#no i absolutely do not remember how to create a function based coding solution using a single six-sided die simulation
heartual · 2 years
i was so convinced we had a lab question similar to the question on the final i’m working on rn but i can’t find it anywhere 🛌
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itservicesprovider · 2 years
How Can Laravel Web Development Help Your Business Grow?
Nobody can disagree that websites and web-centric apps are absolutely necessary. Laravel is one name that stands out as one of the most popular frameworks. Laravel web development will continue to be popular globally and in the United States in 2022.
PHP is one of the most popular general-purpose programming languages for building website and online application backends. As a result, PHP web frameworks are a popular alternative for developing web-based applications. Laravel, with its model-view-controller architectural pattern, is a consistent choice as one of the top web development frameworks.
Laravel (a top PHP framework) is responsible for numerous remarkable web apps that provide consumers with a more customised experience. It is really simple to understand and utilise. As a result, Laravel is a popular choice for young programmers starting out on their coding path.
PHP enables for flawless syntax, allowing for error-free development. That is something that all firms expect developers to do while writing code. Businesses may create error-free web-based solutions that provide the finest user experience by hiring Laravel developers.
Laravel powers a wide range of web-based applications and products. It permits the creation of websites that aid in the fulfilment of certain needs. It is especially well-suited to coding the server-side of customer-facing applications such as eCommerce websites.
I have created in-depth article about: How Laravel Help Business
Laravel web development is used in a variety of ways for company.
Businesses recognise the various features of PHP as a high-performance computer language both globally and in the United States. Laravel, being the best PHP framework, is an important proponent of PHP's popularity. In compared to other web development frameworks, Laravel-based services are more durable, solid, and efficient.
Laravel's skills go beyond simply writing excellent code. Lararavel's extensive technical documentation serves as the foundation for creating outstanding products. Furthermore, it has widespread community support, which substantially encourages developers to collaborate to learn, grow, and solve problems.
Remember that the major goal of Laravel is to provide everyone a higher feeling of patronage. As a result, Laravel developers of all levels may collaborate to create products that people want. Its well-written documentation allows developers to rapidly comprehend even the most complicated topics and use them in their code.
Laravel provides a plethora of functionalities for a variety of commercial use cases. This makes it possible for organisations to simply incorporate the most recent web development techniques into their online apps. Customer-centricity is no longer an optional feature; it is the primary necessity.
All businesses want their web apps to serve users successfully in order to become market leaders. Laravel, seeing the need to stay up with the trends, includes the future functionalities. As a result, businesses may profit from having everything they need on their websites and solutions.
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fantasy-pens · 4 years
A Guide to Making iOS Text Messages on AO3, Miraculous Style
(This is a contribution to @miraculousfanworks​ for formatting tips in AO3)
Writers like to experiment with different fanfiction types. And one of the most popular types are the text fics.
A text fic resembles a log of two or more characters texting each other. It may be written entirely in the form of text messages, or it may contain narrated passages. Writers often prefer to include texting between characters in their stories, for it gives the readers a deeper insight into the characters’ lives and personality. And no doubts the level of personal interactions associated with texts is what makes text-fics a popular type amidst the readers.
A story can be written entirely in texts, or even contain a minor scene where the characters text each other. Often, writers have different ways to distinguish the texts from the rest of the narration, to enable the readers to easily differentiate between the two parts.
One of the most common ways is formatting. Aligning, boldifying and italicizing the texts is a common way to highlight them in the story. However, many a times, the formatting fails to give off the necessary vibes. To rectify the same, a few writers use screenshots of text conversations between the characters in their stories.
But what if there was a way to present the text messages in the story, WITHOUT using the images? Something like this:
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Read under the cut to find out!
How to make iOs Text Messages on AO3 (Miraculous Style)
(Note: For this article/tutorial, the reference chosen is How to Make iOs Text Messages on AO3 by CodenameCarrot and La_Temperanza.)
The tutorial does not dive into the details of how exactly the CSS for the text messages is coded, for there is a predefined skin made available for all the main characters of Miraculous Ladybug. The skin is made such that the colors of the text differ on every character’s phone (civilian and superhero alter ego). 
The right side (the darker bubble) is always the texts written by the character. The left side (the lighter bubble) is always the texts the character has received.
The skin used is Messaging Miraculous and since it is a bit tedious to make it available to public use, here’s a link to the document that contains the necessary CSS for the same.
To use the above skin
Simply go to your ao3 dashboard, click on Skins > My Work Skins >  Create New
Fill in the necessary details there and at the part where you have to write the code, copy paste the CSS from the document linked above! Then click on Create and your skin is created!
Now, in your work, go to Select Work Skin and choose the Messaging Miraculous work skin. (This is the name of the skin that I have on my dashboard :) )
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This will import the skin in your story.
The skin has different color formats for different phones. In other words, texts on Marinette’s phone will have a different color scheme from how they appear on Adrien’s phone or Ladybug’s phone and so on. The idea behind this is that each user has a specific color theme of their choice installed in their phones :)
So, a basic thing about the CSS involved in the skin.
The messages received have an attribute of text[code] and the messages sent have an attrivute of [code]reply
Now what is this [code] thing?
The code thing is the small piece of text used to differentiate the code for all the characters. 
The codes used for the different characters are:
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So, if I want to write a chat window for Ladybug’s phone, the received messages would be textlb and the sent messages would be lbreply
For Nino’s chat window, the received messages would be textnino and the sent messages would be ninoreply
What do these attributes mean to me? How will I use them?
These attributes are what we are going to use in our AO3 HTML editor to implement the chat format.
The usage of the skin is explained below based on a sample conversation between Marinette and Adrien from the episode Frozer, something that goes lke this:
Adrien:  Marinette! Perfect timing! Marinette:  Huh? You think so? Adrien:  Actually, what I meant was...
It is done for Marinette’s chat window.
First of all, remove all the formatting from the chat texts that you have made.  This is how your chat will start to look like:
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Then, go to Edit, and click on the HTML button in the editor.
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The HTML editor has automatically put a series of <p> tags around your text messages. Something like this:
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Remove these. The result looks like:
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Remember: only remove the <p> and </p> tags that surround the text messages. You would not want to mess up the formatting of the rest of the story
Now, let’s get down to a little coding. Add this little code shown in the next image to the part just above the first text message.
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and this little piece at the end of the last text message on the window.
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The <div> tag is what makes the editor aware that this is the place where we are using the imported worksin, and specifically, a coding that has the CSS attribute by the name “phone”.
The <p> tag indicates a new paragraph, and here it encloses all of the text messages that occur on the phone window, and the class “messagebody” tells the editor that it has to implement code for the same :)
Perfect! Now getting to the part of making the chat bubbles. 
