#no i still don't know what to do with the front label argh
touchmycoat · 2 years
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ANOTHER BOUND FIC! I’ve wanted to bind House with Lily’s fanart for ages. Next time I bind a book of this length (~40 sheets of paper) I’m going to try a single book, just to see how a thicker book looks and feels…
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4aloysius-porteu · 3 years
i really wish i hated you || tsukishima kei
masterlist | 1 | chapter 2  | 3
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pairing: tsukishima kei x f! reader
sypnosis: It was an accident that (Y/N) met a certain tall, blonde male; a memory she isn't fond of remembering, but it is where it all started. And ever since, she magically makes her to his path. The image of the bespectacled man dwelled in her mind more than she thought. Tsukishima pushed away his softer emotions and denied their existence, or at least that's what he told himself. But then, he couldn't believe that this girl he labeled as a clumsy, unlucky creature who smashed his glasses is slowly bringing these strange emotions back to him. She might be irritating and dumb sometimes, but he couldn't get himself to completely hate her. Either that destiny was stupid, or he was blessed or cursed.
genre: fanfiction, fluff
wc: 1881
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(Y/N) stopped her tracks upon hearing his voice and turned around to confirm, but it was true, much to her dismay. He held his black-rimmed glasses with its left lens and frame cracked. The girl's mind went blank. She hesitantly glanced at him a few times, hoping that he would forgive her or let the incident smoothly slide.
He hissed, "Don't think you can get away with this, miss."
She sighed in defeat. The kids approached her with worried looks. She patted her heads, accepting their sympathy. "Well, playtime's over."
"But we haven't finished the game!"
"Do you still want to play?"
"Next time, when you see me again at the park. Onee-chan has to go now."
She bade goodbye to the children and walked towards the guy she hit with his friend. She looked at his broken glasses again and couldn't help but to let out an exhale with anxiety. This is the result of my stupidity...
"W-What do you want me to do?" (Y/N) slurred.
" I don't know, maybe you should fix it right here and right now." The blonde guy crossed his arms and frowned.
Why don't you just get to the point?
"Replace it."
Of course, she will have to replace it. What a question to ask. She mentally rolled her eyes.
"I'll check there out if there's an optical store, I guess you will have to keep an eye on me so that I won't escape?" She pointed to the nearby mall, walking distance from the park.
"What else? Nobody trusts a stranger."
They reached the town's mall and saw an open optical store, but (Y/N) remembered her wallet. She wasn't sure if there's enough money for her to buy glasses.
"On the second thought, can I buy the glasses tomorrow? I don't think I have enough money."
"No." He instantly replied.
"Tsukki," His green-haired companion interrupted, "Maybe we can give her a chance? What if she's telling the truth?"
"I need my glasses in my everyday life, and if she doesn't have the money, I'll be happy to spare her some, but she'll have no choice to be in my debt."
How merciless. It's not like (Y/N) could blame him, but if the same thing happened to her, she would treat them nicely. She looked around the store to find a pair of glasses exactly like his, as he demanded, with his friend helping her for 30 minutes. After she gets the correct measurements and eye grade, she emptied her wallet to pay for the damn thing,
"Here." She held out the new glasses in the case. "Take care of them, it costed my LAST savings."
He took them and wore them immediately, "I am taking care of my glasses, it's just someone 'accidentally' kicked a ball on my way and knocked them off. Thank you for the horrible experience."
He excused himself and walked away. His friend stayed to talk to her.
"I'm sorry for the way he acted, he's like this most of the times. Please understand," He bowed, shyness evident in his voice.
"It's okay, it was completely my fault, so I don't mind."
"It was an accident, though. Thank you for your generosity." He soon followed the blondie that headed first.
"That was mandatory, though." (Y/N) lightly chuckled to herself.
She got out of the mall to take in the fresh air, but her soul almost left her body when a bolt of lightning strikes a tree near her, setting it on fire.
"Oh, my fucking- Did the sky just attempted to finish me?!" She said, calming herself down and looking up. The clouds were much darker than earlier.
