#no hate 2 new fans im just bitching and moaning
huntypastellance · 5 years
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Yeah, We’re talking about this now.
If you’ve been in the she1thdom for a while now & have followed popular she1th accounts, you’ll have noticed them occasionally posting something.....weird.
Posts vaguely complaining about a certain unnamed person who seems to despise the she1th fandom, use it for profit & doing all sorts of unsavory things behind the scenes in private DMs & discord servers.....
That person is Lee CA (Glossolalia on ao3), writer of those 2 fics that have invaded every she1th fan’s dash at some point in time (”Alien Sex Fiend” & “Picosecond”).
He’s the Cassandra Clare of the VLD fandom if CC had been caught being a creep & not just being a manipulative egotistical plagiarist obsessed with marketing.
Lee CA is about as much of a she1th fan as the infamous anti klanced is -- they ONLY care about it as a tool to boost their own popularity & will spend endless amounts of time bashing she1thers.
There’s a lot of posts about his whole sexual exploitation of naive minors & the whole thing blew up late February of 2019, but We’re here to talk about Lee’s entire history. (Notes: there will be some sources, but a lot of this is really old stuff or stuff only mentioned in private servers, so they’ve been lost to the sands of time or are just things heard through the grapevine.)
To preface all of this: NOBODY saw any of this coming. At worst, Lee was a narcissistic plagiarist high off the fumes of his own success, but his attitude at no point gave off any signs that he would exploit minors in that way. (Exploiting them for profit, though - that’s basically his whole shtick).
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Lee was/is a very popular writer in the she1thdom (with fandom picking up the fanon “Shiro calls Keith ‘cherrybomb’” from his fics) & would charge professional rates for his works on his patreon, raking in around $1300 to $1600 PER MONTH for almost 2 YEARS on she1th fics alone (that isn’t counting his commissions either: he charges $125 for a 5000 word fic, $150 for a fic with porn). If he doesn’t hit his goal of $1600 a month, well, that’s clearly YOUR problem for not sponsoring him enough, not his.
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Yeah, sure you could save $25 for the porn-free version, but reading a Lee work without any smut is like trying to eat a bowl of nails without any milk in it.
And then he would bitch & moan in DMs to other she1th creators about how “disgustingly underpaid he was”, “how ungrateful [she1th fans] are” or whine in she1th discords until his sympathizers ponied up enough money to pay him for another commission. Hell, he even admitted to MANY she1thers that he didn’t care about she1th, he didn’t like she1th & he was FURIOUS that how DARE not all his she1th fans were eager to throw their money at his original works (which forced him to go back to writing for she1th, even though he literally quit his dayjob to write fanfics full-time).
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“Gruelingly underpaid” is apparently “professional rates for writing” so maybe Lee’s making a statement about the writing industry. Or maybe he’s just a dick.
As an ex-supporter of his patreon, We can tell you just how horrible his tiers are. And how tiring his whole gimmick of “I’m that edgy she1th writer! Sex workers! Drugs! Alcoholism! Cheating! Keith & Shiro hating each other but having sex! Christianity is evil & homophobic! -obligatory mention of Gucci because I’m trying to insert subliminal messages in my works to get my readers to buy me stuff!-” quickly got.
Essentially you’d have to pay $10 per month to see anything that wasn’t basically stuff you’d see on his twitter feed or tumblr. (”Pay me $5 a month & I’ll post my notes & let you know what I’m up to!”).
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You also had to pay for updates to his she1th fic “Picosecond” if you wanted him to update at a speed faster than “1 chapter every 2-3 months” -- which is already stupid since it’s his fic, but if you’re unlucky & you “didn’t pay him enough”, he’d mention it on the post update that it’s YOUR fault that this chapter wasn’t longer*!
But it’s totally fine, because he said it in a joking tone & so that makes it okay to throw shade at his commissioner like that~!
*minor issue but he artificially inflates his own word count by waxing on about the scenery or filling the chapter with long monologues, so he was ripping people off even more while shilling how “deep” he was
Lee later threw a fit again about how ungrateful, uncaring & cruel the she1thdom was. Why? Because his newest fic about witch!Keith, paladin!Shiro & the cursed tree with crying baby heads for fruit didn’t get over 100 kudos within the span of three days.
And if you were a new fan to she1th & wanted fic recs? He’ll literally just rec his own fics & only his own fics! (Despite having connections to basically every she1th fic writer in the fandom).
Calling Lee a narcissist is a bit of an understatement.
He was also caught plagiarizing another she1ther’s band fic. And, key point here:
The original fic was posted for free on ao3.
Lee’s version was patreon-only until he posted it to ao3 (after ignoring his patreon subscribers who were like “hey what the fuck, i’ve read this before”).
You had to PAY to read Lee’s version (& this is just a personal opinion, but do you think you’d want to pay for a passionless uncaring version of the same fic? His whole disdain towards VLD & She1th leaks out all over his writing, but he’s so good at marketing his stuff that people don’t really notice it - they just think he’s being “dark & edgy”).
He then claimed to have no prior knowledge of the fic only for people to dig up his ao3 account & find out that not only had he bookmarked the original fic, but he had also kudosed it. (Yes, he’s deleted that bookmark by now. Can’t delete the kudos though!)
Lee tried to spin the whole thing as “fighting for the freedom to write whatever you want” just like how he tried to spin his condescending tweets about the Hanakotoba zine’s selection process as “rewarding those who worked hard at their writing” like it wasn’t just a blatant “im only picking me, my friends & popular folks & calling them the best the fandom has to offer” cash grab.
He eventually took down the fic but not before loudly insisting that he was in the right. The other author just wanted the drama to be over with so the entire incident was settled & forgotten without much fanfare.
And then someone spoke up & mentioned that Lee had begged for nudes from underaged fans. And a whole storm of threads poured forth, many of Lee’s whiteknights vanished into the wind & the she1th blogs who had been vaguing about him for years finally gave up on him (you can only avoid someone so much if they’re that popular & basically in every single she1th event promo & whatnot).
Essentially, it was the straw that broke the camel’s back.