(This coding has been done for Marinette’s window. Hence the attributes used are textmari and marireply. You can similarly use the other attributes for different characters) The first dialogue is that of Adrien. So, Marinette received this text on her phone. Hence we go like: 
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The “span” attribute here differentiates between the different chat formats we have for the different characters. The <br> tags are for telling the editor to move to a new line :)
The next dialogue piece is of Marinette. So, she sends this text. Therefore, we go like:
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The next (and last dialogue) is Adrien again, hence the code for it is like:
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And now, clicking on “Preview” then “Save as Draft”, the result is:
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(It is always recommended to preview the story before posting it. You can always check for non functional links or code errors if you find any :) )
You can make the same for other characters as well in the similar fashion! To check out the different color schemes offered by the skin, here’s the link to the document on AO3!
Miraculous Messaging Work Skin Tutorial
What if I want to boldify or italicise a certain word/phrase within the text message?
It’s simple! Enclose the certain word/phrase <b> , <i> and <u> tag for bold, italics and underline respectively! Like this:
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Does this skin work all the time?
As long as “Hide Creator’s Style” is disabled, yes!
But what If someone uses “Hide Creator’s Style”? Will not that ruin the story?
There is a solution around that too! You simply need to add this extra piece of code to each text message, along with the name of who types that message :)
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so when you click on that “Hide Creator’s Style” button on the top, you end up with
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which is absolutely cool!!
Hoping this article helped explain all the doubts! For further queries or character suggestions, feel free to comment on the sample work linked above!
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theboynoodlet · 4 years
Understanding the Unity XR Toolkit Interaction System: Part 2
It’s part 2 of my “Unity XR Toolkit” devlog. In this post, I want to cover how to extend the functionalities of your Interactors and Interactables through its built-in event system and how to do so through manual code.
Each Interactable and Interactor will have a input for Interactable Events where we can define additional functionality to run based on certain states such as Hover enter/exit, Select enter/exit and activation/deactivation.
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Simply add an item to the appropriate state with the “+” icon and add in a game object and reference the script with the method that provides the functionality you want.
You can also add in the events via code in your scripts as well.
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Essentially what we are doing is referencing the XRGrabInteractable on this object and adding in methods (”StopAttach” and “AttachToBoard”) that are called on “onSelectEnter” of the Interactable. Be sure to declare at the of the script “using UnityEngine.XR.Interaction.Toolkit” to use the namespace so it can recognise XRGrabInteractable. 
If you want a video tutorial on this, you can check out VR with Andrew’s video here:
We can achieve a lot of gameplay functionality just by using the default states, however, you might feel the need to customise the code for your interactable or interactor. With a bit of understanding of how the source code works, you absolutely can. I’ll try to roughly explain how it works, but a lot of extra research on your own is needed to make it work because I personally have not tried this myself.
---------------NERDY CODING STUFF AHEAD-------------------
When you open the XRGrabInteractable script, you will find that it inherits from XRBaseInteractable.
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(If you don’t know what is inheritance in programming, this section is probably not for you oops....)
XRBaseInteractable is an abstract class (meant to be use as a base/parent class with no intention of instantiating) which XRGrabInteractable will inherit from. BaseInteractable contains the interactable behaviours which in turn are hooked into the Interaction Manager to handle. XRGrabInteractable will inherit these behaviours and add on its own functionality, which in this case is handling the grabbing physics and calculations etc.
Interactors have a similar thing going on, where there is a “XRBaseInteractor” class where all the Interactor scripts such as “XRDirectInteractor” inherit from.
So if you want to customise your own script for Interactors and Interactables, you can simply create a script that inherits from the base script and you can add on your functionality there. Although obviously, there is a lot more that goes into it which makes it really difficult and definitely only for advacned programmers.
 You can also simply edit the given scripts itself, if you are doing something that isn’t as extreme as rewriting a script for Interactors/Interactables. However, Unity will reset the script the next time you enter your project for some reason, so any edits to the source scripts should be kept light.
-------NERDY CODING STUFF ENDS-----------
From my experience, it is important to remember to begin with working around your limitations instead of going to extreme solutions immediately. It took me a lot of time to understand the Interaction System myself and in the end, many of the gameplay functions can work just by working what Unity provides us. In the next part, I will finally showcase a particular VR mechanic I’ve been working on that gave me a lot of trouble.
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canalstreetbaker · 5 years
Sixth World Storytime
Sit back kids, and get comfortable.  I’m going to tell you about Dozer.
Shadowrun, as most of you are aware, is a cyberpunk hypercapitalist dystopia which we’re slouching to even today, with a bevy of guns, cars, sweet-ass cybernetic implants, corporations larger than any country today with yearly profits in the trillions, and absolutely everything being for sale.  Food is mostly soy and corn reconstituted into a myriad of things and treated with a flavor faucet.  Surveillance is omnipresent but the analysis systems are so bad that those without ID numbers just kind of slide through the spaces between.  Those without System Identification Numbers - without SIN - do not exist.  This is good, and bad.  
Shadowrun also has magic.  And fantasy races.  Specifically it has Orks.  This is important, because Dozer is an Ork in a Human’s world.
(Below the cut we get a little nasty.  Disclaimer for the admins when they eventually fall upon this depravity - this is a fictional event in a fictional world based upon a tabletop roleplaying game.  Back the fuck off.)
In the Underground of Seattle rests a community of Trolls, Orks, and Dwarves no that’s all.  Until recently in 6W canon, the Underground was not recognized as an official District of the Seattle Metroplex - and the Orks liked that just fine.  The Trolls didn’t care much, since they tended to hang with the Orks or their own kind, shared Hurlg (a hyper-IPA with plenty of nutmeg and a caustic that could burn an Elf’s stomach to pieces) and plenty of meatlike substances at bars and restaurants that catered to them.  In short, the Ork Underground was its own little city, with businesses, religion, medicine, and police.
Dozer, an Ork, was a member of the Underground’s police force - the Skraacha. An Or’zet term meaning ‘Scorcher’, the Skraacha handled neighborhood watch, ne’er-do-well training into ‘functional’ members of society.  They kept the peace, supported metahuman rights rallies, beat the fuck out of the local neo-Nazi human supremacists in town (Humanis) and in their off time ran protection rackets and smuggled wepaons.  They loved young, angry Orks with a bone to pick and a chip on their shoulder.  Dozer fit in perfectly.
An aside, this is 5th Edition Shadowrun.  Dozer was built as a cybered ‘street samurai’ specializing in close-encounters of the murderous kind.  His muscles were cybernetic, he had a blade the length of his forearm concealed in his forearm, and he’d somehow begged, borrowed, and stole enough nuyen to install a bespoke Synaptic Booster, which - coupled with an Adrenaline Surge to make sure he always went first - ensured anyone who crossed his fist had a very bad day.  
By the time he retired (a wonderful story in itself, but not the focus of today), Dozer had about 350 karma, 4 Street Cred (after faking his death, a story I’ll tell later), 4 Notoriety, and managed to stay out of the Public Eye until the very end when he stole a nuclear submarine.  Again, a story I’ll tell later.
