#no dogs cause turns out i can't figure out how to draw dogs lol
koszmarnybudyn · 1 month
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Lady Mowbray, cause for some reason this is the episode that forces me to draw fanart.
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grrlsoft · 2 years
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ constellations : eddie munson
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summary : summer nights in hawkins are never boring when you have your boyfriend eddie by your side.
pairing : Eddie Munson x gn!reader
author's note : aaand more eddie fluff because i cant stop myself. i love this boy and wanted to write something summer-y for him (since it's summer now where i live lol)
warnings : none! just tooth-rotting fluff ;-D
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it's a hot summer evening. Hawkins seems to be asleep, save for the occasional barking of dogs enclosed in people's yards and the loud chitter of cicadas. the scent of laundry floats through the air, a sweet and homey smell, and the sky is deep and black and littered with tiny stars. 
you rest on a grassy knoll, spread out on the wide patch of green as your boyfriend, Eddie, lies next to you. the two of you had been in his trailer before this, but you insisted that you wanted to go somewhere to waste the long hours of the night away. with tired reluctance, he agreed. as long as he got to pick the music for the drive there (wherever "there" turned out to be, anyway).
you clutch the grass between your hands, closing and opening your palms over and over again. the ground is cool against your back, providing a welcoming refuge from the sweltering night air. you draw in a long breath, inhaling the smell of nature and laundry detergent and Eddie. the moon rests like a white, elegant crystal ball in the sky, casting pale, shimmering rays of light onto your figure. you smile at her and she smiles back.
"this is boring," Eddie's raspy voice cuts through the summer silence like a knife, "can we go home?" 
you sigh at his impatience. "we've only been here for like, half an hour," you reply, "besides, I like being out in nature." 
"my trailer not good enough for you?" Eddie scoffs, and you lightly shove his arm, causing him to roll away from you. you laugh as he tumbles in the long grass. 
"do that again and I'll roll straight down the hill," he says, his wide brown eyes staring at your darkened silhouette. you nudge him further with your shoe and he makes a small, dejected noise. 
"I dare you," you grin. 
you giggle as he scoots back up to lie beside you once again. you look at the sky but he looks at you. 
"I'm glad we don't live in a big city," you say suddenly, "otherwise we wouldn't be able to see any stars." 
Eddie hums, his hands itching to hold you. his eyes can't stay focused on the sky for very long until they're gravitating back towards your figure.
"can you see any constellations?" he whispers into your ear, desperately trying to make an effort to concentrate on something that isn't you. you shake your head. 
"no. I wouldn't be able to tell even if there are any," you murmur back. he sighs disappointedly. 
there's a long silence between the two of you. a slight breeze tousles your hair and you tilt your head as you stare out into space. the grass tickles the bare skin of your arms.
"we could make our own," you suggest. Eddie raises his brows, considering the idea. 
"I like the sound of that," he nods. "where do we start?" 
he gazes at you as your wide eyes look across the expanse of the midnight sky. he can see you connecting all the little dots in your head. he likes the way that the stars reflect in your dark pupils, like little mirrors.
"well, how about these ones," your arm moves upward to point out at the sky, "those little blobs there." 
Eddie follows your finger and squints. “where?”
You point again, more aggressively this time, “there.”
“not seeing anything,” Eddie shakes his head with a frown. you sigh loudly.
"then humor me for a second," you reply. “I think it looks like a cat.”
Eddie says nothing and then shrugs. “okay. cat. sure.”
you narrow your eyes. "she needs a name, let’s-" 
"Eddie junior." 
you look over at the brown haired boy and he meets your gaze. you raise a brow skeptically. 
"seriously?" the corners of your mouth can't help but turn up at his playfulness. 
"it's a good name!" Eddie exclaims, and you laugh. you redirect your attention to the stars. Eddie does too, eventually.
"ooh, you see that like, big squiggle?" Eddie's excited voice interrupts your searching. you follow his hand as he traces a line of stars with his pointer finger. you nod. 
"looks like a dragon," Eddie states. you tilt your head to look at it more, and you find yourself agreeing. 