As the townspeople bombed the burning tree with water, she ran to her apartment before it rains. There, she dropped her things on the couch and flopped to her bed, thinking what happened on this day because of her own stupidity. She groaned when she held her now empty wallet.
"Argh! Why am I so unlucky?!"She threw her wallet in frustration.
"That tall, blonde, asshole! He didn't need to embarrass me in front of people! I didn't mean it! He could've waited for tomorrow for me to replace his glasses! He's so unforgiving!" She complained, hating the thought of the said guy.
She sighed, cringe, anger, and embarrassment filling her head as she hugged her pillow.
"May karma comes to him sometime," was her last words before drifting off to a nap.
A few days passed, she went out of the house again to buy food supplies in a convenience store. It was almost nighttime. The chilly wind blew to her face and the sweet scent wafted in the store. She picked up some junk food and meat first before stopping by the confectioneries section. While choosing what shortcake flavor to pick, she bumped into something that almost made her fall to the floor, if she hadn't retained her balance.
"Oof, I'm sorry..."
Or rather, it was a person she bumped into.
She looked up and recognized the face of the man. It was the guy she's kind of mad at, but this time, he didn't have his nice friend with him.
(Y/N) took a step back, "You!"
The male looked back at her, tilting his head, observing the girl. He spoke with a monotonous expression, "Do I know you?"
Her eye twitched in irritation, "He doesn't remember me?!"
"I was the girl in the playground three days ago! I... I replaced your glasses!" She said, hesitating on the next sentence.
"Oh." His eyebrows raised, "Did the midget learned her lesson not to play a sport she's bad at?" He mocked.
"I'm not even a soccer player to begin with! What are you doing here?"
"What? Am I not allowed to buy food in a convenience store like a normal person?"
"I've been buying stuff here and I've never seen a similar face I've met twice in a week or month. That's sus."
"Maybe you are following me."
"What do I gain by following a huge, mean person like you?" (Y/N) retorted.
"Perhaps you want to get back at me after what happened days ago even if it's your fault. I don't know. Ask yourself." He took his eyes off her to choose among the sweet desserts.
She paused, analyzing his comment, "Well, you aren't completely wrong..."
"So, I am being followed? What a stalker."
"Of course not! What you said might be possible, but it's not the case right now!"
Both of them have set their eyes on an item and surprisingly the same one. A strawberry shortcake in the middle of the section. Their hands both grabbed the object before staring at each other in annoyance.
"Let go." They chorused.
"I chose it first." Said (Y/N).
"I do not see your name in it. You let go." He replied.
"How about no?"
They glared at each other for a few minutes before (Y/N)'s brows creased deeper in the middle, knowing well that this guy won't back down. "Whatever, you take it. I don't care anymore."
"Wow, thanks." He subtly rolled his eyes then walked away.
It was very awkward in the cashier where she had to wait behind him. Damn, he's so tall. Does he play any sport? Is he human? Or probably just a walking, mean tree?
What happened in the park flashed in (Y N)'s mind again. The impact of the ball might have been so painful to him since he wears glasses, where it cracked. What if the shards got into his eyes? Her wallet isn't ready for more payments, but that isn't the issue right now. She was worried about his well being. Both of them got out of the convenience store and she called the blonde male before he could get away again.
"Uhh, hey!"
He looked over his shoulder a little, "What?"
"Are your eyes okay? I mean, your glasses cracked... shards could've got inside your eyes..."
"Yes, they're fine, fortunately."
(Y/N) let out a sigh of relief. "That's... good to hear."
"But if something happened to my eyes, I will not hesitate to find you and make you pay for an eye surgery."
"You're exaggerating."
"It's not impossible. Now, go home. Elementary school students shouldn't go past the curfew."
She frowned. If only he wasn't a stranger, she would've kicked his ass to hell.
"Oh, gladly. I wouldn't want to stay near a bootleg Eiffel Tower any longer. Have a good day for you."
The blonde male left without any more words. (Y/N) sighed again in mental exhaustion, having to finish a lot of things this night. She was walking straight to her home while thinking of ideas to put in her current project when she realized that he was still walking ahead in front of her.
Where is he going?