Dozer had quit the Skraacha after a terrible fight between a lieutenant of the group (Eybyu) and another pipe-thumping patrolman which left both patrolman and lieutenant dead, and Dozer in critical condition with massive damage to his face.  Upon recovery, he promptly quit the force and went into business for himself - running a food truck he’d bought with the “insurance money” that he called C2T Solutions.
(Because you can solve any problem with a Cyberspur 2 the Throat.)
You see, Dozer had also installed a Suprathyroid Gland, which is pretty much what it says on the tin - it’s a carefully engineered runaway growth problem which confers increased strength, speed, and toughness.  It also makes one the terror of buffets everywhere, and after Dozer had been thrown out of the fourth one he decided he was going to start cooking.  And if he was going to cook, then by Dunkelzahn he was going to make enough for everyone.  
Plus nobody looked at the cook unless he had a ponytail and a storied Naval career, so he could use it for information gathering.  Only...things didn’t go that way.
Dozer’s first use of the food truck was when he and a team of pipehitters was hired to cross off a list of names - with bonuses for those made to look like accidents.  There were six names on the list:
* A Federated-Boeing executive
* A Stuffer Shack employee
* An IT goon in a corporate enclave
* A retiree on the state dole
* A city employee with the Parks Department
* A ten-year-old trustafarian in a ritzy enclave
Dozer drew the short straw (or stole them while the rest of the crew argued) and took the city employee, the Stuffer Shack employee, and in a move that disgusted the rest of the team, the ten-year old. How can an Ork just cruelly kill a ten-year old kid?
With cupcakes, Dozer reasoned.  Kids love cupcakes.
In a stunningly macabre display of chemistry and culinary science, Dozer whipped up a pair of dark chocolate cupcakes one would expect to find at a boutique patisserie, both frosted with chocolate buttercream icing. Special icing.
Because icing doesn’t burn off the alcohol content of spiced rum - and Chloral Hydrate (Shadowrun’s version of Rophynol) has double potency when mixed with said rum.
Add in a gaily-wrapped box from an actual boutique patisserie with an Augmented Reality tag noting they were offering gift boxes as a ‘thank you’ to the community they served, and Dozer had created the perfect lure to ensnare anyone with a sweet tooth.  
Ten-year old Trudy stepped out of the schoolyard gate, savoring the fine Bellevue weather as she walked along the road towards home.  She didn’t *need* to walk, but it had been a nice day at school and Trudy felt even better about the day as she could remember the highest points of it while getting that last bit of exercise before the afternoon homework session began.
The sun was shining, the roads were quiet save the occasional yellow bus or GridGuided car taking her classmates to *their* homes.  Allison had suggested Trudy come over to her house for a group study session, but the last time that had happened Allison’s homework looked suspiciously similar (okay, they were exactly the same) as hers.  
“Afternoon, Ms. Appleton!”
The voice caused Trudy to turn and wave with a bright smile, her DocWagon bracelet jangling against her pale wrist.  Two Knight Errant patrol officers leaned against their car, waving back before scanning the area for potential suspects to question and search.  
“Good afternoon Officer Cortez!” she yelled.  “Hi Sergeant Weber!”
The two officers were well known in the neighborhood, and Trudy’s parents had noted with pride the discount they had received on their insurance premiums by agreeing to the surcharge for having physical patrols in the area during and after school hours.  Really, they had said, it was leaving nuyen on the table if they hadn’t, and having security services available during their 12-hour workdays meant they could put in the extra hours at the office but still sleep easy at night.
As she walked past manicured lawns, a smelly groundskeeper trimming hedges, and Augmented Reality picket fence property indicators to her own modest home, Trudy’s day got even better as she spied a specialty cardboard container from her favorite bakery on the doorstep.  She’d never thought that Le Petite Sweet would send a delivery, but someone must have really been thinking of her today to send over such a treat!  Trudy picked up the box before sending the unlock code to the house’s front door via her bedazzled trode patch on her temple - right where her Datajack would be, she thought.
The cool air of the perfectly-adjusted central heating and cooling system brushed against her face as Trudy stepped inside, her commlink downloading personal messages from the corporate grid once her PAN interfaced with the wider house network.  There were two more messages from Allison, one of which was a repeated offer for Trudy to come visit today and do homework, and a second one that her Nixdorf Sekretar agent indicated was a phishing attempt via a picture of a cat playing a piano.  Trudy thought the picture was funny, but not funny enough to allow Allison access to copy her homework directly. Besides, there were much more important things to consider.
Trudy set the box on the dining room table and opened her prize, finding a pair of chocolate cupcakes with a dark chocolate icing.  They smelled freshly baked and sweet - not as sweet as she liked, and without the chocolate sprinkles she always wanted when she would get her weekly treat at Le Petite.  In fact, they didn’t even look quite like the bakery’s signature cupcake - but her stomach growled in anticipation anyway, so she took a bite while going through her homework questions for the day.  The rich flavor of the chocolate was slightly offset by the spiciness in the icing.  Trudy was confused for a moment, then took another bite.  
There was rum in the icing.  Trudy knew because she had stolen a drink from her father’s liquor cabinet, and the dark liquid in the bottle tasted just like this.  The icing, however, was much better than that terrible alcohol.
In no time at all, the first cupcake was gone, and Trudy yawned while sending a message to the fridge unit to pour her a glass of milk.  She felt oh-so tired all of a sudden.  Maybe the nice groundskeeper opening the back door could help her get her milk.
Shaking his head, Dozer gently took poor Trudy upstairs to the bathtub, ran the water, and laid her inside.  He took the box and the detritus from the cupcake, and let himself out the door he entered.
The payment hit his account fifteen minutes later, as medical services screamed towards the house where a drowning had occurred.
There are, of course, several other stories I have involving Dozer and his food truck, Dozer and his old patrolman buddy Stamp, Dozer being thrown off a ten-story building and hitting the pool with nothing more than a bruise, Dozer inventing the term ‘dumptrucking’ as it refers to lateral strategy, and finally Dozer stealing a nuclear submarine and becoming a pirate king with a mage and a decker he’d run with on that last score.
But for today, we’ll leave it with poor Trudy.  Maybe tomorrow I’ll talk about how Dozer changed the outcome of a re-enactment of the historic Battle of Helm’s Deep.
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suzettepu76-blog · 5 years
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37h4n0l · 5 years
It’s good that I watched Bandersnatch at this particular time because it really made me think
Right before it, I’ve had a period of sickness when I was confined to bed and couldn’t do much of anything so I spent it playing videogames. Anyone who knows me would be immediately able to tell that subversive, meta stuff is my main interest and I was reflecting on it since before Bandersnatch.
