#no matter how many times he falls he WILL catch sovann eventually JHKDFK
sunsmitten · 4 years
@phantasmaw​​ submitted: “Is this… snow? I’ve never seen it before.” Sovann’s voice is doubtful as they stare out at the white powder covering the ground. They venture forward and stick a bare toe into it. A shiver immediately runs up their body and they scoot away a few paces. Their lips curl into a snarl- and just as quickly part in curiosity. They take a few more steps out and, despite the intense cold that bites at them, stand still beneath the light snowfall. A claw is held out to catch a few snowflakes, and they bring it up close to stare at the little white flakes. They turn their face upward. An icy breeze blows and they sneeze once. Then twice.
As if that set them off, they started to turn about in circles. Pupils usually slitted grew darker and slightly widen. A grin spreads across their face as they kick some of the snow drifts around. They turn and see Aleksy watching them. They go utterly still, expression wiped bare and unreadable. Silently, the reach down into the snow and gather up a wad. Then, with absolutely no warning, they pelt it at Aleksy. The snowball– if it could really be called that –lands against his chest harmlessly. But it’s not their only plan of action. Set off by the cold and this new discovery, they sprint at him with that same wide grin- only to stop a few feet away. They fake to the left, only to circle around to his right and kick up a bit of snow his way. It’s as if they’re trying to goad him into chasing them.
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            Aleksy assumes they find their answer when the freezing temperature rushes through their foot. Like watching a sheltered cat, Aleksy surveys on in twenty parts curiosity, and eighty parts amusement. Snow was, Aleksy has learned to accept begrudgingly, a natural occurrence of nature. A certainty that came with the cold months. And Sovann, no matter how odd and foreign, not knowing snow had the prince’s brow curl upwards. It emphasized Sovann’s lack of connection to this world, his world, and it made Aleksy shift uncomfortably. Ironic that the brunette continued to favor beings far out of his reach; He’d even call it funny, in a bitter sort of way. 
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The streetlamps flicker on to brighten the darkening view. Grey snow clouds loom in a cluster overhead, wrapping their little world in melancholy. Aleksy hated winter, hated the freezing cold and most of all- hated the clouds that blocked his view from the sky. His own mood wilted, like a flower without water, and Aleksy steps out in the snow fall to join them. 
“You’re going to get sick,” he gently chides, but the statement makes him stop and consider if Sovann could even get sick. “Put on some shoes. I’m not taking care of you if you get hypothermia.” But he would. Aleksy would cater to Sovann’s every need if it came down to it, and that small fact burns through the white fluff that gathered on his cheeks. Perplexed, Aleksy starts to laugh quietly to himself when Sovann ignores him in favor of spinning in circles with their head tilted towards the sky. Aleksy could only compare the strange dance to a drunk ballerina, and he breathes one final huff of laughter when Sovann turns on him, expression unreadable. His tongue tuts against the roof of his mouth, gloved hand placing itself on a jutted out hip as he stares at Sovann dead on. He notices the way they reach down, how they scoop snow into their palm and that evil little spark in their eyes twinkle at him. Yet Aleksy holds his ground, holds his stare, and not even a flinch shakes him when the snow whaps against his chest. It takes only a matter of seconds for it to seep through his coat. 
With a scowl, his arms fly up to protect himself when they run at him and fling snow up from their kick. It’s all fun and games until they can’t feel their feet, Aleksy muses with sharp turn of his body. “You little ass-” he starts with a grunt, reaching out for them and only missing their shoulder by a mere inch. “C’mere!” Sovann, victorious, succeeded in their plans to gouge him into a chase. Aleksy charges forward, snow heavy on his boots, and with his second step his feet fly out from under him as ice shoots into the air. Aleksy lands ungracefully on his front, snow clinging to his clothes like a second fabric and prickling his face like tiny needles. “Bitch,” he mutters, though it’s unclear to whom he’s cursing to. The snow? Sovann? Himself? He gets to his feet without clarifying, stance wobbly and glare set on Sovann- though hard to make out, considering his glasses were plastered with white. “You better keep on running, slime bag.”
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