Or is it?
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In the grand scheme of things, this hasn’t really changed much for Lee. People did write to his publisher, Oni Press, (as Lee was working on Dream Daddy with them) & while there was a response, there hasn’t been much information as to how it concluded.
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His patreon follower count did drop quite a bit, but Lee still has many fans who will willingly throw tons of money at him. (Besides, he was already losing followers after VLD ended - tons of people lost interest in both the canon & in fan content).
So yeah, things haven’t really changed that much for Lee other than some people now refusing to support him financially or make art based on his works.
Twitter threads & posts about the whole incident:
Fail-fandom threads about Lee CA’s attitude towards his own fans & his semi-illegal patreon (illegal in the sense that he never discloses on his account that he’s writing VLD fanfics for money):
Lee CA’s plagiarism of another author:
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masterserris · 4 years
the rise of skywalker = good
spoilers under cut you were warned
we love sheev the movie
best movie? no. room for improvement? yes. a really good movie overall and the characters were good and made overall good/decently logical choices? absolutely.
 fin good. i love him. and the obvious hint he can use the force is 10/10 he did so much work in this movie. i like poe/fin or rey/fin. or all three together, fuck it, they all hugged in the end anyways
poe is good he’s a good boy him and finn are so good. poe gets a lot of development and care and we love that he struggles but loves his friends and wins in the end by believing in others to come. (he did think they lost but only for a second. he was proven right that people would come. thanks lando we appreciate you here.)
rey is amazing and her growth/struggle is great i love that she’s a palpatine that’s so metal. and she stays good oough yess. palpatine wins in the end? or at least A palpatine? the only survivor? no more sith OR jedi. just. rey palpatine and any other new force users like fin. FINALLLY, evil wins! kinda lmao hahhaahhaha
i like how technically the series stared with palpatine and ended with rey. 
it started with a slave child in the desert (anakin) who became dark, and ended with a child soldier in the dark who became light at the end (ben)
the sheev-ening. we love emperor step peppers. he’s so good in this. force storm ya’ll!! 
“hiS pLaN MakEs nO sEnSe!!1!”
shut tf up. either he possesses rey once she killed him, or he sucks the life outta her and restores himself once he found out about that bond power with ben or force healing whatever it was if she refused (like he did), or just kills her and sends his troops out to take everything over like. that’s not a bad plan bro. he wins either way. the only reason he lost is because the dummy killed himself with his own force lighting (AGAIN, DIDNT YOU LEARN FROM EPISODE 3 OLD MAN????). she did not strike him down, she defended. he killed himself, technically. she pulled a luke in that sense. it was not the jedi way. (though i guess by the end she is neither sith nor jedi)
plus he made an armada in secret the man was geared for success and had access to cloning tech too, as shown by snoke. if he couldnt have rey, he would have cloned himself or some shit. he has space voodoo, the man is scary and i love him for it. 
ben was. ok. kylo was much more intimidating and straight forward with his actions at least. and ben switching sides made sense. what i didnt like was his ending very much. why tf did he and rey kiss????? they were enemies for 2 and 3/4 movies. they didnt even speak until he showed up to help fight palpatine. 
there is a bit of tension but not romantic whatever, he just poofed once he resurrected rey anyways. rip all skywalkers 2019
she is an adopted skywalker and that’s nice.
side tangent bc i’ve been seeing some fans crying over ben’s death, which i get it if you are a big fan of him:
((i guess i was just way more invested into rey as a character than ben solo. he was. there. he was alright, i could see the struggle but the tone-shift from TLJ really threw things wack and i just ended up not caring too much when he died unforntuately. i wish i did more. i mean it was sad, it would have been neat if he lived, but i kinda saw it coming as soon as rey “died”
im like, oh, he’s gonna climb up bc of course he’s fine and then save her since he saw her use force healing, so he’s gonna try it. he’s resurrecting the dead so it’s either gonna kill him or really make him weak. we got the former so. yeah. it was anticipated kinda. leia dying was much more emotional for me i guess. the love between her and her son was way more impactful than ben and rey. 
like i said!! they were enemies for so long!! he tried to reach out, but he was a slimey dark side bitch who was trying to convert her and she knew it and wasnt down with that shit!! that aint romantic ya’ll!! christ! he was only good for 20 minutes before he died and they didnt even talk before he just showed up! if they had more time really getting into it and if he was good and reached out to her to talk, that would have been way better and more convincing is all im saying. 
sure they fought together on snoke’s ship and talked, but it was still very. scary for rey. and then he attacked her friends and rebellion again! bitch, why did she kiss him!?
nothing against reylo shippers, i really dont care, that’s your business, i personally enjoy fin/rey much more, im just saying it seems forced in this situation. they tried to kill each other so many times. that’s animosity, not love.))
WHERE WAS ANAKIN AND OBI FORCE GHOST UGH. at least we got all of the voices of the jedi past helping rey in the climax that was awesome (including jin, obi, yoda, anakin, luke, leia, ect)
yeah also rip leia. she should have died in the second movie but she was good in this and it really hit the feels since carrie is... dead for real.
luke was good in this!!!! helpful boy!!! nice boy!!! i liked the flash back to when he trained leia it was so sweet to see them young again, if only for a moment.
the han solo scene was good ough my heart. 
all of the character’s choices were overall good and made sense in the scheme of things, everything was streamlined bc it had to be.
it kinda felt like 2 movies crammed into 1 but it kinda worked and that makes sense bc of TLJ’s.... choices and changes in direction. 
i dont think this movie was a train wreck. it’d place it as my 3rd fav star wars movie. for now, i may shift things around but you get the idea.
my current rankings so far for main line live action sw movies 
(rogue one would be at 4 along with revenge of the sith and i didnt care enough to see solo.)
