#no matter what i will not loose my heart || petra macneary
sorrowmarked · 2 years
tag drop pt 3! 
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edelegs · 3 years
Reading Way Too Much Into Petra’s Language
So basically I study second language acquisition and I have been meaning to do a deep dive into Petra’s language use from the moment I first read her dialogue. (On a slightly unrelated note, the Black Eagles house really is just targeted content for queer linguistics grad students). I’d intended for this to be some grand project where I take Petra’s speech patterns and classify them according to theories in second language acquisition (SLA) - but that involves explaining too much Fire Emblem lore to Serious Linguists, so instead I’m going to use my class notes to analyze Petra’s speech patterns and explain why I feel she is a good representation of how narratives should treat non-native speakers of the majority language. (sources will be fast and loose, I’m sorry professors) 
I first want to mention the idea of “native speakerism”, particularly the fact that its use as a measure of proficiency and/or an expected standard of language use is flawed. Today, there are more non-native speakers of English than native speakers as a result of globalization, native speakers do not use language perfectly, and not all varieties of English are viewed equally (e.g. “native English speaker” never seems to refer to Indian English or AAVE). Much of today’s literature on SLA advocates for a focus on successful communication rather than native-like competency. From this perspective, Petra has achieved this goal: she seems to have no problem communicating with her peers outside of some trouble with idioms. Her peers always understand what she is saying, regardless of misconjugated verbs or odd phrasing. However, it is clear that Petra holds herself to these native-speaker standards. She is also the only non-native speaker of Fódlandish to be portrayed as a language learner. Despite this, I will try to avoid describing her language according to this standard. 
Of the non-Fódlan nations in the game, only Brigid, Duscur, and Dagda speak a different language than Fòdlanish. (I don’t recall anything about Almyra’s native language, because I’m 99% sure Claude didn’t mention it). Dedue in particular gives the audience a concrete timeline for his language acquisition - in a support with Dimitri, he mentions that he didn’t use honourifics for him in the past because he was still learning Fòdlandish. This puts him in a Fòdlandish-speaking environment from a young age. Shamir references speaking Dadgan in her A support with Byleth, but there’s no mention of how long she had been learning the language. Her background as a mercenary would be a logical justification for her strong proficiency (training one’s accent away is rare and often not feasible, but I sincerely believe the writers did not put this much thought into that). 
This means that language in the game only seems to matter for Petra’s character. Her background as a political pawn serves as her motivation. Petra is sent to the Empire five years before the events of the story as leverage against a Brigidian uprising. In their C-support, Hubert mentions that Petra could barely use the language when they met. This suggests that Petra has interacted with Adrestian nobility prior to attending Garegg Mach. At school, her environment is still largely made up of members of the nobility, especially as a member of the Black Eagles. (Not all noble speech is created equally, however. Put a pin in that). 
There are three notable features of Petra’s English: over-reliance and misuse of verbs “to be” and “to have”, an overgeneralization of the suffix -ness, and contraction avoidance. In general, Petra uses “have” to describe states of being: “I have gratitude”, “I have sorrow”, “he has much concentration”. This pattern reminds me of the French auxiliary verbs “être” and “avoir”, which leads me to believe that Petra is experiencing transfer from her first language. An English learner of French might say “je suis 24 ans” (I am 24 years) instead of the accepted form “j’ai 24 ans” (I have 24 years). Petra is likely making a similar mistake. From this, I suggest that Brigidian might use an equivalent form of “have” for states of being (or uses the same verb for “to be” and “to have”). What is strange is that this pattern does not significantly change in her A-supports with the others. She does make more use of “to be”, though it remains largely unconjugated (e.g. “we will be winning”, “I will be sharing my heart with all of you”, “I want to be smoking the meat, so that we can be preserving it”). 