"mhm, I can see it's eyes, I think," you say thoughtfully, "it's got big wings, too." 
"I'd like to be a dragon," Eddie admits. you turn your gaze over to him. he looks dreamily towards the sky.
"yeah?" you reply. he nods surely, brown eyes still focused on the stars that sit above your heads. 
"yeah. I'd like, live in a castle and shit, and guard a big pile of gold and jewels, y'know?" he grins into the night. "oh, and I'd eat anyone who'd come to take any of my treasure." 
"sweet," you chuckle, "sounds perfect for you." 
"it’s my dream job, actually," he jokes, and you laugh. you sigh happily and look upwards once again. 
you're quiet for a while. you look out and search and search for shapes in the dark, tracing the little specks of light with your gaze. 
eventually, you find one that you like. 
"over there," you break the cool silence, "looks like a unicorn." 
Eddie moves to follow your gaze. he narrows his eyes and nods his head slightly. 
"oh yeah," his quiet voice tickles your cheek, "it's got a long ass horn. and funny hooves." 
you chuckle. "she's trying her best, Eddie." 
you look at your starry unicorn and you can swear that she’s looking back at you. you smile in the dark.
"she ain't got no wings, though," Eddie quips suddenly, causing you to roll your eyes. 
you lean further against him, not caring about how hot you'll eventually become. "don’t bully her. maybe she and the dragon are friends. he’ll eat you." 
Eddie tilts his head to stare at you. you do the same. 
"you kind of remind me of a unicorn, you know." 
you blink, smiling. "really?" 
he nods, reaching up to push a strand of hair away from your face. his touch is callous and rough. "mhm. all mystical and pretty and shit. like something out of a fairytale."
you hum wistfully. "I'd like to be a unicorn." 
"oh, and I mean that huuuge horn of yours is pretty noticeable too," he jests and you swat his hand away as he pokes your forehead harshly. a deep laugh rumbles from his throat and it sends shivers down your spine. 
before you know it, he's climbing on top of you and pushing you back into the grass, kissing you sweetly, fervently. you loop your arms around his neck and lean your forehead against his own. you feel his fingers weasel their way under your tank top, caressing your bare skin. he moves his attention to your neck and places a few delicate kisses to the soft skin there, biting you occasionally. you hug him tightly and bury your face into his curly hair. you inhale the familiar scent of him and run your own hands up and down his back. 
"Eddie," you breathe out his name gently, feeling hot and needy, "Eddie, I love you." 
Eddie moves and hovers over you. his dark eyes stare into your own. he smiles at your flushed face and how softly you gaze at him. 
"I love you too, sweetheart," he replies, his voice filled with admiration. your heart flutters at the nickname he uses for you. "my sweet, sweet unicorn darling."
a laugh bubbles from your throat, and Eddie truly does believe that you are from a fairytale.
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mc-tummy-blur · 1 year
Ask Game to Get to Know You
I was tagged by @deathishauntedbyhumans a fat bit ago, so imma do it now, lol
What book are you currently reading?
I guess technically I'm reading The Qur'an for an English class that looks at Biblical texts as literature. Pretty interesting so far.
What's your favorite movie you saw in theaters this year?
Uhh, gotta be Puss in Boots: The Last Wish, but I feel like once I see John Wick Chapter 4, it could replace that. I've been dying to see it.
What do you usually wear?
Uh, idk I gues like comfortable clothes that I can lounge around in??? Clothes that maybe say Gender tm idk
How tall are you?
5'4. 5'4 and a half of a good day.
What's your Star Sign? Do you share a birthday with a celebrity or a historical event?
Aquarius. I mean, it's on Valentine's Day, so.
Do you go by your name or a nickname?
In public, I go by my birth name, and in private, I go by my chosen name. Honestly, I guess either one isn't so bad to be called, but I think one day I would like to be called by my chosen name in public.
Did you grow up to become what you wanted to be when you were a child?
Nope, and I'm very thankful I never did. I don't care what benefits the military or being a cop has. I'm not doing either, lmao
Are you in a relationship? If not, who is your crush if you have one?