There’s been a tendency in game development lately to undermine the structure of choice-based multiple-ending games/VNs. It’s almost a competition between players and developers, a battle against our insatiable need to explore all possibilities — and a variety of narrative devices have been implemented to prevent us from doing so in any possible way, ranging from creating a lot of different endings through making your choices afflict irreversible change up to easter eggs so difficult to find that they remain unknown to the wider community. And people outsmart these time and time again, by reinstalling the game, modifying the code, but most importantly sharing walkthroughs that expose all the content regardless. With the latest hits it’s gone so far as to hiding easter eggs within the code, as a signal that this possibility was accounted for in advance. Undertale and DDLC both did this; Unknown Developer’s content is straight-up based on finding cryptograms in the code. It’s probably a result of the same people who used to try these things for fun creating their own content and putting themselves in the shoes of a very creative and persistent player.
I believe somebody (I don’t remember who, it might have been Dr Layman) made a video on a similar topic regarding Undertale and I now realize it was kind of spot-on. All of this makes you wonder about the purpose of these games and if being choice-based even means anything anymore. One would think that originally the point of the structure was to provide a unique path to every individual player and show them the results of their personal choices as something similar to a personality quiz. The ending you got said something about you and your behaviour within the story; but this is not quite possible anymore. If you don’t experience everything you’ll feel like you’re missing out and so you flock back to linear storytelling by playing every different timeline in a sequence. Just to be clear about it, I don’t think discouraging this will lead anywhere. It’s mathematical thinking that we’ll automatically tend towards either way as choices can be represented in a tree graph and all we’re really doing is a graph search (a depth-first one to be precise).
My biggest curiosity is always what’s going to be the next way to circumnavigate this. Developers will have to be more creative than ever since there’s ways around everything — DDLC tried to prevent you from walking back on your choices by making changes permanent, but all people did was reinstall the game. Hell, it’s what I did. At the moment the go-to solution seems to be making some timelines complicated and hard to find, like the easter egg one in Bandersnatch itself, but it’s becoming a tired tactic since these endings are found and shared anyway after some time. What would really be interesting is some fundamental change in the structure itself and it makes me inclined to think about it. Surely, it can’t be solved by auto-generating infinite timelines; there have been attempts and they’re pretty lackluster since a combination of small changes in variables doesn’t really produce anything surprising.
It makes me inclined to think about it and try to come up with a solution. I have very vague ideas, a feeling that the next step is targeting online sharing of walkthroughs and community interaction as the root problem. Involving more than one person in the game in a way that can’t be simulated by a single player could already lead somewhere but the absolute ideal would be a game that changes in accordance with how the community interacts with it. Developers need to ask themselves “What would happen if somebody made a full online walkthrough for this game and people followed it?” You can predict your own decisions, but you have no control over a wider mass of people. Obviously, something like this can’t be implemented in a fully downloadable offline file but making it directly playable on a site could tackle this in a non-clumsy way.
It leaves the philosophical question open — if a game is influenced by a mass statistic you can’t individually change, are you really choosing freely? But, on the other hand, the statistic is made up of many individual choices that include yours so you do make a contribution in a way. It could make a sarcastic point about democracy too, I feel like people would enjoy the edginess of the moral... Also, constant conflict and trying to come to a compromise over what choice everyone should make would be incredibly fun to watch. There could be special content available only if a certain amount of people make a specific choice. Or if literally everyone does — that’d make for a fantastic ultimatum game. For all I know some online games could already secretly function like this, but one that makes it obvious that it does? It’d be absolute peak.
There’d be still individual choices mixed in just to give you some power but now I want to experience the infuriating feeling of being literally unable to get an ending without a nearly impossible to reach online collaboration. It’d need a very compelling image and plot for this to work but I do think it could.
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firsttimeinterview · 3 years
Sql Interview Questions You'll Remember
The training course has plenty of interactive SQL practice exercises that go from much easier to challenging. The interactive code editor, data collections, as well as obstacles will certainly aid you seal your knowledge. Almost all SQL task candidates undergo precisely the exact same nerve-wracking procedure. Here at LearnSQL.com, we have the lowdown on all the SQL technique as well as prep work you'll need to ace those meeting inquiries and take your occupation to the following degree. Reporting is covering the facets of development of de facto mop up of test cases specified in the layout and neuter the reportage % in joined requirementset. If you're speaking with for pliable docket tasks, below are 10 interview concerns to ask. Make sure to shut at the end of the meeting. And how can there be obstacle on freedom comey. The very first affair to honor or two the location is that people. We have to offer the void condition in the where clause, where the entire information will certainly duplicate to the new table. NOT NULL column in the base table that is not selected by the view. Partnership in the database can be defined as the connection in between greater than one table. Between these, a table variable is faster primarily as it is stored in memory, whereas a momentary table is kept on disk. Hibernate let's us compose object-oriented code and also inside transforms them to native SQL queries to execute versus a relational data source. https://is.gd/snW9y3 is a program that automatically executes in response to some occasion on a table or sight such as insert/update/delete of a record. Mainly, the data source trigger aids us to preserve the honesty of the data source. Additionally, IN Declaration runs within the ResultSet while EXISTS keyword operates online tables. In this context, the IN Statement also does not operate on questions that associates with Online tables while the EXISTS key words is used on linked questions. The MINUS search phrase basically deducts in between 2 SELECT inquiries. The outcome is the difference between the first query and the 2nd query.