1. empire strikes back (obvious pick)
2. a new hope (luke is best boy)
3. rise of skywalker (as listed above)
4. revenge of the sith (clone wars show really got me to like older anakin. and obi is just. 10/10 in general. speaking of generals, i love grievous. and commander rex. rip all clones and jedi tho. F)
5/6. return of the jedi/force awakens (about even) 
[the thing about return of the jedi is that the ending whole section with the death star and vader and palpatine and the struggle against jabba were really good! it just a lot of other stuff is... meh in the film]
7. the last jedi (sorry had to do it to ya. also rip Phasma)
8/9. phantom menace/attack of the clones (ya’ll know why)
im so glad im rewatching the clone wars show it was so good and oughghghg so good. i love the clones so damn much and everyone so much
star wars good ya’ll
anyways, i already loved palpatine and im just wildin’ right now we love a emperor. a queen. a bad bitch you cant kill. just vibin. like damn, iconic. he said “do it” and everything. a meme legend and godsend
in sheev we trust. you belong with sheev. real sheev hours. the sheev-ening. palpatine-ception. you name it, we vibe with it
NOW I WANT A NICE AU WHERE THE CHARACTERS LIVE AND PALPATINE IS JUST A GRANDDAD. scary but nice granddad to rey or some shit. anakin is still around, they are all still around. just silly fun alright?
the reverse of TLJ and i can see why the stupid irony lmFAO
the “thank you rian johnson” tag trending on twitter is wack and it’s dumb. his movie was dumb ya’ll. that’s my take and im not alone. im not some crazy hardcore fan either nor do i care that much about the politics or what ever. the characters in TLJ made REALLY dumb decisions that got their butts kicked and people killed over and over and it was not fun to watch everyone being dumb and dying, alright? wack. bad vibes. 
i didn’t care for the “thank you jj abrams” tag either bc both tags ended up just being one taking pot-shots at the other and it was full of nasty vibes. just a lot of negative bullshit and only a few good comments just saying what they liked about those movies. i appreciate when people just say they like something. even if it’s something i PERSONALLY dont like, it’s neat to see. but when people bitch and moan, even if i agree personally, it isnt that fun. it’s annoying as hell, esp if it’s mostly unfounded or just repeated a million times.
like months later, or also about something from years ago, people still havent shut up about it. that’s when i get pissed off. like, sure, hate something. say you hate it, whatever. your blog your platform, go off queen, but then shut up please and dont drag it out forever. people dont like negativity so expect people to leave your ass behind if you keep at it. or get blocked or whatever. 
negative shit all the time just aint a good look is all im saying. just love what you love and show it. it’s nice. the good part about fandoms is sharing love for media.
but hey, it’s your life. you do whatever, who am i to say anything?
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danandphilsaltsquad · 7 years
Alright i’m gonna write an essay cause i’ve seen one too many people giving dan ‘constructive criticism’ about his new video and im a little over it. firstly, dan does not need phil at the house watching back his videos before they go live and helping him film sketches for them to be ‘good’. Dan is a perfectly capable and intelligent 26 year old man. Secondly, i’m finding it funny that people are saying ‘it seemed like he just needed upload a video so he’s recycling old ideas’. he literally said on twitter that this has been in his ideas notebook for 2 YEARS, not to mention who cares if he felt like he had to upload a video...you realize that’s because of the pressure fans put on him right? and this was not recycling an old idea at all....like he named it similar because it was a funny continuation not because he was just repeating himself. 
It’s so great too how we encouraged dan to rebrand but as soon as he tries out a dinof style sketch video (which he has always enjoyed the style of) with a toned down more himself personality, y’all out here getting pissy about it? let the man live. the video was good. it was one of the best dinof style videos in a while and it was one of the most comfortable waffly videos i’ve ever seen out of dan. we should be encouraging him exploring this new meshing of content styles, not telling him we hate it and want the old dinof back. if you want the old dinof back, be my guest to get in a time machine and visit 2012, but i for one don’t want to go back to that hell and im excited to see dan thriving in 2017.
im not saying you can’t not like the video, or that it is the best video he’s ever made, but you dont know dan, you dont know how much mental or physical effort went into making this for you, and how much guts it took for him to try something a little different. give him a break, i think after 8 years of giving us exactly what we want, he gets to make whatever the hell he wants without us bitching and moaning about it. if you wanna bitch and moan about dan making a video that isn’t up to your preconceived dinof standards, go ahead and leave the phandom cause it’s gonna get old quick. 
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kitjoy · 7 years
This could be fun or extremely sad
1: Name: Jess 2: Age: 17 3: 3 Fears: Wasps, Small spaces and idk 4: 3 things I love: My dogs, My cats and movies 5: 4 turns on: Hair pulling, Dry humping, Kissed against a wall, Moaning lol 6: 4 turns off: Dirty Talk (not a big fan), Feet, Cockiness, Guys who STOP TALKING TO YOU STRAIGHT AFTER YOU GOT OFF WITH THEM  7: My best friend: Meg and Emily  8: Sexual orientation: Um probs like Bi or something but 90% attracted to boys 9: My best first date: Aint had one tbh 10: How tall am I: 5′5 11: What do I miss: Not having responsibilities  12: What time were I born:  3pm 13: Favorite color: Yellow 14: Do I have a crush: Nah 15: Favorite quote:  A lot of movie quotes 16: Favorite place: Home 17: Favorite food: Italian food 18: Do I use sarcasm: No(!) 