#no drawing for rest of today my wrist hurty and no im banned to art….
locallygrowndaikon · 1 month
unofficial question bringer here! ok so we established that spirits are in orbit. however a small thing: I always imagined all spirits, excluding elders for some reason, always kinda speak a lil eldritchly and so no skid can generally understand them (unless they learn the language, ofc but that's hard). but spirits, being dead, have a dandy lil universal translator. anyways the question from me is that how do ur spirits work w communication with skids and whatanot?
over in my little au (or my headcanon in general LMAO) spirits are actually the ones talking normally and us being the children that fall out of the sky are the weird eldritch speakers who just honk and somehow understand each other perfectly through only honking.
spirit and skykid communication would purely be done through body communication and emotes LMAO
and also skykids via skykids suddenly getting the instinct of knowing what a spirit wants them to do (like the text that pops at the bottom of your screen telling you what to do LMAO) since like. the sole purpose of skykids was to like bring back light or something right. so id assume there would somehow be like this natural instinct of kinda understanding spirits but not their language directly
idk thats how im doing it with my sky world LMAO
yeah in short skykids are kinda like the equivalent of cats to spirits in my eyes. just some silly cryptic lads running around doing good and mischief LMAOO
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