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In case the size of the table variable goes beyond memory size, then both the tables carry out in a similar way. Referential integrity is a relational data source principle that recommends that precision and consistency of data must be maintained in between main as well as foreign tricks. Q. List all the feasible values that can be saved in a BOOLEAN data area. A table can have any number of foreign secrets defined. Aggregate question-- A inquiry that summarizes information from multiple table rows by utilizing an accumulated function. Get on over to the SQL Method training course on LearnSQL.com. https://tinyurl.com/c7k3vf9t is the hands-down best area to assess and also combine your SQL abilities before a big interview. You do have full web access as well as if you need more time, feel free to ask for it. They are more concerned regarding the end product instead of anything else. But make no mistake regarding thinking that it will certainly be like any kind of coding round. They do a through end to end examine your sensible in addition to coding capability. As well as from that you have to analyze and also apply your method. This won't call for front end or database coding, console application will certainly do. So you have to get information and after that save them in lists or something to make sure that you can utilize them. Item with the second interview, you will discover far and away regularly that a much more senior partner or theatre supervisor typically performs these. complex sql interview questions want to make a move in advance their buying big businessman gets combed. Obtain conversations off on the right track with discussion beginners that ne'er pave the way. The last stages of a discover call should be to guide away from voicing frustrations and also open a discourse nigh the end result a outcome could pitch. Leading new house of york fashion designer zac posen collaborated with delta staff members to make the special consistent solicitation which was unveiled one twelvemonth ago. The briny affair youâ $ re difficult to figure out is what they knowing as well as what they do or else now. And also this is a rather intricate query, to be straightforward. Nevertheless, by asking you to produce one, the questioners can examine your command of the SQL phrase structure, in addition to the method which you come close to fixing a problem. So, if you don't manage to get to the appropriate solution, you will possibly be provided time to assume and can absolutely capture their interest by exactly how you try to address the trouble. Utilizing a hands-on method to dealing with sensible tasks is many times way more vital. That's why you'll have to take care of practical SQL meeting concerns, also. how to answer sql interview questions could wrap up the two inquiries by stating there are two types of data source administration systems-- relational as well as non-relational. SQL is a language, designed just for collaborating with relational DBMSs. It was established by Oracle Corporation in the early '90s. It includes procedural features of programming languages in SQL. DBMS iron out its tables via a hierarchal way or navigational fashion. This is useful when it concerns storing information in tables that are independent of each other and also you do not wish to transform various other tables while a table is being filled up or modified. wide variety of online database programs to help you end up being an professional and break the meetings easily. Join is a question that fetches associated columns or rows. There are 4 kinds of signs up with-- internal join left sign up with, appropriate sign up with, and full/outer join. DML enables end-users insert, update, obtain, and delete information in a database. This is just one of one of the most prominent SQL meeting concerns. A clustered index is utilized to buy the rows in a table. A table can possess only one clustered index. Restrictions are the depiction of a column to enforce data entity as well as uniformity. There are two levels of restriction-- column level and also table level. Any kind of row usual throughout both the outcome set is gotten rid of from the final result. The UNION key words is utilized in SQL for combining several SELECT queries yet deletes replicates from the outcome set. Denormalization allows the retrieval of fields from all regular forms within a data source. With respect to normalization, it does the opposite as well as puts redundancies right into the table. SQL which represents Requirement Query Language is a web server programs language that provides interaction to database areas and also columns. While MySQL is a type of Database Management System, not an real shows language, even more particularly an RDMS or Relational Database Monitoring System. Nevertheless, MySQL additionally executes the SQL syntax. I answered all of them as they were all simple inquiries. They informed me they'll call me if I get selected as well as I was rather confident since for me there was absolutely nothing that went wrong yet still I obtained absolutely nothing from their side. Standard inquiries concerning household, education, tasks, positioning. As well as a little discussion on the answers of sql and java programs that were given up the previous round. INTERSECT - returns all distinctive rows picked by both questions. The procedure of table design to reduce the data redundancy is called normalization. We require to separate a database right into two or more table and specify relationships in between them. Yes, a table can have many foreign tricks and also just one primary key. Keys are a essential attribute in RDMS, they are essentially fields that connect one table to another and also advertise rapid data access and logging through taking care of column indexes. In regards to databases, a table is described as an setup of arranged entries. It is more divided into cells which contain different areas of the table row. SQL or Structured Query Language is a language which is used to communicate with a relational data source. It offers a means to manipulate as well as develop data sources. On the other hand, PL/SQL is a language of SQL which is utilized to boost the abilities of SQL. SQL is the language made use of to develop, upgrade, and also modify a data source-- pronounced both as 'Se-quell' and also'S-Q-L'. Before beginning with SQL, let us have a short understanding of DBMS. In simple terms, it is software application that is made use of to create and also manage databases. We are mosting likely to stick to RDBMS in this article. There are likewise non-relational DBMS like MongoDB utilized for huge information analysis. There are different accounts like information analyst, database manager, and also information architect that require the understanding of SQL. Aside from guiding you in your interviews, this short article will certainly also give a fundamental understanding of SQL. I can additionally advise "TOP 30 SQL Meeting Coding Tasks" by Matthew Urban, actually wonderful publication when it involves one of the most usual SQL coding interview inquiries. This error usually shows up as a result of syntax mistakes on calling a column name in Oracle database, observe the ORA identifier in the error code. See to it you key in the proper column name. Likewise, take special note on the aliases as they are the one being referenced in the mistake as the void identifier. Hibernate is Item Relational Mapping tool in Java.
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andrey-v-maksimov · 6 years
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New Post has been published on https://dev-ops-notes.ru/blog/2017/11/29/how-to-integrate-zendesk-mobile-sdk-with-firebase-using-aws-lambda-or-google-cloud-functions/?utm_source=TR&utm_medium=andrey-v-maksimov&utm_campaign=SNAP%2Bfrom%2BDev-Ops-Notes.RU
How to integrate Zendesk Mobile SDK with Firebase using AWS Lambda or Google Cloud Functions?
Everybody knows, that you may authenticate you users for Zendesk Mobile SDK using JWT (JSON Web Token). More over, there’re a lot of HOWTO-s, which are showing JWT implementation for many different programming languages. In this tutorial I’ll show you, how to use Google Cloud Functions, NodeJS with some additional npm additions to create a fully scalable and absolutely free Serverless JWT authentication backend for Zendesk Mobile SDK.
Why Google?
Of cause you may use AWS Lambda functions to implement the similar solution, but in my own opinion using a single product (Google Firebase) for iOS backend operations is much more easier, then using a couple of services from AWS. So, the main reason was Firebase.
At the same time Google gives you great logging solution for all its services, so you don’t need to implement something special and reinvent the wheel. Just use single solution for all your services.
And the third one – API. Of cause in my own opinion Google’s API is the best I’ve ever saw. Only Google provides your with the detailed explanation of most of the errors and provides you with the direct URL links to it’s console to, for example, enable the required service.
What is Serverless, Cloud functions and Lambda?
Think of it like a lightweight PaaS hosting based on container technologies with some limitations which makes this technology  super fast and scalable. This hosting is storing your pieces of code which are, ready to be launched independently to solve one simple problem (call another function of web-service, save something to the database or send a email, for example), which could be solved in a short period of time.
Your piece of code is launched inside a container each time other cloud service triggers it or calls it directly via HTTP/HTTPS protocol like a traditional web service.
Why Serverless (AWS Lambda or CloudFunctions)?
We still not sparingly using the resources we need for each kind of solutions. We still using half loaded VMs to support long infrastructure scale times or for having ability to launch additional containers in Kubernetes cluster. In case of cloud we’re paying for such unused resources. Don’t know about you, but I do not want doing this.
Usage of cloud functions is allowing us to use available resources, let say, more frugally and at the same time it gives us an ability to scale faster then in case of using VMs or even containers. So, with CloudFunctions we can use the nature of the Cloud without thinking about our web-service scalability.
Of cause, all cloud providers are supporting serverless technologies, so, you don’t need to think about something like vendor-lock. You may easily switch your cloud provider in any time.
Serverless backend
First of all I’m assuming, that you already have:
Google Firebase account (Traditional Google Cloud is also OK, if you’re not using Firebase) and created Project inside.
You’ve installed Firebase SDK for Cloud Functions and created the initial project structure for your cloud functions.