19: What am I listening to right now: Hold on- SE22 Mix 20: First thing I notice in new person: Usually mouth or eyes 21: Shoe size: 7 22: Eye color: Hazel 23: Hair color: Naturally Blonde/Brown but Grey atm 24: Favorite style of clothing: Oversized jackets are my shit 25: Ever done a prank call?: Yeah when I was like 12 27: Meaning behind my URL: Just liked the sound of it 28: Favorite movie:  Die Hard 29: Favorite song:  Changes all the time 30: Favorite band: ^ 31: How I feel right now:  Eh 32: Someone I love: My Momther 33: My current relationship status:  Singleeee (and have been for abt 4 yrs??) 34: My relationship with my parents:  Ok I guess 35: Favorite holiday:  Either Halloween or Christmas 36: Tattoos and piercing i have: Arrow of my hip, Something to do with my zodiac of my ankle, Ears pierced 37: Tattoos and piercing i want: A drawing my mum did when she was my age (The dragon on a The Clash CD cover) 38: The reason I joined Tumblr: Don’t remember 39: Do I and my last ex hate each other?:  Barely remember him tbh 40: Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts?: Nope 41: Have you ever kissed the last person you texted? Nah 42: When did I last hold hands?  Agesss ago 43: How long does it take me to get ready in the morning?  Depends if im late or not 44: Have You shaved your legs in the past three days?  No but I need to goddamn 45: Where am I right now? My bedroom (as always) 46: If I were drunk & can’t stand, who’s taking care of me? Myself I’m pretty responsible when drunk imo 47: Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level? Fuckin loud hell yeah 48: Do I live with my Mom and Dad? Yep 49: Am I excited for anything? V festival and a J Cole concert I’m going to :DD 50: Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to? FUCK no 51: How often do I wear a fake smile? Not so much nowadays 52: When was the last time I hugged someone? Last weekend 53: What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me? Wouldn’t care lmao 54: Is there anyone I trust even though I should not? Yup 55: What is something I disliked about today? Nothing yet but it’s still early 56: If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be? Ri Ri or Chance the Rapper I lov them 57: What do I think about most?: Probs my future 58: What’s my strangest talent?:  Can crack almost every joint in my body 59: Do I have any strange phobias?: Nah I think they’re all valid 60: Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?: Behind 61: What was the last lie I told?: That I didn’t have weed on me lol 62: Do I prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online?: Who even talks on the phone anymore 63: Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens?: Yes to ghosts, idk to aliens 64: Do I believe in magic?: Nah 65: Do I believe in luck?: Not really 66: What’s the weather like right now?: Sunny but windy 67: What was the last book I’ve read?: 1984 (and still haven’t finished it) 68: Do I like the smell of gasoline?: Only when I have a full tank in my car  69: Do I have any nicknames?:  Used to be called Jep 70: What was the worst injury I’ve ever had?:  Ripped my toenail half off once (: 71: Do I spend money or save it?: Try to save it 72: Can I touch my nose with a tongue?: Yeah 73: Is there anything pink in 10 feet from me?: Yeah my candle jar 74: Favorite animal?: Hmm dogs and cats are cool but I love leopards 75: What was I doing last night at 12 AM?: Playing Sims 4 76: What do I think is Satan’s last name is?:  Probably Trump or something 77: What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it?: Freedom By George Michael 78: How can you win my heart?: Be attentive to me and don’t be fake  79: What would I want to be written on my tombstone?: Baddest bitch there ever was 80: What is my favorite word?: Goiym 81: My top 5 blogs on tumblr:  Don’t really have a top 5 82: If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say?: Waddup wanna hang? 83: Do I have any relatives in jail?:  Apparently I do I found out recently 84: I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power?: Either invisibility bc I’m a nosy bitch or levitation 85: What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on?: How are you feeling? 86: What is my current desktop picture? Deadpool 87: Had sex?: Nah 88: Bought condoms?: Nope 89: Gotten pregnant?: No 90: Failed a class?: not yet luckily 91: Kissed a boy?: Yah 92: Kissed a girl?: Yah 93: Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain?: Nope 94: Had job?: Yep 95: Left the house without my wallet?: I do it all the time 96: Bullied someone on the internet?: No way 97: Had sex in public?: Nope 98: Played on a sports team?: Does a school team count 99: Smoked weed?: Hell yeah 100: Did drugs?: Only weed 101: Smoked cigarettes?: Yeah 102: Drank alcohol?: Ofc 103: Am I a vegetarian/vegan?: No way couldn’t like without bacon 104: Been overweight?: Nope 105: Been underweight?: Yeah but that’s just my body type 106: Been to a wedding?: Yep 107: Been on the computer for 5 hours straight?: Literally everyday :/ 108: Watched TV for 5 hours straight?: Probs when I was younger 109: Been outside my home country?: Yah 110: Gotten my heart broken?: No 111: Been to a professional sports game? Don’t think so 112: Broken a bone?: Luckily no 113: Cut myself?: Yup 114: Been to prom?: Yeah 115: Been in airplane?: Yeah 116: Fly by helicopter?: No I wish 117: What concerts have I been to?: Olly Murs and JLS concert (I’m cool), and V festival 118: Had a crush on someone of the same sex?: Nope not yet 119: Learned another language?:  I’m ok at German I guess 120: Wore make up?: Yep 121: Lost my virginity before I was 18?: Not yet but I’m working on it lmao 122: Had oral sex?: Nah 123: Dyed my hair?:  Multiple times 124: Voted in a presidential election?: No 125: Rode in an ambulance?: No 126: Had a surgery?: Yep 127: Met someone famous?: Nah 128: Stalked someone on a social network?:  Who hasn’t 129: Peed outside?: Yah :/ 130: Been fishing?: Yeah 131: Helped with charity?: Yes 132: Been rejected by a crush?: Not directly 133: Broken a mirror?: Nope 134: What do I want for birthday?: Erm probably like money or a sick 18th party when I can then drink (legally)
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sabakunoo · 7 years
New year thingy late af as usual
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SO. I KNOW IM LATE. NEW YEAR WAS 3 DAYS AGO. but you’ll forgive me because you all love me ( right ?? ) anyway!! I’ve been in this fandom (on tumblr) for approximately 4 months and while I’ve got ups and downs getting into that whole tumblr business, you all have been incredible! Both my followers and my roleplay partners and anyone who ever interacted with me! I would do a follow forever list but it would be hypocritical of me since I have a toc that makes me unfollow people who are inactive after 2+ weeks (unless my biased little ass waits a month because they’re a doflamingo or another muse I REALLY enjoy) so, instead of lying and pretending I’ll never unfollow anyone, I’m gonna make a small thingy for the people I’ve met and who (bless their ass) have made my days so incredible since I joined!
