overhead strike, but both ends of your saber blocked left and right sabers altogether. Cal saw the whites of your knuckles as you put more pressure on your gripping arm, your boots barely skidded in the dust when his attack landed on your block, and you flashed him a cocky yet ominous smirk.
“You feel it, don’t you? My strength—it’s too great to bear, isn’t it?”
Although covered, Cal sees the prideful, malicious grin stretched across your face through that dark mask; he could’ve sworn he saw the glint in your eyes—they were sorrowful in expression masking it with rage until no one can mistake it for the other. He knew that you’re still human, unlike the others you call brothers and sisters.
“But you’re no better for what you are right now!”
Cal pushes you away with the Force, enough to put some space between you and himself. You then lobbed your saber at him, spinning like a fan, cutting the air in a clean semi-circle, and he deflected it—as expected—before catching it. You did it a second time, and again, he succeeded in deflecting it.
“Remember what Cere taught us: as long as we’re alive, we will always have a choice!”
“Funny,” your hand snappily catches your saber. “I knew you were gonna say something like that!”
He cancels out the third time you’re about to fling your saber at him, and finally deals some damage—one of the few instances that he actually does—and gradually regained his momentum in the  battle. The two of you have become so enamored in the fight that both of you didn’t notice you’ve moved to the back of the compound, away from the main square where the duel initiated.
In this smaller space, you two were completely alone. The intensity felt more intimate yet frightening. Cal saw how your eyes blazed with hatred and anger for him, albeit misplaced and corrupted within you.
“[Y/N], please listen to me: I didn’t abandon you. I swear it,” he calmly said, through the intertwining of your blades.
“Spare me, Cal, I—”
You notice his sleeve roll down, the glimmer of metal caught your eye. You recognize your bracelet worn around his wrist. For a brief second, your block loosened and he felt it.
“You… You kept it?”
“Always have,” Cal takes a deep breath. “And I’m sorry for this, [Y/N].”
Cal pulls the same trick he did on Trilla. In order to disarm you: he switched off his saber mid-block which, in turn, caught you off-guard for a second time—with the sight of the bracelet being the first, spontaneous one—and staggered you real hard. Before you could even react or resist, he inflicts Force Slow on you—and so your limbs felt heavy and hard like stone, it feels as though you’re being encased in wet plaster that’s drying off quickly. While the chance is ripe for the taking, he runs up to you and takes your hand. The wave of emotions thrashing in you like a wild ocean riptide was overwhelming, but he fought it and there’s literally nothing you can do about it.
And that’s where he saw every, single thing.
Fed with lies. Trained with hate. Survived by agony.
Cal’s Force Echo on yourself was painless but it made you a tad bit nauseated. You could feel your very life essence being forcibly siphoned out of your body, at the same time, your memories and feelings transfer to Cal—as if he was the one experiencing them firsthand.
The prickle of electric current on his skin made his nerves jerk, enough to prompt his muscles to let go; the great exhaustion that your body endured burdened itself on Cal’s chest—making him feel out of breath—then the deafening clash of weapons, the battle grunts, and all the taunts meant to torment your mind: all of those Cal endured, through the trance of the Force Echo.
You fight the tears from escaping your eyes, but he didn’t, he let them trickle on his cheeks; withstanding the pain took more willpower than matching your strength in the swordfight.
“Oh [Y/N]... what have they done to you?” he gasped.
“They… made me stronger!” you struggled to speak while under the influence of the Force Slow.
Cal shakes his head, tightening his grip around your hand, “No, that isn’t strength. This isn’t you.”
The gentleness in his voice vexed you and touched at the same time. More emotions pile on top of the other as they conflict in you, the confusion was mind-numbing.
“You just don’t want to admit it, because you’re afraid,” he added.
You’re on the verge of tears, because even if you don’t want to admit it, he’s somewhat right and you hate how right he always is.
“I am not afraid!” you hiccuped, nearly sobbing. “I don’t have to be afraid of the Inquisitors, you, or anything!”
You finally broke free from the hold of the Slow, you violently shook off Cal’s hand from yours, and popped a flashbomb to escape. When the smoke had cleared, Cal found himself alone in that small backside of the compound. More Stormtroopers flooding into that space gave him company, completely surrounding him; just when they thought they had the upper hand, their mistake of underestimating them became their undoing, the Jedi made quick work and felled them all, clearing the path for himself back to the Mantis while you hopped on another speeder and fled out of the city to return to the garrison.
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xsugarysweetsx · 4 years
The smut prompts are SO good. Can you do Fuego with 60 and 69?
Yay Fuegoleon! :D I hope you enjoy this work just like the others!
Smut prompt list
60.) “Can you guys just fuck already?”
69.) “Undress me. Slowly”
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Giggles filled the hallways as you and Fuegoleon stumbled around the corner. You had slipped away while there was a long speech made by his sister. He was getting a little grabby so he wanted at least two minutes with you.
As soon as he found a window ledge he sat you there and captured you lips. He cupped your face as he continued his attack. You lips becoming rosy and swollen from the pressure.