There is an order for the development of English morpheme accuracy (Pienenmann’s Processability Theory, 1989). -ing is typically acquired first, which is seen in Petra’s language. It is followed by plural -s, then -be, when to use “a” versus “the”, irregular past, regular past -ed, third person -s, and possessive ‘s. Petra does not seem to follow this pattern exactly. She does not typically misuse articles (a/the), but her use of be is still largely unconjugated. She also uses the past perfect form more often than the simple past (from Hubert/Petra C: ”I had more youth then”, “I have learned much . . .” “and meeting you and Lady Edelgard has had great value for me”). There are instances when she does use the simple past (Caspar/Petra: “you are not the one who did the killing”, “our parents had conflict”) but this use is inconsistent. This blatantly contradicts Anderson and Shirai’s (1996) Aspect Hypothesis, which states that simple past is acquired much earlier on than past perfect. Similarly, Petra’s overuse of -ness is likely a similar developmental issue (though I cannot find a developmental hierarchy outlining this). 
One explanation for this (aside from “I am reading way more into this than the writers/translators did”) lies in Petra’s social networks. Since coming to Fòdlan, Petra has largely been surrounded by nobles. The use of past perfect, as well as contraction avoidance, might’ve been influenced by the noble’s speech patterns. A side effect of transcribing literally every line of Petra dialogue for the bigger-scale project I’d initially planned was noticing which Black Eagles use contractions and which don’t. Those who are concerned with maintaining their image - Edelgard, Hubert, and Ferdinand - either do not use contractions or use them much less than the others. Linhardt, Bernadetta, and Caspar all don’t care about how others perceive them, and as a result their speech is much more casual. Petra is a highly conscious learner who likely aspires to achieve the speech of the former group. As the future Queen of Brigid, she aims to be perceived as Edelgard’s equal and bring more respect and dignity for her nation. One way for her to do this is through language. Petra perceives herself as lacking proficiency and is embarrassed by her grasp on the language. She is a perfectionist in everything she does and this extends to language. In her supports with Byleth, she corrects herself often. One of her advice box questions expresses frustration about her lack of progress with speaking. She is proud of herself when she uses an expression correctly (e.g. [smiling] “I have had practicing of that phrase”). The realism of her tense acquisition aside, Petra’s aspirations lead her to model her speech after that of her distinguished peers. 
Should Petra’s language have been written to more closely mirror real-world English acquisition patterns? Considering that I doubt this question has crossed other players’ minds, this is largely unnecessary. What should be asked is this: how is Petra treated by the narrative as a second language speaker? The answer is: surprisingly well! Though there are times when her misunderstanding of common expressions is used for humour, nobody treats Petra as if she’s lesser for being Brigidian or a non-native speaker. In fact, the person who’s hardest on Petra’s language is Petra herself. There are no incidences (at least within the Black Eagles) where others perceive her as less intelligent or less worthy of respect. It could be easy to read her character as “quirky foreigner”, but that dismisses the fact that her peers do not see her this way. This game is far from perfect at portraying differences in race/nationality (looking at you, Dedue), but Petra Macneary--hunter, friend, and badass queen--is a pleasant surprise. 
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sorrowmarked-a · 3 years
bold what applies, italic what sometimes applies and strike what never applies. feel free to add on! [source]
being unable to stop smiling. laughter. bear hugs. happy tears. waving arms around. dancing. contently sighing. eyes twinkling. laugh lines. childlike playfulness. skipping. talking more. affection. cracking more jokes than usual.  gesturing more when talking. higher pitched voice. squealing. jumping around. clapping.  
tearing up. self-hugging. one-arm cross. an aching chest. scratchy throat. a runny nose. turning away. deep breaths. quivery smiles. crying. infantile sobbing. hands gripping each other or an object. covering mouth. puffy eyes. eyes appear red. running makeup. voice breaking. a distant or empty stare. monotone voice. asking for comfort. faking a smile. crumbling. shaking. whimpering. depression. abusing an unhealthy habit. withdrawing from others. big teary eyes. doing something even if it could hurt them.