@thesealovesme​ / @shukkou​ / @that one law blog I don’t remember the url of : I wish we interacted more mang. I love how you write your Luffy so much and the dynamic between him and Crocodile cracks me up! I also adored our interactions between Maverick and Noya :’) All in all you’re a great roleplayer and you brightened up my day so many times I can’t even count them anymore. <3
@despairforme​ / @autotoxins​ / @hisashtrayheart​ : T O B Y I love you. Your characterization ( for ALL of your muses ) is incredibly spot on and I love them all to bits. You even made me consider joining the Bleach fandom (but I’m a shy nugget and haven’t watched/ read it in years) because I love interacting with you so much. Even if we don’t do the crossover thing (because I have no idea how an encounter between Nnoi and Croc would end up in something else than a fight) I still love reading your threads on Nnoi and am on the edge of my seat waiting on your Roci and lil clown <3 I love you a lot, thanks for interacting with me <3
@ask-earlobes​ / @burger-face​ / @notarealflamingo​ / @idiothandle​ : Frankyyyyyyy I wish you had more time online but I understand rl is a bitch and we can’t just roleplay every hours of the day. Because trust me I would interact with you every hour of any day any time. You are amazing, I love your muses and your crack stuff. Enel is hilarious and so is your portrayal of Doflamingo, interacting with you is always a delight because of how humorous and lighthearted it is. Thank you and I wish you the best for 2017 <3
@nobedsidemanners​ : I know we’ve just started to interact but ever since I started following evils-champion, I’ve been reading your threads with them and I just --- can I just say that your portrayal of Law is scarily accurate? To be completely honest, Law isn’t even a character I enjoy that much in the One Piece universe, I felt like I was let down post-war and my tiny gay heart still wishes he tampered with Luffy’s body and reveal himself a villain later on ---- but that’s just me. In any case, any time I read you on my dash, my mind is blown with how in character you are. All your threads are amazing and even the one we have started I really love! If anything, you might have rekindled my interest in his character because of how great you are ( I see your Law as even better than the canon one, if that makes sense ). The insights you give about your muse are so detailed and heartfelt I cannot possibly not like your portrayal. I know we didn’t talk ooc but as far as I’m concerned, someone who writes such a « real » muse cannot be anything but awesome. Bless you, I hope you have a great year <3
@magnetiicus​ / @sadiestic​ : I miss youuuuuuuuuuuuu I could write forever about how much I love your Sadie-chan but the first things that comes to mind is a loud, heavy moan because I fucking miss you on my dash. I hope life is treating you well and I can’t wait for us to interact again <3
@ask-sir-crocodile​ and all your other blogs I’m following, which I won’t list here because heavy nsfw. (okay I lied, yall should follow @jiryoku​ and @shichibukkake​ for Crocodile naked goodness. 18+ only) : Laura! I know we haven’t interacted a lot (well IC we never-) but every time we talked I was always on the edge of my seat because you are the FIRST Sir Crocodile I really enjoy (outside of mine because I’m a biased asshole) Your many blogs about him are the highlights of my days all too often and I just want to thank you for all the amazing content you provide to this fandom. Talking about theories with you is a blast and just like some others of my followers who I discuss theories with, you sometimes made me reconsider / tweak my stuff and it’s just so great? In any case, you might not be a rp blog but you totally deserve a spot on my bias list because you’re just really amazing, both IC and OOC. I look up to you a lot and I’m always MIND BLOWN with how handsome you draw that shitty character who took over my life 16 years ago. Bless you and I wish you nothing but the best. Like at least a million dollars and all the love for next year. <3
@evils-champion​ : First of all, How dare you. Your portrayal is just incredible and any time I see you replied to me I’m literally blushing like a DORK and squealing like a god damn schoolgirl who’s crush just told her she had nice braces. YOU ARE SO AMAZING hahahasdlfkjasd;lkfj. Doflamingo is my second favorite character in the serie and you characterize him so well I’m always holding my breath when I read you and then I fangirl for like 2-3 minutes before WALLS OF TEXTS appear in my mind. I always try to tone it down because I could literally write you 4 pages worth of replies with how much I love your Doflamingo.  Thank you for roleplaying with me, thank you for going with my headcanons, thank you for ??? just anything tbh. I love you so dang much okay? I hope you have nothing but the best in 2017. <3
@gravitou​ / @boneavant​ / @hellstrings​ : You have an amazing way around words and I just love to see your writing on my dash. I think you have a real talent with all of your muses too, which adds even more to your appeal as a roleplayer :) I wish we interacted more but I really enjoy seeing you on my dash and reading your stuff, on any of your blogs. Hope you have a great year <3
@shiapolux​ : I know we don’t interact a lot but I find Shia and your art to be absolutely adorable. Croc also thinks that much ;D You’re a gem in this fandom and I’m glad we talk here and there and roleplay as well. I wish you all of what you want in 2017 and then some <3
@scarlethaki​ : IM BIASED FOR UUUUUUUU. I LOVE AKANE SO MUUUUUUUUCH. That sassy piece of shiiiiiit I can’t believe how -- I mean Croc likes her????? even if he pretends not to? I told you many times, I’m not fan of characters who are related to canon but in Akane’s case I just??? completely forget about it lmao. Because her personality is so rich, so flavorful I cannot  do anything but express my love for her. Your OC is, in my opinion, one of the realest , most heartfelt original character in this fandom. Sorry, I don’t mean to depreciate anyone but I just really really really really love Akane. I love a LOT of other OCS but the dynamic between Akane and my muses is just too good for me to ignore. Even with Noya jfc. She’s the kind of character that can pretty much interact with anyone, she would be a very canon One Piece character too, in my opinion. I hope no one feels left out because I said that, my love for your muses is strong and Akane just has a special place in my heart <3
@beastyhound​ :  V A L. Val, I feel you and I are way similar in roleplays. We both have an undying love for darker themes and we both are as masochistic as sadistic with our muses. You are me, I swear. I just love to interact with you both on Croc and Noya, and I’ll probably enjoy it too when I finally get my Blackbeard blog’s going. You are an amazing writer, oh so self-indulgent but tbh there’s nothing I dislike about that. We’re both greedy for what we love and we reap what we sow and I just?? Really love you. Michi is an amazing muse and I want to applaud you for keeping him consistent. I’ve seen many « crazy » ocs in my time who were just crazy for the sake of being crazy but your portrayal is always consistent. God knows how hard it is to have a volatile muse and keep it for long but you do it with such ease ( or so it appears ! ) in your roleplays that I am literally awestruck when I read your replies. I love you so much, I hope you spend 2017 doing all the things you like <3
@missprissyperona / @ask-perona / @peronasnegativehollow​ / @sableofmany​ : PAULA im a terrible friend and I know it. I love your Perona, I love you so much but I have a hard time coming up with replies between Croc and Perona in our threads lately. Croc is just snobbing them and I hate it but I don’t want to give you half assed replies so they’re just sitting in my drafts :C Either way!!!! YOU ARE STILL, TO THIS DAY, THE MOST WELCOMING PERSON IN THIS COMMUNITY. You made me open up to the rest of everyone here because of how social and positively persistent you were in communicating with me. ( for lack of better word, persistent, because I’m terrible at keeping in touch with people but you always come talk to me, which I REALLY appreciate ) I love you a whole damn lot as well as your many blogs and muses <3
@tenaxmiles​ : I don’t have a lot to say here because we only have one thread but I really love Katey on my dash :’) Especially her interactions with Michi and Loni. Rip. Sorry Katey, you’re good angst fodder. 