“Fuegoleon, someone’s going to catch us” you giggled
“Then let them, my whole squad already knows how much you mean to me” he protested. He made sure his knights knew exactly who you were to him. Although many would argue against it.
You were a simple citizen he had saved once. He couldn’t keep his eyes off of you and same went for you. Even after leaving you stayed on his mind. Very chance his rookies went on patrol he’d make an excuse to go with them.
Eventually he did find you again. Time after time, and it made his heart flip I’m his chest. He asked you to come and live with him. You went against it only because of what people would say. Compared to him you were weak, others would see you only trying to reach a high social class.
But you truly loved this man and he the same. He made it perfectly clear to anyone in the Vermillion house hold who you were to him. At the time Leopold was your only friend. It took some time and adjust but, it went better than you thought. Here you are today, getting frisky in the halls....
You felt him slit himself between you legs pulling you closer. He gave a test hip roll and you responded well to it. Suddenly a voice boomed causing you both to freeze.
“Can you guys just fuck already?! “ it was Meroleona. You hide your face in Fuegoleon’s chest as he tried to block you as well. He knew you were a type of person who liked gentle talk, and so he stood as your pillar. Especially in this situation
“Jeez, I’ve been looking for you everywhere and you’re here practically fucking your woman on a windowsill! Be classy and get to your room already” she echoed with a slight smirk to her face.
It was for sure someone else had heard it and you were beet red as you both sped past her to his quarters. He sat down at the edge of his bed with you between in legs. Looking up at you like you were a goddess. You cup his face in which he nuzzles
“Why are you looking at me like that?” You giggled
“Because, I want to make you feel like the queen you are. Tell me what is it that you want me to do to you?” He asked as his hands come up and caress your body.
“Undress me..Slowly.” You asked caressing his cheek. His hands came to the back of your dress, loosening your corset. You lifted your arms to let it slip off you. You straddle his lap and connect you lips with his.
As you share a kiss, his hands undo the buttons on your back. You let the sleeves fall from your shoulders, pooling ya the junction of your elbow. He kisses the center of your chest down to the valley of your chest.
Flipping you over he peels off the rest of your dress leaving you in only your panties. He was going to crawl over you hit you stop him with your foot.
“I want you stripped before we start” you pouted
He chilled and took his cape off “what my queen wants she gets” you enjoyed your smal show as his body came into view and over your body. You stretch a bit a sign as you were his for the taking.
He trailed kisses and bites down your body coming to your hips kissing each end. He yanks the last piece of clothing off and spreads you legs and admires the view. Oh how he loved this view. His head between you legs he ravishes you.
Knowing exactly how you like it, how much pressure and how fast. He holds you down with his large arms and hands letting his tongue slip into you. His nose nudging your bundle of nerves as you back arches off the bed.
He likes to get two rounds out of you at most. Other night it’s sometimes doubled. When he finally get you over the edge he makes sure not to let a single drop go to waste.
He crawls back to you and whispered “on your hands and knees..” you happily obey and flip over making sure to arch your back. You knew this was his favorite position so why not make it obvious.
He kneeled pumping himself a few times while the other hand made sure you were ready. He ran the head up and down a few time and then entered tour awaiting core. You both let out a sigh, he starts out with a few slow thrusts. Making sure to roll his hips in so you feel him deep.
He grips your hips and snaps his to meet yours in rhythm.
“O-oh yes r-right there aaah!” You moan out as he already brushed your sweet spot.
The way you clenched around him and how soft and wet you were made I difficult for him. He always wanted to make love, never just a quickie. He tried his hardest to slow down so you thigh can saver it.
He go slow then speed up, only to slow down abruptly again. Your walls tightening and relaxing every time, the teasing was sometimes pleasing. You feel his hand roam down to you clit and start to rub circles on it. His other large hand landing on your cheek giving it a couple spanks and grabs
“Are you..going to cum for me my queen?” He asked pounding into you. You felt your second high coming near. He bit into your shoulder as his thrusts became sloppy.
Soon warmth took you over as he spilled inside you. You felt him shiver against you as you clenched around him. You fall on to the bed, you legs shaking from the orgasms.
He pulled the covers off only covering you both with a thin fresh blanket. You muzzle his neck as you listened to his heart rate slow down
As soon as you were asleep he pulled something from the small night stand on his left. Being mindful of you he slipped on a ring to your finger. He had all intentions of marrying you without a doubt
He kissed the top of your head and whispered
Okay I think there’s more fluff in here than intended....But I hope you enjoyed this anon!
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faelune-home · 3 years
Jumbo ask meme: 🌹, 😊, 📀, 🛍️, 🔮, and 💗 (sending you the same questions bc I think they're good ones!)
Apologies for taking a few days to get back on this, I needed to collect my thoughts to write it, which took some time on its own XD But thank you for the ask \o/~~ Always appreciated ^^
🌹 - miqo!Fu is very much the social butterfly type. Maybe initially with larger groups she’s a bit wary - joining the scions, she was more subdued since she’d just been thrown into it, plus the feeling that everyone else already knew each other and she was the newbie, but she eventually grew out of it, and especially after the Waking Sands attack, she vowed to hold a bit faster to her friendships with those that did survive - but otherwise, she’s always the first to try and make new friends, or at least be open for others to talk to her.