furrowed brows. baring teeth. passive-aggressive comments. avoiding eye contact. sarcasm. headache. sore muscles. hiding clenched fists. irritability. jumping to conclusions. raising voice. going silent. demanding immediate action. keeping it all in until exploding. body tensing. making risky decisions. middle finger.
wanting to flee or hide. what-ifs. images of what-could-be flashing in mind. uncontrollable trembling. rapid breathing. screaming. a skewed sense of time. irritability. keeping silent. denying fear. turning away from the cause. pretending to be brave. nail-biting. lip-biting. scratching skin. a joking tone but a voice that cracks. fainting. insomnia. panic attacks. exhaustion. substance abuse. tics. rushing adrenaline. face draining of colour. hair lifting on the back of the neck. feeling rooted to the spot. making body as small as possible. staring but not seeing. crying. a shrill voice. whispering. gripping something or someone. stuttering. flinching at noises. pleading.
constantly yawning. blurring words together. dark circles or lines under eyes. mood swings. hallucinations. calling people by the wrong name. dizziness. denying they’re tired. slow blinking. trouble concentrating. stumbling. leaning on a doorframe for support. sluggish movements. falling asleep someplace that isn’t a bed. becoming irritated by the smallest things. “i’m awake, i’m fine.” shaking so bad they spill their drink. fall asleep in their clothes. lay their head on the table because they’re so tired. passing out.
tagged by: @heartwilled tagging: @itsybitsyparker, @swimmingbxrd, @casketdweller, @sunrizing, @eclno
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sorrowmarked-a · 4 years
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Petra Macneary
You are a monk! Your power comes in equal parts from training your body and your search for spiritual enlightenment. All monks practice martial arts in some capacity, honing their bodies to be deadly tools even without using any weapons or armor, but some - often called ninjas - focus on stealth and striking from the shadows, while others prefer direct combat or even possess the ability to channel their spiritual energy - called ki - to produce magical effects, such as fire breaths or blasts of force. As they step towards enlightenment, many monks transcend ailments of the flesh entirely, including disease, poison, hunger, thirst and even old age. A monk is a mobile and versatile combatant, whose resistance to ailments of the mind, flesh and soul alike makes them a difficult opponent to counter.
tagged by:  @iamnojedii​
tagging: @buckcap​, @sarpelui​, @hcllorhighwater​, @xmarksthescott​
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sorrowmarked-a · 4 years
What does your soul smell like?
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Candle Smoke
key words: self-assured, courageous, intuitive. 
you are an expert at overcoming your demons and should be proud of how brave you have consistently shown yourself to be. others are amazed by your perseverance, strong personality, and unapologetic uniqueness. 
compatible with: coffee, freshly baked bread.
tagged by: @aethele​ tagging: @chokethelight​, @ofpacifism​, @rbeljedi​, @spellblonde​, @orumad​
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sorrowmarked-a · 4 years
a petra head canon no one asked for:
her mother was a courtesan. it’s not unusual for nobility of brigid to visit courtesans who are trained in singing, dancing, literature, poetry, and politics (among many, many other things.) these women are privileged to have the kind of education most women are denied. (they were invited to participate in politics in ways other women often aren’t, they’re also land owning women, and the profession is passed down mother to daughter -- traditionally). it’s not even unusual for men to take them for a second wife. it is unusual for a prince to take a courtesan as a first wife. 
the intelligence and education of petra’s mother drew the young prince to her, and without asking for his father’s permission he made her his wife. 
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sorrowmarked-a · 4 years
i fucking love the movie pakeezah and that’s why there’s a 99% chance i’ll include it in just about any universe i can. in most places it’s just still a movie but in fe3h it’s a very popular play in brigid! petra’s mother once played eponymous pakeezah herself, before she had met petra’s father.