I'm not, and I dont think I have one? It's more like it would be nice to be in a relationship in general, but I'm also not thinking too hard about it rn.
What's something you're good at vs. something you are bad at?
Good at drawing, bad at math.
Dogs or cats?
Both cause I got both.
What's something you would like to create stuff for?
I'd really like to do my own video essays one day on things that I like/things that are important to me. And, also I would like to film a project one day. Also, highkey, my brother, sister, and I joke that we should be writers in like any company we grew up with (Lucasfilms, TellTale Games). Hire us, you cowards, lmao. If not, we'd just start a podcast talking about how something should be written, lmao
If you draw/write, or create in any way, what's your favorite picture/favorite line/favorite etc. from something you created this year?
Haven't written much this year, but I think my favorite art piece that I haven't shared on here was a drawing I did last night of Ruby Rose from RWBY, then seeing an old pic I did of her in 2017. Maybe I'll post the two at some point cause I like to show the growth I had.
What's something you're currently obsessed with?
The Persona games. Currently playing three and four. I'll find out a way to check out the first two games.
What's something you were excited about that turned out to be disappointing this year?
Can't think of anything at the moment
What's a hidden talent of yours?
The talent is so hidden that I haven't even figured it out yet lmao. Though maybe it's writing angst, I found out that I'm pretty good at that.
Are you religious?
I think at the end of the day, yeah, I am. But it's not extreme.
What's something you wish to have at this moment?
Not sure how I should answer this question since I'm interpreting it in multiple ways. Uh, I guess maybe like a chest binder? Or some like hot wings idk
I'll tag @sampoststuff @sharkmobster @indigomuunz @youraveragedeltafan, but honestly, anyone can do this
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mevekagvain · 2 years
Chapter 328 - Flashback. They really have to draw mvp lord manspreading hard every time he's sitting at his throne, huh? Good for him ig.
- Ashoka's really just got the worst end of the stick because he doesn't want to interfere with humans but has to since the wws are and because Muzaka won't do his damn job.
- Hi Garda
- His thinking pose,,, child.
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- No but seriously. You constantly visited him, why don't you know who he is Raskreia? Why are you unaware of the noblesse? Raskreia please.
Chapter 329 - Ah. Wait. The fancy throne from before was Maduke's only. Made with Union money... The original ww throne is just some dirt and rock.
- Why is Muzaka able to read Raizel's microexpressions unlike Urokai? The hell has Muzaka been doing? Analysing animals?
- You know you're doing bad when even the murder happy nobles are all "have you considered not killing people?"
Chapter 330 - I like how Ashoka's all "You can always talk to me. You know that right?" To Muzaka like some concerned parent.
- Krasis please don't offer your life because of minor things. Imagine accidentally bumping into him and he offers to go kill himself like I'd just ask if he needs to talk ya know.
- And again Raskreia and Raizel sit across each other in silence... Embarrassing. Ashoka they're both lost causes send a dog or something it'll work out better.
- "Most of our people want to commit a genocide so we should let them" is not a good take Garda.
Chapter 332 - Gechutel doubting Ashoka jsksksi. Be nicer grandpa, he's just jealous of Muzaka for getting Raizel to be friendly. I do find it funny that Raizel just allows whoever to stay with him though. Just "yeah sure its not like i ever leave this room".
- It's not like Raizel's life is particularly complicated either? He just has to go out and kill, sorry, I mean execute, a bunch of criminals every few centuries. Nbd.
Chapter 333 - Oh lord please save me. It's the most embarrassing moment of this damn manhwa. Grandpa's destroying the rice cooker and I'm destroying my brain 😭 Like please I know the blender makes scary noises and I don't like the microwave's beeping or when cooking appliances talk to me either but you can't just instinctively destroy them! Turn that shit off!
- Raskreia came to either see the fuss or because he was taking too long but just leaves when he goes "haha everythings fine trust me :) ". And then he lets Rael deal with the clean up because he's Kertia 🤡
- Oh my god Rael takes one step and that sends debris flying and said debris hits a tap and now the kitchen is flooded too. Bad luck king. AND THEN HE SUMMONS GRANDIA AS IF THAT'LL SOMEHOW HELP. He immediately realises his stupidity after summoning it though lol. So he calls Tao 😔
- Meanwhile M-21 and Takeo can't figure out if Tao is overreacting by taking D or if they should mimic him.