@worldsmostdangerous​ : - Careless whisper plays in the distance - Ayy gurl ;D . Ah, Helena. I could ramble about how much I love your Dragon for hours. I love the way you portray this obscure character so much. There’s little about him known in canon but I’ll be really disappointed in Oda if he doesn’t base his portrayal on yours.  You gave him life and made me love him and get even more interested in the revolutionary army than I already was because of my headcanons. Bless you and I hope you get everything you want in 2017 and then some <3
@7hits​ / @salamandcr​ : SQUINTS LOUDLY AT U. Gimme the Salamandcr I love her so much. Giant girls who antagonize Crocodile are a+ in my books. LOVE ME. ( I love you ). Wish you an amazing new year <3
@chillin-at-partys-bar​ : I miss Shanks and I miss you! I hope life is treating you well and I hope we get to interact again <3 Our exchanges are either hilarious or angsty af and I love the dichotomy between the two and how the dynamic is evolving. Bless you and I wish you nothing but the best in 2017! <3
@menagerie-rp​ : May I just reiterate my love for your Rocinante? He was a character I didn’t love all that much and didn’t care for, to be honest, but your portrayal made me love him. I love the interactions we had and hope we can rp again in the near future! I know I don’t talk much OOC but just like you I’m a bit of a shy nugget. Either way, I just want to tell you that you are always welcome to interact with me and I will keep sending you memes when I see you pop on my dash because I really love your characterization and you in general <3
@alabasti​ : TRUST ME. BEST VIVI. I’ve been roleplaying Croc for over 11 years and you wouldn’t believe the number of terribly ooc vivi I’ve met in that time. ( Going to celebrate 12 years in february, with Croc as a muse ! ) ANYWAY. I’ve always been turned off to rp with Vivi in general because of all those self-inserting mary sues I’ve met and I was reluctant at first to interact with you because of that but you BRING HER TO LIFE instead of bringing your life into her, which I cannot thank you enough for. I’ve never met such a dedicated roleplayer for Vivi that aimed for something else than getting herself captured and f*cked by Croc :’) And though we have a rp that is similar to that theme, Vivi is still in character and I really, really, really appreciate that. I am interacting with a VIVI, finally, after nearly 12 years. It’s so good I want to sob. Thank you so much and I hope we can have a lot more roleplays in the future. I wish you an amazing new year <3
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prettyflyforacyguy · 7 years
rlord christ uh okay
1: Kitchen Counter, Couch, or on top of the dryer?
kitchen Table. ;3
2: Your last sexual encounter: Good or Bad and why:
good!!!!! it was early morning and aiden was off work so we decided to mess around and it was just v low stress and nice
3: A fictional person that you think would be good in bed:
hm uh. who;s that one tiger from zootopia? shit dice drew a commission of him a while back. the sexy one. he’d treat me right.
4: Something that never fails to make you horny:
there are like a million dumb fucking things aiden does that makes me lose my gdamn mind!!!!!! like, when he loosens his tie and gives me The Sex Look or kisses my neck in a certain spot... luv that husband
5: Where is one place you would never have sex:
somewhere kids could see :/
6: The most awkward moment during a sexual experience was when ______________
one time admittedly when i was new to anal i had the inevitable ShitDick scenario bc i didn’t know how to prep myself properly........im so fucking sorry, trey, im so sorry
7: Weirdest thing that ever made you horny:
this petsmart flyer came in the mail once. that was a weird jerkoff. made me realize im deep in petplay pff
8: What is the best way to sexually bind someone: Handcuffs, Rope, or Other [if other please explain]:
aiden;s been practicing shibari and it’s pretty fun! i’d say its my fav way to be restrained rn 
9: What is the fastest way to make you horny:
it aint hard idk
10: Top or bottom?
this bitch be bottomin, my ass is Ready
11: We were about to ____________ but then ______________ [example: we were about to have sex but then his mom walked in]
12: Is one orgasm enough? Are multiple orgasms necessary?
it depends on how much stamina u have or if you’re in the mood for more? that time waiting for the refractory period tho suuuuuuuucks, im so jealous of dfab ppl that can come multiple times :/
13: Something that you have hidden in your room that you don’t want anyone to find:
a valentine’s present for aiden, shhh
14: Weirdest nickname a significant other has ever called you:
sometimes aiden fuckign. does French Shit and i dont know what he’s saying until after but it’s kind of become a joke because we’ll be having a really nice moment and he’ll lean in and like, whisper some bullshit like “my little lima bean” or “my sweet polished fork” and i fuckignt rftg,,, IT STILL SOUNDS HOT, WHY IS HE LIKE THIS 
15: Two things you like [or dislike] about oral sex:
that “pop” noise when ur mouth comes off the dick. also, when he like, holds your head with his fingers tangled in your hair and bobs your head down on his cock g gg go gogfdoood thats so hot i love it when he does that to me its nice
16: Weirdest sexual act some has performed [or tried to perform] on/with you:
welcome 2 Trauma Land next question
17: Have you ever tasted yourself? [If no, would you?] [If yes, what did you think?]
yeah. it’s a pretty slutty thing to do, it’s not great tasting if u don’t like, pineapple and shit but it’s a pretty good way to get your partner turned on more
18: Is it ever okay to not use a condom:
if u and ur partner get tested together and r clean and not seeing anyone else
19: Who was the sexiest teacher you ever had?
my sophomore year humanities teacher in my study abroad program....holy Fuck. hooooly fuck. mr. nakamura still gets me going to this day. he has a wife tho :(
20: A food that you would like to use during a sexual experience:
whipped creaaaam!
