#no i did NOT stay up till 6am re-watching and taking notes PFFFT
moonelf19 · 4 years
Episode 115 Widofjord Highlights
I’m late for a livewatch but also consider! I am late for the monday youtube release. Time to get those crumbs though!
20:20 Fjord asks Caleb for some paper, “just a scrap”. Caleb happily hands over “5 or 6 complete pieces of paper, whatever you need.” Jester reminds the disaster casters that Calebs paper is expensive (and rare, and wow someone had to remind Caleb that his paper is precious? Excuse me?) and hands over her sketchbook instead. Fjord is happy to take the sketchbook and insists Caleb keep his paper in case Dagen screws up the map. At about 20:45 Caleb/Liam makes a wincing face and tilts his head kind of sassy, like “well fine my paper isn’t good enough for you”.
23:00 Caleb starts the conversation about Vess being dead and the consequences. At first he seems to be talking to Fjord about “keeping an eye out”, likely because Fjord can cast see invisibility and see scrying eyes. At the 25′ mark Fjord asks what they should do about Vess, right after Veth was talking, but he is turned to and directs the question to Caleb. Caleb posits some short term solutions and Fjord redirects back to ask “she’s in your amber, right?”
Caleb: Yes
Fjord: If someone tried to scry, like we did on Molly, would they just see your necklace?
Caleb: Well-
Cut to them trying to remember how scry works, if a dead person can be scried on.
Fjord: Should I give you your pendant back?
Fjord: As long as no one can track the item inside your necklace, again, like for the crystal clove.
Caleb: That was a whole other thing entirely, I believe.
The group gets distracted by the term “crystal clove” but Travis keeps looking over to Liam- I think he/Fjord is still really bothered that the crystal was tracked in the pendant and, dare I say it, I want him to confront Caleb about it. Because Travis seemed pretty upset and referred to it as “false advertising” during talks machina iirc. Give me the drama, bois. But Liam/Caleb diverts and calls out to Dagen, ending the rp moment.
52:28 Caleb opts to have Frumpkin keep Fjord company on first watch. 
54:09 Fjord notices the scrying orb and calls out to wake Caleb up. They proceed to have a painfully awkward not-conversation conversation while they panic because they didn’t come up with a plan for if Fjord saw anything and neither remember that it’s probably a scrying orb.
Fjord: We’re making good time heading to the most eastern destination. *gestures toward the orb with his head*
Caleb: We could certainly go further. *looks that way and sees nothing* We could probably go farther.
Fjord: Yep, yep. Well that’s it!
Caleb: I don’t think I can go to sleep now, Fjord.
Fjord: Yes, yes...
Fjord proceeds to threaten whoever is scrying, and Matt clarifies whether he is attuned to the necklace. Travis admits that he swapped out the ring of fire resistance for the call-blocking pendant. Liam says that someday, someone will inherit that ring and it will be really meaningful, clearly trying to help Travis save face but Travis seems to kind of embrace his impulse purchases.
Fjord: *moves back over to Caleb* There was another scrying. Sphere. Eye. Someone is watching.
Caleb, who is making eye contact with Fjord: Great. Take your pick on who wants us dead.
Fjord: The Empire? The Dynasty? Molly?
Caleb: *scoffs, smiles at Fjord* My money is on the Tiefling.
Fjord: Our scent, he said.
Caleb: ... scent. Our blood?
Fjord: *nods and smiles* Our blood. Do you have any idea how to counteract that? Blood magic?
Caleb: If it’s that, I do not. Gods, it’s cold.
Fjord: ... It is...
Liam looked like he was going to say something else, but Travis says he will keep an eye out and we cut to the next watch.
1:04:54 Caleb uses control flame to make the bonfire flare.
Fjord: Awesome! *basks in the warmth*
1:08:06 Dagen made everyone breakfast and is ribbing them about being noobs to the cold.
Fjord: We learned a lesson, yes? Hard lesson learned. All the wiser for it? Seasoned travelers.
Caleb: So much character built last night.
Fjord: So much. Bushels of character.
1:15:32 At the distraction pillar-
Fjord: Caleb you couldn’t read any of these markings, right? That’s not a language, or-
Caleb: I assume I would’ve been able to if it’s by sight.
Jester: You don’t have to cast anything anymore, you can just read things?
Fjord: *has no reason to have this confidence* Yep!