Making enemies tho...well she never deliberately sets out to do that, and unless the other person is set on being hostile, she would try to bridge a gap. Although after all that she’s been through, that tendency is a bit slower, maybe she’ll allow the diplomatic folk to make the first step before her, but actively trying to make enemies isn’t her thing.
😊 - Aaah, at the risk of sounding cheesy and obvious lol, its her friends. ^^ but i suppose in the event they’re not available, ironically it would be the opposite - some time alone in Gridania. She’s still very fond of the old forest since it was the first place she really knew in Eorzea.
And making others smile is her goal, she set out on the adventury thing to help others (and make a legacy to share with her loved ones that they could emulate...so in a way still continuing the idea of helping others for the sake of helping others). If it makes things easier for those that struggle, then she’ll try her best \o/
📀 - miqo!Fu is a bit less easy to manipulate after so long, tho she does have help from the other Scions to make sure she’s not being given the slip. She tries to be careful nowadays after so many events have occurred, but she still wants to be open and friendly to all. But for the most part she does trust very easily, and she likes to hope others will trust her. Hopefully without any insane hero worship, despite her goal of leaving a legacy, too much hero worship makes her uncomfortable cos she feels it makes people forget who she is as an individual vs what deeds she’s done as the WoL. Maybe from strangers she’s fine with it, but from those that she’d consider friends...ideally no.
The lies and manipulation though....aaaaa. That’s a tricky one, because obviously those closest to her that she trusts have done that for all their own reasons, and it depends on the individual how she feels about it. This feels like an appropriate point to discuss that, even if things get a bit wordy. >.>
(I’m gonna read more here, partly due to talking spoilers and partly due to length. Ironically the next few questions after this are very short in comparison but this one about “lies and secrets and trust” got very wordy on its own lol)
HW and ShB spoilers after the cut
With the Lyse reveal, it did sting to start with given how close miqo!Fu was the “Yda” and Papalymo, but after some thinking on it - like Lyse’s situation, understanding that it was a maybe not so healthy coping mechanism after losing her sister that then just spiralled further, plus the immediate aftermath of Papa’s death affecting all of them, putting Lyse’s situation into some perspective for the WoL - miqo!Fu got over it a lot quicker than even she expected. In the end of that case, Lyse is still a friend, and one that she trusts a lot, especially after seeing that, for all Lyse was trying to emulate her sister, she really was more like the same person Fufu already knew.
Urianger’s frequent cases are a mixed bag for miqo!Fu >.> Because on the one hand, she knows he’s not doing it maliciously, but at the same time, its still secret keeping rather than trusting her, or even the other scions, so intent on working on his own. Plus the fact that often, his plans are eerily pragmatic and someone is on the chopping block along with it - Minfilia was cast off to the First in the conflict against the Warriors of Darkness, and now she’s gone for good, and G’raha obviously offered himself up as a sacrifice with the WoL in the frontlines first, so Urianger technically had less say in that, but that one didn’t pan out anyway - and she doesn’t agree with that, she’d rather try to avoid as many deaths or sacrifices as she can. She trusts him maybe a bit less now, however she’d still trust him to watch out for her if need be, its just when it comes to making plans, she’d rather if he worked with others rather than doing things on his own.
The catboy himself is kind of an example as well >.> miqo!Fu still doesn’t see the point in him hiding his identity other than so she wouldn’t then want to make sure he didn’t do that. But the identity hiding part aside, he falls into the hero worship side of things that makes her uncomfortable. She still trusts him as a friend and companion of course, but the idea that she’s somehow untouchable  and all powerful just because of some old texts that survived past the 8th calamity doesn’t sit well with her. Again, that may be the end goal with her becoming an adventurer, but she does want to hope she can fade off and let the stories do their thing where she doesn’t have to then experience the fawning, and having it up front with a companion doesn’t help.
(Have i went too far down a rabbit hole here? is this off topic from the original question? idk :’D i hope its still okay, it’s nice to think a bit deeper about my girl and her motivations and thoughts on things)
🛍️ - This one :’D I feel this one differs from player to character, a lot of the glams i post here on tumblr and socials in general are more me as a player having fun with fashion over me actually representing what miqo!Fu herself would do. There’s some overlap though.
As a player, as Lady Fufu, I go for aesthetic, whatever looks nice, or whatever my vision for an outfit is. Miqo!Fu on the other hand, while she does have a fashionable streak, she tends more towards function and comfort.
So more flat shoes than heals for battle, the heals are better served for fancy occasions where she doesn’t have to fight. Skirts or trousers depends though on what job she’s running as.
One common point is skirts for dancer ^^ I like my flowy skirts flying around as she spins and flips.
🔮 - Star gazing! She loves the wide open night sky! Definite night owl, much like me the player XD But then she has an important job to do so she’ll stomach the mornings if need be.
Oh and she’s definitely a snuggler ^-^ In her home village, she’d often go to bed with at least a few younger miqittens cuddled up into a pile with her.
💗 - Miqo!Fu would probably say her eyes, big and bright and purple :D
Other might say her tail, its very expressive, you can read her easily by it XD
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