21: How big is too big:
some bad dragons are really intimidating. christ.
22: One sexual thing you would never do:
let ppl use me as an object again :/
23: Biggest turn on:
humiliation is pretty good
24: Three spots that drive you insane:
my neck
my back
my pussy, and my crack.
25: Worst possible time to get horny:
driving is pretty rough.
26: Do you like it when your sexual partner moans:
ch r is  t  y es
27: Worst sexual idea you ever had:
define “worst,” anon.
28: How much fapping is too much fapping:
who fucking calls it “fapping” still
29: Best sexual complement you ever got:
30: Bald, landing strip, Jumanji:
is this like, a lesbian thing? i dont get it
31: Is it good sex if you don’t nut:
32: Fill in the blank: "If they ____________, we are fuckin"
33: What your favorite part of your body:
my belly........? idk i used to Hate My Mcfuckin Self but aiden blows raspberries on me and its fkin cute holy hell
34: Favorite foreplay activities:
if i suck on aiden’s fingers he basically fucking Dies on the spot, so that’s fun to use. for myself, uhh. thigh kisses are hot. so hot.
35: Love (>,<, or =) Sex For those of us who don’t remember our math thats “greater than, less than, or equal to]
there was a a time when i wouldve said sex is bnetter but no, it’s Lov....i Love Husband
36: What do you wear to bed?
boxers, and my husband
37: When was the first time you masturbated:
probably when i was like nine or ten? in the “i dont know this is masturbating but it kinda feels nice” way
38: Do you have any nude/masturbating pictures/video of yourself?
there’s a lot floating around there but most of it is during The Bad Time
39: Have you ever/when was the last time you had sex outside?
uhhh shit its been a while i can’t really remember?
40: Have/would you ever have sex outside?
mhm. it’s not my fav tho
41: Have/would you ever had a threesome?
i;ve had more than a threesome, buddy
42: What is one random object you’ve used to masturbate?
when i was young and desperate and trying anal for the first time i used a vibrating toothbrush but no one told me you’re supposed to not use the brush end. the bristles were rough. 
43: Have/would you ever masturbate at work/school?
yes to both?? im a tiny troglodyte man what do u expect
44: Have/would you ever have sex on a plane?
maybe? this is a very specific situation, i know aiden would rather die than do anything on a plane tho
45: What is one song you’d like to have sex to?
i feel it coming - daft punk
46: What is something nonsexual that makes you horny?
literally like anything can make me hard im fucking easy
47: Most attractive celebrity?
my husband....he’s a star, to Me...
48: Do you watch gay/lesbian porn? why/why not?
yes. source: am gay
49: If a child was born on the occasion of the last time you had sex, how old would that child be right now?
50: Has anyone ever posted nude pictures of you online?
yes. i dont particularly like to think abt it but there’s a. big fan community wanting me to “come back” and it makes me super uncomfortable.
51: What is one thing that NEVER makes you horny?
girls :/
52: Do you have stretch marks? (How do you feel about them? Has anyone ever had a problem with them?)
i have a couple on my thighs and my belly from some healthy weight gain, but aiden doesn’t mind. he likes em
53: Do you like giving head? (why/why not)
dick....me Sucky Cock...nya
54: How do you feel about tattoos on someone you are interested in?
i dont rlly care
55: How would you feel about taking someones virginity?
i was a few people’s first lay and it was uh. difficult. they think they can just pound a man’s ass like their fleshlight and it’s rough when you’re like, laying there and your ass is on fire while you remind them to use more lube and also fucking go slower to start
56: Is there any food you would NOT recommend using during a sexual encounter?
sticky rice. good fucking lord, do not use sticky rice.
57: Is there anything you do on Tumblr that you would not like your significant other to see?
not really? we don’t hide things from each other
58: Do you own any sex toys? (what is it? (how long have you had it?)
we own a Shit ton. i’ve had some since i was like, a teenager but i’ve been collectin some over the years
59: Would you give your significant other unrestricted access to your Tumblr for a day?
oh god no. aiden barely knows what memes are
60: Would you be offended if your significant other suggested you get plastic surgery?
no, me and aiden have already discussed like, scar reduction shit. i have a few nasty keloids :/
61: Would you rather be a pornstar or a prostitute?
neither?? i mean, i was both for a while but *SLAMS TRAUMA BUTTON*
62: Do you watch porn?
63: How small is too small?
all dick is good dick!!!!
64: Have you ever been called a freak? Why?
continues to Slam the Trauma Button
65: Who gave you your last kiss? Did it mean anything?
66: Would you switch phones with your significant other for a day?
probably not because aiden’s in a group chat with his work buddies and they’re all middle aged or young mom nurses. im a fish out of water.
67: Do you feel comfortable going "commando"?
sure, as long as its not like skinny jeans or something
68: Would you have a problem with going down on someone if they hadn't shaved their pubic hair?
not rlly. good dick is good dick
69: If you could give yourself head, would you?
im p sure everyone tries but usually i get my husband to B)
70: Booty or Boobs?
ass. please god, i’m all about ass
71: If you had a penis, what would you name it?
Ass Blaster 69
72: Have you ever been on an official date?
yes? like a movie and restraunt thing?