She made her footsteps lighter, not wanting him to think that she was following him. She was thinking where does this guy live or why is he walking the same route as she does. It's not wrong to know where does this asshole stay, right? This continued for a couple of minutes before he turned around.
"Will you stop following me?"
Her eyes widened, not expecting him to know that she was behind him, "Excuse me? I'm just walking to my place?"
"Really?" He narrowed his eyes in suspicion.
(Y/N) looked around to find a way to escape. There, she saw her house that she almost missed because her mind was occupied, "Oh, look. It's my house. I gotta go!"
She waved goodbye to the blonde stranger, ran to her apartment, and slammed the door, dying from the awkwardness. She proceeded to the kitchen to drop the food supplies and to cook for herself as well. The salt in the cupboard reminded her of the rude, four eyes that she just met again minutes ago. That's when she realized, she kept calling him either insults or his evident physical features when he probably has a name. She could've asked for his name earlier, but shrugged the idea off, thinking that he will never give her his name.
The common thing to do after graduating junior high is to find a decent high school. (Y/N) is scheduled to have her entrance exams next week, so she has to spend time reviewing her notes these days. She opted to go to the prefectural library the next day to get further references as she isn't satisfied with the books she has. It was Wednesday, thus it was full of people who are also preparing for their entrance exams. With her stature, it'll be easy to pass in this crowd of people but she will have to ask for help because she can't reach the books at the top of the shelves.
After wandering around the crowded library, she found an unoccupied table to quietly study. She made her way to it, carrying the heavy books she needed that was luckily located at the bottom shelves. As she set the books on the left side of the table, someone did the same on the opposite side. She looked up to see who the stranger is, only to find out that the person isn't a stranger to her anymore.
"Oh, the midget stalker is here." 
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©4aloysius.porteu.2021. please do not repost, copy, or edit. plagiarism is punishable by law.
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The Wrath of God, Ch. 3: Losing it
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by @finney13s
Rating: Explicit Archive Warning: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: General, M/M Fandoms: Preacher (TV) Relationships: Proinsias Cassidy/EccariusProinsias Cassidy/Jesse CusterJesse Custer/Tulip O'HareTulip O'Hare/Eccarius Characters: Proinsias Cassidy, Eccarius, Jesse Custer, Tulip O'Hare Additional Tags: Angst, Gun Violence, Blood and Gore Author’s notes: This story is still evolving. Rating, warnings, characters, relationships and tags are due to change as the story continues so check them before reading.
“The Wrath of God” is the 2nd part of “The Chronicles of Cassidy and Eccarius”
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 |
Chapter summary: The group manages to get to a motel for the night. And then things spiral horribly out of hand.
Read the chapter on AO3 >>
A short clip below the cut as the whole chapter won’t fit into one post here.
They stopped at a used cars dealer in the next town. They got out of the car and Cassidy popped open a large umbrella for him and Eccarius. Eccarius' eyes widened when he saw that the suitcase from the roof was gone. “This… this can't be real” he stuttered and tried to grasp that he had just lost the only clothes he had managed to get with him. “So it was the suitcase making the screeching sound” Jesse stated the obvious when he turned to close the car door behind him. “I should've listened to my premonitions and remained at home" Eccarius huffed and looked at Cassidy desperately. “Ay, hold on to your knickers” Cassidy tried to sooth Eccarius. “There's nothing we can do to fix it now is there?” “Obviously there is not, I know that! It doesn't mean I have to like it.” Eccarius snapped peeved. Then he pointed a finger at Jesse over the roof of the car. “And YOU! What were you thinking? That was a whole new level of incautious if I've ever witnessed one and I've witnessed quite a few during my time.” Tulip and Cassidy agreed and Jesse raised his hands in a surrendering motion. “Well I am sorry that I seized the day” he said displeased. “Jesse, you made us fugitives running from the law just like that." Tulip said furiously and snapped her fingers. "God knows we didn't need any of that. If it was just me and you I could've lived with it but you dragged Cassidy and Eccarius to this as well! Some friend you are!" Jesse looked at his feet and remained silent. “Did you even look at what's in the bag?” she continued. “Well, I think it's money” Jesse replied hesitantly. “Well go and check the bag then!” Tulip huffed.