Chapter 334 - Love how Karias is like "Yeah i know the humans may not be physically strong but they are still strong <3" and Krasis goes "No you don't understand there's this asshole human who can beat you up so please don't go near him baby boy I'd be sad if you got hurt." Like yeah the latter part isn't said but a parent warning their kid to stay away from Frankenstein implies that.
- Also I absolutely love this gossip session between the trio, Rael, and Karias sjjsj. Just talk bad about Frankenstein like grandpa would want <3
- Pedro is just a really buff math teacher, chill out Gechutel, Raskreia. Regis and Seira never thought he was weird!
Chapter 335 - I like how committed Karias is on insisting he's Raskreia's younger brother like yes lie always and put it on your resume king. M-21 and Takeo however would pretend they didn't know him or Tao if they could because of this dumb shit.
- DON'T SHOUT AT A BUNCH OF KIDS FOR ASKING FOR RASKREIA'S NAME GRANDPA. They don't even know she's the lord I swear I'm gonna die here. Also obsessing over how Yuna and Suyi always immediately hold each other's hands when they get scared.
- Raskreia smiling when they ask if she's Raizel's sister... gonna go pretend that she's thinking her life would be easier if Raizel was her brother instead of Karias or something.
- This random schoolgirl is so fuckin cute. Also Raskreia. Lovely as always even when tiny.
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Chapter 336 - EVEN THE GIRLS ARE STARING AT RASKREIA. I know that even straight ppl will stare at extremely beautiful members of the same sex and that it isn't out of the norm but they don't do it as long as bi or homosexual ppl do or blush while staring.
- Raizel's little embarassed blush at losing to a complete newbie like Raskreia. Ha.
- I think Ashoka liked humans because he thought it was funny to tower over them but yeah also because he could talk normally with them.
- So Seira stopped Regis from following because she knew grandpa and Frankenstein were stalking Raskreia and Raizel lmao.
Chapter 337 - Oh Dark Spear spawn time. Love how Tao's just worried that their personalities could become like Frankenstein's. Death? What death? That's not a problem.
Sidenotes - Why do glasses exist over a thousand years ago? I can accept suits and electricity and monocles but i draw the line at glasses
- Tbh Ye Ran being this paved over concrete desert sucks. Where are the grass fields? The trees? Inferior to all the schools I've been to simply by not having grass or trees. Even the school I remember going to in SK had some trees lining the patchy sandy fields even if most of what I can recall is playing with the sand with my fellow toddler comrades or playing tag.
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velv3tface · 5 years
I wasn't tagged but I saw @whitedeadflower post and wanted to do it too x)
What was the last thing you read?
You’d Be Paranoid Too If Everyone Was Out To Get You
Favourite movie?
Probably The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones. it’s the first one I always think of so
Favourite book?
I don't really have one
Dream Date?
I’ll let you know when I live it
Do you have a crush?
Do you have any hobbies?
Playing drums, singing, drawing, painting, playing games, taking pictures, writing, going to concerts
What is your favourite time of the day?
If you could look like anything, what would you look like?
Something good
Are you romantic?
Ridiculously. I can be worse than rom coms lmao
What’s your favourite type of weather?
Sunny with a chance of chill
What do you like talking about?
MUSIC, personalities, feelings, ideas, art, life, friends, etc.
What are your turn ons?
Confidence, determination, intelligence, light bickering, great sense of style & genuineness 
If you got a tattoo what would it be and where would you get it?
I would cover my arm, from my wrist to my elbow with a bunch of tattoos... like asymmetrical figures mixed with a bunch of colors and things I love like roses, palm trees maybe and music-related stuff idk.
Do you have any pets?
Dream job?
Lead singer or drummer of a band
Dream place to live?
Probably California
Dream vacation?
Somewhere in Europe
Do you have any piercings?