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sorrowmarked-a · 4 years
just a fun little character game. fill in the below categories with 3-5 things that your character can be identified by.  repost & tag away!
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TAGGED BY: @corverea​
TAGGING: @nosestealer​, @rbeljedi​, @sheresists​, @solosboy​, @smugglerkept​
l. Patient - patience is a virtue and petra has it in spades. honed from years on the hunt, her patience translates into her daily life. she’s a remarkably patient woman. it’s rare for her to loose her temper. this translates into decision making. it’s rare for her to act without taking the time to think and reflect on it. 
ll. Curious - petra has a strong desire to learn about anything and everything she can get her hands on. if it will make her a better leader she wants to learn about it. 
lll. Determined - she has a strong desire to see her people free and safe. everything she does in in pursuit of this goal. while she wants this to be achieved through peace, she is absolutely willing to fight for it. also once ... learned to literally shoot two birds with one arrow for a joke. 
lV. Dedicated - despite the fact that she’s spent almost half her life in fódlan, petra is very dedicated to brigid! her people and her home are always on the forefront of her mind. her determination does not come without dedication to her people. 
V. Optomistic - faced with incredibly difficult circumstances -- being taken from her home at the age of eleven, right after her father died, forced to be a political prisoner, going to a land where she didn’t speak the language, being quite literally treated like an animal by some of people in fódlan, petra takes this as an opportunity. she uses the chance to learn everything she can about her new country, she learns the language, she forgives the people for treating or thinking less of her, and she takes all of this and uses it as a chance to protect her people. 
l. deep bow
ll. bright smile
lll. dropping out of the trees 
l. deep purple  ll. bright, lime green lll. vivid orange lV. gold V. soft brown 
l. the sea ll. cardamom  lll. cinnamon  lV. coconut  V. lemon grass
l. glass bead necklaces, created by gifted glass blowers on brigid, they are a gift from her grandfather. 
ll. gold and copper bangles. they were once (part of) her mother’s bridal jewelry. 
lll. supple leather armor. it’s not very protective but it allows for her to move quickly and quietly when she needs to. 
lV. silk and beaded kaftans for formal occasions. 
V. heavy wool clothes because she is a baby when it comes to winter. this includs a wool and fur cloak dyed a vivid green to contrast her purple hair. 
l. bow. petra has a sleek and supple bow crafted from the strong wood of brigid’s trees. 
ll. sword. petra is skilled at many weapons, though she favors the bow and sword. her sword is from dagda, a sturdy silver blade. 
lll.  collection of letters from her grandfather. bound with twine and stored in wooden chest under her bed. she re-reads them when she’s feeling homesick. 
lV. dictionary. well worn and marked with notes from petra. 
V. hunting dagger. a gift from byleth. 
l. insecure.  ll. perfectionist  lll. too trusting   lV. stubborn  V. blunt
l. deep respectful bows. usually used in advance of formal greeting. 
ll. straight backed regal posture. head held high. she always looks like a princess, then later a queen. 
lll. limbs tight during battle, ready to twist away or strike 
lV. a huntress’ silent footsteps. 
V. soft reassuring smiles. 
l. the thrum of a bowstring 
ll. the triumph of getting to the top of a tree. 
lll. floating in a blue ocean on a bright summer day. 
lV. the music of jewelry. glass beads rattling together, the soft chimes of bangles. 
V. refusing to let oppression define you 
l. star maps -- aly & aj
ll. like a girl -- lizzo
III. the greatest -- sia
III. help i’m alive -- metric 
V.  glitter and gold -- barns courtney 
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sorrowmarked-a · 3 years
tag drop!
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sorrowmarked-a · 4 years
tag drop #5
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sorrowmarked-a · 5 years
tag drop!
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sorrowmarked-a · 3 years
thinking about when petra told hubert that the difference between her and edelgard (and much more broadly speaking, brigid and the empire) is not a different of equality it is a difference of power. 
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