Caleb: Well I mean, I have done a lot of stuff for a long time.
Jester: How many languages do you speak?
Caleb: Four.
Beau: I can read five! I know more languages than you!
Jester: Beau you’re so smart-
Fjord: Okay, it’s not a competition >:(
Sorry, but Fjord, keep it in your pants. Jeez. You’re heart eyes are so loud rn.
Also I want to point out that Travis accurately called that trying to pull the gem out kills you. Smart dude. Still embarrassingly soft for Caleb.
Travis: This is literally the stupidest thing we could be doing. We should just keep going, right?
Liam: This pivoted the entire campaign one, what we are fucking with right now.
Travis: Yeup! We should just go.
Liam: The necromancy thing.
Travis: Let’s keep going.
... Liam: I am going to use telekinesis to pull the gem out.
Travis: And there goes our wizard.
A few minutes and 52 points of damage later.
Travis/Fjord/??: How far is your telekinesis range?
Liam: Exactly 60 feet!
Travis: Yeah yeah just kind of like *puts hand out*
Jester: Heal him!
Travis: Nah he’s fine!
Caleb: No you need to heal me!
Travis: Turn into a T-Rex!
1:27:03, literally a few seconds after the T-Rex comment
Jester: I don’t have cure wounds >_>
Fjord: I will, at 5th level, cast cure wounds on Caleb.
Laura: aww that’s so sweet :)
Fjord: 29 points of healing :)
1:30:17 Caleb gets shit kicked by the pillar again and starts peeling off his coat, looks like death, and Travis is like “its a point of pride!” Caleb rolls up his sleeves. Travis says “LETS GO!” Caleb gets mad at telekinesis and uses Cat’s Ire, still fails. Throws a snowball. Travis says it his the ground and rolls and Liam is like “makes it maybe halfway there”
1:35:23 Jester paints “BIG EMERALD HERE” with an arrow pointing down
Caleb Neutral... Good? Ok?: Oh that’s murder! *big smile* That’s going to bring people right to that!
Jester, Chaotic Neutral: They should be smarter than that :)
Fjord, Lawful Good: Jester, I don’t know, that seems like a bit much...
Cad: If I had seen that I wouldn’t have touched it.
Jester: Right?
Fjord: I would’ve (we know)
Caleb: That’s like a cave that says ‘Free Cupcakes’
Jester: Oh, well, when you say it like that...
Fjord: See? Yeah. *nods at Caleb*
Caleb: *smiles and points at Fjord*
Fjord: It all depends.
Caleb: You just have to attack it from the right angle sometimes.
Fjord: *smiles at Caleb*
As they leave the pillar Caleb tries to cast dispel magic. When it fails, Liam makes a very angry face and flips double middle fingers at Matt/the pillar.
Fjord: It’s ok! It’s ok. We’ll probably come back by this way. We’ll get it another day.
1:39:18 Liam gets a little lost looking at his spells again
Fjord: Cah-leb?
Caleb: Yeah ok.
New Achievement: Pet name for your lover
Jester: Waffle cornbread!
Beau: Does such a thing exist?
Fjord: If the cats can’t make it, I mean, who can?
Fjord is the ultimate hype man.
Travis: Is that a real story or did you write that?
Liam: I wrote it. Today.
Travis: *looks incredibly impressed but trying to hide it* Sure. Sure.
This is now a Travis and Liam friendship blog. Soft. Good. Pure.
2:53:45 Caleb turns Cad into a mammoth and Fjord/Travis is hype. Again. He also wants to see Caleb try to punch a yeti.
3:04:50 Fjord runs up to the yeti in melee with Caleb and does a pushing strike to get the yeti away.
3:32:16 Travis is broken, staring at his table. Laura points it out.
Travis: The necrotic stone? We can’t leave it alone. The yetis? We invite them to fucking dinner.
Excuse me, you say “we” but what you mean is “Caleb” sir.
3:59:20 Travis pops his fidget toy :( not widofjord but let’s all have a moment of silence for what cannot be the first time he’s done that. Can we start sending our recommendations for good fidget toys?
4:03:43 Fjord starts walking into the cave while the others are still debating the plan, and Caleb immediately follows him. When the others ask if Frumpkin will lead, Liam begins to describe using Fjord to steady himself to scout via Frumpkin before Matt cuts him off to close out the episode.
That’s it for this week! Let’s see what talks machina with Liam has for us >:)
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