If you had kids what would you name them?
Good question 
What are your best traits?
Highly empathic, optimistic, somewhat motivated, very aware of myself & others, meaning I understand how I'm feeling and I see right through people’s outer personality even if they’re hard to read.
Worsts traits?
too empathic, “too serious”, intense feels & my mood changing like a light switch whenever I sense weird vibes
What’s your worst fear?
Never finding my place in the world & feeling like I’m alone
What do you want to eat right now?
Venti blonde white mocha with one pump of raspberry and one extra shot and no whipped cream.
What’s your best vacation you’ve ever been on?
Trip to Puerto Rico with my friends
Favourite City?
San Juan, Puerto Rico
Favourite social media platform?
Spotify. lol not exactly a social media but I really like seeing what people listen to and finding new playlists made by my fav artists, friends & strangers
Favourite article of clothing?
Cool jacket to finish off the look
Do you play sports?
Is drumming a sport
Favourite meal of the day?
The last one
What are you excited for?
Seeing results from my efforts
Not excited for?
Hardships of life - i need those to chill out for a bit cause I’ve had enough and idk what will become of me if they overpower the good things
When was the last time you cried?
Dream House?
Dude, my house is gonna be so cool, I’m gonna have a music studio, an art studio, hopefully, a “chill-out” room where I can play games and host get-togethers & shit. I will make sure the whole ambiance of the house is cozy and feel like the best place ever for anyone who steps inside, but most importantly for me.
What’s something you hate about the world?
How ruthless & spiteful humans can be & the ephemerality of it all
What’s something you love about the world?
Hope, good people, friendships, unity, nature - even if I avoid exploring the depths of it & being adventurous, but I try not to miss out... gotta power through it haha. I immediately think to myself, what would Peter Pan think of me if I don't do it? so I snap out of it and switch into lost girl mode.
What scents do you like?
Vanilla, coffee, that new car smell, coconut, the berry colossal crunch cereal!! idk what it is about it but if i could turn that cereal into a perfume i would lol
What kind of sleeper are you?
I fall asleep FAST but stay in an alert mode cause I grew up so paranoid about earthquakes and people tryna break-in so I have no chill in my sleep either. That’s why I like to make places feel cozy af cause I need to feel safe otherwise I'll find myself outtt
Are you a cat or dog person?
I’m a fish person, but I think i like dogs better
How long would you survive in the zombie apocalypse?
I’ve watched so many zombie apocalypse survival movies that I think I would know how to stay alive long enough to find other peers
Are you trusting?
What fictional character do you identify with?
only ones that come to mind rn are Nadine from Edge Of Seventeen & Maya Hart from GMW, 
What labels do you usually get?
serious, emo, reserved
What song would be your life anthem?
For a Pessimist, I’m Pretty Optimistic - Paramore
What issues are you dealing with right now?
Drunk driver crashed my car and totaled it like a week or 2 after I got my license and now I can't find anybody to drive me to work so I’ve been desperate tryna find another one
How can someone win you over?
Assuming this is referring to romance, they can’t unless I’m already attracted to them & really click with them. You can't “win” someone over - it doesn't work like that... unless they’re in denial of what they really like in which case maybe someone can claim they won them over, but not really... if you know what I mean
I tag: whoever else wants to do it cause i have no idea who’s active here anymore x)
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propshophannah · 7 years
In EoS Manon only sees Dorian as he wants to be seen. Though she is attracted to him, I feel like she only knows the side of Dorian that is a flirt. We as readers know that Dorian is a cinnamon roll, but Manon doesn't know that side of him yet. I can't for them to actually talk. THAT chapter is going to have so many feels. Like we will finally know why Dorian keeps his thoughts to himself. We will also learn a lot more about Manon. I can't wait *ugly cries*
For those waiting for my Threshold symbolism in EoS digression it’s here!
See I disagree. And I’d say that this is a big point of difference between the books we read. Since Manon was first introduced, her “superpower” has always been her ability to read people/see who they truly are/be a good judge of character. She does it with everyone and after EoS we know that canonically, as Rhiannon’s heir, she has to have some ability to channel “essence” and I safely draw the conclusion that her ability to see who people really are/see their “essence” is her Crochan Heir power.  (I talk more in depth about it in this post.)