You’ve read about Writing HTTP cloud functions
After that you’ll be easily be able to write something like this on Node.js Put the following code to you index.js file to create a cloud function called jwt_auth:
'use strict'; const functions = require('firebase-functions'); const admin = require('firebase-admin'); admin.initializeApp(functions.config().firebase); var jwt = require('jwt-simple'); var uuid = require('uuid'); var url = require('url'); var subdomain = 'dev-ops-notes'; // You Zendesk sub-domain var shared_key = '.....'; // Zendesk provided shared key exports.jwt_auth = functions.https.onRequest((req, res) => // Uncomment the following code if you want to //console.log('Request method', req.method); //console.log('Request: ', req); //console.log('Body: ', req.body); //console.log('Query: ', req.query); if (!req.body.user_token) console.error('No jwt token provided in URL'); res.status(401).send('Unauthorized'); return; const jwt_token = req.body.user_token; console.log("Verifying token..."); admin.auth().verifyIdToken(jwt_token).then(decodedIdToken => console.log('ID Token correctly decoded', decodedIdToken); let user = decodedIdToken; var displayName = user.email; if (user.displayName != null) displayName = user.displayName; var payload = iat: (new Date().getTime() / 1000), jti: uuid.v4(), name: displayName, email: user.email ; // encode var token = jwt.encode(payload, shared_key); console.log('Token', token) var redirect = 'https://' + subdomain + '.zendesk.com/access/jwt?jwt=' + token; var query = url.parse(req.url, true).query; if(query['return_to']) redirect += '&return_to=' + encodeURIComponent(query['return_to']); console.log('Redirect response', redirect) let response = "jwt": token res.status(200).send(response) return; ).catch(error => console.error('Error while verifying Firebase ID token:', error); res.status(401).send('Unauthorized'); return; ); );
In the code abode we’re importing some additional dependencies
firebase-functions – to have an ability to access to HTTP Request (req) and Response (res) objects and their properties.
firebase-admin – to have an ability to access Firebase Authentication features (like the checking of users tokens or credentials)
jwt-simple – it’s a small lib allowing us to form a right JWT response
uuid – lib for generating random UUID for JWT token for Zendesk
url – lib for parsing HTTP Request query string and processing redirect_url parameter provided to you by Zendesk to remember from what page did the user come, so we could include it in our request and pass back later
Checking for existence of user_token parameter inside HTTP Request and responding 401 Unauthorized if we did not find that parameter.
After that we’re verifying Firebase user token inside our request using verifyIdToken method, which is returning us Firebase user information in case of success.
After that we’re forming JWT response structure (see Anatomy of a JWT request for more details), adding return_to information from the Zendesk request and sending back 200 OK HTTP Response with the body containing our JWT token.
Now it’s time to go to the functions directory and install all the required dependencies:
$ npm install firebase-functions $ npm install firebase-admin $ npm install jwt-simple $ npm install uuid $ npm install url
Now you’re ready to deploy your cloud function using the command:
firebase deploy --only functions
At the command output you’ll see the function URL, which we’d need to provide to Zendesk Mobile SDK configuration at the next step (something like us-central1-<your-firebase-project-id>.cloudfunctions.net).
Zendesk configuration
First of all you need to Enable Mobile SDK at you account admin page:
Then we need to go to settings to Mobile SDK configuration and click “Add App” button
At the Mobile App Settings do the following:
Fill the Name of your application at Setup tab and enable JWT Authentication method.
Fill JWT URL with the URL you’ve got during cloud function deployment.
Put the JWT Secret to the shared_key variable and deploy the function once more again to update it with the same command you’ve already used.
Enable Zendesk Guide and Conversations support if needed at Support SDK tab.
Now, you’re able to use Zendesk Mobile SDK in your iOS application.
Using Zendesk Mobile SDK with JWT Authentication
I’ll not duplicate this great Zendesk tutorial, just watch the video and follow the next steps to embed Zendesk Support in your mobile app.
Will add just a few things here.
If you want to embed Zendesk Support as UITabBarItem, follow this tutorial: Quick start – Support SDK for iOS
If you want to use Zendesk Support as usual UIViewController, just use this code to launch it:
URLProtocol.registerClass(ZDKAuthenticationURLProtocol.self) let jwtUserIdentity = ZDKJwtIdentity(jwtUserIdentifier:idToken) ZDKConfig.instance().userIdentity = jwtUserIdentity let helpCenterContentModel = ZDKHelpCenterOverviewContentModel.defaultContent() ZDKHelpCenter.presentOverview(self, with: helpCenterContentModel)
Let’s come back to JWT Authentication in iOS App.
Full process of JWT Authentication process is shown here: Building a dedicated JWT endpoint for the Support SDK. This article is very important, because it shows how to debug the authentication process using curl, if something goes wrong.
IMPORTANT: The common mistake in most cases is misconfigured JWT token, which is usually not containing this 4 MUST HAVE fields:
Next, you need to provide current user information to Zendesk before launching Zendesk Support UIViewController. If you’re using Firebase as Authentication backend for your users in the app, just use the following code for example inside “Get Support” UIButton action:
if let currentUser = Auth.auth().currentUser currentUser.getTokenForcingRefresh(true, completion: (idToken, error) in if let error = error debugPrint("Error obtaining user token: %@", error) else URLProtocol.registerClass(ZDKAuthenticationURLProtocol.self) let jwtUserIdentity = ZDKJwtIdentity(jwtUserIdentifier:idToken) ZDKConfig.instance().userIdentity = jwtUserIdentity // Create a Content Model to pass in let helpCenterContentModel = ZDKHelpCenterOverviewContentModel.defaultContent() ZDKHelpCenter.presentOverview(self, with: helpCenterContentModel) )
Here we’re getting current user token (idToken) from the Firebase, configuring ZDKJwtIdentity object and providing it to Zendesk Support View (helpCenterContentModel) before launching it.
That’s it. Now you’re ready to provide professional support for your users using the most exciting Support platform ever!
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riichardwilson · 4 years
Why we love WordPress: User-friendliness
Michiel Heijmans
Michiel is a partner at Yoast and our COO. Internet veteran. His main goal with most of his articles is to kick-start your site optimization. So much to do!
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At Yoast we love WordPress for multiple reasons. That’s why we decided to make a series of articles about the reasons we love WordPress, starting with an important one: user-friendliness. I’ve tried my share of closed and open-source content management systems. From simple text file based systems 20 years ago to in-house developed closed source solutions. But never before have I felt the ease of the five minute WordPress install. Let alone that a whole bunch of WordPress hosts now offer 1-click WordPress installs.
Regardless of how you feel about block editors, politics, and front-end editing, even you must admit that WordPress is very user-friendly. No matter what customers ask for, there is a solution to be found for it in the WordPress eco-system. Be it a template, a plugin, or a small piece of code.
Even for people that are not tech-savvy at all, installing and customizing a website is just not that hard. And to help you along the way you can find tips, tricks, and manuals on every WordPress related website.