Jesse grabbed the bag from the front seat and set it on the hood of the car. He zipped it open and stared at the contents baffled. “So what is it?” Tulip asked and walked around the car to see what's in the bag. Then she froze and looked at Jesse, saying: "Clothes. The bag is full of clothes." “Why would someone steal a bag of clothes?” Cassidy asked. “They're designer clothes” Tulip said taking a shirt from the bag and examining them closely. “This says it's Gucci. And this jacket is Armani. The rest seem to be same labels too. They fucking stole designer clothes. It must have been some kind of warehouse for a high fashion store.” She stuffed the shirts back to the bag frustrated and looked at Jesse angrily. “Well that sucks. What are we going to do now?” Cassidy asked.
Tulip shook her head and raised her hands on it, then shaking her fists at Jesse. “We need to ditch the car. Dammit! For clothes! Argh!" She turned and stomped to the car yard. “Well, we ain't got all day, y'all!” she yelled behind her.
Tulip turned down every and each suggestion of the sleazy salesman until he took them to the backyard. There was an old green Plymouth Roadrunner standing in mint condition with tinted windows. “Ain't this a beauty” she admired the car walking around it and checking the insides, forgetting the dire situation for a moment. “I'm taking this one.” No one argued. After all, she was the one driving. The salesman was luckily more than happy to make the deal without any papers and in a minuscule price as he got Tulip's Chavelle in exchange. Soon they were speeding away towards west.
They drove in silence as everyone was sulking. Eccarius was staring blankly at the scenery running by. "I really didn't need any of this, not now of all times" he thought to himself. Yes, he had done very bad things in his life but never had he gotten caught for any of it. Well, not before Cassidy. And now he was in this situation thanks to someone else. He was scared. Something he hadn't felt in a very, very long time. What if all his crimes came out into the light if they got caught? He had just gotten on top of his addiction and now he was pushed into this mess, stuck in it without a way out. How would he cope with it? Could he? He felt the rage and the urge to pay back what had now been done to him burning inside and he had to fight to keep himself from acting on it. Finally Cassidy poked him on the shoulder. “Ay, penny for you thoughts.” Eccarius kept staring out of the window. "What do you want me to say, Cassidy? I just managed to get my problems in order somehow and everything looked better already.” he replied and continued mockingly: “But then this... this righteous man of God got a wonderful idea to stick his hands into a trap, I lost all the clothes I had and, which is even worse, I'm going to be hunted for stealing a bag of clothes yet I had nothing to do with it and I can't go back to my home now or maybe ever. I am walking on a thin line here" he said angrily. "Oy, don't blame it on me 'ere, it was all 'im. I'm as miffed about this as you" Cassidy replied. “Can we just stop pointing fingers” Jesse fumed from the front seat. “No we can't!” Cassidy said angrily. “Christ! God knows I'm someone who has no right to point any of 'em at anyone but you really screwed up this time! Big time. Me best mate!” Jesse stared at the road ahead saying nothing. “But ey” Cass said to Eccarius, “we now have clothes for you. The ones in the bag.” Eccarius looked at Cass opening his mouth to speak, then wrinkled his nose and sighed deeply. “How would you know if they even fit?” he asked displeased. “Well I don't but that's not the point. Isn't it at least something?” Cassidy replied, trying desperately to come up with anything even slightly positive from the situation. “Come 'ere you mope" he said and grabbed Eccarius pulling him in his arms. Eccarius laid his head on Cassidy's shoulder closing his eyes.
They drove the rest of the day just stopping for some gas. When it got dark they stopped at a motel. “Is it safe for us to stop like this?” Eccarius asked worriedly when they got out of the car. The motel was old and ramshackle. "I mean, either one of us could drive if needed” he pointed at himself and Cassidy trying desperately keep them not being forced to stay in this dilapidated building. “I'm tired, pissed off and I wanna sleep in a real bed” Tulip replied and shut the car door. “I've had enough excitement for one day.” Then she continued looking at Jesse: “And you and I ain't sharing a room.”
Read the full chapter on AO3 >>
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