73: Have you ever cheated on someone? (Why?)
not that i know of, but there was a point when i was pretty low in life that i hopped around w/ partners and one night stands.
74: If you were a stripper, what would your name be?
the Pole Faller. i have no body strength and im named that bc i’d fall off the pole
75: Have you ever had sex in your parents bed? (Would you?)
no??????????? nO??
76: How would you react if you found out your parents had sex in your bed?
what...what kind of question even is this
77: What was your reaction the first time you saw a penis/vagina
“god i wanna put my mouth all over that”
78: If you had a penis/vagina for a day, what are five things you would do?
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qwertyplier-blog · 7 years
Chapter One- New Life
I'm sure having a blast packing my new bedroom in the big city, Los Angeles. Not. I never wanted to come here. It was a great place and you are defenetly lucky if you get to live here. But it's just so, well, not my type. I was fine back in Columbia, Ohio. But my damn sister Lillian wanted us to move here because of her 'job'. Lillian was 14 years older than me. She loved going out with her friends and loved me. But now, I know that is a lie because she made me move here. Our parents needed a 'get-way' and moved to Honolulu, Hawaii. I haven't seen them both for 7 years. Sad. Anyway, I set up my bed and placed all my clothes in my closet. The closet was huge here. You can say its as big as a sitting room here. I did the usual rest and met Lillian in her bedroom setting up her room with pastel blue everywhere. Lillian and I loved pastel colors. My room was pastel pink. "Liliana! How do you like everything so far? Isn't this place beautiful?" Lillian said in a cheery tone. "Suuuure" I drag my word in a boring fashion. "Fuck you" I whisper under my breath. "C'mon Lili! You will love it. Sooner or later. Let's go paint the living room pastel purple." She was in love with pastel colors. "Okay..." -Le Time Skip- After Lillian and I got done painting and moving the furniture in, I headed to the bathroom and looked at myself through the mirror. Paint was all over my face and body. 'Ugh' I whine to myself. I strip my clothes off in front of the mirror, watching myself. Boys in my other school always said I had a beautiful body shape. And I knew it. I finshed taking off my clothes and put them to the side. I stepped into the shower and turned the handle to turn on the faucet. "Ahggg!" I screeched. I forgot that the water starts off cold when you first turn it on. I hate my life. I stepped out of the shower and waited for the water to heat up. Damn I hate this place. -Le Time Skip- I got out of the shower when I was finally done. I took at least half an hour. Lillian was napping on the couch. I chuckled a bit and when to my bedroom. I admired the pastel pink dust everywhere. It was just so pretty. I grabed panties and and huge T-shirt and slipped them on. The window curtains were slightly opened. So I took the advantage to witness the beautiful, sparkling stars up in the sky outside. They reminded me of my childhood. They would twinkle, and stop. Then another would twinkle, and stop. But then, I remember. The first day of my new school is in two days. Fuck. I turned my head to the clock. 9:56 p.m. Fuck...again. I thought I would tell my sister, but she was asleep. So I took a peice of paper and wrote Lillian this: Yo yo, big sister. Sooo u know dat school is in lyke 2 dayz. Yeep... We gotta wake up early to get all my shite tomorrow. Before the lines are too long. This is L.A and there are lots of people here. There will be lines. So wen u see dis u wake meh up early. Im 2 lazzy to put a timer on. Byeeeeeee P.S *farts r awesome* I am a fucking 12 year old by heart. I carefully placed the note by Lilli and left to my room and fell asleep like a little baby... Zzz Zzz -after 8 hours of slumber- "Wake up fuzzy head!" I heard my sister whisper while shaking my shoulder back and forth. I was not a morning person. I hated waking up and having to brush my teeth and take a shower and make breakfast. That was all out of my league. "Leave..meh...al..one" I whine while half asleep. "What do you mean? You told me to wake you up. Now get up!" Lilli pushes me off the bed that makes a 'Thud' on the ground. "Okay, okay" I moan while lying with my head on flat on the ground. So I did the usual. Brush teeth, take shower, change clothes, and prepared breakfast. "You ready?" Lillian threw the meys up and down while having her shoulder rest on the door frame. "You know it" We both head outside and get in her car. I looked for a radio that wouldn't be playing a song from the 50's because it was a Thursday. Finally I found a station that played Beyonce's song "Formation" that I was in love with. "Yass bitch" I snapped my hands in the air while waving them side to side. Lillian and I sang the entire song together. "My daddy Alabama, Momma Louisiana. You mix that Negro with that Creole make a Texas Bama!" We sang as we laughed after every line. We made it to Five Below and got school shit. Like bags, pencils, pens, shoes. Lots and lots of shoes, outfits and the necessary. When we were done, Lillian and I thought we should go to the mall to get random stuff we would want. While we are walking, Lillian turned her head towards a guy. He had dark hair and blue eyes with a perfect jawline. I knew she was drooling for that dude. "You like what you see?" I ask un a sarcastic tone. "Well yeah. He's gorgeous." - "Hey maybe you should go talk to him." She walks towards the mystery man and soon starts a conversation with him. Awe. She runs back. "HE ASKED FOR MY PHONE NUMBER!!!" she yells loud enough that people outside the mall can hear her. "Mhm, yeah, great." I nod. She was going on and on about this guy. So I pretended to listen. "Big sis? I wanna go home." I say in an inasent voice. "Lets go then" We soon left the mall. But when we had left, it was pitch black outside. We had been at the mall for 8 hours straight. We burst with laughter and get into the car. I roll down the window and lay my eyes on a man who looked pretty cute. He wore glasses, had a section of his hair dyed red, and had the most handsome faces ever. He was sitting on the front of a car with a few other people that looked pretty cool. I loved his laugh. It was beautiful. I was trying not to fall in love. But as soon as he turned his head to me, I blushed and looked at my sister and yelled "STEP ON IT!" And we left. -Time skip- I got home and did my night routine and got my stuff ready for school the next day. But I couldn't get that boy off my mind. He really seems like my type. I rested my head on the pillow and fell in slumberland. This is a fan fic im writting btw. Just borf
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