Countless design options in WordPress
Currently, there are thousands and thousands of free designs (themes) available for your website. Convenient filters help you pick the right template. But that’s not all. These themes can easily be altered using a so-called Child theme. Even starting web developers can create tailor-made websites this way, while still benefiting from the updates that are available for the original theme they chose.
If you’re lazy, like me, tweaking a design using a plugin like Simple Custom CSS is even simpler. Provided that you know your way around CSS.
The option for anyone to create a fully tailored, awesome design is absolutely one of the features that make WordPress so user-friendly.
There’s a plugin for that
For me personally, plugins were the single reason to dive into WordPress back in 2011. Because I’m not a developer. HTML and CSS are my game, I can read and copy a bit of JS and PHP and that’s basically it. But WordPress and all its plugins made creating and selling full functional websites “easy” for me.
I worked from my attic and served a bunch of local and nationwide customers. A friend of mine, who had a morning show on a local radio station, asked me to create an answering machine for his website. A way for people to talk into their computer’s mic and send him an audio file per email. I was really lost, as I did not know how to code. But then I remembered the thousands of plugins. Could it be..? After a 5 minute setup, the answering machine button on his website was up and running.
That’s the usability of WordPress. It’s what we, the plugin developers, all make possible on that wonderful platform that WordPress is.
Creating and publishing content
All the links in this article show that help is always a click away. The reach and “size” of WordPress still baffles me. At this moment 34% of the top 1 million websites are built with WordPress. That literally means that thousands and thousands of people work with WordPress, contribute to WordPress, share knowledge about WordPress. Perhaps even on a daily basis. But let’s get back to creating and publishing that content.
After all the fun stuff of setting up your website, it needs content. Creating that content is probably the toughest job for every website owner. It’s writing that content in the amazing block editor, but also just coming up with ideas, collecting these in a content planning, writing the right way, and optimizing this content for SEO.
WordPress is used by websites great and small. No matter if you publish a blog post every day, or have a static website that needs updating every other year, WordPress is your go-to tool. Without any technical knowledge, WordPress allows you to do everything mentioned above, or just change that one line stating “copyright 2019” into “2020”.
In my years of working with WordPress, I think I was asked twice to explain how to write a page and publish it in WordPress. Both times, it took the customer less than 5 minutes to say “never mind, I get it”. It wasn’t WordPress that triggered that question, it was the fear of a new system. I think that the block editor makes getting to know a new system even more intuitive. And hey, you may have a different story. But this post is about why Ibelieve WordPress is such a user-friendly platform
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Shout-out to the WordPress Community
There is so much more friendliness in WordPress, and that’s why I want to do a special shout-out to the WordPress community. Besides talking about the user-friendliness of WordPress, it’s important to highlight the user-friendliness in WordPress.
WordPress has such an open and welcoming community. It’s a pleasure to meet friendly users during WordCamps and e-meet these people on Twitter and Slack whenever you feel like reaching out. At Yoast, we have an integrations channel where we collaborate with other plugins and even in this COVID19 time, we regularly reach out to other members in the WordPress space to talk about business, websites, software development, marketing agency opportunities, and our personal life. And that’s user-friendliness at it’s best.
Recap of WordPress user-friendliness
This article gives you an insight into why I believe WordPress is such a user-friendly platform. To summarize, WordPress makes installing and customizing a website possible for everyone. Not only can you customize your design by choosing your own theme, but there are also plugins for almost any website feature you can think of. Furthermore, WordPress makes it easy to publish content and provides plugins to help you optimize your content. Lastly, because WordPress is such a widely used platform, you can always find support and friendliness within its worldwide community of users. So if you’re new to the community, or thinking of joining, welcome! Perhaps I’ll talk to you soon on Slack or Twitter!
Read more: A beginners guide to WordPress »
SEO Company by DBL07.co
source http://www.scpie.org/why-we-love-wordpress-user-friendliness/ source https://scpie.tumblr.com/post/617493866870915072
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laurelkrugerr · 4 years
Why we love WordPress: User-friendliness
Michiel Heijmans
Michiel is a partner at Yoast and our COO. Internet veteran. His main goal with most of his articles is to kick-start your site optimization. So much to do!
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At Yoast we love WordPress for multiple reasons. That’s why we decided to make a series of articles about the reasons we love WordPress, starting with an important one: user-friendliness. I’ve tried my share of closed and open-source content management systems. From simple text file based systems 20 years ago to in-house developed closed source solutions. But never before have I felt the ease of the five minute WordPress install. Let alone that a whole bunch of WordPress hosts now offer 1-click WordPress installs.
Regardless of how you feel about block editors, politics, and front-end editing, even you must admit that WordPress is very user-friendly. No matter what customers ask for, there is a solution to be found for it in the WordPress eco-system. Be it a template, a plugin, or a small piece of code.
Even for people that are not tech-savvy at all, installing and customizing a website is just not that hard. And to help you along the way you can find tips, tricks, and manuals on every WordPress related website.
Countless design options in WordPress
Currently, there are thousands and thousands of free designs (themes) available for your website. Convenient filters help you pick the right template. But that’s not all. These themes can easily be altered using a so-called Child theme. Even starting web developers can create tailor-made websites this way, while still benefiting from the updates that are available for the original theme they chose.
If you’re lazy, like me, tweaking a design using a plugin like Simple Custom CSS is even simpler. Provided that you know your way around CSS.
The option for anyone to create a fully tailored, awesome design is absolutely one of the features that make WordPress so user-friendly.
There’s a plugin for that
For me personally, plugins were the single reason to dive into WordPress back in 2011. Because I’m not a developer. HTML and CSS are my game, I can read and copy a bit of JS and PHP and that’s basically it. But WordPress and all its plugins made creating and selling full functional websites “easy” for me.
I worked from my attic and served a bunch of local and nationwide customers. A friend of mine, who had a morning show on a local radio station, asked me to create an answering machine for his website. A way for people to talk into their computer’s mic and send him an audio file per email. I was really lost, as I did not know how to code. But then I remembered the thousands of plugins. Could it be..? After a 5 minute setup, the answering machine button on his website was up and running.
That’s the usability of WordPress. It’s what we, the plugin developers, all make possible on that wonderful platform that WordPress is.
Creating and publishing content
All the links in this article show that help is always a click away. The reach and “size” of WordPress still baffles me. At this moment 34% of the top 1 million websites are built with WordPress. That literally means that thousands and thousands of people work with WordPress, contribute to WordPress, share knowledge about WordPress. Perhaps even on a daily basis. But let’s get back to creating and publishing that content.
After all the fun stuff of setting up your website, it needs content. Creating that content is probably the toughest job for every website owner. It’s writing that content in the amazing block editor, but also just coming up with ideas, collecting these in a content planning, writing the right way, and optimizing this content for SEO.