And there is that scene in EoS when Manon mentions that Dorian is shielding himself in the marshes and she wonder if he is shielding himself from her—she’s spot on. And I do think they’ll talk about it/it will become more clear in the next book with them that this is what he was doing. And I’ve argued in the past (And I’ll do it here) that Dorian was shielding himself from Manon because he was freaked out by how drawn he was to her and by his Sorscha guilt.
And honestly, I think he knows they’re mates. I think his ability to tell the truth (when he is holding Damaris and likely when he ISN’T holding Damaris) and his raw magic’s ability to do whatever he wants… he knows. And he feels guilty because how dare he move on so fast after he got Sorscha killed? Right? That’s what he is thinking the whole time. And it makes sense because CLEARLY he can’t stay away from her. He waxes poetic about her when she isn’t around. And when she is, he can’t help but find reasons to be in her room/look at her/talk to her.
He tries his best to look disinterested and to keep his face from showing emotion—so what happens? EVERY TIME WE ARE IN MANON’S POV she tells us about how she, herself, is trying to figure out why he isn’t scared of her, why he isn’t showing emotion, AND THEN HE DOES. And when he does, he does it at PIVOTAL moments. Like when he killed took off the Bloodhounds hands and then killed it (because it was lying to Manon and causing her emotional stress and he knew that) and Manon looks over at him and notes that his eyes were “utterly merciless.”
Maas isn’t changing POV’s for her health. Not within the same scene. She’s doing that because there are things that she NEEDS the reader to know characters are picking up on.
And Dorian only goads Manon in her room, when he notices that she is so depressed that she—AN APEX PREDATOR—is laying down and turning her face away from him. When she tells him that she will do whatever she wants for info on the Thirteen. Like Dorian picks up on all of this.
And I’d argue that Manon knew in Oakwald that some small part of “cinnamon roll” Dorian still exists, but idk how long it might take for that man to come back. If ever he does. I like to think he will heal in time and with help and ESPECIALLY with Chaol, who he so desperately needs in his corner in EoS… but we get glimpses of the old Dorian in his ability to see the woman inside the “chained thing.” if that makes sense. He can’t offer her dog-loving Dorian Havilliard because that Dorian is gone at the moment. But he does offer her the pieces that remain. The pieces that understood and recognized how lonely Celaena was in ToG 1, are the same pieces that goad Manon. Only this time, his purpose in goading her are so much more layered and the need is so much more apparent and desperate.
But, to stop rambling here, you’re right that we will get friendship moments. Where they will help heal one another. I mean Manon has a magic vagina, I’ve said that before (and yeah it’s a shitty trope when it’s a magic penis, but it doesn’t bother me here LOL), because after they had sex, the old Dorian began to emerge. His ability to solve the puzzle came back WHEN HE WAS ON THE THRESHOLD.
It happened on the threshold of Manon’s room because Dorian realized “this isn’t over” that there is something between them that makes it so that he does NOT have to feel guilty about moving on from Sorscha so quickly. He was able to get his depression over with/push it away enough that the old Dorian can back who could solve the puzzle. THEN when Manon is about to walk into the mirror he turns to her and feels words rising up from that barren field in his chest—words that were likely something along the lines of “be safe”, “stay safe”, “I’ll see you on the other side”, “please come back.” Words that allow him to be vulnerable and that also allow him to let her in. Dorian was LITERALLY on the “threshold” of something.
And Manon sees that. Because she sees everything. It’s her gift. So, no, I think Manon and Dorian have a pretty good understanding of one another. But I do think they will get light-hearted moments in the next book. And that at the very moment (or the scene after) one of them (my money is on Dorian) realizes that the other is the one they could spend forever with, will be the moment shit hits the fan. And I’m betting it’s that damn Bloodhound of the Stygian spider that comes and grabs Manon. And I think that’s when Dorian will get his hero scene, and Manon will her get “I’m worth saving”/“this is what romantic love is” scene.
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