WordPress is used by websites great and small. No matter if you publish a blog post every day, or have a static website that needs updating every other year, WordPress is your go-to tool. Without any technical knowledge, WordPress allows you to do everything mentioned above, or just change that one line stating “copyright 2019” into “2020”.
In my years of working with WordPress, I think I was asked twice to explain how to write a page and publish it in WordPress. Both times, it took the customer less than 5 minutes to say “never mind, I get it”. It wasn’t WordPress that triggered that question, it was the fear of a new system. I think that the block editor makes getting to know a new system even more intuitive. And hey, you may have a different story. But this post is about why I believe WordPress is such a user-friendly platform
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Shout-out to the WordPress Community
There is so much more friendliness in WordPress, and that’s why I want to do a special shout-out to the WordPress community. Besides talking about the user-friendliness of WordPress, it’s important to highlight the user-friendliness in WordPress.
WordPress has such an open and welcoming community. It’s a pleasure to meet friendly users during WordCamps and e-meet these people on Twitter and Slack whenever you feel like reaching out. At Yoast, we have an integrations channel where we collaborate with other plugins and even in this COVID19 time, we regularly reach out to other members in the WordPress space to talk about business, websites, software development, marketing agency opportunities, and our personal life. And that’s user-friendliness at it’s best.
Recap of WordPress user-friendliness
This article gives you an insight into why I believe WordPress is such a user-friendly platform. To summarize, WordPress makes installing and customizing a website possible for everyone. Not only can you customize your design by choosing your own theme, but there are also plugins for almost any website feature you can think of. Furthermore, WordPress makes it easy to publish content and provides plugins to help you optimize your content. Lastly, because WordPress is such a widely used platform, you can always find support and friendliness within its worldwide community of users. So if you’re new to the community, or thinking of joining, welcome! Perhaps I’ll talk to you soon on Slack or Twitter!
Read more: A beginners guide to WordPress »
SEO Company by DBL07.co
source http://www.scpie.org/why-we-love-wordpress-user-friendliness/ source https://scpie1.blogspot.com/2020/05/why-we-love-wordpress-user-friendliness.html
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scpie · 4 years
Why we love WordPress: User-friendliness
Michiel Heijmans
Michiel is a partner at Yoast and our COO. Internet veteran. His main goal with most of his articles is to kick-start your site optimization. So much to do!
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At Yoast we love WordPress for multiple reasons. That’s why we decided to make a series of articles about the reasons we love WordPress, starting with an important one: user-friendliness. I’ve tried my share of closed and open-source content management systems. From simple text file based systems 20 years ago to in-house developed closed source solutions. But never before have I felt the ease of the five minute WordPress install. Let alone that a whole bunch of WordPress hosts now offer 1-click WordPress installs.
Regardless of how you feel about block editors, politics, and front-end editing, even you must admit that WordPress is very user-friendly. No matter what customers ask for, there is a solution to be found for it in the WordPress eco-system. Be it a template, a plugin, or a small piece of code.
Even for people that are not tech-savvy at all, installing and customizing a website is just not that hard. And to help you along the way you can find tips, tricks, and manuals on every WordPress related website.
Countless design options in WordPress
Currently, there are thousands and thousands of free designs (themes) available for your website. Convenient filters help you pick the right template. But that’s not all. These themes can easily be altered using a so-called Child theme. Even starting web developers can create tailor-made websites this way, while still benefiting from the updates that are available for the original theme they chose.
If you’re lazy, like me, tweaking a design using a plugin like Simple Custom CSS is even simpler. Provided that you know your way around CSS.
The option for anyone to create a fully tailored, awesome design is absolutely one of the features that make WordPress so user-friendly.
There’s a plugin for that
For me personally, plugins were the single reason to dive into WordPress back in 2011. Because I’m not a developer. HTML and CSS are my game, I can read and copy a bit of JS and PHP and that’s basically it. But WordPress and all its plugins made creating and selling full functional websites “easy” for me.
I worked from my attic and served a bunch of local and nationwide customers. A friend of mine, who had a morning show on a local radio station, asked me to create an answering machine for his website. A way for people to talk into their computer’s mic and send him an audio file per email. I was really lost, as I did not know how to code. But then I remembered the thousands of plugins. Could it be..? After a 5 minute setup, the answering machine button on his website was up and running.
That’s the usability of WordPress. It’s what we, the plugin developers, all make possible on that wonderful platform that WordPress is.
Creating and publishing content
All the links in this article show that help is always a click away. The reach and “size” of WordPress still baffles me. At this moment 34% of the top 1 million websites are built with WordPress. That literally means that thousands and thousands of people work with WordPress, contribute to WordPress, share knowledge about WordPress. Perhaps even on a daily basis. But let’s get back to creating and publishing that content.
After all the fun stuff of setting up your website, it needs content. Creating that content is probably the toughest job for every website owner. It’s writing that content in the amazing block editor, but also just coming up with ideas, collecting these in a content planning, writing the right way, and optimizing this content for SEO.
WordPress is used by websites great and small. No matter if you publish a blog post every day, or have a static website that needs updating every other year, WordPress is your go-to tool. Without any technical knowledge, WordPress allows you to do everything mentioned above, or just change that one line stating “copyright 2019” into “2020”.
In my years of working with WordPress, I think I was asked twice to explain how to write a page and publish it in WordPress. Both times, it took the customer less than 5 minutes to say “never mind, I get it”. It wasn’t WordPress that triggered that question, it was the fear of a new system. I think that the block editor makes getting to know a new system even more intuitive. And hey, you may have a different story. But this post is about why I believe WordPress is such a user-friendly platform
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Shout-out to the WordPress Community
There is so much more friendliness in WordPress, and that’s why I want to do a special shout-out to the WordPress community. Besides talking about the user-friendliness of WordPress, it’s important to highlight the user-friendliness in WordPress.
WordPress has such an open and welcoming community. It’s a pleasure to meet friendly users during WordCamps and e-meet these people on Twitter and Slack whenever you feel like reaching out. At Yoast, we have an integrations channel where we collaborate with other plugins and even in this COVID19 time, we regularly reach out to other members in the WordPress space to talk about business, websites, software development, marketing agency opportunities, and our personal life. And that’s user-friendliness at it’s best.
Recap of WordPress user-friendliness
This article gives you an insight into why I believe WordPress is such a user-friendly platform. To summarize, WordPress makes installing and customizing a website possible for everyone. Not only can you customize your design by choosing your own theme, but there are also plugins for almost any website feature you can think of. Furthermore, WordPress makes it easy to publish content and provides plugins to help you optimize your content. Lastly, because WordPress is such a widely used platform, you can always find support and friendliness within its worldwide community of users. So if you’re new to the community, or thinking of joining, welcome! Perhaps I’ll talk to you soon on Slack or Twitter!
Read more: A beginners guide to WordPress »
SEO Company by DBL07.co
source http://www.scpie.org/why-we-love-wordpress-user-friendliness/
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